HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-03-16, Page 3THURSDAY, 'IvrARCI 3 16, 1933 THE SEAFORTH NEWS.
Services We Can Render
In the time of need PROTECTION
is your best (friend.
Life Insurance
—To ,protect your LOVED ONES
Auto Insurance-
To proitect you against LIABQ'LITT
to PU'BLI'C and their P,ROPIERI'Y.
Fire Insurance
To protect your TOME and its
Sickness and Accident,
To protect your INCOME
Any of the above lines we ban give
you in strong and reliable companies.
If interested, call or write,
P'h'one 33'4 Sea'fort'h, Ont'
In the
Ontario Legislature
(Attorney :General W. H. Price fn-
traduced to the '(O'ntari'o: ILeglislat
the IuMentgagors' and 'P,unch'asers' R
lief Act, '19130, which is ap'plicab'le Id
to 'mortgages 'and carrying 'oh'arg
executed 'bdfore Mlarch 29, 11932,:e
does not apply.•to loans made sin
that date. !Payment Of pr'in'cipal u
der the 19130 'Acct is extended anot'h
year, wlhile lloan's .made since. Mar
219, 19313, are considered new mon
and 'based upon economic cond'itio
at present and depreciated values,
The -A'c't 'aim's chiefly at ,providi
a.,meanls for mortgagor and mor
Igagee to 'arrive at an amicable s
itlemen't in their difficulties, and gran
powers 'do the 'comity judge to se
pend p'aymen'ts up to a limit of s
months at his 'discretion. A sta:teme
muust be made by the mortgagor, .t
man who owes the money, to tt
'mortgagee, setting out his °ircunn
stances and all the facts in Donne
lion with 'the case, such as revenu
'from the enapedty„ which he anu
own and live upon in 'order to r
'ceive relief, and all other facts. Pf, o
this basis, the mortgagee is not •sa
iSfied that the debtor ,cannot me
his obligations, the, second step i
��j the 'negotiations is then taken in ap
plying to the g jade. Hearings are t g
be in camera, without publicity, an
all facts .are to be placed 'before th
court, The Judge, if he so decide
may make an order relieving •the ap
iplicant from making any 'payments •o
,interest, insurance, etc., for a pe
od not exceeding six months. ,A't th
end of the period, the mot'tga'go
•must, ender (the :provision's of illi
Act, make manithly payments base
upon at least 75 per cent of 'the ag
,gregate amount of insurance, interes
and taxes dee in any year.
In exceptional cases, the count
Judge or the [Master in Chambers,
applies in York County, may reviev
f• or vary his previous order at the ex
Airy of the six months' period an
give a further period of grace. Bu
if unpaid taxes and interest keep at
cumulating, nothing icon ld the a
chieved by allowing the property t
remain in the 'hands of the mart
gagor and the mortgagee would suf
un n ecessarily.
"Lf a prima facie case has not bee
made out," stated Col. Price, "whic
would justify relief on a hearing
the judge can. dismiss the applica
tion and the mortgagee can proceed
I'f a case has been, made out befor
the judge, then the third step is pro
vided for„ The J'utl'ge • in all such
cases, shall grant a hearing and el
parties interested, including second
mortgagees and all subsequent en
cumbrances will be 'brought before
:him. At this hearing, the judge con-
siders the position of all parties, 're-
views all facts and circumstances and
if he is Of the opinion on the evid-
ence 'before hint that such applicant
is entitled to relief t'he judge by the
'Act is given power to ma'lee en order."
Legislation introduced 'by Hon.. Dr,
(7. M. Rabb, Minister of II-Tea:1t'h, pro-
vides 'far ratifi:catioai of a'greemen'ts
entered into by the'(Goveniinen't and
the two universities at Toronto a•nd
Klingston ,for estaibl'islhuneint :ef cancer
radium clinics. The Government will
make a yearly ,payment .:o'f I$'45,000 to
the Toronto :General Hospital, where
a 50 bed' hospital accommodation is
,provided. In the case of King's'ton,
the annual advance is +$9,000 for ten
years, the hos'pi'tal ' aocowinro'dlation
being for e0 'beds,
1F. W. 'Wilson, Cons., ;West Wind-
sor, enlived ;he d'e'bate on the Speech
from the Throne, in a scathing de-
nunciation of the !Ilepiburn-Nixon al-
liance, ;especially lin connection. °with'
the recent statement of iblr. Hepburn
that the Progressive Leader in the
'H'ouse would speak on .'behalf o'f the
'Where did Mr. Hepburn and the
nsoni:ber for Brant .get the mandate to
s'Itift the (Liberal House leadership ?"
