HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-02-23, Page 8PAGE LIGHT
The young people of the United
IOhurch held ytheir regular meeting on
_Monday,evening, the occZtsron being
"Pioneer !Night," the (League enter-
taining the pioneers of (the village.' A
large crown! was present and a good
programme was given, in charge of
iDr, IShnl'lie.' After +the opening exec-
cises bur. Wun. Janes led in, prayer.
'The programme, jn ,which a number
of pioneers tool: part, consisted 'of e
solo, by 17r. IJ. Nr. tOrbwein, "The
eer 'Oh'ord." Male quartette, 'Merry
•tMei ,Are We," Iby Messrs._ W Car-
lile, W. !Goodman, S. Rennie, Dr.
.'Smillie; .address, Mt-. II-Penry Horton;
reading, ''Mary °Queen of 'Scots," by
'his's Murray of Exeter; duet, "When
Irish 'Eyes Are .S++roiling," Ib'y Mrs.
Hess and Mrs. 'Maude '(Redden; a
solo, "Sa Tired," by Mrs, {Geo. Hese,
an address by Rev. A. Sinclair; a vo-
cal Uy Mr..W.
cad duet,
Goodnvin land ,Dr. ISimitllie; a reading
was given by 'De. Simiilie in honour
of the late Mr, (Richard Blatchford;
letters were read from three pioneers,
Mrs. Margaret •.Agar, 'Mrs. (William
Buchanan and 'Mr. 'Allen Buchanan,
who were unable to attend. 'The meet-
ing was 'closed with a hymn; ;Rev..
!Sinclair led in prayer, ,after nvhich a
dainty lunch was served.
The !Welfare. Youth Club of the
(Carmel, IPeesbyterian 'Ohurc'h held
their regular 'meeting on Monday ev-
ening. After the opening and devo-
tional exercises the Scripture lesson
was given by Muriel 'Hoskins, fol'lo'w-
ing a five minute Scout :Master ad-
dress by {Rev. Mr. Young an "How
to Spend Money." Mr. Wethey of
Exeter delivered a very interesting
address on •''IZ I had a Million Do1-
lars," after which the meeting closed
with a hymn and prayer.
Men's lDhy was observed in the
United Church on Sunday last when
a choir of ,men's voices Ted in ,the ser-
vice of song at the morning service.
Rev. A. 'Sinclair occupied :the pulpit
and in the evening Mr. Conner of
iKippen delivered a very inspiring
sermon. A male 'quartette was rend-
ered by Messrs. IW. Carlile, W. {Good-
win, S. Rennie and Dr, ISma'llie at
bath services.
Mr. Samuel Merner 'received word
on Monday of the death of his sister,
Mrs. Win. Calfass of Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Parker and
Miss Dorothy 'McLean visited friends
in {Lond'on on Saturday.
Messrs. Eldred and {Alvin ' l Nicol
and Mr. /Orville Cooper of Kirkton
visited friends in town on 'Sunday.
Mrs {Smythe of Nelson, IBC., is
visiting here with her father, Mr. T.
'Hemphill who is seriously ill at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. C. Cook.
Mr, and Mrs. 'Mark {Drysdale spent
:Saturday in !London,
!Women's Day will be observed in
the United 'Church on Sunday, March
'5th, when a 'Women's Choir will lead
in the service of song and special
sermons will be given for the occa-
Mr. Harry Cook of Toronto spent
the week end at his home here.
Mr. Thos. Hemphill of Wroxeter
was in town Monday and Tuesday
calling on relatives.
A specialmeeting of the village
council was called on iWednesday ev-
ening last 'to receive the report of the
special cotninittee who were appointed
to value the properties is the village
'tor assessment purposes. Their valua-
tion was very close to the valuation
of Mr. C Hudson last year's assessor,
Mr. Hudson was re -appointed asses-
sor for year 1933.
The W.14;,S, of the United Church
intend giving an entertainment at the
church :on /Friday evening, February.
24th. A good program is being prepar-
Master 'Donal'd Joynt while playing
at school on Wednesday last had the
misfortune to breek his arm. ;He was
taken by !Dr. ,5rmillia to the .Clinton
hospital for an x-ray.
