HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-03-09, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1933.
• slats.
Week - End Specials
Thrifty Buyers
Items for week ending .Mlar, 15.
..... . ........ ...... .. ... • .. •
'SURPRISESOAP ' )11:1 'rakes 47 c
... • . . .... .
1 tin Libby's SALTER KRAUT a 1 lb, WEINERS 25 c
jar-27 c
40 oz. jar 28c
large tin 10c
(Blue Bell .Five 'String Eroomel , each 23c
Crosse & Blackwell's 'Pork & Beans 3 tins 25c
Gerber's Infant's Food, 7 varieties 12 tins 25c
Taylor's Peanut Butter gem jars 25c
10Valtine small -45; .medium -69c; large 1.09
Ivory Soap, medium 2 cakes 15c
Hawes' Float Was l's 43e
Hawes' Floor 'Gloss, `no polishing' , 'Ethits 59c
Hawes' Lemon Oil ..... ....... . . . ........ .. • ... . . large bottle 23c
Manylflowers Toilet Soap . 5 cakes 25c
Gillett's Lye, 'eats dirt' 2 tins 25c
!Schneider's Breakfast Bacon, riudoff,......=4 lb. cellophane pkg. 10c
ILawrason's ,Snowliake Ammonia ....,.,. .......... .,....4 pkgs. 25c
Lawrason's Plusho pee tin 21c
Lawrason's Seiko per tin 25c
Superior !Blend Tea l's 390
Family .Blend Coffee l's 39c
Ox o Cubes small -14c 1 . • .., .. large 28c
Grape -Nuts [Flakes ......., .... ................. .......2 pkgs. 23c
St. 'Croix Castile Soap 8 cakes' 25c
Electric Bulbs, frosted, .30 and 60 watt,. ........... ........2 for 29c
Minute Tapioca . 2** pkgs. 25c
Shredded Wheat Biscuit 12 pkgs. 25c
Castor Oil, 3 oz. •bottle ... . ..... .... ......... ........per bottle 15c
Epsom Salts 7 tbs. for 25c; ' per pkg 50
Colgate's Tooth Paste 23c
Hillcreat Extracts '3 bottles 25c
Kkovah !Health Salts 2 tins 35c
Cotton Clothes Lines, 30' each 19c
'Clothes Pins 3 dozed 10c
, New Cheese , 2 pounds 25c
Sun Dried Coffee "its really very fine" ...... ..per lb. tin 450
Extra good ,fresh ground coffee per lb. 39c
Ross J. Sproat Ph°11e 8
Vi SS N. Pryce Phone 77
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates
and a
Dependable Reputation
Good Quality
Please us by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
II you by our services and highes•
market prices for good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, graded and
paid for while you wait.
TheaSeaforth Creamery
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers furnished
Night or day phone 67
'Miss Anela gJoyce, the iambus
"Miss England", ,who made a tour of
America with fhe other national prize
Peauties of Europe, reveals the secret
tragedies and comedies of thamm
t e-
bl and miserable trip, in an article
next Sunday, in The ,Americae,Week-
ly, distributed 'with The Detroit Sun -
TOWN TOPICS. Mr, Dante Lawson spent a few
Mrs. Geo. 12, -M -Y. aia lin. H. Bone days recently in 'Toronto and New -
of Brussels spent Monday at the market,
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Porteous, Miss Viola, 'Mattison is speeding •a
The ladies are sisters. few days at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
!Mies Mary Hays returned Satu,rday, 'Jahn Ferguson.
after spending a week or two in Tor- Mrs. Leo Stephenson is spending a
onto and was accompanied by her ;few days in Bilyth owing to the ser -
sister, Mrs. E. C. McClelland, of Tor- kris illness .of her uncle, Mr. David
onto, who has been spending a kw Laidlaw.
days at her home, The iWal.4.1S, will meet in the school
Mr. and Mrs, IvIaise of Toronto room of the rlleech. an Thursday af-
sOent the week endwith the
latter'sterrt;3eal.PW' .A. are holding a social even -
aunt, Miss Robson, and brother, Mr.
jack Arnold, ing on Friday evening, 'March 10Ith.
