HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-02-02, Page 3THURSIDL9.Y, iFEBRUARY 2, 1933.
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County Cooncil
IJ !
(Routine 'business 'oeoupied the
County Council od (Huron at the sec-
ond day •o'f the January session 'held
in IGoderl1cJh last 'week. 'Adjournment
'was made early in the afternoon to
hear an address by .W.IL. Young,
the defeated 'candidate foe the reeve -
ship of Colborne 'T'own'ship, on the
"Inflation of the (Currency," when the
council chamber was (filled with an
interested audienoe,-(After 'his address
Mr. Young answered many questions
bearing on his subject.
I•n .speaking of the .parity of the
Canadian 'dollar with the pound sterl-
ing, •Mr. ('bung twas of the opinion
that the sooner the 'Canadian gov-
ernment tabandoned the .gold standard
the better it would be +for all. 'When
exports are sent to 'Britain. payment
is made in (Britishmoney and 30
cents on the 'dollar is lost. 'Nearly
every nation in the Great War except
the 'United ;States has gone off the
gold standard, and the latter will.
have to before she :can do much in
world trade, 'Australia, New Zealand,
and (South Africa have found it to the
advantage of+ their exporters to do so.
"Britain is the greatest financier in
the world," said Mr. Young, `and she
is coming back 'to her own. The Unit-
ed States is going rich in spots, but
farmers, industries and manufacturers.
\tre going Ibankru •t "
(It had :been suggested that British
currency be governed in London,
'England. In the opinion of the
speaker, it was right, as she would
gain in influence and would prove a
great advantage and:Ib.elndfit to her
dominions would be derived because
they would' be on the same basis, re-
sulting in increased production, 'feed
the railways and go a long way to
bring about prosperity. When Britain
went off the gold standard she in-
creased her indebtedness to the Unit-
ed States, but the result in the de-
duction of unemployment would off-
set the loss through exchange.
(During the open forum following
.' the address, Mr. Young 'reiterated his
statement to follow the lead Of Brit-
ain. He suggested 'tha't if the council-
ors were agreed on his .views the
they appoint a committee to wait :on
C. A. tRobentson, MLA.; and (George
Spotton, M.P., and ask them to take
this up in parliament. 'The warden
tanked Mr. Young and promised to
give the matter consideration:
t 'the 'morning session +Qledk Hol-
man referred to a .change in the law
regarding the power conferred on
county councils to ap'poin't a trustee
for each continuation school in the
county, w'hic'h is the power or right
now regarding high schools. This.
was referred to the Education .Qom-
'ntittee to report at this session•.
Dr. !Field, inspector of Public
(Schools for ,East Huron and S. C.
Beacom, for West (Huron, gave very
complete reports on their inspector-
The number of teachers in West
Huron inspectorate is 1.05. Of the 22
'teachers engaged last year, tib held
first class certificates, indicating the
preference given to the higher certi-
ficate. The efficiency Of the instruc-
tion +received
nstrucbion+received in the act -molls. Of the in-
spectorates showed 'marked : improve-
(The salaries paid in the rural
schools' have been, as a general rule,
Considerably reduced during the year.
There ore a. number of cases where
the teachers are la receipt of a sal-
ary of $600 per year and one instance
where $540 is paid. The average for
wt rural school ear. int9should' be6 as compared borne
irtth $,89'l l'as't y
in :mind by 141 'trustee 'boards that
the $600 tolwnshilp grant 'for all one -
room rural. schools ie definitely pre-
scribed as being .for teachers' sal-
aries. This inipines that at least the.
above atnotmtt must be .paid in salary
in order to (qualify 'far the receipt of,
township grant. Owing to government
legista'ti;on a sten per cent reduction in
grants, the amounts received for '1932,'
.were lessened
Ilan McLeod, Agricultural Repre-
sentative, ' addressed the council,' 'his
remarks (being mainly announcementse
of courses' to be .given during
year. lHe:spoke of the institution b!f a
central 'packing and storage .planet for
the county but was not prepared to
give (full Ipar'ticulars at present. (Six
school fairs were held in.1932, a 'great
'failing off damp :ared with' :previous
fairs. ,Mr. 'MdLeod expected the .pres-
ant year to do better, and announced
an agricul'tura'l correspondence course
Ito be introduced'thi's year.
