HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-02-02, Page 1I't's a warm wind,'.'the west wind, full
of birds' cries;
I never hear the west wild but tears
are in Iny eyes,'
I't's a fine land, the west land, for
hearts as 'tired as mine,
„„ ,
forth N
(Apple orchards blossomthere, ai
theair's like wine.
There is cool green grass there, ,where_
men ...may lie at rest,
And the thrushes are in song there,
fluting from the nest.
—John ler tsefieid.,
Phone 84.
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
The Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant ..
Cedar Tubs
Red Cedar Tubs will last . alliM
for years, reg. 1.75 for.,
!VIE ALtTR mends everything but
rubber and cloth...—. .. 25c
reg. lac, for
anteed far 1000 hrs.....5 for 1.00
'CAKES, while •they last
2 lbs. for .. ... 25c
LEMON, SQUARES, old' fashioned
biscuits 15c ib.
2 lbs. for ... ................. 25c
B'ROSKEiN BISCUIT, just fresh
3 lbs. for 25c
PANTRY SHELF TINS full of bis.
cuits 30c
'TOMATOES, 3 cans for ... 25c
12 for 25c
'thing large bars 30c
Butter, Eggs, and Dried Apples taken
as cash. Cream taken for the
4 1Sea'farth Creamery at the same
price as delivered at Creamery,
Hutchison' s
PH'ON'E 166
North Side United Church.—Pastor,
Rev. W. P. Lane, BA..
ISSnurday, ,Feb. 'Stlt -111' e.,m,, Public
Worship. 'Sacrament of the Lord's
2.30 p.m.— Sunday School and Bible
7 p.m -Public Wors'h'ip. S'ub'jec't:
"Wise Counsel Born of Experience."
(Song service.
February 'Slth.. Reverend Charles
Malcolm. 111 a.m.—My Creed (4) "I
believe in the ,Hloly. Catholic Church".
7 p.m.—Stories from the 'Life of Paul
t(5) "Let hie, extplain, .you misunder-
stood me."
Preparatory service on, Friday art -8
p.m. Rev. W. A. Young of Hensall
will he the preacher. Sunday morning,
Communioa, Service.
Evening service, .Rev. if. B. Kaine's.
subjedt, The Faith of .A Soldier."
Two Woodstock Men Face Charges
of Theft
'Fifth Sunday after : ` Epiphany.
IA'Iorming service, Hely Communion at
II o'clock, 'sermon topic "The Diffi-
culties of the Spiritual Life." After-
n'aon, Sunday sch'ool at 3 o'clock.
7 o'clock, sermon subject, Ohris!t's
ministry 'in Ant, '"The Angelus."
Canon Ap.pleya'rd will be present at
all services.
Warm showers.
Sap is runn'in'g.
IS:parrows build'in'g nests around
Main street.
IFr'om'W'inthrop Mrs, Eaton sends a
lilac bran'ch' well out in bud.
'South of B'aylfield, Mr. W. H.
:Steven noticed children carrying
armfuls of pussywiilo'ws.
nOn Saturday fast two Woodstock
men were arrested in connection with
the recent ro'b'bery at the Canada
Furniture factory et Seefot+th. The
men, who are middle-aged, 'are bno'th
ers by the name .off ,Koehler, and were
brought Ih'ere Saturday by Provincial
'Officer McCoy, Of God'eri'cbr and later:
released from Go'd'erieh jail on bail,,
Ito a'p'pear before Magistrate 'tend nen`
ala m-1th .on Saturday, .February . 41t1i'''
at 10
The !letead and Pnavincial police have
been working quietly (oai ;the case
s'intce the robbery of the night of
,Sund'ay, January 115+th, when about
$400 worth of belting and saws was
A few days previous to the theft
these two men 'visi'ted the factory to
look over material bei:ng,•offered for
sale. Their 'conduot and also the fact
that they asked' many ques'ttons re-
garding the protection o'f the ,factory,,
ar'ous'ed Mr. B'axlter's su's'picions and
he took the license number of their
car. Alfter the theft he turned the
car number over 10 the police and ea-
ter a couple of weeks of .p'ainsta'king
work, the alleged 'thieves were arrest-
ed at Wloodetock and the stolen prop-
erty traced to a sec,on'd-h'an'd store in
London .where it was all recovered. It
is understood th'a't the men had repre-
sented the saws and belts as purchas-
ed at Walkerton.
