The Seaforth News, 1932-12-29, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
n ainniamennninew
Mr. and Mrs„ Herntan baying':.
spent Ohristn'as with relatives 'In Lox -
D,f"ss Mary B'uchanasi of Lender
is visiting •'her. p'aren'ts, Mr. and
. Mrs: flex. Buchanan. -
.Mt's:; John Dinsdade spent the'holii-
,day with her, sister, „Mrs. John 13.
Petty of Hay Twp,
The Chris'tian's en'teetairmrent put
on by the members ;of the, Sabbath
School -of -the' United Church was
well 'attended on Friday evening.; A
well rendered program was given,
consisting of readings, s'o1os, ,drills
and. dialogues.' At the close of the
program Santa 'Glaris arrived, dishrib-
.. uting the presents.
Services in our local churches were
well 'attended on Sunday last. Special
sermons were delivered for the oc-
casion and special Christmas nsusic
rendered by the choirs.
At the United Church, Rev. Arthur
Sinclair occupied the p.nlnit and in
the morning two fine anthem's were
rendered and a solo by. Dr. I'v'an,
Smillie. In the evening a ladies' quar-
tette was given by Mrs. M. Drysdale,
Mrs. A. Sinclair, Mils, Geenge ' Hess
and 'bliss Florence Welsh,' and a mix-
ed quartette by 'Mrs. Hess, Miss Flor-
ence Wel'sb, Mr. W. A. Goodwin
• and Dr. Smillie.
At bhe Carmel Presbyterian "Church
Rev. W. A. Young delivered very in-
spiri'ng''addresses at 'both services. Irl
the morning several fine anthems
were rendered, a'Isa a .solo "Nazar-
eth" by'Mrs. -W. A. Young, In the
evening a mixed quartette was given
by Miss Irene Ho+ggartih, Mrs. Jias..
• Paterson, Messrs. Jas, Bengough and
Jerry Denfield; a male chorus by
Messrs.. Jas. • B'e'n'gough, R. Y.. Mc-
Laren, and Rev. W. A. Young; a
ladies' chorus by the ladies of the
choir was then rendered' and a ladies'
quartette by Miss Mabel 'Workman;
Mrs, W. A. McLaren; Mrs. Jas. Pater
• son and Mrs. W. A, 'Young.
Ai the St, Paul's Anglican Church,
Rev.. M, B. Parker had charge of the
servites and in the morning sacra=
ment of the Lord's' supper was ob-
served and in 'the evening a Christ-
' 'mat carol was given. by the choir.
The 'Christmas entertainment held
ht Carmel Presbyterian Ohurch on
• Friday evening was well attended.
hiss Lynn Ortwein of Toronto
Spent the holidtay with her parents
• beret . • •
• Mr, and Mrs, Edward Sheffer have
returned hone after a pleasant visit
with relatives in Port.. Rowan,
Mr,; claire Van Horn and sister
Miss. Ruth are spending the holidays
at the home of Mr. and Mr's. Geo.
• • A great deal of inteerst ;was shown
M the -:dell. contest at Mr. Hem'pihill's
drug store. Q'u'ite a number of girls
contested. Fifteen bolls were given
and, Mr. Hemphill ad'd'ed ten more as
extra' prizes; The foll'o'wing were
successful: Jean Broder"ick,Ruth
:Vann, Bernice , ,Slh'ad'dbck, Gloria
Twitchell, Marion Drum'ri:'on'd, . J'e'an
Schaffer,,. Patsy McDonald, Marion
Filshie,Mildred, Brock, Elaine Has -
kin's, Marion Peck, ,Alice Pfaff, June
S!aundercook, 'B'e'tty Roweliffe, Patsy
Mi'tc'hell Jean Taylor, forma Sang-
ster, ,Roth Hess, 'Helen.Love, Bernice
Jinks, Ruth McAllister, Mary Cud-
(mere,' Evelyn Corbett, Jean Arm-
strong, Madeline Vaiandham.
Nomination Meeting.-111he nomina-
tion meeting held here on Monday ev-
ening was well attended and a great
• deal of interestshown in town affairs,
Jes, A. Paterson, village clerk, was
returning officer and 'at eight o''cleck
announced the following .nominations
for Reeve: Owen Geiger, by ,Wm.
