The Seaforth News, 1933-03-09, Page 8PAGE EIIGHT THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, MARCH 9, '1933. I-IENSALL. 'Airs, A. Filshie, principal .of the continnation sehoo1, very pleasantly entertained the o �I sc h o teachers at her ,home on Thursday afternoon in honor of \lr. Claud•e:Movies whose marriage hook place to Miss !Edith (Walters off. Exeter the following day. Mr. Bfowes was presented with a'beautiful bridge lamp. On (Friday afternoon' the .schol- ars presented him with a •beautiful walnut end table, The presentation was made by Ivan IK.ip'fer :and the ad- dress read by Ronald (Peck. The 'W;M.IS. of the 'United] Church held .their regular monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon; -T{h:e visiting committee •repo'rrted, 'sailing fon eight- een !homes. The. devotional leaflet, "Women of INo 'Imfportance," was ,gi- ven by Mrs. Ed. (McQueen, foll'awed by prayer by. 'Mrs. IS, Meaner. The stt>,y lesson was given 'by Mrs. IHe,ilmp!hill and Mrs, Agnes McDonald. ;The IW:MJS, held their 'annual day of !prayer at the ]United 'Church en (Friday ateternoon, all three local churches +being well represented. The meeting was in charge of :Mrs. C. A. iMdDlonaald of the 'United (Church, Mrs,' 'Basil Edwards of the :Presbyter- ian 'Church and +Mrs. Louis fQlar'k JSr. of the :Anglican. The :Bible lesson was read by 'i4Lrs. Edwards on "Christ's Spirit •of (Love." !Prayers were offered by Mrs. D. 'Workman, 'Mrs. C. (Hud- son, Mrs. IH, Arnold, and Mrs. Vaeley. A solo •was given •by Mrs. W. A. Young and a duet by (Mrs. &Iedden and IM'rs. iSiioclair, rhe Day of Prayer next year will •be in St. (Paul's Angli- can Church. ' The Young People's League of the United Church were giving a concert on Friday evening, March lath. A splendid program is being prepared by the (League, also talent from Ex- eter and !Dashwo:od. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Ale/Ewan and daughter Donna have returned home after a pleasantvisit in Toronto. Mr. and tMrs. John G. Scott and Mr. (Norman' Christie of 'Cromarty visited friends in town on Sunday. Mrs. 'Harry Jacobi has returned home after a pleasant visit with her son in 'Chiselhuret. ,Liss 'Minnie Gibb of Toronto is visiting for a few days with relatives in town. Miss Mona Miller visited with Mit- chell friends. Mrs. Yengblut of Waterloo is visit- ' ing with her daughter, Dirs. J. W. Bonthron. Mrs. Vair of Toronto is visiting rel- atives and friends in town. Another of Hensail's well known and 'highly esteemed residents passed away at her home here on Saturday afternoon: in the person of Mrs. tFlora Case, relict of the late George 'Case, in her 73rd year. 'Mrs. (Case was in good health and on Friday afternoon attended a Union 'Missionary meeting. In the evening she was suddenly stricken and did not again regain con- sciousness, passing away about five o'clock Saturday afternoon. She was. a lifelong resident of this district be- ing born in Hay township, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Lam mie. After her marriage to Mr. Case they resided on a 'farm on the Lon- don road two miles south of iHensall till they moved to .'Hensall 'twenty .four years ago. She was a member of the 1St. (Paul's Anglican Church and always took a keen interest in church activities. Her husband, the late Geo. Case passed away about two years ago. ]She leaves to mourn her loss, two sons, Abraham 'L. Case, C.N.R.,agent at Hensall, also ;Garnet (Case of ]Hen sail and one sister, Mrs. William Henry, who resided with her. The fu- neral, which vas private, took place from her late home an South ,Rich mond street on Monday afternoon, in- terment taking place in the Exeter ce- metery, the Rev. M. B. (Parker, rector of St. Paul's Anglican Church, having charge of the service, The pallbearers were 'Messrs. John Glenn, 'Thos. ,Par- l.mer, :Fred 'Manns, Peter Case, Mer- ton Weir and George C. Petty. • +Born -At Clinton, March 5th, to Mr.