HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-12-15, Page 8{ THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, ememeamemmemea, HENSALL.: . Ait a nieeting'of" the Public' Libraarrr• Board on Saturday evening; M. 'Ro- bert' Cameron was appointed Librar- ian.'.Mrs. Cameron has been' assisting in the Library for some time and will make a_ very efficient ,Librarian. • 'County Warden, Louis Rader w2as in town Saturday on business, Mr. 'Mhos. I-Iem!ptill of Detroit is spending the winter with relatives in tower. Mr. Thos. Drummondof Toronto carne upto Iiensall to attend the wed- ding ;of his granddaughter, Miss Mar- gare;t.. M. and Mrs. A. J. Sweitzer and family of the ,Beach -o -pines, spent the week -end with relatives in town. While coming home to ;Hensall on Saturday evening ,IMr.'. Donald; Me - Kinnon met with a nasty accident' which might have resulted seriously. Be was passing a truck which was on its way to London with ,a load of Christmas trees, 'Ohne oaf the butts of the trees Was sticking out so tar that in passing the 'M'clKinnon car, struck it, sma'sh'ing the windshield and all the windrows on the driver's side of the car. Donald turned around ,and followed the truck to Exeter where he got it stopped and -traffic ofifi!cer Lever was c'al'led from Clinton. Mr, 'McKinnon got a satisfa'ctory adjust- ment for damages. Miss Flora Wia1dron of Ottawa who has been visiting her sislter, Mrs. W. A. Young, Left last week for Toronto' where she will visit friend's. Miss Hazel Morena spent Sunday at her home in Dashwood. il'Irs. MclAtithur has returned to her home in London after a :pieasanit vis- it with Mr. and M'rs. Henry Arnolrca The Arnold Circle of the Carmel !Presbyterian Munch was held on Tuesday evening, fast at the home of 'Mrs. W. A, Young. A social even'inlg was held and election of officers .took. place. iOur rlocal merchants are busily en- • gaged decorating their wind'o'ws for the Christmas season. The old time dance put on by the firemen was well attended in the town hall on Wednesday evening. • lOur local Sunday 'Schools and elle churches are busy practising for the 'coming Christmas entertainments. The nomination meeting will be held in the town hall on Monday even- ing, Dec. 26th. The election will take place on January 2nd. The Sunday S'choo'l of Carmel Pres- byterian Church intend holding a (Christmas entertainment en Friday evening, December 23rd. A good ;program is being prepared. The Weae Youth Club held their regular meeting on Monday evening. The topic which was very ably taken by Mrs. Edwards, was on the value of the church. Contests and games were indulged in. A' quiet wedding witnessed by the immediate relatives was solemnized at St. Paul's Anglican Church at Hen - sell, Saturday, Dece'm'ber 10th, at 4.130 p.m, when Margaret Nettenifield, old= est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. 1D'rummond Of alensall, became the bride of Orme, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wen. lMdKenzie of Kincar- dine, Rev. Mr. M. B. Parker officiat- ing. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father was lovely in her wedding dress of Fretecch green crepe and was attended by heres'ister, Miss. (Louise Drummond who was attired in blue romaine .crepe. Both wore hats and shoes and gloves to match, the bride 'carrying a'bouque't of French marigolds and fern tied with green and silver ribbon's and the bridesimaid yellow mums tied with blue and silver ribbon, The groom was attended by W. M. Drummond, .brolther of the bride. Folloowing the wedding, s'up'per was served at the home of the bride's parents. The decorations in the dining room and' living room were carried y in outTamers and and ' cr'o'w n mums, centred with a large w•hilte heli, The 'bride was the recipient of Many !beautiful and useful gifts. The young 'couplle will make their home in Kin- cardine. Out of town .guests,inciuded Mrs, T. J. McLean of rtriiagham and Mr. T. 0. Drummond of Toronto. STAFFA. Mr. and Mrs, ,M. Gray, Mrs, V. Mc- Naughton an'd M'r, G. Butson ,spent the week end in Hamilton. 