HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-03-09, Page 1• O1 oat was de plaicew'en de spring taair 'she's' c,oatiit', IW'eastraw' go -away, au' de sky is all blue- W'en ice ldf.. de. water, an' stn is get hotter. An' back on de !!redder is ,sing de gouglon - 2r HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEW SP APER ''W'en small sheep is firs' condi!' an, on de pasture, Dein nice leetle tail sticloiii' upon tier back, Dey tonne wit' der moder, and play wit' each oder An' jomp all de taut jus' de satin' dey was crack— Dranumlon'd WHOLESERIES, VOL. 55, No. 10 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1933. Phone 84. � I A BUSY SPOT 'YOUNG PHO'PLE1S S,OCLETY who he1Ped her illustrate ;the takin g ��."" Jl 511 DINNERS j;� loll LJ jj li DINNERS and SUPPER e ularl •\ Y uu ._l1OT LUNCHES at all hours i One of the, busiest spots, in the community right now is Scott's ,Poul- try,Baum, Where thousands of Barred 'Rock baby, ehi'cks are hatched out every week, The capacity of the Pliant is greatly increased' this year by:a 'huge +1'0;0100 -egg incubator whkch has. a separate hatc'hin'g corrip'art7ttem!t. Eaoh week, over three �thonsand' new The tveeldy meeting of the Young People's 'So!ciety of North :Side' Unit- ed Church, was hello on Tiiesd'ay ev- ening, NL'asch tib, wttih Miss Ruth Thom, son in the chair, •Tlhe !meeting A" o•Pened by singing a number of C.G. t.T songs led by Miss Miary. Reid, The .Lords prayer was !thein repeated rig unison. The militates of the previous o+f nitric n7 the school, sang as +though they really 'enjoyed it•' Miss Twrnlbull took with !thein the different steps Brom the !tani!e-soditi to the staff• This was illustrated bysin urn of - the g g bon!i'c-srodfa scale; the different `inter- vols of the scale and ear test; singing one part, and two, park songs from the tonic-sloil'Fa and singing from the staff. h - - �v�. �t^s IL Watch Repairing >® yyY� HOME 'OUR l101,lli MADE. SPECIALTIES R Pei c e s e 3 o l R 1 a b �'e eggs into the incubating section of gog this incuib!ator, and an equ!al number of eggs that are aboult ready to batch, .are transferred.' to the 'hatching coma- neet,ng were read by the secretor Meeting y, 1M ss� Winnie Savav e, and adopted. t i g p Alfie, 'singin'g hymn 67; Mise Helen 9Lan ,led! in prayer. A missionary 'near- by Miss Ethel Sibor- Ihiu ane,si ht number the u ifs sang g pupils .:ales of a new song 'without a mus utake. Three !part songs were given, "Welcome to the Spring," 'The /Land's Prayer," " Cris' / ✓ i c' ry \: - HIE ceaseless sunning of a wiateh in its effort to give you correct time, invariably 'causes the ,out, to became 'hard and then wear and cult - tinga of is the • !parbm:e'n't. Ilnibhis• way the ,abbey eggs, ratio was given yet' and Row, . Rolw, i "• c • Pivots nat- ural result. Is order to pre- © a �/' ()1,n11L1)1ii are not dis'hunlxed in any way by the hatching. Another incubator .ey. t• 'well rendered piano selection was !given by Miss HlelenlGnch and Your Boat," a round song. y vent bb's and keep your swatch as ,a Confectionery and Restaurant ' - of the reel hype has a ca'parity Of 6,000 ;eggs, Both incuiba!tors ere heated by elec- T •city, controlled by thermostats. hr The battery brooders, was much enjoyed by all. The Scrip- tura lesson was talcen by Me, Earl 1D�rover. The' third !chapter of the situ- dy book,;"India and Her Pe'opi�e," was WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Junior Wlomen's Ilnslbltwte held their regular manthl meeting