HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-02-09, Page 1IS'1od1 Rdays, school days,; Dear old golden rule drays, eadim' and wriitin' fund rithime'tic, Taught to the tune of a h'ick'ry 0(4 Sf t , COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER , You were iny queell, in calico, I was your bashlful barefootbeau, And you wrote on my s'laite-;'I Ilio've you floe," • R'Vhen we, were a couple of -kids. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 55, No. 6, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FES'RUARY 9, 1933. Phone 84. DINNERS and SUPPERS ,Regularly KOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR NOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices. Reasonable T e Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant Why Go Hungry? When you can. buy Rice at 439 C S ibs.. for Art RICE. -5, 4, 3, ' 2 lbs. for '.....25c MEZYt11I 'IE.—iSSaid to be the 'best of its kind for mending 25e KLENZINE WASHING POWDER 5for 25c HAND B'RUSH'ES,—, , ....2 for Sc CLOTHES BRUSHES.—Reg. 5Oc each, While they last .......20c JAIOOE'.S BUTTER PUFFS are de- idious, per plcg. 25c CHOCOLATE 'NIARSH pELLO ! CAKES. -2 0lbs. for .. , , 25c PEANUT BUTTER. -12 oz, tin, 10c CORNSTARCH. -3 1bs, for 25c :DELUXE JELLY POWDERS. !Our best seller 6 for 25c :SHIIRRIIFF'S ORANGE MARM+A LADE : 25c Jar OXO BEEIFEX .CUBES. -2 for 25c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP. - 3 for 25c CLARKS SOUPS. --,Any variety ex- cept thicken, at .,.....3 for 25c PANTRY SHELF TIN FULL OF (SODA. B'ISCUTS.— 30c Butter, Eggs, amid Dried Apples taken as cash. Cream taken for the ISeaforth Creamery at the same price as 'delivered at Creamery. Hutchison PHONE 166 A CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church. -Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. 1'1' a.m.—Public worship. Subject, "Plh'illip,' fifth in series our the Apos- tles. 230 pan.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m Public wba`sh'ip. Subject, "The Art of T'hin'king." FIIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. I, B. Kaine's subjects next :Sunday will be, in the morning "Trea- sure Trove," 'arid in the evening "The Way W'hic'h is Desert." EGMONDVDLLE CHURCH ,February 12. Reverend Charles .Ma- lcolm. 1'1 a.m.—My Creed (5) "I be- lieve .in 'the Communion of 'Saints," - 7 pair,—IS•tonies from the 'Life of (Paul, '(16) "Perils in the Primitive Church." HOME AND SCHOOL 'The February meeting of the Home and .School 'Association. was held in ohne 'Pu'blic School on M'on- day evening last. Mds's. Eild'er's, talk on the pictures . of European coun- tries was most ,enjoyable and hav- ing visited many of the places dur- ing a 'recent, visit abroad, she gave to her descriptions a personal knowl- edge teat was of s'pe'cial interest. Arthur Golding gave two selections on the violin, accompanied on the piano by Miss Hellen " Lane, that were greatly appreciated. The pro- gnamnte was arranged by Mrs. lGoudlie and (Miss Elder. ST. THOMAS' CHURCH. Septuagesima Sunday,' 11 o'clock, morning service, "The Two Crea- tions.", S,1S. at 3 p.m., and a special service in the evening, "The Minis- try of W'omen." DEMONST'RATION TRAIN The 'Swine Demonstration train is making two 's'tops in Huron County, one at Wingham on Friday, 'Feb. 10, from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m, and one at Hen'sall. on Tuesday, February 14th, from g to .12 a.m. Vale ppSVVp:er under auspices of the Ladies' Guild of ISt. Thomas' March, on 14 Tues.9 Feb. Supper front 5 to 7:30 In the Parish Hall Sale of Homemade Candy. Supper 2,5c PUBLIIC LIIB'RARY BOARD The inaugural meetlin'g of, tire iS'ea- forth PubLic' L+ibraiy,Bolard wrasheld. 