HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-02-23, Page 1' It is not growing like a tree
InY'bu'Ik, cloth make 'Man better be;
Or standing long an oak, three hun-
drad year,
To'15ail'a dog let l'as't, dry, bald and sere,
A 'oily orf a dray
Is fairer far lin May
7Alth'oti h it fall and die that ,night-
It was the plant and flower of Light:
In, small proportions 'we just 'beauties
And in short measures life may per-
). 'feet be. ---B, Jonson '
WHOLE . SERIES, VOL. 55, No. 8.
Phone 84,
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
The a
Confectionery and Restaurant
Drink Crosse & Blackwell's
1 Gallon Tin 75c
IPDEiAIL CATSUP, large 'bolitlesl.. 25c
PINK SAiLM.ON, 1 lb. tin 10c
BENISDIORP COCOA, real special
20c % lb. tin
3 lbs. for
One cake tin give free with each
)r package.
) EA, BASK; makes perfect 35c
tri ' b'lscuits ..........pkg.
sem' GEREAiL BLEND, breakfast cereal
....................... 25c pkg.
SARDINES 10c tin
FRESH 'HERRING....., ..25c doz.
Futter, Eggs and :Dried Apples taken
as cash.
'Cream taken for the Seaforth .Cream-
ery at the same price as paid at
the creamery.
3 nC
h,iSOf S
PHONE 166'
The mid -week service Thursday,
7:45, Rev. Canon IAIpp'leyard will de-
liver the address. Next week Rev.
'Charles A,. Malcolm of Egmondville
will be present.
'Sunday, morning service, sermon,
"The Motive Test" Evening, a
' poem sermon "Everlasting Mercy."
tEd'win and Sidney Taylor, broth'ers,
'Woodstock, were given suspended
.sen'ten'ce by .l'Iagietra'te Reid at Sea -
,far on Friday after they had pleaded
guilty to a charge of breaking, enter-
ing and theft from, the. Seaforth prem-
ises of 'Canada Furniture M'anufac-
turers 'Limi'ted on "'January 21, when
between $500 and $600 of equipment
was stolen. A letter was submitted to
court by M. 'Nesbitt, K'C., of 'Wood-
stock, counsel for the 'Taylors, from]
the Canada Furniture Manufacturers,
giving accused a previous ,good char-
acter. Sidney Taylor, the letter stated,
was a -traveling salesman for the
company for 25 years and had a good
record'. Full r,eatbitution has - been
made, the letter added.
iThe London Belting Company
wrote the coi ^t, saying that they had
received from the Taylor brothers
$1140 which they paid for some of
the stolen 'Moto
W'n'throp addedanother victory
on Wednesday, evening, defeating- St,
Ooltumban 3-3, The ice was sticky but
in fair condition,,
North Side United Church.—Pastor,
Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A.
1Su day, Feb. 216th.—i1l1' aim—Public
Worship. ;Subject, "Matthew". ,S'ev-
en'th in: series an the Apostles.
2.30 pan,—;Sunday S'ch'ool and
Bible Classes.
7 p.m.—Public Worship. Subject,
"Y'ou'th or Age, Which Has It?"
Reverend. 'Ch'arles Mailoo'lm, Sunday,
February 26th. 21 atm., 'My Creed (7)
Believe ,in the Life Everlas'tin'g."
7 pm., ,Stories from the Life of Paul
(8) ;The Mistake of Trying to Please
'S'und'ay, Febru'a'ry '26th, Quinqua-
gesima 'Sunday. -Morning service at
111 a.m., •sermon topic "Hastening to
the Rescue." 3rd drama of the series.
IAlternoron, Sunday ISchood at 3 o'-
clock. . Eventing 'service, 7 o'clock. Ser-
mon topic, Christ's Ministry in
Art—lBeho'ld I stand at the Door and
Women's ,Missi'o'nary 'Society of
INorth'side Church met in the sc'h'ool
room Thursday last, iwith a good at-
tendance. The Presi'den+t, Mrs. W. P.
Lane, conducted the opening exer-
cises,"'Reports-_ from •the secretaries
were received. 91 calls had been
made by the visiting com'mi'ttee in
charge. A letter received by Mars. R.
Frost, reads as follows:
Dear ,Friends,—The bale of cloth-
ing that you so kindly sent came. to
hand this afternoon. Let .me say.ho.w
grateful I am to you ,for sending -this
splend'id ,bale of clothing which will
be a great help to us 3n our relief
work. I ant sure you ,must have had
a great joy in packing this bale of
useful things, and/ sin sI..., you will
be glad,' to know it will bring joy to
a number of people when, we pass
the contents on to those in great
need. With many, many thanks and
with best wishes for t'he future, I
remain, gratefully yours,
If. T. Gawthrop, of the Manse, Kin-
caid, Sask.
