The Seaforth News, 1932-12-29, Page 1We'are but minutes -little things I
Eaci, ane furnished with sixty Ravings,
With rihidh we fly on our unseen
And not a minute aver comes. back,
We are bait msi,nutes--use us wel'1,
f hN
For how we are used we niust .one
day telh
Who uses minutes, has hours to use-
Who loses ,raMates, whole years must
WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 54, No. 52.
Phone 84.
These are our, prices:
Christmas Mixture 10c Ib
Satin Mixture 25c lb
French Cream ....2 lbsfor 35c
Caramels and Chocolates
,Mixed.,.........,., 25c lb.
Fancy Boxes from 25e
Canes , , ... from 2 for 5c
Phone 26.
The Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
Happy ° New Year
'per' lb 40c
40c and 60c lb.
per lb. 60c
RAISINS, !Seedless Ilk; Seeded 15c
ILexias 13c, largest and finest
Valendias lk&c. Bleached Sulf
tanas 18c. 0':�',•�Ya'1 1r
JEIJLIES.-Young's a for 25c, Shin-
riffPs Luscious, 3 for 25c; De
(Luxe 6 for 25c.
BAKING MOLASSES in bulk 6c lb.
Baking Syrup ..10c lb
mum NUTS. All new, "walnuts, al-
monds, filberts and Brazils, in
+; w„ equal quantities (no peanuts)
'per ib 16c
SHELLED PEANUTS , . 2 lbs. 25c
CORN, I's per can Sc
7 Tel Y'S SOAP, large cake, pink, yel-
low and mottled, very popular
at 100. Special, per cake Sc
:Western wheat, the most .popular
flour we've had, per cwt. ..$2.05
North Side United Church. .Pastor,
Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A.
(Sunday, Jan. lat.
111 a;m.-+Public Worship -A N'ew
Year's Me's'sage.
2,30 p.m.-1S;S. and Bible Classes.
7 p.m. -'Pu'b'lic 'Worship. Subject -e--
Our Attitude Toward the New. (No.
5). 'The 'Oxford Group Movement,
PH'ON'E 166
BOX 43
E. L.
MV1,U,NIOI'PAIL EL'E.CTION ID. Adams 59%; M. Bolton 36%, 6;
E. Broadfoot 52%, 5; H. Britton
60%, 2; E. Chapman ,(absent) • G.
Coleman 68%; A. ,Devereaux, 70%;
I. Eberhart 45%, 5; B. Eckert 60%,
1; R. Hugill, 60%;, G. Mason 49%,
4; Jean Murray 36%, 3; E. Nott 63%;.
R. O'Connor 511%, 4; H. Rankin 32%,
2; B. Rice 73%; W. Savauge 87%;
Ix. Sclater 66%, 0, ab. 6; J. Smith
69%; M. Smith, 59%, 2; B, South-
gate 5!6%, 3; E. Storey, 45%, 4, ab. 1;
J. Watson 67%, 1.
Ander* ,56%, 2;K. Beattie
5'4%, 3; Colenan 54%, 2; W. Cud -
More 40%, 111.I•. Dundas 70%; R.
Hamii'ton:.65%, 2; H. Hldlen, 66%;
L. J'oynt '671%; E. Leyburne 61%, 2;
I. M'adTavis'h 62%, 1'; ab. 1; R. Mc-
Cartney 36%, 6, H. Mdlver 76%;
Jas. Murray 52%, 3; A. O'Leary 30%,
6, ab. 2; N. Patrick 42%, 6; R. Ren-
nie (absent); K. Rutledge .417%, 5;
J. Scott 77%; H. Sheffer 83%.
.R. Allen 40%, 7; A. Bolton 62%,
1; .M. Bro'adfoot, 61%; N. Cardno
45%,13, ab. 1; B. Delaney 517%, 2;
E. Drover 77; A. Eckert 74%; A.
Finlayson 68%; I. Forrest 54%, 1;
M. Forrest 68%, 1; G. Free 56%, 2;
G. Gemmell 51$%, 2; J. Hab'kirk 65%,
1; M. Haigh, 419, 4; C. Hamilton
48%,'" 3; W. - Heffron 49%, ' 7; M.