A sotial under the auspices Of the
IVIties G. Appleyand has returned af-
W.A. will be lheld in the basement of
ter 'several weeks' visit in abtawa.
the thumb on Friday evenin,g, IVEarch
The, hospital Md ,Assooialtion of the
Scot(Memorial Hospoitaralehwit motte
eetsion3 ltraedbh: RefAgareathidirn7irtscena:illl bee
Monday afternoon,
good time is expected. Everybody
o'clock. wat an those who have coil -
ear 'the eidspibae aid
tete& money
please hand it to Mrs. Allan Close,
treasurer. A large ,attendarke is hoped STANLEY.
for the meetinm
g. FravermWovielld AffrdoCtnlintchheey,fiermand on
At the Toronto 'Conservatory
Goshen which they ,Ocenpied for 'the
MUSie examinations held recently in
pa'st year, to a farm on the Bronson
;Stratford, Miss Kathleen Storey was
successful in passing the Intermediate line near Bayifield.fmr, and Mrs. Wesley Hayter spent
grade in piano. She is a Pupil of MTS. Sunday wih the 'former's parents, Mr.
M. R. R.ennie. and Mrs. !Henry Hayter.
,Miss Olive Stirling and Miss Gert-
rude Webster spent last week visiting regular molnithly meeting on Tuesday,
eral of the date Gordon Hulley were:
Among those who attended the furl_ spent the past week with her .mother,
erett lArard, Atwood; Harolcl Ward, ,Rnreadtoher bed for some time.
. J. T. Keys, who has been con -
Palmerston, Albert Ward, Brantford,
The ,Goshen Sunday School gave an
Wilfred and Milton and the two Mrs. offering OIT •Siundlay in aid .of the mis-
eonatenbergs of lAtwood.
Mr. Louis Fleurscheutz, Who has
been ill is somewhat better this week.
Ills sister, 'Mrs. ?Owen, •of Toronto,
has been here visiting him..
Sheriff Middleton of Clinton was in
town on Wednesday in connection
with .the Edward Krauskopf sale in
MoKillop. 'The them ‘vas not sold.
Mr. John ,Reinke is recovering from'
the effects of a slight &broke whlich
he suffered on Saturday.
Mrs. R. Frost is confined to her
home through. illness.
Mr. Alex. McGregor of Tooker -
smith is convalescing after undergoing
an operation last week.
Mrs. T, G. Shillinglaw is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Ivan Hargreaves,
sianary wonk of Mr. and )iLrs. Nor -
daughter in Hensall after epending
Mrs, Jno. Sparks and her son, Rus- several days with her son Ross.
motored to Loudon on Saturday. Miss Grace MdLachlaur of Cromer -
Mr. George Campbell and his dam- tY visaed a the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Russell oesitt,
gliter, Mary, visited friends at Goder- C
ich on Saturday. .Mr. Fred Turner of Miss L. W. Love spent the week
that town returned with thein for a end with friends near Hensall.
, Miss Dolly Hagan spent a day with
fewdays' visit.
Miss Maribel Ca.rnie held a quilting friends in 'Zurich'
bee on Tuesday of last week. 'alr. and Mrs. C. Siemon and ran
spent Sunday at the home of Mr.
Miss !Gladys !Douglas of Hemel'
spent Sunday at the home of her par- and Mrs. j. Meidinger near Zurich.
ems. Miss Audrey Cochrane of near
The Young People of SIS, No. 4" Brucefield visited her cousin, Miss
Gladys jarrott.
SMnley nd vicinity are holding an
,organisation meeting in the South Miss 'Annie Jarrott visited with
school an Tuesday even*. Their, friends near Hensel! recently.
purpose is to organize a club of Unit- Mr. Ed. Thiel of Zurich visited at
Scott's Barred Rocks
for assured results
EGG LAYING .CONTESTS: This is 'oar 6th -year in 1Govern-
meat Egg Laying 1Contests. Alt 'the 4930-31 .contest in OthatZa we had
second high lien with 280 eggs and lith pen for production. In 1931-32
our Ontario contest pen with L'299.7 points for 2130 eggs came third,
losing second - plate by three points. At Harrow contest we hagi high
heavy breed hen with 293.4 points for 1249 eggs (128 oz, average for the
year). This year at the Toeh week, we are leading the Quebec
Western Contest at Leerioxville, P.Q.; are in 4th 'place a,t ,Nappan,
Nova Scotia; 1,1,th out of 80 pens at the Ontario contest, Ottawa, and
7th position at Harrow, Ora.
