HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-02-23, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1933. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. )fir .. , v. ay ,,id, • • tt tlg,� ♦ sT r. s� ;L p; tREs; byr � '� * . L�n A Di er Dollar s Worib Superior Chain •S'tores, to dray, .offer you more value for your dollar than ever before, Prices on many lines are the lowest in history, yet the quality has been fully maintained. !Now ,you can buy the c'hoices't .fo'od's M the same price or less than you paid for standard grades a 'few months ego. This is the time to s'boick your pantry and' 'save - an ,,,these specials for— Week ending Mar. 1st. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS LUX' TOILFJT ;SOAP ' , ... , 4 cakes..23c 23c ruyII M'ER TOMATO & VEGETABLE 1S'OU'P2 tins C C ROYAL YORK TEA with free jig 1 lb. 45-c Saw Puzzle PNGERIS•OLL CREAM OR. PIMENTA CHEESE 11 C per Ip'kg„ RED P1'TTED CHERRIES, A Standard 2'squat 11.c or 2 for 2 1 c LARGE SANTA CLARA PRUNES 2 lbs 25 c f• Granulated ,or Y'ello'w Sugar, 5'c lib. or 10 lbs for ' 49c Icing or Powdered Sugar "..2 lbs. 17c Crown Brand Corn Sy'rulp ..............2's ..... 15e 5's.. , ... 33'c !Sulphur 61b's 25c Epsom Slai'ts , 7 lbs 25c Yellow T,able Turnips . , 'Red Table 'Carrots .i ...........................•..,... '1'0 lbs' :10c 7 lbs. 10c 'Ran'go'on Rice 5 lbs, 25c Aluminum C011and!ers each 25c (Princess Sbao Flakes :....................... Pure Maple Syrup Pancake 'Self Rising Flour Corn Door Mats .. . 0 lbs 25c per gal. $2.00 per pkg. 1Sc each 15c Fancy Crystal Glass Tumblers 6 for 25c (Electric Light Bulbs, 30 and 60 watt- each 15c 'Red ,Eagle Bread Flour, good vallue. 98 lbs 1.95 !Poultry Fountains, crockery each 50c 'Broom's good weight each 23c Nye! Water, for bleaching per bottle 10c Ross J. Sproat Phone Miss N. Pryce Phone 77 Buy Seaforth18 Always Butter Good Quality YEAR'S A Service us your cream will try to please Please us by giving patronage and we that creates • you by our services and higher` Confidence market prices for good cream, . and a Cream weighed, tested, graded and Dependable Reputation paid for while you wait. The Seaforth Creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop. 'hel'd their Valentine (Social on Friday Walker's �� ��'S evening. Mr. r.' M Sunday s and Mrs. Sam Menwain:enl 'P. in Goderich. FU'NERA'L SERVICE We are glad to hear that Mrs UNiD'ERT'AKING Charlie Bell is 'able to be up again. —and= !A few .from around here attended 'EMBALMING, the "shower" given for Mr. and Mrs Motor or Horse Equipment 'Sowerby last Thursday .evening at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. 'Vic W. J. 'WALKER, holder of Go- Ross. The early part Of the evening vernment; diploma and license. was spent in playing progressive eu- chre, .the ,prizes going to 'ladies' 'high - Flowers furnished esti Miss Evelyn. 'Horton, Leeburn; Night or day phone 67 • gents highest flack. Cousins; ladies low c'oun't, •Mrs. Bob McAllister and !. gents t!ow count, Ross Sowenby.' The WHAT MEND OF A MAN gifts ,were then presented and, opened MAKES THE BEST HUSBAND after which a dainty lunch was then served and the tables cleared away, •ervation.s of a theological Obs seen- thenen acouplele of hours were spent in inary. professor establish the fact that dancing, men who have never had •a' love affair, and those who have not had more than six, or seven, are the'firs't choice. ST. COLUMBAN. These .and other 'observations on the The 'following is the second 'ter,nt subject ,appear in The American report of the Continuation !Classes of q Weekly, dsbribulted with next Sundays Detroit 'Times. St, Columhan (Form school. III,—IHiglrest .standing, Mary McGrath OM. Mary Miles 61%o,-fail- GODERICH TOWNSHIP ed in geometry 40, and zoology 43, !The weather has surely taken ano- Mary (Hart 60%,failed! in Latin 40; ther sudden change. 