HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-02-02, Page 5THURSDAY, (FEBRUARY 2, 1933. Progressive Merchants Well Kept Stores Satisfied Customers 'This combination is respolnsible for the development of one of the greatest distributors ;off Food Produces in Can'a'da—SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES. Why not ,place a (trial order with your local Superior lSto:re'to-day?.Remember the slogan- WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items for ,week ending Feb. 8. RASPBERRY JAM 40 oz...24 c AYLM•ER TOMATOES, 2'squat SUGAR CRISP CORNFLAKES INGERSO'LL MALTED CHEESE, 'A's AY,LMER AEiAiCHES, Heavy Syrup, 2'squat ....... 2 tins 133 c LIFEBUOY SOAP vv 3 for 25c pkgs, , 25 C 2 pkgs...25 c 3 cakes 25c THE SEAFORTH NEWS. i Ji'bby% Pork .& Beans, 16 oz, :5 -tins 25c 'Blabo "for cleaning p'orcel'ain" per tin 14c Blue Bell Brooms, 5 string each ,23c ;S'chneider's Meat Special (stroked picnics)f Short Shank Cellophane Wrapped per ib. 10c (Superior Ginger Snaps ..; in 2 lb. cartons 20c Magic Baking Powder ..... .....'8 oz.. , . , ... 23c; '16 oz. 2 tiros 36c25c Gi11'ett's Lye, "eats dint" Cereal Blend "the b:al'aaced 'breakfast food" large plug.- 25c Bovril 11 oz. 23c; 2 oz.. , .. , 39c iOval'tin'e, "no ,mare sleepless n'igh'ts" s'm'all 45e medium • ' 67c; large 1.09, Quality Brand Red Pitted. IOherries, 2'squat A '2 .tins 25e "excellent color and 'flavor" large jars 25e ,Peanut Butter bottles 20e ?Aylmer 'Tomato Catsup ie 2 tlea 25c Santa Clara 'Prunes, large size c l5 large tin 'Clark's Spaghetti large ,pkg. 10c IKellogg''s Ail Bran per tin 15e .Fray IBen•tos Corned Beef 3 tinles 15c Hillcrest Extracts 3 tis 25'c Fancy !Blue Rose Rice er tin 25c 2 in 1' or Nugget Shoe Polish.. per 1'b. 12c English Licorice Allsorts per p' kg, 13c Colored Serviettes, 40's 1'%'s 15c Cardinal. Molasses / bb. 18c Manchurian Shelled Walnuts, %'s dwell' 1.25 'Willow Clothes Baskets, large ,size 1 Ross J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Phone 8 Phone 77 TOWN'TOP3'CS: Mts. W. IH: Penman and daughter Betty of 'O1'ifford are visi'tin'g Mr. and (Mrs; E. C. Chamberlain. Mrs. J. C. Thompson of Glorrie is, visiting at tire home of Mr. and Mrs. !Robert Porterfield. Mr, and. 'M'rs, W Road are visiting at the h'oine of Mr. and Mrs. R. Por- terfield. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Price of Kit- chener visited his mother, Mrs. Price, at the home of Mrs. Hutchison. Mr. W. H. Golding, MIP., left if or /Ottawa on Monday morning, for the (opening of the Ho'us'e of ,Commons. Mr. and Mrs. Eam'enson Fischer and daughter Jean nit Drayton were here. dta Monday to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. John ivSclDidweli. Mr, S. Fowler of Lea'min'gton spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Adam Hays. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Habkirk' and Stirling and Lenore and Miss Minnie Ha'bkirk spent several day's Iwith 'Mr. and 'Mns. Habkirk, at Train, ton, Mich, returning on Tuesday. mfrs. Adam Kline, 'Seaforth'' oldest resident, has been q'ui'te ili for some days at her home at the norther'l'y edge of town. Mrs. S. Cudmore and, Mrs. C. McNabb are attending her. Miss Jean Dungey spent the week- end in Mitchell with her .friend, Mis's 'Treva Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. E. Huehn of Kitch- ener spent Tuesday afternoon with. their frien'd's, Mr. arid Mrs. Chas. Dungey. