HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-02-09, Page 6'TH'URSDiAY, FEIBRUARY 9, 1433..
tntpaftili.enit Yi =ht• u
(Continued from last week.)
The great . bonfire that we rreade
roared and crackled, sending .out a
most cheerful heat and light. Under
that genial breath the color came
slowly black to madam's che'e'k and
lip, and her heart beat more strongly,
Presently she turned under my hand,
and with a sigh piliowed her head up-
on her aria and went to sleep in that
blessed warmth like a Tittle child,
We who had no mind for sleep sat
there beside the fire and watched the
sin sink behind the lo'w black line of
the mainland, now plainly visible in
the cleared air. It dyed the waves
blood red, aped shot out one long ray
to crimson a single floating cloud, no
larger than a man's hand, high in the
blue. Sea birds, a countless multitude,
went to and fro with harsh cries from
island to marsh, and marsh to island.
The marshes were still green; they
lay. a half moon of fantastic shapes,
each parted from the other by pink
water. Beyond them was the inlet div-
iding us from the mainland, and that
inlet was three leagues in width. We
turned and looked seaward, Naught
but leaping waves white -capped to
the horizon,
"We touched here the time we went
against the French at Port Royal and
St. Croix," I said. ""We had heard a
rumor that the Bermuda pirates had
'hidden gold here. Argall and I went
over every foot of it."
"And found no water," questioned
the minister,
"And found no water."
The light died from the west and
Prem the sea beneath and the night
fell. When with the darkness the sea
fowl ceased their clamor, a dreadful
silence suddenly enfolded us. The
rush of the surf made no difference;
the ear heard it, but to the mind there
was no sound. The sky was thick with
stars; every moment one shot, and
the trail of white fire it left behind
melted into the night silently like
snowflakes. There was no wind. The
moon rose out of the sea, and lent the
sandy isle her own pallor. Here and
there, back amongst the dunes, the
branches of a low and leafless tree
writhed upward like dark fingers
thrust from out the spectral earth.
The ocean, quiet now, dreamed b'e-
neath the moon and cared not for the
five lives it had cast upon that span,
of sand,
We piled driftwood and tangles of
seaweed upon our fire, and it flamed
and roared and broke the silence. Dic-
con, going to the landward side of the
islet, found some oysters, which the
roasted and ate; but we had no wine
nor water with which to wash them
"At least there are here no foes to
.fear," quothmy lord. "We may all
sleep to -night; and zooksl we shall
need it!" he spoke frankly, with an
open face.
"I will take one watch, if you will
take the -other," S said to the minis-
He nodded. "1 will watch until mid-
Lt was long past that time 'when he
roused me from where I lay at Mis-
tress Percy's feet.
1 should have relieved you long
ago,"'I told him.
IHe smiled. The moon, now high in
the heavens, shone upon anct softened
his rugged features, I thought I had
never seen a face so filled with tend-
erness a'nd•hop'e and a sort of patient
power. "I have been with God," he
said simply. "The starry skies and the
great ocean and the little shells be-
neath my 'hand,—'h'o'w wonderful are
thy works, 0 Lordl What is man that
thou art mindful of him.? And yet not
a 'sparrow faslleth"
II rose and sat by. the .fire, and he
(Laid himself dawn upon the scrod be-
side me.
"Master Sparrow," I asked, "have
you ever suffered thirst?"
• "No," ;he answered, We spoke in
low tones, lest we sho.tik1 wake her. patches with a fine 'bushy ruff, and
Diccon and my lord, upon the other swung from one ragged shoulder a
side of the fire, 'were sleeping hew-cloakof grogram lined with taffeta,
"I have," I said. "Once 11ay upon
a field of battle throughout a suninier
day, sore wounded and with my dead
horse across my body. I shall forget
the horror of that lost !field and the
torment of that weight before I -for-
get the thirst,"
"You think there is no hope?"
"What hope should there be?"
He was silent. Presently he turned
and looked at the I{in'g's ward where
she lay in the rosy light; then his
eyes came back to nine,
"If it conies to the worst I shall
put her out of her torment," I said.
He bowed his head and we sat in
silence, our gaze upon the ground be-
tween us, listening to the low thun-
der `of the surf and the crackling of
the fire. "I love her," I said at last.
