HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-01-12, Page 1Jf BAte'rbritgo htweaad ginolgenn wbnog',f lif Arid to. do God's will :with a ready 'heart,, And hands 'thlalt are pronrpit and 'willing, %rt HURON COUNTY'S LEADING 1e NEW S PAPER Than to snlap',,the delicate, minuite thnreads Of our curious lives asunder, And then blame heaven for the • tangled ends, , And sit, and grieve, and wander. WHOLE SIERIIES, VOL. 55,E No. 2. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1933, Phone 84. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OU l..O 1 MADE SPECIALTIES Prides Reaseytable nie 3t1ymp ia Confectionery wind Restaurant ,.._.ter..-..... Young's Jelly Powders YOUNG'S JELLY POW- 25c OW-2C7c ,DERS, 4 One week only. MIANY FLOWERS TOILET SOAP, 5 for ........ . . 25c LILY 'TO'IL'ET (SOAP, reg. '1gd 5 for 25c FAIRBANKS LAUNDRY, 8 for 25c GOLDEN SWEET CORN 5 for 25c ISHIRRDFF'S MARMALADE 4 lbs. 65c 1RIME POINT MAIRIVIALADE 'punt 18c 3 SH'PR'R'LFFIS JELLY POWDERS with five pencils25c ROMAN MEAL BIBOUTT, ,pkg 10c 'GALVANIZED TUBS, reg. 50e for 25c llutchison's PHONE 166 Yr! COAL 1)ALITYSERVICE cP,li♦ONE OX 43 RECOVERING BROM ACCIDENT Mrs. G. W. Nott of the Huron: road wrest, who is in Clinton hospital with injuries to ' her balck ,as the result of a recent motor accident, is reported do- ing as well as can be expected. The injuries are not as serious as at first thought, ,but there ' are two broken ,venteibrae, wlhiiclh will require a couple 'af months in a ,plaster .cash., Strained ligamenIts of ,the neck from a heavy blow at the back of the :head, cause the in'juries to be quite painful, but :her many friend's trust that her suffer- ing m'ay be lightened by .c'ontinue'd im- lproivemeniit,` !The accidenthappened ,about 5.30 en the morn'in'g of December 30lth• ori a slight grade just ,out o'f Rackton, near Toronto.. They were on their way to the city and had encountered no ice until reaching the;. spot where bh;e accident occurred. 'Their car ankl trai,lerswung around and almost nom - 'gladly off the shoulder of the road. Mone of . the o'ccupants were injured until a fevr moments later ,a big truck ski'd'ded an the ice just as - they had 'done. The truic'lc crashed intotheir car, in'ju'ring Mrs. Nott who ws rend- ered un'consciou's for several m'inu'tes, She was immediately removed from the oar, and 'fortunately so, for it was not 'long ;before a sec'ond truck skidded and struck their car, badly wrecking it. While standing near the car Mr. JNott was knocked ower by the skid- ding truck, butt escralped muclh, injury and is able to be around as Usual. Mr. N'ote's car was insured and has been (brought to Clinton for repairs. BUSINESS GOOD. Prof. Loadstone, the fortune teller, found business good M Se'aflortih on 1Saturd'ay, ;but reported things dullin his line at Mitchell the previous'dray. CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church, -pastor Rev. W. P...Lane, B.A. !Sunday; Jan. '1i51th, 1111 a,m.—(Pathic Worship. Subject, "Andrew," S'ec'ond in series on the Apostle s. 2.30 p.m.—Sunday &dho'ol and Bible Classes. P p.m.-1Pub'li•c worship. Subject: (Sone Further Principles Emphasized in the Oxford Group Movement„ Song service 7=7.1115. EG1VIIO1NDVIILLE CHURCH • (Reverend Charles li"alcolm January 11!5, PI' a.m. My Creed ,(1) 'I Believe it God." 7 p.m. --Stories from 'the Life !Saud of Tarsus. (2) "A Failure at ,For- ty„ ST. THOMAS' CHURCH. (Sunday, J'an. 115th. second Sunday after Epiphany. Morning service, 111 o'clock; sermon topic, "The Child- hood of Christ." 