HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-02-09, Page 4PAGE FOUR. ,THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Snowdon Bros., Pu'blishers.. WALTON. Mr. and Mrs. C. •Neibte and family returned to 'Toronto after spending a month with her parents, Mr. and !Mins. l3. Ltvnngdton. 'Miss 'H. Sbeiss and Miss S. Hiilde !brand .of Seatorlth spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. D, Steins. ,Mrs, ((Dlr.) F, Neal of Peterboro is spending a few days with Mrs. W. IN cal. The hockey game p'1'aye!d Monday night between Grey and Walton in 'B'russels was won by Walton 5-1: 1WWe are sorry to Meer that Ter, and !Mrs, H. Kirkby are not enjoying the best of health. Mr. and Mos, Stanley, Dougherty, ,Mrs. 1'I'argare't Dougherty and her mother, Mrs. 'J'ohn (Fulton Of 'Blyth, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hugh 'Fulton bane day last week and also calledon other friends. Mrs. Fulton . is 9''2 years and smart and active to get around. Mr. Robert Ah+mstieon'g of Detroit is visiting with iMr. and 'Mrs. Thom- as Young Mr. `.A'rms!trong is a eousin of Mrs. Young. Mr. iF. A. IHam,biey of ,Staffa was in Walton on !business Monday evening. tMr. and - Mrs. R. G. Parke • spent Tuesday evening with friends et Wal- ton. Factory Upholstering Work Done and Guaranteed by C. Atchison Prices Reasonable. Phone 179 JOHN GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash. Mg in Grace United Church, Porter's Hill. The b'an'd is c'ompo'sed of Dave 'Davidson,. Ataid11dP !Pouter,' ;Harry !Phillips, Everett MclIlwain,, Orval !Powell and Glen Lockhar!t adoolmp- a'nying on the guitar.. Miss Dona Harrison is able to be ,up and around again,but her sis- ter, Mrs. Blob Miellwain, who has been waiting on her, has been con- fined to bed the last week. Master Billy Mcg1iwain visited with friends in Goderith on Friday and 'Saturday. IMr, Bi11 Orr who has been sick in Baylfietdd for the last three weeks, has not been able to return home yet. His tfather, Mr. Root. Orr, has been doing his chore's, BLYTH. tArmstrong-Davies.—!The follotwing refers to a•son ,Of Mrs. E. and the late Martin Armstrong: A charming wed- ding took place on Tuesday afternolan at four o'clock at Cronyn Memorial Church, Landon, when May Blanche, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Davies, Eleanor street, became the bride of Russell M. Armstrong, son of Mrs. E. Armstrong, of :B'lyth., Canon Quinton Warner officiated and. the wedding music was played by Dr. F. T. Egener; at the sign'ing of the register, `Lloyd Yorke sang "Oh Pro- mise Me," The bride was given in marriage by her father and Wore a graceful long gown,. of heavy white satin with V neckline and elbow puff- ed sleeves with long close cuffs of satin. Her veil of white tulle was held in place with orange blossoms and she carried a shower of roses. Miss Doris Davies, as 'her sister's bride- smaid; was frocked in water lily' green satin with matching hat and carried a sheaf of rases. Little June Near was a pretty flower girl ire her pale pink frock with trimming of pas- tel green ribbons. She carried a bas- ket of sweet peas. Stuart Moorhouse was the best man and the bride's brothers, Edward and Ge'ra'ld Davies acted as ushers. After the ceremony a buffet luncheon w'as served at the home of the brid'e's parents, where decorations were carried out in pink and white with streamers and candles and the bride's and groom's cakes in place of honor on the attractive table. Later Mn and Mrs. Armstrong left on a motor trip to Cleveland, the bride going