The Seaforth News, 1932-12-22, Page 1-he earth has" ,groiwn ;old with i't's bundler of dare, ' latt at',Christi-nag it al'wiays is young;; 'The hdatlt 'of, the, jewel burns lustrous; and fair, P,Jnd ;its Isou'1,' full of music lireaks1 COUNTY'S' L:EAD'1NG NEWSPAPER y ` forth' ,on the air When the song of the,angels is sung.' A'n'd the' voice !o!fi the Christ -child tells opt ry gh delight +)That mankind are the tiiildren'of God', l5t..-PhulliPs'Brooks. WHOLE SEIRFES, VOL.' 54, no. 51. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY; DECEMBER22, 19•32. Phone 84. 1'. ? . ; ? WHERE WILL YIORJ BUY YOUR C!HRISTNIAS CANDIES These are our prices: Christmas Mixture 10c 1b Satin Mixture , 25c lb French Cream ..2 lbsfor 35c Caramels and Chocolates Mixed 25c lb. Fancy Boxes , . .. from 25c Canes from 2 for Sc Phone 2.6, "lyin la Confectionery and Restaurant Merry Xmas ALMOND'S & WALNUTS,- pier A NUTS, -pier lb 40c CANDIED CHERRIES at 40c and 60c lb. CANDIED PI'NEA'PPLE - per Ib. 60c RAISIiNNIS, Seedless 113c; Seeded 16c; Lexias 13c, largest .and finest .Valencias 118c. Bleached Sul - 6 tapas 18c. .. 4"I �, .,,�<•' JELLIES.-Y•oung's 3 for 25c, Sh'ir- riff's Luscious, 3 fof• 25e; De Luxe 6 for 25c. BAK'IN'G M'OLASISES in bulk 6c lb, Baking Syrup ....10c lb MIXED NUTS. All new, walnuts, al- monds, filberts and Brazils, in equal quantities (no peanuts) per lb 16c SHELL'ED PEANUT'S .. 2 lbs. 25c CORN, l's per can 5c LELY1S SOAP, lenge cake, pink, yel- low and mottled, very -popular at 10c. Special, per cake 5c GREAT STAR FLOUR. Made from Western wheat, the most popular flour we've had, per awe. ..$2.05 FEED MOLASSES, best quality (by the barrel) per gallon 20c F. D. HUTCHISON PHON'E 166 COM-. QUALITY -SERVICE E. L. BOX .P43 For Xmas Cannel Coal CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church. -Pastor, Rev, W. P. Larne, Bak. Sunday, Dec. 25th. -1111 a.m. Public worship, Christmas message. 2. 30 p.m.-1S.S. and Bible Ol'asses. 'Ohnis'tmas pilogram. 7 p.m. --Public Worship. Subject, "Our Attitude Toward the New. +NIo, 4, with Christmas application. 'B'o'th 'mourning and evening the choir will render special numbers and in the evening the congregation will have the opportunity of joining in Christ- mas carols. EGMIOJNDVI'LLE CHURCH Morning 'su'b'ject: "Where 'L'ove Is, God Is." Evening: Christmas in Song and Story. Reverend Charles Malcolm will preach at both services, FIRST PRESIBYTER'IA,N 1Sund'ay morning, Dec. 25,th, Rev. I. B. Kaine will have For his subject in First Presbyterian Church, "Keeping Christmas in the Heart." In the even- ing his sailbJject will be "Glad News - !Great Joy." !Special Christmas .music morning and evening. 