3 o'clock, Sunday school and Bible class. Evening serv- ice 7 o'clock; sermon bo!pic, " "The Light of the World." The annual meeting of the congre- gation will be held on Monday even- ing next, January I)6th, at 8 o'clock, in: the pari's'h hall. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The annual me'eting of the Sea- fanbh Agricultural Society will be held in the Carnegie Library hall on Friday afternoon of this week at 2 p.nr. A good attendance is requested. ST. JAMES' ARTS CLUB IS't, James' Arts Club held its regu- lar`meeting in the Parish Hall on Fri- day . evening, Jan. • 6th. The •guest slpea'ker was Miss Marlon Bell, of the ISeaforth Collegiate Institute staff, who reviewed, in a most interesting man- ner, her recent tour through the B'ri- tislh Isles, Fiance and 'Switzerland.` At the conclusion of she talk the presi- dent, Mr. Leo Hagan, expressed the appreciation felt by the members for Miss .Bal'l's courtesy. ,Follotwing the re- cre'ation,,the meeting adjourned. • WOMAN'S 'AUXILIIAIRY The monthly meeting of the Wom- an's Auxiliary of 'St. Thomas %Anglican IChundh was -held at the rectory on Tiuesd'ay afternoon: Mrs. E. Aplp'leyard presided. Following th'e singing of a hylmn, Psalm 11415 was read by the (President and (p'rlayer was offered. The minutes of the annual meeting held hi (December ,were read by the Secretary, Mrs. E. C. Boswell. Plans were made toward preparing the Indian boy's outfit, wthich, the Auxiliary supplies. Following the close of the .meeting a social time and tea were enjoyed, 33RD ANNUAL AIT-HrO'ME ITlhe President and Officers of the (Huron Old Boys' Association of 'To- ronto an'n'ounce the thirty-third an- nual At-'Harme to beheld at the Ar- cadian 'count, Robert ,Simpson . !Com- pany, Bay Street,' Toronto, on Fri- day even'in'g, February 3rd, g;;8 o'- clock. Gentlemen's tickets '$1.13'5 and war tax. Ladies' tickets, 90 cents and war tax. Refreshments, orch'estra, dancing (old time and new), euchre, bridge. L. M. Pringle, President; D. ID. Wilson, Tre'asu'rer; E. - Ff:oody, (S'e'cretary (phone LA. 32716). RED 'CROSS. IThe executive : of the .local Red Cross 'Soc'ielty are asking for volunteer; knitters of socks. We have a sup'p'ly of yarn and needles, also flannelette cut ready to be made up for infants, 'The solciet'y, would '.appreciate dona- tions of 'cash. Also new me'nnlbers, the fee is $1.00 per year. Material. can be secured at the. home o'f the 'President and donations of car",h%„ante�rd fee's paid to the See'y=Treasurer, The., Canadian Red Cross Society halve spient aboult $150,000 tfor un'employlmen't.,. ,Sec'y- Treas., Mrs. A. D. Sutherland, High Street; President, ' Mrs. '• H. J. Gibson, High, )"si, e dnf.. RE'LIIEF To prevent imposition the citi- zens are requested to direct all transients or others to the Town Hall where food and lodging will be provided. A relief committee to act with the Council will be formed on . Thursday evening, which will take care of all cases requiring assistance, A. D. SUTHERLAND, Mayor. TOWN COUNCIL Tlee 1935 Cdtuvcil'met in thtrCoun cil Chamber on Monday morning, Jan, d,lth; and adjourned till evening. IThe