HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-02-09, Page 5THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1933. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE, A Buying Power of $20,000,000 1500 RETAIL MERCHANTS QOaOPERATE TO BRING YOU BETTER VALUES A .recent affiliation has brought to'geth'er 'Superior Stores serving Ontario and the .Maritiime Provinces and [Victoria Stares of Quebec. The 1500 stores forming this Organization represent a buying power in excess of 8120,000,010 'annually and brings •to the tcontsutnter the finest merchandlise at 'l'o'west ,prices. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items for week ending Feb. 15. ISINIGAPORE SLICED PINEAPPLE 2 tins 19 c OLD HiONPESTEIAD No. 3 PEAS .... , , 2 tins ~/ 19c GRAPE -.NUT FLAKES 2 pkgs. 21 c CL,ARK'S'PORK & BEANS, large No. 3 size 2 tins 25c APPLE JELLY large 40 oz. id' 27 c HT'LiLCIREST SHORTENING l's per lb. 1.1 c MATCHES, Bull Deg Brand ... . .... ..... .. . ' 3 boxes 4,3 c Guest Ivory Soap `new large size'.... .:. .......6 .cakes 23c Durham Corn Starch, "the yelldw package per pkg. 9c 'Superior Baking 'Pidwder, 8'oz.... 15e 116 oz... 23c McOormidk's Soda 'Biscuits N'o. 1' p'kg. 15c Stata'd'a Tea, special % lb.....•, 23c; 1 II'b..... 45c MdLaren's 'Olives, No. 9 Stuffed 23c INo, 20 Pl'ai'n . 23c Grasse & B'la leweM's Pure Malt V'i'negar 26 oz. bottle 25c `aged in wood' ,Blue Boy Coffee 1's 29c Hawes' (Floor Gloss pints 59c Hawes''Floor Wax Paste .. , . 25c; 4's.... 43c 'Venus Cough 'Syru!p per bottle 32c Oxo Cubes "the goodness of prime beef" 'small 14c large 28c 'MdLaren's Minute Tapioca .... . ............ ..... . .. '2 pkgs. 23c (Pure Maple Syrup No. 'llr/2 boittle, 20c 'N'o. 3 bobble 40c Marshall's' Herring, kippered or in Tomato l's 23c 'Sun'ligh't ,Soap 4 cakes 23c Finest Santa Clara Prunes 2 lbs... 250 `or, 3 lbs. '25c IBuckinglha'm Fine Cut To'bacco 10c, 20c ,Black Tea, good cup !quality 1 lb. 25c Valentine Jelly Beans, .white and red per lb, 19c. I{kavah Health Salts 2 tin 35c Sea King Lobsters%'s.... 15c; ,/,'s.... 25c Rolled Oats 7 lbs. 25c 'Golden Hall'awi :Dates .............. ..' ,3 lbs. tic Pitted Daites 2 lbs, 25c :Diced Beets, 2'squat Finest Cascade Pink Salmon, l's per tin 10c s 2 tins 25c B.C. Fresh Salmon, .half or whole fish per ib: 10c 30c Bulk Mixed Sweet Pickles, in your quart !jar Ross J. Rhone 8 N.Pryce Rhone 77 Miss Buy Seaforth Butter 18 YEARS A Service that creates • Confidence and a Dependable Reputation • Always Good Quality Please us by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please you by our services and higher- market prices for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait. The Seaforth Creamery C. A.: B'ARB'ER, Prop. Walker's FUN'ERA'L SERVICE UNDERTAKING EMBALMING :Motor :Motor or Horse Equipment W. J.'WAILKIER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 STANLEY. (Report of S.S. No. 1'4, Shanley, for January: Sr, IV. --Audrey Cochrane 69, Har- old Jones ear.old'Jones 68, Aubrey Farquhar 62. • ISr., IIII.-Mary. !Farquhar 711, Kath- leen Jones 68, 'George Clifton 63. Sr. IiL—Lois R'athwell 8'5, Dion. Switzer 65, Ernie 'Talbot ` 62, Willie Witcom'be In. Jr. IIL Jean Slpeir 64, Kenneth M'clKenzie 56. 1I—Miildmod Jones. iPr. A -Donny MclKetnzie, Alvin Kerslake. Pr. 'B.