BREEDING TELLS. lWe have just one breed. We know the
blood lines of every chick we sell, Special inducement for the rest of
the season •to all customers withir a, reasonable shipping .distance, of
one week's free brooding in our electric batteries. Visitors welcome
•at all times. Free catalogue.
I llUI
41113 • 17 I. Scott
dy was given by Mi Irene Turner
on Methodist and Presbyterian Mis-
sions, from part of 5th chapter of His
:Dominion of Canada. iHynm gin and
the dismissal .prayer.
MT. Walter MeBeath af the Saska
atchewari last -riot visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott and
called on many old friends in this eic-
Mrs. IR. Love is visiting with her
in Toronto. ed Farm young people of Ontario. tile home of Mr. W. Reichert.
Mrs. Fled and. Miss Mary Flett Mr. Donald 'McLean of Muirlcirk, Mrs. Smale of Hensall is at the
were in Toronto over the week end. president of the U.F.Y.P.O. will be 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Taylor
• Mr. Johnston McIllroy is in Goder- the ,principal speaker. for a felw days.
ich this week receivin.g special treat- Miss Eleanor Scotchmer of Strat-
ment. His mOther, Mrs. McIlroy Sr., ford spent the week -end at her home.
is Visiting in Goderich also. mr. gothn Scotchmer has purchased
Miss Helen McDougall, who has a fine pair of three-year-old colts.
been visiting in Detroit, is returning Mr. William McClinchey and lam -
home this week. „ ily have mo-ved on to Mr. Aldaworth's
farm on the Bronson line.
EGMONDVILLE. Miss 'Irene Scotehmer spent the
The March meeting of the Neil week -end with her parents.
Sh:ava Mission, Circle was held at Mrs. Thomas Snowden was the
the home of Mrs. Harry !Stewart on hostess for a pleasant surprise party
Tneada.yevening last,. The meeting last 'Thursday evening for Mrs. Her -
was opened by singing hyin.n 338, old Petal -late in honor of her birthday,
"Jesu the Very Thought of Thee," Miss. Elizabeth Snowden took charge
after which the Lord's prayer was af the games and music.
repeated in unison. The minutes of
the last meeting were then read and
adopted. Roll call which was answer-
ed by the ifirst line of my favorite
hyena was then read, The president
distributed the mite box:ea whioh ' are
to be called in at the June meeting.
Then. sang hymn 328, "How Firm. a
'Foundation." Jean Smith read the
Scripture, Psalm 109, Margaret
Broadfont gave a very interesting
talk on music. Mina Stewart and Viv-
ian Townsend th.ein favoredi us with
a pleasing duet, after which all join-
ed in a sing -song. Mary Stewart then
gave a' comical demonstration of her
musical dolt One verse 'of hymn 109,
"Blest Be the ITie ,that Binds," * was
sung and we repeated the !benediction.
Raitowing this we had three con-
tests, the gr,oup, which won the most
contests were given a prize of all day
sackers which were very enthusias-
tically received. A dainty, lunch serv-
ed by the hostess laro.ught the meet-
ing to a close.
'Quite a few of the men are busy
now drawing sawdust.
Mos. Woods and Irene have been
laid isp with t'he cold but they are
feeling some better again.
Charlie Ball and Bob ilinclIlwain
were in London on, Satarday.
Mr. Jioe liscAdam, Herb arid Jas.
Mao/Warn and 'Kenny 'Maine of Go-
derich, called on friends in the neigh-
borhood, this 'week.
Everyone seems to be very busy
now cutting and drawing woiod.
Mr. Harry Salkeld was biasy work-
ing an his cottage one day this week.
Mn ,Mrs. Satn Mdlwain spent
d Goderieh,
the week en i n
Mr, Herb ,Burke is not getting
along as well as his friend's could
Mrs, Gordon Malley and family
wish to thank their friends and neigh-
bors For their kindness shown tb them
during their recent sad bereavement,
also for the loan of cars.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c.
lefts. W. IL O'Rourke visited with
Seaforth friends during fhe week.
