The Seaforth News, 1932-12-29, Page 5THE SEAFORTH NEWS. ' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29,:;1932..'' As the year draws to a close we opportunity take the Qpp Y of expressing to' our customers our sincere 'appre- ciation of their patronage during 1912. We trust that we have proven ourselves worthy of this support, and look forward to a continuance ofour happy relations during the coming year Items for week. ending Jan. 4. MAPLE LEAF SALMON OXYDOIL S'UPERI'OR STORES TEA ....I.: AY!LMER TOMATOES, 2'squat PURE CLOVER HONEY rS..27 c lge, Pkg. 1 Q c l's..39c 2 this 19c No. 4r/y tins 39 c STR'AWB!ERRIES IN HEAVY SYRUP, 2's • per tin 17c May your 1933 Ships, be not all Hardships WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Ross s J. Sproat Phone 8 Miss N.Pryce Phone 77 TOWN , Mrs. Sidney rlo,hlnls atu'rday morning 'for Georgetown to v'is'it with (friend's in Halton county for few weeks. Rev, and Mrs. C:''A. M'abcollm and MiSs Betty Malcolm are spendling a few days a't Marehlam at the<fornie•r's 'Miss Ruth Pinkney of Stratford` spent the holiday With her grand- mother, Mfrs. ,R. L. Clark, Canon and Mrs.:Alppleyard had as their house guests over the holiday Rev. R. T. Alppleyand of 'Toronto, Reef. and Mrs. !Harold Ap'p'leyard of Kerrwood, and Miss Eve B. Maclean' of London, Miss Gertrude Aippleyard has lelflt 'to spend. some weeks in Ottawa. Mrs. M..Boyes left fast week to visit her and in Arthur. Mr. and " Mrs. Fred Willis an,d daughter,Peggy ,of :London, and Miss B,erth'a Grieve of Toronto spent Chris'tm'as with Mr. and Mr's. James L. Grieve, Mr, Louis' Purcell of f As'sumpti'on College is spending Christmas' vaoa- tion at' his home here. Mr, and Mrs, George iGuymer and daughter of London, spent 'Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John MdLennan, Dr. R. N. Hill of Brooklyn, spent 'Christina's with 'his brother and sister in torwn. Mr. Percy Hoag of Hlagersvi1Ie is spending the h'ol'iday at his home here. Mr. 'Robert Dundas and daughter Ruth of Toronto were in town. over Chrlstinas Visiting the formers' moth- er, Mrs. W. A. Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Darrach and .two children of Toronto were •visit- iung friends in town .on Tuesday, Mr. W. H. PPolland Of Woodville is a holiday visitor with :his iparenits, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard, Mr. Earle Webster and Miss Jean Webster of Whitevale are 'spending the 'hddiday with, '.their parents; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Webster. 'Miss Florence Laidlaw, Toronto, is spending the holiday with her mother. Mr. and Mos. W. IFinl'a'yson aind two children Of 'Toronto are s;penld- ing the week with Mrs. Finlayson''s parents, Mr. and Mrs: H. Weiland. Mr. lyaek Smith left for ICdbourg on Tuesday to spend a few days with his son, Mr. Thos. Smith. Miss CJovenlodk of Windsor, and Miss Go•venlock of Ottawa, are spend- ing the holiday With their .aunt, Mrs. W. E. Hiinchley. Mr. Jack Ferguson of Port ,Rabin - son and 'Miss Margaret Ferguson of Baylfield were Christmas visitors with their parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Wm. Ferguson. Buy Seaforth Butter 18 YEARS Always Good Quality We wish to extend greetings to our many Patrons and eustomers for a Happy New Year The Seaforth Creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop. Walker's FUNERAL . SERVICE UNDERTAKING --and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse/ Equipment Wil '.KER,'holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. S.EAFORTH MARKETS. l8c Butter, per lb. Eggs, per doz t1'3c44c Potatoes, bag 60c BORN. F4LNILAYSIOIN.-ITnm ;Soott Memorial (Hospital, on Friday, Dec. 23rd, to IMr, arid''M;rs. Lorne Finlayson df IKilppen, a son. REGEIUE.