on g " y g IMareh 8th at 2.130 p.m. at the home valuable time piece indefinitely, p,er- iodica'l care is necessary, To make sure n!o drainage s'esu$ts Ifablm,c'onstatet use your watch ;should be inspected year or at leash every 18 - . ' electric each. containinga thousand .chicks ready ably taken by !Mrs. E. H. Close. Fol -Miss •af Jiasephane ;Edge, with the p,resi- months. We melee no charge .fat in- specting your watch and if in need of for shipment to ••dhsltan;t -parts, are a lowing hymn 90 the !meetnig was des t, Miss Jean F:atheringham in the repair .our charge is rno.derate and • CHURCH CARD. North Side United e Church,—Pastore, SiP. fascinating sight 'to visitors, A hot brought to 'an end by repealing the enediction. 1Lizpah b• chair. Meeting opened with the Ins- Ode,followed by the. Lord's the wrork,dene i of ,highest quality. Fries FRESH FROZEN Tre very -best bright Hall or whole � Fish SALMON red S'almom silver , 'flab, , .:.12c lb. ARitute Rev. W. Lane B. unday, March A a.m.-lSnrnday• hoot' and Bible Classes: 1l 'eco. Pvbhc wosshlEp. ,Subject, The 'The 'Secon'd (Simon. 9th in series on the A'p'ostles. e hickssfromr the chmetltheykare three weeks old until 10 weeks.,The brooder consists of a hot water bailer with thermostat control 'which , heats a series of pipes nearly. (fifty feet long, passing through metal compartments 'containing A in bat- • THE ELATE G. A. SPROAT The folleaaing is from the Chnllt- tv,ack; B.C., Progres'si The funeral of the late George Al- eaaueler Sproat 'teak place here Fri- d:ay !front the iEaptist Church .ter- rent -being .vale in the (Odd 'Fellow's prayer to unison. The roll call was answered by 28 girls. The business Part of Che meetlrng •then took place when it was decided to have a stun- mer speaker, Mrs. C. Holmes gave' a veryinteresting t g , alk on the Hospital ! {Aid. Miss Thelma Elgie raved, sec- onded by Miss Gertie Webster, to F•+�+ S. Freda S Savauge Savange e Watchmaker, Jeweler & Optometrist Opposite ,Post !Office Phone 1194 ,Seaiforth (Fresh ing @.... doz, 7. P.m.—Public Warship. An Hour the chicks. the 'Phe , q II11'1N3 Salt Herring @ ....30c doz.. Herring of Sacred Music by the •Olvoir.was tery brooders; 'sanita'ry arrangements cernefery., service in the church conducted by Rev. J. 11. Smith - withdraw the poultry demonatra.tion, An instrumental by Lillian Ri- 3 are 'perfect; indeed, ;throtughout , the is spotlessly son and, there was a large attendance g !Miss , on ,Canadian Indus- chardsfin, address FILLETS OF HADDIE, 15c ' lb or 2, 16. 25cThe DISCO, smoked 20c lb. PINK SALMON 1 lb. tin lOc ST. THOMAS' CHURCH. S:eaond in Lent. Morning Service a01 o'clock. Sermon' subleot, rt The Man Who Became . a ,Rock.", School Bible Class 3 entire plant everyfthini:g clean. presiding genius, VLr. J. M. :Scott, with two 'h'elpersy gives -the •(Sunday chicks attention .during the entire ••twen'ty;four hours' •of the day, of old-time !friend's and neighbors to pay respect to one who was highly 'nega"ded: The late Mr.;Spzaa!t was born at Seaiorhh, 'Ontario, June 24, 1&60, sob- sequently seeking a„ne,w home in the !tries by,Alfce Thompson, which was very interesting and helpful to all, was hollowed by, a cake cutting dem- ,ondtnation by Miss Gertie IWe:bster. A sac'•ial half hour vines spent when lunch served. Mrs, Ooudie I1VLr. 