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and daughter Florence of ;Windham were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Atndrew Kirk. Misis Edith Henderson and Miss Marion Thompson of Egmostdville spent Sunday the :guests of Misses, Marion and Jessie Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Martin and daughter Phyllis,' of Mid'dlleport spe'n't the week -end with the Ialtter's' par- en'tis, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knechtel. Mr. Dominic Reynolds of Lucan was a visitor in town on Wednesday. -Mrs. G. D. C. Harm left on Mon- da'y to spend several weeks -'with her daughter, Mrs. Bremner, at Ethel, [Mrs. J'o'hn Sproat left on 'Saturday to spend some weeks with relatives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. S. H!anna were God- erich visitors on Tuesday. Mrs. R. S. Hays, George and Mary, 'spent the ,week end in Toronto. Buy Seaforth Butter A Service that creates Confidence and a Dependable Reputation 18 YEARS Always Good Quality Please us by giving us your cream patronage and .we will try to please • you by our services and highest market prices for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded 'and paid for while you wait. The Seaforth Creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop, Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE • UNtDIERT'AKING —and— EMBALMING :Motor or Horse Equipment W. J.'W'AiLKIE1R, holder of Go- vernm'en't diploma and license, Flowers furnished a' ' Night or day phone 67 in Kitdhener on Tuesday. Messrs, Charles 'Cronin and .Hennessey of 'Clandeboye visited thehome of Mr. Jack MdGeath on .Saturday.. Mrs. Walter .Carpenter spent Sun- day ,with Mr, and Mrs, `John Kraus kopff. (Mrs. .Dawe Crawford and daughter (Helen visited in our burg lest meek. Died in Detroit. .Genuine' regret was felt when :word was .received that Mrs. John, McAleer had died in De- troit on Monday. ''She had suffered a stroke about two years ago, De- ceased's maiden •name. was [Eliz'a'beth ;Enright; she was born and, raised on the 7th con'cess'ion of MaKilllop, Over forty years ego she was marrield 'bo her now bereaved .hus'b'and, who sur- vives with . a grown-up family. - 'Mrs. Pat Ryan of Hibbert is a daughter, ery; right defence, E. Little; left de-. and Mr.Philip . Enright of McMillep 'fence, Bullard; centre, N. Miot tgoln'- is a brother. She was buried in De- ery; left wing, T. Eaton; right wing tacit.' A. Da'le; alternates, S. 'Nicholls,: M. Holland, H. Shannon, E.',Dorrance. DUBLIN. aMr and., Mrs. Patrick Ryan are in Detroit attending the funeral of her mother, Mrs. M'rlLeer, who died Caere' on Monday, We are sorry bo hear that Mps. Mac- Feeney is, i11 with pneum'ania and we hope for Over speed'y'necower'y: COMME'RCIA'L HOTEL SEAFORTH tWEDIN1ESDA'Y, FEBRUARY 8th Mr. J. B. Knight Will display LADIES' AND GENTS' SA'MPL'E IHAIIR GOODS - Telephone Hotel for an Appointment. Advice on ,Scalp, Hair 'Tinting, etc., etc.' W. T. PEiMBER STORES Limited 129 Yonge .St., Toronto, Ontario F. KO'ing, G, Kruse, C. Fenguson, Standing: Won (Lost Tied Pts IWintlhrdp 2 0 0 4 lTuc'kerslmi'th ...... 'if ;1' 0 2 Egmon!d!ville '.1 .1 0 2 St. Co'lunub'an 0. 2 0 4 McKILLOP; Mrs. John L. McDowell. — 'The death o'ccurred on ISa:turday following a pnotracted illness of 'Isabella Burn- side MelDerm'i'd, esteemed resident of •MtdK'illop and wife of ',John L. Mc- Dowell. The deceased, who was 68 years 'of age, Was a daughter of the late Angu's MelDerm'id and Isa'beil'a Ham'iibon, pnotninen't pioneer res'id-. encs. 