4n the library on bhe evening of Feb. 3rd, 1933. 'Melm'bers • ,presenit were 1WIilli'am Hartry, Rev, W. P. Lame, E. C. Chla,miberlain, Joseph 111c2111 lair, ' P. Moffatt, Mayor A. Dc "Sut'h- erland and john Finlayson. 'Moved by J. M'dMilllan', seconded by P. Moffatt, that the old libamd of officers be re-elected, that is, Wlm. IHartry, chairman; John Finlayson, seoretary.ta'easurer; A. F. Cluff, W. 'P. Lane, P. Moffatt and John Finlay- son; Book Committee, J. McMillan, E. C. Chamlberlain, Thos. Mellady, and Wm. Hlarbry, Pa*o'perty Commit- 'btee. Carried. •'Mlinubes 'o'f last two meetings read and adopted by motion of Me. Lane and E. C. Chamberlain. Moved by E. C. Chamberlain, sec- on'd'ed by P. Moffatt, Miss Thomp- son 'be re-engaged for another year as Li'braaan,and the same arrange- ments as to cutting the 'lawn and cleaning the reading room be follow- ed. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lane, seconded by Mr. Mloffa'tt, that •t'he matter of pro- curing a clock and :thermometer be left in the hands of the property coni- ,m'ittee, Carried. Moved by E. C. • Chamberlain, se- conded by J. MleMillan, •that B'o'ok Committee be in dharge of ordering the papers and magazines "used i'n. the library and that they look into the ,matter- and see if the s'a'le .of paper could not be divided or changed for a term or so, Carried. Moved by E. C. Chamberlain., se- conded by e-con'ded''by J. McMi'1'lan, that the Bonk 'Committee look into the dis- posal of the magazines after they are used in the library and look after the disposed of the magazines. Carried. The lreaeurer read the financial statement •of •the year. IMoved by Mr. Layne, seconded by 'MT. P. Moffatt, that . the financial statement as read be adopted. Car- ried. Meeting adljourned to call o,f the tchairman, .ST. JAMES' ARTS CLUB Mr. Charles Stewart was guest speaker at the regular mee'ti'ng of S,t. Jaime's' Ants Club held in the parish hail on tFebnuary 3rd. The subject of his address was "Robert Burns and iHis Poetry." It, proved a most inter- esting topic and was thoroughly ap- preciated by the m'emlbers. Miss Joan Devereaux played a piano solo, and, following a short ,talk by Rev. Fr. Goetz, the meeting adjourned. A.Y.P.A. St. Thomas' Church A Y,P:A. met in the parish hall on Monday evening ,w'iatlt the president, Robert Archibald in the chair, Arrangements were made for the three act comedy "Sound Yon!. Horn," to be presented by the AY.IPIA, of St. Paul's Church 'Stratford, in bhe parish hall on Mon- day evening, February 20th. A talk to the youn'g people was given by Mr. H. B. Edge. The next meeting will be held on February 1'3ith, "EX'AGGERATE'D" Ward got around in that un'c'anny way rumors do get around with ab- solu'tely no basis of truth, that a weld ,knwwn and p'olpull'ar Egm'andville couiple were happy p'aren'ts. Thus it. Ihaplpened that when the gentleman came up town one morning this week he was stopped frequently on the street to receive congratuliaftory handclasps. Alt first slomewha,t prised, and' and' 'puzzled. to 'know holw the story started, he frailly-aocep'ted the situation philosophically, re- membering the exlp'erie:noe of Mark Twain who was told one morning while at breakfast and in bhe best of 'health, that there was a ru'm'or he was dead. "Ylou can say the report is very ,much exaggerated," Mark Twain replied. HURON OLD BOYS' ,ASSOC. OF TOROINTO The 3'3rd Annual At-IH'ome of the Huron Old Boys' Association of 'To- ronto was held in Simpson's Arcad ian Court out (Friday evening l'alst, with a large attendance trnly repres- enting every section of the good old county. • Dancing was carried on in the main dining roont, wlhile the messine gal- leries were used for euchre and 'bridge. 