A splendid ,paper on temperance
was read by Mrs. B. Williams, at
VMS decided the Auxiliary .meet a
few 'minutes before the regular meet-
ing for prayer in the 'lnlerest of "The
Kin'gdoin of G'od' Movement," which
is being observed by all denomina-
tions, th'roughout the whole of the
Dominion of 'Canada. At the close of
the business meeting, Group N'o,. 2
took charge with Mrs. R. Archibald
leading in prayer, The Bible lesson
taken from, the 3rd chapter of James
was read by 'Mrs. W. P. Lane, This
was followed by 'Mrs, Jas. Hinchley
and Mrs, C. Barber leading in prayer;
A reading "The Whelan in the
Home," by Mrs, J. Finlayson. The
study 'topic from "'I3lis Dominibn of
Canada,: Winding lip, 'of the Churches,
Methodist, Presbyterian and Con.gre-
gational. Read'in'gs by Mrs. R. Archi-
haid, 'Mrs. F „Storey and Mrs, C.
IBiarb'er were, very interesting. The
meeting closed with the 2Vbiz'pah ;bene-
Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of the
Presbyterian,'Chumch are -,serving an
Afternoon Tea
At the home ' of, Mrs. George Fergu-
son, Goderich st.,
ur s., March 2
FROM 3:30 TILL 6 P. M.
Silver Collection
rvm' „ z,a�c
The lanai branch of the :Canadian
Legion is h'old'ing its annual euchre
and dance on 'Friday evening, 17th
'March at the 71O,O.iF hall (formerly
GVV.V.IA.). IA general invitation is;
,cordially extended to all. Euchre will
be 'p'l'ayed until I1 pan. . 'followed, by
iunoh and a dance, the music for
Which will be 'pioo:vidledby the Mc
ICartney six -piece 'ordh'dstra which
created such a favourable impression
at a recent local !flirtation. A lady at-
tendant will be present in the ladies'
dressing room during .the entire even-
The "Legion wishes to 'take this op-
portunity to ,express its ,appreciation
tothe ipubli,c 'for :the :support, always
:generously given for any appeal for
funds 'which are care'full'y and ecbn-
onai'cally administered for .,the benefit
of ,local returned soldiers.
It is considered advisable to again
remind bhe public 'regarding the 'act-
ivities of canvassers who claim to be
selling articles the return's from 'which
are said 'to b'ene'fit ex -service 'men and
the Legion .wishes Ifo', go en record as
strongly d'is'approving of this system
of ap'pealin'g to the public. 'Recently
this town was canvassed by persons
selling articles bearing the caption
"This ,benefits a returned ,soldier."
:Some .people'may have purchased from
these vendors under bhie impression
that the returned men ,of 'this com-
munity were •benefiting when 'as a
matter of fact the principal benefic-
iaries are 'the canvas's'ers who never
saw active service. ;Such misrepresen-
tation is regretted by members of the
local Legion and .in 'jus'tice to them
the pu'b'lic is acquainted with the
facts. 'O'ccasionally the )Legion offic-
ia'llysanctions 'deserving, and thor-
oughly accredited: salesmen !but unless
they can 'produce a letter signed by
the officers' of the local branch they
should be ,aocomddd no support.
'T'he'February meeting.' of the Mc-
Gillivray 'Auxiliary was held in the
'Sunday "sc'h'oalroo•m an Monday even-
ing. Considerable business 'was dis-
cussed, with :Miss S. 'Wlood presiding.
1k was decided to hold a St. Pat-
rick's su'p'per on March .17th, and to
join with the senior W. M. S. in a
meeting for the Easter iThankoffer-.
iing. Three members, Miss Helen
Lane, Mrs. Ross ;Savauge and Mrs.
J. Currie were presented with life
membership certificates, Miss 'Wood
in her remarks congratulated them
on being the first members of the
Circle to receive life membership
certificates, as proof of their un-
selfish devotion to the Auxiliary.
'The program was in charge of Circle
No. 2, presided over by Mrs, E.
Close, 'who gave in an able mariner
'the story of the origin of 'Beethoven's
Moonlight Sonata. Miss McLean read
the 'Scripture reading, which was fol-
lowed - by a prayer by Mrs, 'Lane.
Mrs. Hopper and Mrs. P. Moffatt
gave a delightful solo, .'tcconupanied
on the piano by Miss Helen. Lane.
The topic of the evening was given
by Mrs, E. B. Goodie on chapter 1
of the new study hood "His Domin-
ion of Canada," by Dr. Oliver.