'Mrs. McDowell was a member of First Presbyterian Church, Sea - forth, and a member of the MdKil- l'ap 'branch of the W.M'S. Surviving are her hu'sban'd, one son William, at 'homy, and two daughters Mrs. Nellie 'McMillan, end Mass Emerson Fischer olf Drayton; also one brother, Mal- colm MdDermid, of /Hullett, and a sister Miss Ohristina McDerm'id, aE (Seaforth. The funeral was held on Monday from her late residence, Lot 34, Con. 2, MdKitlop, to Maitland Bank Cemetery. Mr. Fred Eisler of Mitchell receiv- ed word on Sunday of the sudden .passing of his son, Fred Gustave Eis- ler, in Detroit. Deceased attended the funeral of his mother at M'itche'll a few weeks ago. He was Ib'orn in Lo- gan town's'hip 35 years ago and dur- ing 'the past few years has been en- gaged in alt automobile plant in De - trait. The remains were brought to the home Of his brother Edwin Eis- ler, in Logan, the 'funeral being held Wednesday laliternoon, Initermen't was in the First Lutheran iCh'urdh Ceme- tery, Logan. He is survived by his father, two brothers and two. sisters, Carl and Edwin of Logan; Mrs. John ID'ei'tz of McKillop, and Mrs. Carl McMTLLAN CUP. Games on Saturday night have been changed as follows: Egmlond- Wille .es, Tuckersnbith at 7:30. 'Win- throp vs. ,St, 'Colutnban at 9— o'clock:-Two games of fast hockey 'were played (before a packed house .on Sat- urday night, 'for the, McMillan 'Cup. W'infhrop won (from Tuckersmith 3-2, and Egtnand'ville blanked St. Oolu,m bar 3-0. Iu 'the first game ,the 'team's were very evenly matched and it was a 'tussle all the way. 'Winthrop took the lead 2-0 in the first period. Mdod'y Holland scored on a pat's from Tim Eaton and Alvin Dale get- ting the other on a pass £,roan (Stan. Nicholls. Tuckersmith evened the count in the second frame when Jim Doig scored on a pass from B'ob Archibald and Gbrd. /Reynolds, tally- ing on a lone rush. Ferg. Bullard pat Winthrop ahead again before the period closed, and ended the scoring for the game. Bluth teams worked hard in the third to score but the game ended 3,2 in favor of Winthrop. EgmandviIle whitewashed St, C'o- 1um'ban '3-0 in the second ,game, but it was ju's't the good work of 'Roy MuG'eo!c'h in goal that bopped the latter team from scoring. Numerous penalties Ifeatured the game and the rough bodychecking kept the tans in a fever of excitement. Hicknell scor- ed 'aloe first goal 1,5 seem -els atfter the face-off. It was a hard. shot and Pethi•ck didn't have much chance of stopping it. Three minutes Pater, af- ter. making a nice save, Pet'h'ick ac- cidentally knocked the peck into his own net. There was no soore in the second period, and John Flannery net- tedIEgmon'bvi'lle's third goal near the close of the game. A couple: of fis- ticuff's ma'd'e it appear like pro, hock - eye •'Referees, Gord. Muir and Joe. Bent. Line -'up: ITuckerarnith - !Goal, ,Sandy Doig; right defence P. Doi g, ; left defence, Vim Doig; .centre Gord Reynolds; left wing, F. Archibald; right wing, Bob Archibald; alternates, F. Reyn- olds, Nisil Patrick, ID. Macin'tos'h, Harold, Elliott, Willired Co'lem'an. 'Winthrop — Goal, W. Montgom- C. at 'Mr. Jack McGrath shipped a Toad of horses on Saturday. 'Mrs. John -Evans of Seaforth visit- ed friends in Dublin Tuesday. Miss (Eliza'beth Weber of London isvisiting her friend, Miss Mary 0'- Clon'nmell. IMr. Joseph Rowland visited friends PAGE FIVE Rose of Ellice. Death of Daniel ''Regele.- There died in McKillop ou Friday, 'January 27th, 1933, at the nge of 61' years, 8 .months and 23 days,"Danie'1 'Regele,. !after a prolonged illness, The late Mr. Regele was born in McEi•11oIp township, son of .Mr. 