The Seaforth News, 1932-12-22, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
Snowdon Bros., Publishers,
The following is :the standing of the
pupils of Walton public school as de-
tei,mined by the Christmas examina-
Fifth Class _Eras road in algebra,
French, geography, history, Latin,
botany and art: Anna Ennis 78.5%,
Lena Drager 70:4%,Helen. Farqulhar-
son 6815%, Willie Farquharson 68.2%.
!Senior Fourth-lExamined in all
sub'ects; Mary Humphries 8119%,
Jack Murray 718.17%, Dorothy Murray
771111%, Mary Buchanan 6217%
Junior Fourth - Btobby Kirkby
762%,, Beth Shannon, M.1%, Stewart
H(unvphnies 65,4%, J'acle ISbna'11don 65%
iSenior Third ,Mildred' Sellers
6877%; Kathlyne Farquharson 63 2%,
Earl Coats 62.1%, Garnet' Cummings
62%, Barry 'Marsh'a'll 6015%.
Junior 'Third -!Bab Smal11don 821%,;
Ross Bennetit 178%, Margaret Murray
97%, Frank Marshall 59%.
ISecon'd---Rultlh-Cumminvgs 67%, Vi-
Iola Marks 611%, Carl Coutts 5S%.
',Firstt-`Go'o'd, in order of merit -
Betty Snrialid'on' .Jrquhro,!Leslie `Rutledge,Maurice Radford,
'DonaldMurray. Fair, Lawrence
!Primer Good, Ronald Bennett,
• Jlo'hn S'teiss, Chas. S,
IT,'hers-#E19auor Knight,
1�[ Merry ehristmas
to 1111
All Repairs and Labor Cash.
Funeral of William McDermott
- 1 i .
Largely Attended Dublin mourns t
Toss of one of her best known and
Most highly respected citizens in the
person of William M'dDermott, who
passed: away at his late residence, on
Monday, Dee. 1LIth. 'M a young man
Iola. MdDernadbt spent many years in
B'ritis'h 'Columbia, returning home
some eleven years ago. ,Since that time
he had been employed in the 'Dublin
creamery till the time df his illness
about a year ago. Mr. McDermott had
a wide .circle of friends; he was scrup-
ulously honest in. his de'alings with his
+fellow men; of a kindly, cheerful dis-
posieion, 'he was one with whom it was
a pleasure to .meet and converse.
iIthere •were many spiritual' offerings
frdm f'r'iends and acquaintances: The
!Rev. Father O Drowski P.P., St. Plat-
. rick's Church, sang the High Mass of
(Requiem at 9.30 o'clock on Wednes-
day morning and conducted the grave-
side services. Interment in St Pat-
rick's cemetery. Surviving are his
wife, two brothers, Timothy of Ham-
ilton, Michael, Duluth, Minn., two
sisters, Mrs. J. Kennedy, Niagara
Falls, ,N.Y., and Mrs. J..Moore, Strat-
ford. The pallbearers Were Thomas
Butters, J. Jordan, F. Evans, Matthew
Murray, Jos. Ryan and Will MoDer-
matt, nephew of deceased.
ec. 2
Good htuslc. Patrick - Millen and
Dada's -Smith.
Admission: !Gents 25c.' •La'die's with
lunch free.
Pioneer Passes. --Frances Addely,
wife of the'late !Lancel'o't Tasker,
passed- away at the 'home df cher
daughter, Mrs. J. J. !Hugill, on 'De-
cember !Flit, in her 971th year. She
came to ,Canada when a litble girl,
,from 'Kent, (England, over 90 years
ago and lived in iEsquesing until her
marriage 'to her late husband, Lan-
celot Tasker, '7!5 years ago, coming
on her wedding trip to her forest
home, {4th line•in Morris, when 'there
was only a 'blazed road'through :the
bush, and 'hewed out a home for
themselves, built a log shanty and
cleared some land to 'grow the neces-
saries to live on. ,During the winter
'Mr, Tacker for a 'number of years
would return . to lEse uesing to. work
M 'the alder settled part of the •coun-
'try, and leave his 'wife to keep ithe
shouse alone, with just a few scat-
tered neighbors in the 'bush, Mrs.
