HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-01-19, Page 8'
791T77... ,
HENSALL. 'Mies Beatrice' Volland and Mr; Honis
Taylor tof Varna acted. as .gronmsman,
The bride was charmingly gowned in
white i'duni lace ttrnan1ec1 with
georgette late and adtessories to
match and travelling costume .of royal
blue with rhiaestones and black coat
Pablic receoce Report' for INovem
her and. December: Room Sr.
'Ronald. Peok 78 Ivan Kipfer 712, Jean
Foster 71, Rdbert 'Drysdale 70, Loret-
ta Bell 67 'Gladys Saundereock 20,
*Muriel dioskins 20, Jr, UV—David
, and halt. After the ceremony a wed -
Ruth 13e11 70, Irene !Haskins 68, Mar- home. aret Sangster 67, Edna 'S'aundercock
1%6=1, ',hack Sirdmons (63, Dorothy Haters'
$0, Mae 1VoltI 60, Erma Kipfer 59,
'1Kenneth Passmore 58, Keith Btich- The Bayfield cemetery company
anan 5'3, Harold Williard 45, *Mona, held their annual meeting Monday,
Glenn 23, ISr. ITI.--Mary Clark .93, January 1'6th in the town hall. The
Alice lefaff,79, 'Barbara 'Shepherd 71, various plots have been kept in very
Jack Gales 66, Lloyd1Bro'l,r '5, 4Gur- nice order. The officers for 1933 are:
.1 re'Ille,a,— Miticileten, George Hedie, •William
don Hodgart 5.3, ts,Eiya ,1 ,,,,.en 50, (president, John MeDenald; vice pres-
*Dougla.s Sangster as, ,,e2r• :-Ierpole ident, James H. Reid; seceetaryetreas
33, *Missed examinee C. el ttrer, Alfred Erwin; ,directors, Charle
Blowes, Teacher. Reem,i12s
Norma Cook 78, Russell Redden 77, ISleatcemer, jaseph Richareson, D. H.
Marion Filshie 74, Elaine Peck 69, MeNaughlton, Robert 'Sootchneer;
Carrie Joynt 67, Max Hudson .62, Jim sexton, Robert Orr. .
Caingbell 59, *Gerald Passmore 58, Charles Fergusen, df Detroit and
(b). -.George Sangster 58, *IBillie Hig- Miss Nora Ferguson ei London spent
gins 44, Shirley 'Twitchell 42, Cecil -the week end with Mrs. James Fergu-
Kipfee 41, Herman Wolff 40, Raye see,
Foster 40, Laird 'Hudson 40, Audrey The annual meeting of Knox Pres -
Twitchell 39, Jr. III.--elune Satinder- byterian Church was held on the 10th.
cock 77, !Howard 'Love 76, Mary 'There was a good a'ttend'ance and the
!Goodwin 74, 1Jack Shepherd 67, Leat- various reperts were very eatrisfactory.
on Sieman 64, Madeline Vanlandegh- The finaecial report showed a balance
am 63, *Ronald Parker 63, Billie Cole on hand, The women's Missionary
62, Preston Lem'mon et, Carl Deters ISociety raised their allocation ,of $130.
'The debt an building was ' reduced
$175. It was passed unaninvatiely to
extend an invitation to Mr. Gordon
Peddie, who is now attending Knox
!College and who for the least sub:Amer
has been minister -here, to return this
.surruner. Mr. Peddie is an exemplary
young man and is very highly esteem-
ed by younp and old with whom he
has been a'cqu'ainted here.
'The Young People in this district
very much enjoy a euchre and dance
party. There have been a number of
such entertainmenits here this season
—'among the most largely attended
Jackie Drysdale 69, Harry Armetrong was that put en by the Legion and
69, Gordon Campbell 69, Elaine Hos-,Ithen the L.O.L. No. 24. One of the
kins 64, *Missed examinatiOns. A. E,lineet enjoyable and well abteadeld was
'Consitt, Teacher. iput on last Friday evening, 11.31th, by
Master Ronald' Peck was taken to ethe Variety Orchestra. Prizes in eu-
the Seaforth hospital on Monday to chre were won as follows: Ladies'
undergo an operation for appendicitis, first, Mrs. W. J. MdLeod; console -
His many- friends hope for a speedy tion, Mrs. G. Greepslade; gents' first,
recovery. E. Steckle; consolation, D. McLen-
Mrs. Jas. Bonthron is visiting with nen.
friends and relatives in Kitchener, There passed away on Saturday,
'Mr. W. N. Young of Nairn visited January 14th, at the &sine of her
on Thursday with Rev. and Mrs, W.