'Messrs. W. and A. A. Col.qu'houn were in Niagara recently attending the funeral of a causin. 'The annual meeting of the S.S. was held on Tuesday evening. The officers and the assistants are::Superintendent, Mr. F. ()Brien, Victor Dinnin; sec.- treas., :H4issee's Vera Hlanvbly, Edith PTuffin; teachers, Beginners, Mrs. A. Jeffery, Miss E. "Puffin; primary, Miss ,Audry Dinnin, Mrs. J. Leary; girls, Mrs L. Butson, Miss Verna Klein- :feldt; boys, Messrs. Victor Dinnin, (Sam Norris; Y:P., Rev. R. N. Stew- art, Miss Marze'tta Sadler; adults, Mr. !O'Brien, Mrs. Currie; Supts. of Temp. V. Dinnin; Mi's`sions, Mrs. Currie; 'oradee roll, Mrs.' B. F'e'll, organist, Mrs. 0, Reed, Miss ,Ada Speare, The annual Christmas entertain- meat will] he ,held on Friday, Decem- ber 23rd in the hall. BAYFIELD • , 'i4r.' and Mrs. George Little ntotor- & i tps y iteele ri Saturday, returning Tues'd'ay They.; were accompanied by Miss Maud McGregor and Miss Ra chelMsy,lor who visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLeod mot- ored to Port • Huron Sunday ,tivhere ihey:rwere met by Mr. Playlter of De- troit, who took Mrs. McLeod to his home where she will spend a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. 1?layter, ,Coming Events, -!This Friday ev- ening, December 1!*'tri ahe annual Seb ,bath school'entert'ainmen't will be giv- en in the Town T h e children's treat, Trinity 'Church, will be in the. Orange Hall, Friday evening, December 23rd. -On W'ednesd'ay' evening Dec..211st at the Town Hall, the pllay "Betty's' Dilemna," will be presented by young p e o iple o'f St Andrew's United Church. Ln past seasons plays put on by these people have proven very satisfactory and have greatly pleased those attending. This one will no doubt prove just as enjoyable, --On Monday, December 216th, the members of Legion No. are having a euchre and dance in the Town Hall. Drivers' orchestra will provide music. Good prizes will be given. The pro- ceeds ane to start a fund to place a memorial cairn in B'ayfield's 'beautiful park, "Clan Gregor." This" is certain- ly a worthy ablpe'dt and the hall should he ,well filled on this occasion. -On Friday, December 3Oth, ' the members of ILO.IL. No. 24 'purpose having a euchre and dance in the Town Hall, Ion past season's suclh events put' on' by the•'B!ayfield Orange- men have been, well patronized• and enjoyed. There will be good music and prizes given for euchre contests. Bible Society Meeting. -!The annual meeting of the tB'aylfie'ld Branch of the, Bible Society was held ,Sunday evening in Knox Presbyterian church and although the weather was unfav- orable there w'as a very good 'attend- ance. The service was in charge of Rev. R. M. Gale of St. Andrew's Un- ited church, and Rev. F. H. Paull, Rector df Trinity Anglican church. An excellent sermon was preached by IMr, Paull, wh'o to* his text from 1 Kings, 'Chapter 16, verse 44 "Behold there ariseth a little el'ogd out of the sea like unto a m'an's hand, - after whish he gave 'many interesting facts regarding the .great work being done year after year by the Bible Society in all parts of the world. 