—In MinKillop, on Dec, 02n',d, 1932, to M'r, and M'rs. Edw. C. R'egele, a dau'gh'ter. MARRIED. EIOSSdOBIAINID101N,.—;At the United Church parsonage; ,Strafford, by the • (Rev. W, Shanley Owens, on Thurs- day, 115th, 1932, Marys, toe1ine A. Wilfred J, Ross, :soil of Mr. and Mrs. WIm. A. Ross;' of.B'ruieefield. ROXBORO. The evening of Dee, 21st, 1932; saw one 'more Christmas concert ,added, t a long list of good times spent in' -Miss Margaret Ferguson went to St. Catharines on Tuesday to spend a few days with her uncle 'and aunt, Mir. and M;rs: ;Butler. Miss Evelyn Cudmore of Toronto was a IChristma's visitor With her par- ents, Mr. ,and Mrs. 'Wm. Cud!more. Miss Jiackson, Egtnondville, has re- turned home from K'ibdhener. 'Mr. and Mrs, F. J. Kerslake are spending the week with their s'on-in law and daughter, Mr. and. Mrs. D, I Hill, Godertch. 'Mr. -Ernest Geddes .. is iinprovinng; nicely alter undergoing an operation for appendicitis on Monday evening. Mr. Brown Jackson 'df Toronto was a holiday visitor in 'Egmondvi'lle. Miss Lois 'Sloan who has spent th'e past several months with Mr. and Mins. R. F, Jones, is visiting' her mother and brother in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Love df To- ronto were Christmas visitors with .the labter's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scott, Thornton Hall, Miss Laura McMillan of Toronto is a holiday guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F, Mc- Mfilan. iyflsasrs. Clifford and Clarence 'Trott of Kingston are sipeniding the h'oli- d'ays at their home. Miss Dorothy Kerslake of Toronto is a holiday visitor at the home of her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. :IvDiss Dorothy Webster and 'Miss Audrey Webster of Toronto were Christmas visitors at their homes.' Mr. and Mrs. Will Plant and fam- ily spent Christmas at Toronto. Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Smith :and two boys and Mrs. Smith's niece, all of Port Colborne, were visitors in town Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr. W. R. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Govenlodk and two ch'il'dren 'Lois and Joan of Waterford, are spending two weeks here. Miss Edna Aroh rribaul't, Mr. and Mrs. Nott and Mr. and Mrs. Stevens were guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Ernest Stevens on Tuesday.' Miss Ida Cooper of Toronto was a guest this week of her sister,. Miss F. Cooper, John st. Mr, Alex. 'Bethumee' df Vernon, B. C., arrived home this weelc to spend the winter with his brother, Mr. Geo. Bethune and sister, Miss Bethune. Mrs, Snell and d'au'ghter ' Marguer- ite of Hamilton are visiting. Miss Jean Turner, George street. ,Mr. George Abell spent Christmas with his family in 'Toronto. Mr. J. Brodie of 'Toronto spent Christmas at the home Of Mr. and ,mond'ville. Mrs, Robert Beatty, E g +M.r. R. C. Oven's of Toronto was a Christmas visitor in town Miss Gladys Thompson of Niagara Falls its a h'ol'iday 'visitor with her loather, Mrs, J. B. Thompson. '110 YOU, TO W'H'OM WE HAVE BEEN ,PRLVII!LEGFYD TO EXTEND OUR -S'ERV'ICE TO ALL OUR FRIEN'D:S WE OFFER OUR MO'S'T COR- DIAL WISHES FOR A HAiPPY AND PROISREROUeS —1933 Watson & Reid Insurance Seaforth 'Stratford on Friday. Mrs: Leo Holland of Windsor visit- ed her mother, Mrs: T. Maloney and brothers on Tuesday last, Mrs. M. Beninger visited her moth- er in G'oderioh on Monday last. Fr. Joseph Feeney of London spent Christmas with his brothers, P'at., Wm. and Wilfred Feeney. Many friends from Dublin attended the funeral of the late Dennis Barry on Wedines'dtay. BRUCEFIELD. Mr. John M'clnItos'h of Toronto spent the week end at bhie home of hits mother, Mrs, Jas. M Initos'h on the Mill Road. Mrs. Alex: Brldadfdot lest week ,at- tended the