'Gerald Russett of the West is: visiting with Mr, a•nd Mrs. Ivan +For-• g syth. Miss 'hazel 1LdL'achlan is spendimlg; a few days with her aunt, .!Wes. IL Erb of (Landon. DOCKING ONIONS $1 bus. Sunday and . o'clock. Evening service, 7 o'clock.' "The Prayer. INEW CITIZENS AT CO'BIOUIRIG West, ;locating at 'Milton, North Da- kota, in 11893, where he engaged in was moved that the 'meetsing be adjourned. • M '' r• Hugh !McMillan was contfined to his roam for a few days with ton- SPANISH ONIONS 5 lbs, 25c SWEET MIXED PACKLEIS 1 Sc Su+bljlect, Struggle of second topic in the series. The IStighton Ensign reports a at Mr. and Mrs, fanning and 'where 'he married Emma g Matt. Mrs.:;S'proat passed away here TUCKERSMITH., sidutus. !Council Minutes.—(The council: • pint Butter, Eggs and !Dyfed Apples taken es cash. • We pay 1' cent a doz above cash price MILITARY BALL The annual military ball of the Hu- ron 'Regiment wall be held nn, Clinton on April l'th. pleasant event :which G. IE. Kerley,' now ,ff Cobourg, were honored. !M'r's: Earley is • a sister 'of Mrs. W. A. Ctuch.'of Seaforth: "The ".L'adies' (Lawn Bowling Club' • •euchre and dance, held In the Oddleiloiws' in 1929. In 190'8 Mr. and'Mrs. Sproat came to !Chilliwack to reside. Follow- ing ,Mrs. Sproat's 'dea'th, Mr. ISpro•at went to (Sumas where 'he lived with !Dr. land Mrs. E. S. Sa'rvis. Mr. ISpro'a't iVLiss ViolaLeatherland o,f Au'burn spent last weak the visitor of her friend, Mrs. Norman Walkea; of IB'reedfield, Me. and Mrs. Alex. Wal- lace, Miss 'Eeanace-Leabherl'and, Mr. and Mrs. Russell (Wallace of Sea-f!or of ,the Towns•hip of • Tuokersm+ith m'et.In the town 'hall, 'Seafarth,' on Feb. 35Th;: members ,alt Present. The reeve; W. IR. Archibald, odcupied •,the chair:. Mc - fKayaCtark—That the minutes of the trade, Cream taken for the pricerth Cream- cry a't the same price as paid. at the 'creamery. • "PT PAYS TO ADVERTISE” In last -week's issue off The ,Seaforth News Mr....A. McGregor, of 'Tuckeir- smith, offered for sale a sap !pan, sap ' ten o'clock 'Hall on' Friday night was a distinct vacates, Over once hundred people were present and twenty tables were, required to accommodate- the guests. !1'Lr.s. Orval Faille, nee Ola Greenfield, won the ladies prize far highest score g is survived by three sisbrs,'Mrs. tineslast Senyis, !Sumas, Wa'sh.; :.Liss B! 11 C. (Sorbet and Mrs. (James Anderson, S'ea'�orfh, 'Ontario, A brother, John Slpr9at, lives at (Stratford, 1O•ntario. !During their twenty Odd years' res- 'fomlh. Miss May 'Wallace of Stratford was a ,Sunday visitor at the home of her parents, IMr. and Mrs Alex Wallace. meeting be ad'op'ted. Whitmore- McKay.—That all accau•nts ,of Town - •shipand Telephone phone System' be :pres- en'ted to .the .council on an order sheet .for their approval before orders for payment be issued. MaKa • I 3 Clark.— h• II C mil 7 5 P ails and spite, Befase, Thursday night the equipm'.ent had all been sold, the buyer coming from 'near !Bayfield. and 'Ki igselly IB'rintnell took home the gentlemen's, ;first prize. Fire Chief 1R;obert Taylor won the lucky nunnber prize, but failed to .disclose • what it !dente here the late Mr. and Mts. Sproat contributed generously! of (heir time and services to the interests 'of the Baptist Church, Mrs. Sproat e'en Fohherin: 'am of Bruce- J Sn 'field . sgeirt 'Sunday with her friend, 1Liss !fay Wallace, Miss Edna i�LdDonald spent Sun- •That Bylaw No, 5, to provide 'for ex- penditure on roads .for 1933, iSulperin- ten•dance $400 and Maintenance '.:0,00; be passed, signed and 'sealed :and two PHONE 166 A.Y.P.A. was all 'a'bout. !Lunch was served at the conclusion of play. Mr: O. A. being a particularly valued member of the 'C'hillEwacl. ,Hos pital Auxiliary and day 'with her friend, Miss"Grace Wal- lace, copies be forwarded the Department of ,High.ways. 