'O'fficers for the year were then appointed, F. A. Edwards being re- elected President and Mrs. Robert 5Scotc'hmer re-elected Secretary-Trea's- urer. WINTHROP. (Ladies' Aid Annual Meeting. -The \Ua'dies' Aid and W.M.S. met Tues- day, 'December 6t'h, at the home of Mrs. F. Bullard. The meeting opened by singing hymn '173 followed by pra- yer. The m'inu'tes of the previous meeting were read and adapted. The roll call was answered by a verse of a Chlristmas• hymn. The president read a very interesting story after' which circle No. 4 'took charge. The circle. meeting opened by singing a hymn a+fber which Mrs. R. Bolton led in. prayer. A Christmas story 'Was read. The Scripture lesson taken from Luke. 2, chapter was read by Mrs. W. M'c- IS!padlden. The topic from the new study book on 'Canada was • taken by 'I'rene Balton. 'Sentence prayers were given: by Mts. J. Payee and Rata Campbell. The business• part of the program was then dealt, with after, which the election of officers for 1933 took place. The meeting closed with a hymn and all repeating the Lord's prayer. The election of officers resul't- ed' gas follows: President, MTs. A. Pat- rick; eat vice president, Mas. R. Beat- tie; 2nd vice president, Mrs. A. Ross; secretary, Mrs. Calvin }Ellen; W.M4S. MacFarlane; treasurer, Mrs. D. M'a'p Fa 1 , ex-" pease fund treasurer, 'M•rs. R. Mac- Farlane; press secretary, Mrs. F. Bul- lard; temperance secretary, Mb's. W. IBloyd; strangers' secretary, Mrs. J. Simason; Christian stewatid's'hip sec., Ifrene Deleon; missionary neonth'ly sec.-treas., Mrs. Alexander; Mission Band leaders, Mrs. F. Bullard; as'sist- an't, Edith Millen; committee,' Mrs. W. Dodds, Mrs. R. Bolton, Mrs. S. Shan- non; visiting committee, Mrs. C. Dol - mage, Mts. nettles; Ladles' Aid ureas., Mrs. R. Campbell]. We are pleased to hear .that Miss ;Evelyn Campbell is im'p'roving after' undergoiaig an apenation: ,in Sodtt Me- mohial Hlospital. (Dont' forget the euchre and dance in the hall this Fridley night. Ladies please bring lunch. (Mir. and Mrs. Baxlter of Benm'iiler spent Sunday wilthMr. and Mrs. 'Rolrt. Campbell ,Sr, The hockey boys are ge'ttin'g in shape for their winter sport. They had their first practise in Seaton' on Tue'sd'ay night. "Better luck this year, boys." (Worms ,cause fretfulness and rob,. the infant of sleep, the great nourish - en .Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator will dem 'the stomach and intes- tines and restore healthfulness.: TOWN TOPICS TWENTY=FIVE' YEARS AGO r December, 1906, Kippen People on, the West. Those who went on the harvest ex- cursion from ,Kippen to the 'west are. coining ,back..Aenongl'the earliest was, Robert Hayman, .who diked the "'conn- try, but yet has .no thought Of turning his back on Ontario, .Next came 'Hugh MciMurtrie, who was liking the coon-, trybetter the longer he remained' there. 'Then soon came James Mc- Donald, who thought the West was a great country, but not,'to be compared with Ontario for to'lid conefoet. Ed. Cudlmore li'k'ed the country well en- ough to purchase at least a section in the Elbow distriot.'Chesney also anade a,p•uncliase of land in the same district. 'Both of these bought from the Bal- four, Broadfoot Laird Co. of Regina, who have done a very large 'business in land the past seas'on. 'The price paid was $112 an acre. Jas. Parsons, Mrs, Parsons and May were 'delighted with the country and he has taken a' home- stead about thirty miles from Secre ta'n. They intend retaining to the west in the spring if they can sell or rent .their farm here. Pester Cameron. spent his time with his . 