'On Friday and !Hanna Cronin '66%. ,failed in ;grammar !Saturday sleighs .and cutters could be 48; Kale Ho'llan'd 59%, If ailed ingram- s een everywhere and n:ow• 'b.n,ggies' mar 33, ,geometry 45, algebra ,34. and ,Cars are ou•t'again. lForm I,—Highest standing, Lillian Quite a number Of logs were drawn Miles 67%, I'rene .McQuaid 170%, an - to Mr. Wallis' yard last week to awa'i't ed in Latin 45,: Joseph 'Hart '58%, the .milt in the .spring, Mary 'O'Sullivan .59%, failed in gram- NMr, Harvey !McCartney paid his vis- mar 49, .geometry 43. it to the neighborhood last week. )Fourth 'Class — Thomas .Melady, The 'Ladies' Aid Of Porter's Mill en- ,Edward Roach, 'Wilfred McQuaid, tedtained the Union (Ladies' Aid last 'Margaret Murphy, Benedict R. 1 ol- Thursday at the Grace United land, 'Albert ,Hart, Isabel Roach Church, !Louis 'O''Reilly., `'Mary Hart, Jack ,The Po'rter's Hill Young • Peerple:-=Ct'oniit, 'J'osep'h O'Reilly. 1 TOWIkeTtFICS: 'Mrs Inglis of Eng'.3uheart is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs, I B. I{aine. 'Misses Margaret Armstrong and Elinor Burrows of Toronto were week -end !visikors at their homes. ' :Mrs, Calder Sr. was taker' to the hospital on Wednesday, having sus- tained a fractured hip an Monday When she fell on the icy street while returning (ho'm'e from visiting with her neighbor, Mrs. Slhewfelt.. Mrs, David Reiss, Centre st„ is con- fined to the hospital with an attack of pneumonia. The Govendock residence, 'North Main st., has been leased to Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Meir who have been oe- cu'pykeg the residence Of Mrs. L. T. DdL'acey on John st. this winter. :Miss Anne Govenlock of'Weston wa!s a visitor in town during the.: week- enid. Mrs. A. Reid, is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Jahn McAsh at Varna. Mr. W. J. Faulkner Of the' Dentin - ion Blank, Brantford, was a week -end visitor in town."—. . ISealforth Sipr'ing S'ho'w will be held on April 4th. Tlhe officials are a- round -this week canvassing for dona- tions. Mrs. Louis .Hildebrandt is a visitor this.' week in Kitchener with. her daughter,. Mrs. Roy Snider. There 'was a good- attenda'nc'e at the Swine Ma'rketi'ng meeting in the Town' Hall on Tuesday and Wed- nesday afterndo'ns. On Wednesday -'it was announced' that a .meeting .would be held next month to secure' the co- operation of the farmers in a contbin- ed effort to eradicate the heel fly. -M'is's Maria Hills. and Mists Mar- jorie 1B'ickell spent the week -end at their homes. Miss Jackson has returned after !spendivg a couple •of months in To- ronto and Oshawa. ,Mr, . W. R. S'mi'th -- has purchased the Stott block in which his stare is located. 'Mr. Joseph Burton, who died in 'Clinton on Feb 116 was buried -in (Brussels cemetery on Saturday from the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 'Walker. Deceased was 65 years of age and a native of :Harpurhey. He had lived for a time in Grey town'shi'p. Mr. F. G. Neelin is confined to 1i4 room at the Comm'erc'ial through ill- ness. SUCCESSFUL PLAY A very entertaining play was pre- sented on Monday evening in St. Thomas' 'Church school room by the Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Church, Stratford. The play entitled 'Sound Ylour Horn," which was played in Stratford in January, was 'brought to Seaforth under the auspices of the newly -organized 'A.Y.1P'A. The hall was filled almost to capacity and slightly over $30 was realized. The excellent portrayal of the characters throughout this three -act comedy was highly deserving of the cam- nnend'ati'on which it received. Enter- tainment was ,also provided in num- bers between acts, a sdlo by Mrs, J. A. Munn; clog dancing by two young Stratford .girls and orchestra selec- tions by Miss Winnie Kruse (piano), Messrs. Leonard Strong and (Andrew Doig .(violin's) and ,Bob Tyndall (sax- op'nane). All nu'm'bers were heantily encored. At the close the A.YIPJA. president, Rdbent Archibald, express ed the appreciation of the Associa- tion and Canon Appleyard also thank- ed the Stratford people and their rec- tor, Rev. Wm. Wallace, who was present. The following took part in the play: Dorothy Arnold, , Rae Smith, Mrs. W. Salmond, Mr. W. Salmond,' Mr. M. Brown, Mrs. A. Death, J.r., 'M'rs. W. Arnold, Aileen Wallace, Mr. A. Death Jr. ` Mr N. Freeman: ' BEECHWO.OD • We are sorry to report the death of Mr. John Kelly, 'wnho died very suddenly Wed'nesd'ay afternoon. We exitend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. Mr. and Mrs. Jahn 'Murray and Mr. and !Mrs. Jos. O'Rourke visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murray on Sunday last. Quite a 'number 'from, here attended. the pl'a'y in St. Colum'ban on ,Friday night. g Mr. and .Mrs.Joe Murray visited at the ;home of Mn and 'Mrs. Pat. 