The Seaforth News, 1933-03-23, Page 8PAIGE EIGHT e.
THURSDAY, ;MARCH, 23, 1933
!Mr, ;Walter •MldBeath left this week
for his (home in the 'West 'after spend-
inig •several'nton'fhs !here.
Iivk. iLeird Midkle spent- Monday
with frieindls in IRidgeto'wn.
Mrs. Wm_ Donlan and Mils. Lorne
'MeNaughboln of iEIdbbent visited ,on
iWedniesidlay alt 'the ''tomeof Mr. and
Mrs, 'Roy McLaren and 'Win. L. Mc -
Dr. IHtarlbura of •Sea -forth galled on
;friends in ,the village oln ;Friday,
Miss ;Gifford Heft this week dlor her
home in Ottawa after apenditntg sever-
al months at the 'home of Rev. and
Mrs, ;W. A. Young.
Mrs, Wen. Davidson is 'visiting reit-
ative.s in ;Wingham.
Mr. ;Gordon M. Reid roll 'L'ond'on
called on 'friends in town an +Tuesiday
Mr. Wm, IBleavers, who ;has spent
;the winter with Ns s ;daughterin 'Kitch-
ener, returned to town on :Monday.
He will 'again assist the ;Steele ;Briggs getting out the onion sets 'they
have stored in their'lon•warehouses.
'Mrs. IRichard ;Blatchfordge, ;h'a's moved.
to Exeter 'where ;she will make ;her
home with. her !brother, 'Mr. ;Charles
fMrs. QDr) W'il'son of Bay City,
Itldch„ who ,came 'home ,to attend 'fhe
funeral of her 'mlother, the tate 'Mrs
Alex. Munn, returned ;home lthis :week.
;She was - accompanied by her 'falther,
Mr. `Alex. Munn, who will spend
some time visiting her in !Bay 'City!
Mrs. '.Etta +Milder of 'Windsor, Who
has ;been visiting relatives in town
since ;the death of 'her father, the 'fate
JRhchard Ratchford, ,has returned
Mrs, ;Robert IBbn'thro:n has moved
back into her home on !King street af-
ter residing during the 'winter months
in one of lf.r. T. C. 'fbynt's .apart-
'We understand Mt. 'Lloyd Hud-
son, assistant at the C.N.R. , station
here, has been transferred to ;Forest
to commesae .duties on !Atari'!' 1st.
A meeting ofbean' growers of this
district was held' in the town hall on
'Fri'day afternoon 'when a representa-
tive of. the oew organization of bean
dealers' and 'bean growers of Western
'Ontario was present to •sign contracts.
A represetntative'of the rival organize
tion of the IBean 'Growers' Exchange
et Chatham, was also present. Hen -
sail is a centre ,of a'big bean growing
district. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dew of Usiberne
were visitors with ;Mr. and'Mts. Wm.
IConsrtt On' .Friday,
Miss ;Helen 'MIdEwen of the bound-
ary, 'who has ;been: 'seriously ile for the
past 'few weeks is d'mproving.
a .number ;from here att
the concert given 'by the 'Chiseldturst
!United 'Ohurtdh on ?Friday ,evening at
IOhiselhurslt. IA splendid ;program twos
given after w,h'i'ch lunch was served
and two 'beautifully decorated 'c'akes
which were 'presehted to Rev. ,Arthur
!Sinclair and IMr..and Mrs. !Wm. 'Per -
:bus, the 'occasion being Mr, Sdnc'lair's
birthday and the eve of ,Mr. and Mrs.
,Pylbus''weddinig anniversary. 'Although
completely taken by .sunprtse, 'Mr,
!Sinclair. and 'Mr..Pybus thanked .the
'audience' for their kiu'dness.
Quite a :number from ;town' attended
the sale of the Tarn; stock and imple-
ments of Mr. Wm. ;Green :on 'Monday
Mr. (George Fairbairn has rented the
'Ross 'farm on the ILond'on road :two
miles south of ;Heinen, naw occupied
Eby Mr. Meek. Mr. Fairbairn .gets im-
mediate p'ossession.