The Iwarbfe Iffy had :been a •great
nuisance an'd,injury to 'etoe'lc the past
number oef years' and Mr. McLeod •en-
itered very fully into the method ..of
Standing tCommittees
The report of the striking commit-
tee was as follows'(
Executive—J. W. (Gamble, Robert
Smith, M. Matheson, IJ. W. MdKib
,bon, P. W. ;Scott.
(Legislative — J. J. Mosnr, L. E.
(Cardiff, 10. Hemingway, A. 'Mellish,',
G. •MtdNall,
,. . M.
--I 1(11' m Douglas, IFm ce W is
an g1 'J
(Eckert, W. 7. ,'Stewart, IH. C. ,Beav-
er, 'W. tConsitt.
(Education—!W.IR. 'Atnchilbaid, W.
Hawke, J. 'MdN(albib, R. +Jlahn'ston,
Property—M. Matheson, W.`'Doug-
las, iL, Demerl!ing, W. Consbbt, iW. J.
House of (Refuge—R. Smith, A, J.
(Goldthorpe, W. A, Archibald, P. W,
iScott, J. W. 'MdKibbon,
'Children's Shelter — J. Ballantyne,
W. IHaake, H. C. Beaver.
(Agricultural •Advisory —IL. E. Car-
diff, 'J. W. Gamble, 5. 'M. 'Eckert, 0..
Hemingway,A. Mel'lick.
IOId Age Pension—IB. 'M. Francis,
iW. 'H. 1Sweitzer,. 5. W. "Craigie, J.
lLeiper, R. 'J. (Bowman.
iWarden's Committee—A. J. Gold-
thorpe, ''R. Johnston, J. ' McNabb, G.
H. Elliott, J. Weight.
IRoads Commission — G. H. El-
liott for two years, chairman, Isaac
J, Wright for three years, J. J. Moser
for one year.
Dr. H.. Taylor was appointed ems -
tee of the Goderich Collegiate (Insti-
tute (Board and J. W. ,Craigie a mem-
ber of the IGoderich Hospital Board.
The thanks ;of the council was •tend-
ered (School tlnspectors Dr. Field and
Mr. 'Beacom for their excellent ne-
(Bowman. -Cardiff — That Mill street
in the village of 'Brussels, being a
connecting link between two county
highways about eighty rods in length,
and 'Queen street in Brussels being
a connecting link between. two high-
ways be added to the (County high-
way system and that, a by -'law be covered by •government grant. The
passed amending Bylaw No. 7, '19'17, total expenditures were $142,4315 and
to this 'effects -Referred to Roads the account will break even. •
Committee. IT he provincial highway account
M'oNall-M'dNab—Taaht this county showed a balance of $117,2316 owing
council grant 'the village of iBlyth the government in 1931' and has in
$100 to repair county lock -tip, ;which addition the 11932 expenditure due in
needs -a new roof and some general July.
repairs—County Property Committee. Mr. Young urged 'against giving
Matheson - Archibald — That (this grants promiscuously to organizations
council [recommend the 'Departnie'nt which do not need them, instancing
of (Education to reduce township public libraries, .many of which have
grants to $500.—,Carried. balances. Many school pupils of the
;Matheson - (Stewart — That this county are going to outside paints for
council reoomrnend thecutting out of secondary education. Mr, Young
use the
h •'h till u
as many grants as possible and the thought they s o
lowering of all grants. --Referred to in the county. Hundreds of dollars
Executive 'Oommittee. are being spent in this way, 'he as
MdNabb.Douglas—That the 'Coun- serted.
ty Property Committee be instructed R. Patterson, county engineer, was
Ito have the blinds on the west side the next speaker and gave 'the follow
of 'Court 'Hoarse placed back on the ing financial statement:
Windows to prevent sun shining in Maintenance, $70;060,216; +machinery
the judges' faces during court ses-
sions.—Referred to County 'Property
IMoser•+Craigie That '20 be grant-
ed for the upkeep of the .flower beds
'around the count 'house. -.Executive
ISmidh-Craigie - ,That we give the
usual grants to t'he Agricultural IFair•.s
held in the county.—Executive Com-
(Cardiff-lFrancis`.T!hab this county
council .give the satire grants in '15933
to Agricultural ,'Societies, (Plowmen's
Assoc'ia'tions, or any other grants per-
taining to agriculture.—lRefemred to
'Executive Committee,
IConsitt - EiI1iott — 'That the usual
grant of $1215 be given to iHen'sa1.1 Seed
ISh:ow.--+Executive Committee.