Mrs. •(Dr.) 'Reid after a pleasant vi-
sit with relatives here, has returned
to her .home in Pori 'Rowan.
iThe death occurred at the hone of
her ,daughter, Mrs. George Joynt,
King street, on Friday of Mrs, Wm.
Caldwell, after an illness of some five
months. Mrs. Caldwell with her hus-
band, the late William Caldwell, mov-
ed into the village about six years
ago Train !Hay township, snaking her
.home with her daughter, Mrs. George,
Joynt. She was born in Goderich 81
years ago, her maiden name being
Sarah (Alice •Chamberlain, After her
lnarria•ge, to tits. Caldwell they be-
came residents of Hay township, . 3
miles west of Bengal!, Mr. Caldwell
'predeceased her three years ago. She
Was ' a member of the United 'Church,
She leaves to mourn h'er loss, three
daughters, Mrs. Harry '.Strang, Us-
horne; Mrs. Geo. 'Joynt, IIensall; mild
{'Mrs.' E, ,Stickney, of Vancouver, B.C..
and six sons, (William of .Seattle, Ben-
jantin, ,of Winnipeg; iEd.waud of New
York; Harry of Weliwood, Manitoba.
'Wesley, of London' and 'Robert of
Hensall. The funeral took place from
the home of Mrs. Joynt. on Monday
afternoon interment in the Fa7,tsville
cemetery, +Which is just across the,
read from. her late home in Hay toiwn
ship, Her pastor, the+Rev. Arthur 'Sin-
clair, ,had charge 'o'f the services, The
;pahBbeareis were Messrs. W. 'Oonsitt,
G. iC. Petty, !John Guefle, 'T. Welsh,
Fred 'Manns ,and Geo. 'Douglass,
Amongst ithose from a distance were
Mess,. Harry, (Wan. and (Laird Joynt
of Toronto, 'Mr. Harry Caldwell of
Wellwoad, Mn,'a+Mr. Harry Strang
elf Guelph, Mr, and Mrs. 'Atkin of
Goderieh, Mrs, ,Retssel'1. Sproat of
ISeadortk, •and' Mr. Wild Mes.4 Mre eY
Oaldlwdl'1 .olf London,
A ,very inteersting meeting was held
here on Monday evening by officials
inam 'th'e Beam 'Growers' Exchange of
Chatham in +the •interest of the bean
growers. Mr. !Geo. Ball and Ms.
Thompson, prominent {bean 'growers
the (Chatham 'district were present
with Mr. Hralanes o'f {Chatham, the
selling agent, and addressed the 'meet-
ing. Mr. Holmes answered/ a great
mealy utuestions and read the con-
tract which he wished the growers to
sign. There 'seems to be ,quite a war
on between the bean exchange at
Chatham and the new organization
formed alt :Lon'dlan a couple of weeks
ago of the bean dealers end bean
growers of :Western Ontario. Each
organization is trying to ger control
of at least 75% of the bean growers
in ;Western Ontario. As there is a
duty of $1',815 a /bushel against foreign
'bea'ns coming into Canada and no
more :beans grown in Ontario . than
will supply the iCanaidian market, it
looks tous that the farmers have it
in their own hands to set the price.
The .moment we 'became large export-
ers of beans, then we have to take
the world's price, but 'when we just
grow enough for home consumption,
the 'farmers through their ,sellin:g or-
ganization should be able to set the
price, and taking their 'food value
into consideration they /should not be
less than a dollar a bushel. This will
no doubt be about the price set for
a start by the new organization,
There is no reason in the world why
beans should be selling on the Hon-
sall market for 40 cents a bushel and
we believe the steps new being taken
by either the organizations are on the
right direction and bean growers in
Ontario wilt receive •a price for the
product showing a prdfit over the
cost of production.
Death of Mrs. George iAlair. — The
death occurred on Wednesday after-
noon last et her home here of Mrs.
Geo. Alair, relict of the late George
Alair of Stanley Twp. 'Mrs, Alair and
her daughter Dora moved into the
village about a year ago and she was
well known in the district, She was
52 years of age and about a couple of
weeks ago she was stricken with
pneumonia. Owing to her ,advanced
age she failed to rally, She leaves to
mourn her loss three daughters, Mrs.