Kling 611%, 2; R. Mac'Lean 62%, 1;
J. McKenzie 66, 1, ab. 1; S. M'c-
Sp'a'dden 72%.; B. Malcolm 51%, 1,
ab. 7; F. Moylan: 52%, 3; C. O'Leary
60%,, 2; M. Reid 78%; D. Sill's, 45%,
5; H. Somerville 54%, 5; K. Stewart
71%; M. Thompson 52%, 2; N. Tyn-
dall 82%; Thos. McQuaid 70%.
,MdKillop will have an election for
coudicil only on Monday newt. Mr.
5104 M. Eckert being declared ,elect-
ed f Reeve by acclamation.' Reeve
Oanalplbelll did .not qualify in time,
it is understood. A rep6rt of ,the
nomination meeting is on Page 2,
An election will be held in 'Seaforth
on January 2nd, elle following having
qualified. The names, in alphabetical
order as they appear on the ballot:
For Mayor
John, F. Daly.
Andrew D. Sutherland.
For Reeve
J'oin Grieve.
Robert ',Smith.
For Council
J, 'W. B'euttie.
W. A. Crich.
W. W. 'Crosier
H. D. ''''ale
L. Ebarh'art
'Geo D. Ferguson
Isaac 'Hudson
F, S. Savauge
3.H. H. Scott
Ross Sproat
Public Utilities Commission
Ernest L. Box (laoclam'ation)..
Public School Trustees
N. Ward -IF. W. 'Wigg (acclaim.)
lE. Ward -W. A. Wright (acclaim)
IS. Ward --,M. McKellar (aeclam.)
Sunday, January Ist. Morning sub-
ject, 'Pu'tting First Things First."
Evening: "T'he First Story inthe Life
of Josue'-4After Christmas,"
Morning, "The Consecration .df
Ourselves." Special music by the
Evening, `Up and Over'." The
chair will render 'that beautiful Christ-
mas cantata ""The Adoration."
Yuletide Greetings
'St. Thomas' ,Anglican Church, Sun-
day, Jan. hs't, services on New Year's
Day. A Midnight Service will be held
commencing New Year's Eve at 51.40
o'clock 'and lasting 30 minutes. All
welcome. 1'1 a.m. service, morning
prayer, sermon: top'i'c, "New Year's
Thought's." Sunday School at 3 p.m.
Evening ,prayer, 7 o'clock, sermon by
the rector, "New Year's Thoughts."
The following are the results o+f
the recent examinations held at the
Seaforth Collegiate Institute. The
first number after a pupil's name is
the average % on all subjects writ-
ten, the second' the numlber. Of sub-
jects failed, and bhe third number
the number of ,subjects for wlhidh the
candidate was absent. Detailed re-
pents 'have been given to the pupils
for parent's.
1Htghestlboy; J. Drager 74%. High-
est girl, A. Frnnigan 85%. V. Bell
69%; P. Downey 59% 2; J. 'Drager
74%; E. Drover 71%; J. Dunlop
44%, 7; J. Eokert 69%; IG. IEIi'io'tt
55%, 2; C. Flannery 49%, 4;.
Free 44% 6; S. Geddes, 712%, 1; G.
Gemmell 70%; F, 'Grieve 59%, 2; 0.
Hildebrand 45%, 4; 15. 1Mollroy 54%
1, ab. 4; J. O'Reilly 39%, 4, ab. 2;
G. Pinkney 57%, 2; C. Rintoul 52%,
3; 'H. 'Siegris't 55%, .1.; 'M. South-
gate '577%, 2.
A. Case 84%; I Cihuter 55% 4;
R. Cluff 811%; C. Dale 69%; E. Dex-
ter 59%, 1; A. Finnigan 85%; T.
Flannigan 57%; M. Fortune 63%;
M. Hanley 57%, 2; M. Holmes 80%;
A Hudson .60%; D. Hudson 69%
0, ab.''2; V. ,Hughill 73%; D. Law-
son 711%; E. Leitch 73%; J. McIver
59%, 1, ab. 2; Mgt. McIver .56%, 4,
ab. 2; Marion Malver 42%, 6; M.
McMichael 714% 0, ab. 2; D. Nigh
43%, 5; L. Nott 717%; M. O'Reilly
5111%, 3, ab. 2; D. Parke 62%, 1; J.
Stewart 55%, 2; V. Storey 68%.
Highest boy J. Sherwood 89%.
Highest girl, D. Golding , 84%, R.
Allen 43%, 5, ab. 1; K. Betties 57%,
4; G. Carter 54%, 3; J.' Cheoros 72%;
J. Consitt 52%, 4; S. Dorrance 68%;
W. Forrest 41%, 6; N.:MacLean 48%,
4; R. McMillan 60%, 1, ab. 2; H.