Jones, and Fred Hess; Wm. Consi'tt
by A. R Campbell and Fred Deters,
Ro'bt. Cameron, by Dr. ,Campbell and
Wm. Sangster. For the council: Wm,'
.Jones, by Colin Hudson and A,',Rypk-
man; Geo. C. Petty, byRob't. Camer-
on and Wm. C'onsitt; Rebt. Cameron,
by Geo,,. C. Petty and Wm. Oonsitt;
Dr. Campbell, by W'm. .Consi'tt and
Rohr. Cameron;• Walter Spencer, by
Geo. Petty and Wim. Jones;' Win,,
Consitt, by Ro;bt. Cameron and Wal-
ter 'Spencer;; E. L. Mifokle, by Jas,
Hogganth and Dloniald_ Burns. School
Trustees --(Henry Sioldan, by O'weu
Geiger and Colin H'ud'son, Alfr:ed
Clark, by Owen Geiger and A. Ryck=
man; W,- 0. Giood q'in, by C. S. -Hud-
son, and Wm. Jloe,es; Edgar McQueen,
by Rob't.' Cameron ,and W'm. Oonsitt.
Public Utilities -Thos. •W'e'sh, elected
by acclamation. Alt the close of the
nomination, Mr. Plaitterson was asked
to take the chair for the after ,meeting
and first called on Reeve Geiger for
an address. Mr. Geiger ,gave :a'g'ood.
review Of the work of the county
council and also the, village council
and asked for the supp'or't of the rate
a era again P Y gam for the year 19133 for
Reeve, Councillors Petty and Jones
also gave short 'a'dd'resses, Mr, Wm.
Censi•tt was then called on and gave
a'splendrd ,address; and announced he
would b'e' a candida!te for the Reeve -
ship. Mr.. Cameron thianked the elect
ors for the splendid suppon+t'they gave,
him last year bet world not be a Can-
didate for the r'eeeeship this year but
would retire in favor of Mr, Oonsit't,
Mr. Cameronwill, however, beta can-
didate for the couneil, Mr, 'Geiger
then made a short reply There was
very little frdticism offered ' as tlrc
council of 1932 tried to `keep • expenses
down aslbw as possible. There 'will
be a stiff c`oailtest b,elacnn Mr„ Geiger
and Mr. ' Cionsitt fol•' the reeveship,
which will probably tae the only one.
The c1ectionwill proba'bly take place
on Monday, 'January 2nd. There will
be a nub$ber of,changes from this dis-
trict in the county council this year.
Reeve Ba14'aii'tyne' and his council oif
Usborne, were all returned by adcla-
m'at'ion; Reeve Ballantyne will be a;
strong donitender for the Wardleaslhip
next year and will .probably land it,
In T,uckers'mtb there will, be a stiff
contest between 'Wlm..' M. Doig and
Reeve Archibald In key township
Warden Fader has retired, Mr. Rader
made a splendid •Warden, possibly the
best` for years.;: •he has, left the County
finances in splendid shape and the ,coati
of rnunicipal.govern{menit hias been the
lowest for .years. Mir. Rader retires
with a great deal: of credit and his
many friends are sorry 'to hear he has
retired as his • services would have
been of great `b,en.eifi!t to the county for
another year.,
Death of Wm, Armstrong. L 'Tih
many friends of 11r. Wm. Arm's'troa
'were sorry ,to :hear of his delalth whit
took place at ,the home of his daug'h
ter, Mns. John Coleman, Landon, o
Monday evening; Mr. Armstrong .went
to London to spend' the 'holiday with
his daughter and spent a very engoy-
able day. He had only retired for a
few m'inu'tes when he suffered a heart
attack and ,passed away. He was a
lifelong resident of Hay township and
was ,highly respected by all. who
knew him. Hie was a prominent mem-
ber of the Anglioan Church here and
a Conservative in ,politics, ' Since the
death of Mrs. Armstrong 'some years
ago he• has made his : honie with his
son George in Hay. He leav'e's to
mourn his loss one son,'George, of
Hay township, one daughter, M'rs.
John Coleman of London, and one
adopted daughter, Mrs. Earl Camp-
bell, of Hay.