The day of prayer held by the three
appointments all Londesharo, itt Lon-
desharo on Friday alfternoon was
quite a success in numbers and help-
fulness, A number of the ladies from
here attended.
Mr. and Mrs. James McGill and
daughter Men' spent Saturday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter.
The Golden Links Mission Bond
held their monthly meeting in the
primary class realm during Suoday
1Sehaol period last Sunday, The rneeta
itsg was opened by the presidlent, Miss
Elba Dexte'r, 'them'e for 'worship, fel-
lowed by the minutes and business
Of previous meeting which was rem.)
and adopted. Call to worship; Scrip-
t.ur.e lesson was read by Hazel, Jam(,
sen, 1 Car. 1:3. The offertory sentence,
and collectibe was taken by Clete
Medd, Dedication, Study lesson was
taken by Mrs. Stephenson which was
very interesting. Meeting closed with
'The regular monthly meeting ei the
Women's! ,Missionary Society was
held at the home Of Mrs. 'Chas,Steph-
eason on Friday, March 3rd, The
World Day of ,Brayer, with the presi-
dent, Mrs. R. qIcAllister presiding,
Was opened 'by singing hymn 1.48. Call
to worship, and all repeated the Lords
prayer, 'followed by responsive read -
ng led by the leader; meditation on
preyee in unison, and hymn 3188. The
secretary's and 'treasurer's reports
were read and adopted and the busi-
ness was taken, Two members don-
ated quilt tops and other members do-
nated material for the quilts to be
sent in the bale. Responsive reading
led by the President was given after
which the offering was taken. Mrs.
J. Cochrane and 'Mrs, John Love
gave a very fine duet. "Sweet Hour
of Prayer." 1Mrs, IR. 'McAllister then
led in prayer for the "King, Empire
and our Country," were then offered
and hymn 286. Mrs,. R. Stephenson
thena offered prayer for the Holy
Scriptures. Mrs. IvIciAllister 'for ,Chris-
tian work bit all countries, Mrs. Tur-
ner for Russia. All engaged in prayer
in unison. ,Hymn 1164. prayer, the stu-
Obituary --A very sad death oecurr-
red he IS.pringfield on Monday morn-
ing, Feb. 27th, when Mrs. John Alli-
son passed away at her home on East
street after a twa months' illness,
during which time the whole com-
munity shared the anxiety of her hus-
band. Mrs. Allison sr at stricken with
influenza the day after 'Christmas;
from this double pneumonia develop-
ed, other complications set in and de-
spite the best medical attention avail-
able, her life could not be saved. The
deceased, who tial Verna Ina Ruth
Whitlock. before her marriage, was
born ,in Usborrie township, Feb. 212nd,
189V, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pet-
er Whitlock. She resided in Usborne
until she went to Alma College [Pam
which she graduated in music in 19119.
:Before this she obtained the degree
1A.11.X2M. under the teaching of Mr.
R. Phillips, then in Exeter. After 'her
graduation she went to ,Springfield as
<medallist of St. John's Church. She
Was also assistant in the post office
for a time and during her spare 'time
taught a large class in piano. During
the past two years she had been ac-
companist for the East Elgin Men's
Choral Club. Eleven years ago last
November she was married to her
bereaved husband, who with six chil-
dren, are lett to mourn their loss of a
splendid mother, the eldest only ten
years of age, the youngest seven
months. They are: 'Marjorie, Marian,
Margaret, Ronald, Muriel and Roy.
Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Whitlock, one brother, Mr. A. C.
Whitlock of St. Thomas; three sis-
ters, Mrs. Harry Ford, of Elimville,
Misses Joy and lEvelyn WhillOck of
St. Thermos, also survive. Mrs, Alli-
son was a faithful worker in St.