Nicholson 411%, 5, ab. 2; C. Nolan
57;, ab. 5.
• R. Pryce
53%, 2;2,
Rankin' 63%; F. Rutledge 60%, 4;
G. Ryan 411%, 6; D. Shannon' 511'%,
4; J. Sherwood 80%; F. Sills 69%;
E. Southgate 67%; 5. Wright 46% 2,
The final meeting for the year was
held by the Public ,School Board on
Dec. 22nd. Hbl'mes-(Archibald.-lT,ha't,
the minutes of the September meeting
and also special meeting he approved
as read. C'arried. .Archibald=J'oynt.-
That the principal's report be adopted.
Carried. ;Wigg-IHollmes-tTihat Inspec-
tor's report be accepted and filed and
that a Y'al'e lock be procured. Carried.
AdKellar4Ardh bald,-ITha't the H. &
S. A'ss'n be granted use of 'kinidergar-
ten room for euchre to raise funds for
welfare work. Carried. .
IW'igg4Holmes.-4Th'at the following
accounts .be passed: N, Price $4.20;
Keatin 's, $920; .'Frost's, $12.150; Wan.
Dioig,.$10; W. Reid, $5; cleaning c.p„
$811That Total
al pay6. McKellar $100nt
1932.. secretary's work, also 'truant offi-
cer, $10. Carried, •
Inspector's 'Report
Godernich, Dec. h2, 1932.
' h ' 1 Beard,
The Public Saao , Seafo
IGent'lemenH1 visited your school
Nov. 28th, Dec. 16th and 9th and spent
two and a half days in its inspection.
There has 'been no change in the ac-
commodations which are fn ,good don -
.inion The ca're'ta'king 'is well done;
the school is clean `'and contiorta.ble.
WAS FOIRNLER RESIDENT The attendance . h'as 'been poor this
Canon A leyard Inas received term due to . an outbreak of the
pP measles; unless a quarantine is strictly
ghrden1t o greetings nth a sunporor applied it'seemRsof little service. The
resident of'Seafobtlt in the person of I classes 'consequently, cannot be in the
Cs W. Hartman atClarksburg. 'r' sa'm'e good condition as usu'a9, ;t is
.' p
Warden at C'larlrsburg while he • was
in charge of Sit. George's Church,
Clarksburg., Mr. Btai+tman has been
prominent in banking circles and po1-.
iridal life.
"Dear' Canon A' p!p'1eyard,-About 60
Years ago' I attended ached • in Sea -
forth and we resided in,a square frame
white hou•3e that I understand is .the
Rectory now. Two years ago I spent
of a Sunday there, found two
h boys when I was ART Yours reslpedtfully,
With every good wish, G W. HA JOIHN M, FIELD.
1 . M ,I" ' not
Hartman wasCanonAIp 'leyard's advisale to teach the same lessons to
the 'Junior and (Senior Fourt'h rooms,
,especially arithmetic and grammar;
one or the other d'iv'ision ,suffers -usu-
ally the Junior. The staff work 'h'ar-
nron•iausiIy° together and tie teachers
are a good average in ,ability. Music is
well taught and it is a p'leasune to no-
tice the pro'gres's .,of the classes, It
wo'uld,be well to p'rov'ide a Yale lack
for the frontt door as some one 'has a
duipl'i'cate key.
men who were o
'Tuesday, Jan. 3rd--Tn St. Thomas'
Church. 'The Oon'se'ceatlion of the.
Horne Life -Reverend W. P. Lane.
Wednesday, Jan. 4th-4Ln Egmbnd
vlllle Church. The ,Consecration of
'Ch'urches-Reverend I, B. ,Kaine.
_Thursday, Jan. SIth-'IIn Northside
Church. The Consecration of Our
Co nimun'ity Life-IlReverend Canon E.
;Friday, Jan. 6 --In First Church.-
hurch-The Consecration of Our Internation-
al Relation,slhilp's.-(Reverend Charles
J�[�K DPi
For Mayor
I solicit your vote and influence for position of Mayor of Seaforth
for 1933. My record as your Mayor for past two years stands for
your approval.