'queried Mr. 'Wilson. "Where diel this
extramural 'leader get the authir:ty..
for'this • new intra -mural leader ? No
Liberal or Progressive convention
'authorized it."
Mr. Wilson attacked Mr.- Nixon on
'the latter'scri•ticism of 'Premie•.
'Henry and 'Itis connection 'with
alto Mortgage gage Gou;poration, co
nten'ting; "the 'chief iperpose'Ibiis
tack has served is to 'throw into b
relief the :Prime Minister's intelgl t
and the reasonable record of the co
pany referred to."
C. A. Seguin, IOo•n'st, , •Ru' sell, chal-
lenged Mr. 'Nixon to 'h'ave sufficient
towage and ho'nes'ty to stand acrd' en-
dorse the wfl'd statements made by
Mr. (II'eiplburn on 'the hustings;
'kHas the mvemb'er farBrant gone
Liberal or has :M'r. Hepburn gone
Pro'gress'ive or perhaps C. C, F.
asked ,Mr. Seguin.
td. saving to the',province of over
$1,•0'00;:0:00 'will :result from a 'graded
salary cut o;f Ontario Civil Senvien'ts'
announced :by . Premiier' !Henry, while
the.scitedule of red'u'ction put into
(farce for ,part olf last year saved the
)Government 'about $40:0,0'00. The re-
d'ucti'ons will also 'affect the Hydro -
Electric Power Commission, the Li -
Ivor Control 'Board', and the Utn'iver-
s'i'ty of 'Taranto.
To avoid conflict of jurisdiction. .of
the Fire (Marshall's Department .and
the Department' of Health, each hav-
ing power to govern dry-cleaning es-
tablishinenits, Attorney General IPr'ice
introduced b'il'l which 'allows the
!fine .marshal to ,pass regulations deal-
ing only with fire and explosion 'h'az-
ards. Clarification of the Suru'ogate
Courts Act, to establish a time limit
in which claimants may.prosecute
claims and avoid:dislb'arni'ent under
the Statute of :Limitations, are> pro-
vided in an am'endntent to the 'Act
n'trodueed by Col. Price.
War- memorials shall be preserved
and cared for under a bill introduced
by Austin 1B, Smith, Cons,, .South Es -
ex, 'wh'ile E. J. Murphy, 'Cons.,' St.Patric'ks, introduced. a bill to abolish
he 'Optometry (Act.
The right of marriage ann'u'lments
n specific grounds provided underEnglishLaw is placed under the Su-
reme Court of Ontario by an
mendment to the Ontario Marriage
Act, introduced by Col. 'Price. The
ill serves to clarify the situation
which has arisen since the passage,
y the Federal Parliament two years
go of amendments to the 'Federal
a'w which permits the granting of di-
orces by' the Ontario Supreme Court
ut Which did not specifically adjust
to matter of annulments,
The City;af Toronto's supertax 'bill
n incomes :o'f $10,000' and over was
ithdrawn in second reading by
eorge ;Shields, Con., Wood'bine-To-
onto, sponsor of the 'bill which pass -
d city 'council at the instigation of
ontrolIer Ramsden. Not one voice
.as raised in its favor while the Gmov-
rnent's opposition came from Hon,
'harles McCrea, Minister of Mines,
ho declared the present was a time.
ottnd opportune to attack those who
ed more than an ordinary,income,
e :pointed out the question, for the
ause to consider was whether or not
e proposed method' of taxation was
ir, but he con'ten'ded 'the tax would
jure the city and the province, the
Iter• having accorded advantages to
very walk of life. The bill would
enaliae a section of the community,
while from all directions the argu-
ment is heard that there is too much
taxation, there being only one escape
from this situation in setting the
wheels of industry in motion, to.
loosen ' up private capital.