Makins, Mich.; Mrs. Steep of .Gode-
rich Twp., and Miss Dora at home,
and 2 sons, Melville o'f Detroit, and
David of Niagara !falls, The funeral
was held frons her late home on
Queen Se,, ,Hen•sall, on Friday after-
noon, Interment in the Hens'all Un-
ion Cemetery.
We understand .a Toronto 'firm are
opening up a buying stationin the
Murdoch block for buying ,eggs and
Mr, Thos. Wren Sr. is confined to
his home through illness.
Mr, and Mrs, Robt. Higgins spent
the week -end visiting with relatives
and friends in Usborne township.
acid Mrs. Roy McLaren visit-
ed with friends at Cltiselhurst on
Sunday last.
Mr. John Caldwell of Exeter at-
tended the funeral df his aunt, the
late 'firs. Wm, Caldwell on Monday
Success depends on
Backbone, not Wish,
IDe. iNewten-lBeeety' cif Hlamieton
was Iholnee for the week end; Mrs.
Newtan.lB,nady, Who had spent the
previous week with hien, returned,'
;Ro'bent and Harold ,Pen'hlale were et
St. Thomas for a ifew days last week.
'Mrs. Victor Burt Of Lion/dos is
guest of her 'p'arents, Mr. and 11Irs, F.
!Harry Baker of London was home
Monday to see his grandmother, Mrs,
R, Fields, returning 'Tuesday.
iT'he A:Y.IP•IA, of the parish • met in
the Orange Hall on Friday evening,
.the members from Middleton and
Varna ,coming in .sleigh loads. The
meeting ,opened with prayer led by
'Rev. F. H. Paull, after which he gave
a ;brief review, of the series of talks on
Religion this time 'taking for his
subject, `The Church oil England
giv'in'g very interesting facts concern-
ing the early history of the church
down 'to the present day, Miss Lucy
/Woods, captain of "The Whites"
then ,took .charge of the program. Miss
Margaret Ferguson gave a most int-
eresting and instructive talk on "Com-
munism in Russia," :b'asing her re-
marks on the bo'ok "Hum'ani'ty Up-
rooted;"'by M•au•rice Hindus, a Rus-
sian. There were several other inter-
esting items on the program which
were amusing ,and thoroughly enjoyed
by all.
The. Valentine tea under the aus
pices of Trinity Chureh /Guild, which
Has postponed from the "14th, was
held at Mrs. IEd'wards' home Tuesday
afternoon and was quite a success,
although the roads and streets were
vary icy.
'There is one person anyway who
Oboes not want' to see a return of the
cold weather we hada week ago. Jim
Lindsay, rural mail courier, had his
face and wrists badly frozen. IHe stop-
ped at a {house on the Saubie line to
warm up and a lady there applied
salve which greatly relieved the sore
On Tuesday evening in the 'base-
ment of St. Andrew's United Church
a recital was given by Miss Doris M.
(Harris, who is becoming quite a pop-
ular reader, before a good audience
who thoroughly enjjoyed her num-
bers. Mss Gladys M. Gale gave sev-
eral selections on the piano in splen-
did style.
;Another of those enjoyable euchre
and dance panties was held in the
town hall Friday evening last week.
112th, under the auspices of the Var-
iety Orchestra. There were twelve
tables of euchre and the prize -winners
were, ladies, Shirley Somers and
{Beatrice Houston; gents. J. W. .Mc-
Leod, Milton Pollock. Harry Hibben
of Kintail was floor manager and al-
though the road's were not good there
was 'a splendid crowd present. This
orchestra is gaining in popularity and
the music they provide is appreciated
and they may have another dance be: -
fore the month is out,
Mrs, J. R. Castle, who has been ie
Toronto for the past two months, was
home over the week end. It was
learned with regret that {'faster Jack
has to undergo a serious operation,
Major A, M, and -Mrs. Moffat of
`Toronto moved here Man day- and
sow occupy J.'.0 Doyle's cottage:'
Many will regret to !rear of H. K.
Mourn ouse's serious illness. Nurse
Mahon of Teeswater arrived Sunday
to help care for him. All hope for a
speedy +recovery.
T'•hie Young People's ,Department of
St. Andrew's 'finked ,Ohurch helld
their regular 'foaibn'ight'ly meeting on
Thei+day evening, February 116'th.
