The Seaforth News, 1933-01-12, Page 5PAGE FIVE
'The following,item refers to former
residents of 'Seaifdrth: "A numlber of
men of ,the T'en'der Department of the
C.N.R., and their wives, pard a sur-
prise visit to the hone of Mr. and Mrs,
'Joseph Murphy, Church street, Strat-
ford, on Fridlay to present the couple
with a small gift of :appreciation upon
the retirement of Mr. Murphy from
the 'C.N.IR. shops after many years of
faithful service, Mr: Murphy was pre-
sented with a club 'bag, ,pipe, tobacco
pouch, and lighter, and Mas. Murphy
received a lamp. An appropriate ad-
dress was read to both Mr, .and Mrs.
Murphy. The address to Mir, Murphy
was: Dear Joe,—We, your fellow wor-
kers, gathered together this evening in
honor of the occasion of you having
reached the time when you reap the
reward Chart your many years of faith-
ful service have made possible. In
panting with you, Joe. we feel that we
must in some way express the feelings
that we have in our hearts for you,
Yost have been with us a,go'od number
of years, an:d in all that time we have
found you a friend worth having, To
'know you and to have worked by
your side Sas been a' pleasure that
will be remembered by us for years, to
come, We h'o.p'e that you and your
good wife will be spared for a good
nu'm'ber, of years to reap the benefits
tb,at you have justly earned. In clos-
ing we all join together in .wishing you
many years of health and happiness.
iWle now ask you to accept these small
tokens as an expression of the esteem
with which you are held by your fel-
low workers,—Your shop mates. Mr.
hi'urplry is in the 'best of health and
his many friends join in wishing him
and his ,wife the best of luck far many
years to come. A'i'thbugh :the presenta-
tion Was the -big event of the night,
the remainder of ' the evening was
spent playing euchre, with Mr. and
Mrs. 1,V. Marks .winning the honors.
'The funeral took .place on Saturday
morning, Jan. 7¢'h, from St. James'
Church to St. James' Cemetery, of
Mrs. Peter Ro!beiitts'on of Toronto.
Requiem high Mass was sung by Rev.
Fr. ,Goetz, The p'all'bearers were
3vressrts, W. J. Duncan, Jlphn Mc-
Kenzie, L, F. Bloitbon, M. M'dL•eod,
John Cummiings; IGearge Dixon. The
fate Mrs. •Rdberts'bn was born in
pfitlahe'il, February, 18382, :'her Maid -
name being Elizabeth Monroe,
However, she spent most of her fife
in Seafonth until twenty years ago
zslhen ' she went to Toronto, where
the later was nta'rried:aro her now be:
raft husband.
Robertson had
been ill for several days and under-
gone an 'operation, passing away in
Western Ho's'pital, Toronto, on Jariu-
ary 4th. The body was brought ` to
the home of Mr. L. 7.1B1ot-tan in town,
an Friday evening. There survive
besides her husband, four brothers,
Monroe and Gutsiie Monroe, of
Montreal; George Monroe of Oshawa,
and 'William off Los Angeles , Coni.
Among those from out Of town who
attended the fun'era1 were Mr, and
!Mrs. P. J. Monroe of Montreal, and
Mr. George Monroe of Oshawa.
Start the New Year with a
Deposit in the Monk of Economy
Shop at Superior Stores
;Items for week ending Jan. 18.
39 IRegular 49c,.....:. , special C(SURPRISE SOAP
10 bars 39
"taken o•n every tin"
RIMS COCOA .................
2 lbs. 2s c
3tins 25c
per lb. 19
With each purchase of ,1 'bottle of CAB.
(Catsup, 14 oz. size
per bottle 19 C
we will give FREE 1 tin C. & B. 'T'oatiato ff nice, 40 az,
—go'od early until January Doth....
(Pure Lard, home made .. . . ........: ....... .3 lbs..
Huron Toilet Paper 8 routs
IOhateau ,cheese aa's "spreads or slices" ,per k
Ilmlflant's Delight
Toilet:Soap P pkg,
.,.......,:............., 3 cakes
(Cascade Brand Fancy Fink Salmon . '1's
(R'as'pberry or Strawberry Jaime 40 oz. jars
Magic Baking Powder!..
