HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1933-01-05, Page 1To every main .there dpeneth A way, and` ways and a way. And the high soul climbs the highway And the low soul gropes • the 'lionv; 'And in botlween on the misty flats WHOLE SFRI'ES, MOIL 55, No, 1 tit ? ? ? WHERE WILL YOU BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS DANDIES These are our prices: Christmas Mixture...... 10c lb. Satin. Mixture .. 25c lb French Cream ..2 lbs. for 35c Caramels and Chocolates .Mixed.,........... 25c lb. Fancy Boxes from Z5c Canes from 2 for Sc Phone 26, ia : Confectionery and Restaurant HURON afortCOUNTY'S ,LEADING NEW.SPAPER srm SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1933. Nappy New Year Aft A'LMOND'S & WIAIJNUTS,— p,er lb 40c CANDIED CHERRIES at • 40c and 60c lb. CANDIED PINEAPPLE- per lb. 60c RAISINS, Seedless 13'c; Seeded 1Sc; 'Lexias 10c, largest and finest Valenoias 18c. Bleached Sul- tanas 18c. JELLI;ES.=Young's 3 for 25c, Shir- riff's Luscious, , 3 for 215c; De ILuxe 6 for 25c. BAKING MOLASSES in bulk 6c lb. Baking Syrup 10c lb •NiPC'ED NU,T.S. All new, walnuts; al- monds, filberts and Brazils, in • Aqual quantities (no peanuts) per lb' 16c SHELLED PEANUTS .. 2_ lbs25c, COON, l's per can Sc LELYIS SOAP, large cake, pink, yel- low and mottled, very papular at 10c. S'peci'al, per cake ......5c GREAT STAR FLOUR. Made from Western wheat, tlye most .popular flour we've had, per cwt. ..$2.05 F. D. HUTCHISON • PHONE 166 COAL UALITY sE IC Q RSI E t;• L. BOX ,r43 pF1oiV€x< E• BRUCEFIELD. Visiitors at the :home Of Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Walker, Bmucefiel'd, on Saturday last were; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. IWallnce (five daughters, May, Marion, Jessie, Grace and Ruth; .two sans, Donald and 'Douglas, all of the vicinity of'Sea'forth; Mr. ;Russell Wal- lace, Egmondville; .Mr. William Col- well, B'rugAe'ld; and ',Mr.. 10eiville (Blake df 'Colborne tdwn'ah'1p, who came for Mrs. Blake ansd daughter Bernice who had spent the past week visiting .with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alex. 'Wallace and s'is'ter, Mrs. Niorm'an Walker, and .also ,m'an'y ftiends. ?Mr. John Keleher, off Drayton .spent the week end' with friends in the village and vici'ni'ty. 'Miss Annie 'Mustard Of ,London 'was with her mother an .New Year's Mr. Wilson Berry' of Saskatoon is ;with his p'aren'ts, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, ,Berry at present, IiVlrs. Hastings and family (former- ly 'M'iss Margaret Ross) returned to her home near Wingh'a'm this week ,af- ter spending the past week with her mother, Mrs. Jlanlet Ross. Much .sym- pathy is expressed for Mrs. H'as'tings by, her .expressed friends in the great 'loss they sustained recentlyin having their house ,burned down with nearly Nl1 .the contents and also $715 of '(Meir tax money, A kitchen slhawer was given thy the ladies • of the village to, Mrs. Hastings at the ii'o!me of Mrs, john 'Grainger ;vast Friday evening : whe•n. many useful .gifts were donated. Mrs. 'Hastings assured thee' ladies haw mach she appreciated their' gifts. CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church.—Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, BA. ISumdy, Jan, 8'th. 1151 a.m Public Wbrslhip. Subject — Better. First in series on the Apostl'e.s. 2:130 p.m., 'Sunday S'cho'ol and Bible ICias'ses. 7 p.m., Public' Worship. Our ,At- titude Toward the New, No. 6: The Oxford Group Movem'en't (dont.).. Singing of "'Old Favorites." 