!Severe punishment is provided in
a measure introduced by. Attorney
(General 'W. H. Price for those Who
threw stench 'b•ombs into theatres,
the bill providing for one year's im-
prisonment and :a fine of from $500
to $1',000 for inlfraotions o'f this
amendment under the Theatres and
'Cinematagra•pt's Act. During the past
year 'there' have 'been a number of
stench bombs set in theatres.
the 'The other three against 'whom a had h'aped to wait until the two men
rn United States district 'attorney swore
at out o'ttt f'ed'eral kidnaping charges, all of
old thein already under arrest, are:
n Y Carl IW. :Pearce, `36, 'accused by
nn- 'Clark ol1 being the 'man who trans-
(Denver, Gol. ITlhree .Tien, 'who 'for-
merly w:onked Ifo:r the ''C'anadian Na-
tional ;Railways in the Rainy River
division of 'N'orthwes'tern Ontario
were -among a half dozen person's who
faced .federal kidnaping charges in
connection with the recent sensational
abduction of (Charles 113'oc'ttcher,
One of the three, Arthur Young-
berg, 137, was already tinder arrest.
He was described as a fornter'fir:enban
for :the'C,IN!R., and was said to have
guarded the ,wealthy yauing T/enlver
broker 'for 1116 days in an isolated
ran'chltause in South Dakota. ninth
$60,00:0 ransom .Wes paid.
The :other two former resident of
the Rainy River ' district connected.
with the case by police evaded arres'..
and were the :objects of 'far-flung
searches. They were Verne (Sanley,
41, et foi nter 'CJN IR. engineer, and
'Gordon'Elkhorn, 30, said to have
been a railway (fireman,
Chief 'Albert T. Clark of the Den-
ver police force, who made known the
sudden .developments in an abduction
case that ;gripped the continent, 'de-
clared 'Sankey was already 'sought 'for,
t'he $1;'',000'hold-up .of .a'Regina, 'Bask:,
branch of the Royal 'Bank of :Canada
in ;February, 19311.
returnee! before making : their an-
Young Boettcher did 'm urh
to salve
'the case, Clark said,
Py slipping tape off his eyes whale!
'abed on, a :typewriter the numerous (being brought to Denver the spotted
notes sent the 'B'oe'ttc'Iver family there. the depot at Toriington, 'Wy:o so
Mrs. 'Ru'th Kohler, '39, 'reported' to
be Pearce's sweetheart.
Mrs. Verne '.Sacilcey, 'wife of the
widely sought Sankey and :mother .of
his two children. She is a sister of
Mrs; Koller,
Youngsiberg was •a'rres'ted when po-
lice suddenly swoop'e'd down ,an a
ranch house, :said Ifo have been owned
by ,Sankey, and located in .wild coun-
try .of Sou't'h IDaakota. Chief Clark said
he .h,ad been 'ad'yisedi the prisoner
slashed his throat ,and wrists With a
razor blade 'while :held in jail at Cham-
berlain, 'S,ID. His injuries were not
serious and the detective •said, the •for-
mer Canadian railway 'Worker con-
fessed his 'part in the i idnapin'g.
Identification of Ithe ranch 'house
Wyom'fng officials were called in.
(Ultimately 'o'fllicers were 'sent to
IVbibchdjl, IS.ID.
They arrived at Mitchell early on
Monday evening and acting on infor-
mation they had obtained and w'hic'h
had been uncovered here, they sur-
rounded !the 'kidn'a'pers': 'hideout and
got •their man,.
The21000 reward offered , by •thee
elder 'Boettcher 'for the 'kidnapers 'will
prdbalbly be divvd•ed many ways if the
men are conflicted, 'pol'i'ce said. Half
ofany reward given (Patrolmen Wells
mutt he turned over. to the police pen-
sion fund under rules of the depart-
• * ae * * * * * * * *
was p'ositi've, (Clark 'declared. Young *'NEWS AND INFORMATION *'
(Furnisheneds byAgri''Oncultarioture,) ' Depart-
mo,f *
* * * * * * * * * * *
'Boettcher took 'measure's durin'g .his
Tong captivity to insure leaving tell-
tale evidence in the place, ;He burned
a Cigarette hole in a rug and: 'smea'red
'his' finger 'prints over' the walls.
The original °'tip on the case,
Clark said, 'came 'from !Patrolman J.
H. :Wells, 'wh'o received a report that
Pearce was talking about the case,'
On' 'his 'Own 'initi'ative Wells gained
Pearce's 'conifidence and obtained en-
augih evidence to •warran:t the erres
Olark .said,
Pearce .and Mrs. Kohler were gar
rested ealy'Sunday :and Miss I{n'hle
Sunday nt'ight. 'Mrs. ;Sankey had bee
arrested Ole' Saturday end 'Clark 's'a'f
has officers ,found $1;40.0 off the nark
ed ran'soltn money. fI''hey also allegedl
sound the 'original drafts oif the ran
som notes which were sent .to Claud
K. Boettcher, multi -millionaire father
of ;the ltidnaped• broker.