—(Betty. S'iwitzer. On roll 18, average attendance 16.:19. P. C. Penfold, 'Tea'c'heii BEECHIWOOD. Mr. and Mrs. J'osep'h Flanalgan and Mrs. Jos: Cronin visited' friends in Lon don on Wednesday last. (Miss Tessie 'Lynch, who has spent the oast two weeks in Toronto has returned •holme. Mr, Thos. Purcell is busy trucking, cattle to Toronto every week. The Healy Name Society are hold- ing a euchre in the parish hall Friday evening, Every one should iattend, and spend a pleasant evening. Miss .Annie M, Ryan add Miss Lot- tie Ryan visited friend's in London on Saturday last, Mr. John J'ord'an is wearing a smile. It's a girl. REiN'NIPE,--aan Stott Mennlorial Hos- pital, on _ mday, Febrttary 9th,, 1936, to Mr. end •Mrs. Milne Ren- nie, Seaforth, a son. RATH!WIELL, —In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Wedesesdcy, Feb. 8, 1966, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rath- well, 'S'tanley Twp ., a son. IMr, and Mrs. Alvin Dade and fam- ily of Constance were Sun day visit- ors with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Dale. iGaderi'cIh', Mitchell and Clinton are quite close in the above 'order, in the 0.0-I.A. group. TOWMTOPFC& Miss E, Smith left • ori Tuesday •far Toronto where she will visit for a few weeks, The Barbara K'irkmtan Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church met on IWednles'day eventing when one group enterltained the other. Mr. Will Brine spent a few days this week in Toronto, 'Mrs. W. A'm'en't is visiting her sister in !Landon.. Miss Mae Webster returned' to To- ronto on Wednesday, Miss Ethel McKay was a week- end visitor at her home. IMr. Louis Ja'cks'on of the Blank of iOolmm'erce, Exeter, at .present an holidays, spent several days in town 'before visiting his mother in Toronto. !Mr. and Mac. C. H. Hellyer of !Waterford visited their diaughter, Miss Helyer on Tuesday, Mrs. Hel- yer remaining for is few days. Mr. and !Mrs. A. L. Porteous spent several days this week at Brussels where they attended the golden wed- ding anniversary of Mrs. Porteous' s'is'ter. Miss M'dElwan of Clinton has been supplying on the Collegiate staff this week for Miss Helyer wh'o has been quite ill. at the home of Mrs. E. S. Chapman, but . is now somewhat im- proved. roved. Mr. Sam .Slhinan was in Toronto Wedne'sd'ay on business. Mr. Angus !Carter will move the latter. p'a'nt ofthis month .from the Davidson: (h'ou'se on :Godericit street, to the residence of Mr, and' Mrs. !Thos. Warden, Goderichst, who will occupy their farm in Hiib'berit. Mr. D. F. McGregor has pur- chased the former Colbert residence on the Miill Road, Elgmowdville. The price is understood to be about $700. Mr, and 'Mrs. C. W. Kestle will move shortly to the -Grieve residence,, North Main st, The residence they are leaving, corner of Victoria and George ste., has been purchased by Mr. Arnold Case, Mr. James Sims of Blyth, -while on his way }tame from 'Toronto, wsa the guest of his daughter, -Mrs Lorne Dale. MRS. HUGH M. HANPILTON The ,funeral will take place from lEgmiondville Ohurch' on, Thursday afternoon of Mrs. H. M. Hamilton, formerly Miss Elizabeth Roney, whose death occurred in Toronto on Mondlay, February 6th. Until going to Toronto about ten years ago, Mr. and Mrs. (Hamilton were residents of this district, having been highly es- teemed residents of Egmondlvi'll'e, residing for some years south of the bridge and previo'usly in Tucker - smith, Hibbert and at the time of their marriage at Motherwell. Two daughters and one son, besides • . her husband, survive: Mrs. James Love, Tuckersnvith; Mrs. Wm. MclFadden, Vancouver, B.C., and Mr. !Stewart Hlaimilton of Rosebowm, Sask.; also two sisters, Mrs. Jiames Mimick an'd Mrs. Charles Young, both of Toron- to, and two brothers residing in, the West. Mrs, Hamilton was born 73 years ago near Dublin on the farm now oocnpied by. a nephew, Mr. A. 