HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-12-15, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1932. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. The . 8Christ as Special' Vi has arrived at Suer' ' r Stores Bringing to you the choicest 'foods kr the IOhrlisltmas Season. See the wonderful selection available at your Superior Store. Memory does not •recall a Christmas that offered so much real value as does this season df 11932. Now is the time to secure your supply of nuts, raisins, Candies, land other Christmas "essentials." WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Iltems for week ending Dec, 211. Mc'LAIRE.NIIS 'IIN'VINCIBLE JELLY POWDERS 25 c 5 pkgs. MAN.YiFLtO,WIERS TOILET SOAP . ..... .... 5 cakes 25 NEW GOLDEN MIXED NUTS; no peanuts 2 lbs. 29 c INEW GOLDEN H'ATLO'WI DATES • 2 lbs. 19 c 2'. 25 c 445 c CHOICE MINCEMEAT (ROYAL YORK TEA with rig (Saw }Puzzle FREE Per 1b 1Perrin'•s Fig :Bar Biscuits per lb. 15c Kierller's'Little Chip 1Mar.malade 112 oz. j'ar..19c '"`token On every filar" P. & 'G. Naptha iSoap 5 bare 19c Hawes' .Floor Wax 1.'s 4in'ts 59c3 Hawes Floor Gloss p 'Hawes' Lem. n 'Oil "have your hiome ready Ifor'Christm'as't...... 23c lOvailtine . s'mal'l. , ..45c; medium'.....69c; large....$1.09 'Corn Syrup .. 2 s....15c; 5'•s....33d 110's.... 39c5 'Family ,Blend •Coffee per lb Christmas Fruits, Nuts, Candy, etc Australian Seedless 'Raisins 2 'lbs. 25c (Bleached Seedless 'Raisins (1 Ib. 19c 'Cleaned Auslbralian (Currants .. , 2 lbs. 27c Lemon and (Orange !Peel .: , .. .1 'ib. 18c II'mpoxted 'Cut Mixed Peel • 1' lb. 190 'Glace Cherries % 'lb. 10c 'Cooking IFFgs !Z lbs. 150 .Cake 'Dandies, assorted. ...per pkg. 10c IMdCormiick's Yuletide Chocolates .... ...5 pound box 1.00 "Christmas Cheer Hamper" A MOST ACCEPTABLE ,GIRT FOR ANYONE 15 lbs. Potatoes 5 'lbs. Carrots 1 doz. Oranges 1 lb. Mixed Nuts 2 tins Soup 7 lbs. Flour 5 bars (Soap 5 lbs. Apples 1 Ib. Mixed Candy 3 .fb. White 'Bean's 1 lb. Butter 1 1'b Slue Boy Tea 2 loaves Bread 1 tin tom'a'toes 9%s or Coffee. +1 lb mixed 'biscuits 5 tbs. Rolled Oats All fors$2.7 ' delivered in town' Aylmer Christmas Box ,WIRAPPED AND ATTRACTIVE Contains 30 tins including—Cherries, ,Pea'ch'es, ,Pears, Pineapple, Raspberries, !Strawberries, IG. Wax! Beans, tJs nfbo. Peas 1.25 'Golden !Bantam Corn and 'Tomato Juice Ross J • Sproat Phone '8 Miss N.Pryce 71 Buy Seaforth Butter A Service that creates • Confidence • and a Uependaple Reputation Always Good Quality Please us by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please youby our services and higher• market prices for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait, The Seaforth Creamery, C. A. BARBER; Prop. ' Walker's • 'FUNERAL SERVICE. UNDERTAKING EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment IA, J. WA T.KER, holder of Go- c'rrnment diploma and.iicense, flowers 'Furnished. Wight or day phone 67. HOCKEY 'SCHED,ULE IA double schedule will be played in group .12, in'termediate series, of the 0lH.A, Teams representing. Mrtohel1, -(Clinton; Seaforth and Goderich•hatlb .ehltered:;; Tavis'tolck, had a repi`•esent five at the,;neetin'g bet it -was fotuid inconvenient to admit them because Milverton would also have been• re- quired to play in the group. The sche- dule follows: ;Dec. 27-1Goderich at Seaforth; !Mitchell at Clinton. Dec. 30—Clinton at Goderich; Seaforth at Mitchell, Jean. 3—Mitchell at Seafdrfh Jan. 5 -- Clinton -Clinton at Seaforth. Jan. , 6—Mitchell at •Goderich. J1an. 110—Mitchell at Sea - forth; Goderich at Clinton. Jan. 13-- ISeatos+th'a't Goderich, Clinton at Mit- chell. 