The weekly meeting of the Young
'People's ,Society of North Side Unit-
ed Church was held on 'Tuesday ev-
ening, Web.
v-ening,'Feb, 211st, with 'lir. Sam Scott
in the chair. 'The meeting was, in
charge of Mr, Jack Stevens under the
Citizenship ";Department and opened
by singing. several 'C.IG:LIT. songs led
by Miss Mary !Reid. Mrs, Keith Web-
ster then led in prayer. The minutes
of the previous .meeting were read by
the secretary, Miss Winnie Savauge
and adopted. After singing 'hymn 145
Miss Donna. Mole favoured with a
reading, "A. Boy and His Stomach,"
which was much enjoyed by all. The
'Scripture reading was taken by Mr:
Keith 'Webster, Mr, I. H. Weedmark
of the 'Collegiate staff ably took the
topic for the evening, 'Is the Profit-
hharimg Native of Ind anstry 'Unchris-
tian?" ,After singing .hymn 1119 and,re-
peatin:g the Mizpah benediction an in-
teresting •gasure brought the meeting
to a close,
Re -appointment of retiring' direct-
ors of 'the MoKildo'p Mutual Fire"In-
surance Company was made at the
annual meeting held in t'he Town
Seaforth, en Friday afternoon,
IThe officials of the Company will be
the same as last year, and no change
in rates was made. The financial
statement s'h'owed losses .reported as
The Alumnae of Scott Memoni'al
'Hos'p'ital rivet on 'Thursday evening,
'February. 116th and elected the follow-
ing officers for the year 19133:
Honorary President, Miss' Margar-
et Wilisoin, +RN., Supt. Honorary
Member, 'Mrs,. Dan ;Steckle, R.N.;
,President, Mise (Ella Roulsto'n, R.N.;;
Vice Presid'en't, ,Miss Anne Downey.
R.N„ , 'Treasurer, Miss Moana Me -
Gregor, :RJN.; Secretary, Miss Edna
,Breinher; Social Com'mi'ttee, Miss
IDolwriey, Mrs. 'Weaver,Miss 'Brem-
ner and 'Miss 'McGregor, convenor.
convener of .Finance Committee, Mrs.
Weaver. Convene'i'•o1f Sick Committee,
Miss Esther' Trout,,R.:N.
The next meeting will be held on
Thursday, March 12nd, 8 p.m.
'Winthrop clinched !first position in
the MIM'illan Cu . series Saturday
night by defeating ITuckersm'ith 0-1.
Egmondville blanked IS't. Cbdirnrb,an
4-0 in the first game.
The game between St. Co'lu'mban
and 'E,gmondlville was not as uneven
as the 'score might indicate, although
Egrnondvil'le had the best of play. St.
Golu'mban was dangerous at times.
The St. Cokumban boys tried frant-
ically to scare, but MdGeoc'h could
not 'be beniten. Jim a31orris starred for
•E'gmond'ville, while fi'm (Lane was best
for St. 'Co'lumib'an.
The line-ups: Egtmandvil'le—R. Me-
IGeoch, goal; H. McMillan and W.
Wright, defence; Jelhn (Flannery,
centre; IL. H'icknell and ij. 'Morris,
wings; alternates, G. Kruse, F. Kling,
A. Nicholson and P. Sproat. ;St. 'Col-
umben—H. Pethick,- goal; E. "Malone
and IT, vltcQuade, defence; 'Jim ',Lane,
centre; F. Hart and 'V. Lane, wings;
alternate's, 'Joe Lane, Joe Moylan, J.
Malone and N. McQuade.
Winlih'ro'p ,outscored Tu:ckersm'ilth
3-1 in a hard-fought but 'fairly clean
game. Winthrop scored two goals in
the first period. No penalties were re-
ceived in the first period ,and only one
in 'he second.
It looked as though Tuekersm'lth
would. tie the score. They played four
men, forward M th'e last part of the
This game n -as more interesting 'to
watch but lagged, at times, due to pen-
alties in the last period. Neither team
seemed able to 'beat the net mi'nd'ers,
although near the last of the game
Montgomery was peppered with shots
from every angle.
TWO more games are being played
on Wednesday night and on Saturday
night a sudden death game between
Egmondville and 'Tuckersmith, with
winners to meet Winthrop in the fin-
The line-ups: Winthrop—W. Mont-
gomery, goal; E. little and F. Bul-
lard, defence; N. Montgomery, centre;
A, Dale, and Moody Holland, wings;
alternates, H. Shannon, E. Dorrance
and T. 'Eaton. Tuckersnnith — S.