John's United Church and a woman
held in higliest esteem by all who
knew her. She was always ready to
give of her talent for the pleasure of
'anyone. The funeral was held on
Wednesday afternoon. Following the
short iservice at the house a public
service was held in the church, Rev,
G. E. Morley had charge, assisted by
Rev. J. K. Yollancl of the 13'aptist
Church. A large conecnirse ,of frierid,s
gathered .to pay their last mark of
respect. Beautiful floral tributes cov-
ered the casket. Rev. G E, Morley
preached from the words "She is not
dead, but aleepeth," The !Pallbearers
were Messrs, Fred, Shively, Murray
Plato, Earl Brooks, 1Bernard Coyle,
John 'Hodgson and John Lawler. In-
terment was made la lExeter cemet-
ery. Friends from a distance who at-
tended the service at Springfield were
Mr. and 'Mrs. D. E. Martin, 'Mrs,
Horton and Miss Winnie Smithson,
S. Thontas. Mci -and ivIrs: Gay, yr.
Auto Insurance
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a :
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
P's worth your while to see us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or call—Night and
Day Service'
Phone 152
A. D. Sutherland
Office over Keatina's Drug Store
Euchre &
• at Winthrop
MARCH 10th
Good Music
Admission, Gents 25c. Ladies with
•lunch free
and Mrs. Holtby, of Brownsville,
Mrs. B. Coyle, 'London; Mrs. G.
Howse, St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs.
Talbotville. Among others
from a distance who were at the
graveside were: Mrs. John 'M.:Neagh-
ton, Mrs. R. Denisan. Mr. and Mrs.
Will Butler, Mr. and Mr,. John
'Francis of London, Mr. v:i Mr.. Har-
vey McEagan, Mr, and Mr,. Ja es
Roy and Mrs. George Giles of Logan,
'Nita Eldon Miller and Mr; Llay3.
Horton of Lumley.
EA `s
Mr. E. A Nee:in of Seaforth is
spending a few days at the home of
'Mrs. J. H. McLeod,
Mrs. L. Meakins and son Arnold
were at Mrs, Roy Scotchmer's on
Sunday 'teat celebrating birthdays.
'Mrs. Meakins' being on 'Saturday and
her sister, Mrs. Stotchmer's on Mon-
Miss Lucy Woods is visiting in
Mrs, A. Newton Brady returned on
Sa:turday after spending the week in
Lenten service is being held each
'Tuesday evening in Trinity Church
during Lent, 'conducted by t'he rector,
Rev. F. H. Paull.
Mrs. D. Smith '(Ruth Higgins) of
West Lorne, is visiting her parents.
Miss Eva Sturgeon is visiting in
The annual women's day of prayer
1(a world wide movement) was oh-,
served on Friday afternoon. March
'3rd in Trinity (JAnglican) Church.
The service was in c'harge Of Mrs.
1Glaircinear, Prayers were made by Mrs.
01. Feaser, M-rs. R. M. Gale, Mrs. M.
tFerguson and Mrs. 'William !Scotch -
mer. Mrs. H. Mooritouse sang very
sweetly, "Just for To -day." Mrs.
Walter Wallis gave a very interest-
ing talk on "Prayer." Miss Gladya,
Gale presided alt the organ. There
was a -good attendance.
'A St. Patrick's tea under the aus-
pices of 'Trinity Church Guild, is to
be held at the home of Mrs. H. R.
McKay on Friday, March 17th from 4
to 6. Come.
Mrs. tEric Yorke and daughter
Beverley of Hamilton, are spending
this week with Mr, and Mrs, F. W.
A little bit of history regarding
some of tour old, residents. Christo-
pher Johntslton, who was born in 'Fer-
managh county, Ireland, settled in
Playfield .in 18129 at the age of seven-
teen, A few years later he married
Catherine Irwin, also of Fermanagh,
and lived on a farm on the Setable
line, Stanley township, being pioneer
residents a.nd clearing the land. Elev-
en children were horn to them o f
wham three are deceased. The fallow-
ing members of the family are still
residents of ,Bayfield: Mrs. R. Fields,
88; Robert jolhnelton 816, Mrs, W. Mt -
wood, 84, William Johnston, 811, Mrs.
Charles Parker, 75. Other members of
the family still living are Thomas
ijohnston of North Dakota, 77, Mrs.
Thomas Parker, Saskatchewan, 73;
Joh,na to a, Nekoma, N.
Dakota, 66, Mrs, Field's, Mrs. Att-
woad and Robert Ijohnston 'have 'been
ill for the past two intonths, With the
exception of Mrs. Attwood all have
fully recovered. POT some time they
have lived together his Baylfield. The
ages of all total 632 years.
1 : "