'Jan. 1I7—IGoderich, at Mitchell; Seaforth at Canton. Jan; 20—(Goderich at Clinton; Seaforth at Mitchell, Jan. 24--1Goderich at Seaforth; Mitchell at Clinton, Jan. 27 --Clinton at Mitchell; Seaforth:.: at Goderich. Jan. 30—Clin- ton 0 C1in=ton at Goderich. Feb, 1.--'Goderich at Mitchell Seaforth at Clinton. Feb, L . Mitohelt a't Geldepieh; Clinton at Wank and For Sale Ads, 3 times SOc. TOWN TOPICS Mr. R. IC. 'Harding, 'B.A and Mrs. iHardiitg an'd dauigihlter Lorraine and Miss Margaret F lint bener, all of Kit- chener, spenrt Sunday at the home Of Ur. and Mrs C. Finlobein.er, The legion are holding their last stag euchre this year at the town hall, Wed; 'Dec. 2$.. IMr. Joseph C•arbert of Detroit spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs: M. Carbert, who returned to De- troit to spend the winter with her daugihlter, Mrs, J. 1;. Theison. iidr. and .Mrs: Albert Harrison were in ,Goderich on Sunday attending the funeral of Miss Grace Bell of Gode- rich township, who died in Acton on Friday. ' 'Mr, ,George IBlunsch spent the week- end in Kitchener, (Buffalo meat is being sold by the local butcher shops this week. The meat conies from the Wainwright, Alta., buffalo reserve and is selling apt 2,0c a lb, Mrs. Ellen Murray, Goderich st., received congratulations on the oc- casion of her 817th birthday from. many friends who called upon her at her home. on S'aturd'ay, Dec,' 10th. Mrs. Will Plant spent the week- end in Detroit and Windgbr. 'Mr. Jake Sproat o'f Timlagami, New Ontario, is at the home of his parents, Mr. and MTS.. James Sproat; Kg - /Mrs. McRae, who has been seri- ously ill, has been able to be .ott't again. Mr. and Mrs. Adam's and Mr. Al- bert McGee and Mr. George Ashton of Pont Albert called on Mr.' and 'Mrs. George Alberh'art of McKil'l'op, on Tuesday. (Mrs:Thomas M@Millan is seriously ill with a nurse in attendance. Many friends of Mrs. Robert Boyd, (George st., regret to learn that she is not improving. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hanna spent a couple of days last 'week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Weber at Woodham dur- ing the illness of the latter's d'augh-. ter, Mr. Charles Dickson Of London was a week -end visitor with his par eats, MT. and Mfrs. Thos. Dickson. Miss B'roadifoot is visiting -in Pont, Nelson with Mr. and Mrs, S. Morton.. (Several of the Rebekalhs were- in ,Mitchell on Thursday evening, when a number Of the surrounding l'odge's; were entertained by the Mitc'hell' lodge. , ' BUSINESS MEN M,EEiT r. t'he''Seafornth• !Business Men's ^'As1 socta'tion meeting fn ,the town (hall on Tuesday evening to consider• the, re- sults of the questionnaire on munici- pal matter's, was well attended. Ques- tions were recently :circulated ammn'i the busines's'men in regard to prOp'os ale for candidaitets for the public o!11 Gees in 'town, and .also suggestions concerning civic affairs. The chairman was MT. iF. S. Sa'v- •auge and iMr. E. L. Box was secret- ary. Mayor ID* was called on, 'Apr• an address. Taxes were not being .paid. quite as promptly as might be wished, but nevertheless they were about the same as Ilast year, said the Mayor. The ch'a'irman reviewed' the 'words accomplislhe'd'bythe Ass'ocia'tion .com- snrttee since last' May. 