majority report of the striking committee was adopted as follows: (Street-{Sanith, ,Scott, Beattie, (Finance—Scott, Ferguson, 'Pndpenty--(Beattie, S'avau'ge, Sproat. (Fire and Water--IC'rosier, •Sproat, .Ferguson, • 1Re3ief-1Mayor, Crosier, 'Slavau'ge, (Court of R'ev'ision—Mayar, Reeve, Crosier, Scott, Beattie. • —J. W. ;Beattie, ,Rab't. Smith. Minority report of 'Striking 'Com- mittee' made by Mayor Sutherland — Minority report same as Majority •re port save and except that Mr. Crosier be Chairman of Street ,Co'm'mittee and M'r. Smith be Chairman of Fire & Water Committee: 'Beattie -Sproat, that the report of the finance committee be adopted as read: I7as. V. Ryan, $67; Jab. A. Wilson, $70; H. 'Snell, $60; Thos. Storey, $60; Municipal World, ':..114; N. Cliff & Sian $1.60; Northern Electric CO, $3:90; jos. A. Storey, $5:70; Can. Nat. Rys., crossing pro., $3.213; Bell Tel. Co,, $303; Thos. Dickson, $2; F. T. Shewfelt, 715'c; 'Rose J. 'Sproat, $8.84; 'Geo. A, Sills & Sans, $140; E. J: Hayton, scale inspection, $10.50; , R. Frost & Son, $7.314; Cyril S. Reynolds, $6.40; John Currie, $7.159; Ed. Alden, $8; Wm. Venus, 501c; ,H• W'il'bee $4,318; 1W, R. Smith, $2.45; J. M. Cards o, $3.30; J. J. Cleary, $1.48; Oheoros Bros. & Jarnes, $2.70; W. A. Crich $2; H. Snell 80c; Jos. (Storey $9!115; (Grant Fraser, D•IR,IO., $3150; J. A. Kerr $3.150; Alex, Muir, D!R,O., $33!50; Thos. Johnston,- poll clerk, $3; J. A. Westcott, poll clerk $3;; H. W'ilbee, poll clerk, $3; A. W. Dunlop, polling booth, $4. Scott - (Ferguson, thtat the Relief Committee of the Town Connell 'take action with other organizations in town to .form a central relief organiza- tion. Beattie-lS'proat,—That this council go into a committee of the whole with 'the Mayor in 'the chair, to dislcttss the appointing of town offi'c'ers and their salaries, Carried. Sy -Law No. 348 for 1933 appoint the various officials for 1935 was read and ad'o'pted. 1. J A. Wi'ls'on, Clerk, salary $5170 per -annum, 2. J, A. Wil- son 'Treasurer, salary $270. per annum. 3. W. Hartry, Assessor, salary $100. 4. Jno. MdKenzie, Fire Brigade Chief, salary $75 per annum, 5. Thos. Storey, (S'c'avenger, $60. per month. 6, 7, 8, 17. Jas. V. Ryan .be Chief Constable, sal- ary $60. pier m'on'th; also Sanitary In- spector, Noxious 'Weeds and' !Fruit Tree In'speictor; ,Collector of Dog, Poll and Taxes unpaid into bank on Col- lector's Roll; attends furnace at Pub- lic Library; Janitor at • 'Town Hall, and in cIsarge of Stree't's and any oth- er work Council may decide. 9. R. G. Parke, Member of Board of Health. 1110. Samuel Hanna, Dir. arbuter and Mr. Morrison, Fence ewers, 111. H. Snell, Assistant Con- ble, salary $60 per mon't'h, 12. E, Chamberlain, member of Public brary Board. 13. A. F. Cluff, mem- r of Collegiate Insti'tute Board. -14. Hays & Meir, Solicitor. 115. Thos. orey, .Poundlkeeper. 16. Merton Reid d JnoI M'acT!avish, Au'd'itors, sal - y.. $25. 18..1S. W. Archibald, Engin- r. i» Beattie;Slavauge.