HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-02-09, Page 8'PAGE EIGHT. 7-1171 THE SEAFORTH NEWS. TH'URSD'AY, FEBRUARY 9, 1933. HENSALL. A meeting was held in the town hall on Friday' evening for the pur- pose of interesting the 'farriers in growing soy beans,' The meeting was addressed by Mae Jas, Forgie and Mr, Tri'cicie of Milton; Ontario. The company isanxious to interest the farmers of this vici'ni'ty in the grow- ing Of this crop, The farmers show-- Mg howing a keen interest, signed a good number of contracts Ito grow a large aoreage. The WIM4S. of the United Church, held their regular monthly meeting on, Thursday, afternb'pn last. After the opening ,and !devotional exercise the devotional leaflet was read by Mr's. W. Carlile and the study lesson read by the president, Mrs. Spencer and Miss Morrison. Itt was arr'an'ged to hold the annual prayer meeting on March 3rd. The other ehurches of the village are being invited. The meeting closed with prayer. The Wahela Olaesof the 'United Church !Sabbath School intend giv- ing a concert an Friday evening, Feb- ruary lmth. An excellent program is being 'prep'ared. Miss Verde. Watson spent the week end at her home in, Blyth. Mrs, Wm. Consitt ' has returned. home after a pleasant visit with friends in Kincardine. Mr. Wm. Simpson of Detroit spent the week end with relatives here, Mr. Wm. Consist attended a meet- ing at (London last week of the bean'. buyers and growers of Western On- tario. An association will be formed of mutual 'benefit. The Welfare Youth 'Club of Car- mel Presbyterian Church held their regular meeting on Monday 'evening. The meeting was in charge of Miss Edna Gill. After the opening exercises Rev. W. A. Young led in prayer and the Scripture read by Miss Grace Dick, At interesting feature of the evening, was lantern slides, on "Man- churia". The slides were illustrated by Miss Irene Deters after which the meeting closed by the Slizpah bene- diction and contests and games were enjoyed. ' Constable Hudson has a number or transients in charge every night, Dur- ing the month he gave 97 meals at a cost of $24.25 to the town. Mr. John Carnick of the South boundary ni Hay was in town last week on business, IMr. Roy McLaren is confined to his room this week through illness. Mr. Orville Beavers of Exeter spent several days last week with friends in town. Council Meeting. — ;The regular monthly meeting of the village coun- cil was held on Monday evening with all the members present and Reeve Consitt in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopt- ed on motion of Petty and Jones. Communications were read from the Salvation Army at ,London and the Reeve as soon as the commission is THE FIRSIT STEP IN KEEP ready and ,at that meeting the assess- ING A SECRET, IS KEEPING o r.: for 1933- will be. a.p'pdinted. The' meeting then adjourned.. BAYFIELD. !II'arold Scotc'hmer of 0.AJC„ Guelph, was ,ho'n'e over the week end, (William Parker and Miss Vine Herbert were at Mitchell on Sunday. Mr. and, Mrs. Percy Dymond ,of Detroit motored here (Saturday after- noon to see Mrs. Dymand'•s mother, Mrs. J. W. 'Tippett, who is i'11, 'nam- ing !taken a slight stroke the previous !Sunday. They returned .home Sunday afternoon. rs of 'LOL, No. 2'4 at The membe I their regular lodge m'eetin'g Monday night decided to have another euchre and dance in .the town hall some time this month: The date will be an- nounced later, 'Members of the A:YJP.IA. of Bay- field, Varna, and Middleton, are beisy preparing three one 'ac't plays," "His 'Model Wife," '"The Dear Bele," and '?'Mix Well and Stir." 