Talker's, message 'to 'the, young peo-
ple of to -day was, "the hard times
we are going through now is netting
compared to the hardlships +eX'peri
enced 'by the pioneers in.the .'bush."
She raised a 'fam'i'ly of ten children,
of whom there are only four living:
Mrs. Adam Stott, iClinton; • Mrs.
Thomas A!rkell, 'Regina; Mrs. Abra-
ham 'Hugill, _,'Cippen; Mrs.:J. J.
'Hugill, ,Constance, the Tatter with
whom she made her home this last
fourteen years. :There are 'twenty
grandchildren and • 314 great-grandchil-
dren. She was a' loving, kind mother,
bright and ,oheery to the last. In re-
ligion she was a .Methodist, attend-
ing, the church at Kinburn and Sea-
'forth, .wh'ile site was able. After
farming •twenty-four years in Morris
township, they moved to IHullett, set-
tling on a farm east of Harlock where
they lived until 'they retired to 'Hat-
purhey, where six years afterwan
Mr. Tasker passed away. After spend-
ing a number of years ,among' her fam-
ily, she carne to'reside 'permanently
With her youngest daughter, 'Mrs. J.
j. 1Hugill.'Being df a very strong'con-
stitution, she enjoyed good 'heal'th to
the last Her death rernaves'one'of lehe
few remaining landmarks df the
'Queen's Bush, as it' was 'called at that
time. The 'bearers were Joseph T.
iHugill, Uionathan E. (Hugill, `Willie
Tasker, Wilfred iPettfaund, iWil'mler
Jones, :Clarence Hugill, the 'first four
being grandsons, the last two great
grandsons. Aimong the ,floral tributes
were lovely 'wreaths from.Windsor
and •Regina._
Two highly respected residents of
th'e Huron Road west of town,,
land Mrs. Jlo'hn Bennett, , celaira'terl
Ihe'ir golden waddling amnivers'ary 10
W'ingha'm at !the home Of their son-in-
law and daughter, Mr. and 'Mrs J, O.
I-Libkirk, on Tuesday. About twenty-
five guests, from Ilamilton, Seefonth,
Walton and Winghhm were present
at a delightful (Eimer in honor. of the
100 lbs. our Concentrate 32% Chowder
mixed with
200 lbs. of your own Chop
will give you
300 lbs. of Laying Mash at a c9st of
$1.35 per cwt.
Thomas Dickson
cert was held at ;SIS. ,No 6, McKillop,
on TuesdayaFternoon. The a'gen'ts
and friendin the section Comprised
the gathering. Plays, recitations and
songs, accompanied by ukelele and .or-
gan. Santa ,Glaus distribv'ted the ,gifts
from The tree to the ipupils. !S'c'holars
and their teacher, ,Miis.s Dale, deserve
much credit for the fine entertain-
ment. On Wedneslay night ;'there
l atherin' at
. a putt' people's s
young P P ff g
;Winthrop. .
take time.
The United Church Sunday school
are having their annual Christmas ent-
ertainment on Friday evening. of this
Mr. and Mrs. 'Ch'arlie Rathwell are
at present visiting the fernier's sister,
Mrs. Derbyshire, at Rodney.
The measles epidemic is gradually
1Mr. 'Charles F. ,Pilgrim has • been
working for the past' few 'weeks for
Mr..Robert Elliott.
The annual meetin'g•and election of
officers of the W:M1S. wa's•, held in the
basement of the church Dec. 14. In
the absence of .the president, Mrs.
!Frank A'ikenth'ead presided. The meet-
ing opened by singing 'hymn 239. The
responsive Scripture•• lesson taken
from Luke 2:111.20, was read by Mats.
