HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-03-02, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1933 THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE grOlits THIS IS • AYLMER ; WEE ' AT .SUPERIOR 'STIOIRES WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items for week ending (March Sth. AYL'M'ER WHITE CORN 2's 9c AYLMER CHIOIICE 'TOIM•AmO:ES 2/'s bac; ,or 2 fon . , , .. .. ,.. ..... 19c 'AYILMER PEA!CHIES, 2's squat "P 2 tins 29c AYILMER RED RA'3'P!BERIRI'ES, 2's squat, I15c; ar 2 tins9C per bottle 12c AYILMEIR CATISUP. AYLMER SOUPS Assorted 3 tin's 25c Aylmer Diced Beats, 2's squat, per tin 9c (Aylmer Diced Carrots, 2's squat per tin 9c Aylmer Fancy Spinach, 2's tall per tin 17c Aylmer Peas, no. 4 sieve .......... . . ........ 2 tins 23c Aylmer Pork & Beans, , ,...2/'s IlOc '116 oz. tin 5c Aylmer Red Pitted Cherries, 2's social 15c or 2 for 296 Aylmer Lombard PIomts, Heavy Syrup 2'sq'u'at 10c 'A'y'lm:er. P'ineap'ple, ITU Bits or 'Crushed, 2's sq'u'at .,180 or 2 for 35c IMdLaren''s Invincible Jelly'Polwder,s .... , per pkg. 6c Ox dol Maple Leaf Salmon large... %'s... , 19c 1':ssmall 3c Sc'hneider's .Special Weiners per Lb. 115c (Superior Tea 1 Ib. pkg. 39c Blue Boy Coffee 4's 29c !Crosse & Bla'ckwell's Tomato Juice 2 .tins 19c 'Bovril, .Il oz..... 3c; 2 oz . ...39c Venos ICaugh Syrup per bot'tle 32c !Sea King Lobsters, "the fittest packed" /' ,15c %'s 215c !Lily Oh'icken I31addie per tin 15c 'Madam Crab Meat per tin 29c Glacier Sardines per tin 10c !Slrnoked'Higiiiner Billebts of Haddie, best quality per lb. 15c 2 in 1 or Nugget .Slhoe Polish per the 1 c Paris Pate "try it for sandwiches" per • tin 14c Hu 'Thugs per lb, 19c 4®n® silMIIMMIIW LENTEN Cooked S'paghotti, 'CannedSalmon, Sardines, SUGGESTIONS IHerrint„ Lobster, 'S'h'rimp, Tuna, Pi'lchard's, 'Chicken Haddle Snacks, Crabs, Clam's, ' Celdifish, Fish Pastes, Macaroni; all types 'Cheese, 'Slpagheltti Noodles,. Beans, • Peanut Butter, Custard Powder, Mushrooms, Salad Dressing, Tomato, Pea, Asparagus and 'Celery :Soups, etc etc, mss SPECIAL Large tin Canned Salmon 10c Self Rising Pancake Flour 15c Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Phone 8 Phone 77 Buy Seaforth Butter 1 YEAR'S A Service that creates • Confidence and a. Dependable Reputation • Always Good Quality Please u by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please you by our services and highes^ market prices for good cream. Cream weighed,' tested, graded and paid for while you wait, The Seaforth Creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop. Walker's FUNERAL SEIRVICE UNDERTAKING —and EMBALMING .Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. 'WL LIUM, holder of Go- vernment diploma 'and license. Flowers furnished' Night or day phone 67 HULLETT. !Mir. and 'M'rs. Austin, Daater, Mi•i ''Theodore and Charles Dlexter,. also, Mr. and Mrs.'. Tlvimas Adapts. and Mr. and Mrs, Cluanles Stewart, of :Londes- lsono, attended. the funeral of their • wtcle,' Mr,'.Joseph PI Hughes o,f'"IIId- erton an T'ues:d'ay last. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times, 50c BEECH'WO.OD Mrs, Martin Murray of Dublin vis- ited at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jos. Maloney over the week end , 'Our assessor, Mr: -James 01Sulli- lan, is making his rounds. Mrs, T. Flanagan spent the past week with her daughter, Mrs, Jos. O'Rourke. !Mr. John L. Malone lost a Inc horse last week. Mr. Jos. O'Rourke spent the week end .with his daughter, Miss Nellie, in IThro a bo. Mr. Ambrose G'ivlin is wearing a smile. I't's a girl. MANLEY. The many friend's of Mr. W. J. (Welsh are pleased to learn that he has returned home much' imlproycd' in 'health • after canvtalescing in Scott Me- morial 'Hospital two months. Mrs. Thomas Purcell and 'Thomas M•elKay made a 'business trip to