7-7 A'S. MIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IRev. James Melliroy will occupy the !pulpit on Sunday next. EGMIOND'VILLE CHURCH !Reverend 'Ch'arles Maiool•m.—+Janu- ary 8, I!1 am.: Which is our relation- ship to God? Strangers, Spongers, Slaves,, Servants or Sons. 7 p.m.— }Stories .m:}Srtories from the life of Saul of Tar- sus. (1) The boy, his apprenticeship and his ,books. ST. THONPAS' CHURCH. !Sunday, Jan. 8th. Services for "The First Sunday alter Epiphiany." 11 o'clock, morning prayer; ser- mon topic, "The Stars Of Our Life." 3 o'clock, Sun'd'ay Sch'o'ol(. .17 o'dIock,= evening prayer; sermon topic, "Con'tnaslts in Character. —Ca- non E. Alpplleyatd, Rector. WINS SC'T31OLARSHIP ,At the commencement exercises of the vocational school of Owen Sound, William Moull, a former ,Seafotth"hay, received the Doherty .scholarship, with a value of $50' for his work in the third year at the'Collegiafte. JUNIOR W. I. The Junior 'Women's Institute will hold their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday; January nth, at '2,30 at the 'ho'me of Mrs. 'I1hos. ;Webster, Tuckersmith. The roll call will be a charac'teris'tic of goad sport. Mrs. Webster will give a demonstration on hooking rugs. Everybody welcome. A NEW YEAR'S .MESSAGE Editor Seafortlh News, (Wild you please allow me spade in your s'ple'ndid paper to ,present to you, your readers and ev'ery'body, a Happy New Year; also a New Year's mes- sg'e. As ,we face 1933, we ought to'do so with a right valuation of human life, and with a due sense Of our'rela- ti'on'shp to our fellow men. Christ has shed much 'light on our pat'h'way' in this era. A ma'n iwlhlo Ito,d'ay heaps up. riches and valunes material securities more than human souls is living the life of .a pharisee and ,must be told so. iSurei'y (the day ought to. be 'pa's't when Dives can sit feasting in his ma'nsion cruelly ind'ifferen't to a Lazarus lying ,hungry at his gate and full of 's'ores. The Prince Of Wales uttered. a big human sent'en'ce :the ot'her dray in B'ir- minglh'alm while addressing a bi,g, meeting when he said "We .must make our brothers, the unemployed, 'feel they are not ca's'taways." I't is a sign ` pi the times when this utterance was ap- plauded for some seconds. What the workless hungry cry for most as they enter another year that looks as dark MAYOR -ELECT OF SEAFOIRIYH A. D. SUTIHIERLAN'D HURON COUNTY COUNCIL, 1933 s 016field••-!Meedock Matheson and Richard JoIhns'ton, IB1y1tlh•--IG;eorge iMccNlall. ]Brussels—IR. J. Bowman. Colborne—Albert (Goldthorpe. Clinton—George 'H, Elli'a'tt. Exeter -1B. M. Francis. 1Goderioh To'vvn—Jidhn W. 'Oraigie, J. J. Moser, •Gadenidh (Twp,--Wdpmat Haacke. Grey 'Tp.. -(John McNabb, M. 3d. Hemingway. 1Hay—IA4lfred Melidk, !H•emsall—]W'illiam C'onsilt. Howielc J: IW. Gamble, L. Denier - ling. IH•u'llett--James 'Leiper. Morris-iL. E. Cardiff. IMVdK'illop.-lj, M. Eckert. 1Staniey—IVV'illiam Douglas. ISeaforth!--IR'obert Smith (Stephen -IW. IW., Switzer, H. C. St avers. Tu'ckersmith—IWm. Archibald. ITurnherry'+-(Isaac Wright. IUs'b!orne—James Ballantyne. Wingham--IJ. W. MelKi'b'bon Wawanoslh 'Stuart lWanvaaos'h. East -2. W. Scott, ,MUNIOZPAL RESULTS .Seaforth (For Mayor- -- 11.2 13-4- 15,6.Ttt'1 Daly '1411 189 77 '307 Sutherland '11115 129 11,40 '384 (For ]Reeve— (Grieve . , 911' 1108 111118 31117 iStnith 1158 103' 82. '343 For Council --I Beattie ... ..:,11128 84 78 290 Cr1120 115(6' 716 j129 92 431J88 (Crosier ilSfl 9 (Daleich 76 65 86 027 Eberhart 944 ,1011 ,93' . 