Doig, goal; R, tDoig and '5, Doig, de-
fence; G, Reynolds, centre; A. Arch-
ibald and W. 'Coleman, wings, alter-
nates, ,F. Reynolds, F. Archibald and
W. McCartney.
Won Lost Tied Pts.
Winthrop ..4 0 1' 9
Egmondville . , , .3 3 0 6
Tuckersmith . . ,i2 3 0 4
St, 'Columban .. .0 4 0, 1
The first case smiler the new meat
bylaw since the recent meeting of
the town council was held in the
town hall on Saturday morning when
Mr. Carl Dalton of MclKillop came
before 'Magistrate Greig in the nature
of a test case, and ruling was re-
served for a ;week. Enthusiasm of the
spectators was sufficiently great to
require a warning that the court
room would be cleared if there was
not better order.
The "beefing," both pro and con
over this bylaw is considerable, says
one local punster, There is no doubt
the bylaw is a live issue, for no sooner
was 'last week's News off the press
than we had inquiries'; why the date
of the council meeting dill not ap-
pear iii the report. The answer to
'that was easy it was inadvertently
overlooked. But when somebody else
comes along wanting to know the
reason the motions appearing in the
News were given in detail, as usual,
and another paper printed only a
summarized 'version -',Why ask us?
say .we.
'Ladies' Aid .and 'W'M.iS, : will meet
'Friday, 'March '3'nd for IDlay of 'Pray-
er, alt the home of ,Mrs. 'Theron ,Bet-
•tl'es. 'The roll call 'will be prayer. 'This
will be the 05 -cent ,day. (Please note
th'e change of date.
'Rev. 'David' 'Carswell .of 'Toronto
visited at' the hassle of Mr. and' Mrs.
Alex, Guthill last Thursday atterno;an:
'Winthrop hockey team -defeated
Egmonldville 2-1 on (Wednesday night
Feb. ,llsith ,and the score between Win-
throp .and Tiic'kersmith on Sat, ,night
was 3-1 in 'favor of Wttvbhro:
Mr. and Mrs. Sol 'Shannon and Mr.
Frank 'Johnston' attended the funeral
of bhe !late 'Mrs, Henry Henderson on
Mr. Archie Ca'mp'bell of (Toronto
spent the week end in ;the village.
Mins. Adam :Dodds of 'Listowel is
spending a few days with her parents,
Mr. ,and 'Mrs. •Robert Campbell, this
We are sorry to report that Mrs.
'George little is confined to her bed
and under the doctor's came. We .wish
her a 'speedy recovery.
'Don't :forget the euchre and . dance
to 'be held, in. ,the hall this Friday
Mr. Robert ,Oarnachan was engaged
,hauling square timber to ,Clinton last
week and Mr. iForrest hauled to Go-
Me. 'Trewantha +af "Go'derie'h town_
shipdelivered a load of cedar (posts to
Mr. ITeb'butt last ,Saturday.
Mr. ,Andrew (Houston was making
use of the sleighing last weak and
hauled several loads Of 'ray ha'me
from Jahn Martin's.
'Mrs. Ira 'Johns spent 'Monday with
her friend, 'Mrs. 'Tebbutt.
Mrs. James Allan o'f Egmondville
spent a few days this week at her
son's, Edgar 'Allan.
The (Misses ,Bessie and. Agnes
iBroad''fo'ot of ;Lo'n'd'on spent the week
end 'at their 'home.
Mr. 'Wm,'Landsborough is still con-
fined to the house. ,His .many friends
hope to soon see him around shortly.
Mr. (Sandy +Broadfoot shipped' a car
Toad of cattle and sheep to Toronto
last 'S'aturday.
The Young People of St, Andrew's
U'nited'Church met on Friday even-
ing•last with Miss Olga Bell presid-
ing. With Mrs. R. R. Conner at
the piano, a very enjoyable sing -song
was led by .Rev, R. 'R. 'Conner, after
which games and contests were en-
joyed with apples and peanuts,
Rev. R. R. Conner took for his
subject on Sunday morning last
"'Making Religion Attractive," and it
was a very interesting and worth-
while talk. The Misses Mary and
Florence Thompson sang a very
pleasing duet, "Beyond Earth's Sor-
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper spent
a few days in Sarnia recently.
A number from this vicinity at-
tended' the special dedication ser-
vices which were held in Brucefield
United Church on ;Sunday evening
last, and also the fine program which
was held on the following Monday
A meeting of the farmers of this
vicinity was held in Hensail Town
Hall on Monday evening last . with a
view of finding a better market for
the bean crop. Representatives 'from
Chatham, addressed the delegation of
farmers present.
