HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-02-23, Page 6PAGE SIR.
14 , s lash 'k :.:a 4 PV,
(Continued frons last week.
The sea was very blue. Only in
the morning and the evening it
glowed red, or spread '.upon its still
bosom all the gold of all the Indies,
or became an endless mead of palest
green shot with amethyst. When
night fell, it 'mirrored the stars, great
and small, or was caught en a net of
gold flung across it :from horizon to
horizon, The ship rent the net with
a wake of white fire. The air was
balm; the islands were enchanted
places, abandroned by 'Spaniard nd
Indian, overgrown, serpent -haunted.
The reef, the still 'water, pink or gold,
the gleaming beadh, the green plume
of the palm, the scarlet birds, the
cataracts of bloom, — the senses
swooned with the color, the steaming
incense, the warmth, the wonder of
that fantastic world. iS:ametimes, in
the crystal waters near the 'land, we
sailed over the gardens of the sea
gods, and, looking down, saw red
and purple blooms 'wad 's'hadowy wav-
ing forests, with rain'b'ow fish for
humming birds. Once we saw below
us a sunken ship. With how much
gold she h!ad endowed the wealthy
sea, how many long drowned would
rise from her rotted decks when the
waves gave nap .their dead, no man
could tell. Away from bhe ship dart-
ed many -hued fish, gold -disked, or
barred and spotted with crimsoe, or
silver and purple. The dolphin and
the tunny and the Eying fish swam
with us. :Sometimes flights of small
birds came to us from the land, S'ome-
times the sea was thickly set with
full-blown pale red 'bloom, the jelly-
fish that was a flower to the sight
and a nettle to the touch. bf a storm
arose, a fury that raged and threat-
ened, it presently swept away, and
the blue laughed again, !When the sun within. I have eaten nothing since
sank, there arose in the cast such a yesterday,"
moon as might have been sale light 'I'11 speak to Diccon first," 'he an-
to all the realists of faery. A beauty swered, and went on toward the ,fore -
languorous and seductive was most castle, while lI entered the state cabin,
absolute empress of the wonderful "Here I found mistress Percy kneeling
land and the wonderful sea. I beside the bene]' beneath: the stern
We were in the hunting grounds, I windows, her face buried in her out -
and men went not there to gather Istretched arms, her dark hair •shadow-
flowers. Day after day we watched ing her like a mantle. When I spoke
for Spanish ,Os; for the plate fleet i to her she did not answer. With a
went that way, and some gallca s or;'udden fear I stooped and touched
caravel or galleon might sbray aide. cher -clasped hands, A shudder ran
At last in the clear green bay of a,tllrough her frame, 'and she slowly
nameless island at which we stop- ]raised a.colorless face,
ped for water. we found two car-! "Are you come back?" she whisp-
racks come upon the same errand,' ered, "I thought yob would • never
took them, and with them some slight'. come back. 'd thought they had killed
treasure in rich cloths and gens. A bats. I was only praying before I kill -
week later, in a strait between two ted myself,"
islands like •tinted cloud's, we feughti I took her hands and wrung them
a very great galleon frain sunrise to apart to rouse her, she was so .white
noon, pierced her .hull through and and cold, and spoke so strangely.
through and silenced her ordnance, I "Gori forbid that I should die yet
then boarded her and found a king's'1awhile, madams" I said. "W'hen .I can
ranson•in gold and silver. When the' 00 longer serve you, then I shall not
fighting had ceased and the treasure l care how- soon 7 die."
was ours, then we four stand side 'The eyes with which she gazed up -
by aide
on the deck of the slowly on me were still wide and unseeing.,
sinking galleon, in front of our pris-. The guns!" she cried, 'wresting her
overs, of the men who had fought hands from nine and putting them to
well, of the children and the trembl-Ther ears. 'Oh, 'the gunsl they shake
ing women, Those whom we faced, the air, And the screams and the
were in high good humor: they 'had; trampling --the guns 'again l"
gal0 with which to gamble, and wine I brought her wine and made 'her
to drink, and rich clothing with which drink it; then sat beside her, and told
to prank their villainous bodies, and her gently, aver and over again, that
prisoners with wham to make merry, there was no longer thunder of the
When I ordered the Spaniard's to guns or screams or trampling. ,At
lower their boats, and taking with 'last the long, tearless sobs ceased,
them their children and women raw and she rose from her knees, and Jet
off to one of these two islands, the me lead her to 'the door of her cabin:
weather .changed, There see thanked me softly, with
We outlived •that storm, but how downcast eyes and lips that yet trem-
lI scarcely •knave.' As ''Kirby would' bled; then vanished from my sight,
have done, so did I; rating my crew leaving me first to wonder at that ter -
like b'ound's, turning my point this ror and emotion in her who seldom
way and that, 'daring ehen1 to :come showed the thing she felt, and finally
taste the red death ,upon it, 'braving it to conclude that it was not so wander-
' out like some devil who knows he is ful after all
invulnerable. My lord, swinging the We sailed on,—southwards to
•ciitlase with which he was armed, ba, then north again to the Lucayas
stood beside 'me, knee to knee, and and the Florida straits, looking for
'Diccon cursed after me, 'making :guar- Spanish ships and their gold. 'The.