'Roney. The remains will arrive from Toronto at 111':30 a.m., aocomlplanied by the deceased's husband. Alt 1:60 pun. a funeral service will be held in Egmion'd'ville Ohunch. Itnterment w011 take place in the (Maitland ,Bank Cemetery. BRUCEFIELD. Communion service will be observ- ed 'text Sunday, Feb. 112th at the manning service. 'Preparatory service Will be held on Frid6ay at 2,30. Rev. Mr. 'Foster Of Clinton will be the preacher for the day. Mrs. 'Wm. R'albtenbury is visiting friends in Toronto at present. Mns. W. Steven's has gone to spend the winter at the home of her daugh- ter, Mns. 'Wan. Eisley of Moetnt Far - est. The Library Board has purchased over .thirty new books that are now ready for distribution. EGMONDVILLE. The Young IMen's Club of Eg- montdville Ohundh held their regular meeting on February 6th, The dis- cussions were centred on the ques- t:on "whether the farmers slhould solve their own (problems by co- n era'tion, or whether they should ex:pedt the government to ' take . meas- ures to 'ease the situation." It waspointed out that by co- operation nien could more. readily find a market, and More accurately discover what is marketable. 0s. course, oo,opeeation wound probably cost the producer something until the system was established, hut' the long view showed an ulltimate, gain. AOl oo.opetiaiion must be unselfish, —land some peolple will only be un- selfish when compelled. There were suggestions along many 'fines which the government might foilon+^ to ease the situation.. High tariff walls were condemned. The gover•nment should find mla'r- leets not only dor the manutfactturer but, also for the farmer. The pos- sibtili'ty of a law to regulate the fees Of pro'fessional men was 'dis'cussed. Wehn a 'dentis,t demands 300'bu. of oats for a pilate of 'ifal'se teeth, -Jaid When a dentist de:mandls 330 bu. of as appendix,' it is rather high!.1 The gold standard was compared ' with +the wheat standard for buying a Yarm, and it was declared For the last forty years, it would have been fairer all around, if farms had been tbouglhtt and solid' on the basis of wheat rather than on the basis of gold." II't was recognized that c'o-opera- lt'ion is possible only when things are tnovintg. The question of money and new currency was touched. How can we get unproductive bonds 1(miany of wh'sdh ane tax free) into 'productive cfrcula'tion, and ' in tax- able form? Too often the rich man and corporation !hold unproductive hand's Which are exempt from taxes :while the :poor man plays the 'bill. War 'bondts• of every sort drew good interest and are mostly exempt from taxation. These are ,unprodu'c'tive Iboads. I't Was agreed that the gov- ernment could and should do some- thing . about 'these, and it was de- cided to send ° the suggestions of the Young Mien's! Cltib to the Federal member, "That all interest charges When due on war bands0f every sort, and the prindiple of all such 'bands, at maturity, be. Paid with new currency." IThte high salaried 'official's came in for their usual oritieisait, also goiv; eminent waste and extravagance, so the 'Olub went an record as being willing that one extravagance be el- iminalted and Mr. Golding is being advised that the Club feels that it coull'd• do nicely without a Senate at Ottawa. VARNA. 'The annual meeting of !the United ,Church 'Sunday School was he'l'd on. Monday •evening in the .dhurch. The election of .officers andteachers were as follows: 'Superintendent, John Mc - Ash; assistant, 'Geo. 