Ra'ttenbury, followed .'by prayer by
'Mr. Bremner. The temperance lesson
was given by Mrs. J., Watson. Hymn
3'179"Jesus Master Whose I :Am,' was
sung. Miss Helen 'Tough, leader of
Group 111 took oharge-of the. meeting.
The devotional leaflet; ".The Woman
Who loves to radialte:happiness, was
read by Mrs. Tough. The third chap-
ter of the study book, The Making
of the Western Prairies" was taken by
Mrs. Stevens, ,Mfrs. J. B. Mustard, Mrs.
A. Scott and Mrs. Addison. Mr.
Bremner presided over the election of
officers far 1933, which resulted as fol-
lows: Honorary presidents, Mi's's Mc-
Cully and Mrs. Burdge; president,
Mrs, W. A. 'Bremner,; 1st vice, Mrs.
McGregor; 2nd vice,-i6Irs. J. Thom-
son; 3rd vice, Mrs. Frank Aikenfiead;..
recording secretary, Miss Edythe
IBowey• correspond'i'ng secretary, Mrs.
J, B. Mustard; treasurer, Mrs. C.
Brock; Christian S. Secretary, Mrs. R.
P. Watson; expense fund '• secretary,
'Mrs. A. McQueen; strangers' secret-
ary, Mrs. A. T. Scdtt; supply secret-
ary, Miss Helen Tough; literature sec-
retary, Mrs. J. Watson; Missionary
Mbnithly secretary, Mrs. D. Tough;
Assoc. Helpers' secretary, Mrs. J. Mc-
Queen; temp. sec., Mrs. C. Haugh;
Baby Band supt., Mrs. T. B. Baird;
press secretary, Mrs. J. Addison; as-
sistant press seoratary, Miss Munro;
organist, Miss J. Murdoch; assistant,
Mrs. W. Stevens. Hymn 510, "From
'Oce'an unto Ocean". was sung and the
meeting was brought to a' close by re-
peating the M'iapah benediction. •
bride and if Ifilfty years ago
One of the plelasing features- of the
gathering was the presence of (both -
bridesmaid and groomsman, Mrs
Mary IMclNair of Hamilton, wife of
the late J. D. McNair and sister to
Bennett, and Mr. !Sam'uel' Ben-
nett, brother of Mr. Bennett.
1Mr. and Mrs. Bennett were united
in marriage on December 20, 18812,
by `Rev. Alexander' MieNlauglhion,
venerable' nnlin'is'ter of Walton, who
has since passed to his reward.. The
ceremony took place at, the home of
the bride's mother, Mrs. James Ram-
say, of whom Mrs, Bennett, then
Isabella !Ramsay, was the eldest
daughter. The 117th concession of
Grey; neat 'Walton 'Ohunch,'h'ad been
Mm. Bennett's Noire previous to her
marriage and there they were valued
residents until mioving to 'their pres-
ent farm in 1919,' on the McKillop
side of Highway No. 8, just west Of
111e -spites
,lea hers & Dyers.
'Phonel96w. We call and deliver'.
3• Gillespie; Prop.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Strong and son
(Harold, of Peace 'River District, are
visiting 'friends in the vicinity.
1 t
Mr. and: Mrs. Alfred Johnson of
Varna spent- Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. McKay.
IMr. and Mts. S. ,Leyburaie entertain-
ed .their friends to a dance on Fridlay
evening. All report a good time.
Miss Ross Patrick .and friend Of
Winthrop spent Sunday with the 'for-
river's parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. Pat-
Schdod concerts aiid entertainments
are the order of ,the day,
Mr. and ,Mrs. Duncan McCallum of
B'ly0h visit'ed Mir. and Mrs..r'as. Hay
on Monday.
Mrs. P. 1E. M'acklia'm and Stonleft dor
their hosne in Toronto on Monday.
Mus M'acklam has slpenit the. past.
three months vis'i'ting here.
We had very cold and stormy wea-
ther last .week and it was a good
thing 'Bo have lots of wood or coal on
hand, which some people have net got.
