The Seaforth News, 1932-12-22, Page 5N THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1932 DO YOUR'ICHRISTNPASSHOPPING AT THESE CONVE'N'IENT STORES IWIhere you can make an unhurried selection .of your requirements From a: wonderful •range Of ''the worid's finest ;fronds. 1.932 'is a year of values and nowhere are these values 'greater ''than at !Superior 'Stores. You can make this 1'the best'Of •a1i ;Christmases" for yourself and' your friends when you buy at Superior IStores, ;Remember their slogan- WE -SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items for Week Ending 'December 28. SINGAPORE (SLICED .PINEAPPLE 1%'s MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE LININ VALLEY GOLDEN WAX 'B'EA'NS, 2's SPANISH OLI.LI'VES, Jumble Pack, large 32 oz. SN'GERSOLL MALT 'CHEESE %'s ,AIRISTiOCRAT PEAS, No. 2 tins IOhristm'as Clhocola'tes, 'fancy tbox, N ew 'Mixed Nuts, no ipeanu'ts ISlchneid'er •Pealmeal (Back Paean' piece 18c; !slice'd' 20c IMo'nitreal Marguerites, IDtun'a iBtaby 'Cigars .of 5s make an racceptable gift. Royal York Tea, regular price 45c 'with free ,J•ig Sa'w Puzzle. 2 tilts 21c 1's 43c 2 tins 23c ,.: 29c 2 pkgs. ff25 c per till' Aii5 c 5 lb's. 1.00 2 lbs. 29c Canada (Dry (Ginger Ale, pints 15c; quarts 'Sea King 'Lobsters, finest packed'...,....... %`e 1'Sc; '. I% S "1 1b. • 1 ' 'in Patties ! iOhocolate ,Pep!perm t I 'Crea'm's and 'Chocolate ls4lb'ture 1' lb. ;1 'lb. 1 'ib. 1 ib. 2" tubs. 1::Vb. Candy Coated (Peanuts " Pa'tters'on's Homemade IFudge Satin Mixed (Candy Special •Mixed ICalndy, 6 varieties !Fresh 'Roasted ;Peanuts 23c, 28c, 30c, '400, N ew !Navel 'Oranges , 3c, • '3 Obs, (Fresh'California .Grapes ............. .. ;in !fibs. 'Chris'tmas Crackers 25c° 2$c. 19c 19c 19c. 19c• 15c 25c 10c 50c 29c 25c "Christmas Cheer Hamper A MOIST ACCEPTABLE GIFT FOR ANYONE 15 'lbs. ,Potatoes 5 lbs. 'Carrots 1 doz. Oranges 1 lb. Mixed Nuts 2 tin's Soup 7 lbs. Flour 5 bars Soap 5 lbs. Apples 1 lb. Mixed Candy 5 lb, White ?Beans 1 lb -Butter 1 lb Blue Boy Tea 2 'loaves 'Bread 1 tin tomatoes 2Ves or Coffee. d lb mixed 'biscuits '5 lbs. Railed Oats AlU'forf4' ° $ 5 delivered intown Aylmer Christmas. Box WRAPPED AND AT'TRA'CTIVE Contains 10 • tin's including—Cherries; Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, Raspberries, IStravib:erries, IG.1a'25 Golden :Bantam Corn and Tomato Juice R05SproatS J. Phone 8 MISS N.Pryce 77 THE SEAFORTI NEWS. ,; TOWN :TOPICS. Mr. (Keith Lamont of ' Detroit Is spending Christmas with his father; Mr. Alex, La•niont. Miss Marion [Scarlett of Port Wil:' them and Mts. Grace Hoiggarth df In lewolod will spend the holiday's with Viz and Mrs. ,RobtScarlett iMr. \Vii Muldrew df Hfamslton is. spending the•week-end •at the home of Mr. and Mrs: 'Robert Scarlett, 'Mrs. Margaret ,Hare left for Toron- Ifo ,Monday to visit her dau'ghte'r, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wegg, for the holidcnays. Miss Mary Smith of Adb'any, NY.,. lis spending the holidays with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs,' Percy Smith 'Mr.' Dan Shanahan was in Toronto over the wreck end. Miss 'Elizabeth Carlin, of Brescia Hall, Lonldon, is a' guest at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Shanahan. • IMr. and 'Mrs. 5. M. Henderson left .on Saturday to spend several weeks in Toronto, Mrs. 'Ralplh'Stephenson of 'Stanley spent several days with her sister; IMrs F. J. Kerslake, before leaving to !spend Ch'ristm'as with her sister, Mrs. IF, Vipond, at ;Staffs.. Mrs. John 'Sclater, Mrs. M'clCellar, and Mrs. Keating spen'tt last week .with Toronto friends. Miss Margaret ;Ross of Toronto is 'spending the :holidays at her house. (Miss ':Helen 'Bedhely 01 Hamilton and Peggy Bec'luely of St. Thomas are holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross J. Spro';at. - M+rs. J. A. Reid spent a few days this 'week, at (Varna. Mr. Francis Devereaux, of Western (University, London, is spending bhe holidays at the home .of his