'The refreshments were served in side table` all round the dance hail and in the galleries. The attendance, on account of the depression, was not up to\ last year, but what was lacking in numbers was amply made up in enthusiasm, Amongst the large crowd present were the 'fo'llowing: Mr. and Mrs. L, M. Pringle, 1Lr, and Mrs. J. A. McLaren and Miss Mills, Mr. and Mrs, B. H, Mc- Creath, Mr. and ;Mrs. A. C. Mac- Vicar, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stowe, 3,6r. E. Floody, Mr. W. Powell, Mr. R.' C. King, Mr. G. A. New- ton, Mr, R. S. Sheppard, Mr. W. tA, Campbell, Miss Sadie Walker, Mrs. I. H. Brown, Mrs. G. C. Young Mr, and Mrs, D. D. Wilson and the Messrs. Wilson, Mr.' and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson and Miss Ferguson, IMr. and Mrs. J; J. Page, Dr. and M'as. H. 3. Hodgins, Mrs. De Lace1, 'Dt, and (Mrs, J. G. Fer- guson, Da-. and Mos. IH. Peake, D,r. and Mrs. H. A. IHession, Dr.. anal Mrs. C. H. !B'rereton, Dr, R IS. 'Stanbury and the 'Misses Stan - Miry, 'Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Buch- anan, Mr. and Mrs. J. M'o'on, 'Mr, and Mrs. H. E. Worselll, Me. and Mrs J. A. Netterfield, 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'R, Dane, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Taanblyn, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Beswetheriok, Mr. and Mrs, H. Minnett, Mr. and Mrs, A. E. Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. `Prow - hill and, ' ass •Trow'h'ill, Mr. and (Mrs. Jars. (Saul, Mr. and 'alas. F. B. Nixon, .Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Car- ter, Mr, eiid Mrs. • W. J. Irvine, Mr. and MTs. J. May, Mar. and Mrs. 1W. D. ,'S.p'riniks, Rev. R. C. Mc- IDermid and Miss McDerm'id, Rev. 3. F. Parke, Hon. I. IB. Lucas, Add. and Mrs. W. Duckviorth, Ald. J. J. ,Glass, M'r. IJ. H, Langton and 'Mrs, E. 'Langton, Mr. and Mrs. D. Titom,pson, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. 'Woodstock, Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Greer, Mrs. W. J. Greer ((Wing hia'm)' Mrs, H; V. Holmes '((Carrie), Mrs. A. Welch, Mrs. Wm. Mc- Creatlt, Mrs. 'W. 'Weller, Mos, J. D. Guy, Mrs. R. 'S. 'Evans, Mss. J. A. Rose •(Guelph), Mrs, W. 'Franklins and Miss Franklin (Wood- bridge), Mrs. P. Hlssey, Mrs. L. B. Oke, Mms. P, G .Price '(Tokyo, Japan), Mrs, IS, Good, Mrs. E. 1L. Wettiatsfe'r, Mts. R. De - Lang, Mrs. M. Lamont .((Weston), Mrs. J. Fleming, Mrs. D. Rlobent son, _Mrs. W. Charles, Mrs. Har- ry Knight, Mrs; W. Rolberteen, ,Mr.. and Mrs, W. Proesdlfoot, Mr. an'd Mks. E. M. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. ,H. 'Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Is- bister, lMT, . and Mrs. ,'E'. H. S'im- in'gto ., Mr. and Mrs. Lack Ken- nedy, Mr, and Mrs. G. Ewing, Mr, and Mrs. B.; Wiindrurn, IMr. and Mins. W. E. Hanna, ,Mr. and Mrs. A. F. King, Mr. and Mrs. C. Y. KIil- ty, Mr, Hugh White, Mr. W. L. Rome, Mr. +Arch, ,Blair ((Ottawa), Mr. IRendle Pehlke ((Winnipeg), Mr. R. C. MdKinneg, Mr. J. F. Sharpe, Mr. W. H. 'Ferguson, Mr. W, J. Bell, Mr. W. MclKlenzie, .Mr, IL J. Smith, Mr. W K. Tinning, Mr. Id. Jenkins, Mr, R. F. King, Mr. E. D. Thompson, Mr., J. Fawley, Mr. Fred. R. 