'Clark- eGregor. — The semi=manbh'ly meeting ,of the Sharpeery !then arose and said he 'he'd a kindred women's organizations. Thfiy Mrs. Norman Walker, Miss Viola That the Reeve .and one member of F•'r ` p,.'4u+ v Ffitti aelrs �"r �I tj^ .,r• " •:.t;` ..,.•F f'a't' •"` x �!! r Wit' 11111T Q`4 A 1 SEl'�LGE;� y X11examinations: L �®Wi :A.YJP:A. of S. "Thomas' Church Was_ held on Monday -eventing in the par- ish hall, presided over by the . resid-g A ent,'Robert Aechibald. Articles valu- ed as antiques were -brought by the inembers' and ex'hibite'd. A residing by 'kiss Leyburne and' are instrumental Edge enjoyed! very pleasant duty to:. perform and lie and IB. F. Maybee, president df the Men's Lawn Bowfin !Club, called up- on Mr. G. E. Kerley to conte forward. Mr. IS!harpe then gave•a resume of Mr. Kariey's efforts towards 'Elie 'Ear- ration of bowling c1ulb in Brighton. g g g made for themselves a large place inthe the affections of many "Chllliwack people. P P "The all -bearers 'on !Frida were: P Y tMessrs.. S• M. .'C'arson; D. H. D'ay, Jantes Tu!rvey, W. L. Macken, J. 'Iloyd; and jos. Child'erhose. Leatherland were Sunday visitor at the former's parents, Mr. and• ;Mrs, Ale x. Wallace. • The schrool re•part for'S,IS. ' o. 3, Tackersmith, for January and ebru- ary based an daily work and weekly Sr.II!V.—A!nmie Popple 73, Mac council be a committee.'to examine ,trees on roads and secure consent of owners of property to their removal of trees, and of satisfactory disposal p of said trees. Mahe a y Clark•—That Bylaw. No. 6 to authorize the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow' the 's:um of $15,000 for from t. s :` n , ` byhiss g were He said :that` if 'Mr, Earle had not HOIME AND SCHOOL - 60, Alice Wright 'S6. current expenditure the 'Canadian Bank of Commerce, • 1ST. JAMES' ARTS CLUB. kept at it, it was doubtful in his mind The programme at the Home and tv:hefher a club would' ever have comeold Wilson Jr DV.—M• aynre Watson 67, Do•n- MacDonald - Ql, /(Isabel Artn- and the 'Reeve and Treasurer to sign !pokes CHURCH FIR'ST aid-wePRfEiSIek' 'serviIANce,- The mid -week' seryfce; Thursday, March 9th, 7.45-p•m, Rev. W. ISrri'th will give the sermon. Rev. C. C. Keine next week. 'On ,Sunday March 12th, in the .mot- ping,' A' Lenten' meditation, "Living With , Other Yeopte.", Evening—A Suaday evening with .Edgar Guest, min choir is -co-operating with the 'to make this service one of unusual interest. Ch'orumee, gthroutkesprovide On ,Friday evening, March 3rd, St.th.e James' Atibs Club held its regular meeting in ,the Parish Hal', with Ms. '1eatt e of as chairman. The main feature of the program was a !talk on "The Development of Radio`Broad- tasking" by Mr. Edmund Daly. Fol- lowing this, Mr. Frank Reynolds sang a solo, accompanied by Miiss, Celes- time O'Leary. The meeting then ad- o•ulrned, iivto existence here. The !Club' had School meeting on Monday night in Publ c s!cluool 'was verymuch eh- 'been the .teens of giving Ito'its .rem- .o ed .and, while the endue! ec wasnot bars many ha carefree hours 1 Yp happy, as large as it s4rould have been it was since its,organization. He then called upon Mr. Maybee to make the ,pres_ a very appreciative o•ne. The subject entation of a handsome solid leather Bar the mect•Eng, °"Music in. Schools," teas. very ably taken by Miss M. E. bag, ;designed especially for