HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-12-15, Page 4PAGE FOUR.
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.'"�`'i
:The young men of Walton met l'as't.
Thursday night at the Welton 'lr'ote1
to arrange for an open air skating
rink to be built on : Mr. F. Mdler''S
property west of the •'dte1, Blaine
Sleantreed was appointed chairman
and Kenneth Rutledge secretary. Nor-
man Rowland, Lorne Slteiss, Moody
Ilolland, noble Buchanan and Roy
Sennett were appointed committee' to
take charge of building the rink. Look
out for Walton boysl
A large crowd attended the dance
Friday evening and Al reported a
good time. Proceeds were donated to
the public library.
The children of Duff's United
Church :met on Saturday at the churc'h,';
to practise for the annual Christmas
concert' next. Thursday,
The first club dance of the season
is to be held on Friday.
(The Gleaners' Mission Band of
Duff's United . Church met in the
� church on
l room the cha
With. In the absence of the president
M'argare't Murray, the ch'a'ir was taken
by the vice president, Bo'b Kirkby.
After singing of "Away in a Manger"
prayer was offeered by Mrs. McCal-
lum followed by the Lord's prayer in
unison. Scripture, the Christmas story
in Luke 2,:1-111, was read by Beth
Shannon. After birthday ;offering was
received, mite boxes were brought in
and altogether the sum of $3.88 was
received. After roll call business in
connection with election of officers
vas discussed.' I't was decided to hold
an open meeting on the Saturday af-
terndon between Chrisitmas and New
Year's, commencing wt 2 o'clock. It
Will begin with a little sang service,
then devotional exercises, election of
officers, followe'd .by a program of
recitations and songs, etc„ to be got-
ten up entirely by the Children. A
lunch will. be served at the close, At
this meeting the Mission Band will be
very pleased to have their parents
present. The Watch Tower was given
Iv five of ,the older children and atter
study perked .meeting was closed by
'Miapah benediction.
come in and see our°
a nd d se
for Chrysler,
De Soto, Plymouth
All Repairs and Labor Cash.
Clough pianists, Mrs.'' H, McElroy, e.e.
Mrs, D. Floody; secretary of taChrist-
ran s
w^ardsl's and nd fine r
t ce Mrs. L.
iHifborn, Mrs. J. A. Mrlls, fiance com-
mittee, Mesranes Hilborn, J. Mills,
'Grasby, Carr, Wightman, Lyon, S.
QC'edhnie, Bender, Blainton, Win. Tay-
lor and Stackhouse; mission band so-
perintendent, Mrs, E. Bender; assist-
ant, Mrs. R. D. Philp; mission band
helpers, Mesdames Lyon, .Hilburn,
.Jarrett, •C'hellew, Leslie, Morritt,
Toll; straitgers' secretaries, Mrs. A,
13. Carr, Mrs. A. Slater, Mrs. R.
Richmond; visiting committee, Mes-
dames Petits, Fawcett, Wlightman,
W. H. McElroy, Hoover, Miains, E.
(Taylor, R. Sanderson, Morritt Sr.,
end Mrs. Howatt; birthday secretary,
Mrs. H. Johnston; assistant, Mrs. F.
Hollyman; associate helpers, Mes-
dames Bender, Davis, Quinn, T
Lyon, F. Toll, J. ,Gibson, Miss• Gil-
lespie; supply work, . Mesdames Faw-
cett, Betts, 'Wm.. Mills, C. Bell, Col -
dough, Garrett, G. White, N. John-
ston, Leslie; missionary monthly sec-
retaries, Mrs: J. ,Ferguson and Mrs,
S. H. White; temlperance secty., Mrs.
Carr, Mrs. Fawcett; baby band secty.,
Mrs. E. Pollard; auditors, Mrs. W. H.
Lyon, Mrs. N. Garrett; music com-
mittee, Mesdames McElroy, El. John-
ston, Wm, Gibson, N..Sanderson. Re-
commendations-1's't. Tlhat .•treasurer
remain in office for an unlimited time.