"God help mel"
He put his finger to his lips. She
had stirred and opened her eyes. I
knelt beside her, and asked her how
she dial and if she wanted aught,
"I: is warm." she said wonderingly.
"You are no longer in the boat," I
told her. "You are safe upon the land.
You have been sleeping .here by. the
fire that we kindled."
An exquisite smile just lit her face,
and her eyelids drooped again. "I am
so tired,' she said drowsily, "that I
will sleep a little longer. Will you
bring me some water, Captain Per-
cy? I in very thirsty."
After a moment I said gently, "I
will go get it, madam." She made no
answer; she was already asleep. Nor
did !Sparrow and I speak again. He
laid himself clown with his face to
the ocean, ands II sat with my 'head in
my hands, and thought and thought,
to no purpose.
In Which a Grave Is Digged.
1W'hen the stars had gone out and
the moon begun to pale, I raised my
tierce from my hands. Only a few
glowing embers remained of the fire,
and the driftwood that we ihad col-
lected was exhausted. I thought that
I would gather more, and build up
the fire against the time when the
others should awake. 'The driftwood
lay in greatest quantity some distance
up the beach, against a low ridge of
sand dunes, Beyond these the islet
tapered off to a long gray point of
sand and shell. Walking toward this
point in the first pale light of dawn,
I chanced to raise my eyes, and be-
held riding at anchor beyond the spit
of sand a ship.
1I stopped short and rubbed my
eyes. She lay there on the sleeping
ocean like a dream ship, her masts and
rigging black against the pallid sky,
the mist that rested„upon the sea en-
folding !half her hull. She might have
been of three !hundred tons burthen;
she was black and two -decked, and
very high at poop and forecastle, and
she was heavily armed. My eyes
traveled from the ship to the shore,
and there dragged up on ,the paint,
the oars within it, was a boast.
At the head of the beach, beyond
the line of shell and weed, the sand lay
piled in heads. With these friendly
hillocks between me and the sea, I
crept on as silently as I might, until
I reached a point just above the
boat. Here I first heard voices. I went
a little further, then knelt, and, part-
ing the long coarse grass that filled
the hollow between two hillocks, look-
ed out upon two men who were dig-
ging a grave,
They dug in a furious 'hurry, throw-
ing the sand to left and right, and
cursing as they dug. They were pow-
erful men, of a most villainous cast
if countenance, and dressed very odd-
ly. O'n'e with a shirt of coarsest claw -
las, and a filthy rag tying up a brok-
en head, yet wore velvet breeches,
and wiped the sweat front his f
with a wrought handkerchief; the
other topped a suit of shreds and
One the grnund, to one side of thein,
lay something long and wrapped in
As they dug and cursed, the light
strengthened. The east changed 'from
gray to pale rose, from rose to a
splendid crimson Shot with gold. The
mist lifted and the Sea burned fed.
'Two boats were lowered ' from the
ship, and came swiftly tolward the
''`.Here they are at last," .growled the
gravedigger .with the broken head and
velvet breeches.
'They've taken. their time," snarl-
ed his companion, "and us two here
on this d -t1 island with a dead man'
the whole .ghost's hour. ,B'oardin'g a
Ship's nothing, but to dig a grave on
the land before cockcrow, with the
malt you're to put in it looking at
you! Why couldn't he be buried at
sea,decent and respectable, like other.
"'I't• was !his will',—that's all I know,"
said the first; "just as it was his will,
wihen he found he was a dying man,'
to come booming away from the gold
seas up here to a land where there
isn't no gold, and never will be. Be -
like' he thought he'd find waisting for
him at the bottom of the sea, all
along from the ILu• ''a' eas to .Cartagena,
the many he sent there afore he died,.
And Captain Paradise, he says, say's
he: 'It's itll crossing a dead mart. (We'l'l
obey him this once snore' "
"Captain !Paradise'!" ,crie'd he Of the
ruff. '"Who made him captain?—curse
His' fellow straightened 'himself
with a jerk. "Who made him cap-
tain? The ship will make him captain:
'Who else should be cap'tain?"
"Red 'Gill"
"'Red Gil!" exelairned the other.
"I'd rather have the Spaniard!"
"The Spaniard would do well en-
ough, if the res't of us weren't Eng-
lish. If hating every other Spaniard
would do it, he'd be English fast en
The scoundrel with the broken' head
burst into a loud laugh, "D'ye re-
member the bark we took off Porto
Bello, •O'hol Oho!"