'and .Mrs, Chris- tian iRegale, ou The 4th d'ay of May, ;1871, and spent all his life in this tdwnship. Ln the year 111899 'he was married to Garoliva (Louisa Drager which union was 'b'lessed with three children, o! ,whioh one died, in infancy at the age of .nearby eleven months. After he was married he /purchased lot 7, con. 14, !SIP., which was nearly all wild'erne'ss alt !thla't time, and he made the same into one of the 'nicest 'farms in the township. 1In 119113 he ,was el'ec'ted as councillor for the township, which office he held 'for 117 years, •resigning last New Ye'ar's on account of ill health. He was a ,hand working -man, 'accep'ti'ng life . as he found it and to get along the beat way' he could. He leaves to !mourn his loss the sorrowing wife ,and 'two 'cih'il- d'ren, Garden, at home, oIn the .farm, and •Mrs'. Les'lie':Rapien of Chicago, and a host of friend's and relatives. ;Also 'three 'br'oth'ers, all in iso Killo'p, and !three sisters, Mrs. Henry Koeh- ler, on 'the Sfh concession, ,MoKil'lop; Mss. John Kidhhre, of near Rostock, ,Mrs. Geo. 'Hoegy of (Grey to'wnsh'ip. (The funeral took 'place on Monday. Janu'a'ry 30th, at 2.30 p,m. from his late residence, Rev. L. Gross officiat- ing. Mr. 'Gross' took as his (teat, Ro- mans 8th chapter, 118th verse, ,and the Scripture lesson was the 90th Palm. The council of McKillop attended in a body, and the big concourse sho'we'd the .esteem he was .held in, both at home and in /the township'. He was buried in West :Brodhagen in the ;Ev- angelical 'Cemetery adjoining the o'hurch. Friends 'were present from Mitchell, 'Stratford, Gads'h'i'll, Rostock, IB'lyth, A'ubur'n and (Alter places. !The deepest sympathy is, extended to those who are left to mourn. BUSINESS CH'AN1GE. B. A. Service Station & Garage formerly oe'cupied by /Reynolds & Cantelon, now under new management. A. BUTT Prop., Seaforth. Gasoline, oil and gen- eral garage repairing Goderich St. East PHONE 21. TUCKERSMITH. Council Meeting.—The Council met in the Town Hall, S'eaforb'h, on Jan. 28. The minutes ,of previous meeting were read but exception being taken. to en omission in the motion inre- gard to salary of Reeve and Council- lors. 'Clark-McGregor—That said mo- tion be amended by !the addition of recording the vote. For — IM!dKay, Whitmore and MdG'regor. D'iss'enting —Clark. MelKay IM'clGbegor—T'hat the minutes as corre'cted be adopted. /There were 20 app'lilc'ations before ,the 'Coun:dil far 'bhe position of Assessor. MOKllay W!hitmore--IT,ha't Paul Doig be app'oiu(ted Assessor at a salary of 0, he to 'complete all the duties re- quired. M'oved in amendment, Clark- Mc/Gregor—That Paul Doig be ap- 'pointed Asse'ssior at salary of $75,00. ;Motion c'arried, IIVICKay-Clark—[That R. Daleym'p!le be Road 'Supt. at 'a sal- ary not to exceed 30c per 'hour. Mc- !Kay4Whitbmore—That the Reeve and Clerk sign the usual petition ,to the IHigh'way D'ep'artfnent asking for the grant on mbeeey expended on roads for 1932, and, that the Superintend- en't's account of expenditure be for- warded to the said Department. M'c- 1Kay4Whibm!ore—Tat the following accounts be paid: Mrs. Noah Horton, rebate !telephone, $837; Mrs. Geo. T. Dale, rebate telephone, $10.00; Bell 'Tel'epho'ne Co., LJD'M. and switch- ing $J1,312.05; W Mc'Fehh, material, $19; Mr1K'il'l'op 'Mutual Fire Insur- ance $3; J. R. Kearney, material, tele- phone $2:11'; Can. Telephone & Sup- ply Co., material