'Clarke; secretary, Watson !Webster; as's'istant secretary, William ,Clarke; treasurer, Fred 'Mc- Clymant; as'sis'tant treasurer, 'Wan. !Stephenson; o'nganitst, Jean F.'eater; assistant organist, IRachadl Johnston; Beni* 'Bible Class ' teacher, Mos. R. ,Stephenson; assist. teacher, Filed, 'Mc- Clymont; junior'Bible Class teacher, Alf. Austin; assist. teacher, Mrs. IS. Keyes; intermediate boys' teacher, Sher. Keyes; assist. teacher, Miss A. J. Keyes; intermediate Igiris' 'teacher, Muriel Rathwell; .assist. :teacher, Ber- tha Dichi; lJpn'ior boys' teacher, Mrs. .Geo. Jiolh'nsbon; assist. teacher, Mrs. Wit. 'Webster; junior girls' teacher, 1Ra'chael Johnston; assist. Mrs. 'Wan. S•top hease n. 'The young ,peo'pte of 'Goshen :and Blake are holding a Valentine ,Social on Friday evening of fills week at the parsonage. :Mr. 'W'illiam. Austin is alt present under the doctor's .ca're. Mrs. Wilmer MclCliinchey' has been 'performing the teaching duties the past week at S.S. No. 7, owing to the illness of 'Miss Elder. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phillips of IGb- derich visited at the home of Mr. and Mms. Geonge McClinchey the past week. The many friends of Mrs. John T, Keys of the Babylon line are sorry to learn her :condiltion has remained serious since suffering a partial EXTRA O'PTI'CAL OFFER. IHagh grade, stylish and most up - to -dote glasses, rimmed or ri'mle'ss; Your choice in shell, :white or pink lo'id-filled, with lenses complete, only F6.150. Invisible bifocals with choice df frame complete, only $112.00. Yel- low gold -,filled with flat sp'h'erical lenses, only $4,00. These prices in- clude a thorough examination by our well known specialist, Mr. Hugh'son. 'O.ver 20 years Conning to Seaforth. The .best op'tica'l work too be obtained andwe do as we advertise. Tuesday, 'Wednesday, February 14 and 1151th, Bea,ttie's Flair, Seaforth. 6. utolnsurance Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call ---Night and Day Service Phone 152 GENERAL INSURANCE — REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCTNG, STC. Office over Keating's Drug Store stroke several weeks ago, The regular monthly meeting of UVlarta `Utri'te:d Church Missionary IS'ociety •was held at the, •home of .Mrs.. IE, Epps at 2.30' p:m,, Thumsday, Mrs. Stephenson, the president, occupied the .chair, After the singing Of hymn 499, several 1of the members led in sentence piihayecs. Tine scripture lesson was then read, 'led' by Mrs. !Epps. The minutes of the last meetinlg were read and adopted. The calif was called, eighteen members be- ing present. 'I't' was decided to have a miscellaneous shower in March of 'articles for ''the bazaar. Mrs, 'M'cCiy- 'mont read a very interesting article by a doctor in Saskatchewan telling of his work. (After the ,singing of Ihyntn 500 Mrs. Watson Webster read the story of Gypsy Smith's early life and !Mrs. A. McConnell gave a rea'din'g on Trinidad. It was !decided to make a 'compile of quilts 'a cotton one and a crazy' work one—the mmem- lbers to make blocks for either one. The :shower of aprons for 'the bazaar 'was gathered. (The meeting closed. 'with the singing of Hymn 4185 and prayer. After .the m'eetiinlg five Of the members, hostesses • 'for the day, serv- ed 'lunch and a social 'h'our was -en- joyed by all. WINTHROP. Young People's Society.—The Y.P. S. of Caven Church, Wintihrap met on Friday evening. Olive Bryce pre- sided. 'The meeting opened .with hymn 11616, followed with prayer by Marine .Little. The . Scripture lesson was taken by Frank Case. Hymn 1194 was sung, a reading on. "'My (Church" was given by Oliver Pryce. The min- utes of the previous mee'tin'g were read and ado'pted. The topic, "What is the 'Church," .was taken by Stewart Dlolm'age. After .singing hymn 1167 and repeating the Lord's prayer in unison, the meeting,cldsed by a series af,int- eres'ting ,games: 'Mission Band.