'Hensall Continuation School 'Re..
port. -Average of all snbpects for fall
term: •
'Form I -Alex. Filshie 81; George
Pearce 715; ;Annie Carlile 72, Mary
Coleman 72, Katharine Drysdale 70,
Stewart Bell 711, Kenneth 'Elder 68,
William Glenn 66,' Kenneth Manns
62, Dorothy McQueen 61, Irene Ssnale
61, Olive Brock 5'6, Bross Haggai -11h
56, Myrna Hudson. 5'6, Edward Cor-
bett 54, Jessie Dick 5W, Ha'rold. Bon-
thron' 52, Allan Davidson 92, Harry
Dlnnin 511, Helen Walker SI, Edna
Corbett 48, Ruby Pfaff 414, John Tra-
quair 40.
Form 111. -Norman Sinclair 86, Ian
Filshie 79, Andrew McKenzie 75,,
Edison Forrest 74, .Ruth Coles 73,
Dorothy Drummond 72, John Far-
quhar 72, Mildred Follick 71, Jean-
ette McAllister 65, Shirley Koehler,
Minnie Sangster 61, Harold Higgins
60, Annie H'u'iser 415.
Form I41P,-1James 'McEwen 79, Ro-
bert 'Pa'ssmore 715, Myrtle Thomson
712, Mlabel Fee 68, Arthur Dinnin 67,
Stewart Crerar 63, Albert Dnnin 61,
Laurabel Wright 60, Cecil Dv"lling,59,
Nelson Pepper 59, Harold Elder 57,
Helen Glenn 57, Elinor Bell 56,
Lorne Elder 54, Margaret Bell 93.
Dr. and Mrs. Wim. Geiger of Kit-
cheiner and Mr. and Mrs. Oliyer Gei-
ger of Finland were holiday visitors
at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Owen
Geiger. •
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott and fam-
ily: of Toronto and Dr. and Mrs.
Smith and .family ,of St Marys are
spending the (holidays with Mr. and
Mrs. George C. Petty.
Mr. Harry Cook of . Toronto is
spending the holidays at his home
Mr. Bert )'I6nbon of Texas is visit-
ing over
isit-ingover the h'oliday's with relatives
in and, around Hensall
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knight and son
IIo'ward of Kitchener,' Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Beaver of Exeter and Mr, and
'Cdr's. A. J. S'wieitzer and family of
the Beadhao'.pines, were holiday visit-
ors, at 'the h'o'me of. Me. and Mrs. Ro-
bert Higgins.
111r. and Mrs. Orville Smith and
Mr. and Mrs. Broderick of the Parr
Lien^ wereChristmas visitors' with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Consitt.
IMr,: Harold Scruton of Port. Dover
spent the holidays with his mother
and sisters here.
At the .guessing contest put on by.
the B. and. D. butcher shop, Mr. Har-
ry Smith won the first prize, a half a
pig, and Mr. Sam Merner won the
Mr. and Mrs. buoy McLaren and
Mr. Wm. L. McLaren. were. holiday
visitors' with Mr, and Mrs. Alfred
Hunkiiv. of Farquhar.
Miss Thelma 'Hudson of •.London
spent the .week -end with her parents
n' spent the holiday with friend's in Ex-�
Mr. Milton' Boyce of Toronto is
visiting i wish fri'en'ds and nelatives in,
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickleand fa-�I
roily'° are v'isi'ting over the ,holiday'
With the former's parents . in Ridge--;
Miss Hazel Morena s'pen't the holi-
days with her parents, in Dasihwoo'd.
Mr, Rabt. Morrison of Woodstock
and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Priest of Port:
Huron were holiday visitors: wieh Mr.•
and Mrs. Jas. Priest.
Joynt of Toronto are s'pendixiig the:
holidays with theirmotherhere.
Mrs, John Murdoch spent the boli-'
days with her sister,' Mrs. John Hen-
ry '
en-ry' Petty of Hay Twp,
;Christmas Day :passed very 'quiet-
ly in the village,' most of our. citi-
zens entertaining visitors. The day
Was exceptionally 'fine.
Miss Amy Lamb -pie of Toronto is
spending the holidays at her home
Mr, and 'Mrs. Earl, Parlmer of
Windsor spent the week -end with the
farmer's parents, , Mr. and Mrs, Thos.
Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Ortwein of To-
ronto and Mr. ...Milton Ortwein of
London were hlobiday visitors with
Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein.