'There have been several dances since Christmas and many will be glad to have some- thing different in the way of enter- tainment. The exact date has not beenset but expect the latter part of this month in the town: hall. r On Friday evening, I'ebrua y 10, the Badminton Club are having e euchre and dance in the town hall, ;Lunch will be served and good prizes awarded. The annual meeting of Trinity Church Guild was held at the home of Mrs. Elliott on Thursday after- noon there being a fairly ,good atten- dance. The following officers were appointed for 1933: President .Mrs. F. A. Edwards; vice president, Mrs.. .Brandon; secretary, Mrs, S. Mtc•Ew- an; assistant secretary, Miss Maud Castle; treasurer, Mrs. H. R Mc- Kay. Chancel (Guild, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Baker, Mrs, Widcombe; flower committee, Mrs. E. A. :Featherston, Mrs. P. Weston, Mrs. G. King. ,e Valentine tea, under the auspices the Guild, is to be held at the me of Mrs. Edwards, Tuesday t, February 14th, from 4 to 6 and fee is only 16c. Come. he euchre and dance held on ednesday evening of last weelc un - the auspices of the Bayfield lib - y, was a decided success. In the etre contest the prizes were won follows: Ladies, Mrs. Wm: Wes - n, -Hiss B. Gairdner; gents„ A. C. randon, John Stirling. An enjoyable ice followed, excellent music be g .furnished by the Marshall orc'h- ra of Varna. The Bayfield Variety rchestra and a -number of local mu - dans. As usual a splendid lunch was rved. The initial meeting of the village us'tees was held in the town: hall on onday eventing, a number of rate- yersabeing present. M. Ross was pointed chairman, the other truc- es (being Lewis Thomson and John. eLeod. A41 three being 1Scotchmen e may look for economical minninig village affairs. They will not vote emselves large salaries, that's sure. din Pease was appreintted ,constable nd 'caretaker of the hall at reduced ay. !From Saturday's Free Press.-tGo- erich, Feb. 2.—Mrs. James Db(nald'- n today 'quietly observed her 98th irthday at the home of her Son, aures. Although her sight and hear - are' defective, Mrs, Donaldson is right mentally and was Up and bout the house when visitors called nd spent part of the day knitting ocks for the welfare committee. A SECRET .THE FACT THAT YOU HAVE ONE . . ,,THERE IS NO SECRET AB- OUT OURHSGH PATENT 'FLOUR, at $1.95 PER CWT., GIVING GOOD SAITI:S'FAC- TI'O!N. W. E1 KERSLAKE Miss Amy Parsons spent the 'week end in Stratford at the 'home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Jenkins, aeso attending the, "at home" there. Amy did not know of her mother having a 'relapse. IM•r. and Mrs, Wm. Knox, Formerly of Grey, are na* living in our vicin- ity, at the home o'f the itotmer's p'ar- e*,. Mr, and Mrs. ' Thos. Knox. efiss Reta Bowes visited her cons - in, lytics. Marjorie Colson, .part of last week. 'Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 'Colston and fa maty attended a panty at the hdm'e of Mr. Wm. Bowes lase 'Thursday night. IMr. and' Mos. Wm. 'Knox and Anad rey aslant lash Tuesday evening - at the holme of Mr. and Mrs. I, Rap- son. The funerall of the late Mr, Alex, (Reid, who passed pelalceifvlly away af- ter a short illness, was held' from his 'late hbane lash Wednesday to Burns' Church cemetery. Sincere sym'path'y is extended' to Mrs, Reid and family and the other friends. Mrs, Albeit Rapson, is at present in the lSesttornth Hospital, having undergone an operation for appendic- itis last week, Slhe is doing as well as can be eeep'edbed and we th'olpe rv'ill soon, be thoroughly recovered. 'Miss Leah. Rapson, who is attend- ing Normal at Stratford, was home over the week end. i?vlrs. Gordon Jenkins, who was me for a few days s on account of y her mother, Mrs, Ohlarles Parsons, being ill, .returned to Stratford'' last Thursday. The January ,meeting of the Lad- ies' Aid also W.M.S. ,of Burns Unit- ed .Church was held last TIhurs'd'ay afternoon ;at the hotme of Mrs. Wm, Brown with Mrs: Nelson Lear and Mrs. Geo, Brown .assisting.' Mr. and Mrs. Simon MtrVtittie vis- ited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Johnston and Mr, .and Mrs. McTaggart of Walston last Friday. Miss Annie MciTaggart is et pres- ent at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Watt, (lIntend'ed for last week). ;When it was learned M the sudden passing of life of the fate Mr. Dan- iel Stevens it 'cast a shadow of gioom aver the entire conimamity, and the widow, fam'ily and friends have the sincere sympathy of all in thistime of sorrow and loneliness. The following is •the report of SIIS. No, 6, Hallett, for the month of Jan- uary: ISr. IIV,—(Ida (Leiper 744%a, Willie Taylor 72,4%, 0•vin Shannon* 702%. 