.. 8 oz..... 23c; 116 oz,.:
(Gillett's'Lye `eats dirt" 2 tins
Cereal Blend "the balanced breakfast food".... .•!per pkg.
Mazola Oil "for 'cooking or .making salad 'daessing". .
INo. 1' 29c
IS'hirriff's Good Morning Marmalade,—116 oz...24c; 32 oz..., 39c
'Royal York Tea, `worthy of the name' ..:aa Ib.. ,23c IF lb... 45c
(Brillo "cleans anid ,polishes in one operation" 2 pkgs. 25c
IKeen's Mustard,. ,....... .. . .. : 25c; Ws 49c
"when you want the ,best use Keen's"
Grape -Nuts F1'ake's
Ready Curt Macaroni
Hand Picked White Beans
IM'dUaren's Minute Tapioca
Tapioca, 'bu'l'k
iCorn Meal
2 pkgs. 23c
2 lbs. 13c
4 Lbs. 10c
2 pkgs. 23c
2.16s. 19c
2 lbs. 9c
(Golden H+a11cwi Dates 3 lbs, 25c
,Fresh Frozen 'L'ake Superior Herring.......... , , , , , • , , ,1 d'oz, 23c
Fresh B:C. S'alm'on, half ea 'whole fish . ..iper ib. 10c
Golden Fillets of Hadidie per Ib. 1'5c
Ross J.
Phone e8
N. Pryce
Phone ne
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates •
Confidence •
and a
ale Reputation
Depend b putation
Good Quality
Please u by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to, please
you by our services , and highest
market prices for good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, graded and
paid for While you wait.
The Seaforth Creamery
'tioto'r or Horse Eq'u:ipntent.
NV, J. 'WAITJKIER, holder of 'Go-
vern•nuent dipiama :and license,
'Flowers furnishe$
Night orda phone
(The inaugural meeting Of the•.;Hib-
'bert Council was held at Sitaffa town-
ship :loll on 'Aibiaday, January 9, all
members 'pres'ent, who anbisoribled to
'the necessary declaration toff office and
took their,, seats. A bylaw was passed
confirming the 'following- ap'p!oin't
Clerk, Mrs. F ,Clerk solar
meat K. acne
' I `o crab the
"$500 on condition she operate.
'lGes'tetner machine ,free of 'charge, for
;the year 19313. George 'Coyne, assessor,
'$45; J. J. Holland :and Clayton iLooby,
auditors,, $1112:50. each; .Melville.IGray,
care.baket, 4'18, with " 11'J4tJ' for :cath
meeting other than 'Council meetings,
except' those elf-'Wonlents 'Institu'te and
`ch'aJunior ',Farmers; T. J. Molyneaux.
o :aftendansce, 'off'icer, $5; Jiohn,
fEmpey, townsihi p'engin'eer for .c'arr'y'
ing out provisions .af ,D,&IW,'Act; Dr.
J. S. McGregor; M'.IO'H., $50; James
'abaft, sanitary inslpector •.and member
1BJOJH„ ealary.of reeve ,was reduced
from $11110 to $80, and councillors dram
515 to $45, and fee for special meet-
ings .frdm $3 to $2. Josiah Watsion an:d
'Russell ,Sico'tt were appointed 'weed in-
spectors. 'Resolutioiilst. wtere passed:
su'bm'itting the replant of fihe superin-
tend'eivt 'for ;119'32, Showing road ex'pen-
d•iture of $7,17125.93, : to the Dept. of
;Highways, requesting the . statutory
,grant; also that the penalty i'mlposed-
on 1;9312 taxes be set at 11% for January,
2% 'for February, 3% 'for March, 14%
.for April and 5% after 'May list. The
Reeve requests the attend'an'ce of al''
trusitee's of public schaol,s as well as
outer interested natepiayers at a meet-
ing to be held at the -township hall,
Sitaffa, on Friday, Jan. 1113th, at 2 ,p.m,'
The meeltiing' adlj'oursed..unIt l M'onda'y,
;Feb. 113itih, at 1 p:m.—Mrs, K, Feeney,
Persian Balm -the P erfect aid t o
beauty. Esseultial to real feminine dis-
tinction. Results a'Iways in the high.
est expression of beauty. Its use keeps
the hands always soft and flawlessly
white, Indispensable to the whele ,fam-
ily. Imparts added ,charm to the moth-
er. Serves thefather as a hair fixa-
tive and cooling s'haying lotion, and
p aaerts fjipatendeli10iin.of the child,
' rsiatt B'a Initis the truetoilet re-
TOWN""` C 'PIS:'"
'Bad colds or a form of lagrippe is
preva'lent in the district just now;
melin'bers olf some Of the teaching
staffsand many others have been laid
u IMr. Jlames 1. Johnston, George Sit.,
s confined to his home as a result
of a fail on the slippery sidewalk on
'Thursday evening of lash week.