'CHRIST'MAS AT ST. JAMES' ]On Christmas eve there will be Midnight Mass, when 'Heigh Mass will be celebrated by Rev. Fr. Goetz. The choir will sing Christmas carols for Ifitfte'en minutes preceding the service, commencing at 1111:45 p.m. On Christ- mas Day Mias's will be .celebrated at 8 a.m. CH'RISTM'AS D'A'Y SERVICES 'Christmas Day services in Sit. Tho- mas' Anglican Church: Holy Com- munion at 8,30 aim.; Holy Commun- ion at X111' am., and sermon 'by the 1Rec- tlor.,Top'ic, "The Divine Gi'ft." Sunday School, special service for the chil- dren; evening service, a special serv- ice of 'Christmas Ihymn•s•, carols end anthems. 'S'hor't address by the Rec- tor, Canon E. Appleyard. PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT. • The following is the 'CJhrisemas re- port for Seadorth Pu'bl'ic School, ar ranged 'in order of merit. A -1st Class 'honours;'13-12n'd c'las's honours; C= pass; .D' -?below pass. 'hose marked !with an asterisk failed in at least one subject. ROOM I. 'Sr. IV. A -Jack Drover, ,Edna' (Plant, Marion Moore. B-iGordoir '28dK•ellar, .Merle Keating, lHelen. Crich, Rollandl ,S'tewart, Gladys IT-holmes, Howard Carroll. C --Helen MelKenziie, Viola iMon'tgo'miery`t,, Jas. Olufl*, George (Pinder. D --(Leone' H'o'tham*, Tames !Elliott, !Lillian (Reeves* ]Lenora Shewifelt* 'IIV.. `IAS {Helen ,Chamberlain, Al- astair Wigg. IB -+Jean :Dale, Joan Dungey, Helen £heorios Hiarolidi 'Free, Muriel iHud:s'on, Roy Oke. C -Char- lotte Thomson !Donna !Mole*, .D'a've Stewart, David (Grieve*, Nellie Reeves, Janet B'ake'r, )Hugh Dice. 'D' -Helen lEdler. Absent during 'exams -Don- ald 'MdTa.ish, Oban McTavish. 'P. B: Moffat, Prin'cip'al. ROOM Ia Sr. II11. A- 'Cleta !Dickson, Bill Wanvsley, .Z•etta Dunlop, Mary Howes Harold (Calmat, Clara D'ol'ma'ge. B - Helen Swan, Genevieve. IH'a'wk'ins, Margaret 8letc'her, Bobby 'Barlow, ,Carolyn (Holmes, Grace Gillespie, Vi- ola Damage, (Bruce Wright. C -Dor- is Hopf, Dorothy k'ra•iser, 'Ricihard sox. D -(Louise ,Boniface, Floyd (Pinkney'*, 'Mae Siegrist*, 'A'l'lan Do'1- nvage, Margaret Barlow*. Absent- Arthur 'b!sentArthur Cameron, 'Anna Dennis, Clay- ton Dennis, 'Mae Hodgson, Nelson IEIu11ey, 'M'ari!on Q'b!b.otson, ' Arthur Jones, Betty McLeod, Charlie Wood. M. ;E. Turnbull, Teacher. ROOM I11.` Jr. 111. A-Ru:th J'oynt, Leonore Edler, Helen 'Mioffa't, .Alma E11'i!oft, !Florence Calvert, 'Lois M'dGavin, Roy Kerr, Frank Golding, D'ouald IS'eot't, Jack Moore. !B -Joe Smith Jack McNab, J'a'ck Henley. C -Tom- mie 'W'ilbee, Ruth 'MaN'airn. D- IS'tuart Wigg*, Doris Barlow, Earl Montgomery, Barbara Best, Jack Cameron, Marion Sclater*, Alec Ba- ker, Ruth Fraser, Muriel Cameron, Helen Fraser, Mary • Woo'd, Alfred ISiegrist. 'M. 'M. 'H'artry, Teacher. ROOM IV. ANNUAL VISIT. There was a large crowd in town Wednesday afternoon and the merch- ants reported a brisk Chris't'mas trade, the occasion being 'the annual' visit of 'Santa Claus and d'istri'bu'ti'on of gifts to the school children. Santa Cl'au's arrived an .the afternoon 'trai'n, and was met, by the Band, and a horde of happy youngsters, but was'puzzled at the absence of the Mayor of the town on this auspicious occasion. 