'Miss Margaret McLaren of Lon-
don spent the helidiays at her "home
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Buchanan. of
London spent the. holidays With .rela-
tives in town.
.Miss Jean -130114hron of Lo'nd'on
spent the holidays.. at her home here.
[W. and Mrs. Floyd Smith of De-
troit and Mr. Eldred Smith of Lon-
oon spent the holidays with their fa-
ther, Mr. Alex. Smith.
(Rev,. and Mrs. Young and daughter'
Ruth spent the holiday with .relatives
in Nlairn. • ^-
Mr. and Mrs. Donald: McKinnon
'Mr. Sam Rennie, accompanied by
his mother, spent the holiday with
friends in Detroit.
iMrss Olive Conwnth of Detroit vis-
ited over the . holiday with relatives
Messrs. Laird, Harry and 'William
The Township Hall at Varna was
crowded to the doors by interested
ratepayers on 'Friday afternoon when
nominations were received for a
reeve and 'co'dncil for 1933 were re-
ceived •as' follows,, with theirmovers
and secondersa
For Reeve.
(William 'W Douglas, by Janos Carni'e
and James Wright.
John Etoe ,by Melvin Overholt and
George Jeffry,
For Council.
CH. M. Hanley by W. 5.. Falconer
and Fred Anderson.
'Webster 'Turner by Thos. Bele'
and Harry Horton.
'Fred Watson by T. ;Stinson and
Harold. Penlhale.
IRoy Lamont by Clarence 'Parke
and Roy 'M'dB'ride.
Joseph Greer by Thos. Westlake
and Wan. Cantle.
.A meeting followed; Mr. Chas. 'Pil-
grim, few -nal -lip clerk, being chair-
man. Reeve William Douglas spoke
first. He was in the :field for another
term as reeve. After going over the
work accomplished by. the county
council, he asked the opinion of the
audience on several items: 'Should
the hauling of gravel be done by truck
or 'teams? "'By the cheapest methbd,"
replied the audience. ,Should the town-
ship revert once more to s'tatu'te la-
bor? in'q'uired the Reeve. 'Tire Opin-
ion of the cno`wd seemed to be consiid-
enably divided on this question. Mr.
Douglas said he though't this matter
would be referred to a vote of the
people in Stephen township.
The township was insured against
claims for damiages caused by faulty
roads. In case of accidents, notice
should be sent within ten draysto (the
clerk or members of council. Delay
in putting in a. claim had voided the
insurance company's re'sponsibil'ity in
an accident that occurred to Mr. Butt
of Kippen; however he had been al-
lowed ten do'll'ars. 'The insurance cost.
about $075, said the reeve, and asked
if the ratepayers wished it contin•tied.
In closing, 'Mr. Dougl'as asked to be
honored with a second terim.
The next speaker was Mr. John
Etue, who had been nominated for
reeve. 'In a short address he offered
several suggestions., He was un-
decided' about remaining in the field.
'T'he members of the 1932 council
were theh called upon, the first be-
ing'M . i - .H i h
r H, M. Hanley, a sa d e,
would be a candidate again, and ask-
ed for a continuance of the support
given him in the past.
'Me; 'Webster Turner announced he
was a candidate. Twenty-two miles of
road had been under his charge. The
council =had passed a resolution ask-
ing property owners to cut the, weeds
infrontdf. their farms, the council
looking after the sr'doad . s Most s of
the gravel in his section had been
hauled by teaimts as it was impossible
for' trucks to, :get in and oart of the
'Mr. Fred Watson said he would be
a c'an'didate. He reviewed the work on
The roads; wet weather had .ctrmailed
the work to a slight extent. Repairs
to one of fhe'bridges, regiri•ring +ae-
proxintate'ly '1;000 Cubic yards of fill -
ing, had cosi. about $&1, or 8'cents" a
,Mr. Roy Lamont asked for support
of the electors. 'In answer .to gees-
tions he explained about the three
per cent penalty .; on , •unpaid taxes.
The council -had -faced the necessity
of borrowing $"25,000 in 'December,
or inducing the ratepayers to`"co'r'e
across." He doubted if the bank
would have been willing to loan the
township- such a lenge amount.. The
penalty clause called forth a large
amount, of discussion from 'the. anci-
en oe.