1Jr, IV.—•'Wilma .Shepherd* 715%, Jim MclEwing 66.4, Watson Reid 516.4,' 'Sr, EDI. --Gordon McGregor 6427. Jr. I1I!I.-11.aura Leiper 61:6%. S, Alvin Nicholson* 59% Pr.—Ross Leiper 84%, Jean Rap- son 80.2, Arnold. Hodge 74.2. Pupil winning most stars in spell- ing was Glordon McGregor. Pupils Whose names are marked with an as- terisk 'Co) missed one or more exam- inations. Lydia L. Reid, Teacher. HARLOCK. The Late Alexander Reid. — On 'Sunday evening,. January 29th, there passed away another of the old pio- neer residents ,olfi H,ulllett township, i'n the ,person df Alexander Reid, in this 82nel year. He had been apparent- ly enjoying the best of health, 'being strong' and vigorous, when ;suddenly, on Friday, he was smitten with a stroke, from .which he never recover- ed. ,A man of admirable,personal qual- ities he won ..and ' maintained the es- teem of all with whom he became ac- quainted. He was a kind, loving hus- band and fatherandin the home as well es the community, he ' will be sadly missed, A quiet, unassuming man, .his chief interests lay in his home and in, his church, (For over 6it'y years he was superintendent of (Burns' Sunday school, and took his part in the music which he toyed. He was a 'lifelong member of Burns' Presbyterian Church, entering with that church, into union, several years ago. In politics he was a ,Liberal. The late Mr. Reid was born in Lanark- shire, Scotland, in 1.652, coming to Canada with his parents, 'Robert and Mary Somerville Reid, iu 1856. They 'first settled in Vaughan Twp., re- maining there only ten months, alter wihiich they moved to Hullett, lot 9, concession 10. The deceased graduat- ed from Clinton Collegiate, as a school -+teacher, and for some years taught in' Harlack school. Forty-six years ago he was married to Janet Wells of Hullett, buying the farm, dot 7, cion. 10, on which they have resided ever since. He leaves to mourn his loss, his widow and three, children, namely firs. Norman 'Slhepherd QAi e ie), of Hullett; Mrs. Frank Marshall (Katie), of East Wa- wanosh, and Edward Somerville Reid of Blyth, Also one sister, 'Mrs. Adam_ Elliott, and one brother, Archibald Reid, bath of,Blyth. The funeral took place on Wednesday, February 1st. Service was conducted at the house by Rev, Gardiner, pastor of Burns' United Ohurch, followed by interment in Burros' cemetery. The pallbearers were Messrs, William Trewin, Frank 'McGregor, William Addison, 'Soio•m- on ,Shannon, John Jenkins ,and James Leiper. We regret that there is so much sickness in our vicinity. Mrs. Charles Parsons had an attack of appendicitis recently and was better but took a relapse the latter pant of last week but we are glad she is improving now and hope she will goon be thoroughly recovered. Miss Olive Knox had another at- tack last week and expects to go to Kitchener for an operation as soon as possible. We hope Olive will soon be all o.fl. again. Mr. Ro'bent Watson has been sick now for a week and is not getting along as fast ,as his many friend's world wish to hear. We hope he will soon be on the mend and able to 'be around again. Mr, and Mrs. Warren Gibbings and baby spent last week at the Nome of Mr. and (Mrs. I. Rapson and visited Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. W. 