A. Young,
At a meeting of the Arnold Circle
of the Presbyterian 'Church on Tues-
day last at ,the home of Mrs. W. A.
56. *Missed examinations. M. E. Ellis,
teacher, Room I. Class 13.—fflarald
Koehler 86, Norris MclEwan 80, Don-
ald Joynt 76, Emily Hoskins 75, B'o'b-
by He 53, *.Margaret Sangster 40.
.Class a.—Marion :Drummond 90, 13ob-
by Cameron 80, Bobby 'Sangster 73,
James Clark ,66, Lois McLaren 64,
Mildred Brock 62, Howard Smale 37,
*Raymond Higgins. Sr. Primer—Don-
ald Willert 77, Bobby Nicol 77, Alpin
elciEwan 61. Jr. Prim. (a)—,John Beer
77, Ross Kennedy 77, Joe Marks 77,
Jim Sangster 75, Alvin Smale 62,
*George Otterbein. Jr. Prim (b)—
daughter, Mrs. N. W. Woods, Bay-
field, Ont., Jane Elba Lauder, widow
of the late Walter Ewing Buchan of
Durham, in her eightieeh year. The
deceased was the .only surviving mem-
Young, Mrs. Roy McLaren and Miss ber of a family of seven, was bhe
Alice Walker were presented with a 'fourth daughter of the late John
life membership certificate for the Lauder and Jessie Bell and was born
Nee.M.S. in appreciation of their ex- in Durham, December 28th, 1853.
cellent work. in that Society. Here she spent her girlhood and after
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren and becoming the bride of Walter Birch -
Mr, Wm. L. McLaren visited friends an, her married life. She came to
in ,Seaforth on Sunday. iBayfield to make her home with her
'Mr. A. L. Case has been able to re- daughter fourteen years age. It was
turn to his duties as station agent with deep regret that her enany
O after his recent severe illness. friends, bath in Dur'h'am and Beeifield,
Mr, and Mrs, C. Shaeffer of Palm- learned of her illness and subsequent
erston are visiting with relatives, death, for she held a waren place in
'Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and the hearts or all who knew her. Fm
family of the Beach -o -'Pines spent the childhood she was a member of the
week end with relatives in town. Presbyterian Chttreh and took an ac -
Next Monday evening et the Unit- tive part in the choir and, WIeLIS.
ed Church Pioneer Night will be held She will be greatly missed in Knox
when all the pioneers of the village Church, Blayifield, in which she took
will be the guests of the evening. much interest. She is survived by
Next Sunday evening at the Carmel four: Mrs. N. W. Woods, 'Baylfield;
Presbyterian Church installation of Wafter Ewing Buchan, of 'Saskatoon,
officers for the Welfare Yeah Club 'John Lauder Buchan, Windsor; Wil-
eatn Foster Beehan, Dunnville, and
her niece, Mrs. E. P. Lewis, Toronto,
whom she adopted when an infant,
and six grandchildren. Following a
short inlayer serviceconducted by
Rev. C. E. Dougan on Sunday after-
noon, the remains were taken to Dur-
ham Monday morning and funeral
held from the Presbyterian Church
,there at Iwo o'elock, service being
conducted by Rev. Smith of Knox
United Oleureh, awing to the illness
of Rev, Armstrong. Interiment was
made in the family plot at Durham
cemetery. 'Tihe pallbearers were Dr.
P. Greet, Dr. Pickering, Wm. Hun-
ter, Oliver H'u'nter, Pater Ramage
and! Moore Mcilea,dden. Those pres-
ent from a dietarice were Ms. N. W.