terstaff play with his long pike. But lights yet burned—new 'brightly, now
it was the minister that won us so sturken that it seemed as though
through:.At length they laughed, and the next hour they must .flicker out.
'Paradise, standing forward, swore We, the players, flagged not in that
that such a captain and such a mate desperate masque; but we knew that,
were worth the lives of 'a thousand in spite of all endeavor, 'the darkness
Spaniards. To pleasure 'Kirby, they
would depart this once from their an-
cient usage, though it was passing
strange, -it being Kirby's wont to
clap prisanens under ha'tc'hes and fire
their ship above them. At the end of
which speech the :Spaniard began to
rave, and sprang at me like a Lata-
mount, .Paradise put forth a foot and
tripped hini up, whereat the pirates
laughed again, and held him back
when he would have come at me a
second time.
!From the deck of the ,shattered .gal-
leon I watched :her 'boats, with their
heavy freight of 'cowering humanity,
pull off toward the island. Back upon
my own poop, the grappling irons
cast loose, and a swiftly widening rib-
bon of blue between us and the sink-
ing ship, I looked at the pirates
thronging the waist below nee, and
knew that the play was nearly over.
'How many •days, weeks, hours, :be-,
fare the lights wau'id go out, I could
not tell: they might burn until we
took or lost another ship; the next
hour might see that brief tragedy
I turned, and going below met
,Sparrow at fhe foot of the poop lad-
"I have sworn at these pirates 'until
tiny hair stood on end," he said
fully. "'God forgive mel And I have
bent into circles three (half pikes in
demonstration of the thing that would
occur to' them if 'they tempted nue ov-
ermuch. And I have sung .them all the
bloody .art lascivious songs that ever
I knew in my unregenerate days. I
have played the bravo and buffoon
until they ,gaped for wonder. I have
damned myself to all eternity, I fear,
but there'll be no mutiny this fair day.
It may arrive by to -morrow, though,"
"Likely eno>ugh," I said. "Come
was coining ,fast upon tis:
IIIa.d it been po'ssi'ble, we would
Have. escaped &ram the sthip, hazard-
ing new fortunes an the ;Spanish Main
in an open boat, sans food or water,
'But the pirates'watched us very ch'o'se-
ly 'They called me "captain" and
Kirby," and eels the jes't's sake gave
an exaggerated obedience, with 'laugh-
ter and flatfishes; but none the less I
was their 'prisoner, -,I and ethase I
had brought with me to that ship,
An islet, shaped like the crescent
moony rose ,from out the sea 'before
us. We needed water, and so we
felt our way 'between the horns of
'the Ieresee'nt in the blue :crystal ,elf a
fairy harbor. One low ]till, rose-
colored from base to summit, with
soaa-ee a 'hint of •the green world be-
low that canopy sof giant bl'oo'm, • a
little silver 'bleach with w!andenful
shells' upon it, ,Uhe sound Of a water -
feel and 'a lazy surf, -we smelt the
fruits and the 'flowers, and. a hinging
for the land 'came upon us: !Six men
were lelft on the ship, and all be-
sides went ashore. Same rolled the
water casks 'toward the sound ,of the
cascade; others plunged into the for-
est, to 'return laden with strange and
luscious frtuits, birds, guavas, conies,
—Whatever eatable thing they .could
lay kande upon; others' : scattered
along the beach to .find turtle -eggs,
dr, if fortune favored them, the turtle
itself. They laughed, they sang, they
swore; until the isle rang to their
merriment. Bake wanton :children,
they called to each other, to the
screaming birds, to the echoing
bloom -draped hill.