2nd. That a membership 'commit'tee
be appointed. A vote of appreciation
was tendered the retiring Officers for
their un'tsinted work during their
tenure of office Meeting closed with
the' denediction. • Gteinip' comma,iitteg
served a 10c Sea. Hostesses, Mrs.
Petts, Mrs. J. Mills, Mrs.. Wm. John-
ston, , Mrs, El. Johnston.. Mrs.. N.
Johnston, Mrs. R. 3D. ,Philp.
Mr. and Mrs, John Riley, Eileen and
• Helen of Jonestown spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. John Granby.
'Mir. and Mrs. Harvey Robertson of
near Biuevlale, spent (Monday after-
noon with the leter's parents, John
and Mrs. Bro1wn,
Mr. and Mrs, Louis Hollinger and
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Hbllinger,:7.th
line Morris, entertained about 100
neighbors and friends Monday even-
ing. The evening was spent in euchre
and dancing. A splendid time was en-
joyed by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nichoeson, Gor-
don and Velma visited Mr. and MIs.
Robert Bell on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith and
Miss Margaret spent Friday evening
at the home of M'r. Leslie Fear.
!Mrs. Neville of London also Mrs:
Nicholson of Chicago attended the fu-
neral of the late Mrs. John Heffron
on Tuesday.
Mr. Joseph Lyon of Goderich spent
the week end with Mr. Jas, Heffron.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H'ohand• of Dub-
lin visited over Sunday at the home
of Mr. John .Heffron.
Visitors at the home of Mr. John
Heffron last Sunday were Mrs. Smith
and ,daughter of Detroit; Mr, and Mrs
H. King and daughter Ann, also Mr.
(Raymond Redeemed and Miss Grace
of 'St. Augustine.
Mk. Joseph Long of 'Cranbrdok,
also Mrs. Alex. Russell of Brussels,
attended the funeral of Mrs. John
Heffren on,Tuesd'ay.
The annual meeting ,and election of
officers' of the Wb'enan',s Association
was held at the home .of Mrs, J. W.
IPetts on Tuesday, .Dec. 6th, with the
following results Honorary presid-
ents, Mrs, T. J. Hucicbtep, Mrs. John
Whines, Mrs. B. Taylor; president,
Mrs. R. Richmond; 1st vice president,
Mrs. G. S. Leslie; secretary, Mrs. N.
'Garrett; assistant secretary, Mrs. L.
Hilburn; treasurer, Mrs. J. S. Chet-
few; press secretary, Mrs. A. M. COS -
dough; pianists, Mrs. D. Floody, Mrs
(H. McElroy; auditors, Miss A. Gilles-
pie, Mrs, R. D. Philp; parsonage
committee, Mrs. R. Richmond, Mrs.
N. Garrett, Mrs. 5. S. Chellew, Mrs.
L. Hilborn, .Mrs, D. Floody.
W.iM)S.: The annual meeting and
election of officers of the W!MIS. of.
the Queen street United Church was,
held on Tuesday, December 6th at the
home of .Mrs. J. W. Pe'tts. The open-
ing exercises were taken by the pres-
ident I and secretary and tr:eas'urer's
reports were :given. Mrs. (((Rev.) G.. W.
Buell offered prayer., The nominating
Committee brought forward the fol
1' wing slate of officers for '193i3:rHon.
presidents, Mrs. T. J. Huckstep,ly1rs:•
'J'ohn Maines, Mrs. B. Taylor; peesi-
dent, Mrs. (Rev.) G. W. Buege 1st
vice ,president, Mrs. G. S. Leslie; 2nd'
vise.,,, president, , M'rs. D. Floody;
'i;etording secretary,, rseR., D. Philp;
assistant seety ,
Tell,- correspond:ing.secty., Mrs. .