'Mc- Laughlin ,on Sunday. Mrs. Thos. Maloney visited friends in Seaforth. on Friday l'as't. ' •M'r. Tames Sloan made a 'business trip' to Kitchener last week. Mr. Frank Maloney and Miss Mary visited at the horn of 'Mr. Thomas Maloney on Sunday fast, Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Murray and Mr, and Mrs. Win. Duffy spent Sun-, day with Mr, and Mrs, Jerry .O'Hara. 'MANLEY. Last week our burg witnessed the old time teaming when 'hundreds availed themselves of the good sleigh- ing by harvesting pine roots to put In •t'resertve of fire wood and if the heavy leniand continues 'there will be no Ladies! Here is your chance, for one week only — FEB. 27th to MAR. 4th Permanent Wave REGULAR $7.50 $4.®0 for REGULAR $3:50 $2.50 for !ii Ladies, these prices include Shampoo and' Finger Wave dna, dray BEAUTY PARLOR Dominion Bank 'Bldg, .Phone 105 !for, parlor; 'house ,phone 229. "Make ap poin'tments early. more pine soots left .i!n the Ib'lg pine swamp in ten years hence, twlnich was at one time thought waste land, after the fine timber was taken off. Mr. and Mrs. John Deitz were .in Detroit of late investigating 'the es- tate ,of her blather, Mt. Fred ILs4'er, who died there 'recently. BRUCEFIELD. Sunday and Monday of this week. were imp'ortan'tdays in the 'history of Brucefieid ,United Church. For three, years the Woman's :IA,ssocia'tion, the Y.PiS. and the Wang Men's !Bible Class have been accumulating; a 'fund for the installing of electric lighting in the !c'hurc'h a'u'ditorium 'and school ro'o'm. 'The hopes of !those :who have been so engaged areat last happily realized and on the dates referred to above the dedication of tihe new light- iit'g system 't'oo'k.place. On !Sunday ev- ening a special service was held; The Rev. Arthur .Sinclair, c'ha'irman of the Presbytery, .being !the visiting speaker. Mr. }Sinclair delivered a !splendid ser- mon 'suitable to the occasion, the choir. of the church provided appropriate music and .the ,nrinislber, Rev. W. A. }Bremner conduoted .the dedication service. On Monday evening the church was again well filled to listen to a .splendid programme. This ,programme was provided -1 by the ,choir, the young men's quartette, Mr. Jarvis Horton, Miss Eva Stackhouse Miss Ann Stewart, Mrs. Afton Johnston and Miss Gladys Addison acting as ac- companists. The Rev. lMr. Poulber, the only neighboring minister Who could m'a'ke it convenient to be pres- :entt, gave a very appropriate address•, congratulating the congregation an the successful consummation. of so imp'ortan't an enterprise. Mr, J. B. Mustard, secretary of tihe 'Board of Managers, gave •a descrip- tion of tine system and the negotia- tion's that led up to its completion by Mr. Gordlon Howse of Clinton, the contractor. Mr. Smith of B9uevale is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. (Hugh Berry, at present. 'Miss Harrison of Porter's Hill, is visiting at the home Of her aunt, Mrs. Fred Burdge.' M•r, Jahn Ketohen of !Drayton, for- merly ,of 'B'rucelfield, spent the week end with !friends in the village and vicinity and assisted the choir a3 the dedioa'to.ry service which was held on Sunday evening. • Mr, John Hill has returned to his home in Moosejaw after speeding the past few weeks visiting his mother and other friends. Mrs. L. Forrest visited at .the home of her brother, !Mr. W. McQueen in Toronto this week, 4.',Sctt, Mr, and Mrs: Rosa and fam- ily visited friends in 'Tor'onto last weelc. Mr. 'and Mrs.' 'Colin West and daughter of 'St. Thomas were guests at the manseaver the week end. A good congregation were present Sunday evening at the dedication of the new electric light system which has recently been installed in the church. Rev. A• S•inc'lair was the preacher ter the service, 'We are triad to report that Miss • AoIo InsIiraDce Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that «111 take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 A. D. Sutherland_ "sRNERAL TNSURANCE REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. 