The rogue with the ruff grinned.
"I reckon the padres remember it,
and find hell easy lying. This hole's
deep enough, I'n•1 thinking,"
'They both clambered out, and one
squatted at the head of the grave and
mopped his face with his delicate
hand'ke'rchief, while the other swung
his fine cloak with an air and dug his
bare toes in the sand.
The two boats now grated upon
the beach, and several of their •occup-
ants, springing out, dragged them tip
on the sand.
"We'll never get another like him
that's gone," said the worthy at the
head of the grave, gloomily regarding
the something wrapped in .white,
'That's gospel truth," assented the
other, with a prodigious sigh. ''He
was a man ,what was a man. 1:3e.
never stuck at nothing. Don or slave,
man or woluan, good red 'gold or die=
ty silver, it was all 'one to him, But
he's dead and gone'!"
"NOW,If 'we •had a captain like 'Kir-
by," suggested the .first.
'Kirby keeps :to the !Summer !Isles,"
said the second, " "Tisn'•t often n'ow.
that he swoops down as 'far as the
The man with the broken head
'aughed, "When he does, 'there's a
noise in that part of t'he world."
"And that's gospel truth, too,"
swore the other, with an bath of ad-
By this the .score or more •who• had
come in ,the two :boats were .half -way
up. the 'heath. IIn !front, side 'by side,
as each conceding no inch .of leader-
ship, ,walked three men: a large man,
with a villainous face much scarred,
and a huge, bushy, dark reit beard; a
tall dark man, with a thin fierce 'face
and (bloodshot eyes, the !Spaniard by
his looks; and a slight man, with the
face and bearing of an English gentle-
man. The -men behind them differed
O0 whit 'from the two grave -diggers;
geing es scoundrelly of 'face, as great
of strength, and as curiously attired,
They carne straight to the open.
grave, and the dead man (beside it, The
three who seemed of -most importance
disposed themselves, still side by side,
at the head of the grave, and ;their
following took the 'foot,
"It'•s, a dirty piece 'of work," said
Red Gil in .a voice like a :raven's,,
"and the sooner it's done 'with, and
we are aboard again and booming
hack to the IIndie, the '.better ail like
it, 'Over with him, brave boys!"
"Is it yours to give 'the word?"
asked the 'slight man, w:ho was dress-
ed point -device, and with a finical
ni:cety, in black and .silver, (His voice
was"1'ow and clear, and of a some-
what melancholy cadence, going well
with the pensiveness -of Inc.deeply
fringed eyes.
"Why shouldn't .1 give the word?"
Brawled 'the personage addressed, adid
ingwith an oath, "I've as good a
right to give it as any man,—nt'aybe
a better rights"
"That would be scanned," s'aid he
on board will throw' tip,t'beir . caps.
Let us bury the dead, and then 'diet
choice be made of one of us three,
each of whom has claims that "might
be put forward"— He broke off and
picking up a''elel'icate :shell began !to
study its 'pearly spirals With 0 Render,
thoughtful, 'h'alif-pleased, !half-mel'aln'
choly countenance.
ITbe gravedigger with the wrought
handkerchief looked !from. him .to. the
rascal crew massed at the loot of the
grave, and, 'seein'g bus ''own 'sen'ti-
men'ts mirrored ' in 'the Ic'o:u'niten'ances iolf
not a few, snatched the bloody clout
from his !head, waved it, .and .cried
out, "Paradise!" !Whereupon allose a
great conlfusi'o,n, ;So.m•e 'b:alwl1ed Inc!
Paradise, some for Red !Gil, a .few for
the lSpaniafd. The two .gravedigge'rs
locked 'horns, and a brawiny devil •wiith
a woman's mantle swathed about :his
naked s1bouldens drew a knife, and
made 'for a 'paretisan of 'blue Sp'ani'ard,
who in his Turn skillfully interposed
between !himself amid the attack the
(body •af a ibawiinig ,well-wisher ito
Red lGi1
'who in hes turn 's'killful interposed be-
tween himself and the attack the b'o'dy
of a 'ba'wl'ing well -wither to. 'Red .011.