Tor- onto this week The snow' has alm:os•t ,disappeared and unless M'auch'•adires itr•lilce a lion. saw logging will cees'e to Alex. IMit- cliett's mill. • TOWrNhTOF'IOSt' Mrs, A. D. Sutherland was in To rion,to over the week -end. ,Mises Mlangaret Ross of Toro'nIto: spentthe weeds -end in town. IMr, and Mrs. Henry Godlding cam on Wednesday 'from Staffs.Staffs.for an ex tended visit with their son, Mr. W H. Golding, M.P., and Mrs. Golding IMr. Jim Flanagan of Toronto spentspentthe week -:end, at his Mame, 'Mr, and Mrs. Weber and Dora and George, df W-ooldlhlatn th were 'guest on Sunday' of Mr, and Mrs, 'S'am Hanna, Wednesday was Ash Wednesday the first day oaf Lent, Mr, and Mrs M..,MpK'elllar and Miss Margaret ,MeKel'l'ar of London University, spent bhe weekend in Toronto.' ;The action of tile 'Pawn' of Sea - forth against Carl Dalton ofMclKbl lop on a c'h'arge of breach of .the ped- dlers' bylaw, was ,dfsmiss'ed on Sat- urday by Magistrate I. C. Greig. • 'The.skating party of the Hospital Aid will be held on Pride yevening, Manch 3, Weather permitting. Miss Jennie Steele, Ord st„ sus- tained a broken leg one day last week, h'avi'ng the misfortune to lose her bal- ance on the slippery doorstep as the door was blown open by ;th'e wind. A•,pLay "In 'the ,Light ,df the 71/limn,' by the students of the Wells :Acid- emy, London, Ont„ will be prese'n'ted under auspices of the Plhilath:ea Class in the Sunday .school • room of North Side United Ohurdh, under direction of Mr, •Well's an 'Wednesday, March 8 at 8 p.m. This play cornea highly recommended and is. very 'humorous, Ad'missi'on, adults 25c, children (und- er 112) 115c, Music between acts by London' talent. e t y s DUBLIN Mrs. T. Maloney returned home af- ter spenidvntg a couple of weeks .with her daughter, Mrs. ;J, Ryan of lStrat- ,ford. I\V•e are sorry to hear that Mr. 3tc- Connelt is in 1S'eaforth hospital. ,'1WIe 'rope for hit sp'eedy recovery, !Miss Veronica McConnell visited friends in Dublin, Mrs. J. (Ryan and family spent Sun- day with Mrs, T. Maloney. Mir. Ed. 'vjdG'rath alf Mount Clem- ents, spent !the week end in Dublin. 'Miss 'Anna ID'slaney returned to Windsor Tuesday, after s'pend'ing a few days with her parents, Mr. and Alis, James'Dela'ney. • Mr. and Mrs. 'Patrick Woods were in Stratford on Tuesday attending the fun'era'l of Miss Quinlan. - Quite a number from here went ,o the rabbit hunt Tuesday and wer successful in •begging a great num'be of jacks. The dance which was !held in Dub- lin on Monday night was ,well attend,- ed 'tten'ded and allreport a good time. Mrs, Wm, 'O1Rourtee spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Maloney. On Wednesday, February 1'5ith, the late John Kelly passed away in his 64th year. He is survived by one bro- ther, ' . er, Thomas, a mennber of the Police Dept. in Everett, Washington. He is also survived by his wife, four sons and three daughters, His 'death came as a sudden shock to this family and the community, as he was subject to a heart attack for 'about two weeks. He was a man of sterling qualities, of. Faith, humilityy and honesty, and his trust in+ his friends and neighbiors. The deceased was born on the 6th conces- sion of MtdIGitllop, and 'farmed there all his life, 'Tike funeral was held on •Fri'd'ay morning ,from his late resi- Bence to St. Pa'bnick's Church, where Requienm High Mass was sung by Rev. Father OiDroiw'ski. The remains were laid to rest in St, Patrick's 'Ce- metery. The pallltbearers .were Messrs. P. O'Eciurice, J. O'Rourke, William Flanagan, J. Dillon, P. Ryan, • M. J. Lynch. Mrs, T. Maloney returned on Fri- day atter Spending the' past month with her daughter, Mrs. J. Ryan, of Stratford 'Mr, and Mrs; P. Hartanan of .Sea - forth visited .at the hone of Mrs. Ryan on Sunday' last. Mrs. M. Bleinintgcr returned hdme on Saturday after visiting friends in Lon- don the 'p'as't week, IMr and Mrs, Jack McGrath and Nora spent: Sunday with friend's in London. 