M'rs. Brown :Ftewarlt, former president
was in the ie'hair. The main fe'a'ture
of the evening was an interesting de-
bate the subject being, "Resolved
that Canada has More to fear from
the ,civilization of ,the United 'Ohurch
than that of Russia." (Speakers for the
afliirnative were Mir. Brown Stewart,
IMis, (Engin Porter, Mr. Boughey; ne-
gative, Miss Isobel Kirk, Miss Maib;e4
iScloitc!hmer, Mr. Murray .Grainger, It
was an ievening of real enlightenment
and instruction and the speeches were
cleverly handled. The judges,es, M
Seeds, Miss Anne Dewar and A. E.
!Erwin, while they retired for the ver-
dict, Mr, Don 'McKenzie led a die -
cession in 'whi'c'h everyone took lively
interest. Mrs, Seeds then reported' the
discuslsion 'in favor of the n'ega'tive
side. Mr. ,Bwwughey then gave two
pleasing mouth organ selections, A
social period followed, led. by Miss
IGdadys Gale and .Miss Isobel 'Kirk,
after which candy, pop corn and ap-
ples were : •served. A large crow4 at-
Your,I orttx �l
BRk1AKiFAST BA- 13 c
CON, pound
per pound
,per ipoutud ®� '2 /pound's
RED ,BOISE TEA ,/p c Chase & San'born's ,49 1 c
per p'ound• °`@' COFF,EE, pound.
SOAP. 4 for 25110 yairds
February '1907
'The tea meeting held at Bethel
Methodist church on Wednesday ev-
ening of last week was a complete
success, Interesting and, instructive
addresses were ,given by (Rev. %fr.
1Ourrie of Lon:desbpro; Rev. 'Mr. Car-
swell of Mcillo'p, and Mr. 'M'aunders
of 'Grey. The singing was of a very
Nigh order. The Bethel church choir
gave a number 'of selections in first
class style. 'Mis's Florence Stitt as or-
ganist did her piart well and Miss
Alice Dundas, the leader, who is a
charming soloist, sang a number of
solos and was encored with each num-
ber. A ladies' quartette :from {Brussels
gave much pleasure by /their, well ran.
tiered selections. Two young girls,
Tillie Dundas and lLucy {Halls, recit-
ed prettily, and Miss McNaughton of
Brussels and Miss Maunders of Grey
gave reoitaltions Which were 'bright,
'The esteemed pastor 'af the circuit,
Rev. R. J. Currie, B.A, performed the
duties of chairman in a pleasing :man-
ner and to Whim and the Ladies' Aid
are mainly due the credit for the suc-
cess of the e.ntentainneent,
On Trip to West.
Mr. Andrew Stewart of the Seaforth
Milling Company, left this week on a
business trip to Winnipeg.
Damaged by Fire.
iSt. 'Thomas' Church was slightly
damaged by .fire on Sunday afternoon,
The •fire was discovered in the furnace
roam and was quickly extinguished
before any serious damage occurred.
Moving to Town
Mr. Wm. 'Turney, who recently .dis-
posed of his farm in McKillop, intends
coming to Seaforth ,tie reside, He has
purchased the residence of 'Mr. Alex,
Gordon on West {William street and
will, shortly move to town,
Visiting Here.
Mr, F. C. Elford, formerly of
,Holmesville, but at present on the
staff of the 3lacdanneld College at St,
Anne de (Bellevue, 'Que'bec, made a
short visit to town this week, the
guest of his sister, Mrs. (,Rev.) A. IC.
Receives Appointment,
Mr. George Murdie has been ap-
pointed by the Dominion .Government
to act as an employltnent agent in this
district. His work will be to look after
the distr'ibution of immigrants sent
out from the old country.
.At a regular meeting of elle town
council held on Monday evening in
the council chamber, the following
were appointed assessors for the town
of 'Seaforth for 1907: W, /Ballantyne
Adam Hays end W. E. Hinchley.
Here from the West.
is in every bottle of our milk, Manu-
factured from clover hays, oats, corn,
barley, wheat, flaxseed, and bran.