The man' in 4black and silver tossed
aside the shell, rose, and entered the
lists. With 'one •hand :he ,seized' the
gravedigger of the ruff, and hurled
him apart from him Of the velvet
breeches; with the other 'he presented
a dagger with .a jeweled hall at the
breast of the ruffian with the wo-
man's mantle, .while in 'bones that
would :have 'befitted Astrophel :p'lain-
ing of ,his lave to racks, woods, and
streams, he :poured forth a flood ,of
oils!, singular, .and 'filthy oaths, such
as would have disgraced. a Damp fol-
lower. His interference was effectual.
The combatants 1 ell 'apart and the
clamor was s'til'led, whereupon the
gentleman of contrarieties at 'once re-
sumed the gentle and indifferent mel-
ancholy of maturer and address.
"Let us off with the .old love before
etre are on with the new, gentlemen,"
he said. "We'll bury the dead first,
and choose his successor afterward,
decently and in order, I trust, and
with due su'b'mission to the majority."
"I"11 fight for my rights," :growled
Red Gil.
"And 1 for mine," cried the Spani-
"And each of us'll back his own
man," muttered in an aside the grave-
digger with the broken head.
"The one they called 'Parad'ise sigh-
ed. "I't is ,a 'thousand pities that there
is not -amongst us some one of merit
so pre-eminent that faction should
hide its head before it, But to the
work in 'hand, gentlemen."
They gathered closer around the
yawning grave, and some began to
lift the corpse, As for me, 11 withdrew
as noiselessly as an Indian from my
lair of .grass, and, hidden ' by •'the
heaped-up sand, unade off 'across the
point and down the beach to where
a light ,curl of smoke showed that
some one was mending the fire I lewd•
neglected. flit 'was !Sparrow, who alter-
nately threw on driftwood and sea-
weed .and spoke tomadam, who sat at
his feet in the blended warmth of
fire and sunshine. Diccon was' roast-
ing the remainder of the oysters he
had .gathered 'the night before, and my
lord stood and stared wtih a frowning
face at the nine -mile- distant mainland.
All turned their eyes upon me as Is
came up to the !fire:
"A little longer,'Captain 'Percy,'and
we would have 'had out a search war-
rant," began the minister cheerfully,.
"Have you been sbuilding a 'bridge?" ,
"If S build o,ne," T said, "it will be
a perilous one enough, Have you
looked seaward?"
"We wakened but a minute agone,"
he answered. As he spoke, he straight-
ened his great form an:d 'lifted his face
from the 'fire to the blue sea. Diccon,
still on his knees at his task, looked
too; and my :lord, turning from phis
contemplation of the distant kingdom
of A'ccoanac; and 'Mistress Percy, one
hand shading her eyes, the slender
'fingers- of the +other;sttilll immeshed in
her 'long dark hair which. she had
been braiding. They stared at the ship
in silence until my lord laughed,
"Conjure us on 'board at once, cap-
tain," h•e cried. "We are 'thirsty."
II drew the minister aside, "I am go-
ing up the beach, beyond that :point,
again; you will one and all stay here,
11 I 'do not come back, do the best
you .can, and sell 'her life as dearly as
you can, 111 I •come Ib'ack,—you are
of the pensive eyes. "Gentlemen, we
have here the pick of .the 'ship, For
the captain that these choose, these
quick of *it and have been a player;
look that you take the elle I give you."
II returned to the !fire, and be •fol-
lowed me, amazement in his face,
"My Lone Carnal," ;I said, "I must
ask for your sword."
!He started, arid. his 'black 'browws.
drew together, "Though the fo'dtunes•'
of war have made me in some sort
your 'captive, sir," he said at last, 'an'd'
not without dignity, "'I .do noir see,
upon this, isle to,Which we are all
prisoners, the need Of so strong testi-
mony to t'he abjectness of My condi-
tion, nor !deem 'it generous"—
"We will speak of ,geoerosi'ty anoth-
er day, my ford'," I 'interru'pted, "At
present II ant ,in a 'hurry. That you .are
my p'ris'oner is ;verity enough for .me,
but .not .for (others. 'I m'u'st have you
'o seeming as well as in. truth. .M'ore
over, M'aste'r 'Sparrow is weaponless,
and I trust need's disarm an enamy to
arm a'frienad. (I !beg that you will give
what else we .must take."