Council adjourned to meet at (1':30,
When Council 're'assemlbled Maljor'
(Richardson, representing the
tion alva-
tion1rmY Reserve ,Horne, asked that
a grant be given this, year, (Warden
Ballantyne assured him the • matter
(would be given consideration at the
proper time.
;Reeve Goldthorpe asked if a report
of the criminal audit had been sent
to the local members and to the gear-
ernment.101erk (Holman informed' him
that 'they had not, ,but would be sent
immediately before the 'meeting of the
legislature. .
IGordton Young, county treasurer,
gave a report of the finances for the
year '119313, In the general account the
total notes =bunted to 085,000;
notes retired, $1133,000, leav'in'g a bal-
ance of $30,000, 'which the treasurer
announced is getting smaller each
year, and with due econ'o'my and :not
strilcing rates too low, the balance will
be obsolete.
(School payments showed a decrease
of $5,000,' a decrease in the govern-
ment grant of $3,000. The total cost
of administration of justice was $08,-
642; grants were the same as last year
also gaol costs. (Hospital accounts
were $3,000 more than the ,previous
year; The Old Age Tensions cost
50 per cent. less than a year ago, the
county now paying ten per cent. in-
stead of twenty : per cent. The
Mothers' Allowance cost is $850 a
month. The amount paid for indi-
gents, hospitals and charitable insti-
tutions was $13,025,
The county highway account retir-
ed $60,000 in notes with the 'provinc-
ial cheque. New notes this year, $120,-
000; paid off in July $55,000, leaving
a balance of $'65,000, which will he
tel $1130;0217.189.
;An analysis of the year's expendi-
ture will show about 717 (per cent or
$109,000 hos been, spent.
(Reeve .Stewart at the conclusion 'of
Mr. Patterson's report asked, `To
You think it wise to spend money on
construction 'work in these times of
Mr, Pafterslbn assured hlim that ne-
cessary work had to be chine and re-
sulted in employment being given. He
wotild stat dictate a policy but this rec-
ommendation in 1920 was, to wait un
til labor was Cheaper. "'These times
have arrived," he concluded.
Children's Shelter.
IH. 'Edwards, 'superintendent of :the
'Ohildren's Aid Society, and Reeve
(Swei'tzer, chairrn'an o'f the 'commettee,
reported' that the thlolme is in good
cand'nn and is housing
Considerable sickness had prevailed
and Sonne hospital cases. One ward, a
(Eine boy; had died. The total expendi-
tures were $3,1493:33Reeve MdI(ibbon
paid a 'tribute of commendation 'to
Mrs. Oliver, the .matrons, and Mr. Ed-
wards, for their inv'aluab'le services.
(Hemingway-IM'dNabb — That the
(toads Commission examine Road 06,
east of (Brussels, as this road is in a
deplorable condition. -- Roads Com-
oon-m Ittee,
`Hia'acke-IGald'thompe—!That we do ' no
construction work on the country
roads this year.-1R'o'ad's Commission.
IScott-1Gosd'th•orpe — That this come
ty council recommend to the various
high school boards of this county that
the maximum salary to be ,paid to the
principals be not more titan $'2,000
per annum owing to the continued de-
prdssion with the view of relieving the
taxpayers and having the teaching
profession assume their share of the
existing (financial stringency. --Educa-
tion Committee. •
IS'w'eitzsr.(Beaver—That we ask the
clerk to write to the county clerk
'Of tLenrbton County stating that they
should assume the responsibility of
hiring and paying for a policeman at
Grand Bend for this year. -Carried.
Council adjourned to meet on
A letter from A. H..Neeb, -regis-
brar of Huron, submitted the follow-
ing statemetrt: Gross 'receip'ts, $5,-
932B0; expenses, '$1590i39; amount
to registrar, $3000; '50 per, cent of
balance to registrar, $5120:95; paid to
treasurer, county's share, $512096• Mr.