'Collquh,oun ,QSeaforth), M's'. W. H. Pearson, Sr.; ,Mr. W. H. Pearson, Jr.; Me. A. Al- lan, Miss Margaret. Stewart, Mass YOUNG .PEOPLE'S SOCIETY iTlhe regular meeting of the Young 'People's 'Society of the 'N'orth Side (United Oh,urch was held on Tuesday evening, February 7th. The meeting "opened by singing several C'G.LiT. songs led by Miss Ruth Thompson. Mr. Sam Scott then took the chair The Lord's ,prayer was thenrepealted in unison. The minutes of the previ- ous meeting were read by the secre- tary, Mists Winnie S'avauge, After the 'business part of the meeting Was brought to :a close Miss Ruth Thomp- son then took charge of the meet- ing. Hymn 84 was sung and Miss Ruth Thompson led in prayer. Miss IAII'ice. Iludson gave a very interesting Story on "India." This was followed by a very pleasing solo given by :Miss Margaret Crich accompanied on the piano by Miss Helen 'Lane. Miss Vera Mole read Atte ''Slcripture les- son. Miss Fennel 'then gave us a very delightful and interesting talk on another clapper of our s'tud'y book, "India and Her People." Mann 912 wets then sung 'ain•d folllaw- ed by 'tthe Mizpah benediction. A very interesting contest conduct- ed by Miss Muriel Finnigan brought the meeting to a close. LADY BOWLERS Through the kindly'generosi'ty of Mr. and Mrs'. A. A. 'McLennan, Mr. and Mrs. C. Corrie, and Mr. and Mrs, A. Reiman, who opened their. apartments on Victoria street for the occasion, a very +successfu'1 bridge• party was arranged by the Ladies'. Lawn Bowling Club on Tuesday ev- ening, February` 7th. Twenity-five. tables were filled, and the prize' win- ners were: ,Ladies' first, Mrs. Earl Bell; 'second, Miss ;Sally Woods; gentlemen's first, Mr. Frlanik Sills; second, Dr. J. Munn. HO CK+EY. Egmon'd,ville defeated Tuclbensanith 3-2, and Winthrop played a 0-0 tie 'with : St. 'Golumlban Saturday night, in the. Md112i1'i'an, Cup game's. ;S'eand,ng. Won Lost Tied Pros. Winthrop , 2 0 11 5 'Egtnloindvilile:': .. 2 11 01 1 'Tu'ckersmith' 11 " 2 01 2 1St. -Colaunvban ... 0 0 '11 11 IGiader'i'ch defeated Seafor'th by 5-3 'Tuesday in. the 0,111.A. I.nternied'iate here. This was almost the last game for the laced team, which has played good hockey, thmoughou•.t, but had 'luck has dogged them since their f•rs't' gam e. CIJAIM DtISAIJLOWED In the matter of MloKlay y's, James Mann ;Estate, which -came up for hearing before His Honour Judge Costello at Gloderich on the 71th inst., the Plaintiff's claim againslt •the estate was for wages for looking .after the late James Mann, 'his house and his livestock for 1186 drays, Alt the ,conclu- siert `of bhe argument by counsel for both parties the Judge disallowed the claim with costs as, fixed by him. D. E. Holmes of Go:deric'h acted fop the :claimant ,and John H. 'Best acted for the Executors of the Executors of the Estate. BROTHER :PASS'ES Miss- Bella ' Slproat received word on Wednesday ,of the death at Chilli - wick BC., of her brother, Mr. Geo. A. Sm oatt, on IFe'bruary 2nd, follow- ing several strokes. The deceased lira's been for many years a resident Of +Ohill'iwack, where .' interment was made. He leaves no; ` family and was predecewsed'a few years ago by his wife, FIRST TRI'P The highway snowplow; and the town s•n:owpldw made their first trips, this year on Wed'nesdcy morning. THE SECRET 'asstk complete With 4 Blades The WARDONIA Razor is an English built razor and is a quality product throughout. In shav- ing with this razor there is no pull, no skin irritation—it just .glides over the face send when through shaving is instantly cleaned by dipping in hot water. You will be delighted with a War donia. F red. S WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY GIFT GOODS, CHINA Phone 194. Res. 10. Jean. F. Stewart, Miss F. Reid, Miss Alma MacKay, Miss Mildred Turn- bull, Miss M. Landoll, M'is's M. Barnes, Miss Jean Robertson, Miss N. Christie, Miss Hilda Staynes, Miss Harcourt, Miss Rowley, Miss E. Reid, Miss Potts, Miss &L, B. Chesney, Miss G. G. Ross, Miss 'Ruth McKenzie, Muss Donis Penhale, Miss Myra `Stin- son, Miss 'Browne Stirling, Miss Au- oie'Crittenden, Miss B. E. Mills, 'Miss G. ,Dempsey, 'Miss L. !Dempsey, Mies M. Blatchford, Miss C. 