,Mist Mott of Lanide'slboro spent a
felw days this week with her sister,
Mrs. E. Steven's.
'Mfrs. Weber and daughter Dorothy
of Woodham are guests of Mir. and
Mrs. Sian;. Hiann'a.
Mr, James Scott, Thornton Hall,
underwent a slight 'op'eration this
week on his leg, Which was fractured
in a motor vcciden't a little over a
year ago. Mr. Scout has been able to
assist in the farm work this fall, but
was recently confined to bed again,
'Mrs. L. C. Jlacksion left this week •,
to spend several months with Mr.
and Alfrs. Pangman in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs. Hudson Woodruff of
St, David's returned Tuesday after
spending the week -end with 'Miss
Margaret McMillan, 1 ,41
The St, Th'oma's' Ladies' Guild in
'..end holding a tea on Valentines
Da'y, Feb, loth.
IThe annual meeting :of the Horticul-
tural Society .has been adjourned to
Monday evening at 8 o'clock in the
Carnegie Library.
Mrs. B. Williams of Stratford is
vending the winter with iter 'nether,
Mrs, S. Boyd, and sister, Mrs. H. J.
IM.r. William Duggan is visiting his
daughter, Mrs. Frank Moore, in De-
(The 'Miss'es Edna and Vena- Crozier
spent Sunday afternoon at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Regele,
Miss Vera Crozier hasreturned to
her sdho'ol in Tuckersmith after be-
ing laid up wits the "flu."
Mr. Daniel Regele is still in .a very
poor cohdtbion, :being confined to his
bed most of eh'e ,tame.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E'lligson and Ed-
gar, aisle Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph Thorn -
'taut were vlisiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George 'Leonhardt Sunday
(Miss Annie Kiskner of Waterloo
spent a week at her home in McK'il-
.Mr. Jahn Munn has returned hohn'e
after visiting friends in Fergus, Paras
and Brantford:
Mr. and Mss. John Fairsenvice o'f
Blyth and the letter's sister and hies -
:trend, Mr. and Mrs. Cloakey of Sas-
katchewan, visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Watt Wednesday of
last week.
The January Missionary•and,La dies'
Aid meeting of Burn United Church
Was held Wedmesdlaf a'ftern'oon of
la'sit week alt the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Fairserviee, wiith a very
good attendance. The afternoon was
taken up
the two•
by meetings.
banquet lunch ch was served by the
'hostess, assisted by Mrs. Wm. Ha-
itpt1ton, Mrs Geo. Moon, .,and Most
Geo, McVtttie. '
s Annie M'cT
aggart of Walton
spent the week -end: at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wait. Master Ar-
chie W'alet returned home with her
for a few holidays.
'M'isal Helen McEwing returned
borne Monday after holidaying far a
few days at'the home of Mr. and Mrs,
Norman Lloyd.
We are leased
' to know
P that Miss
Olive Knox who had been ill is ',up
again and getting along .nicely.
(Mrs. James Kernaghan. — Entered
intoresit on Thursday morning, . De-
cember 1'5lth, at the home of her dau-
gltter, Mrs. Albert B. ,Brigham, near
BIyth, widolw Of the late James Ker-
naghan. D'eceased was a daughter of
the late 'Wm. and 'Mrs. Wilson, pio-
neers Of Morris 'Township, where she
was born in 118'515. In later years she
lived in Stratford, Toronto and Bad-
en and the last eleven years ,with her
daughter, Mrs. Brigham. She is also
survived by one •bro'ther, Matthew
Wilson, Vancouver. The funeral on
Saturday afternoon was in charge of
Rev. Geo. Oliver df Sit. Andrew's Nn -
:ted 'Church, B:iybh, interment being
made in 'Blyth cemetery, The pall-
bearers were Htullelet neighbors, Fred
alleobrook, Wim. Broiwn, Nel'slon Lear,
Simon MiVlttie, • Andrew Haggett
and Wesley Beacom.