funeral of her cousin, Mrs. George Webber df ,London, whose death was eaused by injuries, received in a motor accident. Mr. ,and Mos. Alex. ,Sauter and their daughter Flora of Detroit are visiting at the home o'f Mr. Jan, Scutes. Much sylmpathy is felt for Meslsrs. John and William arid r, Miss Maud M'dDntosh in the death of their sister, Miss Emma Mdlnitosh, whose death occurred at their home in B'rucefield on ,Saturday, D'ecem'ber 317th. • Mr. Leonard Boyce and Mr. Alex. Addison of Western University are spending bhelir holidays at their res- pective hoamds. ,Misses Margaret ,Aiken'head and Ina S'c'ott of London and Ellwood Sta'dk- house of 04A.C., Guelph, and Mr. W. McQueen of Port Credit spent Christmas with their people at Bruce field. IM'r. Lawrence Reid of Toronto and (lir. Stanley Reid of London spent the week end with their farther, Mr. Chas. Reid. The schoolroom• Of the church was well filled 'Thunsday night to hear the Sunday, ,school Christmas entertain- ment. All enjoyed the prograsn'me gi- ven. It was a W'hi'te Christmas tree, much warm and useful clothinlg was brought in; four hales were sent to the needy in the West the fallowing day. Mr. Harold Armstrong - spent the Christmas holidays with his brother Clarence and other relatives in To- ronto. !Messrs. Webster McNaughton of Kingston, .Rdbert of London and Miss Annie of Blake are enjoying the 'h'oli- days at the home of their p'aren'ts, Mr. and Mrs, John MdNaughton. (Miss V'iole't Petrie df Sault Ste. Marie spent a few days with her sis- ter, Mrs, Rohit. Allan. IOhristmas visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Halstead of .Stratford, Mr, and Mrs. Holmes and family, Miss, Irene Snid- er of London, Mr. and Mrs, J. B'ow- ey of Exeter, Miss E. Snider of Kin- cardine, Miss Violet Pelttle Of Sault Ste. ,Marie, M'r. Hugh iMdGregor of Detroit, Miss K. Strider Of Seaforth Memorial Hospital, Mr. John Me - Queen of Flint, Michigan'•, Mis's Grace MdDonald, of Goderiiclh, Mr. and Mrs. West and 'babe of Sit. 'Thomas. Roxboro school house. This one was as great a swccess as its predecessors. The children's progra'm'me was out- standing. Great oredit is due the tea- cher 'for her tra'inin'g of the Children. The plays, songs and choruses, were good indeed, and were itvost heartily apip'lauded. The little pantomime was belautWEul, "'Now I Lay Me Down to 'Sheep." The sweet little mother and tiny kneeling child, and aver them an angel in white -perfectly done. The second pant of, the programme was also made of .goad material. The Agar 'orchestra was 'surely appreciated, as it deserved' to be. The solos, quart- ettes and instrumentals were fully en- joyed. the evening, The big feature g, 'o ed y a play entitled i iitl ' The Goose 'Cr,eek Line, was carried through to riotous ap plau'se and c'o'mpleted a full program. Llaat, but not least, name the Christ- mas tree, Sfantla and all, The 'chair- man's addressand handling of the program and the teacher's flitting re - ,marks, and h:eanty thanes to ell who so willingly flopped herto make her concert a • Blueness, and her wisihing one and all a Merry Christmas, left nothing to be d'esired. With the sing- ing of 'YGod Slave the King," ended one more school year for S.S. No. 113, R'oxb'ono.. d Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McMullan an family' of Toronto spent Christmas, Day with his mother, MTS. J10h11 Meni Milian of Roxboro. The weather con drbions were perfeot and motoring was a real' pleasure. Mr. a:nd Mrs. J. Broiome and fait- ily were guests Of her ,parents in Ar- thur for the Christmas holiday. Mr: Donald McKinnon of Os,haiw.a visited at - the h'o'me df Mr. and Mrs Rabt: Agar over the week -end. o Want and' Fbr^Sble' Ads, 3 times 50c. t,rrtzA •,-ii anx.f'. : lTd'st;ead somewhere that Christmas day nominationmeetings on top of Christmas dinners, "would be dull af- fairs. Such a forecast did not seem to apply to Seaforth, for. Monday night's ]nomination meeting in the town hall was exceptionally well attended„ and much` interest was shown. iT'he norninations were: (For Mayor: Jain F. Daly, 'A. D. 