'It is understood Mayor Daly later ex- plained this satisfactorily to Santa. The _procession proceeded fie ' the gaily lighted Christmas tree on the grounds beside the Bank of .,C'o'n merce, and it is needless to, say a good time was had by all. Auction Sale • of euntents of S�effer's Store at Tuesday, .Dec. 27. at 1:30 p.m. sharp, consisting of: ijEN MEN'S UNDERWEAR 'H'OSTERY MITTiS; GLOVES SCARFS TIES SUSPENDERS SHIRTS SWEATERS OVER-AL'LS PANTS (CAPS SUIiTS Ladies' DRESSES . , COATS Dress Goods Consisting of IORtEPIEIS,'SILKS, VO'ILES, WOOLENS, etc. 'Everything 'including ''fixtures toff &fors to be sold in order to wind up the business.. 'Ili necessary, the sale will'con,tieue IWednesday and' Thursday at 'th'e Same hour.. (Second Class. A - Lois Wright, Margaret 'Hudson, Reg. D'olmage, \Mary Geddes, Jack Elliott, Ken- neth Southgate. B -Bernice B'oni- face, 'Tune .Siegrist, Kenneth (Reid, Jimmie Southgate, 'Clarence !West- 'co'tt, S'co'tt Kerr; Dorothy 'Fletcher, !K+ath'lee•n Holmes. C- Thelma Dol - mage, Isabel McKellar, Vernon Hoff, iCharlie Case, Stanley: Hill. D. - H'elen H'od'gson, Margaret Dale, 'Ros's Greene, Dorothy Howes, Clayton Ritchie, Leo Oke. Missed exams - Lorne I'b'botson, Mildred Swan, Aud- rey MCGavin, Gordo* Dupbe, Har- old Sorenson. • M. M.' Belly Teacher, ROOM V. Sr. I.:A--,A'hye onne. Moore, Reid Allen, 'Lillian Southgate, Fergus Bell, Harry !Scott land Fred Welford qual), Minis Dunlop. 'B -B'er't Bar- low. C -Billy Wil'bee, 'Henry Boni- face, ''bni,fw e, Arthur Fraser, Margaret Ed4er, D'onal'd Wood, (Erma ,Fletcher, John Thunis'on,' Aubrey Baker. D Richard Eisler, Ross Montgomery, Jack 'Fraser, 'Clarence Reeves. 'Miss- ed iss-ed exams' -•Helen Thompson, Ken- neth Keating, Jean S'w'an, !lean Cur- rie, Margaret Pethick, (Evelyn V'e'nus. E. H. Elder, Teacher. 1111,!*'-- ' rT rvirt E Primary. A -.Alvin Hoff, Margtier- i'te Westcott, Janie Moffat, Betty Dunlop, George Hildebrand. 13 - BBet'h Watmsiley, Ruth Anderson, Russel Sife'grist, Jack Eisler. 0 - Violet Dupee, Dorothy Smith*, Isa- bel Case'*, Norman. Calvert*. `D, - Lorn'a D'ale, Frank Boniface. Missed Exams - iPatricia yB!e hely,,1laeijory) Golding, Wilma Day; 'Neil Hopper, Marian Makins, Doris Venus. R. S. Thompson, (Teac'h'er. HURON OLD BOYS, TORONTO The 3'3rd annual' at home' "Of the Huron Old' • Boys' Asso'ciaition of T'er- onto, will be, in..• Slimpsion's ;Arreadd�an, Court, Toronto on''`FridayY• 'evening, February 3rd, 119136, with a well ar- ranged programme of progressive eu- chre, bridge, old time and new time 'dancing to suit o1'd and young, and with a high class orchestra. A cordial invitation to be present is extended to H•uronites everywhere. S}CI 15iIEAR,`YET SO ;FAIR . A li'ttle •Ohristm'as present for The News," was w'h'at a subscriber said when he laid .a crisp ;bank mote on .our tab'le this 'week. It was a "Reisch- 'banknote Hunderttausiand .. Mark" !