—The H'elpin'g H'an'd M'iss'ion' Bian'd of Cavell Church, Win- throp, held their annual meeting in the (basement of 'the church on Sat., February 411h, with bhe new leader, Mrs. Fergus Bullard in change. The meeting Opened with singing hymn 768, followed with. prayer by Blanche Peth'ic'k. The Scripture lesson was read by 'Olive Pryce. A story entitled "A Good Neighbor," was given by Edith Hillier. During the business period the officers for the new year were elected. They are as follows: President, Blanche 'Pethick; vice pre- sident, M'o'rine Little; secretary, Elva Pryce; treasurer, 'Elizabeth MaeFar- lane; w. sec., Jean'M'aoParlane; pian- ist, Elva Pryce; assistant :Pianist, Margaret Hlabkirk. The minutes of the last 'meeting were read and adopt- ed. The study .period was taken by Mrs. Blulllard. Hymn 988 was sung and the, meeti'n'g closed by all repeat- ing the. Lard's prayer. IMr. Neil M'ontgio'mery spent the week end with friends in Belgrave. 'Mrs..George (Eaton and '1 amity spent IS'unday with M'r. and Mrs. Foster Bennett, Huron Road. 'Winthrop tied St. Coiumbam hock- ey team in .Seaforth .on Saturday night. There was no store. 'Mrs. 'Jobe Arm's'trong of London spent the week end with her dauglh- ter, Mns. Fergus Bullard, IDan't forget the euchre and dance in :the hall ,th'i•s Friday night. Come with .the crowd. (Several fromhere attended the an- nual county meeting ,of the Loyal Or- ange 'Association at Exeter on Tues- day. IWe were sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Port. Dennis who passed aw- ay in Listotwei .Hospital on Monday. IW'e extend our .heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved efamily. IMr. Haze:tw :ad of 'Huilebt has the contract of putting in the wood for IS.'S.` No. 10, MCKitilop. The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. of Cavan Churoh met at the home of •Mrs. 1Htsgh Alexander on !Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 1, with the president in the Chair. The, meeting opened with a hymn, followed by prayer, The min- utes of the previous meeting were read and app'ro'ved. The roil call showed a splendid attendance. Miss 'Irene Bolton read a paper' on fhe meaning of Christian stewardship. A reading by Mrs. 'Hellen entitled, `"What W.F.M.IS. Reales" was ,much enjoyed. A new 'feature of the meet- ing was She map sketch taken by Mrs. Fergus Bullard. As a beginning the Indian !Work and 'S'tations were outlined.The business period was ta- ken by the Presidenit. Circle No. 2 then took charge .with Mrs. Somer- ville presiding. Hymn 4126 was sung after ` which Mrs. IGarn'ham led in Drayer. The 'Scripture lesson : was read by Mrs. R. McClure. The W.M.S. treasurer :reoorted 515 realized from the Scotch social. Miss Edith Millen favoured us with an instrumental. The topic taken from Chapter 3 of the study book was ably dealt With 'byl Mrs ` 'Raberit Beattie, Sentence ,prayers were read by !Mrs. Art IHen- dersan and Mrs. Robert Dodds. The meeting closed with a Hymn and all repeating the Lord's : prayer. Euchre (St at Winthrop FRIDAY FEBRUARY lath Good Music Admission, ,'Gents i25'c, ,Ladies with lunch free. KIPPEN. Messrs. Smale and son are cutting wood Inc.iMr, Hugh McGregor. iThe,Kippen dances in Watson hall are well attended :every Friday even- ing and are conducted its a very ir- iderl), manner by Mr. Watson. The .closing' of the Kiplpen s'tatio'n 'was much regretted by the people in this 'viclnnty and Me. Field who was agent here for several years, is very .much missed. He has (been trans - 'felted to Alma station. !The many blends Of Mr. 