mother, Mrs. F. ;Devereaux. ,IMr. (Gordon.' Rennie of Seaforth played centre with Stratford Normal School hockey team which tied Tor- onto !Normal School team in Toronto' on Saturday. Mr. Harry Htn'chley of Pembroke is a lhloliday' visitor with his mother, 'Mrs. J. D. '' Hin+dhley. Mr. Wr E. Chapman is moving.' his monument works to the Thompson property opposite the Dick House this week. The many friends of Dr. 8i. H. Ross are sorry to know of his illness this week, but are pleased to know he •is 'now improving. IRev.P. Lane and . and Mrs. 1W. Miss Helen 'Lane are spending a' few dlays nexlt week ..in Toronto. iA number df' friends of Mr. Pdter Cleary called on him on !Monday to lwish him 'many happy returns of the day..I+t was a double anniversary. As well as being Mr.: Cleary's seventy' ninth birthday; • ;it was the nin't'h birthday of his little, grandson, Mas-' ter James O'Reilly • of town. We . all join in wishing them many returns of the day. 'Buy Seaforth Butter 18 YEARS Always Good Quality We wish to extend greetings S to our many Patrons 0 liners - and C� uSt , for a Merry Xmas The Seaforth creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop. The Public School closes toaday '(ThuIsdiayp ,for the (Christmas d'ays, and re -open's on Tuesday, Jan- uary 3rd„1933. Mr. Gordon Doyle of St. Colum'bah was seriously injured at a practice game in the rink 'on Thursday night! 'Concussion of the brain was feared and the injured young man was re- moved to the hospital. ' IMr. and Mrs:;',Sidney, . Jacobs •• wall celebrate their,,golden, wedding' .an, niversary on Christmas Day t n Misses Vera Nolan and •••Dondthy 'Wilson of Stratford (Normal,' are spending the holidays at their homes, 'Mr, George Bethune arrived home this week. ' IMr. and Men. •Richard Strong and son Reginald' of 'McLennan, .Aorta., are visiting Mrs. 'Strong's father, Mr. !Jahn MdLellan. and other relatives. 'Miss Betty 'MoOlellan'd of Toronto is spending a few days with' her ,grand'paren'ts, Col. ,and Mrs. R. S. Hays. The second meeting of the A.Y.P. A. was held in the panislh hall .o3 Sit. 1evening. 1 n Monday Tho!mas' Church o Y A feature of the program was "a paper by Miss Jessie Archibald on the Value of Books. An unveiling ceremony took place at .Scott Memorial Hospital on Sum day when a handsome 'cabinet of splints was presented to the 'hos'pital in memory of the bate ;Rb'bt. M..'J:o'nes 'alkcr's Furniture Store Wishes You All AVery Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Why Not Give Useful, Durable Gif is Something for the glome that Will Give Lasting Pleasure to All the Family. We have ' the finest stock of Gift Furniture ever shown, and at such low prices. Staple Furniture always the best, but our odd Chairs, Tables, Telephone Stands, Magazine Racks, Lane •Cedar Chests, Ferneries, Rugs, Lamps and Novelties of all descriptions at clear -out prices. Gifts for every member of the family. Tune in on our Broadcast at 10 BP Wingham each Monday 7:130, and Wed. 12.00, Come and see the Christmas values we are offering. Store open every evening until Christmas. WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE 61. sot COMiM'UNICATLON. Editor Df Seaforth News. Dear Sir,—'I am confident that ;f the real facts of the .separate sc'hool, is- sue in Ontario were properly known by a greater proportion of fair-minded !Pro'test'ants - bhe present difficulties add inequalities would quickly disap- pear..'The grea't obstacle to a proper and equitable adjustment of taxes is the Pack o'f knolw'ledge shat obtains, not alone among public school. sup porters and. members of the legisla- ture, but also among Separate School ,taxpayers. . (Perhaps a :brief resume of, the facts might lead 'to a better unders'tanding,. to less acrimony, to a broader spirit of ,toletjan''ce and help'ful'ness among alt classes of people who comprise the rcomm.uni'ties of this progressive pro- vin9ce. ,In the first place let us understand that the existence of Separate .S'ch'ools lis not just, a "privilege 'to Ca'th'olics;" 't'he fact is that British North Am- erca Act, on which the irrevocable right,, to Separate School's is based, does' n'ot''anylwlhere speetfy 'Catholic" schools. These rights were granted to what were .termed in the ,Act, "Relig- ious 'Minorities" and it may be inter- esting to know 'that even in Ontario there are a number of noneCath'olic Separate Schools .in places where non- 'Ca'tholits, are "in the minority. .The Ant respecting. separate schools 'was framed to protect religious minor- ities in ,Upper and Lower' Canada and in 11841' some forty-one petitions were presented to the government Of tihe Iday, praying for the right to establish a system of religious education in the schools and of 'these petitions no less walker's FUNERAL, SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and: EMBALMING -Motor or Horse Equipment N L W.t'.KER', holder of Go- vernment diploma and liven Flowers Furnished::• Night or day phone 67 ate .of the c'l'ass of 1932. Regarded as 'be- ll honors rs prize among theft first a stowed .an students, a !Rhodes Scholar- ship is of the annual value of £400 and call for residence at Oxford Uni- versity 'for two years, Among the qu'ali'ties considered in the award are character, scholarship, athletic ability and leadership among fellow students, SEAF.ORTH: IVIARKETS. Butter, per lb ........ .:..:. .. . 18e s ,per doz. , .15'c -26c Egg , 60c oes ,bag 'Potatoes, O:A C- Rhodes Scholar For the first time in the: history .of the ins.htution,'a',Rhodes Scholar, ship• has come to a Student -Of Ontario' 1'C11 Vie: winner r' is' arsdty, isa holiday visitor in town. change an o'b'solete assessment Act in the manner that it was changed in Quebec. IIn 1932 .the Inspector General of 'Protestant Schools in Quebec, Mr. J. 'C. ,Sutherland, stated that the law in that province is satisfactory to every- one and "the Protestant minority en- joy 'complete educational .autonomy in alt things relating to the s'ch'ools." !That is the spirit separate soho'ol supporters are asking for in Ontario; surety no person who understands! the IEadts will deny them the right 'that o'b- viously is ,theirs. Governments in On- tario • have 'recognized the principle that Catholics were entitled to consid- er their investments in stack compan- ies as Catholic property, but they did not enact mandatory legislation, with the result that the spirit of the Act re- mains nullified and inoperative. 'What the separate school support- ers in this community, and in every other community in Ontario, desire is 'that public school supporters will ap- proach this subject in a spirit Of fair- ness and friendliness, make some little study of this long-standing anomaly and then let's discuss it frankly and honestly without the necessity of throwing it into the maelstrom of re- ligions or political controversy. Yours sincerely, ri3HIOIS. MILADY. Y.PJL. Young regular meeting ofthe People's ;League of Northside ,Church was held on Tuesday evening, Dec, '20th, with Miss 'Fennell, convener o the Devotional IDep'antnnen't, i n charge. The 'meeting opened by sing- ing several C.IG.If;T. songs led by (Miss Mary Redd. H'ym'n 298 was then sung after which Rev. Mr. Lane led in prayer. The . minutes Of 'the las meeting were read by 'Miss Alice Hudson and adopted. Atter the bush nese part of the meeting was over, hymn 307 was 'then sung. The Scrip- ture lesson was taken by Miss Elean- or Henderson. Two more letters from Dr. E. C. IWillford of China were read by Miss 'Grace .Kreuter and Miss ILsBel'le Hawkins, and were much enjoyed.' On singing hymn 302 and repeating the M•izpah benedic- tion the meeting was brought, to a close by an exciting game. BORN. BENIN. On Dec. tlldth, ,11932, to Mr. and Mrs. Pat. Beret, of Dublin, a daughter: BiALL'A2�1'T'Y+NIE.--,Tin !Scott Memor- ial Hlo.Spital, .Seaforth, on'Thuns•day, Doc. ll!5lth, 1932;, to Mr. and IMrs. ICT. A, Blalla'ntyne, a daughter. THIOlMIPiSiOIN-IM 'St. Mary's Hospi- tal, 14'r h to 4 1 nor, D ec. t !tete rt1 K a, ! f, tube T B. 