-That the time o'f s meeting be extended. Carried. Ferguson-Seatt—(T'ha't report of mmittee of whole be adopted as d. IOarnied. Beattie -IS tett. —That the 'Clerk be ebonize& to ask for tenders for ow ploughing and street work done team's. !Carried. Smith -Crosier: Th'at the recant- ndtati'an 'passedak meeting of rate - yens re teachers' salaries be •passed to both Board's, Carriedsort-lCrosier:—Thalt 'thio .meeting ourn to ,meet at the call of the yor. ,Carried. H• Vi sea C. lUi S@• an' ar Leetf co res ail sn b'y I me pa, on adj m'a HOCKEY. The Junior Farmers Will continence Ibheir hockey schedule on Saturday night, Jan. 114th. Schedule will re- rnlainas drawn up,I Winthrop vs. Eg- mlomdville 7:10. St. Oolumiban vs. Tu'ckers'mlith, F. D. HUT'CHOESOON IOn Friday morning, J'anua'ry there passed away at his home Fos IDeCourcey Hutchison, following stroke of paralysis. N'e'arly a week. fore his death Mr. Hutchison atrjcicen, being a recurrence of his nes',s of several years ago. His con tion hadso mach improved that'll mepr(be}•s of the family hlad left Wednesday, only to be recalled same day, and on Friday morn abouteighto'clockhis demise ossa wiaS, ,Pd4 Tie,tn, his.. 'a th.,J:ea3,..and . barn in Clarke township and lit came with his parents to Hi'b'bert. Hutchison received his education Mitchelland Seaforth 'Calle'gialte I s'titttte and Toron'to' Normal Schoo He taught for some years in Hibbe and Hullebt t'o'wnships and afterwar Gwent into business in 'Staffa. In 1+8 .he was married to Miss Jennie Bab of 14itc'Ine'id: After spending Owen years in Staffa, Mr. Hu'tc'hbson reside in Mibc!hell for three years, coming 15e'aforth in 1921, where he has sin 'cond'uc'ted a successful grocery 'bte ness, He was a -valued member Northside United Church and . a fo member ,of the Board; also a' fo mer member of ,Seaforth town coune Mr. Hutcth'bson was an e:,cepti'onall well-read, man and' was a keen studen until his death. As anelocutionist was frequently so'ugh't to- entertain public gatherings. iSurvivimg_are his widow and thee of a family: F. Lorne Hutchison, Tor onto; Dorothy Given Hutchison, S Catharines, and George Gordon Hut oh'is'on, London, also two sisters, 'Mr Richard Honey, St. Catharines, an Mks. I. D. Price, Aylmer. The funeral took place on Monde from North Side (United Church, inte ment being made in the Maitlandban cemetery. A private service was heli first at the family residence conducte by Rev. W. R. Lane, at which Rev, Dr Harold Young .of Toronto, pastor o F. Lorne' Hutchison, gave a highly ap preci'ative address. There was a larg ,attetrdlance.:at the church, the buslnes planes of Seal:nth 'being closed to pa a lett tribute of respect to the mentor of the deceased, Prayer was offered b Rev! Dr, Young, after which the pas tor,' Rey. W. P. Lane, paid a grace'fe tribute td the late Mr. Hutchison, tak ing for the basis of his remarks A'c't 113.36, and "David, after he had served his own generation, by the will of God fell on sleep,” referring to the service he had rendered in the home, ohureh and community and his upright •busi- ness.rel.ations. The pallbearers wereMR.;W. H. Golding, M.; C. A. Rout- ledge, R. E. Bnigiht, William Morrison, G. G. Wilson and R. Sadler, Staffa, Plower bearers were F. J. Kerslake, !Neil Gillespie, C H. Holland, J. R. Scott, W. R. Smith, J. Finlayson, F. IHamburn,'W. Black, J. W. Beattie, J. C. Laing anti W. Hartry. Relatives 'were present from Toronlbo, Sit. 'Cath- arines, London, Woodstock, Stratford, Mitchell, Kitchener, Listowel, Aylmer, Hamilton, Londesboro, Exeter and ;Staffa. 