away in a blue and gray crepe dress with black coat trimmed with gray fur, small black hat and black and gray shoes. On their re- turn they will reside on Becher street, London, An entertainment under the aus- pices of the Women's Institute will be held in Memorial Hail on Fnid'ay evening, Feb. 10th at 8 .p.m. The pro- gram will consist of solos, duets, quartettes, readings, 'drills, camp fire, plantation songs; also a play "Re- ception Day at the Parsonage." Mit- sic will be furnished by the Junior orchestra. Admission, adults 1'5c and children 19c. Mr, and Mrs. L. O. Miller and son Clarence of Goderic'h visited! with Mrs, Miller's mother, Mrs. A. M. Colelough on Sunday. TUCKERSMITH. Mr, and Mrs, Lewis'Tebbut attend- ed the funeral of MrCourtice at 'Hal'm.esv'ille fast Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Kirk of De- troit spent the week end with the for- mer's parents, Mr, and Mts. And- rew Kirk. A very successful wood -bee was held in David M{cLean's bush one af- ternoon last week, cutting wood for Fgimond!ville Church when about 50 men of the congregation turned out and out upwards of '315 cords. The West End Ladies' bub met on the list Feb. at the home of Mrs. Howard Jahns. Mr. Te!b'butt sports a new car. Times must he looking up. Alister Broad'foot is around again after being laid up with 'the "flu." GODERICH TOWNSHIP 'The crows were around tat week during the nice weather, but both are hiding away somewhere this week. Mrs. Charlie Bell who has been ill with !congestion of the lungs, is 'feeling somewhat better again. Miss Olive Powell, a niece, has been wait- ing on her. The Harmonica B'anct of Union 'Church made its first' appearance LONDESBORO. Brindley4Crawford. — The United Church parsonage, Lo.nd'esbarough, on 'Satu'rd'ay, Jan. 28th, at .high 'noon, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding, when Louise E. M. Craw- ford w'as united in marriage to (Rus- sell 'John Brindley, second eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram ,Brindley, .of Colborne Township. The winsome young bride was charming in a gown of ivory satin with ostrich trimmings and carried a 'bouquet of bridal roses and maiden hair fern. She also wore the gift of the groom, a h'andlsu!me waist watch. The young couple were unattended. After the ceremony 'th'e bridal party returned to the home of the bride where a sumptuous wedding dinner 'was served to the immediate' relatives of the bride and ,geoom. Lat- er in the a'fterno'on the young couple left amid showers of confetti and good wishes for their •new home en bh:e tenth concession of ,Colborne township, the bride wearing a travel- ling dress of brawn heavy crepe. Their hast of friends join in wislhing them a long and happy wedded life. 'Mr. .and Mrs. Chas. Copes and fa- mily of Bed'grave spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomp- son. Mrs. Woodun'an and Mrs. Oliver and babe are spending this week with Mins. Manns of the village. 'Messrs, Jas. MdCrea and Peter Brown were ,Be1'grave visitors on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Dick Sheddick return- ed home 'Saturday after a pleasant week's visit at Hensel!. Mr. and Mrs. Mack .McCool were guests at the home of Mr. C. Ruddell Sunday. Miss Verde Watson of Hensal!l spent the week end at her home here. M'r. and Mrs. Sam Snow and Mr. Wilford- Snow and Mr. John Snow of Acton returned to their home on rw edinesday. Miss 'Louise Crawford of Landes- baro and Mr. Russel Brindley of the Nile were quietly married at the :Pars'ona'ge on S'aturd'ay last. The funeral of Mr. J. C. Adams THE STORY OF PAUL C.A.M. progressing favorably in Scott Mem- orial Hoslpital, S:eaforbh under ` the stp'lendid !care oif the staff o1 nurses and medical care. 