II -le looked .at Dncdeon; ' but ;Diccon
stoiod' .with his •:face to .the sea. I
thou'gh't we !were to have a struggle,
and 'I w'a's sorry for- it, 'bust my lord
could and did add discretion 'to a
valor that I never doubted. ;He
shrugged his ;Shoulders, 'burst into a
laugh, and 'turned to Mistress Percy.
"What can one -do, lady, when one
is doubly a pnisoner, prisoner to 'num-
hers and to ,be'au'ty? (E'en 'laug'h at
Tate, and make the best of a 'b'ad job,
Here, sir! Some day it shall be the
point l"
Hedrew his rapier .from its 'sheath,
and presented the hilt to ire, I took
it with a bow, and (handed it to Spar-
DR. 11. H1.GIH. ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London Hoe.
pita!, London, England. Special•
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose and throat. Office and , resi-
dence behind Dominion Bank, Office
Phone No. 5; Residence Phone 104.
The .'King's ward had ,risen, and
now leant against the bank ;Of sand,
her long dark hair, !half braided,
drawnover either shoulder, •her face
marble white between the waves of
"I do not know that I shall ever
come back," I said, 'stopping before
her, "May I kiss your hand before I
Her lips moved, but she slid not
speak. I knelt and kissed her clasped
hanais. 'They were cold to my lips.
"Where are you going?" she whisper-
ed. "Into what danger are you go-
ing? I-- I—take me with you!
It rose, with a laugh at my own
folly that could 'have rested brow and
lips an those hand's,and let the world
wag. "Another titre," I said. "Rest
in the sunshine now, and think that
all is well. Old will be well, I trust."
A few minutes later saw me al-
most upon the party gathered a'bou't
the grave, The grave had received
that w'hic'h it was to hold until the
crack of doom, and was now being ra-
pidly filled with sand, The .crew of
deep-dyed villains worked or stood
or sat in silence, but all looked at
the grave, and saw me not. As the.
last handful of sand 'made it level
with the 'beach, I walked into their
midst, and found myself 'face to face
with the three candidates for the now
vacant 'cap't'aincy,
s" --Give you good -day, gentlemen,"
'I cried. "Its it your captain that you
bury or one of your crew, or is it
.only pesos and pieces of eight?"
In Which S Change IMy 'Name and.
"The sun shining on so much bare
steel hurts my eyes," 1 said, "Put
up, .gentlemen, put upi Cannot one
rover attend the funeral of another
without all this crowding and display
of cutlery? ill1 you will take •the trou-
ble to look around you, you will see
that 'I 'Nave 'brought. to The ob'sequie's
only myself."
One by one cutlass_ and sword were
lowered, and those who had drawn
then, 'falling somewhat back, spat
and swore and laughed, 'The man in
black and silver only smiled gently
and sadly. "Did you drop from the
Hue?" he. asked. "Or did you *come up
from the sea?"
"I came ant o!f .it," I said, "My ship
went down in the storm yesterday.
Your 'little cockboat yonder was more
fortunate," I waved my 'hand tow-
ard that ship of three hundred toms,
then twirled my mustaches and stood
at glaze.
"Was your ship so large, thein?"
demanded Paradise, .while a murmur
of ,admiration, larded with oaths, 'ran
around the circle.
CTo 'be .Continued.)
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IDR. F. J. BURROiVVS, Seaforth.
Office and residence, Goderich street,
east of ,the United Church, Oorluler
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DR. F. J, R. FOIRIST.ER—Eye, Ear
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cine, University of Toronto M.
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mic and Aural Ins'titut:e, Moorefield'e'
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DIR. W. C. SIPROAiT.—Graduate of
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Officers - John Bennewies, Brod-
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erich, Vice -Pres.; D. F. McGregor,
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forth No. 3; Alex. Broadlfoo't, ;Sea -
forth No. 3; James Evans, ISeafor'tiz
No. 15; IRobt. Ferris, 'Blyth No. 1; Jas.
Stholdice, Walton No. 4; John Pepper,
lhrucefaeld; William Knox, Londes-
Agents—Jas. Watt, Blyth No. 1; W.
E. lI`Iim'chley, ISealort'h; J. A. Murray,
Seaforth No. 3; W. J. Yeo, •Olitnton
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Auditors — Jas. 'Kerr, ;Seaforth;
Thos. Moylan,,Seafortb No. 5.
Parties desirous to :effect insurance
or transact other business, will be
promptly attended to by applications
to any of the above named: officers ad-
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