Just think of it! Every bottle contains
the essence of all these foods. What
a wholesome meals your boy or girl
can make out of a pint bottle for less
money than a chocolate bar and 3
tines the nourishment in it. ,Give us
a call. We aim to please, HUGILL'S
DAIRY, Just phone your message
to 23 on 143, Seaforth,
:',iS• - Special —'We have some of
those large roasting potatoes this
week at 90c per bag.
Car Licenses issued, also Trailer
Licenses up to 2,000 lbs.
'th 1..'i.
In open compebutiion with Canada's leading breeders in Egg 'Lay-
ing Contests condaucted in three Provinces, show their superior,
breeding. At the Quebec Western Con'teslt, our pen hold
Furst Place. Alt Harrow, Ontario, we hold Sixth Place, to. date, in
the stiffestcompetition.O.ur pen at Nha'p'pan, Novla• Scotia, although
10 days late for the opening, are now ,n.Sixth position and mentioned
each week ,among the heavy scoring pens.
We spend our entire time on one breed only, and purchasers of
our chicks can •d,epend upon getting the full value far their money.
Our WEEKS FREE brooding proposition ends definitely on Feb. 15.
Visitors welcome at ail times.
PHONE: 251-32
over the amount' of 'the 11906 purse.
The following officers' were elected
Tor 1907:-1Pres, R. Wilson; vice-pre-
sident, James Voir; 'treasurer, G. IE.
(Parkes; secretary, M.'/Broderick; dir-
edtors, F. Kling, D. T. !Pinkney, Geo.
!E, Henderson, John Cardio, Alex.
'Winters; Auditors, Wm. H'i'lls and, J.
C. Greig.
The past couple of weeks the hog
pen of Mr. John ,Elliott, London road,
West End Tyckersntith, has been vis-
ited by some disease which destroyed
upwards of 40 of his pigs. !John being
somewhat puzzled as to the cause he
called a Government inspector, who
pronounced it hog cholera and order-
ed the resit killed and to burn them.
Mr. {FJlliott's loss will be (heavy as he
lost nearly 80 pigs.
"Howie" Morenz Has Accident.
On Wednesday of last week, How-
ard, the 4 -year-old soh of Mr, and
Mrs. IW. F. 'Morenz, 'Mitchell, accid-
entally pulled a pat of hot water over
.hinaeif off the stove, I't 'was found
that the little fellow was badly scald-
ed .from the waist down. He is getting
along as well as can be expected,
Because we are Specialized Breed-
ers in Barred Rocks and White Leg -
home. All foundation breeding stock
is trapnested under the exacting pol-
icy of Record of Performance. Every
male in every ,mating is an R..0,P,
Approved Male with dart's record
ringing from 200 to. 285 eggs. Every
female Government banded and
blood -tested, and Ihatchery ` is: under
Government inspection, Ocir prices
are in keeping with the times.
Liberal disCOW] t 011 all orders
booked before Feb. 15th for delivery
any time during the season.
iI1 v
Poultry Farm
Mr. and Mrs. ,Dunnniug and two
children of Hartney, Manitoba, are
here on a visit with friends in Seafonth
and vicinity. Mrs..Dunning is a dau-
ghter of the late Mr. Frank Morrison
of McKillop and a niece of Mr. John
Morrison of town:
Annual Meeting.
The iSea'forth Turf Club held their
annual meeting at the: Convmercial
Hotel on. Monday eventing et which
there rea's a gold attendance. The re-
ports of the secretary and treasurer
and auditor showed the Club to be in
a very satisfactory position, there be-
ing the sum of $68223 on hand. This
year the Club intend extending the
length of their annual meet and have
arranged dor a` three days' racing
meet instead: of two as ° heretofore,
The dates have been fixed for June as,
19 and 20, 1907, •when $3,.600 !mill be
given in purses, '1011 inlcre.ase of $1,2'00
Of Farms, Farm Stock and Imple-
The undersigned will sell by :public
auction on Wednesday the '2 ,nd' day
of March, ?ADD, 11930, coanntonciit,g at
1 o'clock p.m., the 'household !furni-
ture, farm stock and implemcleits be-
longing to !George Mitchell, late of
the Township of iS'tanley in the (Coun-
ty of {Huron, at 'his late residence in
the said 'Township.