'Thompson (nee;. Josep (Livingston) 'a daugbi'ter, , Shirley McLgOIWAIN —; In Scott Memorial • (Hospital 5eaforth,e Dec. 19th; !to i jMI' ,aid it''Ir%r1Ilkeltn lot Cowan, ' a s�di'.1til dnldrI'a.n). Agricultural 'William J' -'Garnett BSA 'a grade- 'Mr.• A. W. Slltery of Queens Univ - than thirsty -nine !came from Protest chain Devotions were conducted 'by ants 'bodies and two £roe•B'Eshops of .Miss Lsobel Forrest. assisted by the the Catholic Church; again in 1r..3 (President and M'i'ss Mary Forrest. A `twenty similar ,petitions were ,present- ,letter from .Mrs. Wilford, our m'is- EGMONDVILLE. The Trail Ranger Camp was closed for the holiday season 'after the meet- ing was held on Monday evening. "It will remain closed until January 9, p.m. The YIPS. had another pleasant evening on Monday. The president, Muss Alice Thompson, was in the A "LIOIST ART The older generation. inay .not have in'' c n fiti ;of 'highly sc e t'ilfi had the bee g Y teaching''metho'ds in school and yet, it seems they learned accomplish- ments that can not 'he equalled 'now, onto 'of these being ,penmanship, Mr. J. f. `H'ugill, df Constance, who was a schoolboy more than 'fifty years ago, showed' The'News samples of his pen- manship, as' p'etfect'•as the !finest oap- penp'la'te engraving 'Mr: Hnigrl'l's ability to 'write may be inherited, 'because .be has samvples Of the '.e eceilent ;handwriting of - his grandlfalther, s-sic'h'oo'l 'teacher in Eng. - .land over a (hundred years ago, writ- ten 'witlh a quill: pen; and at ten years 'of 'age Mr. IH'ugill could''write 'better than his teachers. IHe recalls Mr. Duff of IB'hevale, Who was their 'teacher in M6Kildlop, declaring 'him 'a child prod- igy. And after a 'course at IC'ha1ham late D. ' r the ,undo � 'College s Co a F u5mes he Pointed it a five I pen an with p. A4aclachU w could ;write -the Lord's prayer twice Within a 'circle drawn around a'Lten- cent piece. Evidence of l r. 'Hugull's perfect control over the 'pen is shown by his ability ; to write 'with 'both hands'at'rnce, in opposite 'directions, lAh¢ther expert penman as uMr. Dav- id 'Leitch of,,Egmondville ;who has some`'tsplendid' specimens of this arta ed to the Government, of which .eight- ee'n were from Protestant bodies and two from Catholic b'iss'hops.• The minorities in Quebec and Ont- ario were affected in equal .prop'ortion, the Ant specifically prov'id'ing for the 1 separate 'schools. maintenance of such p At that time "property" almost in- variably consisted of real estate in some norm, but as the years sped by the form of "property" began to 'change feint stock companies and public utilities, etc., came into exis- Itentce, in large measure interests in !t'hes'e public enterprises became the "prop.erty" .of Catholics as well as the :Protestants. 'Quebec province• almost at once changed the assessment act so that the spirit as well as the letter of the Confederation agreement " might be carried out and the interests •of the IPtdtes'tan't separate schools in Quebec were adequately .prottected; but.Ontar- io has never done so. To -day, if a school taxpayer in Ontario disposes of his real estate in this town and invests it M CiP!R. railway stock his s'ttpposlt to the separate ,schools is ,forfeited, not itbo so,se bu'tte becauseaof company a failurees Ai n. Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates sionary, in West China, was read by Miss Margaret Finnigan. The social half hour took on the form Of a tour- nament in ;Penny lB'aseball. ,Raymond N'ott's team won the honors. The 1933 executive was elected with 'the following officers: (Hon President, Reverend Charles Malcolm; Plast !Pries., Mies Alice Thompson; Presi- dent, Miss Gladys Coleman; vice pros, Mr. (Raymond Nott; Rec. (Sec., Mr, Arthur'Wallace; Cor. Sec., Miss Lil- ian Richardson; Press Sec., Miss Jean Gemmell;.Treas., Miss Jean Smith; convener of Devotions 'committee, Miss Helen T'hlamlpeon; convener df Missions committee, Miss Marion Wallace; convener of Literary come 'Mr. Jldhn Wood; convener of Social 'committee, Mies Margaret Earnest; pianist,; Miss Minna Stewart; assist- ant pianist, Mies Margaret Finnigan, rphc Sunday sc'h'ool Christmas con- cert will be held Thursday evening, Dec. 22nd, at 7.30, Admission 115c, • an cin g to— HA MILD WAGNER'S 9 -PIECE BAND OF GUELPH AT DUBLIN Tuesday, Dec. 27 Gents 50c Ladies 25c It's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. Ail claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. ;Rhone, write or nail—Night and Day • Service Phone •152 �Suthertand. GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, CONVEY-• ANCING, ETC. Office over Kea'ting's Drug Store Charles Mason and Graze! Gardiner Mtason, and lived in that township until going to Saskatoon in !11905, here he continued to reside until his death. Mr. Mason eonducted an hotel in Saskatoon. 'He is survived by his wife, form- erly. Miss inane Charters, and one son, Charles; also a brother, Charles Mas- on in the UJS., .and a sister, Mrs: Wal- ter Gunning, of .Saska'to'on. The fun- eral took place in (Saskatoon, services con'ducted by Rev. Mr. McKenzie of Knox United Church, and interment was made in Saskatoon cemetery. HURON ROAD WEST. Master Arthur ,Elliott of IGoderich township is engaged with Mr. Nor- man 'Canter for the present time. 'Mr. 'Hiram Shannon has !fin'is'hed his seasons work with Noble 'Holland. Mr. Fred Cook has been on the sick list bh'fs last week. Miss Edna Turner of the staff of the 'Toranto University 'visited her 'cousin, 'Me. IB'ett Gi'b'bings, last week. S'e'nd us the 'names of your visitors. OFFICER'S INSTALLED (The 'local lodge of the L:O.IB.A. 'held their annual meeting on M'ond'ay evening Which showed a very 'success- ful year, some very generous gifts having been sent to the Or- phanageOrange,krchmo l 'The fol- lowing Richmond , til H tl . at lowing officers were .installed for the corning year Bio• Fd. (Past County Master, Mole Worthy Mistress, Mrs, Consitt; :Chaplain, Mrs, ISlherp ,Roc. Sec., 'Mrs. Welsh; Financial Sec., Mrs. Ho'tham; Treasurer. Mrs. ISiegnst; 1st lecturer, Mrs. A. Harrison; 'dep. lecturer, Mrs. ;Scott Habkirk Director of Ceremon- ies, Mrs, W. Inner Guard, It's. jos. Hogg; outer guard, Miss •Pethtok; 12.51 committee lady, Mrs. 1Budlard; p'i'anist, Mrs. 'Claeke. Mrs. (Milton Stewart, was then presented with a (Past Mistne.ss' jewel At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served and a social time spent. BEEC'HWOOD ARTHUR MASON. • !Brief reference" was m'ad'e' last week n: •thur Mase t. Ar ! M of :1.15& ui the g to P at his home in Saskatoon, .Sask. Mr. Mason passed'away' on the morning Of December lllt'h after a 'brief illness of four days lleceaSe,d was aged 59 rears andtt ' 8 shfts, having.beet born in Tuckersmith Townshi'p,r la son idfj. Store Offers You Fresh, Seasonable Merchandise At Special Prices 'Seedless Raisins .... 2 lbs. 25c Large raisins with seeds 1 lb 1'5c !Hand cleaned Currants 1 lb. '15c Dates e . - 3 Tbs. 215c Walnut Halves '1 lb. 40c Almonds . ..... .. '1 lb. 39c Lemon S: Orange Peel., 19c & 20c per lb Citron Peel 29c per .lb !Pure Cocoa lee per ab, Mixed Nuts in shell.. •2 lbs. 35'c M'ix'ed Candy .2 lbs, 29c 2 1'b. box 'Best 'Chocolates 69c per box • ,Matches 3 (boxes 251c We have a full line of Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear @ 75c per garment. Men's unshrinkable Natural Wool Underwear @ $1.89 per garment. Men's Blue Derry Smocks $1.25 Men's Blue Derry Pants and Overalls '$1.39 per pr, Men's )Flannel :Shirts.... , . $1.50 Men's Dark 'Flannel Shirts.. 99c Men's Muleskin and Horsehide Pullover Mitts 35c and 59c Brighten your rooms with Sher win. -Williams household' PAINT at the NEW LOW PRICE of $1.20 per qt, and covering 425 sq. ft. two coats per gallon. A large assortment of CHRIST- MAS GIFTS to choose o e from. James F1Carii tet