Mrs. Archie Parsons of Stanley is
visiting for a few days with her par-
ents, Mr. and lfrs, jos. Linden of
We are very sorry to report that
-lir. Alex. irlclGregor of Tuckersrnith
is not in his usual good health, but
his many friends hope for a speedy;
:Sleighing is not as good as it has
formerly been owing to the recent
rains, but the 'weather man is going
to send some snore snow shortly (we
lir, Fred Parsons of 'London visited
on 'Sunday at the home of 'Mr, and
Mrs. Archie ,Parsons of Stanley..
The "Busy Bees" Mission Circle
will hold their February meeting at
the home of hisses 'Olga and Jean
Bell on Saturday afternoon, Feb, 25,"
et 2:30 p,'m, All the young ladies of
the congregation are invited,
Rev. R. R. Courter took the even-
ing esrvi'ce in Hensai'1 United Church
on, 'Sunday last as their pastor, Rev,
Fine Watch
131E ceaseless running of a
w'a,bph in, its effort to give
you correct time, invariably
,causes the' oil to become
hard and then wear and cut-
ting 0,f % pivots is 'the nat-
, pre-
� In order
opal result. i A .
this and keep your 'watch ag' a
valuable time .piece indefinitely, per-
iodical 'tare is n'ecess'ary. To make
sure :no damage results i1rom iconst'arrt
use your watch should be inspected
once each year or at least every 18
month's. We snake n'o' charge •far in-
specting your watch and if in need of
repair our charge" is >moderate and
the :work done is of highest qualaty.
Fred, S. Savauge
Watchmaker, Jeweler & 'Optometrist
Opposite .Post Office
Phone 194 Seaforth
I' 13
A. ,Sinclair was the special 'speaker
in Brucefield United 'church.
'The many friends p'f Mr. ,Robert
Elgie Sr. will be :sorry to hear he is
gradually growing weaker.
'•Mr. Isaac Jarrett is not impro'vin'g
as fast as .all would like -t to see him
'The reception given in honor of
Mx. and Mrs. Campbell Eyre in Wat
son's 'hall recently by a host of
friends, was a real success .in every
Our local hunters are having great
success at the rabbits and have got
large nusnbers.
Mr. Alex. MdGregor was taken to
Seaforth on Sunday morning and op-
erated on for a severe attack of ap-
pendicitis and his many friends 'hope
for a s'peedy recovery.
Mr. W. M. Doig is spending a
couple of weeks' vacation with friend's
in Port Huron and Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caldwell are
fully recovered after a severe attack
of the flu.
Liss Marjorie Colson spentthe
week end with her friend, Hiss Helen
Mrs, 'Beacon and Kathleen visited
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thos.
Knox Tuesday evening of last week.
'Miss Annie McTaggart accompan-
ied by the young Masters Archie and
Donald Watt, spent Sunday after-
noon at the home of the former's
aunt, Mrs. Simon McVittie.
Mr, Peter McDonald had a very
successful wood -bee on Friday after-
noon of last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Allen visited at
the home of 'Mrs, Harry Moon lion -
day evening of this week -for tea.
lir. and Mrs. I. Rapson spent Sun-
day afternoon at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. 'Leo Watt.
Last week Mr. :Bert Be^cont went
to Clinton to take charge of the bar-
ber shop for Mr. Hearn who was in
'Clinton hospital, having undergone an
operation for appendicitis,
-lir, Ward. Knox and a friend visit-
ed the fornmer's sister, 3Lie's Olive
'Knox in Kitchener-i\Vaterloo hospi-
tal on Sunday. O'l'ive is getting along
fine and expects if all is well to re-
turn home Saturday.
.Mrs. Wrn, Knox Jr. visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Watt on
Saturday afternoon,
\Iess'rs. Harold iBeaco'm and John
Letiper spent Thursday evening of
last week at the home of Mr. 1. Ran-
Miss Marjorie Colson is having the
young :girls of the community at her
hoarse on Wednesday a'fternoon's' of,
this week to work' on the autograph
quilt which is being made.
Mrs, David Reid returned home on
Monday .after holidaying with her
daughter, Mrs. Wan. Rogerson of
near Bi•ucefield, also ,calling on IClIn-
ton friend's.
We are ,sorry that \Irs. Joseph Tay-
lor is not at present enjoying geed
'health, but hope she will soon be bet-
ter .again.
,\4r, WM. Acid3son has the Caretak-
ing of 'Burns' ';United Church Inc'1933,
Miss Helen Lear spent the week at
the home of her grandparents, •Mr;
and Mrs, S. M\ic'Vittie,