'Dollar Day and Community Day had been successful- ly put on. A proposal for a chicken. market had been consiidered :but was dropped ,because it h'ad not been .unan- imous. It had been suggested' that gifts be given at ,Christmas to all chil- dren within .71/ miles, instead of 3iy; as at present, the association to bear the extra'ces't. The matter had been gone into very !fully, 'but was found to be impracticalblle as it would" involve 11,400 extra children. The result of ,the questionnaire Was, then considered: Names were listed, for Mayor, ,Reeve, Council, P. U'ti'lities. andP. 'Sc'ho'ol board as received by the committee. It was left Ito the meeting to '(decide 'whether a slate would Ihd selected. Mayor Daly • re- ceived. 'the endorsement df the meet- ing, all others withdrawing in his fa ,von The committee was. instructed to interview Vh'e b'al'ance of 'those nam- ed to see who would be ;willing to stand, in order to dralw up a slate for other officers. an answer to a question the Mayor explained that !the coun'c'il had locked into the matter of ohlanging the nom- ination (from the 26th, which • was a +holiday, but 'found that two months' noticelwas required in order to make the change. Therefore'nomination meeting would- be 'on Dec. 26th, The meeting decided r'that the stores. would remain open every evening cor- ing the week previous to •Ohrrstmas. 11.11111 PAGE FIVE aIker's Furniture Store Wishes You All AVery erryChristmas and a happy New Year Why Not Give Usef 1, I r:,rbleGifts —Something for the come that Will Give Lastlug Pleasure to All the Family. We have the finest stock of Gift Furniture ever shown, and at such low prices. Staple Furniture always the best, but our odd Chairs, Tables, Telephone Stands, Magazine Racks, Lane Cedar Chests, Ferneries, Rugs, Lamps and Novelties of all descriptions at clear -out prices. Gifts for every member of the family. /!Tune in on our Broadcast at 10 BP Wingham each Monday 7:430, and' Wed. 12.00. Come and see the Ohri,stmas values we are offering. Store open every evening until Christmas. 1lK WALKER'S FURNITURE STORE 204 ROXBORO SS. No. 13 'Miss Stella Riehm'ond, Teacher. CHDIJDREN'S CONCERT & IOHRDSTMVi'AS TREE Wednesday, Dec. 21st :Also d play 'by Young People and 'various vocal and instrumentalnum-, bers, prornising good ' evening's en- joyment. Admission, Adults -1'5c. Children 10c. McGILLSVRAY AUXI'LI'ARY 'The 'MdGidl'ivary ,Auxiliary ,of North Side 'United 'Ohtinc'h, held ;their' Dec- ember meeting at the (home Of Mrs. J} H. Redd' on IMdraday evening • with Mrs . Ross ISavauge, president, 'in' Charge df the 'business. 'The meeting :'was the 'Ohristmasproject in the form of a'Christmas 'tree. AA bale of ,Chris't- m'as :gifts is 'being sent to the Mission at Gypsu'm'viill'e. 