1Woods, Miss Lucy Woods, Bayifield;
Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Lewis, Taranto;
Miss Jean Woods, Mrs. Frank Liv-
ingstone, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid, Ter-
o.nto; Mr. and Mrs, W.• F. Buchan
and son, Ewing, Dunnville; J. Lauder
'B.uchan, Windsor; Mass Faith Wil-
son, Lorraine, Ohio; Mrs. Lorne Ro-
bertson, Stretford. There were many
beautiful floral tributes.
will take place.
3.1essrs. A. W.'E. Hemphill and W.
O. Goodwin were recent visitors with
friends in Detroit.
!There is quite an epidemic of flu
in Hensel' and, vicinity.
The Welfare Youth Club of the
1Preebyterian Church held their regu-
lar meeting on elonday evening, Ow-
ing to the absence of the president,
Rev. Young tole the chair. The scrip-
ture lesson was read by Herold Zen-
thron and the topic by Me, Young,
after Which .contests and games were
indulged in.
Miss Dorothy Lawson spent the
week end at her home in Exeter.
Mr. Wm. Simpson of Detroit spent
the week end with friends itt town.
'Services in our local ,churches were
attended on Sunday last At the
'United Chitral Rev, A. ,Sinclair oc-
cupied the pulpit and in the morning
a solo was rendered by Mr. .Sherritt
and a solo by Mrs. C. ,Shaefor in the
The Young 'People of the United
'Church held their regular meeting on
Monday evening with the president,
Dr. Smillie in charge. After the open-
ing exercises an instrumental was gi-
ven by 'Mr. C. Shaefer, lollow,ed by
a vocal duet by Mrs. ISchaefer and
Mr. S. Rennie, accompanied by Miss
Florence Welsh on. the piano. The
topic was very ably taken by Dr.
eiefies Marion Prevost of Detroit is
visiting with friends in town.
quiet wedding was solemnized at
the United Ohuech manse at Kip,pen
on Saturday last When Aldeen May,
third daughter of Me. 7/1/1. Lenstrron,
was united in !marriage to 'Clarence
Velland, eon of' Mr, and Mcs. Hetery
'Valland, df TuCkersenlith. The bride
rwas a'tten'ded by the groOrres sister,
'Our school re -opened last Monday
after a week's vacation on account of
the teacher being laid up with the flu
which is yet quite prevalent in this
'Messrs. Thos. Purcell and Pete
Eckert made a business trip to TOT -
milt° last week and on their return
home called on and Mrs. Joe.
Eckert in Oakville. J'oe has secured
position with Mr.' Thompson af
Welland operating the clani shovel of
ihe King Construction Co. doing re-
pair work on the canal.
The Royal 'Scarlet Chapter of Stan-
ley District held its annual meeting in
the Orange hall on Sat,, Jan. 14th.
The- election of officers was as fol-
lows: IW.C., John Castle; D.C., Carl
'Diehl; 'Chap., A. E. Erwin; Scribe,
Fred McClyinont; 'Treas., Chas, C.
Pilgrin;rMarshall, Fred Watsdn; 1st
ILect., Lewis Clarke; 2nd Lect„ Dont;
a,ld Galbraith; ;Pst. Cond., G. 'C. Petty;
2nd Coad,, T. 7. ,Stinson; Herald,
Nelson Reid; Sentinel, 'Win). !Parker.
,Stanley District HO.L. 'held its an-
nual meeting on Tuesday last and the
following officers were :elected for the
ensuing year: W.111',, {Fred Watson;
Telef., Feed 316Clyntont; Chap., Chas.
C. Pilgrim; !Rec.' Sec., Win, R. Steph-
enson; Fin, Sec., Elmer Webster;
Treas., Ben Ra.thwell; Marshall, John
Castle; lst ILeet, Lewis Clarke; 2nd
L'ect, Geo, Peety. • •
Me Chas. Steck is able to be
around again after his recent illness,
;Several of the Stewards of the
United 'Church attended the Quarter-
ly Official Board held in Goshen
Church on Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. Fred MeClyntout accompanied
by 'her daughter, Miss Mery, operet
the weelleend with friends in iSeaforth.
Miss Anne Downey has returned
home after spending a few days in
'The Literary Society meeting in the
parish hall on Friday evening was a
good success.
'There are' quite a number confined
to bed with the flu.
Mr. Pat Flannery and daughter
Margaret were in Streffeed last week
attending the funeral oe Mrs, Burgard.