'Mr. Joe. Morgan's hand is not im- proving as rapidly as 'his fnany friends expected after his return from the 'hospital. Part V. not think 'that 'Pawl and wed their quarrel to Nhdm forever,—No,-- ear orever; No,— P!aul had thought that "quitter," and his ;work' important to have that sort in of mis'sion!a'ries. Barna- bast Mark was e'ansdi'enVtl- e'ction' to Paul's policy- ark With ,him as mission- , Ft was only a little were all friend's again. '1 could not do his work he bitterness out of his net''v'o'u's strain Of the his body --"We are told ,£�orbiad li'm Igb'n'g cer- tain it would! 'Tile 'us cannot work hhroulgh is au'gry' without cause his jud�gmebtt. d his old home town, call on the Gelation wanted to ga to Ephes- us !Rome, for Paul kept as his objective) buth make hims'el'f go. Alt every he hesitated', but always. from Ephesus. F'i'nally the end of the r'oa'd AOA mules north of E'pdt was sick, He 'couts'ulted Whose name was 'Luls'e'I-u�k he case properly—told give and 'forget" "an• across the Dalyd'anudldes an work. Y.es 1 Lt was Rome, but never men edonia ,needed the mess- age went to Macedon- ia. a splendid trip with the way. His (forst city Everything went nice! he collided ,with a Religi- ous sobth'sayer followed after day ---tagged after !vim as to be a nuisance. Paul r evil s'piri't!—and that and his companion jail, s'courg'ed. Their feet we stocks, but in s'pi'te of bl they s'p.en,t the night sing- ing, earthquake slhook 'the jailor betaine —and the rest of the nag more comfortable 'ng the m, ayor off the .to'w to the jail to apologize had been done—and to 'a' ries No leave Philippi. day Pau!' started n highway,=going 'third day found him the read, in the heart sa'1'oni:ca. For three in the Synagogue—a d, also a great many ear- nest same of the wives leaders. The th,e'me of was "the Resurrection is the Christ." unbelieving Jews made it nn for Paul in the syna- gogue, invited bhe 'xOhurc house . We do !cave the church met house, but Paul's ministry to a sudden end. unbelieving Jews became jeal- ous success and they stirr- ed "lewd fellows- sort," idlers who were wait- ing a job. too busy through t know wti'at plots were in had make enough to keep He would not accept new Chni:stian's I ys he was busy preadh'i "Resurrection" and ming" of J'esu's and t of Geed:' Jason looked out to see mob marching up the street. the word's "'Treason cl'o'wn With the robe ries! 'The Enemies The mob surrounded Jason They demanded Paul. IB not there!! Alt the last mo - anent escaped—the mob push- ed broke open the doors everywh,eh�e but did n They were baffled eine a meant b'us'ine's's. So they Jason, a milling mass of the yawn they cried their against him: "He 'harbored' t have turned bhe world up- side Jesus!" ISD they came where Jason •wivd'ertoodc at Paul arse"his compo 'Tlhessalonica, knew that Jason and his plo- p not'be safe for long ,go --so that .