HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-01-19, Page 5.THURSDAY, 'JANUARY 19, 1933. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE SUPERIOR SPECIALS.!.:!.! [Are carefully selected item's oa which there is a steady demand, They enable you to make extra savings on your week -end ,grocery orders without sacrificing -either quality or gnantity. Make sure you do not miss these specials. Visit your .Superior S'tore •regularly; Re- member our slogan. - WE SELL T} --E BEST FOR LESS .. ....: , , . , Items $or week ending Jan. 25th STANDARD CORN; 2's ...,,........ •,,,..,....3 tins 25c• PEARL WHITE NAPTHA SOAP ' 9 cakes 25 c L'AWRASON'S SNOWFLAKE AMMION'IA .... 4 pkgs. 25 c I,AIWRAISO.N''S FLUSH!O ' per tin 21 c POST BRAN FLAKES 2 pkgs. 23 c !ROBIN HOOD RAPID OATS �'� with beautiful china per plcg. SWEET PICKLEIS family jar 27 c • 7.11111111111111110111, • !S!chneid'er's 'Ch'oice Breakfast Bacon per ib. ILib!by's Pork & ,Beans, 16 oz, tins ............ . ..... . . .. . .....'5 for Castle F1'o'or Wax, 1's , , per tin Ili i crest Sihorten'in,g, 1:'s 2 lbs. "use the beat and have success" !M'dtaren's Jelly Powders, Invincible .. ...., . ....4 for Durham Corn Starch, "the yellow package" per pkg. 'Silver Gloss Laundry /Starch, 1 ib. pkg. ............... . 2 pkgs. (National Pea Soup, No. 2 tin per tin °as used ,in Quelbee" IHighliner Filletts of Hadd'ie. best quality' ib. Aylmer Crushed' or Sliced Pineapple, 2'squ'ait per tin ISuperior .Baking Powder, 8 oz 15c; 16. oz..... Family Blend Coffee, in 1 lb. ,bags per lb. Superior Brand Tea iP lb pkgs. Lib'by's Sauer.Kraut, large 2,%size 2; tin's /Libby's Prepared Mustard large jar Oxo Cubes "the goodness of prime beef" Small 14c; large Ingersoll Cream or !pimento Cheese 2 pkgs. Acadia 'Codlfi!sh '1' ib bricks' {Strawberries, 2's Heavy 'Syrup ,per tin {Clothes IPIes ..._...... ..,... ..6 doz. bs. Golden {Diamond Blueberries, 2's per tin !Golden Hatlowi Dates 2 lbs, Pitted Dates 2 tins Lynn Valley Golden. Wax Beans ' ' per Aylmer Pumipkin, 2'aquat v -r s. !Sultanas, !Relentser 2 25c tbs. 1 Ihb'bdtson's Worcester ,Sauce P Ir bottle dozen 15c Fresh Frozen, ;Herrings ..... , .., . !Fresh B.C. Salmon, half or whole fish 1 lb. 10c 18c 25c 25c 23c 25c 9c 25c 10c 1$c 19c 23c 39c 390 21c 112c 28c 2Sc 15c 17c 10c 12c 25c 25c 23c 10c R�ss J. Sp Phone 8 • Miss N. Pryce Rhone 77 Buy Seaforth Butter 18 YEARS A Service that creates • Confidence • and a Dependable Reputation The Creamery Seaforth Gremey . Always Good Quality Please us by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please you by our services and higher market prices for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait. Walker's 'FUNERAIL SERVICE U'NDIERTAKING -and- EMBALMING Motor or H'o:nse.Egtip'ment W. 3. IWA JKIER, holder -of 'Go- vernm'ent diploma and license. Flowers furnished Night or day phone 67 KIPPEN. Mr. and Mrs. Field, who have been. residents. of •the village for the. past •ten • years, have moved with their fa- anely to Alina where M'r. Field is sta- tion master. Mr, and Mrs. Field were id'e'al res'iden'ts and all were sorry to eee them le'ay.e• gaining as Robert E'1 ie is not g g Mr. Fo g 'his, many friend's would like •bo sec 'hlatn. Mr. john Workman, who Paas been confined to his recti' for, the past month is able to be croondagain. ,ss Marguerite McDonald is visit- ing friends in Loredlon for a week, <Mrs, Abe Forsyth is improving af- ter her recent illness. annual Annual Meeting.