Miss IMacy O'Connor, 1RN., De-
troit, spent last week end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Connor,
Quite a number attended the funeral
of Mrs. Andrew Krauskopf on Mon-
day last.
Rev. S. T. White af Windsor visit-
ed Rev. Fr. Dantzer An Tuesday of
this week.
,Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foley visited
at the home of Mrs. John D.owney.
!The C.W.L. are holding a 'euchre
and social evening on Wed,nesdlay,
Jan. 28th. Cards, commencing at 9
p.m. ,sliarp.
'Mr. and Mrs. A. McQueen and
daugheer Bennie o'f Biddolgh visited
at Mr. W'm. Eradshaw's last Wednes-
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd johns and Pat-
ricia spent last Friday 'afternoon 'at
the home of Mr. Tom Grose at Dev-
The executive of the Live Oak Mis-
sion Circle held their annual meeting
at the home of Laura Ford last Wed-
nesday aeternoon.
Mr. Robert Woods received a tele-
gram on Sunday telling him of the
death of his youngest daughter !Laura
(Mrs. Fired Webber): art Milford,
Sask. She was a twin of Mr. Jackson
Woods and lived here until after her
marriage. She 'had been in the hospital
for some weeks and her condition
was considered serious, although later
reports had been encouraging. The
sympathy of many friends and neigh-
bors !will be extended to the bereaved
'Mr. and Mrs Harry Webber and
.fernily visited at Mr, Chas. Stephens
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. King of Bay-
field, Mr. and IVIes. Fred Ritchie and
daughter of Elmdale were guests at
the home of Mr. Geo. Barr on Satur-
!Mrs. E. Adams spent Monday with
her sister, Miss Brigham of Cliniton.
,Mrs. Lillian Runking off Clinton
s.pen't the week end the guest of Mrs.
A. leecOool.
Miss Verde Watson of Heneell
seent Sunday at her home here.
Mr. J. C. Adam's and Mr. Ted
Crawford, who !have been sick for
some time, are not imPreving as fast
as their many. friends would like to
Mr, and ivies. W. Lyon and family
of Blyth s,pent Sunday with the for-
mer's mother here,
Miss G. Walker of Hensalil was a
week end visitor at the home of Mr,
C Watson.
Mr. Fred Johnston spent the week
end at his home here.
'Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Armstrong and
Childiren spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Dale of Seaforeh.
Tot Wanders from Home.—In this
neighborhood on Saturday about four
o'clock in the afternoon a small baby
about 2/2 years old strayed away
from. horn.e with her two dogs. She
loliciwed the dogs and shortly after
she had left she was missed by her
Parents, who began to look for their
only chfid. It became clerk and a lan-
tern Was necessemy. The tot was
found about half a mile irate home,
but it is said she must leave walked
over a mile fbo get around water holes,
.111-1URSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1933. r,
bushes and swamps. She was heard
crying by Ernest I.jge, back of his
barn; he ploked her up, thinking it
must be his own child, but she ,seeni-
ed shy and he held) ng the lantern 'to
her face, malting the discovery that it
Was a strange dhild. They started
phoning and when the mother, Mrs,
iGeo. Glazier, found tha'L the ,ohild was
safe, she Was greatly relieved atter a
very anxious two hours.
,i'Nessi.s. Horne and ,Antlour
of Porter's I -hill spent Sunday at Mr.
We are very sorry to hear 'that Mrs.
Malcolm MeDerned hes taken the flu
alter attending the other members of
the household. Mis's aWadHaren of
Clinton is attending her.
IMr, and Mrs, Noble Ffell.and .ettenid-
ed the funeral of the latter's aunt at
Eaelfield, who died with pneumonia.
ROYAL PURPLE LAYING MEAL .. . ... . . „ , 2.19 cwt.
, eeeee
SDPOY MAN. FLOUR ....... , .... , ..... ...2:10 cwt.
PURITY MAN. FLOUR ... .. . .. 2.49 cwt,
,PASTRY Fl.,IOUR, 24 pounds ........ , . 39e
It Pees 'to buy in Egrnondville,
IWe are very, geed to report that
Mr. Prank Gaillagiher is recovering
from a, very serious illness.