'S'u'therland. For Reeve: Robert Smith, John Grieve, VIS. For Council: Harold D. Dale, W. W. Crosier, Tlhos. J, Stephens, Isaac IIud's'on, Jlohn l -h Stott, Louis Eben hart, Wm. M. Reid, T. H: Ji'hnsltone, James Rivers, W. A. Crlch, Robert J. McMillan, George D. Ferguson, Ern- est L. Box, Ross J. Sproat, F. S. Savange, J. W. Beattie, Frank Silts. For Public Ultil'rtiea—John J. Cluff, Ernest L. B'ox, R. G. Planke, W'illisim C. Barber. For School Trustees—East Ward'— W. Wright; North Ward—W. South- gate, F. W. Wigg; So'u'th Ward—_M. McKellar. The following resolution was passed —Moved by W. J. Mictn'to'sh, second- ed by John H. Scott: "That this meeting ,ofthe ratepayers. reoommlen'd to the council that they recont'mend or suggest to the public school, and Col- legiate Insititute B'oand thlat a substan- tial reduction be made in teachers' salaries." IA't the 'close alt nom'ina'tions at 18:30 Town Clerk J'. A. 'Wilson was ap- pointed chairman for the speeches. At the (suggestion Of Mr. IR. G. Parke, this nation 'by Mayor 'Daly 'anal se- conded by Councillor !Scott, included a variation from the regular proced- ure by (having the mebnbers of the old council give' an account elf their stew- ardship before the new nominees spoke. 'Mayor (Daly reviewed the work of the 'council; it shad 'beena good no'un- cil .this yelar, tE.arty in the year a night watchman had been appointed, giving prateebi'o.n for the entire night; back taxes had been got rafter and much ac- complished; in the way Of relief to transients, 400 'hlad been given night's lodging and meals. :Payment of taxes in 'two ins'talmen'ts, July II'st and Dec. 1St, had been in'trodu'ced !with good success; ,many !appreciated 'having the chance ,of paying half idhetr taxes iearly. Out of $416,000 on the tax roll, all but $8,000 that been now collected, the larger delinquents including ,the 'Can- ada'Furniture factory, $1700; the Wol- verton mill, $400; also the Rax mill. Petitions received by the council •and turned down included a 'paving peti- tion for certain streets; it was not good business at the present time, 'fo'r not only .were those on the street 'af- fected, but a share had to be borne by the general tax rate, The petition of the business men for b'ebter street lighting on Maitt street had .not been granted because of the expenditure in- volved. To put light's on the west side of Main street, poles wound have to be erected and the cost would run •over $4,000. (The lighting system 'had 'been thoroughly overh'au'led a 'few years ago; the 'Mayor aadvis'ed the (merchants to forget a'bou't it for now. The flour mull had missed itlwo payments of prin- cipal amounting to '$6,000, also two years' taxes. Mr. Daly and the Clerk had interviewed Mr. Wolverton at St. Marys and he had ,pronti'sed to pay last year's taxes, hut had not done so. The Canada Furniture 'factory could he 'bought cheap from the Bank of. Commerce; in 'fact t'h'ere was now a movement on foot to get some people interested in - it. 