Neeb invited the whole council to
inspect the registry office
Clinton General Hospital; Scott Me-
moria! Hospital, Seaforth; Alexandra
'Marine and (General 'Hospital, !God'e-
rich:.—(Executive Committee.
'The following appointments were
made: IAudibors, Robert Higgins' and
Wn. Booth, Winghwmt; representa-
tive to Wingham High School Board,
R. L. Stewart; to. Exeter High School
(Board', R. M. Creech; to Clinton High
ISlchooll 'Board, Frank IFingland; +to
Seaforth High School Board,'Wan.
Huron •county council; in session on
Thursday, placed itself on record as
being opposed to - the amalgamation
or menger of Canada's two railway
systems, the Canadian (National and
Canadian Pacific, The resolution, pro-
posed by.'Conn. Haaeke and Wright,
aid in part: "We
and carried, s
in the old adage, `apposition is, the
life of 'trade.' There should be effic-
ient and not extravagant manage-
ment; that the recommendations of
the Duff re'port •should be given a
chance and legislation passed irnpie-
ritenting' its 'recommendations." A
copy was •ordered sent to the Minis-
ter of Railways, also to Geo, ISpotton
and W. H. Golding, federal members
for Huron County.
At the morning session con'sider-
ab'le time was taken up in 'discussion
off a motion' introduced by Reeves
Gamble and Cardiff that "a grant of
$100 be made to Howick Township
to •re im'burse (Oliver /Sitewart of said
township," who had 'been fined that
amount after pleading guilty in police•
court. The sponsors; of the motion
were of the opinion that he had been
unjustly dealt with and testified to the
character of the' young man. When
the motion was; finally presented a re-
corded vote was taken and it was car-
ried .15 to 12 as 'follows:
Icor—Archibald, Bowman, Cardiff,
Craigie, Denterling, Eckert, Elliott,
Gamble, Hemingway, Johnston, Leip-
er, til ccKibbon, MdNabb, Moser,
`Smith --'115.
iAigainst Beaver, 'Consitt, (Douglas,
Francis, Goldthorpe, IHaake, Mathe-
son, McNeil, Scott, Stewart, Switzer,
The motion passed at the Decem-
ber session dispensing with the ser-
vices of the corn borer inspector and
the local weed inspectors, was the
subject of a. letter from IL. Censer, pro-
vincial entymologist, declaring' his dis-
approval of the action, as he was not
Motions. in favor of the dual appointment.
Demerliag4Smith—That the follow- 'Council endorsed the motion of
Messrs. Bowman and Wright that the
December motion he rescinded, 0.
Ginn, corn borer inspector, gave a
brief account of his work. The past
year was bad; the borer destruction
was the worst experienced for years.
This fact would or should serve to
make the people more alert to the
need df checking this pest. Harry Ed-
wards gave a statement regardi'n'g the
work of the Children's 'Shelter. He
said - the past year had been a very
successful and busy. one. The
deserved every praise for the manner.
in which she discharged her chilies.
Reeve 'C'onsitt, of IHen'sal1, introduc-
ed the matter Of the road east of
Hensel!, and presented the following
motion, second b'y Reeve Arcbi'•ba'ld,
and sent.:ho the Roads Commission:
heumatism Goes
Swollen Joints
(Df you suffer from crippling :xheu-.
ntatiiie pains, lame, 'knotted nittstles or:
stiff, s'wo'llen joints, 'it's' because your
sys'tem is full of the irritating poislons
that cause rheumatism and make
thousands !helpless.
What you meed right no:w is
RU -MA, the new, internal medicine
that ants directly on :the liver, kid-
ney's and blood, and expels through
t'he natural channels of elimination
these dangerous 'poisons, Onlly an
internal remedy v'11 dinthis.
No long waiting for your sulflfering
'to stop—(R1tJ-MA eases pain finsit 'day'
and so quickly and 'gaiety ends stiffen-
ing, crippling •lameness and :torturing
pain that Gblas. Alb:enh'art urges every
rheumatic .sufferer to get a 'bottle
today. They .guarantee it.
consideration to the matter" of ap-
proving Bylaw No, 20 of .19930, adopt-
ing the road east of Hensel as a
County Road. '
D'emerling-lMclN'ab'b — That the
(Roads Commission inspect the road
north of IRordwi'ch at an . early date
as it in a deplorable conditti'on-Sent.
to Roads Commission.