I -wish to, state that my policy will be as heretofore -that is strict-
est economy in alldepartments of civic government.
rtsmairkRs PLOWING
On Monday, December 26th:, several
farmers in Tuckersmit'h an'd Hibbert
tdwsrships were busy plowing in their
fields. An early' covering of snow has
keptthe frost. out Of the ground.
The doll caaute'st winners at Keat
ing's Pharmacy were: 1st, Louise
Case; '2u43, Wilma McILean; 3rd, Gen-
evieve Alien. The 'first three received
e doll and carriage. The next twelve
received dolls: Phyllis Scott, Margaret
Hudson, Mary Boswell, ,Shirley
Worm, 'Marie Evans (:Dublin), .Bar-
bara'Spro'a't, Betty Nigh, June Fletch-
er, ` Jacqueline Hableir•k, Elizabelth
Bannon, Doris Venus, Jean Currie.
to Thank You
Most sincerely for your continued patronage during the year 1932. We
realize that your goodwill is our greatest asset and are very happy in
the knowledge that your good will has given to us the busiest Christ-
mas we have ever had. Again, we thank you.
The depression was terrible, we know, but we also know that de-
pressions cannot last forever. Furthermore, we know that we are three
years nearer good times than we were at the beginning of the depres-
sion. And so we have good reason to hope that the coming year will
reveal to us the beginning of f better times. With this background we
wish you most cordially
Happy and Prosperous
New Year
Fred S. Savauge
The Gift Shop
spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs,
B. B. Step'hens'on and Mr. Sitephen-
Miss Galwley is spending Christ-
mas :hol'iday's at her home,
'Mr. Bill D'a'le of Toronto spent
Christmas with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Dale.
Miss K'a'thleen Logan is spending a
few days 'with her sister, Mrs. Leo
Mr. Lawrentce Taylor of Detroit
and Mrs. McMillan and daughter Ma-
rion of Landon, Miss Florence Tay -
lar Of Western University, spent
Christina's with their mother, Mrs. H.
Taylor and 'brdther Harvey.
Mr. and Mgrs. Fred Elliott of Ter-
onto spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, J. Ferguson.
Mrs.. Wm. Moore returned to Tor-
onto on Thursday to spend She win-
ter with her daughtter, Mary, and son,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Scott Davidson of
Brucefield spent 'Christmas alt the
home of Mr. and .Mrs. Robert. Law-
64. James Arts Club held a very in-
teresting meeting in the parish hall on
evening, Dec.D
23rd, d,
Nolan as chairman. After the
business session the program opeated
with the reading of the Arts Club
Journal by Miss Angela Eckert and
Mr. Fnank Reynolds. A violin solo by
Mr. Eugene Duncan, accompanied by
Miss Celestine O'Leary,
"Res'alved 'that Christmas giving
should be discouragea," was the sub-
je'c't of a debate be'tweea M'is's Hilda
Kennedy and Mee Eugene Duncan, af-
firmative, and Miss Alice Daly and
Mr. Gordon Reynolds, negative. The
negative side was given the decision.
Mrs. Jas. Devereaux, Mrs. Jas. Cleary,
and Miss M. Dorsey were 'guest -
judges. Following r' the ddba!te, Mr.
Clarence Nolan gave a reading on the
origin of Christmas traditions and
cu'sto'ms', an ,exoellent two-a'ct .play 'vias
presented next, with the following
cast: Misses Jane V'erbeem, Martha
Flannery, Doreen. Nigh, Doro'tlh'y
Bannon, Miald'elitre William's, Frances
Fortune, Joan Devereaux, Jean Mc-
Iver, Mary ,Flortun•e, Jean Stewart, Is-
abel Flannigan, Margaret Lane and
Mr. Win. . Lane. During the intermis-
sion, Miss Celestine O'.Leary sang a
solo, accompanied by Miss Alice Daly.
The Meeting concluded, with the
singing of Ch'risbmas earths by
0, Alberhart 64%, 1; D. Bannon
69%•; L. Box (absent); M. Broadfoot
62%, 1; P. Coleman 65%; V. Cole-
man 70%; J. Devereaux (absent); D.
Drover 68%, ;h; E. Duffy 78%; 'C.
Eckert 74%; M. Finnigan 65%; M.
Nett 49%, 5; F. Fortune Ell;%, 1; D.