'brothers, one, in -Moosej'aw, IS'as'k., fobldwing his trade of carpentering, and the other fann- ing some miles from that town, They are both doing well. ,Lawrence ,Moffatt is as'o home and• looks well and be speaks in glowing terms of the coutia try. In order to give an idea of ,the wages paid out 'there, '3,Ir. Parsons told of $5.50 a day paid to D.'1McCall, formerly of 'Bruce'field, for building brick and stone and $'6.50 a d'ay is re- ceived for the same 'kind of work by T. Latta, formerly of Oh'iselhurs!t. (B'oth are working in Regina. Moves to Seaforth. Miss R. Fowler of 'Harpurhey mov- ed to town this week and now occup- ies the residence which she recently purchased from Mr. Ed. Daley. Mr. Daley etas moved into one of Mr. John lFloyd''s houses on James street; • Want Legislation. As a result of the wholesale dis- charge of conductors on the Grand Trunk Railway recently, and to prey- eat a recurrence in' future, it is said that the Grand trunk, the Canadian Pacific and the Canadian Northern Railway will apply to the Dominion, (Parliament for_ legislation making it'. a criminal offence for passengers are the railways to offer money eo con, doctors to receive a passage in lieu of tickets. Disposing of Propert9. Mr. (George Bates purposes dispos- ing of his property in town and also his grocery 'business and premises in Egneond'vel:le and will likely go West,. Cupid's Arrow. ICAdvegt'isement) A tall, 'fair, stylish young man, school teacher, desires c'orresponde'nce with pretty young la- dy 'having ady'having sufficient means to start a Nome, Object-'matrim'ony. (A'd'dress 'Teacher, Box 1173, Clinton. 'Eye Removed. IMr. H. Oughton underwent an ope- ration on, Wednesday for the removal of one 'of'his eyes, which we are pleas- ed to state has so far proved a succ- essful one. For some time past' Mr. (Oughton has been unable to see with the diseased member, owing to the formation of a cataract over it. Of late an abscess formed• at the back of the eye and caused him much suffering, so that he had to come home and 'have it attended to. A few days ago the ^ab- scess broke and on advice from his physician decided to have the eye re- moved Obituary. The death t occurred on Saturday of Jane ,May, relict of the ,late Hugh nS'im- psan, at the age of 69 years. IThe de- ceased lead been a resident of Eg- mlondville for a number of years and. was very highly esteemed. .Of late years 'Mrs. 'Simpson had made 'her home with her daughter, Mas, John Kyle, at while' place slhe .passed away. Sale Not 'Successful, ' The sale of t'hoeougihbred imported ',Clydesdales held recently at Exeter :was not as successful as anticipated. an. ,all there 'were about 46 horses brought there to be auctioned, -'but only a 'dozen were sold. The .prices ;offered,. were too -low 'for the horses and the owner called ,the sale off. They were sl'ip'ped to Chatham to be ,disposed of there. There was a large craved present and 'the expressions of several who could be heard, were 'that (the Canadian bred .horses in this lo - 'Galley would compare fa'vorab'ly with (the imported ones. Good Prices Realized. Mr. 'William Dodds had a very sun- •ce'ss!ful aurition sale of farm stock, on 'Wednesday at IWi!nthrop and some goad prices were realized. Several pairs 'cia stock .steers were. sold 'for $95 a pair and calves sold as high as, $117.50 each. Mr. Jas, 'A. Smith of 'Clin- ton wielded the 'auctioneer's !h'am'mer. T.UCKERSMITH:,, Ladies' Club. -(The Deceneeer meet 'tile of th'e'Tuckersnntth 'Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mrs, Joseph Crich. Twenty members and two vi's- i,;tors were present. The roll call ,wlas answered by giving presents for ,the poor people up 'nortlh. Mrs. G. Me- Gregor was appointed assisltanit secre-. bary-treasurer. 