Mr, 'Wm. ,Fairbairn has rented the
brick cottage on the 'Frank Ross farm
on the Landon 'road 'where he will in
future reside;
Mr,'Henb Black held an auction sale
of his farm stock and implements on
William M. Doig Passes. -10n Sun-
day afternoon, .fallowing a ,brief ill-
a,ess Mr, 'William M. iDoig passed
away at his home, .lot 414, concession
t2, ,Tuckers:mith. Mr. Doig suffered a
paralytic •stroke a couple of weeks
ago from which he 'failed to rally, iHe.
was barn in 'Tuckersmith township
74 years ago. When a young man he
taught school .for several years and
later studied law and for many years
was a successful lawyer in Port Hu-
ron., ,Mich. 'He was a 'Past 'Grand
Master of the Orange Lodge of the
State of Michigan and 'a'Past Master
of the Zurich •Masonic Lodge, Hen-
sall Although practising law in Port
Huron he still retained his :fern in
Teckersmith and took a great inter-
est in the breeding of thorough -bred
stook. An excellent platform speaker
he was always much in demand at
public gatherings, and his kind-heart-
ed, generous .nature endeared him to
all who knew him. He was a candidate
at the last municipal election 'for the
reeves'hip ,af Tuckeramith 'but was un-
successful. He leaves to mourn his
loss, leis wife, one son John, of De-
troit and auto daughter, Miss Janet at
home. The funeral took place from
his late home in 'Tuckersmdth on.
Tuesday 'aftemeoo•n, interment in the
Molesworth cemetery, .Rev. R. R.
Conner of Kippen 'heaving charge of
the services.
'The Norfolk Merry ,Greeters' As-
sacialtion, • ;formed d'ar't season to in-
sure more orderly marketing, has had
a most successful .season. .Organize -
tion made possible more careful pick-
ing, packing and sn'ipping. Better
grading methods were instituted' and
't'hrou'gh the use of precoo:ling and 'ic-
ed refrigerator cars, markets were ex-
tended to include .Fort William, Win-
nipeg, 'Ottawa, Montreal anti Quebec
At all at these points the berries were
'weld received.
IWlherever fresh berries would not
'bring satisfactory prices the fruit was
pre -cooled and processed being put tip
in barrels and 'frozen. for the ,tame man-
ufacturing and ice cream trade. Nor -
'folk ICounity is the only place ie Can-
ada East of 'the Rockies where grower
controlled co-operatives are process-
ing berries in this way.
'Vast and For Sale Aids. 1 time, 25c,
March 1907.
Auction Sales,
Thomas .B'rown's auction sale gist
;for the current week in 1907 included
the following: Tholmlas .Adams, Clark
1St.,' Seaforth, ,furn'i'ture; 1Isaac Beowe-
lee, dot -!30, con. 7, ,Radlett, farm stock
and imtplernettts; W. Kinsman, lot 1,
con. 1110,'ITuckerslm'ith, horses and cat-
tle; 'W. Reyn'old's, o'ni tat 22, con: 6.
H,ullett, farm stock and implements;
;P'atric'k 'Walsh, on. lot 5, con. '5, Mc-
fltrillo,p, 'farm stock and implements;
IR, B. •McLean, Klippen, farm stock,
horses and 'cattle; iW, IBtilb'o1z, Eg
enlandlvll'le, househ!oid furniture; John
HuQtston, red . ,tavern, Tuekensnaith,
clearing sole; J. M lMatlthews stack
y'ard's, 'Dublin, 'cattle and pigs; M'c-
'Dtonald & iStaltran, Walton, sale of
'horses 'and cattle,
The death of 'Mrs. Thomas Simpson
.which .odourred oat Wednesday even-
ing, March •13ith, removed one of the
most highly •respected and well kn•oiwn
residents of MclKillo'p. She had only
been 11'1 about a menet•and her death'
cane very unexpectedly, resulting
from ;heart ''failure. The deceased,
whose maiden n'am'e was Martha Us
.borne McDermott, was. barn in Lon-
donderry, Ireland, in the year 15316,
and after her :marriage in 18'518 c'a'me
with her 'bereaved .partner to Canada
and sealed in North Easthope, where
they lived for 'four years. 'They then
moved to '111cKillap •an'd settled on the
1109th co'ncess'ion Where they have re-
sided for the past forty seven years.