Eckert-Archibald—That this coun-
cil recommend in the Department of
Education that authorized school
books be used from year to year, in
our schools so as not to cause a ,fin
anciai burden on the parents and
guardians of students and that a copy
of this resolution be sent to other
county councils.: Education Commit-
tee, •
Bowman -Hemingway — That we
grant the Salvation (Army $100 ,for
rescue work. -.Executive Committee.
IH'aake Stewart=That the salaries
under $1,000 be reduced five per cent.;
salaries under $2,000 ten per cent.,
and over $2,000, twenty per cent.—Ex-
ecutive Committee.
iWcight.Goldthorpe-That Mr. Car-
diff, chairman of Advisory Committee,
be the 'Huron county representative
at the Agricultural Council's conven-
tion in Toronto,—Carried.
When council reassembled for the
afternoon session the business was
confined mostly to hearing and discus-
sion of the reports of the Legislation
and Education Committees. Consider-
able amusement was created when
Reeve McXi'bbon of Wingham intro-
duced the motion to strike out Rule
No. 36 of the Standing Rules 'which
states that there should, be no smok-
ing in the council session. The mo- '
than, carried unanimously.
The report of •t'he.Legisl'ative Com-
mittee was taken clause by clause,
and adopted as follows, with Reeve
e chair.
M Nabin th
Legislative Committee
1, That no action be taken in the
motion of Reeves Scott and Gold-
thorpe that this Council request the
Provincial Higlhlways Department to
let no contracts on tH'ightw'ays No, 4
between Clinton and 1Wingham in
0933 or until the depression existing
is over.
2. That this Council endorse the
'following clauses in' the extracts from
the report of the committees on mem-
orials of the County Council of Pees-
Cott and Russell:
That the coat per diem for caring
for indigents be reduced; That no
person. be admitted in hospitals as in-
digents before first obtaining the con-
sent of the (\'layor'or the Reeve, .ex-
cept in urgent cases where the M.O.
H. shall have such authority: That
the notices of admission of indigents
to hospitals be sent to the .clerk of
the local municipality 'From where
they ,'come instead of .being sent to
the County Clerk.
3. That the resolution, of :the Coun-
ty of Carleton asking Council to me-
morialize'the Premier of Ontario, and
the Minister Of (Highways •that the
Province will assume the'total cost of
construction. and maintenance of the
^King's Highways; and will also as-
sume the unexpired portions of any
debentures that may have been issued,.
by any of the Counties of the Prov-
ince of Ontario.
Education Committee.
The Education Committee report
presented by W. R. Archibald, .chair-
man, was adopted as follows:
1. Regarding the resolution of
Reeves Eckert and Archibald re high
sc'hoal .supplies being used from year
to year anci asking the Department of
'Education to approve sante, we rec-
ommend that the resolution be adher-
ed; regarding the (notion of Scott
and 'Goldthorpe re High School te'aelr
ers' salarieswe recommend this conn
cil approve of a reduction of 20 per
cent in High School teachers' salaries
in the county.
Beaver-Sweitzer: That this Coun-
cil petition the Mitnister .of High-
(Continued on Page Two)
ing compose 'a striking committee. 5,
W. 'Craigie, W. 'Sweitzer; James Leip-
er, P. W. Scott, 73.!M.'Francis.-Car-
lB'Owtnan-Archibald--(That members
of Huron county council place on re-
cord our disapproval of compulsory
second year Normal course—Carried.
Archibald - ;Douglas — That Isaac
Wright be appointed to Roads Com-
mission for three years, and J. h
for one year to complete
unexpired term of J. McKenzie, re-
Scott-(Goldthorpe—That this coun-
ty •council request the Provincial
Government to let no more contracts
on provincial higlhway No. 4, during
1933 or until the 'depression is over.
$10,979.28; •bridges and McMichae (Laid on the table.
'bridge,68; construction, $43, 'Craigie_Mc•Kiblbon--!That .grants of . ""That this council petiitioe n e
969.41;1 ' $1'p 390,, superintendence, $}7286; to $800 be given Wfngham 'Hospital, Minister of Highways to $
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