- and. Mrs. Melvin Moir, a son. Mrs. John Murdock and Mrs. Jno. Dinsdale were in Toronto this week attending .the funeral of their brother, the late Elam Butts, Who passed away on Saturday evening at his hcme in !Toronto, Mr. Butts was born in :Port Hope 54 years ago and when a young lad the family moved to Us - bonne and located on the farm now owned by Mr. Clark 'Fisher. The 'fam- ily later moved to lot 22, Tuckersmith on the (London road. Mr. Butts has resided in Toronto for forty years, where up to a few years ago when he retired he was in the employ of the Massey Harris 'Ca. 'In spite of his ad- vanced years he was quite active up to a week ago when he suffered a a stroke. Besides his sorrowing widow he leaves to mourn his loss three daughters, four sisters, Mrs. John lH. Petty, of Hay, Mrs. John Murdock and ,Mrs, John Dinsdale of Ilensall, and Mrs. ,Ed. Taylor of 1Filinore and one (brother, Mr. (William !Butts of Seaforth. Quite a number of friends from this district were in Toronto on :Tuesday attending the funeral. (A .very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr, aird' Mrs. Fred, Cor- bett an Friday evening last when they entertained about Ido of their, friends to a progressive euchre party. 'The occasion was Mr. Corbetts birthday. The ladies prize was won by Mrs. A. Mottsscau and gents prize by Hoarser lT'.inney. ,Ladies consolation went' to Blanche Morenz and gents to Jack Munn, A dainty lunch was. served and dancing followed. 'Whet might have' been a serious ac silent .occurred on the London ,Road atthe intersection of South (Richmond street on Friday evening last. Robert liarrdtt, who is residing with his hro Cher :Isaac Jarrett at Kippen, had been down the 'London road with a horse and buggy and on his:returnitig, as it was getting dark he thought he waled drive into IIensall to get a light from his brother-in-law, Constable George Hudson. He was 'just turning into ;South Richmond street when a car driven by Lawrence Plutnsteel and Wm. _\Lurch of Clinton, ran into him, damaging the hind wheel of the bug- gy. The 'Clinton car then swung ac- ross the road going into the ditch, which was very deep at that place, The car was badly damaged but fo-- ,tunately`the young men were not 'ser- iously hurt 'Traffic'Officer•Lever was called to the scene and made an innves to ati n , lir. '• 1 a t t �a g Jar of was summoned before Magistrate (Reid .on Saturday morning' and fined for driving without lights, Miss r.Hazel !'Lorenz spent the week end at her home in ,Dashwood. !Mrs, iE, Fines of Clinton and Miss Violet IWhitesides of Kitchener visit- ed friends in town on eleptlay. (Women's day :wag observed in the United Church on 'Sunday when a women'schoir of some forty voices led in 'the service of sang,' Rev. 'Arehur Sinclair delivered a very appropriate sermon. 'A ladies 'quartette was given by Mrs. !M. 'Drysdale, ;Mrs. A. Sin- clair, Mrs. IG. Hess .and Mis's P. Welsh and in the evening a solo by. Mrs. Maude' 'Hedden. ;The Welfare You't'h ,Olu'b of :the Carmel 'Presbyterian Church held their aeguiar 'meeting an Monday ev- ening. After the opening exercJses the Scripture lesson was read by Mr, Roy .Mgharen, a short scout 'mas'ters ad- dress by 'Rev. Young, followed by a piano solo by Mrs, J. W. •Blontliinon. The topic on. "Paul, the .A'p'asble," was given by (Sura Manson. ,Next Monday evening a St, Patrick's day program will be given. The wedding of 'Mr. Claude Blowes, principal elf the ,public school, to ;IN/Liss Edith Walters, daughter of Mr. and !Mrs. E. Walters of Exeter, took place at Exeter an 'Friday last. The young 'couple left the same day to vi- sit friends in Mitchel], Iliamiltan and Oshawa. (The Canadian Radio Commissioners havedispensed with the services of all local connmiesionerscanad inspectors who were engaged on the check up .of radio licenses since last 'fail. The lic- enses will again be issued by he lo- cal radio stores :and' are due April lst. Regular meeting of the village council was held Monday ` evening at 8 p.m, in council chamber, all mem- bers Of coun'cil; being ,present. 