The first notes were written in ion
hand and then typewritten: The •len
hand notes were on identically ti
same kind •ef paper as those receive
by the B'oetbcher 'family, he said.
iClark said Sankey and Youngbe
were the 'men who actually kidnaped
young (Boettcher the night ofRehmary 112TH as •he drove •into his garage
'Elkhorn, the 'c'h'ief .said, awaited them
'ae .the ranoh, Youngtbergl and 'Elk
'Born then tao'le care of Boettcher
while 'Sankey acted as messenger Ibe-
'tween.Denver .and :the ,ranch, 'Glark
'T'he' notes, supposedly framed by
the three men, were brought to Pearce
wino copied themon a typewriter,
Clark declared. The 'Typewriter has
not been found and :Pearce has refus-
ed to talk. .
Only the ;South Dakota !bank droai-
day prevented police capturing San-
key and Elkhorn, Clark declared. The
sten had left the ranch in an effort to
exchange the 'ransom money for some
not so "hot," .he added, but were un-
able to d:o so. 'The reported suicide alt -
tempt of Youngberg forced disclosure
of the arrests albhough the officers
(Cattle for British Market
Must Be 'Carefully Selected
"Is .our export of beef and stocker
cattle being jeopardized by the meth-
ods of a certain number of produc-
ers?" This was the 'question of 'Gar -
t, net H. Duncan, livestock .investigator,
Ontario 'Marketing Board.
- IMir,'Duncan poin'ted .to.the (f act that
✓ a !high percentage of Canadian 'he'i'fers
o arriving 'in Great ,Britain, have proved
d to be with calf. at is his thought that,
since there is no market for thatclass
Y of 'l'ivestock in the Old Country at
- present, the •con'tinuing'of this ,practise
e •will work to 'the disadvantage of all
producers. 'Great I$'ritain has the po-
tentialities of becoming :our greatestg •market, 'and therefore, is 'worthy of
g our 'best products. (Carelessness in the
e class of stock shipped' to that cou'n'try
d must result in the destruction of _a
most valuable outlet.
Deeper Laying Pens Favoured.
to Ipnultry house 20 by 20 feet is re- 6
garded as_ about the correct size $o'r o
one hundred laying hens. 'A house of c
of Ontario •
g a .o Onions
Commenting on the fact that the
Ontario onion situation is encourag-
ing, J.. A. Carroll, head of t'he Crops
and 'Markets Branch said: '!Market-
ing of Ontario 'onions 'has now assum-
ed a much brighter 'tone, February
sales halve been distinctly better than
those of either December or January
and only recently have shown signs of
.normal movement. So far as this var-
iety is concerned on the Montreal
market, local su'pplies are sufficient to
last about ten days only, lAfter the
quantity ion, ,hand is exhausted, Ontar-
io will be called on for supplies.."
II11 regard to •supplies on hand, in
'O'n'tario producing districts,' 'Mr.': Car-
roll said that the am'oun't, a's of (Febru-
ary 15th, was same 175 acartoads.
Shrinkage, however, would probably
'reduce this supply by sane 10 to 15
per Cent,
"This quantity," he finis'h'ed "Should
be sufficient to s'u'pply all 'Eas'tern
Canada requirements up to May I,
precluding the necessity 'af importing
onions un'til after that date."
Use More Red 'Clover This Year
With the jud'ioious purchasing elf
small seeds, (paying attention to price
in accordance with quality, there will
be home-grown seeds .with the •excep-
tion o'f timothy •to meet normal de-
mands,"states Arthur H. •Martin, As-
sistant. Director,, Crops and Markets
IGood"alifalfa seed wilt 'be so'me-
what .scarce and is 'likely to be slightly
higher in :price. 'As .there 'was no ex-
port trade for IRed ;Glover this year,
there will he ample supplies of clover
seed and at the extremely reasonable
prices at which the seed will ell, ,many
farmers will ;no doubt increase the
clover seeddngs this year.