Miss Delaney, our teacher in our
school, No. 8, and her pupils are pre-
paring for a con'cert in sohdol this
week and if as good as last year it is
worth while to go, five miles to: see the
scholars act, and then ' Santa • Claus
demes, Then; the fun starts.
Mr. Arnold .En'ter, a ,former resident
of this section, writes from Bulyea,•
!Sask. This is what he says: "I thresh-
ed 90 bushels of oats from 40 acres
and 1400 bushels of wheat Of which
one third ,goes to the proprietor of the
farm. Six cenbs for threshing and 41
they get is 29 cents per bus. Tlhey glut
'5 cents per dozen. eggs, 7 cents ger
Ib. for butter, hogs $3.00 per hundred;
cattle, $2150 to $3.00' per cwt., and he
says he has no 'money to' buy the nee-
essaries for his Ealtnily.•T'hey hada bad
(hail storm in July,, .that the hail ,w!as
lying four inches on the level, but Ito
iwind at the time.
Mr.. and Mrs. Gordon ''Regele 'and
son Walter spent ,Sunday afternoon:
with M•r. and Mrs. ,Ch'arlie Regale_;>,..
There are a lot orbig jack ra'bbi'ts
destroying the fail wheat, hut with ,the
,hard times the hunters can't affot?dto
pay $2.00 for gun license; so' run. away,
Two of their children were with
them ,.on this happy occasion, Mrs.
Hlabkirk (Mabel) at whose home in
!Wingteatnn the event was celebrated,
and Mr. 'i Foster Bennett. Their son,
W. 3•, in 'Saskatc'hewan, was not able
to be home. Last year Mr. and Mfrs.
en suffered the sad loss df their
Bennett s
daughter Minnie, in the West; a 's'on
died in infancy,
Four of the Bennett brothers were
present, two of whom.'havte' now cele-
boated golden weddings and the oth-
er two will: also celebrate -inside of
three years.
IStan'ley township nomination meet-
ing is Friday afternoon. There is talk
of an election for ,Reeve, .with form-
er reeve A. P. Keys, or a new man,'
apposing Reeve Douglas. .
School Report. --Christmas report
of No. 1114 Stanley. Sr. I'V.-Harold
lanes 64, ,Aubrey Farquhar 164, Aud-
rey Cochrane, absent. Sr. Hilo -
Mary Farquhar 72, Kathleen Jones
66, 'George Clifton 53, Jr. IIII-!Mar-
'ran Kerslake 60, ` Eric ,Switzer 522.
Sr. I'I-Lois RRa'tlewell 70, Dion. ,Sweit-
zer 06, Ernie Talbot 58, Willie 'Wi't-
com'be 44. Jr. IYI-Jean Slpeir 64, 'Klen-
neth McKenzie 5,5.1. -Mildred Jones.
Pr.=Dionny M'dKeniJie, Alvin Kers-
lake.. Jr. Pr -Betty Switzer. No. ion
Roll 18, P. 'C..Penfound, Teacher.
We extend sincere s. hti'-
We wish to e:c be.
pathy to . Mi. " and Mrs. 'A'lbert Beig-
ham, who were called on to,part'with
the Tatter's mother, Mrs. Kerne:elan,
who had made her 'home With ,them•.for
some time. She. had reached' the age of
77 and passed away after a'shorb ill-
ness. The funeral was from their .home
on Saturday. A further item 'will' ap-
pear in The News next Week.
Mr, and Mrs. Peter Taylor attended
the funeral of the. latter's uncle IM•r.
George Henderson of Morris qn
Thursday of last week. They alsbr vis-
ited Mrs. Taylor's 'brother, Mr. and
,Mrs. Charles Lowrie.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox af'Grey
spent Monday at the .h'o'me of Mr, and
Mrs. Thos. Knox,
Mr. Sttewarit Beattie is at present in
'Mr. Weber killed a fine big pig
which they considered would weigh
around 650 lb. for Mr. Thomas Knox
on ,Monday.
Mrs. Simon MoVittie spent Monday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo.