4.14.13 0 al PAGE FIVE SEE THE NEW FORD V=8 at DALY'S GARAGE TOMORROW The Roomiest and most Powerful Ford car ever built 112 -inch wheelbase, Bodies are wider and nearly 12 inches longer, 75 horse power engine. Over 80 miles an hour New all -aluminum cylinder heads, giv- ing increased power, smoothness and economy; J. F. DALY, Ford Dealer SEAFORTH, ONT. Marie Elliott who 'has been confined to her 'bed 'the past two weeks, is son better. Mr. C. Haugh last week .disposed of a fine team of horses to Mr. Dill of (Stratford. He' has since purchased one from Mr. W. 'Charters of the Mill, road. !Word was received by Mrs. Susie Munro Of the death of her =father, ,Mr. (Jahn IF. Hensley of 2506 Oolet Place, !Walnut 'Park, 'California. His 'passing occurred on ,S'atunday morning. Mr. 'Hensley was 7'8 years of age end is survived by bus wife, a ansi !and, daugh- ter in !California, a daughter in Huron, (South Dakota, and Mrs. Munro, of 'Brucdfield. Mr. arta Mrs .Hensley cel- ebrated the 53rd anniversary of their marriage me January 43rd. The de- ceased had .been a resident of the United States al his life. Mrs. Dale 'Nixon Of Seaforth is a ;grand daugh- ter. HULLETT. After an illness of three years fol- lowing a: serious operation, there pass- ed away !Friday, 'Minnie IRrickenden, wife of Arthur 'Dale of Hullett town- ship, Huron road east. The deceased' was bore in Clinton, ,her .parents being the late Edward lBmicken'den and Ant (Hucks'telp) Bric'kenden. On Dec. 28. 11904, she was married to'her -now ber- eft husband and they !farmed int Hul- lett. Three years ago she underwent a serious operation which though af- fording .te'muporary relief did not effect a permanent cure and during her long illness she was a ;great sufferer. !Sur- viving besides her husband are four sons, Edward and Prank, 'London, Archibald and Murray, at home; one da'u'ghter, Ruth, Chicago, I11., a sister. IElizabdth Bricke Iden, who resided with her, and one brother, Edward 7. IBrickenden, Gazelton, B.C. Mrs. Dale was a member of Ontario 'Street Unit ed Church, Clinton and the funeral was 'held Monday from her late resi dence, conducted by Rev. F. G. Far - rill. 'Interment took place ir. Clinton cemetery, the pallbearers being four sons. Edward, Frank, Archie and 'Murray, and Charles and 'George, Shipley, near neighbors. Members of the family including two sons 'frown .London and daughter Ruth ofChica- go, were home before their mother's Passing; HURON ROAD WEST. •We are sorry to learn that 'Miss, Ethel Dale, daughter Of Mr. ant Mrs. Shepherd ;Dale, had the misfortune to scald her leg 'frons her knee down, 'While she was taking the tea kettle off the sto've,'th'e handle being hot, slipped out of her !hand with the result m'enit'ioned. - I' ' Mr. and Mrs. Ferg, Wright are vis- iting alt her parents' this week ememeneemet..wsmn., Young Ladies' Sodality presents Miss Molly A COMEDY IN TWO ACTS and other numibers St. James' Parish Hall Tuesday, Feb. 28 at8pm. St, Tames' Parish Orchestra Admission 25c Euchre andDance at Winthrop FRIDAY. 'FEB:RUARY 24th CS�ood Music Admission, Gents 05c. Ladies with lunch 'free. IN ROLE 'OuF JEWEL THIEF (VVlarn'er Baxter, handsome, debon- air, socially -prominent, and clever jewel thief, leads Miriam J'ord'an, .pret- ty young private detective, a merry chase in the Regent feature romance "Dangerously Yours this coining' Monday, Tuesday 'and (Wednesday, Set in the fashionable salons of the metropolitan society, .aboard a lux- urious yacht, and at a number of fa- shionable !southern resorts, the picture details of the romance 'between 'Alon- enica'scleverest lone -wolf of the criminal world, and one sof the ,smart- est private female detectives that ever stepped out to get her mart. Miriam Jordan. :set a clever trap for her 'wily thief, but unfortunately nfartanatel y 'Warner Bax- ter ant -witted her so cleverly thatshe found herself shangh'a'ied upon his swift motor yacht, and headed for a honeymoon 'int tropic. "waters. `Eventu- ally she ,find's the only passible way to make her cap'tu're is 'to marry and reform this attractive rob'b'er. BORN. WtRBISITEIR,—In 'Taro -11.t , on Friday, Feb. 110th, 1933, to Mr, and. Mrs., Gordon IE. !Webster, a ;son. • BIRIOIW)N,—'In Scott Memorial Hae pital, on Saturday, Feb, 1'Sth, 1933, to Mr. an!d, M'rs. E.d', Brown, Eg mond'wille, a daughter: OHiElOIR101S. In 'Sc'ott Memorial 'Hosp'i'tal, on .Mloatday.'F'eb, 20,'1'933,. to Mr. and Mrs. Chris, Oheoros, of Seaforth, a daughter.