'Petty and Jones that' the minutes be adopted as read. Carried. J. W. Ortwein ap- peared as a delegate for the ,Bible So- ciety asking for a grant of the use of the hall for one night free of 'change. Spencer and (Petty, 'that the Bibit So- ciety be granted the use of the 'hall free of charge for one night. Carried. Ray Lammie appeared asking to have a change made in his assessment: Same referred to the 'Court of 1Revi- sion on the assessment roll which will be held later, Wan. Jones reported re the boys playing in the •church shed and doing damage to same. Constable Hudson was instructed to look after this.matter. Feta Bon'th'ron, tax col- lector, reported re unpaid taxes as be- ing $1610.53, Miakle and Petty, that the collector take the :proper legal steps -to -collect the unpaid taxes. Car- ried. R. Higgins reported re unpaid taxes as sent to Goderich, also the re- bate re county roads rates due the village. Communications read from the ceerk of Lindsay he ,the resolution passed by the !Lindsay council, no ac- tion to be taken. Bills and accounts read as follows: G. (Case and 'S'on, coal, $27.75; B'onthron and :Drysdale, supplies, $38,515; Scott's grocery, char- ity re Moir, $1.55; W. J. lNthite, char- ity re Hodgert, •$1:51; 'G..W. Parlmor, charity, re ''7,Tolff and Hodgert, $3.89: H. Dayton, charity, re Hodgert, $1.42 E. Ronnie, charity re Wolff, 82e; T. E. .Drummond, charity $12:48, 'fire hall $115.00-$217.4:8; i17. W. Hess. acct., 533.75; J. Passmore, Hydro, $6 5O; G. (Hudson, 75 meals transietrts, $1'8.'715; !School board, current expenses, $1000. Petty and Jonesne -that accounts as read be passed except G. Case's, & B'onthron• and (Drysdale. Carried, Spencer and Mickle, that bylaw 'No. 3 be given !first and 2nd reading. Car- ried, Petty and Jones that Bylaw ,No. 3 be given 3rd and final reading. Car- ried, 'Petty and Spencer, that we ad- journ. James A. Paterson, Clerk. WINTHROP. The Y.P.S. af Winthrop held their regular meeting on Tuesday evening, March 7th with Mr, William Alexan- der presiding, The meeting opened by singing'hymn 270, followed with pray- er by Mr. Wilson 'Little. Scripture reading was taken by Mr. Frank :Case. Hymn 499 was sung. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary and adopted. It was decided that the young people would enter- tain the congregation to an Irish so- 'tial an Wednesday evening, March 15th, A silver 'collection will be re- ceived. The topic, "flow Shall We Win Our Friends for Christ." was taken by Miss Doreen Little. : The meeting closed with hymn 494. and all repeating the Lord's prayer in unison, after which a contest was en- joyed by all. Mr. and Mrs, Sol. ,Shannon of Hall- lett, visited at ,the hame of the tatter's sister, Mrs. George Little, last Fri- day. (We are pleased to know that Mrs. Little is improving. Mr. "Scotty" B'ailley of Toronto spent a few 'days with Mr. Jimmy More. Mfrs. George Eaton spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Poster Ben- nett, +Mr, Reebert Armstrong spent a few days with his niece, Mrs. Jack Pryce, this week. The hockey game between - Win- throp .and Eg'mond:vi'lle last Saturday night was a tie. IThe score was 2,2, but should- 'have been 2-I1.1 far Win- throp, 2lr. and Mrs.' Scatt