.eIrs. P. Evans suffered a very se-
vere 'heart attack on Friday night,
but we are pleased no hear that she
is improving
Bier. and, Mos. James , Jordan and
Miss Mary Jordan of Tor,onto spent
a few clays last week with their gar-
enes, Mr. and Mrs. W'm. Jor,dnan.
'Congratulations to Mir. and Mrs.
Frank Moore on the arrival of a
young son .on Firidey last
Mr. Fergus Kelly is wearing a
It's a bey.
Mr. and Mrs. John Keauske'pf spent
Sunday with Mr. and 1VIrs. Dan O'-
IW'e are sorry to report the serious
illness of MPS. Evans. We hope for
her speedy recovery.
'The annual meeting of the Me-
Kielep, 'Logan and Hibbert 'Tele-
phone Co. was held at Du.blin on
!Wednesday with a good atteaden,ce.
Last year's officers were all re-
elected by acclamation. It was d.ecid-
ed to reduce the dividend from 10%
to 6%. The financial report follows:
Rentals $ 4653.35
Tolls .......... . ... 11738.28
Sundries 21.29
Lee on savings account ..... 7.92
$ 47L$4
Bell Teleph.one tons ... . .. $ 930.25
Directors 222.60
SecelTireas. • 700.00
Au.detons . . . ... ... . .. 120.00
H. 'Bennewies, lineman 471%40
L. Elliott, lin'eman 706.05
,Other assisting linemen 70.50
Operators ..... 1972.40
Conseruction &:111aintenance 77111.97
Income tax and interest 542.37
Inland Revenue tax 23.32
:Miscellaneous 3711.70
$ 6303.156
Net Income $ 117.29
Ndt Income $ '1117:129
0-'s cheques 1932 17.00
'Caeh on hand Jan. lat, 19132 3202.115
$ 3336.44
Less 10% dividend
paid in, 1932.....$ 11384.60
0-s clieq 1931 paid, 3.90 11388.40
Cash on hand and in bank
Dec. 3'1) '1932 $ 11948,04
Cash on hand and in bank—$
(Cunrent acceune) 11677.131e
eSavings account) '270.73 1948.04
Mortgages ........ '51100.00
!Accrued int on irrortgages673.75
Equipment account 25384.30
Stock issued ........ 13845.100
Uncollected rentals 2'404.35
Un.collected tolls ..„ 111109.47
Material on hand ... : . 100.00
Bills receivable ....... 29.00
LIABILITIES. $51)683.71
Stock issued ....... ......... $13845.00
Assets over liabilities 36838.71
Baby Chicks
We are allowing a discount
of $1 per 100 on orders re-
ceived by Jan. 311st. We also
protect you on the price.
Chicks are from breeding
blood tested, Govt. approved.
Barred Rooks, White Rocks,
White Leghorn%
1Phone 97 r 4, Hensall, for a
price list.
Scotts Chicks for Assured Results
Special inducement for local customers who give us their chick orders
before Fab. 15th. One week's free brooding in our electric battery
'brooders under perfect conditions. Just think what an opportunity this ,
means. The first week determines the future of a chick. Such a liberal
offer as this should be snapped up immediately. Price list now ready.
We are doing custom hatching this year in a separate incubator
and separate building. Space should be booked well in advance. Our
charges are 5c per chick hatched.
!The Huron County Council
meet in the Cowley Coun,cil Oh,ambers,
!Count House, Goderich, on Tuesday,
ehe 24th day of jennary, 1933, at 2
o'clo'ck in the afternoon, for its first
or statutory meeting of the year.
All notices of deputations or other
important matters to be brought to
the attention of the council must be in
hands of the Clerk on or before the
Monday previous.
Local Municipal Clerks will please
send in by mail previous to the Meet-
ing of County Cettneil, notices of the
election of their respective Reerves
duly made out hi proper foem.
Dated at Goderich this 91eli day of
January, 19313.
3 County Clerk,
Applications will be received for
the office o'f Asses.sor for 1033. Ap-
plications to be in the hands Of the
Reeve on or before January 25Ih.
IAII accounts owing to Purity Par-
veyor Ilacher .bu,siness muse be
gag by Jan. 2'5.th, after that date, they
will be placed in other 'hands for col-
lection, and Oblige.