Another matter brought up by this
discussion concerned paying the taxes
by instalments. Mr" Lamont said tha't
part payments were not accepted on
taxes: the whole amount had to be
paid in full or the penalty applied.
Difficulties in arranging two pay-
ments instead of one were discussed
by a number. I't Was pointed out that
tax no'ti'ces had to be sent all over
North America to the owners of sure
mer cottages at •Baylfield.
Mr. Frank Coleman said he paid
taxes on .property in Seaforth in two
instal'me'nts, in June and December.
He had forgotten the second payment
until- the 1I5t+h, but the p'enal'ty had
only been 20 cents.
All taxpayers had a vote this year
whether'their taxes, were paid or not.
The conn'cil had thought, it was not
fair to give the vote to small taxpay-
ers who perhaps had to raise only
$20 and not" give it ,to the large. tax-
payer who ,might 'have to raise • as
rruuch as $400, so tine old by-law had
been repealed.
Mr. Greer spoke briefly concerning
road ma'tter's.
.Mr. (Connell spoke about the use of
teams and trucks in road work.
At the close, officials ex+piained,
inanswer to a ,question, about placing
names on the voter's' 'list. 'Twenty-one
drays are allowed' for ,notice. A court
of revision on the list had been 'held
by the judge.
Mrs", John .Sparks is visiting' friends
in London.
Miss 'Margaret Tough of Shake-
speare is spending the holidays at
home of her parents, Mr. and .Mas. W.
Miss M'arg'aret Mehaffy 'of Clinton
spent the, holiday with her ' sister,
Mrs Wtns. Sparks.
Municipal 'nominations were 'held in
bhe to'wns'hip hall, Varna, on Friday,
Dec. 23rd, with the following result:
For Reeve: Wm. Dbugla's, John Etue,
For Councillors: W. Turner, Roy -La-
11011t, M. Hanley, Fred Watson, Jos.
Greer, Geo. Connell. Messrs. John
tue,',Joe Greer and Geo. Connell
wit'hdrew, leaving the members of the
council, who were elected by
c'clanaatlon for the coming.year.
The following spent Christmas at
heir homes here." Mervyn. Keys, of
University and Alan Keys of
earfortih Collegiate, with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Keys; Ruskin
eys of East Windsor and Stewart
eys of Toronto University with
heir parents, Mr, and Mrs. Nelson
eys; Dorothy Armstrong, Helen
And'erso'n, Grate Robinson and Isabel
o'biinson of Clinton Ooillegiate, at
heir homes here:
iA ,Watch Night service' Will be held
Goshen Uni'ted 'Church, • beginning
lil pm. on Dec: 311St.
The follo'wi'ng is a report of the
hristmas examinations held at S.6.
3, Stanley.
V. -Ella Smith 76, Margaret
Marks 70.
Sr. IfV.-Ttom SCoitchmier 70, Mary
arks 61.
IJonr. HINeaai.-'A
nna • Scotchmer 63, Gor-
IJr. VIII, -1 1u'ghie ,Pollock 67, Lloyd
eand 62, Charlie Hunking 61, Jenny
Hunking 5'4.
(Jr. IL -George Hunking 59,
(Primer-1E'twin Hun -king.' No. on
II 12, average attendance 11. Perfect
tendance from September to D'ec-
m'ber, Mary Marks. best speller, Ella
Vint. Herbert,' Teacher.'.
no e
IMr, John Workman is able to be
around again alter his recent illn'es's.'
'Mr. Henry I,Pisan .had the misfor-
tune to fall in his barn, whi'c'h laid
him up for a ,time, (but is improving.
Munidipa'l natters are the Mainn is-
sue at 'present and al'I are talking quite
an interest in the coming election.
{Mir. Geo. 1L'atreai of Detroit is
spending his vacation with Kippen
Mr. and Mr's. Jas. MCDioniald sp'e'nt
Christmas with friends fn 'London.
'Mr. John C. Doli,g .of D'eltrolt is
spending a few days with his parents
and other friends.
Mn'. 'Roy Butt, Mr. and Mns. E.
Butt, Mr. and Mrs, Thos.' Butt were
at their parents 'h'om'e in Seaforth on
Monday alt a fa'm'ily gathering.