She is survived 'by her !husband and
two sons end ' three daughtesis, namely,
J'entes, of MdKiillo,p; •Thomas, of
Stratford;' Mrs. ,Aller. Ross, McKillop;
!Lena and Violet, at home.
Bad Men. -
Com'plaint was made in the (High
;School :`board, says the 'M'itaheli 'Ad-
vocate, that some of the ,pupils were
givens to card playing, ,gambling,
smoking 'end that they carried revolv-
ers and flasks of whiskey, one of the
lade boasting that he had to take •four
"horns" to Mate 'himself ,befone'work.
A 'committee investigated the 'charges
and found them to be true. The bays
were warned that if they again indu'bg
ed to such degrading (practises that
they would be dismissed .from school
and prosecuted for violating the law.
The inciorcrigi•b'les hail 'from the coma -
anidas they are yet in their teens
their parents ;shoul'd be made acquain-
ted, with •their conduct.
Farewell Banquet.
IOn :Friday evening last a farewell
supper was given in the Commercial
'Hotel in honor of Mr, A. E. 1Gibsoan,
tate manager of .fhe Dominion 'Bank
on the eve of his de'partu're for his
new 'field of labor in the west., Mr,
Gibson hes been located here about
three years. The sulpper prepared and
served by Messrs. `.Henderso•n and De -
!Lacey was heartily partaken of by
aver eighty guests. The "toast list in-
cluded addresses by G. E. J'aekson, T.
'E. Hays, Rev. P. Corcoran, Rev, F.
H. Larkin, Geo.-Murdie, Geo. 'Me -
±Ewen, ID. T. Hepburn, G. E. Parkes,
R. Vanstone,-R. S. Hays, J. M. (Best,
J. L. Killoran, iDr. tBurrows,'D•r. Smil-
lie, G. E. Henderson; songs by Mr,
P. .Lennon, lWi'11 'McLeod, W. A.
Pickard, Messrs. Kennedy and Mc-
Kay. Harry Mown.
Real Estate Changes.
Mr. Alex. •'Gordon has bought two
vacant lots on [North 'Main street, ad-
joining the cooper shop, `from Mrs.
'Amara, sr. -Mr. John Govenlock of
town has recently purchased en acre
of land adjoining his property on N.
;Main street. It es ,part of the' Lee pro-
perty ,which was bought some time
ago by 1['r. ;Harris: -'Mr. ,Peter Spain
has disposed of his two houses and
land et 1-luro•n Street to 'Mr. Janes
Dicic, who has since disposed of both
of them, Mr, Spain, we understand,
intends moving tko Goderic'h,-Mr.
John Stewart has disposed of his resi-
dence o•n 'Market street to Mr. 'Wm,
Cudmore. Mr. Stewart will mare into
the house which he formerly occupied
on High street,
Chimney on Fire.
A burning chimney at the residence
of Mr, A. K. Ch'ittenden caused a little
excitement on Tuesday night shortly
alter 1''2 peat, The alarm quickly
brought out the 'fire b'r'igade but their
services wore not required, the chim-
ney •burning itself out without any
serious damage,
The entertainment of the 'Leadbu'ry
school house on Friday evening was
a pronounced success, The school
house was tastefully decorated and
was filled with the residents of the
section and surrounding cou'n'try. M•r:
jellies V. Ryan discharged'the erarious
duties of .the chair in a very accept-
able manner, The ,program consisted
of conic songs by Mr. G. IL. Money
of Stratford; numbers by the pupils,
and the following parties assisted:
Misses Durand, Staples, Ida iDrisoal!1,
1f. •-1tidLaughlin, 'Cora WIhit'e, IM. Ar.-
c'hthald, T. Dundee, L. Niall, and
!Messrs. Staples, ,Balfour, 'Watt, Ryan,
Teeters, McNeil, Christopher, Grieve,
MdGavin and White. The proceeds
amounted to $312 with which Ih•e'•trus-
tees intend purchasing a flag for the
;At the meeting of the township
council held recently, a deal was made
with Mr. William Slack of the Sauble
line for the purchase of the roadway-
across the rear end of his farm. This
has been used by the ,public for. sev-
eral years, but as the threeradswide
has been included` in the assessi$e'n't
ef the farm 1'Ir. Slack has been pay-
ing the taxes on it right along. The
ii nail new has made a' settlement
•o tit him. to secure the land. This
.:1has been a great "convenience
;rem the fact that the two surveys
., meet.