Johnston; treasurer, Mrs. Chas. Gras -
by press secty.,, Mrs, A. M, Col -
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rogerson and
children of near Bruoeflel'd visited on
(Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
David Reid.
;The W.:M.S. and Ladies' Aid meet-
ings of Burns' United Church for
'December was held Wednesday after-
noon of last week with a good atten-
dance at the home of nes. Jennie
.Knox. The new officers far the Lad-
ies' Aid were appointed: Mrs. Colson,
1President; Mrs. A. W. MdEwing, vice
president; Mrs. Frank 'McGregor,
treasurer; Miss Kathleen Beacom, sec-
retary. A dainty lunch was served. •
Beacom Bros. are at present cutting
wood for Mr. A. W. MdSwing.
Mr, and Mrs.' Nelson Fear, Helen
and Harry Fear, • Mrs. S. McVittie,
'Mrs,. Albert Brigham and Miss Amy
Parsonsspent Saturday in Stratford.
Miss Amy' Parsons returned hbnie
(Saturday evening in . company' with
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Jenkins, who
Dance!.! 1
Friday, Dec. 16
Good Prizes.
Gents 251c. Ladies 'free only with
ed over the election of officers for
1933, which resulted' as folllows:
President, Mrs. J. Addison; list
Vice President, Mrs. R. Allen; 2nd)
Vice President, Mrs. B. 'M'cKay;
IRec. Secretary, Mrs. Ross Scott;
Gor, Secretary, Mes, Jas. Thomson;
Fin. Secretary Mrs, Alex. Broadfoot;
Treasurer, Miss 'Helen Tough; Or-
ganist, Mrs. Alton'Johnston; Dev.
Committee, llrs. Rattenbury; Visit-
ing Oonmi'ttee, Mrs Jas. McQueen;
Manse Committee, Iles. 'T. ,B. Bated;
!Flower Committee, Mrs. H. F. Berry,
iilrs. Ailee'rehead, the retiring presid-
ent, in a fewwell chosen words,
'thanked the ladies for their kind co-
operation during her termof office.
The .meeting closed with repeating
(the' M,iop'ah benediction.
M:r. Charlie Pratt of Imlay City,
,Mich and Mr. Fred Johnston of Lon
don, visited at the home of Mr.. Ro-
bert MOOlindhey .(asst week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnson and son
George E., of 'G'odertch, 'called >on
(friend's in this vicinity on Sundayiaf
(temneeon, )
Mr. C. H. Keys and family spent
(Sunday with 'friends in Clinton.
Mr. Hugh MdLac+hlan• .of Bruce:
(field, taught the Bible dl'ass very ;a'c-
celptabiy in Goshen' -Seitdlay'' gdtuo'ol
last Sunday and he and: Mrs. Mic'I:'a-
chllan,were thesguests. of M. and (Mrs.
D. J. Stephenson.
The teadher, Miss Hlazel Shelley,
and the pupils of SIS. No.. 5;, Sltatrley,
((Goshen line). are , prepfaring fora, a,
'Christmas , entet tainrnent to be held
in the school house m the evenan t df
iThwrsday, December 21 rad.
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hayiter. of, lint,
are visitingwith the farmer's, par nits,
Sr.,and Mrs. Harry Hayter. �
Young People Elect Officer —T'he
Young People's_ . m'eetin'g held ion
December 2nd, took the form of
ial, (held at .Mm:Jim MdBri:de's.,Akjout
'Christmas service at the Post Of-
fice will be such as„w'ill' gi'Vethe puib-
1ic every'. opportunity to ;, mail early
and thus avoid 'delay in delivery.