Clean up the Hen House.
Every henh house s'hrould 'be clean-
ed before putting in the, pullet crop.
A. good 'thorough cleaning consists of
retnovingthe flatter and all poultry
house' fixtures, such s mash ,hoppers,
drinking 'founti:es and the like, then
flu'shiing the walls, ceilinbs, ' dropping
bond's and fl'oo'r, -scraping loose any
dirt that may 'halve a ;tendency to
stick. After the house has been ,thl' r
oughly cleaned it is ready for a coat
of whitewash. This will improve the
appearance of your hen house, make
:t much lighterfor the birds and at
the same biline help 'to kill parasites
and disease germs. ,A common prae-:
Roe is to add a pint of disinfectant to
t gallon of whitewash, Olean, •cam
fortabie quarters for the pallets go a
long way toward increased 'pro'duc
tion'. daring the 'winter months.
Reforest Waste Land.
'Rough land 'that is too 'hiiiiily or
molaky to he easily cultivated red liaise
sandy can ,be used effectively only in
the ro u
P of tfnUber.
(Early settlers cleared the woods
regardless" Of the value of the land
underneath, and mulch of this s'h'ould
'be returned to ,forest, rather -duan be
permitted' to wash or to to produce
scanty crops, The very small 'iin'ves't-
nIen't that is necessary for seedlings,
together with the-'p'lentifuil su'pipity aif
labor naw available, makes this ".an'
ideal time for 'putting hhese abandon-
ed hillsides on a, produ'citive basis.
'The Huron .Pres'byteria'i of the'.Pres-
byterian W.M.S. was held in 'Clin-
ton Tuesday, The 'reports of the var-
ious dfftc'ers and 'com'mittees were re-
ceived and adopted. These items of
business occupied the morning ses-
sibn and 'adijouritlment for 'dinner was
in order,. 'The ladies of the. Ideal so=
c:ety served dinner in the &taxi'
basemeunt, the principle; item of busi-
'iess during the aflternoon •w'as the
election of officers: Mrs, J. C. Greig,
of Sealforth, the president during 1,
e'as the presiding officer. Following
are the o!lifilcers for '193'3: Hon. '-pros„
Mrs. Greig, Sea:forth; president, Miss
J'eckel, Exeter; vice-presidents, Mrs. (Brown. The funeral was private.
{(Rev;)' Lane of Goderich, Mi -s, Mc -'Friends from a distance tv'h'o attended
Donald of Go;derich, Mrs, (Rev,) the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. ` A.
C. E. Denali of Clinton, Mrs. F. Swan, of Mitchell; Mr, Jldhn alQueen
R. Reddittt of •God'eeich,; secretary, of Flint, , M'ich'igan; Mr. George Wal'k-
IMrs. (;Rev.) Rhodes of Exeter; 'treas- er, Hensinll; Mr. and Mac. George
ttrer, Mrs. 'T. Swan S'mtieh of Seaforth; .Wlaltts, of Clinton. The pall'bearers
home helpers' sec., Mrs, Edwards, of were Mr. Wlm. Scott, Mir. C. Taylor,
IJensall; Y.W. auxiliary • sec., Mrs. Mr. C. Armstrong, Mr. W. Haugh
and Messrs. Jahn and ,Scott Davidson.
erment in B'ard's cemetery.
Seaforth' Highlanders
13 DE
' Vit.
8 P.M.
A EUCHRE—Good Prizes. A LUNCH --Good Eats
A DANCE—Good Music
(Buy a Ticket from
any bandsman. Have a good time and help the
Dunlop of Goderich; C. G. I. T. sec.,
'Mts. (Rev.) I. 13. Koine of 'Seaforth,
Mission ,Band, _Mims. M. Reid, Sea -
forth; library and literature, Miss L.