[}fight Paul's stole oat o'f the cli'ty. IT 4—Any .port u a star', thinking about where but haw he was ,go'in'g w ;Paul d'o 1Bercata 'where y time for a 'while, But lolws ton—and !Paul naves goes by stealth—pre- tends way so that he Might obi !Finally he goes aboard must B!arn'abas alho' stand between io'r for long. Mark was a ` was too i'mpor his company knew the Dais fn'thi's objection ohetolokM Mission- ary to Cyprus while till they IIn fact, !Pau till he got t sysltelin. The fight poisoned that the :Wait tarn places. Spirit of Jeans a person' who and unjust in Paul visite then went to Churches. He (and then Rome ,always e co'u'ld not crass -roads- turned away he came toat Trees, :same esus. And he a doctor.wha e diagnosed N him to "fon d' came on acd begin a new on the road to d Rome! Mac - age of Jesus, - ia. They hada fair wind ally was Philippi. y there until •i- o'us Racket. d him day so closely l cast out her landed Paul after being re fastened inthe discamfont, ing, until athe doors open' a Christiannight they were In the morning n carne downz e far what ask the missionaries The nextacross the Roma to Rome! 'Tlheat the forks iatof', a city, Thesweeks he preachedfew Jews believe r - nest Greeks of the cityhis sermons of Jesus, who The un:be' - com!folnta'ble so J !h" to ohs not know how in Jason's ry there came !The unib'e ous ,Of Paul r- ed up a mo of the baser it in'g just for Pau'! washe week to kn the making; He all his time tohim cult of delnt,pay from these On S'usid'ang about bhe the "second co he "'Kingdom One day a howling He heard'd" "Treason!" list Revolutionaries! of Caesarl 's hoarse! Put Paul was he had'h- ed past Jason,rs —searchednot find Paul.an- gry--They seized. J!as'on n,. Buffeting n•g change agait the men who h' down!" m- other Kling, to the count' to see to :it tln company would leave Paul o- peety would if he dlid not company st o Rome? IN'o m! He was not he was going,,to get 'there, We tollb' he hada !'app ut the mob 'foe' es on again—hee- ttends to goivt evade the nn NORTH McKILLOP. 'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thornton were vis'i'ting Mrs. Lena Regdte and 'fam'ily on Sunday :evening. !Mrs. George Thornton is still con- fined to her bed sine her severe 'heart attack two weeks ago. Mrs. Edward Regele, 'Shirley, and Pearl spent Saturday evening with Miss Bessie Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mduiaughdin were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Tluornito'n Monday evening. IMuoh sympathy is extended to Mr. Pont Dennis and .family in their sad loss of a loving wife and m'o!ther. Mr. an'd Mrs. Leslie Rapier and Elinor of ' Chicago have returned is nae after attending the funeral of the laltter's father, Mr. Daniel Reg- ele. HILLSGREEN. Mrs. E. Broderick returned to her dome .after visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. Mausseau in Exeter. IMr, and Mrs. 'Robert (Stephenson received ward of the death of their nephew, Mr. McQuillan in 'Ltt'oknow. Mr. and Mrs. IP. Canvpb'ell and chil- dren visited at the Name of Mr. and Mrs. H. !Love. Mrs. R. Love is visiting her son, Air. (Ross and Mrs, Love. Mrs. .Nellie 'Granvilile and daughter Margaret returned to her duties in Egm'ondvil'le after visiting 'friends here, Butchering, quilting and mat mak- ing are now in full swing. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1933. a boot with sails• cal set hisAthens. 1 lest, es �I'tomA '.!tlhetts Paull seatnt Ibvs two 1 companions 'kick to see haw things we're going with Jason, He dlid not dare go 'back himself, far 'Jason's L leanerS g& Dyers sake! S'o,the d!ittle, lame, nervous Jew TRY Market For Ontario Celery Seen in Western Provinces 'Ship'ments of 'On'tario celery to Western Can'ad'a, are arriving at their destination in .first class condition and, because of the particularly high quali- ty of this, product, it is being 'well re- ceived. This was revealed in a tele- gram from W. 