111r. and Mrs. N. Elliott have rent- ed the farm of Mr. James Rei'h•1 lately occupied by Mr, Atlbent K'ra'mer. 'The nanny friends. of'Mr..F:ran'k Mc !Connell, who is in;S'enforsh hospital, hope for a speedy recovery. n e r DIED. UEININIOIN.—IIn Saginaw, Mich., on (Friday, February 24th, 1933, "'Eliza- ,heth Kennedy, beloved wife, of John !Lennon. ' BORN. AIUBiIN.—Sn !Stanley Township, on !Sunday, February ?dth, 1933, to Mr. anti Mrs. A. IAubi'n, a daughter. Ladies!; Here is your chance, for one week only - FEB. 27th to MAR, 4th Permanent Wave REGULAR $7.50 :for $4.®® REGULAR $3,50 for $2.50 Ladies, these prices include Shampoo and Finger Wave Ina Gra BEAUTY PARLOR Dominion IB'ank,Ihldgg, . Phone .1125 'far parlor; house 'phone 2129. Make ap-' 'tpoin'tmen'ts early. HILLSGREEN.. 'Rev, R. IR. Conner delivered a very fine sermon on Sunday, 'his subject being "The ,Ideal of 'Chri'st's Living." The W.M.S. will be held at .the home of Mrs, Chas. ;Stelphenso'n on Friday 'after'n'oon, March '3rd. A pro- gramme is being - :arranged for the 'W'orld's 'Dray oaf Prayer. 'Miss !Ida Gimlgerich Of Blake is 'vis- iting at the home df Mr. and 1lVlns, R. McAllister. Mr. and ,Mrs.'IClhas. 'Blackwell visit- ed with Mr.' and 'Mrs, C. 1Siernon on ,Sunday. Mr, A. Aubin is wearing a broad smile these days; a !fine baby girl ar- rived on ;Sunday. CONSTANCE. !Mrs. •George 'Cook. of Godeni'ah township spent the week e•n'd with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Riley,' Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Riley of Clin- ton visited at'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Riley on Sunday last. •Miss Phoebe Wakefield spent a couple of days in !Clinton last week, IMr. and Mrs. Charles 1H'ogganbh and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank :Riley. Mfrs, George Wheatley returned Koine on Thursday after visiting her daughters in Toronto. Mr. and firs, Leo Stephenson mo- tored to Brfgden on Friday last and visited Mr, and Mrs, Justin Sinclair, retuning on Sunday. -`Mr, Leo Stephenson and Mr. Geo, Dale went to_Brigdea this week. Leo brought home a standard bred mare. ITlhe'W.A,will hold asocial evening in the school room of bhe church- on Friday, March lett, A goad time is cnlpeeted. Mr. George Leitch held a wood bee on Wednesday afternoon. Lairs. Mary Stewart of ,Seaforth, who !Iris been with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Lawson since 'before Christmas o::n ac- count o'f ill -health, is not im'provin'g as well as her many friends mould like to see her, IThe W.A. met ,for quilting in the school ,room of the church on 'Thurs- day last. The president, Mrs. H�ugill, held a short business meeting. VARNA. IThe W. A. of St. John's Church met at the home of Mrs. E. Beatty Wednesday. There was a good at- tendance, The - many friends of .Mrs. Jones will be pleased to know she has :re- turned from Landon where she went for medical treatment. VVe sincerely hope Mrs. Jones wil 1 derive much benelfvt and will soon be 'herself again. '!The World's day of prayer will be observed in St. John's Church 'Fri - clay, -March 3,rrd. ,Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glenn and fam- ily ' of.,Kippen called on their cousin, Mrs. Beatty, Sunday, The very spring like weather snakes one thi'n'k the sapsuckers will soon bech'1rping. Auto los urance Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates Us worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to takes chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 D.SutherlandA'. GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Office over Keating's Drug Store The W. a 14, S, will Observe the day l �s of prayer in