2'88 Ferguson 1160 1106 11115 674 Hudson 1100 86 192 268 lS•av'auge ...•..... 11132 172 97 301. IS'coet 11130 '11101 86 328 ]Sproat '103 641 11113 300 The 'council for 1930 will be: :Mayer A. D. 'S'utherlan'd; Reeve, R. Smith; ,Councillors, IW. W. -:'Crosier; Geo. D. !Ferguson, J. H. Scott, P. S. S'avaeige, IR. J, ]Sproat, J. W. Beattie. Tuckersmith F'or Ree've- - , 111 '2 13 41 .5 '16 `nt,t Archibald—.; 112 97 15'8 d,7' 28164 4016 Dloig ......118 13 24 63 111119 65 0122 For Councillors- 3dldG'regor ...99 71'2.119 46 "1226 97 4199 !Whitmore ....91. 96 i93' 162 43 6414140 (Clark .. ...16,4 45123 i62 1130 73 397 MidKlay ....'100' 79 24 '45 150 71 3169 Watson ...(59 47 36 79 '56 62 639 ITifc'kerslmlith Council , for 11933 will be: 'Reeve, W. R. Archibald; Council- lors, John. A. IMdGtiagor, Sam. H. (Wlh'itm'ore, Matthew CliarIs, Chas. Mc- Kay. MciKillo1i 11 2 3 4 _T't'l !Alexander • „pm 11;1111 1145 '13111 492. ,Beuerrns'nn •• 49 641 '1111'11 78 297 to them es the one just closed ',is not IDoeranlce ..108 711 67 05 311 Hackwell 3p 111311, 509. 461 IO'IRo,urke ....111419 68 • 65) 154 3,3.6 'Council for 1903: Alexander, Dor- rance, li'alc'ldw•ell, O'Rourke. so much the money of the rich; they are 'calling .for a new status of sym- pathy and comradeship in the.battle of life. 'They .w,ant• to ,be assured that they are not mere'.hu'man debris in the road and 'no't wanted. 'They want to 'hear from, their more fortunate citizens words like these of the Prince of Wales, "We mit'st intake our brothers feel they are not castaways," If .we can resolve to face the new year in this ''spirit and seek God's help to live out these resolves, then our resolu- tions will become : real, radiant and @hidin.g. R. H. S. Seafonth, Ont., Jan. Ise, 19313. Hallett (For Reeve—, 111 2. '3 4 '5 6 7 Z it'1 :Armstrong 41613 01413 88 119 416 125 .213'7 (-Leiper .. . 72 161 21106 14 75 77 4126 Leiper's majority=149. • 'T'he council, elected by acclamation, are:. B. Allan; R. Lawson, !Herbert 1logridge, Janes ,Forbes. IGo'derilcth'--fRee've, Ora'igie, 8158; Tail, ver, 7140. Craigiels,, majority, 118, ' Council ('first six elected),' C.:W. W sell, 9317;' D. Sproule, 863; C. H. H her, 8'516;_ F. ISe'abroolc, 7168; E. ]Brown, :702; G. P. Gould, 17412; N. clouglh, 70'6. Mayor C. C. Lee and puty Reeve J. J. Moser *ere ele :by acclamation. Water and light c mission— W T. Murrey, 9715; Fr Elliott, 600. Murney's ma'j'ority, 3.. Hensel( nVdlliant: Consit't was elected re of Hensa'll, d'efe'ating Owen Geiger a vote of 230 to' 1`716. Mr. Geiger reeve last year. When Walter Spen and Robert Cameron tied.' for fon place on the council with 109 vo Mr. 'Cameron withdrew and gave seat to Mr. Spencer. Consequently four councillors are the Same as 119312. They are E. L. Mi'ck'le, 2715; J: J'omes, 245; George C. 'Petty, Walter Spencer 199. Exeter My a majori'ty.af 115 B. M. Fria' reeve of Exeter for the past th }nears, defeated- W. ID. Sanders, r from 11'9'2-4 to 1927 and formerly re of Stephen. The vote this year was largest on record.' All o't'her offices Exeter and in"the to'wns!hips of U 'borne, Stephen and Hay were fill by acclamation. Clinton , (Reeve 'George Elliott was return to office for another term, d'elfeati his opponent, D'avi'd Chnic'hill, by vote of 91116 to -1716. T'hom'as :Church, present school trustee, was defea by James Manning, .whose m'a'jo was 20. Elected by accla'ma'tion i week were: Mayor, N. W...Trewart ,council, O. L. Paisley, Alex. Inki:e W. G. Cooke, Fred Li'ttlem'ore; pu'bl utilities ,commissioner, W. T. Hawk ins. As only four ,men qualified 5 council, another 'election meeting be held to nomin'ate for the two' ant posts. Howick Elected in Howidk tdwnship ar (Reeve, William Gamble; depu' reeve, IL. Demnterling; council, Bryans, T. Lovell, D, Weir. Tuckersnuth (Reeve, 'W. R. Archibald; coin, fors, John A, 'MdGregor; S. H. 