-1T'he a meet- C. A. BARBER, Prop. TOWN 'TOPICS. Mr. and tilts. Dennis Andrews oif IBuft[alo and Mr. Thos. Andrews of Cabo/mg, visited friends in town over 'the week end. Mu-: Thos. Andrews is recuperating foono a recent accident. Mr. C. Ii. Holland was called to Clinton :on Sunday owing 'to the seri- ous illness of his brother, George. \Ir. and Mrs. R H. Hoover and sons of Listowel were visiting at the hone of Mrs. I-'Pobvcr's 'bather, Mr. 'W. H. S!Isoiclice, on Sunday. Mss, Sam Forbes :af Walton is vis- iting her sister, Mass, W. +3. Dickson. W. W. Sho'ldiee of Grey, was call ing on W H. Sihok'ice and other s in Seaforth last week, return- ing 'frons spending three weeks :with his son at St. Cat'herines. 1S'lr. Roy Batt!. of Kippen visited his parents, itIr. and M'rs. W. Butt. Misses Laura and Donna Mole have Ibsen on the sick list This past week. (Word was received from !Mr. G. A. Jackson this .week saying he had arrived in Bermuda, and expedted later to go to Jamaica and 'S'ou'th Am- erica. . Mr. W. R. P'lan't is ill at present with pleurisy. . (M'is's Jean and Mr. Russell Fergu- son o!f'Toronto spent the week end with the Misses 'Fergusdn, Sp:arling street. IMr, George Parke of London spent the week -end at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and .Mrs. R. C. Parke. 'Mr. Russell Holmes has joined .the Guelph hoc'lcey team for the win- ter. Mr. Charles Dickson of ,'London was a 'week -end visitor with 'his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickson. !Mrs. QDr )• ,Mulligan of ' Grand 'Forks, N.ID., arrived on 'Wed'nesd'ay to visit her Mother, Mrs. Thomas Mc- Quaid, Go:derich st. Mir. and Mrs. Wm, Fotaler of Lea- mington are spending a few days with the Patter's sister, Mrs. John Mall'son. Mr. Wm. Somerville returned Tues- day afternoon to Wiood'stook, after spending the week -end watt 'his sis- ters, Mrs. G. E. Whittaker and Miss &omereil'le. Miss Jlackaon, Egmordville, is visit- ing in Oshawa. Miss N. McDougall is on an ex- tended:'visit with friends in Detroit. Miss 'Otana laiinkney spent the .week-en'd in Toronto. Mis's Mary Harris of . Wroxeter s'pen't Sunday with the Misses : F'er- guson. . Mrs. A. Walron'd of London visi'tin'g 'Miss Si {Govenllock. iM•r, and Mrs. George Bickerton o'f 'Woodstock motored from {there : teat !Sundayy and spent some time at the h•onte of Mrs. Bickerton's cousin, Mrs. Wes. Nott, who is convalescing at home, • Huron 'road west, 'where She was able to be ta'ke'n. frail'', ,the 'hospital atter her serious accident in a motor crash recently. IThe Sit. Tlhomlas' :Ladies' Guild in- tend holding a tea on. Valentine's Day, Feb. .14ldh. Mn-.1Arnold Case has • purchased fram Dr. Munn, 'the Mouse on the scorner of Victoria and 'George , sts,, alt present occupied )'by isfr. Kestle, Mr. Case will olbtein possess'ion shortly. 'Mr. Wm. Jamieson, ' .Huron road, is laid rep with a serious 'heart. at- tack. The ;C'o'llegiate Literary Society's January meeting will be held on (Wednesday nett, 'January 35th. The rifle comipetiition for the Col- legiate school medals wilt commence next week; the situd'ents are busy practisin'g for the event at present. Clinton delfeat•ed'Seaforth 4-2 at the O1H:A, game here Wednesday night. The weather continues mild and a soak -nt'aple on S'ou'th Main street is canting out in bud. • ing'oif the Kippen. Horticultural Soci- ety wasin the scar {t- ed Chu, of officers: White- man; 1!