'There was a recent threat to pull the factory down, but that can not be done till the tdwn is Paid, the Mayor said. Mr. Daly said he was in the 'field for Mayor again and would give the dame 'honest ser- vice to the"town he 'haid in the past. Hris father had been born in 'Egm'ond ville 84 years ago and he him's'elf had been in business here for 'forty years. ;Reeve ;Smith announced he was the field again Wand asked dor support. He outlined his work as chairman of t mitt the fire and Water committee and es- timated a saving of $_09 had been ef- fected. The firemen had foregone the customary 115,00 dare rebate, tMr. James Rivers inquired about the reeves re- ceiving six days' pay at county coun- cil for 31/ ,days session this amount- ing to '$7556 extra a year. .Mr.:Smliith said it had al'wlays been the custom and so 'Ear no Change had 'been made. Councillor W. W. Crosier spoke next. The ,property com'inittee, ro'f which he was a member, had cut their eaepenses $1+24. Mr. ICro'sier said he was father of the :neat bylaw. He declared he had not sought to keep meat ped- dlers out of town, but to enable them DUBLIN Miiiss Anna Delaney of Windsor is spending her vacation with her par- ents, Mr. ,anid Mrs, James .Delaney. 'Mr. .Gerald Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holland and (stirs. Leo Itol- land of Wtnid,sdr, returned home after spendin,,a a few days in the village. Mrs. J. Ryan of Stratford spent a couple of days with her mother, Mrs. T. Maloney. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Basil .Byrne and chil- dren of Detro!i,t are visiting at the home of hIrs. Wm. Byrne. {Rev. Father Feeney returned to Lnnd'on Monday. iWe are sorry to report the'seriou, illness,- of 'Thomas Enright of !Strat- nrd, formerly Of Dublin, whois very seeiou'sly 111 with pn'eumo'nia at pres- ent. 'Ursula Krauslcapf visited friends in to sell nvelat heThere w,: c s eralile Idisicus'sionre. regardingast'ow uhe bylaw bad been drawn up, a number of those present taking part; appar- ently there had been a misundierstand ing regarding the 'transient traders by- law and the old meat. bylaw. Council- lor Crosier said he Was o'ppo'sed to ex- penditures for public' .works 'at this time; are also discussed thee recent naee'tinlg of the businaass men in. regard to munieip'al' matters, and was, oppos- ed to it. 'Councillor Crosier announced he was in the field again for 'council. ]Councillor Isaaac I atdson, 'chairman of the streets committee, gave figures showing that the expenditure for roads 'had been reduced from, $2,6215 in 119311 to $1,312 in '10312, thus saving the sum of $1,'31113, the saving on team- ing land trucks being $5214. A change had been effected so that all expendi- tures had been itemized in detail for street work; Councillor Jno. H. Scott regarded the large audience present as a taken of ap'prec'iation of the 'council's work. This council will always be knolwn as the '"Mand-Itiimes council," he said. In the m'o.ves for'economy :'here had been ' no dissenting voices, and he believed rigid econrolmy must he our Watch- word, He was opposed to mayor pub- lic works rat this time'. He would not be the 'cause df an election but might throw his 'hat into the ring with true rest in the event of an election. Mir. Scott 'then gave a reading, which ap- pears verb'at'im an.page 2 of this issue. Mr. A. D. (Sutherland, nominated for Mayor, ,said the represented 'the common people 'ant ratepayers: 'He appreciated 'Mayor 'Daly's report to this meeting, but the fact that he (Mir. Sutherland) had been put up, showed there was need for a change. He was not in favor of large public expendi- tures; rather, a relief committee was needed to 'handle all appeals' for aid. It would be cheaper for the 'to'wn to maintain. their unemp'loye'd and get the government rebate than attempt big undertakings. He thoughtcriminal j'us'tice costs were a crime in this county—potty 'cases should be tried before Magistrate Greig. He favored flat rates for hydro and thought this should be pressed for with the Ontario Hydro 'Comlmdssion. Dr. John Grieve said he Was stand- ingev d solicited support. for Re a an iMr. R. 