'Goldin:g 84%; H. H'a'nti1'ton 58%, 2;
P. Hu'gi'll 72%; M.. Jbhns'tone 94%,
2; C. Lane 47%, 2; A. .Love, 711'%,
0, ab. 2; 1. MacKay 5'3%, 3; V. Mole
37%, 2, ab. 4; 0. Moore 81%; M•
Murphy 65%, 1; E. ,Sh'inen 49%,; 4;
M. Stewart, 154%a, 3; M. Storey 66%,
1; J. Wsibson 80%; M. Wigg (absent);
C. William's 52!%, 3; M. W'illia'ms 50%,
3; M. Murray 50%, 2, ab. 3.
Highest pupil, Stewart Plant .77%.
B. Aberhar't 49%, 2; 'I.,'Bettles 55%,
4; E. Broadfoot 62%; D. ,Canter 64%;
M. Cudmore 416%, 6; A. Delaney
62%; M. Downey 58%, 3; B. Drover
48%, 2, ab, 4; M. Daffy 52% 3; D.
Fanqu'h'ar 58%, 2; M. Finnigan '41%a,
5; B. Forrest 44% 5; L. Hart 26%,
10; L. H'aw'kiins 54%, 2; M. Hay 33%,
6; E. Henderson 48%, 3;. C.ISo-
bham 318%, 6; I. Jamieslon 57%,
G. ,Klrauter 70%, 1; M. Ley'bumne
50% 4; M Little, 45%, 3; E. 'Mac
Gregor 4.3%, 4; H. McLean 39%, 6;
P. Southgate 418% 3; V. Townsend
36%j 7; j Wallace 66%; F. Archi-
bald 69%, 1; A. Devereaux 63%, 2;
5. Downey 60%, 2; C. Ferguson 55%,
2; A. Golding .70%;, J, Hotham . 29%,
8; 'A,' Key's 69%, 1; G. Kruse 38%,
7; J. M'elIver 66%; R. MIe1Nab 39%,
6; 5, MclQnaid 49%, 3; D. Patrick
43%, 4; S. Plant 717%; E. Rennie 38%,
6. H: Rutledge 45%, 5; M. Shannon
"A Happy New Year to all."
Mr. and Mrs, Elton Hais't and Mr,
Archie Campbell of Toronto . spent
Christmas with relatives here.
'Mr. John Bullaud spent Oh'ristmes'
with Mr. Harold Su -million of Whi-
Miss Beth Govenlock .of Detroit,
Mrs. :Mac" McKenzie of Ol1lhawa and
Mrs. Mae Dorrance elf Seaforth spent
Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs,
Geo. Eaton.
'Mr. and Mas. Baxter of B'enmiller
spent Monday . with Mr, and Mrs.
Roibt. Campbell.
'M'r. and Mrs." Thos. Price and
family spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. M. Armstrong of Hallett.
.M'r. and MTS. Jack Pryce spent
.h Mr. Mes. Geo.
Christmas wit
Williamson Of Walton.'Lane 'Sr.
Mr. George Love and George Jr. James Slhea of Toronto spelt Christ,
Of Walton spent Monday with Mr, atlas with his parents, Mr, and Mitis.
and Mrs. A, A. Cuthill: John Shea.•
Mr. Eddy Pryce, Misses Nellie and (Rev. Father Dian'tzer •returned home.
Annie Pryce and Mrs. Pryce of Sea- from London la's't we'e'k after taking
forth spent Christmas twith relatives treatment in 'Sit. Josdp'h's Hospital, for
east of the village. the past couple Of months. We are
(Don't forget the dance in the hall glatd to say his health has Unproved.
Thursday night, Dec. 29th.' The .funeral took place on W'ednes-
Death of Geo. Betts. We were day morning A'Stt. Columban Church
sorry to learn of the death of Geo. of Mr Dennis Barry, who diext on
:Mr. and Mas. Albert Currie, and
family, of Wingham and Mr. and Mrs.
George Brown and Lois of Huliett
spent Chris'tma's with their Parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Crozier. Miss
Vera Crozier is also spending her
h'olid'ays at theme.
:Misses Vera and Anna Ksstn'er of
Waterloo, also Mr; and Mrs. Joseph
Thornton, slpent Chris'tma's with Mir.
and Mrs. George; Kistnler.
Mr. E, Regele is wearing a smile
since his wife prese'n'ted him with a
baby girl.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming,
ROSS and Norma, also William Lemm-
ing spent lvlonday evening with Mrs.
Bella Boyd.
'Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H'iIlen and
family spent Monday evening with
Ed. and Bessie Davidson. -
IEd. and Bessie Davidson spent
Sunday forenoon with Mr. and Mrs.