- ?s-. lay'son; Alexan'Mc- Donald,W. {French, ss Jennie y, Mrs. A n - 'head, ' I•vtson; y .and W. Hender- son, se Inc !Societyo have inmembers to makre endeavoring 30• one of held on Friday afternoon 0o1 ro'ocn of St. ,And'rew's Unit- ed 'Tike fol:l!olwing is the list President, Mass Mabe'l'W'hi't �'t vice president, Mrs. J'as.'Fa 2nd vice president, Mrs" Wm. der; directors, Mrs, Jas., Mirs. J. L. Henderson,lMr. W Mars, A. E. Thkslmson, Mi Chesney, Mrs. Jas; Bowe Monteith, Mrs, D. A. ,A'ike M'rs, J. D. 'Stewart, Mr. Wm auditors, Messrs, Jas `Bowe L. Meal's. Mrs, J. L. crebary. executive of 'b was'he's to thank all those wh •bhe past assisted as e the'Socdety a success and 5 piing to make the year ,119 the best, CHARLES 'SIOiOLE. death occurred at Vancouver, Jan. 6th of Charles Soo le, oif !Seaforth, brother of Mm Tarries Lave, Miss {Mary, Miss Jennee and Mr, 'Thos. G. 'S'oole o!f T'oront'o, in his 7'7'tli year: M'r. Saol'e'.was en- gaged in the hardware 'business hav- ing been a tinsmlith, Before leaving td in IS�dalforth about 1191110, they res, .ed the house an.John street an `which 'Mr,. Elric Geddes at present resides. The noany friends of Mr. Oscar, 1Nei1 are sorry to know he' is oon- {fined 'to the house through illness. The B,IC. onle, formerlys. at DUBLIN F:1DAV JAN'UA'RY 20. OLD AND NEW TIME DAN'C'ES. Tickets 2S'c. dent Of this district all his life, He is survived, by two sisters, Mrs. !Frank Mousseau, Hay township, and. Sister Eugeua, of East Windsor, and one brother, James Brown, of ' Hii4 'lett. He came to Seaforth forty-ilii've. years ago about the time he be- came an auctioneer, and was mar- ried to Mrs. Friel, formerly Miss (Keating. One son survives, Mr, J'o- sep'h Brown, of New York. 'Dhe funeral takes place from the residence of Mr, 'Charles Stewart, {Church street, on Thursday, Janu- ary 19th, at 9 a.m. to St. James' Church and thence to St, James' cemetery. FACTORY ENTERED. Some time Sunday n'igh't thieves forced the front door of the Canada Furniture factory and stole a quan- titty of !belting and several s'a'ws, val- ued in all about 3400. Much of the stock of the factory such as desks, hook cases, filing cabinets, has been s'ol'd bo the puibf!uc during the past year, but the machinery, including the belting and saws, was not for sale, and .had all been 'pla'ced on 'the ground floor. The theft was reported to the !head office at Kitchener, by Mr. Frank Baxter, who is in 'charge. The thieves had apparently used a car or truck. OUR BARGAIN SUBSCRIPTIION OFFER CLOSES JANUARY 31ST. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. WINTHROP. ;The !Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. of [Cavan Church met at the home of M'rs. R'olbe'rt- MacFarlane on Wednes- day afternoon, Jan. 4th, with a large attendance. The meeting opened' with a hymn, 'followed Iby prayer. The min- utes of the previous! meeting were read and approved. The roll can was answered by a ,New Year's resolution. :A •reading on Chris'ti'an S'tewands'hlp was given by Miss Irene Bolton and one on Temperance by Mrs. (Beattie: {During the ..buainess',period it was de- cided to entertain the Y.P'S. wt a soc- ial evening on ,Jan. 25th. Circle INo. 1 with Mrs. ,Allan Ross as oa tarthen. 'po , took charge. After singing a hymn Mrs. L. Elliott led in pray&. The ;Scripture 'lessonwas read by M'rs. Calvin Haien. Miss Edith Hiilen then favored us with a delightful piano in- strumental. The topic taken from the Studytbook was ably dealt with by Mrs.' D. MacFarlane. A lovely salt entitled "In the 'Garden," was sung by Mrs. 'H'illen, Sentence prayers were given by Mrs. Patrick and 'Miss 'Edith IH'illen. The meeting closed with a 'hymn and the Lord's prayer repeated in unison. A so'cia'l evening, at which the ladies of the church will entertain the, young people, will be held in the basement of the church on J•aauary 26th. A sil- ver collection will be received. A successful euchre and dance' was held in the hall last Friday night. 