'G. Parke was as yet undecide td whether he would run for Public URilitfes. tDra'wi'ng attention to the fact that his two opponents for the mayoralty in '1930, were again facing each other, Mr. Parke criticized M'r. Suitherland's attitude in the council that year. Mr. Sutherland and others replied. Mir. E. L. 'Box, n'o'm'inated for coun- cil and also for 'Public Utilities, was as yet •und'e'cided. He had 'municipal experience and was a heavy taxpayer amid would want to see the town's (money spent judiciously. In regard to tax p:aymenits, hie 'suggested a system like that of Toronto, whereby a rate- payer could pay part or all of his taxes any ,month Of the year, equalized to December 'without penalty. In regard to flat rate for Hydro, he had -written fast month, on 'behalf Of the industrial committee, to try to start such a movement by the Western (Ontario Cha!mlbers of Co'mmer'ce. Mr. Louis Eberhart announced he was in the field for council and asked for support. His pla'tiarm was econ- omy. Mr. Thos, H. Johnstone said he had .no intention df standing. Mr. James Rivers ''said he would not stand. 5. M'clMi4'1'an said much had been heard of economy at this meeting and he was glad to hear ill. He had no i'nten'tion of running; no serious fault had been found with the old council, they were the 'first to start a reduction of expenses and be was not in 'favor of turning oat those Who had made a good beginning. • IMr, J. W. 'Beattie said he was glad Mr. Crosier admitted he was the means, of bringing in the meat bylaw; he ,had never seen 'ohs bylaw, but was sorry it was. not enforced. He ,had sh no htn o d ' er t gt do t slit the bylaw or the charge ]'aid under it. At the same tint's, he pointed out, it was only right that those who came in front outstide to peddle in town shouldh con'tri'bute their share to the town ex- pense, just as he and all other mer- chants are d'o'ing. 'Councillor Crosier replied: VARNA. Miss ,Florence Mosso is home from L'ond'on Normal. Misses Gladys and Emily Beatty of London spent the holiday at their home here. Mr, and Mrs. Mel Clarke and family of Winthrop spent the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Epps, Stanley reeve and oounoil received an acclamalbion. The Untied Church Christmas tree held last Friday evening was a decid- ed' success. !Sacrament will be a'dm'inistered ,netet Sunday evening in the United C'hurc'h. The following week the week of p:ray- er will be observed, .Goshen and Blake are having union ,moeltings each alter - ninon and at Varna in the evening. Everybody will be welcohne at these services. 'Measles have againbroken out in our 'community. (Misses Irelne and Mary Ohutcr spent the week end under the par- ental roof. Miss Mary. Reid is spending her holisilays at .the .Eerie of Mir, John McfAslh Aut�.Insuranco Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates IW's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- tnrily paid, Phone. write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 GENERAL INSURANCE — REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Offic'e'ove.r Keasing's Drug Store Mr. F. W. Wigg, on behalf of'the school board, disc'usse'd educationiail matters, recommending 'that (Seaforth' modernize their educational system by having a Board of Education; elect- ed by the people, in control of pub-' Iic school and Collegiate. Mr. (MIr, and Mrs. Argo of Toronto are visiting at the honne of Mr. and Mars. Alex, McConnell Miss Sadie Elliott is spending Sp g Icer holidays among relatives here. M'r, Mervyn Keys is spending his holidays at the haeme of his parents., IA Wlabch Night service, is being held Saturday evening in Goshen Un- ited Church, con ieencdng Mr, Satewant Keys is spending a few days at his h'otne' here,