carrying ! ho•wls, as a •token -of appreciation of Turnbull. Miss Turnbull- em'p'hasized leis fellow members for his untiring the a Eact ,that children should be. erluc- efforts ,on, behalf of the welfare of the ated not only to make a living but tofor organization. make good, citizeivs and that their ed'- argantz+anon. Mr - Kerley in lids speech of acceptance told' of his labors in get-,iication, should be ;one that would •for strong 58• Sr. IIPT;-1'fygtle Plapple 70; Elsie (Rabin• 66, ,Muriel 'Wright 86, Grace Dalrymple 6'S; Ivan Taylor 64, Ervin 'S'l'ay, �' Jr. 8IA—iPreston Dallas 70, Allan Hill 69, Wesley Ham 69, :Hazel 'Wil- son I88, Blob!bie Watson 61, Morley Wright 5e, Milton Taylor 49. IIIL�A1vma Watson 7i6, ,Lloyd Popple 7'0, John 'Calw'i11 •65. r I. Olive Papple 75, Ethel 4\ also. to this amount, MdKay-OWhitmore,— That the auditors' statements of Totvn'slri and Telephone p e be adapted and, (the Clerk is authorized to have 200 copies of township statement and 92•'5 :copies of telephone statements printed. Md."ay-MdGregor. —That the auditors, Edwin' Chesney esad H,u h McMillan be paid 0:00 each g township and $20.00 each for Tel - ep!hone, auditing. Clark -Whitmore.— That the 'following accounts be paid: 'Telep'hane; 'B. and -solos will be featured through- out the •entire service,'Service will o, , p` to all who love good music. The next Sunday evening .Rev. I. B. The Keine will repeat his sermon based G the movie "The request. Man. Who' Flayed God" This is by EGMIONDViII:L CHURCH • March 12. 11 ami.-- -hair Face Ito the Storm., Second; Waiting in Life im., 7'_p.nt.—tS, Tlas from the Life of Paul: Tenth, The Prisoner •Command's, the Captain. in the club started and thanked this a cultiva-ting of the !bolter g lei l fellow 'bowlers for their nd y re. things :in life. Neurit is essenMally ame nemlbrauce. Mr.. Shan e then oalied of the latter and wheii given in school Mr p is a pleasant and psafi'table change upon; 1lrs, I{arley, who was ta4zen ordinary u:d ..It also ro- completely Segel 'b surprise :when she was from the o narS st y p p y } p vides an ideal way to s'pelid teisirre presented' with • a .handsome ` bridge •lam He said , that ,although !!ours, When music is tau ht in the ou •h Mrs, P•schools all children have the same: op- S� ilei did lnlot belong to the Men's T2, Freda Hill 65. Pr.—Melba Taylor 7,7. In the daily spelling for January Annie Paplple,: :Alice Wright, Ervin. 'Sillcry, Ivan Taylor had one mistake each. During February Ivan Taylor, Milton Taylor and Anna ;Watson had y J. .ldustard, postage, $10; Bell Telephone Co; switching !L.!DJM., $7129!09; W. MclBeath, matter - ial, $7 �5; 6N9rthern Electric, material, $1.05John Fin 1 , eland, fees, $3,39; ;�jttrray Tyndall, salary, $50; W. 14'c - - Beath, salary, $113'7.-50, Towns'hip.— John Earl, services, $4.00; Peter �� "' parturrity and who would not one mistake each, Simpson, land damage,. Big drain, $7; ^ ' SPECIAL •l nr trervi t �e^; Y , IN THE - 1 Torthside [3ilted ehurch * S'unda. Evening,March 12th Sunday many B'owliitg'Club, she ,had often kept gap othertwise have any tri niq, whale her worthy. spoause went .with! g get it 'at e boys to help !bring silverware ho school. The study.of the theory of Mts. ton. Although deeply +touched music is an excellent training of the Mir.' Kerley made a powors of concentration. !The ,physical y .pretty little ' A speech of 'thanks and, acceptance. ;Mrs, side is developed by the 'training of ' B. F, IPaybee was }text ,presented 'the