The meeting of the Alert Mission
!Band was held at North Side United
Church on Tuesday afternb'on. We
opened our 'meeting by singing hymn
207 which was fo111otwed by a prayer
by Mrs, Close. The Scripture lesson
was read by Zetta Dunlop. There
was a pleasing recitation given by
!Ruth 'llt'dNairn, Mrs. Close read a
very interesting story about David
(Livingstone. Afterward we all sang
hymn 270, followed by a social hailf
iEdlward Brigham, one of Owen
Sound's 'be's't 'kn'o'wn citizens, died
suddenly at his h'om'e there on Sun-
day He was stricken about 7 ,o'clock
and died in a few minutes: He was
715 years of !age. Born in Wen,twoalth
'County, he engaged in the lumber
business prior to his retirement to
!wen Sound in 19016. His home in
that city was a beauty Ispo't and it
washe who laid out and beautified
!Harrison Park. He was twice married_
tris first wife being 2l'ary E. Driffil,
who predeceased 'him. He was 'later
married, to Mrs. Ethel IHarniltan, who
IThe many Seafor8lt friend's of Mrs.
Brigham extend sympathy, Her fath-
er, Mr. W. H. Treth:e'wey, also form -
only o'f Sealforth, died 'at Owen Sound
one week ago,
IThe Eom'ondv'iil4.e 'slehoo7-room was
prettily 6ecpn'ated with 'apple -blos-
soms on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 1216,.
when th'e W',M,IS. of that church cel-
ebrated the bo'rtyJ56eh anniversary iof
its organization. Over one hundred
members and ]friends were present'for
ith'e occasion. Mts. Thos. Shillinglalw
and Mrs, Hugh Chesney Sr. received
the guests. 'The regular monthly meet'-
ing was •hal'd first with the vice-presi-
dent, M+rs, lames Allen, presiding.
The'devlotdoatlatl leaflet "Debbrah," was
read' by Mrs. W. F. ,Mdizdiillan; the
Scripture lesson ,by Mrs. Jlas,' Broad-
' olot and Mts. Andrew Kirk and Mrs,
!sent'' Webster led in. prayer. The of-
feitv;ng, .whilch was taken by Mts. A. C.
i1 oultledlge and Mrs. David MacLean;
,was de'di'cated by Mrs. Alien. Miss
Pear! Grainger fav'o'red with a pleas-
ing solo and Miss Margaret Forrest
gave .a'.most 'interesting talk on the
study -book. Mrs. Harvey Moore was
at the p'ian'o for the singing for three
familiar: hymns. At the conclusion of
this 'meeting, the ,president, Mrs. 'Mal-
colm, 'took the .oha'ir and, Master James
Edgar Allen was presented by his
grandmother with a life membership
in the Mission Band, Then the four
Vice Presidents ushered the guests of
h'on'or to the large tea table on, the
platform : Mrs. IJno. ;S'p'rdat read a
brief historical sketch o'f: the organiz-
ing Of the Society . on Jan. 26, '1888.
iG•reetialgs were brought to the Auxil-
iary fno1iii the Neil' -IShalw Mis's'ion
Circle by Miss Mice 1Th'ontlp.s'on;
from the Girls' Mission :Band by Miss
Lilian Richardson; the Session by
Reverend Charles Malcolm, and from
former. members by Miss H. Isabel
Graham. ` !Letters of" congratulation
were read by Mrs. R. E. MacKenzie
from Mrs, W. P. Lane, Presbyterial
Pres.; Mrs. J. Grant Needham, Tor-
onto, and Mrs. (Samuel 'iliac'L'ean,
(Tara, Mrs. I3o'w'a'tt, 'o•f Auburn, who
had' hoped' to be present' at the meet-
ing, sent her greetings later. Mrs.
'Donald MadKen'zie, Hon, Pres., and
Mrs. R. H. Modeland lit the forty-five
tiny pink candles on < ,the birthday -
Cake, Mrs. Jnyhn. 'Love cut the ,make and
Mrs. L. 'Reinke, and Mrs. S. Houston
poured +tea,' The other .guests were
seated at small tables atr'd a dainty
luw'ch' and social half -hoar brought
the pleasant afternoon to a close, Miss
Mabel Cameron and Mrs. John Reinke
were joint oonvenenns For the birthday
p'a'rty and were assisted in the kitchen
by Mrs. gas. Stewart and Mrs. J Geo.