Herrington, Blyth; we1'oo,m-a and wel-
fare, Mrs. H. Arnold, 'Hen's'a'll; supply,
Miss McDonald, Goderich;` Glad Tid-
ings, Mrs. E. L>alws'on, Auburn; life
membership, Miss McFarlane Clinton,.
iSympthy is extended to lir. and
Mrs. Jas. Walker and fancily in the
death of their soft and brother Roy,
who passed away at his home on the
(London 'R'oad on (Saturday, Jan. 7.
Roy had not enjoyed good 'health
,for over !three years, and bore his
suffering ,with 'patience. He leaves 'm'
mourn this loss, his ,parents, two 'bro-'
thers ,James and 'N'orm'an, and ane
sister, 'Mrs. Mary 'Brown. The :fun-
eral, Iwhiich was private, was conduct-
ed by this 'pastor, Rev. W. tBremn'er,
on ;Monday ,afternoon. Interment in
IB'aird's 'cemetery:
Quite a numlber from the vicinity
attended the 'funera'ls of ale. Wm,
(Armstrong, !Sitan'ley, on (Monday, and
Mr. john (Beatty, Varna, on Tuesday.
Mr. Hamad IArmslrong, after .two
weeks' visit 'with relatives in To-
ronto, returned theme last 'week. He
was .
by his brother
!Miss Mary 'Mlcalaugh'ton, 'teacher
hf No. 3Tuckersmith, ,was ,confined`
tor bed bed 'two weeks with the flu:
school re -Opens on ilibm'day,
Mrs. .Chas. IEihber of Zurich 'visited
her niece, Mrs. 'Jarvis Horton, last
Electric lights are b'ein'g •installed
in Ibh ;church here.
• Miss Helen :Munro has returned
from ;London,
The regular 'monthly 'meeting off
IBrncefield United 'Church Women's
\A'ssociabion was 'held on iWed'nesday
of 'last :wee'k at the 'home of 'Mrs.
'Wellin'gto'n Elliott.
'There passed away in Tuc'kerstnith
on Jan. 7th, Mr. Roy Walker, young-
est son of Mr. and Mrs. James Walk-
er. Roy had been i11 for the past :three
years. He bore his illness wi'bh Ohris-
tian resignation and withal.* a com-
plaint. ' He was a member of Bruce -
field United C'h'urch, His pastor, the
Rev, W. A. Bremner, conducted the
funeral service on Monday, Jan. 4th,
taking for his text, Rom. 8-18 "For I
reckon that .the sufferings of this pres-
ent time are not worthy ,to be compar-
ed with the glbry that is to be reveal-
ed" The symipaltlhy of the entire coin-
.munilty is exltended to his parents and
friends. He is survived by his par-
Buy where your
dollar buys most
Five Lillies Flour ...,$2.40 cwt,
'Prairie 'Rose Flour .$2.00 cwt,
(Pat -a -Pan Pastry....24 lbs. 45c
(White Sugar, '18 lbs for....$1.00
Good Tea 39c lb,
Good Coffee....... .... . 35c ib.
Pure kettle rendered Lard..
O 2 lb's, 20c
Old Cheese
15c ib.
B'read .. ...... ....... 6c loaf
A box of royal yeast cakes will
'be given away free with every
cwt. of .Flour for a limited time,
'Eggs delivered to store bought
at 2c doz. more than market
price for trade, and lie doz. more • i
'for 'cash.
M. E. Clarke
airs. 'James 'M'dFariane of 'Goderich
township is spending 'a couple . of
weeks with her mother, Mrs, George
Miss Phoebe Wakefield is in Clin-
ton a
tesenit r
visiting sitfn
g at the home of
Ma. and MIs. Adam .'Glazier.
;Mr. Milton Moore of 'Toronto is vis-
iting relatives in the .vicinity.
Mr. and d M
Mann fan-
ily, near 'Clinton, spent Sunday at the
hone Of Mrs, George Riley.
iMr. aivd Mrs, Adam Glazier and
sons visited at the'honte of Mrs. Thos, li
Pollard on Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley spent
Bunday-with relatives in ;Clinton.
The W.A. Of Constance United.
Church held their December meeting
in the church. at being a work meet-
ing .no ,programme was.necess'ary, The
ladies 'held their Novenvber ;meeting in
the churdh, I't 'was their annual meet-
ing and the following members were
appointed: 'P•resid.ent, Mrs, Jas.' H'ug-
ill; vice president, Mrs. R. (Rogerson;
end vice, MMIrs. W. Britton; secretary,
'A'irs. E. Adahns; press sec., Mrs, 5.