'W'hi more, Matthew Clark, Charles IMc I{•ay. Mc1{i11op 'Reeve, J'o'hn C. !Eckert (acct.) council4brs, H. Alexander, IR. N. Dor ranee, y, O'Rourke, Elmer Hackwel Colborne Township iColb'orne Township, elected Allber :Goldthorpe its reeve for a third time His majority was - 714 over W. L Young, who sought elec'tion on a ,pia' form df placing the Canadian dodo on p'ari'ty with the pound sterling. Th (figures are: 'Goldthorpe, 320; Young 246, The four 1932 councillors els were re-elected as folIdws: Georg Faggan' 371, J. Pitbiadb 3'59, ' Melvin 'Tyndall 336, 'H. lMaCreath 305, Thom as Wilson 1170. • Grey Township John McNabb was re-eiedted reel, of 'Grey township over Harry Keyes For Reeve - Keyes 506; McN 536 (elected). For Deputy Reeve ,Doherty 434 Hemingway 5!115 (elected). (For un,cii—IBroadfoat 449 (el ec't- ed); Wilson 4128 (elected); Johnstone ;4117 (ele t ted), Collins 124; ;Harrison 350; Savage 3179, or- um - D. Cbl- De- oted om- ark 75.. eve by was cer 0th tes, the the iii IW. 231, Fran cis; s+ee re eve the in 5 - ed ed ng a Id, ked m ty isa; y, is or w c-. e: ty J• 1-. t- '1. ar e , n e n e. sib M c w Co 1 d a GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY The following is from the Niagara 'Falls Gazette: (Surrounded by mem- bers of their family and• many of 'their friends, M•r, and 'Mrs. J'a'mes H. C'ol- .quho'un, 71416 Tenith 1St., ,celebrated !their ,golden 'anniversary 'Tuesday with a reception and dinner in ,their home. Throughout the afternoon and even- ing .the !house was filled ' :with 'friends and relatives of the venerable and po- pular couple 'w'ho received scores of gifts appropriate to the ,occasion. "Dhe rooms were decorated ,.with `,flowers, yellow and old gold colored' blooms 'predominating in observance of the golden wedding. The reception open- ed at 2 p.m. and continued well into the evening, Mrs. Col'quaoun received in a gown of radiance red silk crepe and was 'assisted by her only darer - ter, '112rs. 'George Wilson, of this city, Who wore a :huniter .green silk crepe tfroelc.• hlr. Donald J. 'Co'llqulhoun, of 'Coast (Guard' Station, Youngstown, and: Mr. }William H. 'Col u'houn of Ni- agara ',Pails were also !present to as- sist 'their parents in receiving a'nd', en- tertaining 'the n-tertaining'the guests. Eight , grand children and two great grand children were: also (present. Dinner was served at 6 pm. at 'three tables, covers being laid. for 'fifty. 'A'mon'g the ,gu'es'ts were ,Rev. Charles, R. Osborn, pastor of First Baptist Church, and (Mrs. 'Os- born. The „Rev. Mr. °,storm invoked ,grace 'and the .divine .,blessing; upon 'T'he rest drift to and fro. But to every man there opetreth A .high, 'way and a low And everyman .decid'eth Whichmay his' soul shall go. ' —John Oaenham, Phone 84. INTRODUCING COMMUNITYCHINA IN THE eauwLL� esi'� By the Makers of COMMUNITY PLATE • Complete Dinner Services [Open Stock Pattern] The newest contribution to the smart table ensemble is China to harmonize with Silverware. We are now showing dinner services in Community China of an exquisite fineness, decorated in silver with the truly distinguished Deauville Design of Community Plate. We invite your inspection. Fred. . Savauge JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Mr, and'Mrs. 