Terms: Cash,
At the same time ,and place :there
will be offered for sale the 'lands be-
longing to the said /deceased •consist-
ing o'f:
'(1) Lot '.15, 'Bayfield Road Conces-
sion South.
'(2)' East half Lot 13,.. (Bayfield
Road concession South,
(3)' Lot .19, !Concession 8,
t('4)1 !Lot 116, !Concession 8.
all 'irt the said -;Township of Stanley,
All of the said lands will' be offered
subject:to -reserve bids and other can-
citrons of sale.
For further :palydi'culars apply to the
undersigned Solicitor.
IGQ90. II•I. 'E1LILIIIOITT, Clinton, iOn-
taiio, Auctioneer. P. FINIGIUAIN'D,
Clinton, Ontario, .Solicitor for the 'Ad-
mntis•trators••of the Estate of George
Mitchell, Deceased.ed.
'OO+NISIIIT(T.-II'n l'ovin'g memory of
aur dear husband and father, Join.
'Cons'itt, who de'parteid this life, Feb.
2i2,nd, 19129. -
February brings 'back sad memories-
Of a laved one gone to rest,
Who will always •, be aeme'mbered
By those Who loved him best.
Days of sadness still conte o'er us.
Tears in silence often flaw.
Par memory keeps +him ever neat us.
Though he died Sour years ago -
--Sadly missed by wife, son and
(Two young 'ca'lves for sale. Apply,
to J. E. rRIE'YNNIOILIDIS, 'Phone 14 on
144, Seaforth. 8.
!Prices; reduced to $5,00., Will saw
at 'Webster's first and will then move
hone to 'Gordon Richardson's on the:
Mill' Road. IT, J. R'IICIHA'1BDSON,
Egmondville, 10.
A McCiary electric stove 4 plate,
nearly new. Would consider cxcihang- '
ing for good wood and coal range. '.
For further particulars phone 236-33,
Seaforth. 8.
[Four pure bred Aberdeen Angus
bulls for stile. Registered and trans-
ferred. ANDREW IKI!RK, R.R. 3,
Seaforth, Phone 1159r8. 9
{Good ntilch cows, springing, young-
oungcattle and grass steers, 'Apply t0 J:
W. DIOILM',A1GE, one mile 'west of
Winthrop. 10.
Notice is hereby givento all .per-
sons having any claim: against the es -
este of .Alice Mary 'Warner, late of
the Village of `Maryfield, in the ,Prov-
ince of Saskatchewan, Widq'w, deceas-
ed, who died' on or about' the eight-
eenth day of ,Janinary, A.1D. '49'3'3, 'bo.
send , same to ;;the undersigned on or
before the eleventh clay of March A.D.
1933,as of and after thila't, date ale
estate will be distributed among the
persons entiitlied thereto, having re-
esard.only to the claims' of which they
have notice,
ID'atect at Goderich this 17th ciay of
lrebruary, A.D. 11933.
Gioderich, Ontario
c.,licitor far the !Executor herein,
/Two choice heifers, one red, due
5th April; one roan, due .lat. 'May.
Phone 42 an 138. JOHN McG{AVEN,
Seaforth, R.R. 4. 8
A'Il taxes in arrears in the Town-
ship of McKillop for the year 1982,
if not paid on. or before the '1st day
of March, proceedings will be taken
at once to colleen, All Ratepayers in
arrears of taxes please govern them-
selves accordingly as this will be the
last notice given., By Order,
8 Collector of Taxesi
1 'black filly rising four and broke;;
1bay gelding rising three. A'ppl'y td,
Il'50r116, Seaflorth,.
(Special prices for re -making yore
old felt mattresses over like ne'w in-
eluding new cover $4.50: and up. Fea-
ther heds
ea-ther;Ibeds cleaned and made into san-
itary mattresses '$330. All work kept
separate, We call anywhere .with no
extra cost on above work, MODERN
FEArrHIEIR & M!AITrrnEsIS 'CO., p.m.
(Box 379, Goderidh, 9
Wheat, per bushel 45c
30c -38c
Barley, per bushel
Oats, per bushel
Buckwheat, per bushel
Eggs, per d'oz ., ........ lOc,OSc
(Butter, per dib. ..... ..... ....e8e
'Potatoes, per bus