-Many •women in,Seafnrth are hoping
to organize a Women's Auxiliary or
,Aid to the Scott 'Memorial 'Hospital.
iHospitai aids are doing splendid work
in almost all towns that can boast ,of
a hospital. ,Seaforth certainly has a
hospital 'bo be proud of. Its doors are
open to all needing its skilled medical,
surgical and nursing: care. Life is very
uncertain; we cannot tell how 'soon
t'he day noay conn 'that we will be
glad to avail ourselves of its services,.
An atixilia'ry is certainly' needed to
help keep the .equipnen't up to the
high standard that ,has so fare been
main'tain'ed. The Auxiliary would
work entirely separate from the Hos-
pital Board 'but 'altways'in friendly bar,
many with the Board, the (medical
faculty and the Su'perinten'dent.
For the last sixty-four years volun-
tary women workers 'have .played a
large part in Ontario in assisting hos-
pital boards and superinten'dents to
build up and maintain a service in
their commu'ni'ty for the care of the
sick and suffering, making also a
splendid contact between the hospital
an'd the comam'unity, strengthening the
'bonds o'f sympalthy 'for the needs of
the hospital and a better understand-
ing of all that pertains to hospital `,ad-
ministration, 'T'here are 45 affiliated
aid's in Ontario with membership
varying from '2600 to only 112 in some
small towns.
On !Wednesday, February 8th, at
7.30 p.m., in the !Carnegie Ball, a
meeting will be ,held and every woman
interested in organizing an auxiliary
is earnestly asked to be there.
The j'un'ior Women's'Institu'te will
h'o'ld their regular monthly meeting
on ,Wednels.day, Feb, .8th at 2:30 in
•the Carnegie 'Library. The roll call
will be an incident t'hal happened in
the pio'n'eer days. The topic will be
taken by Mrs. !Allen. There will be a
demonstration of new 'things made'
out of 'old ones. Each girl is request-
ed to bring one article,
There will also be a contest and
each girl is req'ues'ted to bring her
photo of childhood days.
Mr. Merton Reid is 'h'aving .ex-
tensive alterations made to his busi-
ness block on North 'Maim, street, atsd
on completion will have a thlorough-
ly;modern dwelling and office com-
bined. Downstairs, the office will' oc-
cupy the front; behind th'e office will
be .a dining room and kitchen; up-
stairs, will have living room, bed-
rooms and bathroom, .M'o'dern plumb-
ing, hot water 'heating, .dumb waiter,
.fire place, , hardwood floors, .will' be
among th'e im'provem'ents. The plans
for the work were drawn by Mr. H. B.
Edge, who is in charge:
Valoutine Supper
The regular meeting of the :Young
Peaple's ;League of North Side United
Church was held on Tuesday evening,
'January 311ist, with Mr. 'Sam Scott in
(the :chair, After singing several CIG:
LIT. songs the Lord's prayer was re-
peated in unison. The meeting which
was under the devotional 'depar'tm'ent
was in charge of Mrs. Keith IWIe'bster.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read by 'th+e secretary, Miss Win-
nie ISiavau'ge, and lado'pted. Fallowing
the bu'siatess part of the meeting,
hymn 1714 was then sung, 'The :Scri'p-
tttre'reading was .taken. by Miss Violet
White. An instruotive and inspiring
address on 'Why t'he 'Chur.c'h? was
given by 'Mr. F. S. S'ava'uge. M'iss'es
Helen Lane and Bessie Cliff sang
"'The Old Rugged Crass", accom'p'an-
led on the piano by Mn's. ,Lane. 11 y'mn
31.94 was then su'n'g and after repeating
the Miz'paa benediction a unique con-
test brought 'the evening to a close.
under auspices of the Ladies' Guild of The regular (m'onthl'y meeting of
1St. Thomas' Church, on the Home and :Sohe'01 A's,s'ociation
will be 'held in the 'Public ;School on
Monday evening, February sixth, at
eight o'clock. An interest'in'g...pro-
gramme will be given consisting of
lantern: .slides of eight :E'uro'pean. coun-
tries ,and several Musical numbers.