'Mists iS. IWiobd, cap- tain of Circle I1, then took •charge of the peogramine'wlhddh was opened by stinging several ',Christmas .carols. Miss ifiolen (Lane and Miss Bessie 'Cluff then sang a'beautiful duet, "Sun of 2Sy (Soul," Miss Wood.read an inter- esting story, "The 'Thirst (Christmas Tree" by Henry Dan 'Dyke. A social half hour ,was spent •during'wihich sev- eral of 'Che members served 'candy. !tett; ,press secretary, 'Mrs. E. IB. 'Gou- die; literature secretary, (Mists 'M. Rands; :missionary ,monthly secretary, Mrs. E. 'Chamberlain; strangers' sec- retary, Mrs. Q. IWeedhnar'k; pianist, Miss H. Lane. W. M. S. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the W. M. IS. of Northside United Church was held Thursday of last week. Mrs. W. IP. Zane, president, presided. Encour- aging reports were received from all department's. "Prayer," mare prayer; and definite, regular group prayer, was stressed. The nominating com- mittee's report was read by Mrs. 1G 1H'arn and accepted. Installation of officers followed with prayer and. one verse. Of '•`•O Master, ,Let:, Me .Walk with Thee." A short but interesking programme was given by Mrs. T. Webster and her group. The 3rd chapter of the study book, "The IMalding of the Western Prairies," was taken by Miss Robb and Mrs. F. Kerslake. Mrs. IT. Wlehster and Mrs. F. D. Hutchison led in the devotional exercises. This was foll'o'wed' by a vocal duet by Mrs. Lane and !Mrs. iTyerman, - aoco'mp'anied by Mrs. Bar- ber. Offieers for 1933 are: Honorary pres'iden'ts, Mrs. J'as. Beattie and Mrs. Thos. Henderson. 'ROXBIO'iRO. (President, MI's. IW. P. Lane. gave 'a splendid topic on "Responsib- ility." This was followed with ap'leas- ing solo rendered by Mrs. ,Alex. Kerr, en'ti'tled, "The Gift," accompanied by Mrs. J. E. Keating. A very interest- ing part of the meeting was the in- stallation of the new officers for the coming year: President, • Mrs. John Sclater; secretary, Miss Alva Graves; treasurer, ' Miss Hazel Reid; press sec., Mrs. James 'Wallis; Glad 'Tidings sea, ,Mrs. Rbhent Smith; Welcome and !Welfare sec., Mrs. I. B. Keine; flow- • er sec., .Mrs. W. M. Stewart; pianist, Mrs. J. E. Keating; assistant piani's't, Miss M. Storey; Group leaders, Mrs. Roy Anderson, MTS. Reginald Kers- lake, Mrs. Mae Dorrance, Miss Pearl Patterson; social comm„ ' Mrs. W, Plant,' 14s. Alex. Kerr, Mrs. M. Mc- Kellar; Ways and Mean's comm., Mrs. J. A. Munn, Mrs. George Ferguson, Mrs. Harry Scott, Miss ,Norma Jef- fery, Miss Mary Walker; :telephone convener, Mrs. Russel .Sproat; su'pply spam., Mrs. John M'acfTavisl , Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. M. MdLeod. These Officers were installed in regular mis- sionary form and whioh was very im- pressive. The meeting closed by re- peating the Lord's prayer in unison. Vice Presidents, Mrs, Jas. Hinch- 1Tlhe IficAtdwing'offilcers were elected for ley, Mrs. Moffatt. the ;coming Teat.: ;Honorary president, Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. Fti'n !Mrs.'W. T. (Bane; 1past ipresident,'M'rs•'layson. Treasurer, Miss A. Ferguson. 'Rase ISavbuge; Iprestdent, 'Miss S. Mood; '118'1 vice 'president, Mrs. IF. 5. B'edhely; 29d vice, president, ,Mists IR. !Fen•nell; treasurer, Miss ;Ethel 'Beat- tie; ,secretary, Miss Anne 'MdN'ay; treasurer:af flower IEund,'Mrs.'P.'M'df- Big assortment • to choose from. Priced 60c dozen, or, with your name printed, 95c dozen. THE SEAFORTH NEWS 'McKILLOP. ,The Bethel Sunday School are :hold- ing,their Christmas tree and entertain- ment '011 Tuesday evening, De'celnber 20th. "• SEAFORTH MARKETS; IHogs,per cwlt bacon $3.10; Do. . select Si.t10 Butter, per lb:':. 