Watt. '
!The Burns' Church C'hris'tmas tree
and entertainment will be held this
Thursday night at Burns' 'Church,
commencing around 8 o'c1o'ok. A good
night and good attendance is hoped
for. Children get in free. Adults 16e.
.The municipal pot is commencing
to simmer in MdK'illop. Nominations
will take place Friday afternoon. ,It
is consideredlikely a contest will take
place for the Reeveship 'with Mr.
ifo'hn M. IEckart; 'former reeve, op-
posing Reeve Jno. .Campbell.: There
may be an acclamation for council,
Councillor Dan Regale, who h'as been
a valued member of the board far a
great many years, is .retiring because
of ill health.
The following is the school report of
S:S. No: 8, M:0Kiilop, frdm S'epte'mber
to December. An asterisk marks the
names of those who have been absent
from one ,or more exams:
'Senior and Junior. Fourth: Harry
Regele 93%, Margaret S'chimidt 88%,
Iris K'leber 86%, Adeline Siemon
85%, Mildred Bennewies 84%, Os'car
Elln'gsen 77*, Vincent Murray 79,.
Clement McKay 75, Dan Manley 75*,
Mervin Manley 65, Harry Bennewies
'Harvey Koehler 01, J'osep'h Eck-
ert (absent).
Senior Third. -(Bernice Manley 87,
Vera Leonthard't 84, Dominic Mur-
ray 83, Gerald McKay 77*, Carl Sie
mon 76, Mervin • Deitz 76, Gles'tia
J'oh'nson 76, Aaron K{is'tner 74, ;Sylves-
ter Jo'hn'son 06*, . 716
Junior Third. -Della ,Eggert
Raymond'Kleber 74, :Morley Koehler
71, Annie Eckert 60, .Joseph Johnson
55, Robert Betiermann 54.
Second Class -Elmer 'Kileber, Dor
:+thy S'dherbarth, Cyril Johnson and
Thomas Murray (equal), Margaret
Eckert and Steve McKay (equal).
Steve Manley, Harold Deitz.
•First Eliligsoft Flor-
ence Le'onhard't, Leo Jiohn!son.i
?Primers-ar, anet-Mary McKay, 'N1 g
Kieber, Edward .Bennewies and Nor-
een Eggert and ; Manny B'ennewies'
(equal)•, ,C,4g$a Eckert, •Frattcis Mur_
ray, r on roll 46.'Teacher,-.}Helen
M. Delaney.
A very successful Christmas con-
The entertainment put on last
week under the direction of our wor-
thy .teacher,. Miss Cook,'and Mrs.
(!Rev.) Paull was a great success and
much enjoyed' by all. P'rocee'ds am-
ounted to $3'6.25,
The euchre party and dance under
the auspices of the Orange Order last
Tuesday was a decided success,
The 'W.A. of Sit, Jtah'n's :Ohu:rdh .hleld�
their annual meeting, in the church
Wed'nesd.ay and afterwards they re-
tired to the home of Mrs, M. Reid
where a bale .was ipacked.
School en!tertam•ments •.are now the
order, of the day. 'Kiddies are looking
forward to a'happy Christmas. May
they all have a merry time. hi
, ,A few weeks ago there were w sp-
ers of an - election, -'but noir we 'be-
lieve .it. has revelo'ped. into loud talk.
Mr. J. Mossop is still confined to,
the house and his 'many -friendsr -are;
looking for a speedy recovery. Mails
Mio:ss:op is not improving as rapidly
as we would like but all the troubles
The regular monthly meeting of the
C)W!L. was heid In the parish hall on
Sunday, Dec. 111Th. The President,
Mrs,' Dorsey, opened the meeting 'With
prayer. After the reports of .the offi-
cers 'various matters of interest were
discussed. 'It was •deoided to send
Christmas greetings to the ill and
shut-ins of the .pa'ris'h. Donations are
being received for a Christmas bas-
ket, the contents to be distributed lo-
cally, Pt was decided to :purchase
flowers with which to decorate the
altars for Christmas, A
onation is to
'be sent to Mt. St. Joseph,
The meeting ciosed with prayer.