1 spread a square of cloth !upon,
the sand, in the shadow of a mighty
tree that stood at the edge of the
forest, 'and the King's .ward' took
her seat upon it, and 'soaked, in the
golden light of the sinking sun, the
very spirit of the isle. By this we
two were alone on the beach. The
haunters for eggs, led by Diccon,
were out nrpon the farthest gleaming
horn; from the wood came the loud
laughter of the fruit gatherers, and
a most rollicking song issuing from
the mighty chest of Master Jeremy
Sparrow. With the woodsmen had
gone my lord.
1 walked a little way into the for-
est, led shouted a warning to Spar-
row against venturing too far. When
II returned to the giant tree and the
cloth in the shadow of its outer
branches, my wife was writing on the
sand with a pointed shell, She had
not seen or heard me, .and iI stood
behind her and read what she wrote.
It was my name. She wrote it three
times, slowly and carefully; then she
felt my presence, glanced swiftly up,
smiled, rubbed Out toy name, and
wrote Sparrow's Diccon's, and the
King's in succession, "Lest I should
forget to make my letters," she ex-
I sat down at her feet, and for
some tune we said no word, The
light, falling between the heavy
blooms, cast bright sequins upon her
dress and dark hair, .The blooms were
not :more pink than her cheeks, the
recesses of the forest behind is not
deeper or darker than her eyes. The
laughter and the song came faintly
to us now. The sun was low in the
,vest, and a wonderful light slept upon
the sea.
"Last year we had a masque at
court" she said at length, breaking
the long silence. "We had Calypso's
island, and I was Calypso, 'The is-
land was built of iboarde covered
with green velvet, and there was a
mound upon it of pink sills roses.
There was a deep blue painted sea
below, and a deep •blue painted sky
above, My nymphs danced around the
mound of roses, while 'I sat upon a
real rack ,beside the painted sea and
talked with 'Ulysses—to wit, my
Lord of Buckingham—in gold armor.
That was a strange, bright, unreal,
and wearisome day, but not so strange
and unreal as this."
She ceased to "speak, and began
again to write upon the sand, I
watched her white hand moving to
and fro, She wrote, "Haw long will
it last?"
"I do not know. Not long."
She wrote again: "If there is time
at the last, when you see that it is
best, will you kill me?"
I took 'the shell 'from 'her hand,
and wrote my answer beneath her
The forest behind nes sank into that
pause and breathless hush between
the noises of :the day and the noises
of the 'night, 'T'he sun dropped lowet,
and the water became as pink as
the blooms above us,
"If you could; would you change?"
I .asked, (°Would you return to Eng-
land and safety?"
She took a handful of the sand and
let it slowly drift through her white
fingers. "You know that I' would
not," she said; 'not if :the end were
to come to -night. Only-only"—She
turned from me and looked far out
to sea, I could not see her face, only
the desk of her hair and her heav-
ing bosom. "My blood may be upon
your h:ands," she said in a whisper,
`but yours will be upon my stool."
She turned yet further away, and
covered her eyes with her hand. I
arose, an'd'beir,t over her uritis4 could
have touched with my lips that bowed
head. "Jocelyn,' I said.
A branch of yellow fait fell be-
side us, and my Lord 'Carnal, a mass
of gaudy 'bloolnt in his band, stepped
from the wood, "`I returned 'to lay
our first fruits alt ,naadla'an's feet," he
explained his darlely ,wlatcih!fel eyes
upon tie both. "A gift from atte poor
prisoner to another, madam." He
dropped the flowers in her lap. '''Wild
you wear them, lady? They are es
falx ,almost as I ,could wish."
She touched the blossoms with list-
less fingers, said they were' flair
then, rising, let t'h'em- drop upon the
sand. "I wear no flowers save of my
hatstand's gathering, my lord," she
;There was a pathos and weariness
in her voice, and a 'mist of ,unshed
tears in her eyes, She 'hated him;
she loved me not, yet was famed to
turn to lie for help at every point,.
and she had stood for weeks upon
the brims of 'death and looked un-
falteringly into the gull beneath 'her.
"My lord," I said, "you know in
what direction Master 'Sparrow led'
the men. Will you re-enter the wood
and ,call them to rete en? 'The sun is
fast sinking, •-and darkness will •be
upon 'us."