ear to be more acute and the with the women's bawling; club ,tro_ strengtheningof the hangs, All these p'hy by Mr. 0. iL, Morrow. The cup results would be :of greater value if is for annual' cottvpeti:taon=the ,bowler musical 'train -mg were given in the making the highest :scare for the sea_ high schools as well a's in the public. • M. ,, eNaug6.bon, Teacher, 'West End Ladies' Club held a •pro- .gnessive euchre and crokinole party one ,evening last week, the first prize for euchre being won, by Mrs: C. 0'- .Brien and Frank •Crich and first prize in •cnokinole was won by Mrs. E. Crich and Ernie Crich, after 'which a •dainty lunch was served. •Mr, Jas. Broadfoot is not keeping Th.onms .0'Lough!•!., land damage, Big drain; $18; A. Portertfield, bridge, .Shepherd drain, $40; J. M. Card;no, s:wpplie's; relief, $6.221 W. J,!Finiiigam; supplies, relief, $1'4?5di;• Workmen's Compensation Board, ass., !$908; ID. F. McGregor, registering B,_M, 8 D„ $14. Motion to adjourn to March 2'5!th at 2.30 p.am-1P, F. M•clGregor, Clerk; . The girls in \%Liss •Turn'bu l's roost; year.� thehcup: foromtaehhanMrs, so,n, holds as well as 'his friends would •wish, and, •'� 'In addition to the regular ,'Sunday evening song service of old time hymns, tate choir will present a sacred program consisting cE the fallowmig numbers! ANTHEM "LEAD KINDLY LIGHT" (umaocompa'nied) By -the Choitt MIA,... G'FIOk2U's........ WAN.DERIT'NG CHILD COME HOt1M•E' SOLO - GOIN' J3;OME (negro s !ritual ( g A ) &airs Mabel Tue n'bihll " ANTHEM.,.,."THE RADIANT MORN HATH.PASSED AWAY" By the Choir MALE QUARTETTE THE'4VAYSTDIE GROSS" -'Dr. F. 5. Burrows, E, C. Chamberlain, E. I. Chose, J. A. 'Stewart GOD IS.A SPIRIIT (urraccom'panied) By the ,Ohiair. a ch , donors. ',after 'the presentaltion, the .Cry North Side United Church with the dance,' and Jay AL was'oia:w' '' ills J�JsJsdJsJsJe.JsJss string orchestra furnished the tingling „ W. 'R strains -.that somehear gat into your ST PATRICK'S' SUPPER ode them "toes and m to be up and doing. l Old and young alike took 441171.1"4111111724144114114.11,111744411 g. y gA, j y pJ to the floor to enjoy the balance of Under the auspices of the the •night in tripping •the'ligh•t fantas- McGillivray Young Women's tic. Mr. and Mrs• Kerley were bhe' Auxiliary, on i ,gitest5 of Shionout and fuel, ,motored from •Co!bou their new home, to beFriElay, g IV!arch1 ' present at the glt4terin Soirie' of the knout hope; to see him around again soon. Quite a numrbeir ,of the farmers took in The meeting held in,the to.w:n hall on Tuesday and heard the disoussion on warble !fifes in cattle, which was very ianberesting and instructive, \Wilbert Biroadiioot delivered wood to SS. leo. 6 last week, Miss Belle Martin is not keeping as well as her friends would wish but all bogie for a speedy recovery, 'Miss(Isabel Gravaait oat Seafonth spen:t Sunday at the home of tiLr, Tis. Caanero,ti, - Jp _ CANADIAN �° •• l !day GW;V., Euchre 7 arts, 17th 5.30-11 L't;4 iJ, h re,`a r' " ce aces oE— 'LEGI'OIN } �j� umg� w�v�•g IV6SArch (•TALLAINTHEM Lunch Mrs. J. A. Stewart Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. J. A. Stewart Organist \[viisler Choir Leader members were anxious to wvhe- }'her :IZarley was for or againsR thein in • g� the comm: seasour, - . S{ail f om 5230 t® 7 N • {H. 1t e}• 'Miss, Jean :�IdLachlan has returned home after',a visit with friends in Lon- Dancing from 11.30 ADMISSAON 7 . 3'5c sb'Et olid not commit -elf." Admission ZSa don. McCartney's. Maple'Leaf Orclieskra.