Bolton" spent (Sunday with relatives .in ISeeforth. INCWare sorry to hear that Louis Bolton/ has blood poison in his right aria. Worms sap the strength and un-. dermine - the vitality af children. Strengthen them by using Mother Graves' 'Vornm Exterminator to, drive' out the parasites, TOWN TOPICS TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO ,March, 1907 Badly Hurt. The little 'four-year-old son o8 fMr, Arthur Colbert was badly hurt lin (Saturday by; being run over by a :ruin- away horse belonging to Mr. Stewart of E'grnond'vil'le. The 'little fellow: diad been 'playing on the .pavement in !front of 'Mr, B'aate's grocery and did not see 'th'e -coming danger in .time to avoid it, Going to Michigan. Mr. William Reid of Varna intend, 'holding an extensive sale scan. 'i Mr. :Reid is leaving Varna and intends go- ing to Michigan where he will take charge of a urge farm near (Bay City. Cold Weather in the West. Itn renewing his subscription to The News; Mr. R. VLeNaughtt df Radisson, Sask., in his 'letter dated Jan. 24th, says: We are .having winter heee new; the lowest the therniomaeter has reg- istered' was. 64 ?degrees below. It reg- istered that three nights in succes- sion and did not go higher than 30 be- low for .Four days, but everylbody on this line has plenty •of wood and coal so there is no suffering such as there is on some of the lines in the West, Former Teacher. - Mr. R. C. IOheswright, (Walkerton, was "a :Seaforth visitor on (Saturday. Mr. Chesawrighat'has resignedtfrom the teaching staff of the 'Walkerton high sehoo'l and has accepted a lucrative position as boo'keeper in 'Toron'to, Mr. -Oheswright, who taught' in Seaforth, before going to Walkerton, was a pa- tron of all outdoor sports, especially football. He was president df :'the W.FJA, Damon and Pythias. IA very fair audience greeted" blie amateur company 'from (Clinton: in the drama 'Damon: 'and ';Pythias," - on Thursday evening. The company ap- peared hereunder the auspices of the local lodge of the Knights of Pythias and their entertainment was quite above the average usually presented by amateurs. The two principal parts, namely, Damon and Pythias, were very .creditably taken bylMr. E. How- ard and Dr, tA!con, while Miss May (Rance, 'as _Calanthe, was well suited to the part she assumed as IPybhias' fiancee. The minor parts of the play were also very creditably taken by the several performers. Blyth. IA very sad death came to one of ,B'lyth's most estemed families on Wednesday of fast week, when :Mrs. t(+Dr.) Carder :passed away. The de- ceased was performing her daily dut- ies during the forenoon, and was. heard to remark that she felt so well, but at 11 o'clock was stricken with ap- oplexy, resulting in her death at four o'clock in the afternoon. So -sudden was the call that the family could scarcely realize whet had happened. Mrs, Carder was a kind and faithful wife and a truly loving mother, and leaves to mourn a devout husband and three daughters. Useful Invention. IDr. ,Murray, V.'S., Dublin, has de- vised an electric bell which will likely come into general use before long. In case a fire breaks out in a private house, or in fact any building, where one of these is adjusted, it will give almost immediate alarm, which will give the occupants an opportunity to prevent the spread of the flames and thus probably save heavy loss, if not life, Council Meeting. to meeting of the council was held on -.Monday evening in the council chamber at which the following busi- ness was transacted: The communica- tion of theiGanadi:an Association for the prevention of 'Tuberculosis was referred to B. B. Gunn, M.P., re- questing him to ,attend meeting oil behalf of the town. 