'The evening was spent in progressive euchre. Mrs. Archie Kerr Won lad- ies' first prize and Miss Mabel Path- ick' won ladies' lone hand prize; men's. first prize went to Mr. Leonhacdt and' men's 1,ou'e hand prize went to Mr. George Campbell, Atter lunch the rest of the night was spent in dan'c'ing. Mr, Win. J'ohnstoh spent a few days with Mr. James Johnston of Seaforth. Winthrop . hockey team defeated Egmond'vl'Ie 5-1 in Seaforth last Sat- urday. Keep .up the good work bays. Mr, and Mrs. Baxlter and daughter of B'entnilier spent !Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R'obt, Cam'pbe'll. THOMAS 'BROWN. A colorful figure passed away in the Scott Memorial H!osp'iital on Tues- day _evening in, the person of Mr. Thomas Brown, aged 75 years. In his prime Mr...Brawn was one of the. hest 'known and most popular auc- tioneers in Western Ontario, and• few indeed' are. the farms in this section' of I-Iurcn or Perth counties where at same time he had not wield- ed the auctioneer's hantmer. Of late years he had been' in .fail' ing health, but had been around as usual on Saturday; becoming seri- ously unt is 'was're- movedill with et on he Y P t'o the hosp'i'tal .where he pass- ed away. Thomas Brown was born on Lot 20,• con. 6, H•trilett, son of the late ,Thomas 'Brown, and had been a res{ - The regular meeting of the Young1 People's Society of Cavell Church, 'Winthrop, was held on Tuesday ev- ening January 117!th, with Jean Alex- ander presiding. The meeting opened bysinging hynon 148,' followed with prayer by Miargar.e't Pethick. The, minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary and! iad'oipted, A read- ing on Confidence was given by Neil Montgomery. The S'c'ripture lesson was taken by 'Thos. B•lan'ahard, Hymn 436 was then sung. The topic. "Have Citizens Any Responsibf•l:ity for Un- employment," was taken by Isabel Battles, falllo'wed by .a reading, "What u3daeh'inery Has Done to the Wage Eiarner," given by Stanley Hal- len. After singing hymn 2'3 and re- peating the 'lldzp'ah benediction the evening was brought to a close with a contest. CONSTAN:CE. The Forest 'Standard makes the following reference to the death of Mr. 5. W. McRorie, brother of Mrs, IWililiatn'Britton : "As bridfly announc- ed-las't week, the death of James Wil- bur M!dRorid, well known Warwick {to'wns'hip farmer, occurred in Victor- ia hospital, London, on Monday, Jan nary 2nd, in his 55th year, About nine days before his death he was stricken with strepto'coccous infection inhis left arm and his condition gradually became worse. The late Mr. McRorie was born in Gou'bborne township, Car- leton county, on September 20, 15715, and at three years ofage moved with his parents to Warwick township to 'the farm where he resided until his d'eat'h. He was a faithful member of the United Church and served .on the 'different' church Boards. He was tea - Cher of the Bible Class and for many years was an elder of the Warwick United Church. He is survived by his wife, .who Was Agnes Campbell, four children, Arthur of Sarnia township; Helen, Florence and William alt home. Aliso eight sisters, Mrs. Peter Fergu- son of Warwick; Mrs. John Wilkin- son, of Warwick; Mrs. W. Britton of Clinton; Mrs. J. 'S,, Wynne of Forest; Mrs. W. Mansfield of 'Watford; MTs. B. Leech, Waltford; Mrs. F. Tirebec'k, Warwick and Mrs. ,R. Jewitt of Kin- cade, Sask. The funeral was held an Thursday, January 5, from the family residence. 