IMr, and Mrs. Mandlsey of London,
Mrs, D. Workman avid two daughters,
Mi's'ses 'Olive and Mabel,' were Sun-
day visitors with J. and Mrs. .• Work-
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper of Hen -
sail were iC'hristmes 'visi'tons with Mr.
and Mrs. W. French.
Mr. Clarence 'McLean, Mr. Gilbert'
Jarrett, Miss Etta Jlarrott spent the
week end at their 'hom'es here.
Mr. and Mrs. . Hubbard of Detroit,
Mr. Vern- McGly,mlo'nt H!a'rvey and
Melville, were Christmas visitors with
their father, Jas, McClymiont and siis-
ter, Mrs. T rr3berry .
a Y
•'Mr. Jas. 'Bengottglh anld.. mother,
Miss Dougall p1 Hensel!, spent the
holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Anderson..
(Rev. and Mrs. Conner and Elaine
are holidaying in Mt, Forest..
The Chrisitnias music in oar church
was very fine and Rev, Mr. Conner
gave'a very. earnest and beautiful ser -
[Mr. and. Mrs Emerson Kyle visi'te'd
i.n. Clinton for Christmas.
'1Our sick are s'o'oty gaining and we
trust by next issue to Ibe able to re-
port them as sufficiently recovered as
1932 C'hrlstm
Christmas Mixed
'Candy 2 lbs, 25c
Women's Silk' & Wool
Mose r...., special
Finest Mixed Nuts
O pounds ............. 29c
Christmas Oranges
P,er doz.
New Cheese•
Ibex Blankets, large
size. Per pair......
,Bath Towels Special value
Per pair 50
per pound '.12c
O IV NI �••t
LOCIS .EB R ' �'` RT
If elected. I assure you 5 will rse'rive you to the best of n
I will .not support an to • ability.
y bless schemes, vb•ut wil'l do xxvy` be's't further
the interests of the tax=payers and Workers, . by 'honest and sincere"
jud'gmen'ts with an earnest 'endeavor ito ,rodtdce the taxes and .nvake this
a good town to live in.
A ,square deal to all-iSpec`'ial privilege to none.
Is A Candidate
Your vote and influence will
be appreciated.
Citizens of Seaforth:
I ami again running for Councillor
of 'this town and ,solicit your vote and
influence at the coming election.
To the Electors of the Town of: Sea -
Ladies and 'Gentlemen: I wish 'to
solicit your vote and influence for
Cot^cill'nr for '1960. rf elected I will
work for the best interests of the
town as in the ,past. Wishing you the
compliments of 'the season.
To the Elec'tors of the Town of Sea -
forth: •
Ladies and Gentlemen: - ?Having
three years' experience in the Coun-
cil, I solicit your support on (January
2nd. Pf elected will try., to continue
the eoo.nom'y policy as in the past,
To the,Electors of. the Town of Sea -
"Ladies and Gentlemen: Your vote
and influence solicited to secure
the election of J. H. S'dott ,for coun-
cil, 1936. [Wishing you the compli-
ments of the season.`
To the Electors of MoKillap:
Ladies and Gentlemen - H'a'ving
been nominated for councillor for
MdKall'ap, I ask for your vote and
influence, and if elected - will do my
best for the interests df IM'dKill'op
township ratepayers. Wishing you
the compliments of the season, yours
to be up and out enjoying this glor-
ious weather.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Rex Dick Of Hensall
spent the 'holiday as :guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey.
The. annual Christmas ,donicert of
the SS. of St. And'rew's,Ohurch Was
held ' cm Thursday even'in'g, Dec. 22.
A cantata and pageant entitled "T'h'e
Star and The Gross" was 'presented.
,The Whiite. Gifts were sent 'to.
Friendship House,Landon.
ITlhe Mission Band a're holding their
b•vnthday party on Thursday after
:noon, Dec, 29' at 2:30 p.m. in the
The Y.W. Mission Circle of St.
Andrew^s• United 'Church mei at the
holme of the P'resid'ent, Was' Marry
Thomson, on We'dnes'day afternoon.
Miss Elba Bell of L'ond'on s'pen't
Ohri'sltnilas with her Parents, Mr. and
Mrs, A'n'drew Bell.