Revenue Tax
While the Government have
imposed a tax on a great
many articles, most of out^,
goods remain at the same
price for the present.
'Wh'i'te 'Leghorn eggs .and Chicks.
Custom hatching Wiedn:esday olf each
2,4"...c per egg ,set, er 51c per chick
hatohed, at ygur apnoea Orders for
space should be weft in advance. Eggs
and chicks from Gtovit, approved flack
of 1500 bird's. Eggs Int ,per dozen over
market price; day old chicks 10c each.
Phone 277 W, R. Scarlelft, 13
100 acrea highly productive land for
sale, tot No. 26, intheThird CainIces-
Mon, HJRIS., Township at 'Tucker -
smith, belonging to Estate of William
G. Birbladfloolt, deceased. Brick 'house,
eve) barns, small bush and never faid-
ing sup'pl'y of water; conveniently '1'o-
calfed to churches, schools and mar-
Ald'm!inssltrabo'r, IR.iR. No. °3, Clinton,
Ont. 113',
.St. Andrew's Unified Church held
their annual Ste Patrick's social Fee -
day evening, Manch 17th, sponsored
Iby the 'Ladies' Aid ;Society, The b'ase-
ment was be'autifu'lly decorated with
streamers, shennracks, harp's, and wall
panels. The main feature ,of the even-
ing was a very interesting and lrumor-
ous debate, "Resolved that. the Irish
have done more for the ad'va'ncement
of mankind than, have the Englis'h."
!Affirmative, Dloimaldl M'ciKenz'ie and
;Dorothy Scatchmer; negative, Mts.
IR'otbert ;Scotchm'er. Very interesting
addresses were given by'the speakers.
'Tlhie judges, Mae. Fred Watson, Mrs.
;George Elliott and Mr. FredElliott.
•Mr. E4'lio'ft announced the decision in
favour of the negative, and after a few
witty remarks recited a parody on
r'Wearin' o' ;the Green." A shoe; pro-
gram fol'lo'wed: vocal' trio,Mrs.R.
Sicobohmer, Doro'th'y Scotclhnner and
IGllad!ys G!a'le; piano solo, by Mrs. R.
(5. Reid; solo, Mrs.K. Moorhouse,.
"Shure They Call I0 Ireland," yialin
selection by Mr. Gale, "The Harp that
Once 'Through Tara's Halls," and
"Mather elacree," A humorous read-
ing, "Bridget and the Cockroaches,"
by •Mrs. W. 'Wallis. solos by Mr
Rahn. Games were played and a very
enjoyable time spent. Refresli'm!ents
were served. Proceeds over $20.
!Fiddlers'. Contest. -1A fiddlers' con-
test and dance was put on by Lindsay
Smith -on St. Patrick's night in the
'town 'hall and was a big success, there
being.a large crowd in attendance, Se-
veral piayers took part in the contest
and Mrs. J. Parker being piano ac-
companist. The prize winners wee:
;First, Jlames Lindsay; second, George
1Weston; third, John Wilson. They
were'ae.sis'ted in the dance by players
from Zurich. It was a very enjoya'ble:
nigh't's fun.
The St. Patrick's tea at fhe .home of
Mrs. McKay on 'Friday afternoon un-
der the auspices o'f Trinity church
Guild was quite a tlsuccess.