'The services were con'duot- ed by the Rev. Ma•. 'Cook, of the Wa'r- wick. United'Chur•ch, assisted by the {Rev. Mr. Sweetman, of Petrolia, the Rev. Mir. Peters, of Exeter, and the Rev. S. W. Muxworthy, of Forest, and interment was made at the 9 side - road cemetery. The pallbearers were: Edward Herbert, James Fenner, Charles Stuart, Willard Anderson, 'Arthur MddKeraher, Ernest Morris, {Relatives and friends from a distance attending the funeral were: Mr. W. 'Britton and family, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. J. Ramsay, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. P. Reynolds, Toronto; Dr, and Mrs. Campbell, Big (Rapids,' -Mich.; M'rs. G. M'clEliroy, Brown City, Mich., and Miss Janet MdRoi9e, Brantford, /Miss Margaret Yun'gb'lut has re- turned home after spending the past week with her u'nlcle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cunningham and other relatives near Auburn. Auto insurance Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the • United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates I'.•'s worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid, Phone, write or call -Night and Day Service Phone 152 A. D. Suth9rland GENERAL INSURANCE -- REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Office over I%eatin.g's Drug Store Buy where your dollar buys most Fit e Lilties Flour . , . ,32.40 cwt. !Prairie 'Rose Filour..,$2.00 cwt. teat -a -Pan 'Pas!try....24 'lbs, 45c !White Sugar, •18 lbs for. .'$1.00 !Good .Tea ... ..39c Ib. Good Coffee 35c lb: Pure kettle tendered Lard,. 2 lbs: 20c iO!id Cheese...... .. ... . 15c ib. B're'ad 6c loaf A box of royal yeast cakes will he given away free with 'every cwt. of Flour for :a limited time, Eggs delivered to store bought at 2c doz. more than market price for trade, and Pc doz. more 'for cash, WINTHROP BRUCEFIELD. The January meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the manse on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. lath with the presid- ent, Mrs. W. A. !Bremner, in the chair. Our opening 'hymn "Standing at the Portal of the IOtpening Year, was sung and the Scripture lesson u -as readd responsively, taken from 'Psalms .143, fo'llo'wed by the Lord's prayer is unison. The roll call was responded to by 20 members, each giving their favorite !Scripture verse. The secretary reported one lady who had missed• otrly one meeting in five years. Two verses of hymn 379 were ' sung amid the president urged that we Make this ,hymn as a prayer for the year up'on whidh we have entered, knowing as we do that the effectual fervent ,px'ayer availeth much. Encour- aging reports were presented by the various secretaries: The devotional leaflet "Deborah, the Woman of Pub- lic Spirit" was read by airs. J. Wat- son. after which several of the ladies 'led en sentence prayers. Subject for study, "His !Dominion of Canada." Early Mission's, .ohapter 4, was read by Mrs. W. ,A. Bremner. Congrega- tional pioneers in Canada 'by Mrs, J. McQueen, Pn'eslbyterian Missions 'Mrs A. T. Scott; iMeth'odst M.ss:ems, Mss. /Brook. .Our temperance secretary, Mrs. Haugh, presented the temper- ance emperance lesson; 'Mrs. Bremner, Mrs. 'Brock end IMsss Bowey were appoint- ed to make up the !program for the year's work. New Year's greetings and good wishes were conveyed to the ,A'uwiliary by Mrs. J. McQueen 'from a farmer interested m'em'ber, namely, Miss Bess a 1ItIGregot, of Calei rnia. The ,Society !wishes to thank Miss Mc- Gregor for the kindly interest she still retains' in us. After 'singing the last 2 verses of hymn 379 Mrs, Haugh clos- ed the mee'tin'g ,with .prayer. Men's Club Started.