Next week, that is on Dec. 1,9th, Lath,
Llst and 22nd, the parcel wicket and
the 'stamp wlcicet will be; open from
7 pen, to 88!30 In ISealforth merch-
ants are opening their shops every
night next week :and the Posit Office
is thus giving :late snoopers every
chance' to mail (their parcels and let-
ters. Letters for local delivery if
handed in at the wickets now in
bundles, will be held until the 23rd
before 'distributing. This relieves the
last minute rush and work for the
staff, The public •will please remem-
ber 'that on the holiday there will be
aro ,delivery whatever. The Post 'Of-
fice will be closed the same as on
Sunday. No rural snail will be deliver-
ed on the 36th.
bEail for th'e United ;States should
be plosted at once. To avoid delay in
austo:fns clearance at U. S. 'ports of
entry, the public 'will (find in the lobby
the necessary regulation's covering
" tori ,w
'`aid s
same. The Postmaster
be only too pleased to render :every
assistance to all enquiries! regarding
Christmas atna!i1.—C.P,IS.
?ors. Stuart Robinson ' and.. little
dategleter of Atwood visited with
friends to the village last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Dain McNaughton. of
IH'ensall have come for the winter to
live with their son .Peter.:
Miss Ada Speare from rhas returned
her visit withrelatives
Mrs. Quante visited relatives in
Exeter last week.
IMr, Roy Kerslake who has spent
the summer in Saskatchewan has re-
turned home,
The Young, People of the church
busy preparing for the Christmas tree
to be held in the church on the even-
ing of D'ecem'ber 23rd,
fifty young .people galthered and
Spent the evening in gafnes and con-
tests. We alsoenpoyed community
singing, led by George Pointer. The
election of officers for 1933' was, also
'held. Lunch was seeved,'after wth'i h a
hearty vote of thanks moved by Oeo.
Poulter and seconded by Walter Mc-
Bride, was presented to Mr. and Mrs.
MIcB(ride, Bert and Clare for their
kind and, generous hospitality. The
benediction was .pronounced by iMr.
Poulter. The officials for 1933 are a's
foll'ow's: Honorary President Rev.
Mr. Poulter; president, George Pout -
ter; vice :president, Frank McC'iinohey,
'secretary, Margaret Lamont treasurer,
Bill. Clarke; (Mission treasurer, Elmore
]Stephenson; coeviear'or' of ' Christian
'Felldw,s'hip, Margaret Robinson eon-
vener of M'iss'ions; Alberta ` Finley;
convener of Chni:stian :citizenship, Ed-
gar Sanith; convener of Literary, Mar-
garet McRiteley;. convener of decrees
tion,: Margaret Dou:glas,membershiip:
conv'en'er, Grace R b'inion; organist,
spent .the week end at the home' of the Olive Erraltt song leader, . George.
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Poulter, :•
Mr. and Mrs, C ::H▪ augh, Mr. Wal-
lace Hlaugh and Miss Hazel Haugh,'
iR.N., Of 'B:rucefield,.,. called on Mrs.
Haugh''s sister, Mrs., J'. A. Carnie on
Friday of last week,
iMiss Salina 'Slteokle of Kitchener is
at present visiting at the home ()filter
parents, Mr. and' Mrs. H. D. Sbeck'le,
(Mrs. Carnie spent a few days
last weelc at the home of M'rs. J.; M.
C. Tough,, Blaylfield.
(Parsons, and former's parents; Mr.
and, Mrs, Jenkins, of Blyth.
A fine radio was installed one day.
last week at the home elf Mo. Angus
Reid. We wish them every pleasure
with their new radio.
Mrs, Kn•echtel and little Maxeen
I ft on Thursday of last week for
their Name in Weyburn, ,Sask., after
having an extended visit with the for-
mer's :parents, Mr: and Mrs, Robert.
Ferris, also other relatives and
friends. They( intended leaving
Wednesday but as it was a bad day
waited till T'hursd'ay.
.The Burns' Church Sunday School•
entertainment is to be held on° Thurs-
day evening, Dec, 2l2nd, in Burns'
'Church. A nice programme is being
prepared and a .good attendance; . is
hoped for.
'Reeve Leiper attended county conn
meeting last week ,in iGoderich.