(1100,000 'Marks). Visions df' untold ,wealth came belfore our eyes -but it was only :a mom'en'tary vision.' Not so many years ago 100,000 Ger- man Marks was Worth $24,000; but when 'German paper 'm'oney was is- sued i'nid'is'criminateily, • it 'became worthless. Twenty such Iban'knoltes' would not 'buy a postage s't'amp. iThis $1214,000 (so near, .yet so 'far) 'baavkiaote'on display at the (News office !furnishes a very-real'istic picture of 'what would, haplp.en should there 'go into effec't'iit' this :country that rnucli discussed p'11an>-IInlflation. At any rate, no one has come (for- ward with a 'Canadian$24,000 bank- note to dis'pl'ay with it, Only 3 Shopping Hays ---Then Christmas `SAND SANTA CLAUS WILL OAT;CH YOU IF YOU DON'T WATCH OUT" for it all must be done in just that time. Not one disappointed, not one overlooked, not one for- gotten and only three days to do all this Christmas Shopping in. It may seem hard, we know, but we also know you will find it very easy and agreeable if you do your shopping at this store. The prices also are very attractive this year. Our Christmas buying was done with that end in view and we have been successful in greatly reducing prices to a new low level, so your dimes and dollars will go a long way at this store. Gifts that range from 10c to $100.00 invite your inspection. For Her Diamond Ring $20.00 up. Pearl Tone 'Toilet Sets $7.50 up Gift Rings, solid Gald $2150 up 'Boudoir Clocks $11.75 up ,Peari Necklets, Cased $l.'50 up 'Com'pac'ts $1.'00 up Wrist Watch $10.00 up Fountain Pen & 'Pencil Sets .......$2.7'5 up ;Leather Writing Set $4.00 up Manicure 'Sets $2:5'0 up FOR HIM. Entbiem Ring $6.00 up Signet Ring $4.00 up Tie Pins $1.00 up Cuff Links '50c up u.'.1 2111/.14i FOR HIM. Wrist 'Watch ..$3:50 up Pocket Watch•........ $5.00 up Pen & Pencil Set $2.75 up Wardonia Razor $1.00 up • -FOR HIM. Stone Set Ring $5.00 up Travelling Set, leather.. $5.00 up Shaving Sets, !Pearl iTone $3.00 up Bill Folds $1.00 up Alarm, Cl'oc'k $1.2'5 up Kitchen 'Clock $2.50 up Hall Clock, $18.00 up Grandfather Clock,.'. $100.00' up 94, -piece Dinner Set:'. $13,'50 u'p ' L' ovely','Christmas Cards ; . For The Home 2:3-p'ieoe Silver Service $116.00 up Silver 'Tea Pot, 'Sugar and Cream $15.00 up 'Gla•sses for Dad or Mather ..$5.00 up .2c to'lOc each ' 'Beautiful Gift ,Carving Sets, Stainless S•tee'1 $4.50 up Silver Casserole $5.00 up Electric Lamp $2.50 up Silver Maiffiniers $11.00 up Calendars....15c to 125 each OUR GIFT TO YOU With every $25.00 Diamond Ring a Suitable 14k Wedding Ring absolutely Free. With every Wedding Ring a beautiful piece of silverware Free. You will enjoy buying your diamond in the privacy of our diamond room. We cordially invite you to visit the Store. Wishing you a Merry Christmas. Fred S. Savauge The Gift Shop OPEN EVE-NIN.GS. 'PH'ON'E 194. RES. 10. JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, 'WATCHES, FANCY'CHSINA GIFT GOODS Time in On Station :10-1BIP, 250 meters 1200 k, for o.sr ,B'roadcas't on 'Wednesday at 12 ,o''cloclk.aird 7:1115'to 7:1415 p.m.. to 12:30