Duncan McNichol.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hoegy and
family spent Ivlonlday with Mr. and
Mos. George Hioegy Of Grey Twp.
(Mir. and Mrs. Jack Vo'cke and fam-
ily of Bornholm spent Christmas with
the latter's mother, ars. Emrna Sie-
:Mrs. 'Duncan Mc,Nic'hol called on
Mrs. Ed. Regele Sunday afternoon.
Among the teachers home for
Christmas we notice, Mildred, Gert-
rude and AgnesMcGrath, df Water -
10o;. Margaret M'uGrath and Anne.
Dayton of Bean'Nford, Helen Flannery
of Linwood, Lucy Burke of London
and Charles Malone of Windsor,
(Misses Evelyn McGrath of Buffalo
and Mary McGrath of T'oron'to were
home over lire holiday.
Mr. Martin McQuaid and Miss •Rose
McQuaid, R.N., of Toronto, spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mas. Jos.
Miss Mary .Lane and Messrs. Thos.
and Basil Lane of Toronto spent the
holiday with their mother, Mrs. John
t 'Th'e Christmas tree under the aus-
pices of Constance Sunday school,
held on the evening of the 22nd, was
well attended, and a good evening
spenit with the little f'ol'k as well as
the en'tertain'ers and also some of the
older . ones. 'They all 'perfeeined their
parts well, 'M•udh oredit was due to
the public school teacher, Miss Gawl-
y who did not spare herself in train-
ing the children Rev. W A, Ga'ndner,
the.leastor, was chairman for the
pao'gnans after which Santa Claus ar-
rived on the scene to distribute the
presents from off the tree, to the de-
light of all bhe wee folk.
'Geo. Sills and Sons of Seaiorbh are
installing a furnace in the school in
the holidrays' of the IAlt the annual meeting
payers Of the school section, the fol-
lowing trestees were elected: 'Mr. Ol-
ivet Anderson, lvlr. Wm. Bl i<btosi, Mr.
53%, 3; T. Sills 1516%, '1; J. St yens B. B. Stephenson. -
The Misses Blanche and Elva
5.2%,'3; D. H. S'tewant 49%, 4; 'D.Wlheatley•s'peiilt Ohriistnias under the
,Stewart 5.1%,'2; F. Whitmore 70%. parental roof, Miss Elva returning to
FOIRM IV. her duties on Monday.
(H6gh'estl pupil, Winnie Savauge, Mr. Elliott Andrew of Tor'onto
Betts, Who passed away in the On- lvlond'ay, December 26th. Rev. Fs.
tario Hospital, London, on Wedmes- Deretzer conducted tIse service. Inter-
day, Dec. 2'1'st, . after an illness of a mint was in St. Colu'tnblan 'ceme'tery.
few weeks. Mr. Betts was in his 70th The pallbearers were William O'Reilly
year. The funeral was held from his MnMtitt Feeney, W'm. Atkinson, Dan
late residence on Friday afternoon, Otoni'n Michael Downey, Owen H'ant.
interment 'being 'made in Bau'ssels
cemetery: Rev. Mr. Smith conducted
the services. The pallbearers. were
Gordon and Joseph Holmes, W
Eaton, George Eaton, Aibmit Eichler,
David Leitch. Two sisters survive,
Mrs. Holmes and Miss 'Eliza Betts. A
brother, Roberti, predeceased hint last
Miss McNeil and Jrvo. Ailtches'om
spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs.
James Ai'tc'heson at Roxboro. memories and to
,Mr. and. Mrs, Jos. Little spent joy many happy
Christmas at Belgrave. 'sh'ow thepeace and gdod'will amon'gs't
Mr. Neil Montgomery spent Christ- friends. All worries and cares are
nvas at ,&engrave. thrown aside for the time being, with
The creek flooding at this time of the tropes of bright prospects; in the
year is most -unusual, •near future. •. -
Mr. Barry was 72 years of age and
had been 'in ill health for two years.
He was un'ntarried,
The mild, weather has made the
roads a>km!o'st impassible in the coun-
try and many motorists had a hard
time to make their destination ort
Ohristm'as day. There were many fam-
ily reunions on Ohrislmtas day to en -
Your vote and influence is deserved
and will be appreciated by
A. 0 autherlailli
for Mayor
His best recommendation : Veld last
job 33 years and 8 months