'B• Semenset, cha'irm'an of the Ontario Marketing Board, Who has been in Western Canada. Put Fl,sh on Market Cattle With the plentiful supply of feed, the cattle going on the market this winter should be welhfinis'hed. "eV lll- finished young ,cattle command a pre- mium en both the home and export markets. The poor .quality, un'der- fleshed animal's have a depressing ef- fect an the %market. 'Steers or heifers showing ,breeding .and type make good use of the home-grown feed. Titre spent''the nexit�fewv days 'around 'the WITH YOUR NEXT ORDER market place of ,Aithens. !He fakedphonl96w. We call and deliver with ever'y!body! (They called 'him a e "babbler." and laughed at 'hien. 'They V. J. Gillespie, Prop. ,hustled !him up to the IAreo!pa'gus 'ore day, stood du'm up on the plabfornn and 'stood back, telling him to 'talk away! 'Somebody said, "julat about as homely as .old Socrates! Wonder if he has. the 'brains, !too." 'Well, it was a Polished, philos'op'h- ,cal s'eenvon-'he 'preached. .The 'people were ,a'tn'azed at 'first, 'though they only laughed alt the idea of the Resur- rection --that is, mast of !them laugh- ed—some of them believed. (Paull 'was 'discouraged—he was ner- vous, excited—wiondering 'about la - sally and 'bhe 'oth'er Christians 'there. Haw' many Would suffer? Blow math would they suffer? •That mob was so angry! Paul ,knew what a mob :could do—he, had 'used' '.a ,mob 'for h'is' Own.. purpose ibefare he :bec'ame a Christian' !Suddenly 'Paul left Athens and ar- rived in -'Corinth. H'ibeh.itiiking 'bo Roane! He 'found :a jab tdelwn Iby the docks. !For weeks - .he worked --amid waited—'and worried. Then ward carne !from Jason! rile was all right— but some elf •the ,dhurc'h 'members had! been killed. .Gladness and sorrow moved 'Poul to white a letter alt Nonce—'('I. Thes- salonians, the first 'book olf the 'New Testament to be ,written). He was glad that the 'church was standing true—sorry that the •persecution had been so severe -but ,glad. tthalt ,those who had been ' •kil'l'ed were not without 'hope of the resurrection and, they would share in the glory of the sec- ond coming :((h Thes. X4:13) (Then ''Paul 'began work in earnest. took place from his home to the alone will tell what the profit will be on the 'hun!d'reds of cattle going into the feed -lots this •tall. But, it is reason- able to expect that it will he the deep, mellow -fleshed bu'll'ocks that com- mand the !bop prices when they go on the •market. Inferior feed or .a skimpy ration does not make .market tappers of even the best type of !cattle. Clean and Sterilize All Dairy Utensils The keeping qual'i'ty .:of milk de- pends directly upon the number of bacteria present and this in tern 'de- pen'ds upon the 'thoroughness with. which dairy utensils have been clean- ed and sterilized. The use of live steam or scalding with boiling water is always effective providing it is av- ailable in: suffi'cien't volume, but as a general rule the 'quantity available an the average farm is inadequate for ;effective results, 'I't is for this reason that the use of chlorine in suitable form is recommended by bacterio- logical experts. It acts rapidly in cold water, and is cheaper and, 'more con- venient than the 'heat treatment gene orally recominended, When !properly United Church where service was held. Interment was in Landesboro Cemetery. The deepest sympathy goes out to the bereaved ones, IMr. Carter and sister have return- ed to their h'o'me in Brantford, hav- ing come up to attend the funeral of their uncle, the late Mr. Adams, IMisis. Stevens and children are. spending a few days with the form er's mother here, Mrs. J,fl N!oabt. Miss Helen Yungblut of Stratford Normal spent the week -end with her parents here. Mr, Charlie Knox of Ma'ckl'in, Sark., is visiting at Sheddick's. IMr. and Mrs. R. S'heddick are Mensal' visitors this week. A number from here attended the memorial service in Clinton last Sab- bath evening. 