'Isaac Jarrott will be sorry to hear that he is still ill. His 'brother, Robert Jarrott, is now doing his work at 'his home and at the depot. A number from there attended bhe annual meeting of the (Hay Fire In- surance 'Company and were well sat- isfied with the manner in. which itis being conducted. Mr. Henry Either, the veteran manager, announced that the rate of insurance :had ,been re- duced from twenty cents to .fifteen cents per hundred of insurance, 0:n Sunday afternoon last the home of Mr. Jas. D!ayman had a n'ar- raw escape from fire, which evidently started in the chimney. Mr, and Mrs. Dayman had intended going out for the afternoon, and 'had they done so, the house would have been entirely burned. Only slight damage was done, as neighbors were 'quickly on, hand and soon had the fire out. The box social at t\'na:son's hall on Friday night was a great success. 'First prize was won by Mrs. Wm. (Harvey and second prize by Miss ;Mildred Workman, for the two pret- tiest 'boxes.. The W.MIS. meet on Wednesday at the home of Mrs. J. Wo kmaa, with Mrs. Wm. ;Alexander presiding. Af- ter the business period, Mrs. Wm. .Cooper took the temperance Paper to which Mrs. i(IRev.) Conner respond ed, telling the work that the W. M. S. does in connection with the W. C. T,IU. A short Ladies' Aid meeting was held to arrange for the tea for the members of the church fallowing the annual meeting. A fresh outbreak of the flu seems to be started, as quite a few are con- fined to their beds with severe cold's 'and 'flu. Mrs. Thos. !Workman is suffering 'front bhe results of a nasty fall while 'going down the steps of a neighbor's home. Mir, and 'Mrs. E. Sproat entertained a number of friends one m'igh't recent- ly. Mr. D. E. Kyle attended the funer- al of Mrs. Thomas. Riddell at Auburn the past week. Mis's Jean Mitchell of Clinton vis- ited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. D. E. Kyle the past week. What migh'tt have been a very ser- ious fire happened Sunday afternoon when the chimney of Mr, James Day - man's house caught on fire. It was gaining rapid head'w'ay when neigh- bors gathered in with their extin- guishers. Miss Gertrude McCl'inchey has been. visiting at the ho'ine of her sis- ter, Mrs. Kyle. iThe Young People of St. Andrew's United Chinch met on Sunday even- ing last at 7.30, with 'Muss Olga Bell 'presiding, Beatrice Cooper took the Scripture lesson and J:dhn Cooper, Norman Alexander, Olga Bell and Jean Bell' took the topic. Mrs, W. W. :Cooper led in prayer, !Rev, R. R. !Conner prea'c'hed a very inspiring sermon an Sunday 'last, tak- ing for his subject "Faith, in the Time of S't'orm." The chair sang the anthem ,Sun of My (Soul. Miss Mabel Whiteman is visiting for a few weeks with friends in Tor Toto and while the -e is attending the 'Horticultural Conventions and ,Flower :Show. 'Mrs. Edward Taylor has returned to the home of her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, R. Dinsdtale of (Stanley, after spending a few weeks with Mr. and ivtrs. Taylor 00 Stratford. (The weatherman has decided to let us have a little snotty thus' year. The farmers are glad as this will prr!tect the fall wheat. (M'i'ss Gladys W'ay of Kippeu' is studying pipe organ and v'oca'l music at the. 'Conservatory of Music in Toronto and attending Toronto Bi'bIle College of 'Missions. We wish her success; Want and For Sale Ads, 6' times 50c.