rhe Anglican Church Friday afternoon olf:.this week.' Mr. Harold Qomnell had. the mis- fortune to be struck with a tree while w6iking in the,:bush and will be Jon up far a few days. Mrs, 'Jas. McClymout and Miss Violet MdOlymoa9t are at present visiting friends in London and'Th'am- esford. ' Mr. SlherlocklKeyes is at present oonlfinad to the Mouse ,through illness. TUCKERSMITH. iMrs. Jack Rin'tou•1, Huron Road, at- tended the funeral of her uncle, Mr. James Castle, Plink, Mich, and spent a week with frien'd's. IMns, Williams of ,Blyth visited a4 the home of her niece, • Mrs. J. Rin - Mud, Friday last. Mr. and Mos. Angu's Kennedy have leased 'the .farm on the 2,nd conces- sion df Tu'ckers'mibh owned by Mrs, Bruce Berry of B'rucefleld and will get possession March lis. Mr. Bruce Stott of Toronto spent five weeks with !his friend, Mr. Dave McLean, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wliibur Keys and son Menton visited' at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Keys Friday last. IMr. Johnston McElroy is shill un- der the doctor's care and his many. friends hope he will regain his health soon, mor.. ,Kenneth Ja c'ks'on of 'Guel speett`the ..week end 'with his 'MG Itiherph, loins, J. Jackson. (M'i'ss Thelma Elgie has ,returned home after ,visiting her cousin, 'Mrs, A. R. Foote of iMarna. Mr. and MTs. 'Reg. Sltrong and Raz - aid are visiting Mr.• and Mrs. Ivan Florsytih, Mr. and ,Mrs. Harry ,Tyndall enter- tained the Eginondville :choir an Wednesday evening. ,All report a splendid time. Mr. Alex. 'Chesney is home suffer- ing .from a sore foot. We all .holpe Alex. has a speedy recovery. Mr. Wm. •Landsborough sold a line 'horse last n'eek. Times must be looking up. Mr. Alex, 'Broadfoot'shfpped a load of cattle to Toronto market last Sat- urday. Mr, Wm. Black of London .spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. Geo. 'Bilack. •Mr. and Mrs. Walker Garth of 'Henson spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lands - borough. The following is the report of S„S. No. 5, Tuckensmith, for the months of January and February: tSr. IiV.—Edith Wallace 80%n, Doro- thy Gemmel! 75%, Harald Chesney 712%, Arthur Leyburne 68%. Jr. IV,—ROlbert Patrick 54%, Ethel Chesney 512%. ISr. 211I.- Worden Haney 70%, Ar- nold Archibald 68%, Grace Wallace 64%. jr.hpI: Jahn Oldlfield 73%, Gor- don Macdonald 72%, Hazel Mc- Naughton 53%. ISr. IO:. Mari —I a Williams 69%, Mur- ray Williams 66%a. Jr. N.—Clair Haney 78%, Shirley Oldfield 74%, John Patrick a:%n, Pearson Chesney 65%, Donald Wal- lace 44%. IL go'h'n Rice 86%, Robent Wal- lace 72%, Harold MdNaugh'ton 65%, !N'u'mber on roll 22, average atten- dance: Jan., 116,66, Feb„ 192 Alice M. Arc'hib'a1d, Teacher, EXETER IWe are sorry to relate that Mr. G. 1Westcott has been comlfined to . this home with serious illness, His many friends hope to see him out again in the near future. (Carnival,—The first carnival of the season twos 'held in the Exeter Arena. on Tuesday evening, ,Feb. 21st. 'There was a good attendance. The ice was in excellent condition and a fair number of skaters were in costume. The :chief 'feature of the evening was the mile open race for the Chevrolet cup and was won by IGondonr'Heist of Crediton on .C. C.IM. skate's. Mr. I -hist won the trophy last year and needs to win it once more to Sown it permanently. Mr. 'V. Berdux was second. The boy's' .race •was won by William Kidd of Exeter north. The prizes for costumes. were -won as 'follows: Ladies' Fancy, \2angaret El- leri'ngtan; character, IGretta 'Dearing; comic,' 'Jean Pilon; mystery, 'Eileen 'Snell. Men's !Fancy, W. IW..Lawren•ce and W. ,H. _,Harness as Almos an' Andy; chara:elber, Gail %B'rowuvianlg; co- lniic, 'E. Anderson; mystery, Vernon 'Heywood. Child's Fancy, Marjory May. 'T'he judges •were A. 'T'raquair, C. Triebner, Frank Creech and V. 