6th, ter a be - was ill- di - he: by the ing rr-, wres., er A ir; at 11- 1.rt ds 98 ty end to ce s of or- i - i' 1. y ah e t. s. d y r k' d d e y y y 1 s. CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUE The regular monthly meeting of the CJWIL. was held in the Parish Hall. Mrs, Jas. Devereaux, the President, occupied the chair. Reports were read by the Secretary and Treasurer. Rev- erend Fa't'her Goetz gave a very int- eresting talk on the work of the Lea- gue,aud told of the distress in W'es(t- ern Province's, encouraging help- for those Missi'o'ns. Plans for future activ- ities were d ecussed. It was decided to hold a bridge and euchre during this month and a supper on the Seven- teenth o'f March. CHANCEL GUILD The Ohancel Guild of Slt, Thomas' A'ngli'can. Church held t'h'eir annual meeting at the h'o'me of the president, Miss Clara 'Pinkney, on Tuesday ev- etiing,'Jlan.:101th. Rev. Canon Apple - yard olpen'ed the meeting with prayer. Tihe'tre'asurer's report sh'ow'ed a suc- 'cess'ful year. After Other business had been discussed ,'Canon ,Alp'p.leyard took :the chair to conduit the election of offi'ce'rs: Honorary Presidents, Miss (Emily Cres'sIwel1 and 'Miss. Guerra 1B•rawn; president, Miss Clara Pink- ney; list vice president, Miss L. Free- man; 2nd vice president; Mrs• Casson; secretary, Miss Grace Petfhifok; treas- urer; Miss. A. Smith. Work 'was plan- ned for the year. 'Lantern slides of the Cathedrals of Englan'd will be shown an Tuesday evening, January 24th, under the auspices of this organiza- •bion'.in+the parish hall, Admission sil- ver .collection; .E+v'erylbb'dy wellconne. Alt the cl'os'e'otf the meeting a dainty hftadh was : served, (30 INTRODUCING COMMUNITY C µINA. IN THE Aar -idle 2esegn By the Makers of COMMUNITY PLATE • Complete Dinner Services [Open Stock Pattern] The newest contribution to the smart table ensemble is China to harmonize with Silverware. We are now showing dinner services in Community China of an exquisite fineness, decorated in silver with the truly distinguished Deauville Design of Community Plate. We invite your inspection. Fred. S. Sausage JEWELER AND OPTICIAN 200 1'1OUING PEOPLES LEAGUE, !The regular meeting of the Young People's League of North Side United Church was held on Tuesday evening, January 10th with Mr, A. Westcort in. charge. The 'meeting opened by sing- ing several C,IG.'IJT; songs led by Miss Mary Reid. After singing " hymn 235 Mirs. Lane led in prayer. The Scrip- ture lesson was taken by M'is's Helen Somerville. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the assistant secretary, Miss Hell'yer. The main feature of the evening was the elec- tion of officers under the direction of Rev. Mr. Lane. The following com- prises the new ex'ecu'tive committee for 19313: P'residen't, Mr. Sam S'co'tt; devotional vice president, Mrs Keith Webster; missionary vice president, Miss Ruth Thompson; citizenship .vice president, Mr. Jack Stevens; social vice president, Miss Mary Reid; secre- tary, Miss Winnie Sa'venge; assistant seoretaey, Miss Vera Mole; treasurer, Miss Dorene Hudson; pianist, Miss Helen Lane; ass'istant ,pianist, Miss Helen Bki't'ton; (press secretary, Miss (Laura 'Mole; assistant press secretary, Miss 'Leona Box; auditors, Mr. Wes- cott and Mr, Keith 'Webster. After singing hymn 11713 and repeating the lvflispa'h benediction the evening was brought to a clo'se by a social half hour MRS. JACOB W. BURGARD ;Luny Ellen Flannery, wife of Jacob W. Burgard, Grange. street, 