The many friends of Mr. ' Fred
Elliott will be sorry to hear that he
is ill with pneumonia and .has a nurse
in :at'ten'dance.
Mrs. Alfred Warner is able to be
up and around again.
The funeral was held on 'Sunday of
Miss .,Grace ,B,ell,' from the home
her !brother,, ,Ernest Bell;. pn'the foyrirh
cohbession, We'e,etentd 'our deepest
sympathy to friends and relatives.
The Christmas tree and 'en'tertain-
ment 'willbe held in Grace United
Church on Friday evening, Dec. 23rd.
'Everybody welcome. A good program
is expected.
The .Ladies' Aid held their annual.
meeting and election on Thursday a'f-
ternoon.Mes. Gale was elected honor-
onorary president. The vote for president
resulted in a tie between Mrs. Fred
Mc1Clym'on't and Mrs. Fred Pickard.
Each will serve six months. Other
elections were: treasurer, Mrs. Mil-
ton Woodsi secretary, Mrs. Vic El-
liott; organist, Mrs. Del Gardiner;
flower committee, Mrs. ,Adan Betties,
Mrs, R. Torrance, Mrs. J. S. Lockart.
The organisati'on had a very success-
ful year.
The Late William P. Hallafi.'an.-
Death came suddenly to William Pat-
rick H'allalian on Friday, December
96th. The late. Mr. Hallahan suffered
a stroke some time ago, anotherr fol-
lowing was the immediate 'cause of
death. He was born in Toronto and
was in this .lfty-ninth year. :At the age
of two years they moved to Waiwan-
osh and in 11897 he was married to El -
e hristmas
Needs • .
Valencia'Raisins 10c lb,
Seedless Raisins .•..2 lbs. 25c
Currants 2 lbs. 25c
Lemon & Orange Peel 18c lb.
Citron, Peel ..., .. 28c lb.
Candied Pineapple 60c lb
Jumbo Peanuts 108cc lb.
Mixed Nuts.
Grapes . , ..: . 2 lbs. 25c
,New Oranges _30c & 50c doz
HANDKERCHIEFS ' 5c to 25c.
MEN'S TIES. -25c, 35c & 50c
Men's Dress Gloves, lined..1.00
MEN'S SOX.. .23c to 69c,
Men's fine Shirts 95c, 1.25, 1.50;
MEN'S OAPS ......50c to 1.25
J1T. McAsh
Harvesting pine roots is the order
of the day to provide a surplusfor
another year's threshing..
Our school concert was a .decided
success. -
Miss Ilene IEckart has returned
trOme .for her holidays ,after attending
the 'Stratford normal school,
Miss Mary' .Ellen. ,Dempsey has •re-
turned' home frdm Guelph teaching
staff 'to spend the 'holid'ays with her
father, Mr. F+ranik Dempsey.
The Christmas services in this
church will be com'bi'ned next Sunday
and will be held in the afternoon at
the regular Sunday school time.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford and fam-
ily visited at Mr. C. Wlh'i'tlock's last
Sunday evening. •
iMunici:pal nominations will be held
on Friday of this week.
A number of'the 'members of this
Sunday school wrote on the temper-
ance educational course and last"Sun-
izabdth Ann Haydon.To •th'is union
was born a family of eight: five sons,
namely, Simeon P., o nthe homestead;
gidhn T., Daniel H., William J., Den -
. and one daughter, ,Annie, all
nis U g
'home; two daughters predeceased him
some years ago. The 'family have been
living in Blyth for some years. The
.funeral was held on Monday, Dec. 19.
(Requiem High Mass in the Raman
Catholic Church by Father Sullivan,
Burial took place in the Mornis'ceme-
tery. The pallbearers were the five
sons of deceased and,a nephew.
Mrs. Wm. Woods of Walton visited
her sister, Mrs. H. M. Patterson, on
,Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Miller and son
Clarence of Goderich visited Mrs.
'M'iller's mother, Mrs. A. M. Colclough
on Sunday.