'Clementi, Miss J'uli'a Loche'ad, Mr. and Mrs. A. H, IFruemmer, Mr. Nesbitt Woods, irir, L. Wurni, Mr. Lloyd McKenzie,' Mr, tGarvey Penhale, 'Mr. 'Gruff ,H'nteh-. ison, Mr, H. Wannaker, Notes —lLonn'e M. !Pringle •ma'kes an ideal president. He is a dive wine, and works like clock work. He is a native .of Brussels, and a successful business Man. —"Terpsichorean" was a difficult word for many of the young dancers. President Latta of the ;Huron Old Boys' Association of Regina sent his regrets, and explained that his aeroplane was out of order. Johns' O'rches'tra ,supplied the dance music and it was "grand" mu- sic. M'r, St. John, the leader, 'presents a fine appearance and the music fol- lows suit. —The annual picnic of the Huron Old (B'oy's' A'ssocia'tion will be 'held in Area No. 3, Canadian, National Ex- hibition Panic, on Saturday, June 24. —Hon, 'I. iB. Lucas, On:tanio forliner attorney -general, was present -and 'took an active interest in the prog- ram. h ,B, danced every dance, —Doctors and lawyers were present in large numbers. —Vice President Geo. R. (Dane looked after a big ,Ho'wick delegation, iDr, .H. A. Hession, the w el'1-. known west Toronto medico, headed a delegation of 15 Winlghainites. He is a tgoad running ovate for 'vice-pres- ident W. A. Campbell. —Rev. J. F. Parke, former God'er- ddh township pedagogue, and later Anglican clergyman, related the times when he and secretary lFdbbdy tramp- ed the Tipperary line to the late Treasurer Can'te'lon^e to get their salaries. -Mr. J. J. Page, general m'a'nager of the Western Canada Flour Mills Co., was present with Mrs. Page and was greatly interested in, the program. —'Bert MoGreath was in his glory and danced the w'ho'le program. through. He delights to tell Honorary President McLaren about that Kitch- ener trip. — Miss Sadie Walker, the live wire assistant secretary, headed a .go'od 'crowd from Exeter, —Mrs. ,H. V. Holmes came dawn 'from Gorrie to attend the big annual ,event and was highly pleased with the program, - Mrs. H. ,B, Stowe superintended the euchre and bridge with her usual good management. -,Hon. 'President J. A. McLaren gave good assistance in keeping things ,going and entertaining .;;the 'strangers. Mayor 'Sutherland of Sea'for'th sent his regrets' and we are sorry his worship could not make the grade. T,t is reported that a "round" table conference was held erring 'the even- ing but "no particulars" were forth- 'coming, — Mrs. W. J. Greer of Wingham was present and was 'much impressed with the proceedings. —Ald. 'Duckworth and Aid. (Glass were on the job, and talked over the live 'issues coming before the city oatmeal on Monday. ---(Henry Lauglhban of bhe post' d- ice department, was a niuc'h interes't- e'd, s'pectato'r. He says he has no fault to 'fund with .the ,ten per cent, cut but doesn't like dropping the nickel. —Ma. W. K.:Tinning won the Est prize in the gents' euchre and Mr. Jas. Sauls carried off the 2nd prize. -IIn the ladies' section Mrs. Jay won the lIat prize and Miss Julie Loelehead won the 2nd Crony. Mrs. Dr. Ferguson wont the lucky number prize. —Mr. F. B. Nixon, of the Nialon Press, spoke of the speed of the lino type compared With the old process. -Hon, 'President Bob King 'looked lkke;a sixteen year old when he wh'ir'led about in the lancers, --tpolhn+ Moors had charge of the dance program and "called off" for the old -tine ,dances. —Mr. J. A. Nebterdietd, of the city juvenile court, was present wilth, Mrs. Netterfield and enjoyed the program very annc'h. 'Mr. Netterfield was born in Tnrn'berry township, -Treasurer D. D. Wilson solid 61 tdcleets at the door, He was a busy man all evening.