Dr. A. Hopkins spent the week end
Mrs. A. Newton-IB'rady is visi'tin'g
her mother in 'Sarnia.
Miss Josephine Stirling., who spent
the past six months with relatives at
Bay ;City, and Pickford, Mich., re -
'Marled on Friday to her 'hone.
;Miss Alma McKay of Toronto, ac-
companied by Miss H Currie, is
hoarse for the week.
Miss Marion Davison was at Lon-
don over. the 'week end.
Mrs. 'Larsen and two c'hildre'n, deft
Tuesday for her Nome in the 'Wrest
after being here with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Charles Parker, since Fall.
Mrs. A. Erwin is visiting friends in
Lady Montagu Tells Her Experi-
ences as a Chorus Girl
'Cane you figure why any .girl
brought •up in''the tuxumy of a wealthy
British earl'''s palace, s'h'ould seek her
career as a :ch'oru's girl? :Yet that was
just wh'a't Lady Helen Montage, dau-
ghter of a Peer of the ''Realm,has
done. She reveals her thrilling experi-
ences in first of a series of aeticles in
The AIMS r'1Call Weekly, .distributed,
with The Detroit Ssinday Times of
March 26.
Barred Rock,
aby Chicks
From' High -Producing Stock. $8 ; a
Order in advance
J. C. McNAY,
Phone 236-25, Seaforth
Oe Farm. "Stock and 'Inlpllenwen'ts ;alt
Lott 10, con. 1, Hallett Township, 4
miles east of ;Clinton; and 5 miles west
of Seaforth, on.eDeesday, Match 28;tis,
at 1.30 sharp,
1Hotses. 1 grey Pe'rcheron (mare 'le.
years old; ,1' bay Clyde mere 14 years
.old; '1' !good 'work horse.
Cteele-,-1' IDutih'am ;cow, 6 years oFd,
just ;f'reshe'ned; 1 Dur'h'am' caw, 6
years old, due Ito freshen Mlay !6Ithe 1
Durham cow, 5 years ,oltd, dire to
Ifreslhen Aug. -216th, milking; i1` bl'ack.
cd!w, 40 years io'ld, due . to fre!sieen
'Aug. 19th, m'ilkin'g; 11 'bliacic ,cow, ' 7
years olid, 'with calf 'at toot; 2 Dur-
ham h'4i'fers rising 2 years; 1' ibluick
heifer rieinig d' year; 4''D!uiih'am male
calf, 4 weeks old; 1 brood sdw due to
fancdw ab'odtt ;April let, 111ethogs about
1160 lbs. each.
IInliplelmenits.=1 :MIGOodttvick binder
7 foot cut, int ;good condition; 11 Mc-
IC'anmick entoweet.6let. cult, as ,goad as
new; 4 Miassiey-IHaserii'sseed 'drill ,111
disc; 1• Massey Harris rake, 10 ft.;
1' three -horse 'cultivator; 11 ,Oliver
,team scu'fflek bean hlarvester attach-
ed; 1 ;hand sicuffter; 1 set of harrows,
172 Beeth; il' :Farm'er's Friend riding
plough; 1 wallkutig ;p'loug'h; 1' steel
railer; 11 'waggon anl'd eoiniibfn'atib'n
rack; 1 Ohathla�tt (fanning mill with
(bagger; ,1 !truck scale, 2000 lbs.; d'' hay
'fork oar, pulleys 'and slings, about
1150 'feet of :ripe; t1' Standard cream
sep'ara'tor, 'meanly new; 1 set 'of ;sleigihls;
2 cutters; 2 steel ,tire !buggies; 1' Wight
waggon; 1 pig .orate; 1' sin'g'le 'harness;
11 teem harn'es's; 1. grind stone in
frame; 1 ,buggy pole, ,w!hi'p'piletree and
ateckyolre; ;1 polwer clipper; 2 oak
barrels; 2 ladders; 3 Wagging -chains;
'several stall 'chains; forks, shovels;
2 caowbars; '1' pick; about 500 'feet of
24inloh elm plank; 200 feet •bass'wobid
lumber '1-inclh; '1' t'ow'ing rear Chew.