'Miss Neil'antls of Clinton spent the 'week -end at the home of Mr. W. G. Ross, :MANLEY. The ground hag had to return to his nest after congratulating himself that he did not see his shadow on the 2nd inst. The heavy snow fall oaa Teeseey employed chlorine sterilization gives al - has tied cup auto traffic as an old time excellent results and the practice, al-' 'winter has 'made 115 a''earance• ready general among milk and, !other pP !The tetany friends of Mr. J. food pla'n'ts is spreading to the dairy, W. 'this week at the Men's Club meet- 'Welsh are ,pleased to learn' that he is ',arms. BRODHAGEN. 'Mr, .Ed. Ahrens has been under the :doctor's care for •a few 'days. We hope to see him around .again soon. ,Miss Adeline Sc'henbarbh has gone to 'Stratford to work in the Queen's Hotel. ,Vi'si'tors in and !around bhe village• were Iver. and MM. Wm, Riehl* Sr. o'f Mlboheti ,with 'their son William, Mr, and Mrs. ,Lorne • 1ddessersloh'midt of D'ettioit with his :npdbher;' ,Mr. Herman Bauer of Detroit with John J!ae!dhs; !Returns Front Russia. Me. and Mrs. Norman Burnett df (Detroit Nilo•. have just recently :•returned "from Ruelei'a, where Mr. Burnett super- vised the balding of Ford trucks, are spending a few days with his arches !Geo. Leonlhardt. ST. COLUMBAN. The following is the report of the gramlmar grad'e's ;for bhe pupils of U. ISIS'S. :No. 3, :Hliibbert, .S't. Coltimban. 'The names: are in adder nt merit: Fovhith Class: 'Th'oma's Melody, Ed- ward Roaidh, Wilfred 'M'oQ'uaid, Ben- edict R. diell!and, Albert Hart, Isabel !Roach, Louis IO1Ref'lly, Mary' Hart, (flack .Cronin, Joseph 'O'Reilly. '(S!en- for Third: Jisak 'Reath (,hon.) Rita (Ryan (p), Patrick Cleary (p), Con- rad 'Holl'an'd (p), Fra'n'ces O'Reilly '(p), Lenore Ruston (p). Junior ;Third': Mildred ,Murphy (p), Ralph Murphy (p), Elizabeth Roach (p', D'o'wn in 'thio :syinagogue ;he 'preached' !Patrick 'ONS'uylivan ,(ip), Gloria for a while. The Jews did not approve land '(p), Jloseph Hart (p), Angeline of this doctrine so they es'communic- Ruston (p), .Mary !O'Reilly (f), Leo ated Paul—put 'him nut of the 'syn'a- ;Ryan (1). Secalud Class: James gogue!'B'ut Paul was equal to' the oc- casion .and retaliated by aexeotmmun- 'eating the 'Jews who 'would not ac- cept ,his 'teaching! Ili was all very dramatic -Then shtn'eb'edy offered Roach (p), Patrick MclGrath (p), Do- ris Ruston (p), Mary Murray (f). Part •III.—Loretto. RRa'ch (Iran) ?afary Doyle l(p), Eleanor McJGrath 'Patrick Hart (p), J'ames Cleary (f), him rooms across the corner from ePeirrer: sBasil - O'Reilly, James 'Atkin - the -synagogue, andfor eighteen• mdn'ths he 'prea'ched "Christ :and Film Crucilfied," !The competition was strong between ,the !'Jews and the Christians. Near the end of that ei'gh'teen months word came to Pant from Thessalo.n'ica, that his letter Iliad been interpreted to say 'blah the second com'in'g of Christ was about bo ,hap- pen any day -immediately!! 'T'hes'e were many who had quit work to get ready :far the conning df the 'Land!!