'The program operated. wall a chorus by the cluib. (Readings were given by •M•es; F. Pepper, Mrs,. Oke, and Mirs. V. ^Terry'beery, The )Jlaeuary meeting wild be h'e'ld on Jen. 11111th at the home of Mrs. Oke. The roll call is to be answered .with writ- ten suggestions for discussions at the imeetings or im'proivernen:ts - for the IMr. (Gordon Hayter of Flint spent Friday at the home o'f Mrs. E. Ross. 'Mrs. Hayter, Keith and Wayne ac co'ntpanaed him back after a brief holiday .I here. 'Mrs. Harry Chesney spent the week end, with her sister, Mrs. B. Dhioanlpson'of B tt'celfield. • (Mrs.' P. E. M:ackbam end infant son have 'returned, from IScott Memorial !hospital, : and are at the foraner's si'ster's, Mrs, Chas. 'McKay. 'Miss 'Mabel :McDonald and friend of Siaffa were (Sunday 'visitors at the home o!f 'Mr. James Hay. (The schdol teachers ,end sc'holars are busy preparing for their annual Christmas concerts and plays. 'M'rs. Secord MGBnien and Maxine of Hullett spent 'fast Wednesday at the 'home: of .her parents, Mir. and ,Mrs. IWm. Laneisboroulgh. ears. Luff of Hamilton spent the week -end with her brother, John 'Martin and sisters, Belle, and .Mrs.. Tebbutt. Mr. Jas: Allan of Egmondville, spent last Wednesday. at Mr. Wm, 'Uand'sboraugh's.' The 'dance 'last Friday night that was held at S.S. No. 7 was well pat- ronized and all report a good time. SIS. No. 3, Tuckersmith, will hoed a'Christmas concert and tree on Wed- nesday afternoon, December 211st at &30. Everybody welcome. No admis- sion fee. Dialogues, recitations, songs, drills, etc, on the program. Santa Claus will attend. ELIMVILLE The Live 'Oak Mission Circle held :their election of officers lest Thurs- day afternoon at the home of Miss Ruth S'kin'ner, The officers apipointed 'for next .year were as follows: (Honorary President; Mrs. Peters; presidenit, Mies Lav'ona Cooper; est vice president, Miss Helen Munch; treasurer,. . Miss Marjorie D;elbrid'ge; recording se'cre'tary, Miss Mary Hun- ter; •torr, secretary, Miss .Laura Ford; system'ati'c giving sec., Miss Margaret ipohn's; mite box sec., Miss Bernice Munch; supply sec., Mrs. Wim. Rout- ley; literature secretary, Mrs. Mervin Pysm; temperance sec., ' Miss Ruth Skinner; pia'nislt, Miss Audrey Prance; assistants, .Mrs. Harry Mullah, Mrs. (Garnet J'ohn's; Herfalds.: China, Miss !Wil:heimiate Ferguson; J'ap'an, Miss• Mary Herdman; ' Ghris'tian stewaed- .ehip, Miss Margaret J'o'hns; Indict{ Miss Thelma Jacques; Korea, Mrs. Garnet Jahns; New Canadians, Mas. Mervin Pym. Mr. S. Whalley of St. Marys ,vi'sited at Mr. Dhals. Jlohns' last Friday. We are sorry to report that Mr, 'Chas.. Jlohns is under the doc'tor's 'care. KIPPEN. The Christmas Concert will be 'held in. St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, on Thursday evening, De- cember 22 at 8 p.m. A'Ohri's aces can-. tiara and pageant en'ti'tled the Star and. the Cross`will be,presenited, The W. %M. 45. of St. ,Andrews' Church met at the home "ea Miss 5. Wednesday, 'dDecemberr Sinclair on We , Dee lath. The annual .meeting was held and the reports of .the .various secretaries were received. Alter the election of o'ffi'cers, Miss Sinclair, recently of. IGypsumvi'lle, M'ani'toba, gave a most interesting account .o'f the W, M. IS. :work in that district. Mirs, W. Sin- clair and .Mrs. J. Hiendersah sang a duet. Mass !Sarah Sinclair served a very dainty lunch w'hi'ch was enjoyed by Al. MANLEY. IMr. Joe, Morgan is convales'cing rapidly in Scott Memorial 'Hos'p'ital, where he is under the doctor's care. The late snow storm has made the roads good for neither wheel's nor sleighs, and Jack Frost has been a Frequent ,visitor, testing the 'weak spots. IOter teacher, Miss Helen Delaney, is preparing the pupils :for ' a real Christmas concert. DUBLIN On Monday evening, William Mc- ,molt died at his home in the village, Ifollowing an turners of a'b'out a year. The deceased was born in Dublin 54 years ago and lived most of those years in the vicinity and was a mem- ber of St. Patrick's Catholic Church. He is survived' by his widow, two beothers and two sisiters, Tim,. Ham- ilton; Michael, Duluth, Mrs. M. 