490 special, 1' pruning saw, grain
bags and s'ac'ks, ,several 'ton's of hay,
about 70 hems.
!Furniture -l' churn, 's'pinnin'g •'Wheel,
butter 'bowl and lad'l'e .and 'priniter; se-
veral email cupboards and several
Chains, 1 'kitchen table and several
smaller tables, several -pictures wih
;frames, 2 single bed steads Wand s'o'me
lamps and other articles too nu'mereets
to men'tion. Everything 'm'ust be sold
asthefanm is'dis'posed oi;,
'Terms-JAil aunts Of $1!5,09 and un-
der, cash; •over 'that amount, .5 months'
credit 'o'n appr'oived joint 'n'otes. Four
,per cent, off for cash on credit
amounts. GEO, A. VANDER.-
B'URIGH, Pro'pr'ietor; Geo, H. Elliott,
'There will he offered for sale, sulb-
ject to a reserve bid and other con-
ditions of stle, a•t elle herei'n'after Men-
tioned premises at 3' o'clock .pen,
sharp on +Sa'turday, the 5'th day of
April, 1933, The following lan'd's,
that certain parcel or tract of .land
and premises situate, lying and being
in the Township at Tuckersmith in
fhe Countyof ;Huron and 'Provence
of Ontario :and ;being comp'o'sed of
Lot Number Twentyeive 1(125) in the
Third .Concession, Huron Road 'Sur-
vey of the said 'To'wnship of ITucker-
On the said lands there is said to
be erected a brick house a:nd there is
a plentiful' eu'pply of water.
For further: particulars and condi-
tions of, sale` apply to the under-
'Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Clinitoe, Ontario,
1So'licitor for .F, V. Crich and !Gladys
'Crich, 'Executors o.f the Estate of
Tenders for the operation' o'f the
•McIKellop 'Steele Crusher :for, the sea-
son of 11933 'wi'1''1 be received 'by the
urnd'er,si'gned' till et entity, ,April-3.r'd,
when tenders 'will he opened at 3 0' -
,clock p.m. at +Carnegie 11-Ia14, 'Seaforth.
i0onieractoC- to ;furnish -';p'o'wer, drive
belt, 'oil and to oil ;crusher; to 'supply
crusher with •m'aiterial fgatn pit, "Mun-
icipality ,tasaiplply 'scrapers. ;Crusher
speed ;to be from 1280 to 290 •rev, per
minute. Contractor to 'furnish eleva-
tor to return-!eoeese nn'aterial. tohe re-
ground. 'Tenders to •be by 'the ,'cubic
yard and !to inichide amount ' ;expected
far moving and setting and rape inc'
repair work; •contr'actorto'think! goad
way under '.chaste,
Tenders will stet be received :For
tracking 'coasted maternal from crush-
er 'by the yard idle.
Trucks to be from 45" Ito 41,3"- wide
anti to carry` nolt iniore than 0'%, ,ctnbic
ICoeltraictor will be held responsible
for amount of coutpensiation Vaud wild
be expected to furnish reliable bonds'
also' to ;furn'is'h ;Council 'with statement
of 'labor. ,Lo'wes't or any •tend•e:r 001
necessarily accepted.
eiOIHIN 31cNiAY, Clerk,
Seaforth R.R. 2
Highest Quality
Per cwt. ... , . , o� FLOURcwt. •% ■
;Per covet, m FLOUR 24 pound .....43c
BOOTS, pair ro mv-Ie7
Cash Prices
J. I N N I
Of Farm . Shock and IimipWem'en'te
on Lot 10,'Oom'cession 8, McKillop, .an
Thursday, March 30th, at one o'clock
;Horse's -Team of Clyde mares, 8
yearns; 1• mane 3 years old; Pench
eron colt rising 3 years, 1 horse 4 yrs..
1' driving ]Horse.
;Caws' -5 Durham caws corri0n'g due
this spring; 6 heifers co'min'g 2 yrs.;
2 fall calves.
IPngs-2 sows due this spring.