'B erdesx. A very interesting Young (Pe'ople's meeting was held in the basement of James street United Church on the evening of Feb, 23rd The chief, fea- ture of the evenin,g was the Journeys •df'St. Paul shown by 'lantern slides. fi Y ehristie's Meat Market This Fria & Sat. For Bargains - WATCH FOR SILVERWA'R'E ICOUPOSTIS-S'TARTIN'G 'SOON Christie MEAT 1VPAIR'KE!r Phone 58 Seaforth ST. COLUMBAN. Mr. 'Peter Maloney and daughter spent •a few days in 'Detroit last week. A pleasant- social evening was held in the parish hall on 'Friday ` evening last sponsored by the C1WIL. 'P'ri'ses fu euchre were 'won by Mrs. James !Cronin of Dublin for ladies' first,. and IA, Cronin elf Sit. Oolum'b'an, gentle- man's first ;prize. Music for dancing. was furnished by 'the McNichol or- chestra of Cromarty. Mrs. Lawrence Power of Windsor and Mrs. P. J. McQuaid of Stratford visited Mr. and Mns, James McQuaid 'last week. Miss Irene O'Sullivan has returned to T t f oran'•o at erspending a few days at her home here. Many 'from here 'attended the fun- eral of John Kelly, 'hel'd in Dublin last. week. Mr. Charles Miles has returned home from the hospital and is re- covering from his recent illness. Miss _Margaret Flannery has secur- ed a position in Tor nto. 'The Literary- Society he'd thLir reg- ular meeting in the parish hall last week, Misses Agmen and Gertrude ?d e- Gra'th of Kitchener spent the neelc- end at the home a:f their psrents. BRUCEFIELD. :'Mrs, Alice IIanm of our village ,-pent last week with friends in Toronto. IMr, and lirs. D. Bird of Clinton spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, L. Forrest, Mr. John McQueen, who has been spending the past few •months with his sister, 'Airs. Jas. 'Walker, .and oth- er friends, returned to his home in IPlint, Mich., this .week. The monthly meeting of .the W.MIJS, will be held on Friday March 3rd at 1.30 and the 'Women's 'World day of Prayer service at 2.30 in the school room o'f .the United Church, An invi- tation is •extended to all the 'women of the community. lOn :Friday evening last Mr, and Mins. 'Goldie Graham entertained over seventy neighbors and friends at. their home. All enjoyed .playing pro- gressive eu'c'hre. Mrs. J. McCowan wan the ladies' first prize and Ken M:dCawan the ,gents' first prize. •Mics. Waiter Moffat received .ladies' con- solation prize and ;Bi'l'l Caldwell the gents'. A sumptuous lunch was serv- ed' after which Master Jimmie Broad- foot sang, also Nola and Hubert 'Taylor. 'The' MclCawa,n Orchestra supplied excellent music ian,d danc- ing was enjoyed by all till the wee s inn' hours. Mr. and Mrs. Wm', Douglas, .Mr, .Robert' Murdoch and Miss Jean Mur- doch attended the funeral of Mr, Mr. Robert McLaren of Hensall on Saturday last, Mr. E. (Reichert .of Hiil:isgreen spent the week -end at the home of Mr. A. Price. Mr. 'Goldie GG.rah'atn attended the fire insurance meeting at Zurich on. Saturday, Feb. 25, - ,tr. and !1.frs. Lorne Taylor . and daughter Nola visited friends in .For- est over Sunday. A MODIERN ENtOICH ARDEN ,A tragedy from real life about a man who .sacrlfieed himself for his wife's haplpiuess, . A _touching tale concerning a Hnn'gamian. .veteran of the World War who 'may -be consid- ered the moist self-s'acrilfieing husband of modern times, perhaps of all times. Read about him, next; Sunday, in The American _'Weekly, ,chstribubed with The Detroit 'Sunday (Times. IIt Will 'Prevent Ulcerated Throat. At the first symptoms of sore throat, which presages ulceration and inflam- mation, take a spoonful of Dr. 'Thomas' E'clectric Oil. Adrl a little sugar to make it palatable. It will. allay the irritation and -prevent the. ulceration and swelling that are so p;a'iSfut. 'those who were' periodically sublect to quinsy have thus made themselves immtme to attack.