'Beacom. of ho tnex the T `,t. der rar eu• as to Br. da in est 10 si se tr 3f P ap to t 14 w of th iJ a p d so b aJ b a s Sick Children's Hospital at Toronto, asking for assistance. These were laid over till the next meeting. Mr. Ow- en Geiger was present and asked that the usual grant of $25 for the Hen- sall Seed Show and Hensall Spring Fair be ma'de $35 this year. It was moved by Petty.and seconded by Janes that the grant be $30 which was carried. Tax Collector Fred iBon- thron was present and gave his re- port. There was about $100 of out- atending taxes paid in during the month. There' is still around $1:700 of 19312 taxes uncollected. The village auditor, Robert Higgins, then gave his report which was adopted on neo tion of Petty and'Mickle. There was a .delficit of $71.5 between the treas- urer's receipts and •expenses. The'au- dlitor congratulated the council of 1932 for its splendid financial shdw- native of Tipperary, (Ireland, s he is ce ty s. came to Canada. with her parer ing. 'The debenture debt of the village was reduced $7,000 and the notes on the bank from $2400 to $1300. The note and debenture debt of the vil- lage is now $2.90911.15 with a sinking fund of ($42:241.00 to take care o'f the last payment on the cement road that thisyear. The Hydro Commis- siondue y •ion show a balance in the bank of s $690 in the current account, $11500 in the savings account and "$4000 invest- ed in Government Bonds. As the fu- ture needs utureneeds of our Hydro are well ba - ken care of the auditor thlought that we are now due for a reduction in m the Ontario rates fro Hydro Com- mission and suggested that an effort be made to have our street lighting reduced from $12 to $10 per lamp. a re also suggested The auditor g T g of from t � ' n in the `tax rate o dntcGa three to 4 mills, as 311 to 62 mills should the sufficient to take care of the requirements of the town for 1933, The relief co'm'mittee then gave its report, having given relief to ..two families during this month and anoth- er family asked for coal which was gr'a}rated. Constable Hudson gave his repont, stating that the had given 97 meals • to transients costing the town $24J25. A nu•mlber of bills were pres- ented and ordered paid, on motion of Petty and Spencer. Tthe"'commission, appointed' at the last meeting to go over the assessment of the town, was not ready to make its report so a spe- cial meeting will be called by the 'when two years of age and has sin lived contrinuoasiy in Huron cerin witnessing many miraculous change Mrs. Donaldson is an aunt of Charles. Carruthers, city editor of The Lon- don Free Press and well tkndwn ra- dio news caster. There are two sons hs. and 'Chas. Of God eric'h a living, James o Mrs. El- izabeth o two sisters, Mr of Ottawa, a s Perdue, Goderics township, and Mrs. James Churchill, Brandon, Man., and one brother, 'Phonies, in (Colorado. Her huslbandl died eight years ago. Wheen Mrs. Donaldson's sight began to fail torted mem- orizing orizing the Scriptures and is n well versed in the Bible. Slie is a life- long Presbyterian, a good conversa- ttion•allistt and possessed of mach wholesome Irislh wilt." Before' mov- ing Donaldson Mrs. Dan ing to Goderich, M lived for many years in Bayifiel'd on (Louisa street in the house Mr. Doni. Odeon built {and which is now owned and occupied by, Mr. Walter West- lake. Mrs. D!onalidison has many friends here who are pleased to know she . is in good health and enjoying life. Spot eash a5h Va ues ISALADA TEA 'COFFEE, Chase & 41c. . (Half Pound C Sanborn'S, 1 ib. .. MAXWELL H'OUSEA C COFFEE, 0 ib...•._, MAN. FDOUR, Fri. 4 To and Sat. only, cwt i ■ PAISTRY FLOUR ��`. 