'The clerk was authorized to write 21r. M. .S. Roos, of Toronto, for further particulars se- gardfng his proposition re Knitting Factory. Mr. John Turner, Jr., was appointed town engineer 'for the town of Seaforth 'far 1907. By-law No. 29, appointing town officers was read three bines and (finally passed. The report of the finance committee was received and accounts to the amount of $425114 were ordered- to be paid, The Seaforth Band was granted the sum of $100. They are to be tinder the control of the Mayor in being punctual at outdoor concerts and that a statement of their disbursements for the said term be •handed in at the end of each term to the council, Mar, Wm. Q3artry was appointed a member of the (Public Library Board taking; the vacancy caused by the removal of Mr. 'G. W. (Brown 'from town. 'Started Work. The blowing of the whistle at the woollen mills at nine o'clock on 'Thurs- day announced the starting of Bea- ,orth's new industry -the large cloth- ing factory addition' to the existing woollen mill plant -which is to be op- erated by W. E. 'Southgate Sc Co. Fif- teen ladies arrived in 'town this week and are. employed in the factory. Action without thought. is like shooting11with- out aim . . Better stop and think where' the most reliable place will be to buy your Spring Seeds W. E.''KE SLAKE IN MEMOIRIAIM en ;loving memoryaf, our dear mo- ther, Mrs; Chas, Eberhart, who pass- ed away Stour years ago, March 11th. "There is a link death cannot sever, Lome and rettveuasibsances last ,for ever. 'Tis sweet to know we will' meet again, Where troubles are no more; tAned that the one we loved so well, Has just gone on before, -Sadly missed by her family. AUCTION SALE. 'The executors of the Agnes Mc- Geoch Estate ,will (offer dor stale by public auction' at the Commercial Hotel at (Seaeorth on ,Saturday, March 18 at 2 p.m,, Lot 8, Con, 9, H.RJS., containing 105 acres of land more or less. There is Own this land a seven - room stone house, 'bank barn with stabling for 214 head, hog pert and driving 'shed. There is 7:0 acres till- able land, 20 acres of hard wood mainly - maple, 'both mature and sec- ond gronwth-a first 'class • sugar bush, A gravel, pit which in the last .15 years has netted .the owner approxi- mately $2,000. Taxes $98. There will also be offered for sale Lots 10 and 11 on 'West Centre at., Egmonceville, containing one acre of land, more for less. On this property is a mine -room frame house, barn with i'dit and stabling 'for six head, driving shed, pig gen, 'brick tool house, number of fruit ,trees, good gas'den. Taxes $11, These properties must be sold to 'close the estate. Tennis -110% of the purchase price on clay of sale. Balance in 30 days. GEO. H, ELLIOTT, Auhtioneer, AUCTION SALE Farm Stock, Implements, in Town- ship ship •of 'Tuckersmith. ]Under and by virtue of a certain authorized assign- ment for the benefit of 'Creditors made by (William Green in the "Town- ship of 'Tuckersmith, !Farmer, and under the Powers contained in the Bankrup'tcyA•ct of Canada, theeunder- signed will offer'for sale by public auction on the premises, 'being (Lot Number 1'3, in the Third eConcessian, IL.IR:S., of the Towns'hip of, Tucker - smith, about a mile and a 'half east of 'Kippen, on Monday, March 20th, 1930, at one o'clock p.m., the fol- lowing valuable chattels: (Horses -3 ,farm work horses, Cows -5 Holsteins, 2 D'urhems, 2 Jersey, !1 ,Ayrshire, 2 Polled Angus, 1 (Durham bull, 7 steers rising 9 years, '1 heifer, 2 fall calves, .1 baby beef. figs. '1 boar hog, 3 sows, 19 small pigs, 9 store hogs. Hens -.35 hens. Machinery -1 cream separator, Me- Tofte, 1 fanning mill, 1 binder, Massey 7 -foot; 4 walking plow, 1 riding plow, 1 hay ralce, 1 cultivator, 1 set harrows, 0 waggon, 1 sleigh, 1 seed drill, 1 mower, 1 disc harrows, 1 'Fordson tractor, 1 automobile '27 andel, '1 b 1 h .. i e BuysLiver FRESH PORK aSAU- S'AGE, 2 lbs.:.... , gla BACK BACON BIENS'OINIS CORN da ISW.IRICIIH, 2 p'l gs.. +6 COTTAGE (ROLL'S 11 QAC Pound e� 9xY Libby's PORK and slip to IBIEANIS-4 tins, .. 