A first-class man Waisted to cut
wood and do .chores for the remainder
of •the winter. Apply to WM. M.
J.P., Klippen, Ontario, R. R.
N. 2. Phone 20 on 93, Hensel!.
On Tuesday night between M'on.t-
gemery's store, at Winthrop, end the
MdKillap manse, a packet book con-
taining a small sum of money and
same keys. Wi1,l finder please relearn
eo MeKillop Manse. .3,
'The exectuive .canunittee of the,
iSeetereh Highlandere' Band:wishes to
ehan.k all those who, by donations,
personal help, or patronage,. assisted
in making the etichre and dence, of
Jan..113th a succese..
'Me. Alvin Steckle, who has been
spending a few weeks with friend's in
!Waterloo eatioty, returned home on
Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh of Tucker -
smith, accenmanied by Wallace and
Hazel, spent lase Friday with Me, and
Mies. Jas. A. 'Clarnie Of the Bronson
Misses Marybel and J'ean Carnie re-
turned with them •to spend the week
end with friends at Bru,celfield and
The follolvving is the report .af SIS,
No. 4, ('North School) Stanley, based
an Christmas examinations:
V. --,..john Watson 88%.
!Senior IIV.--jeen, Dunn 72%, Bert
Greer 71%, Stuart ,Weeson 67%, Ilene
efeeleat 61%, Keith 'Westlake, absent.
Junior Armstrong 79%,
!Melvin Greer 711%, Madge Houston
60%, 1Welfred Rau 43%, Ethel Wait-
seeonnt,, absent; Gorden ,Westlake, ab -
Contains all the vitamins needed
to build a perfect body. Nothing
can give so much value in food to
the whole family. I't's different
from others and not any higher in
price. Phone orders left with Car-
ter's grocery will be taken care of.
J. E lillgill& SOBS
Marcelling Taught
$15. Ream and board free. ;Learn
in two weeks. You will never
learn cheaper. Don't miss this op-
portuteity. Write JONES ;BEAU-
TY 1SlAILION, Lietowel, Ont.
The Bulk Sales Act
In the Matter of the Bulk 'Sale by
SVilDiwm Grannie, Of the Village .0.2
Brucelfield, in the County of Huron,
!Baker, Vendor, to J. R. Melville
Maude of the City of Stratford, in,
the County of Pereh, Baker, Purch-la
Notice, is hereby given that the said
Wiliiam Groome has made a Bulk
Sale of his equipment ,.,and fixitures
and that the undersigned was ap-
pointed Trustee for the purpose of
distribultieg the proceeds of the sale
among the Creators 011 the Vendor.
All Creditors and others having '
claimis , against the said 'William
Groome are required to furnisk par-
ticullars of same duly verified by affi-
da'vi't to the undersigned on or before
the 8th day of February, 1033. Mier
'the eiegiration of that time, the under-
signed shall distribulte the proceeds of
the sale having regard only to 'those
claims of which he has then notice.
Dated alt Seefoeith, 'Ontario, this
18th dlay of Jlanuary, 19313.
Seeforth, Ontario.
Tr useee.
'Tenders will be received 'for 12
cords of 14 -inch hardwood for Win-
throp ,school. Tenders to ,clost onion-
vary 28th. Tenders by letter only.
RR. 1, Seaforth 3
;Special prices for re -making ,your
iold felt mattresses over like new en -
eluding new cover $4.50 and up. Fea-
ther beds cleaned and -made into sen -
litany mattresses $3B0. All work keet
separate. We call !anywhere with no
extra cost on ab'ove wonk. ,MODIERN
IRox 379, Goderich. 9
National . Blue Flame Oil Burner,
Call up 268w. Pleased to call on .you.
I have installed several in town and
they are giving the best of saeiseac-
ton at a very low price. Also cream
separaitars. 5. CARTIER.
III.—Ilene Greer 712%, Aiudreev, Rae SEAFORTH MARKETS.
54%. 'Eggs, per doz 10-'10c
1Primer—A,nthony Ram, Dewar Tal- Olitter, per lb. , 18c
bot. Helen 'M. A'ment, Teacher 1Poitaltees, per bag
, • 1..
I 1 •