'Stratford, (where, he had resided for the past 13 years, died in the Queen Alexandra Sanatorium at Byron on •Monday after an illness olf .several ,months, Born near Brussels, 413 years ago, she had spent her earlier years there and later lived for a time on the Huron Road and in Seaforth and Mitchell. Twenty -'sax years ago she was married in ISealfo'rth to Jacob Burgard, who survives with three sons and three daughters. The son's are Ferdinand, Mervin and Jack, and the daughters Mrs. George Young, Irene and Betty. Six brothers, William ' Flannery, Prtrick Flannery and Jolhn „Flannery, of S'eaforth; James' .Flannery, off Detroit; Dlanie'l in'S'ask atchewan and Terrance of the Huron road also survive, along with two sis- ters, Mrs.. M'argare't Meagher, Duibl'n, and Mrs. Mary Hughes, Seiatfonth. Re- quiem Maisie was sung at the I'mmacu- tar's care, late 'Conception Ohunch, Stratford on I'Olerke; Non-ISudh, Beebe; A Flagon of Beauty, MacDonald; A P'rincess in Exile, Marie; • Exploring with Beebe, Beebe; 'Titans of Literature, R'oscbe; Men Against 'Death, De Kruif; Peasant Costumes in Europe, Mann; Modern Needlecraft, Minter; Afloat and Might in the Caribbean, Freeman; Back to Prosperity, Lea- cock; (Signals from the Stars, Hale; • Soviet Scene, Griffin; Footloose • in India,' Sinclair; Great Feats of Mod- ern Engineering, ;F'laxman. Adult Non-Fiction—Canadian Land- scape Painters, Robson;' -Decorative Ant, Holme; Etiquette in Canada, Pringle; The Riddle of :Science, !Thomson; Undiscovered' Europe, Pavell. juvenile Anne of the Island, Montgomery; Emily of New Moon, Montgomery; Winks, Cothell; Pixie, ;Phillips; The Little House in Green, Valley, H'un.t; Ragamuffin Marion- ettes, Warner; Jungle Pets, John- son; Rouglhy, Johnson; Ch'ristma's •Tree in the 'W'ood's; Canadian Neigh- bors, Amass; Storey of Money, Car - iter; Black on White, I'1'in; ,Strange Adventures of Captain M'arwhapp'le, )Fylem'an; Skate Glendale, - Barbair; (Romance of !Ontario, Middleton; Three Girls in la Oar, Middleton. ;Fiction — Grey Mervyn, Barclay; Flowering Wildernes's, Galswonthy; Good • Earth, Buok; Hurdy Gurdy, Houston; Tree Haven, Norris, .Sin- ners Beware, Oppenheim. POISTIPO.NEdD MEETING 'The Junior Woanen's Institute Jau- u'anymeeting has been postponed one week to Wednesday, January 1186h. The meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Th'om'as Weibs'ter. STAFFA. Miss Jean Smlale spent the week end with Widlowgrove' friends, Mr. and Mrs. Horace $Hillery of Ha - Milton are visiting with reltabilve's. Mr. and (Mrs. H. Fletcher and .family of Lam'be'th visited with the _1'acly',s 'parentsover the week end. IMr, Harvey Hfamtlbiey is confined to the h'ouse- with :the cold. ,Mr. . and Mrs. Lloyd! Elliott spent !Saturday ,wroth Mr. and Mrs. S. Rob- ertson o'f Atwood. Mrs. Otto Walker is the dos - Wednesday morning. NEW BOOKS. (New books at the Public Li- brary 5 ibraryi INon;Fietion--)Forty Years for La- brador, Grenfell; Im 'S'earc'h of 'Wales, Morten; 'Seeing South Americo, Far- is; Footloose in ,British Isles, Franck; Far Places, -Be11 Quotable- Poem's; under BORN. CO,LLY'EjR—•In Scott M'embriai Hos- pital, on Friday, January 6, 19313, to Dr. and Mrs. G. 'R Cbl'lyer, Hens'a'll, a son. DIED. IWIA(LIl�I1�R,-0•n th'e London road,: Tulckerarnitih, on January 7th, 1933, (Roy.McQueen Walker, in his ?8th • year..