1t8c Eggs, per dez. 17c G6c. Potatoes, bag •.. 6'0c • nto Insura Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States' with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your .mind and at. NEW Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 Sutherland A GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE; CONVEY- ANCING, ONVEY ANCING, Office over Kea'ting's Drug Store 'Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. W. Black. "Christian Stewardship Secretary, (Mrs. J. C. Laing. (Supply 'Secretary, Mrs. R. Frost. 'Assistants, Mrs. G. Harr,' Mrs. W. ICudmore, Strangers' Secretaries, Mrs. J. Con - silt, Miss J. Alexander. lA'ssociate' Helpers' ;Sec,, Mrs. F. ID: 'MissS. Miss J. Reid. Archibald Mission �Ic- McGav- chison. Mission. Band Leaders, •Mrs. Close, Miss H. Lane. !Baby Band Leaders, Mrs. R. Sav- auge, Miss A. Lawrence. lAuditors, •Miss A. Lawrence, Mrs. Hutchison. Assistants, Mrs, Porteous, �„aven'Iook. 'Missionary Monthly Secs., Ferguson, Mrs.- W, Webster. Sec,, Mrs. J. A. Temperance Sec„ Mrs. R. Assistant, Mrs. B. Williams ;Press Secretary, Mos. W. jinitosh. Assis't'ant, Mrs. C. 'Glew. !Pianist, Mas, C. Barber. (Financial Committee, _ Mrs. in, Mrs. Tyumen, Mrs. Hut Hay. BARBARA • KDRKMAN The Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary held its December, meeting Tuesday evening in the school room of First Presbyterian Church with a large at- tendance. The Robson Group had charge with Miss Bella Wlatsbn pre- siding. The meeting was opened by singing a hymn, 'Phe Scripture les> son was read by Miss Jennie Sble'I Miss M. Storey read .theGlad Tidings prayer. Mrs. Roy Anderson delighted the audience with a piano solo. entitled "Meditation," The: business .dart was conducted' by thnr'iPTes}de1t4t eM'jy's (Belle Campbell. The reports we're very encouraging. Mrs, Mae Dorrance ?Miss H. Millar and ,Mr. R. 'Dawson of Auburn spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Duncan MdCdwan. Miss 'Harvey Who has 'been visiting 'her niece, Mrs. J. Altches'on, return- ed to her home in Egmon'dviiie. • BEECHWO 00 Store Offers You Fresh, Seasonable Merchandise At Special Prices 'Seedless Raisins ... L lbs. 251c (Large raisins with seeds 1 lb 16c ,Hand cleaned Currants 1 Ib. 1151c Dates . 3 tbs. 25c Walnut Halves 4 lb. 40c ,Almonds ..,.. '1lb. 39c \Lemon & Orange Peel.. 49c & 20c per Ib Citron Peel 29c per lb Pure Cocoa...,: ,115c per lb, Mixed Nuts in shell...2lbs. 35c Mixed Candy 2 'lbs, 29c 2 lb, 'box Best 'Chocolates 69c ,per box BREAD 5c a Loaf .Ma'tc'hes 3 (boxes 2,5c We have a full line of Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear @ 75c per garment. Men's unshrinkable Natural Wool Underwear @ $1.89 per garment. Men's .Blue Derry Smocks $1.25 Men's Blue Derry Pants •and Overalls 81.39 per pr. Men's ;Flannel 'Shirts...... $1.50 Men's Dark 'Flannel Shirts . . 99c Men's 'Moleskin and Horsehide (Pullover Mitts 35c and 59c Brighten your rooms with Sher - wen -Williams household 'PAINT at the•iNEW LOW PRICE of $1.20 per qt., and covering 425 sq. ft. two coats per gallon. A large assortment of CHRIST- MAS GIFTS to choose from. JarnesF.Carlin