-iThe men of Brucdfiel'd and vicinity held' a ,meeting iu the school room of the church on Dec. 1st, 4932, to discuss .the organiz- ing of a Men's .Club. There was a good attendance and the idea received ,favoura'b'le consideration. Mr. Mc- Leod, Agricultural {Representative at Clinton, and the Rev. IR. M. Gale of Bayfield, were present and were able. to tender much good advice and as- sistance on a'ccoun't of their know- ledge of men's clubs in other ,places. A second meeting was held on the !first Thursday of January, 1933, at which the organization of the Bruce- field Men's Club was .proceeded with. IA constitution was adopted and the following officers were elected: Presi- dent, Walter Moffatt; vice presiden't, Jlim 'Midlntosh; secretary -treasurer, Wallace .Haugh. These with the :chair - +men of the different committees, are to constitute the executive, 'Mr, Jef- ferson, ,principal of the Clinton pub- lic school, •and Mr. Cox, secretary of the Porter's Hill Men's Club gave much valuable help in deciding on a suitable constitution and in complet- ing the organization. The n.ext'lneet itrg of the Club will be held on Thurs- day, 'Fehrarary '2nd, 19313, at 8 pant, to which all the ,men 'of B!rucefield and vicinity are cordially invited. This, Club gives promise of filling a long- felt want among the men of the com- munity. om- {nunity. HARLOCK. Messrs. James and John Leiper vis- ited on Saturday at the home of the fformer's aunt, Mrs. Margaret Watt at Clinton. {Messrs. J'a'mes and John Leiper at- tended the funeral on Saturdayof the late Mr. Flynn near Clinton. We wish to extend sincere sympathy to Mrs. :Flynn and family, also the other rel- atives.' The annual meeting of Burns' Un- ited Church was held Monday after- naon of this week. Miss Helen MdElwing called on her friend, Vias Olive Knox on Saturday. The homes of Mr. Norman Shep- herd, Mr. Leo Watt and Mr. George Pollard have been visited recently by the flu. We wish them all a speedy recovery. Mr. Sini'on MrlVittie visited friend's in. Toronto part of test .week and be- ginning of this week. [Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beattie and Miss Margaret visited one day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. R'ap'slan. Mr. Stewart Bea' itie is visiting at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bea- com. We are sorry that Mrs. John Leip- er is not Quite enjoying her usual good health bat hope she will soon he bet - Mr. Herman Griffith was helping Mr. Albert Brigham part of this week. Messrs. James and John Leiper hulled clover for Mr. A. W. M'eEwin'g on Monday afternoon of this week. !Mr. James Rudldell visited Monday home af Mr: I. Rap- son. evening at the hl P- san. Mr. A. W. MclEwing made•a short call ane day last week at the home of his aunt, 'Mrs.. Margaret Watt oif. Clinton. HOG SHIPMENTS !For month ending Nov. 30th, {Exeter-ITatal hogs 49, select ;bacon 31, bacon 23, butchers S. IHensall=Total hogs 368, select ba- con 1135, {bacon 2120, butchers 30, lights and feeders 2 'Clinton -{Total hogs 9181, select b'a- can 385, bacon 516, butchers7[4, lights and feeders 4. {Huron 'Co, {Locals -Total hogs 412i2, select bacon 1067, bacon. 2760, butch- ers 223, heavies 32, tights and feeders 39. Huron {County -{Total hags 38182, select bacon 2i940, ;.bacon 514.618, butch- ers 701, heavies ,42, lights and feeders 104. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 tines 50c,