'Ken- nedy, St. Marys, and Mrs. M. Moore, ChriStmas Specials Christmas Mixed Candy 2 lbs, ..... 25c (Women's Silk & Wool 1i (Hose special (Finest Mixed Nuts 2 pounds ... . ......... 29c Ibex Blankets, large 89 size. Per pair...... Christmas Oranges ;Bath Towels. Special. value Per dozy , 23c per:P'alir .....:,..,.,,. New 'Cheese, .....• . per Pound 12c J. I I 50c of Stratford. 'N!OINPS•NATDOiN MEETING !Township of McKillop The annual meeting of the electors of the Municipality Of the Township of McKi ecip 'will be held at Winthrop' H'a'll on !Friday, December 23rd, i1932, for the purpose of nom'i'nating a reeve and four cou'ncil'lors 'fa'r the year .1903. INonr'inabioris will be received front one till two o'clock in the afternoon.. Should. ?tore 'plersons be nominated` than are required to fin foe several office's, an eleation will - be held on Monday, the 'second day of January, 1933. (Polls 'to be .ripen front 9am, 'till 5 pm. at the following places: ;Pohl No. 1 -Das. Carlin's`'houset loft 10, •con. 5. Thos. IMoy'lan, D.R.10.; Wi'i!Idam Maloney '.'C. Poll No. 2 -Jas. Hogg's house, loot 25, con. 4. Jas. B. Hogg, 'DIRMO., Mrs. Geo. Eaaon, P.C.' 'Polk No, 3Jos. Smith's house, 'lot 10, con. '12. liable R. Leeneing, D,1R'O., Henry Bennewies, iP.'C, Poll No. 4-1S'chool house No. 7, lot 7,5, con, 12. William 'Somerville, D.R. 0., Willis amides, P.C. ,JiOIHIN 'McINA!Y, 50 Returning Officer. 'NOMuNIA'11ION. 'NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith The annual meeting',of the electors of She !Township of ,Tuokerstnith, for the nominaltion of c'an'didates 'for 'the .office of !Reeve land:Councill'ors 'for the year 10133, will be held at Walker's Ha'le, IBrucefield, on Friday, December 23rd, at 1 ,p.m.111 a poll be neces's'ary such peel shall he opened on Monday, January `Znd, 41o30, at "the following places and by the Ifollolwung officers: Na. Il, W. C. ,Go,venlook's 'hou'se, W. C. Govenlo'ek, D.!RO., J. C. IRe'inke, 1P.C.; No.•@, S.ah'o'ol INo. 8, James Hay, IDiR;0,; J. IA. IM'ctLa'ren, (PJC.; No. 3, (Schaal )House 'No. 4, Sam !Whitmore, .Fred 'Pepper, P,'C.; No. 4, School 'House No. 3, Tlholm'as 'Cltap- 'mah, !D,iR10., J. W. Mlcllnitosh, PC.; No. 5,1SSldho'ol House No. ,1•, IR. D. Beal M'elvyl Traquair, 'P'C.; No, 6, (Schee,' 'Howse tNlo. 9, IWilli'am (Sinclair, ID.iR1O., Alexander ;Sdn'clair, !PJC. Poll open' from 9 'a.m. to 5 ,p.m. • D. F. ,McGIRiEIGIOR, Clerk. AUCTION SALE. Pursuant - to warrants of distress placed in my hands there will be sold by Public Au'c'tion at Lot 115, Con- cession 1112, MtKlil'Iobp, on Friday, Dec. !'6th at '14:30 p.m. sharp, certain chat- tels and goods consisting of: (Horses -2 General Purposes, 3 and Tiling 4 year old.; black driver 5 years old; sorre'll colt, fully,year old. 'Cattle - (Black cow, white face, 3 years old; Holstein cow, aged, calf at 'foot; red cow, white. face, 3 years t 14 old; 9 two- ear -o'l'd 5 steers and Y > heifers; 2 baby beef calves; pure;bred (Hedford bull 6 ye'ar's old; 7 calves about 4 .months old. IP•igs.