'Fowl --400 hens, several roosters,
drake, go'b'bler, 2 turkeys, Quantity
af hay and straw.
IIitttpielnren!ts'-M. Ii. Bender .6 foot,
good as new; M. H, mower 6 ft.
goad as new; pea ha'rv'ester; spring -
tooth cultivator, M.H., good as new;
new disc seed drill 11 'hoe, MIH.;
Cyclone grass seeder; Keystone shay
loader; Mal side rake; thump r'a'ke
10 0t.; n'ew Bain wagon; hay ra'c'k
withs sliding rack; gravel box; hay
fork ear with, hay fork, pulleys and
150 ft. rope; slings and, sling attach-
ments; root pulper, M.IH.; 1 set bob
slei'gh's with bunks; .steel 'roller;
Corn King ma'n'ure s'pread'er, in good
shape; walking plow, Fleury; riding
plow; M. IL, •nalw; National gang
pliotw; set harrows, 4 sections; dist
harrow; scu•ffiler; C'ha'tham fanning
mild with sieves; set scales 2,000 lbs.;
Standard cream seep'arator; baggy,
cutter; harness, 2 sets double harn-
ess anti 1' setsingle harne's's; 1 sugar
kettle; 2 la'd'ders; 1 bag truck; grain
bags, whiffletrees, .nedlkyokes, shovels,
forks, fiteelbarrow,
and numerous
other articles. No reserve as ,farm
is sold. •
Terms -!Cash.
;Geo. H. Elliott, Au'ction'eer; " •Thos.
Moylan, Prop.
Of Farms Stock and I'mplements.-
Mr. G. H, Elliott, auctioneer, has re-
ceived instructions froth the under-
signed to sell by ,pu'blic auction . on
lot 21, eon. 111, M'cK'illop, commenc-
ing at 1 o'clock, on Friday, March
24th, the fo'l'lowing:
Horees-Black mare 12 years olri',
bay mare 13 year odd;; General Pur-
pose mare aged. There .wire` also be
offered for sale ager' driving mare.
Pure bred Clyd'esdal'e S'tal'lion. No.
32942, Pride.o'f Perth, foaled in 1919.
lns•peoted on the 9th day of Oct.,
1932, an'd,lpassed in, Form L The pro-
peGaUtl f -jack
Haley.. : $ bred
•+Dl e n cow, yet., re
Sept, 4th; Durham cow 7 years old
bred Oc't. 23rde, ;Durham cow 5 years
old bred Feb, 2i"ntd; Durham caw 7
years old bred July 2nd; pure bred
Durham cow; roan heifer rising 2
years old; red heifer rising 2 years
old; two spring calves.
'Hags -One 'Tamworth sow with
litter of 10; one Tamworthsowwith
litter of 11; oute Tamworth sow with
litter of 3, ger Tamworth hag, one.
Yorkshire hog,
'Machinery -ME. binder 6 .fo'at cut;
1M. IH. mower '55/e toot cut; M. H.
spring tooth cultivator 13 tooth; M.
I3.. hay loader No, 5; M. IH. dump
rake 10 foot; M.H. disc harrow ou't-
thraw; Diesel steel land roller 10
'foot; Verity No, ' 7 walking plotw;
set of harrows; :M.1-1. seed' drill 11
hoe; Bain waggon mid waggon se;
hay, rack. 16 took : with top` rack;
of 'bench sleighs with rack; Clinton
fanning mill; 180 feet' o'f mope, car and
pulleys; Libelee cream separator 600
pound capacity; steel 'water tr'ou'gh;
set of double harness; 2 slush scrap-
ers No. 2; o'eckyokcs, wh•iffletrees
and other articles too numerous to
Terms. -All sum's of $5 and uttdler,
cash, Over that antount 6 mbnilths'
credit wilt be .given on fumnashing
appeoved joint notes or a discount
Of 6 per cent per annum for cash on
credit amounts.
trix of the Estate of the fate Goedati
;Hulley; Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Of Household iEffiects, Farm, Im-
piletnents and three IdJonse's, 'Orn lot
8, .con. 2, IIlR.IS., Tu'nkersmith, 'on
Saturday, April list, at 2 p.m.