'Sale of Homemade Candy. Su'pper 2'5c All interested are invited.
Tues., Feb. 14
Supper from 5 to 7:30
In the Parish Hall.
;Tlhe !W.M.S. of iN'or:th Side United
Church met at the home of Rev. W.
P. and Mrs. Lane, Thursday lash with
about ,fifty ladies present. . Mrs. J.
(iinchley accupied'the chair and .call-
ed on Mrs. 'C. 'Griew, who gave the
Bible reading, This was 'folio!wed with
prayer •by Mrs. ,L'a'ne, who especially
remembered all' those who at this time
are in any way anxious 'qr perplexed'
and that we all in this the New Year,
be willing to receive all the -'many
blessings .Jesus 'has in store for us.
A reading by Mrs. R. ,Sav'auge in
her •us'u'al pl'easin'g manner was much
appreciated, "Mrs. Grant's Mistake,"
Mrs. Grant 'had put her little ones
safely in 'bed for the night, but dear
li'tt'le "Harry" lay tossing ott his :little
white 'bol•; then came the desolation.
,As in a dream she heard her pastor,
"I am the resurrection and the life."
Drays passed into' weeks, and the
weeks into months. Mrs, Grant 'was
much missed in the IW.MJS. Auxil-
iary. 'The Thairkofferha'g meeting wlas
drawing near and .many ,friends called
urging Mrs. Grant to be present at the
meeting, but all received the same re
.ply: "I really cannot go, indeed, I am
not thankful." 'The might before the
T'hnnkoffering meeting a letter Was
received from far India, Miss Robin-
son, the auxiliary's special missionary
for prayer. In this letter Miss Rubin-
son sp'o'ke ,of a li't'tle brother "Harry"
whom they ,loved, but "the ;Father
who makes no mistakes had called.
him to one of His many abiding
places, there he was servezng the (Lord"
the next day, as text after text was
read .in thankfulness to God, one,
seemingly not very appropriate, "In
m F
y I ether's house are •many abiding
plat es," and underneath; the words
"Be 'still, 'my soul, my !Jesus doth re-
pay ,from .His own 'fulness, all He
takes away."
IA. duet by M•is's Helen ILa'ne and
Miss 'Bessie Claiff was' much enjoyed
this was tfioddowed by an .address, the
theme, "O'th'ers," by MTs. J. C. Laing,
TIbe church will not help `others"
will soon have lost the power to 'help
Patent No,
is an English built •razor and is a
quality' product. throughout. In • shav-
ing with this razor there is no pull,
no skin irritation—it just 'glides over
the face and 'when through shaving is
instantly cleaned by dipping in hot
You will be delighted with a War-
F red. S. Savauge'
Phone 194.•
Res. 10.
itself. There are these Who ..would three meters be tree; intactfor check -
gladly give to home missions, but do ing disputed customers' meters, and if
not 'believe in foreign missions. "Go customer is not sa`tis'fied with local
ye into all the world." Many would test, anter will be sent for govern -
remain in degradation, d'an'kness and meat test at .actual cost of $3.00, and
misery, if it were not for what the if meter is found 'correct customer to
Church and her C'hristi'an agencies are pay this charge.
doing to meet their need's. "The silver Moved 'by E. L. !Box, seconded by
and t'he gold are nine," sait'h the A. D. !Sutherland, that a new time
Lord. 'Butt the silver and gold is not 'sheet be 'formulated for itemizing
all in the mine, God hath placed .them each duty carried out, to be started in
in our keeping, not for self alone, but effect February'l'st. (M'ayo'r Sutherland
for ''others." For This reason there is design form to be used.
only one way of giving that brings Moved by A. ID. Sutherland, second -
joy and sa'tisfaci'on,_the free-will offer- ed by E. L. Box, that :this meeting ad-
ing. Prom .Genesis to lRevelalions, j'ourn to meet at call of 'chairman.