He looked ifram her to , me, with
his brows ,drawn downwards and his
lips .pressed eaget'her. Stooping, lie
tookup the fallen A•owers' and delib-
erately tore 'them to pieces, until
the pink petals were all scattered
upon the sand.
"I am weary 01 requests that are
but sugared commands," he said
thickly, "Go seek your own men, if
yon will. Here we are but man to
man, and 11 budge not. I stay,•. as the
King would 'have me stay, beside 'the
unfontdnate lady w'h'om you have
trade the prisoner and the plaything
of a pirate ship."
"You wear no sword, my (Lod
Carnal," I said at last, "and so may
lie with 'impunity."
"But you can get' me onel" he cried,
with ill -concealed eagerness.
'1 laughed. "I am not zealous in my
enemy's cause, my lord. I shall not.
deprive Master Sparrow of your
lordslhip's sword."
(Before II ,knew what lie was about
he crossed the yard of sand between
us and struck me in the face, `°Will
that quicken your zeal?" he demand-
ed between his 'teeth.
3 seized him by 'the arm, and we
Stood SO, both white with passion,
both breathing heavily. At -length I
flung his arm from line and stepped
back. "I' fight not my prisoner," 'I
said, "nor, while the lady you have
named abides upon that ship with
the nobleman who, more than myself,
is answerable for her being there, do
I put my life in unnecessary 'haz-
ard. I will endure the smart as best
I may, my lord, until a more con-
venient season, when '1 will salve it
I turned to Mistress Percy, and
giving her my ]rand led her down to
the boats; for I heard the fruit gath-
erers breaking through the wood, and
the hunters for eggs, black figures
against the crimson sky, were hurry-
ing down the beach. ;Before the night
had .quite fallen we were out of the
:airy harbor, and when the moon rose
the islet looked only a silver sail
against the jewelled heavens.
In Which We Choose The Lesser of
Two Evils
The luck that had been. ours could
not 'hold; when the tide turned, it
ebbed fast.
The weather changed: One ;hurri-
cane followed upon the stride of an-
other, with only a blue day or two
between, Ofttimes we thought the
ship was lost. All hands toiled like'
galley slaves; .and as the heavens
darkened,, there darkened also the
mood .of the pirates.
Lt sight of the great island of
Cuba we gave chase to a bark. The
sun was shining and the sea :fairly
still When first she fled before us; we
gained upon her, ;and there was not
a utile between tis when a cloud blot-
ted out the sun. The next minute our
own sails gave us occupation enough.
The storm,: not we, •w'as victor over
the ,bark; she sank with a shriek from
her decks that rang ,abotve the soar-
ing wind. Two :layslater we fought+
a ' large caravel, With a 'fortunate
shot ,sthe brought dowtn our foremast,
and sailed away front us with small
dailnage ref her own,, All that.d'ey and
ni'gh't the wind blew, driving ,us out
of our co'u'rse and by dawn we ,were.
as a shiittlecack between it and the
sea. We weathered 'the gale, but 'when
the wind sank there. tfell an board
that black ship a men'acin'g silence.
In the state cabin I held a ;council
of war, 'Mistress Percy sat beside erne,
her arm ulpole the ,table, her 'bland
shadowing her eyes; my lord, 'op
,polite, never took his gaze from her,
though lee listened gloomily to Spars
rave's aueful 'assertion that the brazen
;game ,we had been playing was we'll -
nigh over. Diecon, standing behind
'him, bit his mita and Stared at the
'f0For enyself I care not overmuch,"
ended the •nrinster, "I acorn not ldlfe,
bat think *it as its ':worst well worth
the living; yet when my Gbd calls
me, i1 will go as to a gala day and
triumph. You are a soldier, Captain
]Percy, you and 'Dfocan 'here, and
know bow to die. You too, my 'Lord
Carnal, are a Ibiave man, th'ou'gth a
mast wicked ane, Far •n's four, we :can
drink tate cup, bitter though it be,
with little trembling. But there is one
among us"—.'His great voice brake,
andhesat staring at the table.
'The Kitng's ward. uncovered here
eyes. "Ff I be not man and a sold-
ier, Master 'Sparrow," 'she said sinap
ly, "yet I am the daughter of many.
valiant :gentleme'. I will die as :they
died 'before tie. 'And for ine, as for
you- four, 'it will be only death,
naught else."'She looked atme with
a proud smile.
"Naught else," I .said.
My lord started from his 'seat and
strode over 'to the window, where he
stood drumming his fingers against
the casing. I turned toward him.