'Col'quh•oun, .mem'b'ers of their family and ,friends. 5A large 'group. of rela'tive's and 'friends from out of the city were present, among Ithlem Mrs. !William F, Kruse, sister of Mrs. Co'Iqu'houn an'd Mrs. ;William OIdl1eld, a niece of the bride, both of Ses'fort'h, Ont. An interesting memento ,of •M'r. and Mrs. 'Oollquh'oun's 'wedding day was an old 'clock. This was a Wedding gift to them when they .vrere married an Dec. 27, '1185?, in (Grimsby, Ant. The 'clock` still .runts and its Jkick and. chimes served as an accompaniment to the merrymaking, 'bringing bacic'to the celebrants .memories; some tinged With sa(dnes's and others happy of their 'half Century of association, Before her marriage Mrs. 'Cw1!quhoun was Miss Elizabeth Spencer of Grimsby, Ont, 1535 was born in !Liverpool, Eng., and 'Mr. Colqulhoun in Scotland, '•They came to this city 40 years ago and have 'lived here con'tin'uously since. The Legion Spring (Rand and 'the brass band'' were .in attendance throughout the afternoon and even- ing. NEW Y'EAR'S SU5fERaS'T1iDI'Ch4S. The old superstitions are still very much alive in this age and generation. 'Tyro small boys were noticed Sat- urday 'behind a local shop. They houmid half a dozen old " horseshoes, and performed a solemn ripe to wish themselves a happy new year. Each boy in turn picked up every horse- shoe, one ata time; spat on it and (tossed it ,ower his left s'h'oulder, with never a senile during the entire 'performance. And someone said the other day it was easy to see there were no sup- erstitious ]people "around where a 1930 calendar was op the wall b:e'frore 'New Year's; or that, no superstitious person will have any't'hing to. do with a Friday 1,3, th, winioh supposedly un - lucky combination of dates odours this. month. Another superstition is that small boys playing m'arb'les are a sure sign of spring, and they were hard at it on Main Street during the mild spell this week. DUBLIN Miss Verna Drake of Stratford is visiting her 'parents,; Mr. and Mrs.' John Drake. Mrs. P..IRyan and Jack spent New Years with Mr. and ,Mrs, P. Ryan Jr. The follolwing teachers have return- ed to their schools: K'abh'ryne Byrne to St. Joseph's; (Jack McGrath, to !Cland'eboy!e; IHlugh Benninger to Kit- chener; Dorothy MIod'yme!aux to River- dale; Veronica McConnell to •Galt. (141r. Frank Stapleton has ,returned to University at Toronto after the 'holo- days. IWeare pleased to hear. that Mr. Ch'arl'es Carpenter is recovering after a serious illness., We all regret to hear of the death of John Jordan, which occurredathis home near Mitchell on Saturday, He. had 'thresh'ed for some farriers in the vicinity for over forty years, YOUR LABEL 'The dates have been changed on the labels for all subscriptions. received 'to this week. During the last two months the corrections have 'been made on a couple oil thousand labels and nearly five 'hundred new subscriptions added to our list; every precaution has been taken to avoid error, and we ask subscribers to look at the label on their paper and see that the date corresponds with their re- ceipt. If you have not already taken advantage of our bargain Offer; (there is : still time to do so. It will be withdrawn after January 31st..