;Horses -3, .good work horses.
lImpllnients.-;Set .of harrow's, Deer-
ing binder, lity rake,` 2 meevers, 2
ploughs, set of ice to'o'ls, 2 'wagons,
;Furniture: Devenlport,_ bookcase,
iRayanond, sewing rnac'hine, oak bed-
roiom suite, enardrahe, rosewood'
square ,piano, sideboard, ` walnut
caneback .rocking chair (an.tigee),
cupboard, -dressers, w'ashst'ands, oak
dining table and chairs, 2 Quebec
stoves, 1 wa'l'nut extension dining
table (gotocl), stepladder, linoleum,
down comforter, table linen, a lawn;
n:nwer end other articles.
'Terms --Cash.
I ea, 1-I. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Exccuito','s of bite AGNES
Me -
Car Licenses issued, also 'Trader
Licenses up to 2,000 lb's.
The family of Mrs. James .Gillespie
'wislh to thiank those' who loaned cars
er sent flowers or helped by ether
acts of kindhteae during their recent
Ttvo-rowed and six -rowed barley
and oats for seed. Apply to 'SFJC,Olgtil'
MdBIRiIl1AN, Phone 24451.3, Seaforl'h_ 12
Grey enameled 1Vloffabt Electric
Range with annex. Enquire at News
Office. 11'
iMvarried man, to work on 'farm by
the year. S'epa'rate :house, 'fuel,` etc,
,provided; ,must be first ol'ass man. Ap-
ply, 'ply, stab. g wages. wanted, 'also refer-
ences if
615-2 , any. CH,5 E.'W;'SIE phoee
Olinon. ;RJR, 3, Clinton.
Red yearling heifer' with white
!head. Last seen in 'third block west of
'Winthro1p. Phone 2317 r 212, Sealer*.
IA large •gluanitfty of red 'clover seed,
JGavcpn'm'e'nt tested. MIRIS. JOHN
IKIEIULY,TDulblin; ;RJR, it
A Hereford bull, about 15 months
old, also one sew, bred, and three
field, Ont.
;Wanted, land to rent, anywhere.
from .10 to 1150 acres, with or without
buildings. Give full particulars to Boz
1107, ISiealfo'rith News. 112
Wanted to buy, a second-hand toll
buggy, .with 'cushion rubber "tires
Must be in good •condi:tion. Phone
BEN. B. 'RILEY, 1'1 on 250, Londes-
boro R,R. 1. 12
lAt Kiptpee Hall. The best of music
+Admi'ssion 25c. Ladies 10'c. Every-
body pays,
"Only a Step•dauglilter," will be pre
seated in 'Constance United Church
by Lovd!e'sboro Young People on
Friday, Match 24th. Admission 25c
and 15c. 10
A quantity of Seed Oats for sale.
50c per bushel. W'IiLLIAM Mc-
&P'ADtDEIN, Route 1, Selaforfh 12
500 -egg capacity B'uckey'e; incubator.
good as new, $10 cash. Apply, to
The News Office.' 10
'Bracket with 'license (p'l'ate DI0123S
'found on'Idhe ma Road last week
'O'wner Mary ;have 'sante by applying
at The tNew& office, and paying far
Ibhis ad.
;From thigh' .producing ;S.C. White
Lcghaa'n Ibens. These are large size
eggs, good shape and .color. This
stock is 'front' the Tom ,Barron and
Ferris strain with records .from. 225
to 300 eggs. Prices reasonable. WM.
RUT1LlEQYGE, Seaforth r,r. 2, Clinton
Phone 18116r2,
Wheat, par bushel' 450-500
;Wheat, per bus'h'el . ..i,.,45c-55c
Oats, per bushel 32c
Buckwheat, per btnsihel 35e.
Eggs, per dos . , , .. 1''1e -16c
Better, 'per lb. 18e
Potatoes, per bus. 1
Hogs, per cwt. . , , , ...$5.00
Want and For 1Sele Ads 3 tunes 50c.