"My Lord 'Carnal," I said, "you were
overheard 'last night When you plot-
ted with the Spaniard."
He recoiled with a gasp, and his
hand went to his side, where it' found
no sword. I saw, his eyes 'busy stere
and there through the cabin, seeking
something which he night convert
into a weapon.
"I am yet ,captain of this ship," I
continued. "Why I do not, even
ehoesgh it .be my last act of authority,
have you ;flung to the sharks, I
scarcely know."
He threw back his hea'ds all his
bravado returned to him, "It is not I
that stand in danger," he 'began loft-
ily; "and I would have you remem-
ber, sir, that you are 'my enemy, and.
that I owe you no loyalty."
"I am content to be your enemy,"
1 answered,
"Yon do not dare to set upon me
now," he went on, with his old in-
solent, boastful smile, "Let me cry
out, make a certain signal, and they
without will be here in a twinkling,
breaking in the door" --
"The signal set?" I said. "The
mine laid, the match burning? Then
'tis time that we were gone. When 3
bid ,the world good -night, my lord,
my wife goes with ole."
His lips moved and his black eyes
narrowed, but he did not speak.
"If my :cheek did not burn so," I
said, "I would be content to let you
live; live, captain in verity of this
ship of devils, until, tired of you, the
devils cut your throat, or until some
victorious 'Spaniard hang you at his.
yardarm; live even to crawl back to
'England, by hook or crook, to wait,
hat in hand, in the antechamber of
'his Grace of Buckieghan, As it is,
I will 'kill you here and noay. I re-
store you your sword, my lord, and
there lies nay .challenge."
11 flung my glove at his feet, and.
Sparrow unbuckled the keen blade:
which he had 'worn since the day I
had asked it of its owner, and pushed
it to me across the table. The King's
ward leaned back in her chair, very
white, but with a proud, still face,
and halals loosely folded in her lap.
1•:ly lord stood irresolute, his lip
caught between his 'teeth, his eyes
upon the cloor.
"Cry out, my lord," I said. "You
are in danger. Cry to your friends
without, who may come in time: Cry
out loudly, like a soldier and a gen-
(To be ,Oontinaed.)
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DR. H, HUGH RtO'SIS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London Hos-
pital, London, England. Special
attention to diseases of the eye, oar,
nose and throat. Office and resi-
dence behind Dominion Bank. Office
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 104.
DR, F, J, BtUIRIROWS, . Seaforth,
Office and residence, .Goder'ioh street,
east of the United' Church. Comer
for the County of Huron. Telephone,
No. 46.
DR. F. J. R..FlO'RSTER—tEye, Ear
Nose and Th'roat. Graduate in Medi-
cdne, University of Toronto 1897.
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute,' Moorefield's:
Eye, and Golden Square throat hospi-
tals, London, England. At Comm-
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday in
each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
DR, W. C, SIFR'OAT,-Graduate of
Faculty of Medicine, University of
Western Ontario, London. Member
of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons ' of Ontario.Office in rear of:
Aberhart's drug store, Seaforth.
Phone 90. Hours 1.30-4 p.m., 7.30
-9 p.m. Other hours by app'ointmemt.
DR J. A. MLU'NN, Successor, to
Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of North-
western University, Chicago, I'll ti-
centiate Royal College of Dental Stu-
geons, Toronto. Office over Sills'
hardware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone
DR. F. J. BiECHELY, graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeon's,
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones,
office 185W, residence 185j.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron,
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Officers — John 'Bennewies, Brod-
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erich, Vice -Pres.; ID. F. MCGregor,
Seaforth No. 4, Sec.—Treas.
Directors --'Geo, R. McCartney, Sea-
forth No. 3; Alex. Broadfoot, 'Sea -
forth No. 3; Fames Evans, 'Seaforth
No. a; IRobt. Ferris, Blyth No, 1; Jae,
S'holdice, Walton No, 4; John Pepper,
Bruccfieid; William Knox, Londes-
Agents—Jas, Watt, 'Blyth No. 1; W.
E. 'Hinchdey, ,Seaforth; J. A. Murray,
Seaforth No, 3; W. J. Yeo, Clinton
No, .3; R. G. IJarmuth, Bornholm.
Auditors — Jas. Kerr, ,Seaferth;
Thos, Moylan, Seaforth No, 5.
Parties desirous to effect insurance.
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any df the above named officers ad-
dressed to their respective '.past
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