Miss Margarat Cooper of 'Toron'to
and Miss Grace Ooolper of London
visited their Parents 'd'urin'g the holi-
Mr. and M'ris,'John Bell were call-
ed to Forest on Saturdlay on .account
of the seri'o'us illness of :MIs, B,ea1's
brother, Mr. Sa'm'uel 'Taylor, who'
Passed away on Tuesday 'morning,
December 2+7ith.
(Miss Etta _Parrott of Taranto and
Mr. Gilb:ert Jarrett of London s'pen't
Ohris;tni'as at their the'i'r :(Tome.
MP. and Mrs. 'Gordon, Heldman of
Buffalo 'visited Mrs. Hieidlmiants r
Mr. and M
rs,J oh
n Hyde.
'Mr, Clarence McLean,B.IA. , off
Landlon, spent the''holiday With his
IM'r. and Mrs. Charlie Cooper of
Exeter spent Christmas with Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley French,
Mir, and Mnu, 'Jo'seph Dayman and•
daughter Beatrice and son Hioiwarid,
spent Christmas with Mrs.Diayy�tmn n''s
sister, Mr. and Mr's.'Thomas I3anis.
Mr. and Mos. Win. Pybus, 'Mir. and
Mrs. RobertBragg anddaughter Ger
ald'ine, of near Ohisel'hursh, spent
Christmas at the home of Mt. Ed.
Johns. •
'Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Johns and fam-
ily of Lucan spent Chrlistmas in the
Mists Catherine Peters of London
spending the 'h'oli'days alt her home.
'Mr. and :Mrs. Siam Miller and family
of Dals'hwbodspent Chris'thivas at the
hotiae Of Mr, and ,Mrs. Otos. 'Stephen,.
To the Electors of the Township of
Ladies and Ge'n'tl'em'en: I am again
a candidate for the 'position of Reeve
arid if elected will 'do my utmost
to carry on the affairs of the taken -
ship with econidmy and .efficiency.
The warden in his parting address
stressed the need of sending .experi-
en'ced men to the County Councils
and I feel that the exlperiene'e of the
past year will be of great value is
qualifying 'nae to serve the peep
Wishing you the conn Iiments' of the
To the Electors of the. Township of
(Ladies and Gen'tlelmen: Your veto
and influence respectfully sdlicifed
fbr me, as member of the '.council
board for 1933, and will also respetf
fully urge each .elector to record his
To The" Ratepayers of the Township
of Tuckersmith:
a 'take this Opportunity to. than'•
my su'p'porters for pa's't p'a'tronage i4 s.' t
running as a Councillor for the Town-
ship of Tulekenshnith, and as.I am in
the field again as a (Councillor for
the com'in'g year, I would appreciate
very much your continued patronage.
and lalouild say if elected again, that
I will do my 'best to, :keep dawn ex-
penses as far as ,p'ossib'le in this the
time of cutting dawn whatever can
be reasonably and'fitly done, so to be
in keeping with the real needs of the
times, and With nb' extravagances.
To the Electors of the Township cif
(Having been nominated for the of-
fice Of Councillor, and owing to the
limited time at my disposal making it
impossible to personally so'l'icit your
su'pp'ort at the coming election,' 5
take this opportunity to, solicit yo : .,
su,plpo'rt. Iif elected, I purpose to Sup. -
pont all measures in the interests of
real economy in this difficult time, and
would endeavor to give a fair deal to
all in conducting the business of the
Municipality. Wishing you the. com-
pliments of the season, I aro, Yours,,
!Good big Durham cow for sale.
Due to (fre's'hen now. Alplply Wm. Cud-
m'ore's Sale Bia'rn. 52 a
National Blue Flame Oil Burner.
Gall up 26&w. Pleased to call on you.
I have installed several in town and
they are giving the best of satisfac-
tion at a very law price. . Also cream
separators" ' S. CARTIER. .
Any ,person trespassing or cutting
or taking timber off'lat 3, con. 5, ;mit.
S., Tuckersmith, without my personal
Consent, will be prosecuted. JN`
4SSPIRIOIAIT, Seaifortih, 52
Want and For Sale Ads,; 3'(tim'es, 50c
Pi Great
We can supply both.
Get our prices.
Sc t Poaltr '. : F
o t orm
'Telephone 251142 for prices.
ih anulfactuned by
E.. -S. Watt & Sons, Palmerston
Mrs's :Marjorie Hunter of London
spent ;Sunday at her home,