Mr, Stewart Robinson o'f Godenidh
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
IH. Robinson, an Sunday.
Mr. Alex. McKellar spent the week
end in lSeaforth with' his .son' and fam-
Sorry to report the 'serious„ itlnes's
01 Mrs,', Dave Bruce. :•,
Mr. D. MdKiaig Of 'Hlensialli is
ing his ,cousins here.
Mrs. ,Allen of Exeter is visiting rel-
atives here. •
R.ern enrber the 'Christmas tree in
the church on ,Friday evening Admis-
sion 10c and 115c.
day ,fourteen were given pass oertifa-
ca'tes and seven honour certificates.
Six leading in the classes were each
given prizes by the temperance'work
superintendent of the S.S. r This is the
first year this Sunday school has taken
part and have a very creditable show-
ing. Mrs. ((Rev.) Peters and Mr. Harry
Cole have charge of the temperance
work in the SIS. next year.
so, I would say that a remedy ,might
be effected by means of co Operation
between the producer and his 'lo'cal
municipal authorities."
All mothers -can •put.•away3 attkidty
regarding - their .suffering , children'
when ..they have . Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator to give relief.
Sts effects are sure and lasting.
'The Women's :Institute will meet
on Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 2846,
in the hall, Roll call. The Christmas
present we liked best. There will be a
contest and a ;demonstration. 'Lunch
will be served. Everyone welcome.
'Mrs. W. Pollen, Exeter, spent the
week end at the home of Mr. !Frank
• Mr. and Mrs. C. Adams, Seaforth,
arid Mr. and Mrs. C. Stewart, Exeter,
soentt :Sunday with Mr. and' Mrs. 1G.
'G. Wilson,
Grain Show Winners,
'Com'plete records now show 'bhat
Ontario farmers made a remarkable
record at the International' Hay 'and
Grain • Show at'Oh'icago. The total
number, of entries `from .,Ontario was
111712 and the total number of pf;izes
won, 108, incleding three champion-
ships, two reserve championships' and
six first prizes. .
The Department offered Special
'Prizes of $50 to each Ontario ex-
hibitor 'winning a first prize at . the
I1iiterha't'ional Grain and Hay S'•how. .:� .
These; specials were won by sod: On-
tario exhibitors, including Mos. 'Mary
E. Maycaok,. in N'a-y .Field Beans;
J. H. Lampman, .List in Field Beans,
a.o'v.; R. S. Lee, '1st in Small' Yellow
(Field Peas; Robert J. Shaw, list in
,Alfalfa Seed; G. Gofdon Finlay, 1st
it1'yeellow 'o ;, C:reents'h Yelloi Soy
Weans ;''Hugh`IJ'effry 'Whitby, Fs't in
! e s
l5•oy Beans, a.o.v. "'
Special .prizes of $115 were offered by
the Ontario Department of Agricul-
ture to the Ontario exhibitor standing
highest in the Alfalfa, Ai'sike'. Six -
ro'wed Barley, Red 'Clover, Soy Beans,
Navy Field ,Beans, Large Yellow Field
Peas, Small Yellow Field Peas, a.o.v.
(Field Peas, Early Oats. and Late Oat
classes providing ` such exhibitors did
not win a. first prize. These 'specia'lossossf)
go tq:
C 'G House, Hagersville, 10th prize
in A'Isike seed. '
ID. L. Scott, City View, 9th prize
in Six-rpwed Barley.
IE'irclid Farley,` N'avan, 117Ith prize
in Red Clover.
H. L. Goltz, Bracebridge, 4th prize
in Large Yellow Field Peas,
IA. E. Browning; Oatdrifit, 3rd prize
in a.o.v. Field Peas.
U. 3. Gordon 'Hodgins, Carp, 9th
prize in Early ,Oats.