Riley; treasurer, Mrs. E, ,Lawson; or-
ganist, Mrs. 'F. ;Riley and Mrs. J. Fer-
guson; work committee, Mrs. J. Dale,
Mrs. IW. Knbx,'Mrs. A. Dex'ter.
Death of William Erratt Mc'Linch-
ey.-A deep ghooun was cast over our
community when it was learned on..
(Saturday mo'rn'ing of the sudden d'e'ath
o'f William Erratt MdLin!chey. He had
head an attack of the flu, but was go-
ing around as ulsual till Wednesday,.
when he was stricken with severe
enlbs, tw'o brdth'ers and one sister, 'Pain in his head, The'Dr. w'aa called,
Jlames and Nbrnnan and Mrs. Mfiairy land, he seemed to get relief and his
!friends thought he was 'in a fair way
to, recovery, but he gradually grew „!
:worse again till the end came. He
was the el'des't son cif Mr. and Mrs.
Root. McLinchey and was 27 years
df age. He was of a very genial and
lovable ,dispo!si,bion and with his'.
'cheery smile and his kindy and sole
i'alb'le ways he won a place in the
hearts of the people and made tor
'himself a host cif friends. This fact,
was very evident, by the large num-.
Iber of people who came on Sunday
anal Monday to pay a tribute of re-
pest to the memory of the departed
anti. to express their sympathy with
the bereaved family. Beside the fath-
er and mdther. two brothers survive,
Prank and Bruce, al,so. Miss Mabel
.Calver, and to them is extended the
sympathy elf the community, espec-
d;a'41'y to the mother who at present
Let us protect you anywhere in
, Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
;load' off your mind and at
Non TariffR ates
It's worth your while to sec us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
'you cannot afford
to take
•A11 claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid,
Phone, wr'+- or call—Night and
Day Service •
Phone 152
A. ILA'ex-reeves an_
REAL: '' n'omemE+, CONVEY:
Office over Keating's Drug Store
At the inaugural meeting of the uiu-
nicip'al c'ounicil of the Township •of
!Hallett, held on Monday, John Fing-
land, 'having tendered his resignation
as clerk and treasurer of the mtuticip ,s in very poor health. The funeral •
ality, was presented with a cane and 'service, which was :held on Monday,a' suitably,word'ed'ad'dress from the of- 'w!"conducted by his pastor, Rev. E.
Ificers, ex -reeves and members of
,'thee A' You'Iter, who gave a very helpful
and encouraging'sage from Pisa. 'i
council. The address was signed by
IReeve James ,Leiper. Mr
s. Fingland
was presented e with a cos r '
p se ole.. Mi i r
!Finglutd is rel'inq'uishing his duties
due to indifferent ' health, eater 17
years' service to the naunicipality, The
council, in ex,pr'eesiin'g appreciatiion of
his effiicienit services, eupresised the
hope that he would soon be restored
to health so tlbat''he m'igh't again bake
part in the work .n which hie had been
,;ntSY;s q
so initcrested. , .
3 I. Mr. Geo,ullter
Po son avoile,
'i- .
Face' to Fac Tn'tle it
N ,
Face," r t en ;ii made rade
in Bayfield cemetery. '-I
y cry The"'.iall bearers
'were, six cousins Wmq:' A,rmistrou'g,
IRolbit. Armstrong, Jlo'h'n Armstrong,
AGiuchey; Erratt
and ' Wm. R. Stoi!henson. Among
thiose .who attended. the funeral from
a dis'tan'ce were Mr. and M'rs, J. Col
has and Mrs. J. Bryan of London;
Mr. Elisworlth Bera'bt, Gordon,. Al -
bent and W'illi'e MdL'inchey df Au- i
.burn; Mrs. Rob$ M'dLinchey Albert
;Rimer and Miss Millie MlciLinohe
loo ISteL lien' T' ! r• y
Q p , Ms. John .Rend of
Seaforth and ali'r. and -Mrs, T. B'e:tles
Want and For Salle Ads. 1 time, 950, c,t Winthrop.