24 Pounds .. .. ERY"S COCOA 'IIlall pound -tun'• • • e 21C (WHITE NAiFHITHAale� SOAP, 10 bars... c PALMOLIVE SOAP2 j. Fri. and Sat. only f.4.7 4 Cakes It Pays to buy in Egmondvilie., W. J. FINNIGAN All mothers can put away anxiety regarding their suffering children, when they have Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator to give relief. Its ;effects are sure and lasting. teeth.. SunnyvaleOU BUY Chicks Scott's Barred Rocks lin open coanmebitlon with Canada's leading breeders is Egg Lay- ing Contests cdn'd+udted- in three Provinces, show . their s,uperior 'breeding. At the Quebec Western 'Contest, our pen 'hold second place, six points belhin'd the leader. At Harrow, Ontario, we hold Sble 'place :bo date an, the stiffe's't comtpletition. Our pen at .N'aip'patn, Nova Scotia, although' 10 days late for the opening, are now in 8th position and mentioned each week among the heavy scaring pens. We spend our entire time on one breed +only, and purchasers of our chocks can depend upon getting the full! value for their money, Our WEEIK'IS FREE brooding proposition ends definitely on Feb. E5. It will pay to get in touch with us before. that date. Visitors welcome at all times. 0 PHONE: 251-32 T SEAFORTH, ONT. 119 MEMORIAM Iin loving memory of Mrs. John Jarrot't, .who ps:ssed away five years ago, Febeuary 7th, 119223 'Strangers :nay come and strangers may go, 'Fl:ewers may wilt with the falling snow; ,Serf g may come with blossoms street, 'But lie without' soother is not com- plete. —Sadly missed by herdaughter Alice and son Norman. CARD OF THANKS. The fancily of the late Mrs, Cather- ine Evans wish to thank 'their friends and neighbors far kind expressions of sympathy and spiritual bouquets during their recent sad .bere'avemen't, and also those who kindly loaned their cars, EXETER. Special Evangelistic services were held in James Stt•ee't United Church during the past week, with Rev. Do. Walter 1Millson of the Department of Evangelistic and Social Service, Tor- onto, as the special speaker. The at- tendance of the week night services continued to increase unfit it became necessary to .use the auditorium of the church on Friday evening. Dr. :Willson is well 'kndwri as he 'was born near Zion and a'ttende'd 'Exeter High School, He also gave a very 'vivid de- scription of the Oxford, Movement. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Stainton, was assisted by several local ministers. The "Alt Home" given by the mem- bers of Lebanon, Forest Lodge No. 1133, AIF. & A.M., in. Exeter Olpera House on Fridayl evening of last week was a very happy and enjoyable affair. A social hour was spent, prin- cipally in progressive euchre. Fol- lowing the euchre a very (fine program was carried out, commencing with , I -o Illowin, the 'national anthem: g the program refreshments were %served. The floor was then cleared and both old and new time dancing enjoyed„ Mr. Charles Goidbollt sang several of Harry Lauder's favorites at the Oyster supper held in the Presbyter- ian Chu:rclh at Cromarty on the even- ing of Janaccompan- ied •. 31st: He was P. ied by Mrs. Godbolt, pianist. ,YOU ARE ASSURED OF HIGHEST QUALITY • Because we are Specialized Breed- ersin Barred Rocks and White fog- horns. o g hrns ,foundationbreeding stock is trapnes'ted under the exacting pol- icy of Record of Performance. Every hale in every mating ie an R.0,P. Approved Male with dam's •relcor.d 'reneging from 200 to 265 eggs. Every female Government banded and 'blood-testtecl', and (hatc'hery is under 'Government inspection. Our prices are in, keeping with the titres. [Liberal discount on all orders booked before Feb. 15th foe delivery any time during the. season..: Sunnyvale Poultry Farm R:R. 3, SEAFORTH, ONT. Notice Car` Licenses issued, also Trailer !Licenses up to 2,000 lbs. M. W. MILLER CLINTON, ONT CUSTOM SAWING. ' , 'New price for our Custom S'awr ing for the year 1933, reduced from. $7 to $5 per M, for cash. $6 ,per M. if booked. Come one, come all. WILLIAM DOIIG Jr., Kippen R. R. 3. Phone 1'352 Seaforth. 0. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Alex. Reid and ,family wish to thank their friends and neighbors fat the kindness and sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement, with special thanks for the beautiful floral tributes and to flrose who so kindly loaned their cars. the o'penin'g ode, and the Lord's pray- er repeated in unison. During the bus- iness part the question of having the annual! "pie so'cia!1" ,was discussed and it was decided to hold one as usual, the date to be the lith of March. After business was closed a good ,program was given and ensjoyed by all. The hosltesses then served a dainty and refreshing lunch and so- cial half incur was spent ,over the tea cups. Those who are sick in our nisdst are Mr. Wm. Gray and Mr. William B,nunsdon. Both are quite poorly and. not improving as their many friends would like to see them, Miss Emma Mason, sister of Mus. Wm, Brunsdwn who is very ill, was brought to the home of Mr. (Bert Brandon on ,Satur- day with a trained nurse iri attend- ance. Mr. Wm. Camlpbell has secured as a housekeeper, Miss Mitchell of Mit- chell, her duties to oommencethis. week, H ULLE TT, The members of the "Friendly Clas's" of the Lom'dss,boro United d Church S.IS; are holding a social ev- ening iii the basement of the church on 'Fridley evening of ,this' week when a'pteasant time is anticipated The "'Win Others" class, of the SS. are working hard to get up a play which will be 'staged the latter end of Fehruary. The monthly greeting of the Wto- men'ts' In's'titute was .held en the cam munity hall on Thursday last 'with a good attendance. I'n the absence of the FresiEent Mrs. Adams, ,Mrs. F. Hall, 1st vice president, took the chair land the meeting opened by singing FOR SALE. A McOlary electric stove 4 plate,. nearly new. Would consider exchang- ing for good (wood and coal range.. For further particulars p'h'one 236-33, ISea'forth. 8. DANiCIIN'G ]Old and New 'Time dancing at ,Dublin on Tuesday, (February 114th. Harni'son's orchestra. }Tickets' 65c, 41 WOOD FOR SALE t Maple" and beech body wood. Ord- ers filled promptly. WM. TJI!VIIINIG- :STONE, Phone 247r3i1, 6 SEAFORTH MARKETS. Wednesday, January 25th. Wheat,perh.el ...45c bus Oats, per bushel. ....,..:.,,..�Oc �5c Barley, per bushel 30c -315c Buckwheat, per bushel 28c -30o Hogs, per cwt.. $3;1'S Pres. Sec.. BERRY'S TRANSPORT Brucefield' (London—jTu•esday, Wednesday, Fri- day. Also local trucking touching. points-tHensall, .Ki•ppen, •Brucelfield,. 'Clinton, Constance, Seaforth and Eg- mondville. Alt loads insured—prices• moderate. ,Special rates on straight loads. Phones -1616r22, Clinton; Met. 46912, London. FOR SALE (Four pure bred .Aberdeen Angus. bulls for sale. Registered and trans- ferred. ANIDIREIW KII!RK, R.R. 3,. Seaforth, Phone 1154x3. 9 NOTICE. 'The annual meeting of the policy- holders : of the McKlid'lop Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in, the town hall, Seaforth, an Friday, February 117th, at 122' p.in. The retiring 'directors are: Mc- Cartney, bin Pe R , J Pner, G (Geo. Leotihardt, all of whom are eligible for re-election. G. R. McCartney. D. F. McGr •gor' McKinley's Baby Chicks We are allowing a discount of $1 per 100 on orders re- ceived by Jan. 31st. We also protect you on the price. Chicks are from breeding blood tested, Govt. approved. Barred Rocks, White Rocks, White Leghorns. 'Phone 97' r 4, Hensall, for a price list. J. E. McKINLEY, Zurich. s FOR SALE 1 black filly g i cis n four and. broke:. 1 baygelding g eldig rising three. ,Apply to IW M. LAINID'SIBIOIROIUG;H, Phone I11S0r116, Seafo:Th. SALE FOR (SALE Good hard maple e wood 122 inches, first quality. Cut in December' and ' fairly dry, $325 per dangle cord. W. GILIENN, Hensall, P!0, 6' MIAITTtRE'SSIEIS Special prices for re -(making your .old felt Mattresses over like new in - eluding new cover $4.'50 and up. Fea- ther (beds cleaned and; made into san- itary mattresses. t$3!50,' All work Inept separate, We call eanywhere with no extra cost on a'b'ove work. MiOIDIEiRN elEAiTiHER & MIWTTIRIEISIS 00,, p.o;.. 'Box 379, Goderich. 9