We still import 150.% o'f the timothy
seed' used. in'Ontario. The :de'man'd for
timothy hay is dim'inish'ing, an•d as
legume crops yield on an average of a
ton', more to the acre than timothy it
is quite 'possible 'that much, of the
straight timothy acreage 'will eventu-
ally b
ventually' be seeded to c'n.e o'f .'the legume
crops such as clover, alfallfe, or alsike
or a mixture of :these and timothy-
'B'eware of ungraded seed. In the
rst place it is unlawful for anyone to
ffer seed' for sale ungraded, and, se-
andly, ungraded seed' 'is :of very
o'ub'tfui 'quality .and 'often is •a source
f severe,•contamination. Any farmer
y forwarding representative sam'pl'es
the Dominion Seed Bran'ch at Tor-
nio or Ottawa may have 'three
mples graded (free of charge.Finally, Mr. Martin said,.'`One pro -
intent 'farmer summed up the legume
tuation very aptly when he remark -
"as fax as arty awn ,farm is con -
rued, . T intend to limy early, seed
'wit everything and slap it on thiel:."
'this' size used' at'the Experimental :d
(S'tat'en, Harrow, Oink„ is proving sat- o
isfac'tary, iBirds in'a smaller house, 16 b
by 115 feet, appeared to be mare un- to
comfortable during the winter months: o
This condition, as stated by the Sun- sa
erintendent, was 'borne out by the bei
haviour of the birds in the smaller m
house for 'they would seek shelter si
fromthedraught and 'huddle in nor- ed
ners. An outbreak of colds and roup; ce
conlfirtned this condition, as no trouble d'o
of this 'nature was experienced in the
larger house.
A careful record of the variation in I
temperature of the two houses show- Pa
ed comtparatively little difference. pr
This uncomfortable condition was he- po
lieved 'to be due to draughts•created ca
in the narrower house.
Best Cash Crop
According to T, A. 'Benson of the
(feral Poultry 'Branc'h at Toronto,
ospects indicate 'that'once again
ultry and eggs will prove the 'bent
s'h crop.
Unseasonable weather has done
New Medicine Drives Out PoisonA„
That Cause 'Torturing 'Stiffness,
Swelling and Latneness
You • cannot get rid of rheumatic
aches and pains, Neer it i s, lain
knotted muscles and stiff 'swollen
j'oin'ts till you drive 'from your systehrs
the irritating poisons that cause then,
Monism. ,External treatments only
give temporary relief.
Whet you need is 'RU -MA, the near
in'ternal medicine that ' acts on :the
liver, kidneys land 'blood and expels
through the natural Channels of elim-
ination, these dangerous ;poisons.
No 'long waiting for your suffering
to.'s'top--IlWaMA eases pain'first dbg.
—and so quickly and safely end stif-
fening,crippling lameness and 'tortu'r-
ing pain 'that 'Chas: Alberh'art urges
every rheumatic sufferer to get a
bottle today, 'They •guarantee it.
much towards 'a dropping orf in egg
prices, not only because of increased
production, but in facilita'tin'g tra'ns-
Egg prices, 'however, have become
slightly firmer recently and given
norma' 'March weather, the outlook
for steady fair prices is encouraging.
A 'Serious :Menace
The apple .maggot is now recognnz
ed as a serious 'threat to Ontario's ex-
port apple trade. Prof. L. 'Caesar,
provincial entomologist, in a recent
address pointed out that most grolw
ers are familiar with the :s'pra'ys neces-
sary .to •exterminate the maggot and
all commercial men know that the
maggot can be controlled, Warm,
moist summers, and mild open win-
ters .have been resp'ons?ble for its
spread, but effective spraying would
bring it under control in a few 'months
provided all apple trees in the im-
mediate vicinity were also sprayed -
Odd 'trees in the next 'field and also
the hawthorn in the adjacent 'woods
consititute a :menace, Prof. Caesar
Public Stock Yards in 1932
During the twelve month's of 1932,
fewer cattle were 'marketed at public
stock yards by approximately 76,000
'head, as eonvpared with the previous
year, T'h'e curtailment in the move-
ment to market, should not, however,
be 'consid'ered as an indication of a
relative decline in production. Prices
were a 'ruling influence end were con-
sis•tly responsible for a commendable
caution in .respect to loadings, It was
pointed out most frequently during
the year that t'he condition of the
market was such :that even a normal
run 'would develop almost unsaleable
Mothers can .easily know when their
(children are troubled with worms,
and they lose no time ,in applying a
reliable remedy Mather Graves°
Worm Exterminator.
'Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c.
"t1:•"i;taw"i.'1;*l'7t'Nt.1. 1-1t.4%..41i,,f
,4 Nemo
We Are Selling 0
Books are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All
styles, Carbon Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low . as You Can Get
Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order.
t tOPIA",vi
ii'uu -i(?. (?e' .'',4ia`A4wli /Or:, 61 -Aro