1 PURE cocoA 29 c 2 ppunds DOMINION 1SUGAR, PER CWT. 4.89 r ,l �l • O. i I �T1�1 AUCTION SALE. Of Farm, (Farm Stock, llmvplenre:n:ts•I and Ho'u'sehold Flurniture, in the( Township ^of Tuclteeemibh. Under letters of a•dm�inistration granted to.shim by ,the Surrogate 'Count of the County of Huron, in connection with the Estate of .William G. Bsoadfo'ot, Deceased, the under- signed will :offer . for sale by public auction on the premises, bring ,Lot 26, in 3rd Con., H.IR.IS., Twp of Tucker - smith, containing 1100 acres more or less, on Tuesday, March :114th, at one o'clock p.m., 'the (following valuable propenty: 1Horses-]Bieck gelding, bay geld- ing. ICabtle.-1H'erdflerd' cow, milking; red Durham cow, tnil'king; red Dunham cow twith 'Durh'am calf by side.;. red 'Dunham cow with Hereford calf by side; reddish roan cow, farrow; Here- foed now supposed with calf; white Durham cow (supposed with calf; roan Durham 'cow supposed with - calf; red Durham 'he'lfer in calf; roan Durhann heifer; 4 :fell calves, 3 'Durhasns, 1 (Polled (Angus, ]Pigs. --Sow due time of sale; sow with 8 pigs 6 weeks old. Sheep. -2 a ewes, 1' ram. (Fowl -8 Rock hens, .1 rooster; 2 Black Minor ca hens, 8 White Leghorn` :hens, 1 rooster. 4 Turkey hers, 2 galbblers, 4 geese. Quantity of `hay and•grain. 'Machinery.--'M.IH, seed drill•, 'Mc Cormick mower, (Clinton fanning :mill, half speed cutter, (McCormick •birder, set of scales,' wagon and 'hay rack, land taller, 'harrows, gravel bow, whipple 'trees and neckyokes, ladder, quantity' of lumber, cream separator, incubator, sap pan and pails. !Household Effects. -(Walnut table; dozen walnut chairs, .walnut' couch, walnut wardrobe, walnut whatnot, whatnot, sewing machine, sideboard, dining room table, dining room chairs, piano, writing 'desk, boons case, books; 2 spool beds, 4 wooden beds, chest drawers, 2 bureaus, 4 hanging lamps, T , churn, croak shove cupboard, tables, P Chairs, bed clothing, other articles. Real ,Estate, -;Lot number `26 in the third •concession, (Huron Road 'Survey, 'Township of Tuckergmith, containing 100 acres more or less.'On the land is a large trick house, two barns, a. small bush and a /never failing water step - FAY. • Tennis of Sale. -Chattels cash. Real (Esta'te will be subject to a reserve bid and if sold, 10 p,c, of She ;purchase money will require to be paid on the day off sale and the balance within thirty days -thereafter. (Further :terms aril conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale,.or may be had on application to the undersigned. 'Geo. E. 'Elliott, Auctioneer, William H. Middleton, RR. 3; 'Clinton, Admin- .uggy, cutter, artless, double set, istratoz. single -set and collars; hay forks, pule leys, forks, shovels, small tools, 1300 tile 3". Other ,miscellaneous :articles. (Terms of Sale. -Cash. Sheriff C. G. Middleton, Custodian, Goderich, Ont. Hays & Meir, Solicitors,.Seaforth. FREE! To celebrate .our Third Yeats ,(Birthday in the Mills business we are giving away a regular retail 3'5c package of pure :Rolled Wheat, with every $1, worth of milk tickets sold to old and new customers up to 'March 118. ;Whole wheat porridge served: for breakfast, with a little sugar and our Milk will rake you feel fit for the whole day. ....Try it at our expense THE MCGILL DADRY Barred Rock Baby Chicks From High -Producing Stock. 