Andrew S'chmidt, Mildmay, 211Is:t
,prize in' Late Oats.
fTihe Canadian Shredded' Wheat
Co'nlpany' Of 'Niagara Falls offered a
Special Prize df $25 to the : highest
Ontario exhibitor in the White 'Win-
ter Wheat' etass, This' special was
won .by,Wal'ter NageJ, ' Fishervil'le,
who stood' 6th in •'the class,
* * * , * * * * * * *
* (Furnished by Ontario Depart- *
* ment of Agriculture.)
* .* "* * .* W. * * -..* • _*
British Apple Market.
Andrew Fulton, overseas fruit rep-
resentative, reports that ;prices of ap-
ples in the British markets are likely
to continue at their present level until
the New Year. These • prices range
from 21 to 25 shillings for No.1 quad
ity red apples. He predicts that if in
creased prices :are to be obtained 'this
season at all, it will be -for shipments
arriving during'. January, February and
March. This is due to the heavy sup
plies of both barrels and boxes that
leave been arriving at all 'United King
dont ports and that'the provincial
markets, are filled up with apples, • as
very few have moved into consum'p
tion. There is also a lack of demand
on. 'the 'Continent, resulting in heavy
supplies coming to the United King-
dom. Boxed. apples are arriviing,;in ex--
ceptiionally large quantities, especial-
ly from British' Colombia, and auc
tion prices are low. ;The purchasing,
power in Great Britain, has been con-
siderably reduced • as compared witl.
last year and what was considered '. a
small quantity of apples two or three
years ago is now -a large quantity. The
result is that shippers are not l'i'kely
'to receive fancy prices for apples ,froni
now on, unless the rate of exchange
Shows spine improvement. 'There
should be a goad demand for, cook-
ing apples after the New Year. Mr.
'Fulton stresses 'the need of care in
m'arkin'g correct sizes on barrels and
the desirability of a uniform :end, at-
tractive "face" 'to sell the pack.'
Quality Brings Price.
"In' spite of the usual heavy De-
'cember marketings, at the 'Uni'on
Bl'oc'k Yards, choice cattle are still
bringing a favorable 'pri'cemargin,"
commented Garnet H. Duncan, live
stock investigator, Ontario Marketing
A Merry 'Christmas to Alt.
The euchre and d'an'ce held last Firi-
day, night was ,well attended, The
prize winnrers were: 'Ladies' Mb'st
games, Miss H'eilsn Beattie; ladies'
lone hands, Miss 'Margaret Kerr;
men's most games, Guy, Diorrance;
Inen'.9 lone hand's, Robert Dodds. Af-
ter lunch a few hour's were spent
in dancing,
IA dance Will be held 'Thur'sd'ay •ev
,ening, 'Dec, 1291h. (Gents 25c, ladies
please bring lunch.
Golden 'Wedding.-4Mr. and Mrs.
'J'o'hn Bennett celebrated their golden
wedding on Tuesday, Dec. 206, at bhe
home Of their daughter, .M.ts, Orval
H'aib'kirk, of Wing'ham. We wish them
many m•nre'years df wedded life. ,
For Sale Ads, 3
Wain and
'This should serve as a remin'd'er
to ,producers that quality is a - very
ddfiniite factor in any orderly scheme
of marketing, Forced l'iq'uid'ation for
tax payment, is one reason for the
market beingof3ogcted with stock of
'both' choiceland. indxffereist dua'ieby, at
ceitain period's of the year. If this is
ThursoFri.-Sat. Dec. 22-23-24
-i n-
The Careless Lady
Mon. -Tues. -Wed. Dec. 26727-28
:Matinee Christmas 'Day, 3• p.m.
Douglas. Fairbanks
Doug. -at •lus 'hounding (best in a
!Tropical 'Inland - ‘Laughs !Aplenty.
• ID'on'1t [Miss Tt.
Comedy ' News;' Reel
'rizvre.-Fri.-Sat.. Dec. 29-30-31
"T,iHE. ,F13121ST YEAR"
filhe''outsitlan!di'ng pioture ref 'tike sea's'on.
Matinees Saturdays & Holidays 3 p.m.
Two Shows Each Night, 7.30 - 9.15