there is not one verse to sanction any
method save that of ,free-will offering. DEATH 'OP' MRS. E. McTNTOSH
and s'acrifi'ce. The most magnifrcenit! The death occurred on January 24th
temples in the world are found int at Victoria 'hospital, London, of Ger-
heathen lands, These are builtand i trude Sclater, wife o'f Mr, Ernest Mc -
paid for by sacrifice of :the worship- Sn'tos'h, son of Mrs. James McIntosh
pers. I't has so oftenbeen said onlyl•of 1Seaforth, 'from 'p'meumotnia, Snarviv
the Chris'tiian resorts to other meth -ling are her mother, :Mos. 'Elizabe'th
ods of raising church 'money. Several i'Sclater, one'' son, Robert, her husband,
readings 'followed whidh made theirs and two brothers in' Sarnia. The fun -
own appeal. for :Missions. One cspec- eral was held on Friday to Sarnia
made in Lake -
gaily pathetic, "Six iSister," a littl blind where interment wasn act
unwanted heathen ,girl. At theclose view cemetery,
of the meeting a delicious lunch was
served by the ladies .of ,Group No, 1. ARCH%IBALD M. BARTON.
• A well-known and h'igh'ly 'respedi-
ed resident of Seaf,o:th for many
years, Mr. 'Archie Barton, died early
Wednesday morning at his home,
West William s't. Mr. Barton had 'not:
(been actively engaged for several
Years, having sold his btaelcs'mith,slvap
on N. Main at, about three years ago
owing to ill -health. Two strokes, (oneed by E. L. Box, that 'the following of which occurred while. visiting in
accounts and salaries be passed and Hamilton, same time ago, affected
checks ,be issued 'foe seine: '!Vater
works Dept,—;A. L'ittle, salary, $57150;
'Geo, D, 'Ferguson, acct„ $10.212; Bell
Telephone Oo,, acct.,' .75; IP.U. Com,
(Elec.'Dept., light, :$13.162;; Geo. A.
Sills & 'Sons, acct,, $6157. :Electric'
Dept. -1E. Mole, s'al'ary, $105; S. Allen,
wages, ii 36 5'5; (Geo. ID. Ferguson, acct.,
$2;117; (Bell Telephone Co., acc., $2,40;
,Receiver -!General, meter inn ecttion.
75c; C. 'Sills, 'stantips, $20;; Geo. A.
(Sills & Sons, acct,' $4,'60'; 1C'an. Gen.
Electric $39.8l7 'Ellis & Hlo'ward, in -
.voices, $64:05. Sutherland (Schultz ,best, tHam'idton, survive aim;: also one
!Electric Co., invoices, $11'3:73; ,MoffatsMr. William Barton, Rio
'Ltd., invoice, $5.4'0; 'Hydro'Elec. Pow-
'brother,er'Coni. of Ontario, Dc. pr., '$1321728;
(Hydro Elec. Power ,Com. ,of1 Ont„
R.P.D. collection
s, $10313.77; 'Jho. A.
Wilson, salary, $;57.50; 'H. (Snell, sal-
ary:, '$5.00; 'No. A. 'W'ilson, tranvia
charges, $6:42. enice on Friday aftennoon, Februany.
Moved by E. L. Box, seconded l y ;and', at 2 o'clock; -to -t e Maitland
A D. 'Sutherland, that a 'series ,of Bank Cemetery.
The regu'l'ar meeting of the Public.
Utilities Commission was +held in the
Clerk's office on January 28th at 4
p.m, All 'members present. Minutes
o'f last meeting read and conlfirmed.
Moved by A. D..Sutherland, 'second-
hi'm, but he had rec'overe'd con'sid'er-
ably until a cold developed last week
to pleurisy and pneumonia, catts'lntg
,him great suffering. 'Since he was' a
young man, Mr. Barton lived in Sea -
forth. He came with the family to
Se'aforth ,from West F'lamtbero near
'Hamilton, where .the deceased, Ar-
chibald McAdam Barton, was born
70 years age. He was a son of the
date Samuel Blanton, His widow, for-
merly Ms's Mia'tulda Jeffery of Staffa,
'on C
n r Mrs.Cl
and one daughte ,
gara Falls, N.Y., and four sisters,
Mrs. William Clark, tCleved+e,rd;, Mara.
Harry Jeffery, Mrs. F. C. And'srsoml,
and Miss Agnes Batton, S'ealforth.
!The funeral, under Mas'on'ic aus-
pices, will be held atom 'the resid-