telephone, ,119,041.; Northern' Electric Co., meter:al, $14.1118; Signal Printing, stationery, 'tel. $2.50; Geo. M. Strong, repairs Alex- ander Drain, $3.2,5; 11. Lane, land da- mage, Big Drain, $113.00; P. ;Grum- meet, Id. damage, Big Dr. $30; His- lop Brothers, Id. damage, Big dr., $14; 3. A. Me/Naughton, ld. carnage, Big dr, $19; Montgomery Patrick, Id. damage, Big dr., $7; Mrs. Annie Walker, h1aii for nom'in'ation, $4; G. A. .Sills, suppl'ies, $5.60; J. J. fHug- gard, affidavits, $1; R. Dalrymple, pay list No. 1, $61128; Municipal World Ltd., subscriptions, :d..05; Thampsoet's (Book ;Store, supplies, $10.61'. A communication was received from Hays & Meir, referring to en - fording the p'aymenit of taxes due. Olark-M'oGregor-That any walrus in regard' to the purchase of loading coils, for improving transmission on the Telephone System be d'el'ayed until after the Annual Telephone meeting. Clark-MdGregor — Th'at the minutes be published. Motion 'to ad- journ until ,Feb, 25, et 2 pini. D. F. MclGregor, Clerk. IRepost o'E S.S. No. 9, Tuckersmith for January. 5r. I!V.—(Robert MdLachlan 84%, Rob'e'rt Germinal 65%. IJr. IIV.-•Kate Dalrymple 72%, Ste- wart I1ove 75:4%, Glen H'oust'on 71'.!1%. Sr. I'I'I,— Billy !Powell 70%, Jack Mackay (albs.), Jr. III']:. — Willie Hodgert 77%, Frances Elgie 712%, Helen• Houston 42%, Doris Mackay (!absent). IL—Bruce H'odgert 77%. 1I.—JFnank Ryan, J'aokie'Powell. 1Primer—lJRne't Hodgcrt. (Greatest number of stars for s'pell- tng-!Glen H'ous'ton. Greatest number of stars for arithmetic—ganef Had - gent and (Bruce Hodgert, Number on roll 15. A'vera'ge alt(tendlarnce 12,7. Margaret E. Grieve, Teacher. KIPPEN. 'The "Busy Bees" M'i'ssion Circle of St. Andrew's (Un'i'ted Church held their regular 'meeting at the home ,oaf the Misses Grace and B'ea'trice Coop- er on 'Saturday, January 2.3th at 2.30 p.m. The meeting whish -was well at- tended (took the farm of a St. Valen- tine's birthday party. The president. Miss M. 'Thomson, presided over the meeting with Mts. V. Henderson at the piano, Hymn 252 was 'sung at the opening of 'the meeting, alter which I Corinbh:ians.13 was taken as the. 'S'cripture ,reedling a part of .the address, of Henry Dlrummond's, "'The Great- est Thing in the World," was read by Miss `Mary Thomson after wh'ic'h Mrs. R. R. Conner led in prayer. Hymn 391 was sung lfo'lll'owed by the reading Of the Minutes of the last meeting, the roll call and other busi- ness. An instrumental solo was given by Mrs. J. •Hender'son an'd the singing of hymn 4188 and prayer closed the meeting. An enjoyable social hour 'followed in• which (contests, fortunes and lively chatter were intermingled over the tea cups. The next meeting will be held .Saturday afternoon, Feb- ruary 25(th at 230 p,m. at the home of the 'Misses ;Olga and Jean 'Bell, 'Muss Margaret MdDon'ald of Sea - forth is visiting for a few days at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B!roadloot df Tuckersmith. The W.M.S. of St. Andrews' United Church met at the home of Mos. John Workman on Wednesday with a good attendance. The Young People will meat on Sunday evening, February 5th at 7.110 pm. Tihe missi'ona'ry oomannietee will be in ,charge. Quite a number are ill -with the cold and flu in the coi emumty. ;The annual oongregationla•l meeting of St. Andrew's !United Church will be held on Wednesday evening, (Feb- ruary 'SNh. Supper for ,the congrega- tion .will be served alt 6:30 p.m. EXTRA OPTICAL ,OFFER. (High grade, stylish and most up- to-date glasses, rimmed or ri'inle's's. Your choice in shell, :white or pink gold-filled, with tenses co'm'p'le'te, only $6,,50. Invisible bifocals with choice 'o'f frame Complete, ,only $1112.00. Yel- low gold-filled with flat . slph'erical' lenses, only 1$4:00. These prices in- clude a thorough examination by our well known specialist, Mr. Hugheton. Over 20 years 'conning to Seaforth. (The best optical work to be obtained and we do as we advertise. Tuesday, Wednesday, February 14 and 115Th. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth. 6. No better proteetice .against worths St. Co'1urnban—!Goal, Pethielc; right i'411er's-Worm Pow- rloieaee V. Lane; left defence, Mc- of than M, can be 3' I ohm's and ren- Quaid; centre, 7. `L'an'e; rig'h't' wing, stomach and intestines un-' lloe Lane; left wing, F. [Hart; alter - tenable the tenable to them. They heal the sur -i nates, Joe ,Malone, E. Malone, .Blob'bie• faces that halt become inflamed by Burns, John May'lan.' the attacks of the parasites and serve' Egmon'dville -!Goal, R. MdGeoch; to, .restore the strength of the child right delfenge, D. Dade; left 'defence. fhab has been undermined by'the W. Wright; centre, John IF,lannery; upon it, `right wing, L. Hicknell; left wing, I Jirn Morris; alternates, R. McGregor, dens. 'They con'sunte w nee AT DUIBLI!N FRIDAY FEB. 3 HAROLD WAGNER AND HIS ORIOLE CLUB ORCHESTRA OF GU'E'LPH 'Gents 50c Ladies 25c Ar nce nua. n��s o Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto. Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates It's. worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford, to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfae torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 A. D. SutherIaDi GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Office over Ke'etinz's Drug S'to're • STAFFA. Mr. Carl Dro'wn of London spent 'the week -'end with his parents. 'Upslh'aP1- and daughter o1 Tuckersmith visited with Mr. and /Mrs. C. Upshal'l recently. The Y!P,S. are holding a so'cia'l ev .ening in the halt on Thursday night. (Feb.F2. M+r. and Mils. W. McEwen of Stratford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Gray ELIMVILLE Mr. Ben Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Johns and Mrs, Ed. ' Johns and Hazel spent the week -end with rela- tives. Mr. Robt, Dolwn of Strathroy spent last week with relatives' in this com- munity. (Miss Catherine Peters of London spent the week -end at the parsonage. !The' Y.P.S. of this church enter- tained Kirkton Young People last Monday evening. The Live Oak'Mfssion Circle held their tnonthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Chas. Jo'in's last 'Wednesday af- ternoon. MANLEY. One of the largest funeral was held here last Mondaya M,r. Dan.Regele was laid to .rest in the Evangelical cemetery. T'he services were, perform- ed by Rev..Mr. Gross. The 'church was packed to capacity while many, could not enter. He was born here 61 years ago on the farm' across ° the rda'd from ,enhere he was laid to rest. He was a life-long resident of Mc - Kinzie and served oil the -Council.' Bogard for 17 years. He was a suc- cessful farmer, and -was one of lHt r- on's old boys ; who started at the bot- tom of the ladder and climbed to the top. He is survived by his wife and one son, Gordon, at home, and one daughter, Mrs. Leslie Rapien, ;,of Chi- cago, who have the sympathy of the whole' community .in this their hour of sedaffliction, (Wood -cutting Kees are the order of the day.