'reasonable• Order in advance J. C. McNAY, Phone 236-25, Seaforth Prices AUCTION SALE. 01 Faris, Farm' Stock and I•mple- menaLs. . The undersigned will sell by public auction on ''Wednesday the 22nd day of Match, IAD. 1+933, commencing at 1 o'clock p,an„ the 'household (furni- ture, farm stock and implements be- longing to George Mitchell, late of the Township of rSban'ey .in the 1 otm- ty of (Huron, at his late residence in the said Township. Terms: (Cash. At the same time and place there will he offered for sale the lands be- longing to the said deceased ,consist- ing df: (1) Lot 15, Bayfield Road -Conces- sion South. '(2), East hall Lot 113, Bayfield Road concession Spnth. (3) (Lot .19, Concession 8. i(4)) !Loot 16, lOoncesslon 8. all in the said :Township •01 Stanley:, (All of the said lands will]' he offered subject to reserve bids and other con- ditions off sale. 'For further particulars apply to the undersigned :Solicitor. iGEO..(H. EILJLLO'TT, Clinton, ,On- tario,Auctioneer. aF. FS'NGILAND,: Clinton Ontario, Solicitor' far the Ad- ministrators af the Estate of, George Mitchell, !Deceased;' Ll Notice Car Licenses issued, also Trailer 'Licenses up to 2,000 lbs. M. W. MILLER CLINITOIN, ONT SEED OATS FOR SALE 200 bushels good clean oets, I4lpply to FRIED EaCIKIEIRT, Lot 4, Con, 8, M'dKil'lop, Dublin RJR. 1. Phone 8 on 23, Dublin. 10 NONCE Unloading a :car' of corn and screen- ings this week. Bofok your orders be - lone the price •advance. J. A. Mlc- KENIZIIIE, Phone 25. 101 FOR SALE OIR EXCHANGE Tharo'ughlbred 'Hereford bu•1l calf, nine months old. Will =Change this calf for a cow. iA'pply to 101ETIER MA- LONEY, Lot 8, tOon. 4, McKillop, mile :east.af Beecltnrood. 1'0. WANTED (Razor blades -to sharpen. Any make, any style Tamar blade. 10 blades : 25e. Straight razor 20c. Work agueranteed. Sesforbh address Sproat's Gro cery; ,S'tratlford address: 247 Douro st. Mr. R. !Wilson, Sharpener. HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE Prom thigh .producing S.C. 'White (Leghorn },mens, These are large size eggs, good shape end color. This 'stock is from the Toma Barron and Ferris strain with records from 225 to 300 eggs. Prices reasonable. WM. RUTILEDIGIE, Seaforth tee. 2, Clinton Phone 611dr2, CUSTOM HATCHING Having reunited the Buckeye 'Mam- m'ath incubator from Scott's : Poultry Team, I atm 'prepared to do custom hatching each week, commencing March 8th, at ney premises, at the rear of the United 'Church and across from the Puiblic S'cho'ol, Seafonth. Eggs will receive the greatest .care. Itrcubator w411 be fumigated during each thatch. Charges: 2%clper egg set. Early bookings for s'pa'ce s'h'ould be made. tRI0IBIEIRIT'S'GAIRIIJETT, Phone 215'7iW, Seaforth, Ont. 10. NOTICE TO. CR•EDITOIRS Notice is hereby given to all per- sons having .any claim against the es- tate .af Mice Mary Wanner, late of the Village of Mary'field, in the .Prov- ince of Saskatchewan, Widow deceas- ed, who died on or about' the eight- eenth day of January, AJD. 1933, to send same to the undersigned on or before the ,eleventh day of March A.D. 1933, as on and after that date the estate will be distributed among the persons . entitled. thereto, ,having re- gard only to thaei claims of which they have notice, (Dated at Goderich .this 117th day of February, A.D. 1033. DOUGLAS R. MAXIM Goderich, Ontario Solicits) far the !Executor herein. • 'CUSTOM SAWING Prices 'reduced to $5.00. Will saw at Webster's first sand will 'then move home to''Gord'on Richaardson's on the Mill Road. '1T. J. RI(CIHiA!RIDIS'ON, Egm'ondville, 10. FOR SALE 'Good snitch cows, .springing, young cattle and grass steers: (A'pp'ly to J: W. D!0ID2 AlGlE, one mile west of Winthrop, 10. SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wheate per bushel 45c-5Oc Barley, per birsdnel ... 35e -40.e Oats, per bushel 30c, Buckwahea,t,,per -bushel . ...30c -35c Eggs, per doz. Illic-1'5c (Butter, per lb, 'l8c Potetoes, per bus. 60c aH'ogs, per cwt. $4,011