-12 Ibraod saws to litter in December. Ibmpllements-'Massey-(Harris binder 7 ft. cut; ;M..tli• seed drill; M'ax- well hay 'loader; M aH. hay rake; M. - H. tandem disc, 6 ft.; M. -IH. mow- er 15 ft.; International cultivator; spring tooth F. & W. cultivator;, sloop sleigh's, wagon and gravel box; man- ure spreader, M.4H. No. 6; set Ren- .frdw stales, 2,000 .1b„ Goudey steel 'Land (Roller; Fleury grain grinder; root puiper; flat hay rack, !Grain & Hay. -1500 bus. oats; 100 bus. mixed grain;" 25 tons nixed hay. Terns --Cash. Dated Dec, 10th, 1932. (For furtther particulars apply to: - John Earle, Bailiff. '•Geo. H. El'ili.ott, Aactioneer. FOR SALE • Seven purebred York .c,hunks, also a litter of eight 6 -weeks -old, also two purebred .York sows, second' !'titer due end Of January, and two year and a kalif old steersaround eight hundred pounde., Apply»lotfaeCon r2, Stere}'ey '10 11310. B.' HYDE, Phone .86r11d11, H'etr-- A Full Basket 'Of Fine FlavoredS EXTRA EGG For Those 'Poultrymen who consistently feed. our Laying Mash IT Has been tried and proved by actual feeding experience lDwingto the large quantities purchased by the .Scott Poultry Farm they can quote attractive prices, '$2.00 .per cwt, Telephone '251 -32 E. S. 'Watt &'Sons, .'Palmer CARD OF THANKS. .Mr. and Mrs.'Melvin McPhee to thank the many friends and. Ibors for 'sympathy and kindiie their; bereavement, 8111 - in WANTED IA relialble (wom'a'n or girl t alter ewe children for a month country. Apply to the ,News look n the ffice. NOTICE All' books crust he returne Public 'Library on or before (December 24th, GRETTIA SON, Librarian. to the iturd'ay, O''1,11I'- FOR (SALE ITIwo 'si'lver 'fox furs, h'.. woven, 'made; up ready to wear, nd ; suitable 'For Chnistm'as presents, et v reason- , able prices. S. CARTIER, S'eaforth, Phone 21681W. 61. N'OTf'C'E IFIor s'envice, purebre Tanuwortdt hog, 6 months old, er at Royal (Winter Fair. Terms $11. WIM. ,BIOYD, Prop.; Phone 2148 r 413, a'lton R.'R.2. CHRIIST,MAS D ',NSITIRA1'DION Alt the Salivaltion '''m'y HId'l, Sea - tenth, Friday, Dece'ml.:r 116th, 1932, at 8 p.m. Ohai'nmhn: M. or L. Ureaki, Adlmiss'io'n115c. - 50 AN TOIL BbH ie ER. National Blue Fla e Oil ,B'arnet' ia Call up 268w. Please ' to call on you. I'' have insltalled'se al in town .and they are 'giving the ' est of - satisfac- tion at a very low;pr e. Also cream se'parabous. iS. 'CA TER. 'HOUSE T' RENT. On Ord street, h. '1 of .double tene- m'en't house. A'p'ply to 'Box 14'5, ;Sea - 'forth, or phone T7. WA TED (Wanted a fal''m to rent, 715 or 100 'tweet; 'must ihye fair good buildings. Apply to yogi .1110E, .Walton, IH!OTJISE tD TWO LOTS 'Cor'ne'r of,1 eeoge and Victoria sts., (Seatorth. Eig't rooms, good cellar, and hard end sal a �t er , latter amide. IElects"ec l'igh't . Good 'barn and shed sui'talbile for 'goo • gara e.'M S. P..De- g RI_ QOU SEY: E , Rl mondvi'61e FAIR FOR SALE To close' th estates of the late Ro- bert Holmes and' the late (Rose Holmes, we ave been instructed to offer for sal the farm being Lot number Thi ty;three (33), Conces- sion'Ttvelve',(12) in the Township of McKillop and containing one hun- dred :(100) acres, and upon whic'h there its said to be erected a two- etorey brick 'hou'se, a large banked barn with good stabling and steel fit- tings, a witrd'mill, a ,driving she'd and'. other outbuildings. 1.71pon this farm there are nine (9)' acres of bush and thirty (30) acres of fall ploughing, a. good orchard and bo'th barn and, house are equipped ;with Delco lights. 'The land is said to be ,particularly ehoice, is well fenced and detained. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. Ae D. SUTHERLAND, Agent, Sia - forth, Ontario. HAY'S, & MEIIR, Solicitors for Exec- utor, Seaforbh, Ont. As a vermicide ni ,excell'dnt'prepar- abion is Mather 'Graves' Worm !Eater-. ntinator. at has saved -the lives, of: countless children.