— Alnd Paul sat down to write this se- cond letter to the 'Thessalonians— saying in !effect: "I am sorry, but you have misunderstood ab'ont the second Deming -,let me explain!" ISa he ex- plained again, that no one knew when the Christ would come—that the best preparation for his •coming was to do each day's work in faith, and nlhen He (came He wound find them busy and 'ready -land from that time on, Paul did rat emphasize the se- cond doming of 'Christ—lest he be misunderstood again, DUBLIN. - 'T'he following is the January re - poet for St. Patrick's School, Dublin. Sr, I'V.--IH'o'nlaurts, Iliabh!leen. Cum- mings, James Delaney, Mary Cenlmo, Teresa Knau!skop•f, 'Genevieve Feeney, Pass—'Leanard' Nagle, J'osep'h Don- nelly, 'Albert :Donnelly, jack Jordan, Fergus Stapleton. Jr. I'V,—iHon;o'urs. 'Joseph Evan's, J'ac'k Flanagan, Pass -Fergus Cum- mings, J'ames Curtin, C'a'm'illa Don nel'ly, Charles K,raus'kop!f. Sr. tIIII.—(Honours, !-Parry Cum- mings, Lucille MclGrabh, Mary Ev- ans, Michael Feeney, Loretta Feen- ey. Pass—+Loreeu Loo'by,M'ary, Jar- dan, Rose Feeney, Dalton Burn's. !J'r, 1!ItI.—IH!onours, Margaret Tyers, 'Margaret Cummings. Pass—,!!eines F 'au'skcapf, 'Louise Flanagan, Helen O'Reilly, Kathleen Stapleton. 'Second Class—Plass, Joseph Klink - hammer, Rose iClinkham'mer, 'Gerald {Borns, • Wilfred Tyers, Earl Nagle, Angela Donnelly, Thomas Dorsey. 'Fitst CI'asa—H'on:ours, Catheriie Tordan, Margaret IICraus'koplf, Mary h,bapletcan Cat'li,enine Tyers, William Bengt. Pass—IHelen Flanagan, Fran, - cis Evans. Primary—!Francis 'Sona, George Klin'kh'amnner, Jean Jordan, !Rita Maloney, Mary Costello, Ther- esa Cummings, Jlohea Donnelly, Phil- ip 'K)l'pnloham.mer, 'Mrs. T. Maloney has been visiting her d'a'ughter, Mas. J, Ryan of Strat- ford .this p'as't week. Jdhln iford!an is wearing a smile—I't's• a girl. We are goad to report that Mrs. Mac Feeney is 'improving nicely. We are very sorry to report the deeth of ,Mr. Pat Ravi/ley, who died very suddenly S,a'turd'ay a'Pre'rleoon, bon, Arthro- Murphy, Agnes O'Sulli- van, Francis Cronin, Michael 'IM'c- (Grath; jade 'Cleary, Oharlie !Roach, !Stephen Holland, 'Margaret OiSiulli- ivan. CONSTANCE. 'Mrs. A. Stevens of Sault Ste, 'Mar- ie, was visiting at the home o•f Mr. 'R. B. Rogerson. !Mrs. William Britton was called to Wa'bfard this week awing to the death of her brother-in-law, Ms'. (Leech, and is s,pending .a few days there.. Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Yungbdut have returned home after spending a foui days with their sister, Mrs. 'Guy l•' 'Cunningham and cousins at Auburn' and also cousins at Walkerton. McKILLOP. The first official step in the mat- ter of the Milburn ISwamp Drain was taken last week when the Town- ship of M'dKilto'p received from bhe Township of Mullett notice that James E. Medd has commenced and is pnoseculting an aobion, U'naflcial- iy the matter has been before the drainage referee ,previously. Practi- cally the 'wh'al'e of MdKillop is af- fected with the exception of only a couple o'f thousand acres. STAFFA. The J'uniar .Farmers will welcome their friend's to a euchre and dance in the township hall at Staffa on Wed- nesday evening, Feb. 1l5'th. Ladies bring lunch . and gents silver collec- tion. G,a•mes s'la'nt at 5,30. 4i x T THEATRE SEAFORTH Thurs.-Fri.-Sat, Feby. 9-10-11 JOE E. BROWN in FIREiMAN SAVE MY C!Hi'LD You'll laff your sides sore at this one Comedy Cartoon ZAISMon.,U TuerTT!s,S Wed, Feb'y '13-14,15' IP1 SL8'M SUMMERVIILLE in—, Unexpected xpected Faeher The ' bwb ftin makers in this side Splitting, comedy, 'Comedy News Reel 'Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb'y 16-17-18 CHIC SALES Stranger in g Town Matinees Saturdays & Holidays 3 p.m. Two Shows. Each Night, 7:30'& 9:15