'Ex'haus'ted from Asthma, Many who
read these words know the terrible
drain upon health and' strength, which
comes in' the train of asthmatic.
troubles. Many do . not realize, .how -
'ver, that there is one true remedy
tthidh`will usually stop this. drain. De.
J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is a
won'dienfnnlsncheek to this enervating
ailment: It has. a countless record of
relief to its oredi•t..I't is sold . alrs'dst
The annual Christmas tree and ',S.S.
entertainment will be held in the
school room on the evening of Dec.
Mrs. W. Stevens. returned to -liter
home in the village dast week after
spending the past few weeks alt the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Thomp-
son of Sarnia.
Miss Mary Simpson of Detroit vis-
ited friends in the village last week.
Mrs. George, Swan and Miss Dor-
othy are, visiting friends in Toronto.
Annual Meeting—The annual meet-
ing of the Womanas Association was
held, at the church' on 'Thursday of
ternaon, The I
me'eting opened' ,lvith
Hymn360, Mrs.
• Jamieson beim in
charge of the devotional exercises.;
,Mr. Bremner 'led, in -.Player. The
treasurer- gave a ,financianen report
showing that 19312 has been. a very
.successful ,.year. Mr, Bremner preside
A well 'knoiwn res'iden't of this digs
strict, in the person of Mrs. Fred ,Eis-
ler, passed away early Monday morn-
ing at the age of 6'4' years. Heart
trouble, was the cause of death, aggra-
vated by a broken arm suffered on
Thurs'da'y night, The deceased woman.
was kdnmerly Christina H'illebrecht,
and was born in Logan towns* and
was married en January 79eh, 1893.
'She resided in Logan until four years
ago when the family :moved to Mitch-
ell. She was a member of First Luth-
eran Church, Logan. Surviving are her
husband, three sons, Carol and ' Ed-
win, Logan, and Fred, Detroit; two
daughters, Mrs. John Deutz, MrKil-
lop,. and Mrs.. E. Roese, Ellice; her
aged farther, Fred Hiliebrscht; three
brothers, August Hillebrecht, B'rodhla-
gen; Fned, Logan, and Ch'arl'es Okla,
;Alta., and two . sisters, Mrs. Gustav
(Eisler, Mitdheli, and Mrs, Henry
'Dalwrence, Logan.
:Thee pupil's 'of the schoolsoctiorf, in
IN'o.„ 3, Hay, are busy preparing ' a
(Christmas concert 'to be held on.
Thursday evening, December 22, ' at
8 o'clock.
The W. M. S. are holding ' their
December meeting in the church on
(Wednesday afternoon of. this weeic.
Mr. Wm. ,Love had a narrow es-
cape the other day when he was
kicked by a horse in the chest. Butis
able' to be around again.
Cleaners . •, . ; �� � eaners &Dyers
Phone 196w: We call and deliver
V: J. Gillespi'e, Prop.
The Ontario Department Of Agri-
culture conducts each year a month's
course in Agriculture and Home Eco-
nomics in each County in the Prov-
ince. The Course in Huron County is
being Conducted' in (the.village of
Brussels, from Tannery 3rd to 27th,
1933, and isunder the, superviision of
the Ageicultural Office in. 'Clinton.
(These classes are held' in a different
district each year and, as the County
is 0 large one, the opportunity to at-
tend (one Of these courses only comes
once :in about eight or ten years.
The More innp'ortanit phases of Ag-
riculture and 'Home Economics will be
dealt with and a number Of special
lecturers will be featured. Over 2,400
boys and girls have attended Short
Courses of this nature in H•uron'Cou:n-
ty and every 'young man and young
woman in the district should plan to
attend' this course if at Al possible.
(For further information 'and an out-
line cif the Course, ap'p'ly to -the' On-
tarlo Department of , Agriculture,
'Clinton, °Marko, -
Mrs. Dietrich of St. Agatha is tak-
ing Care.: of her mother, Mrs. •Andrew.
Krauskopf, who is ill. Mr. Krauslkop'f,
who . is in • poor health, also is con-
fined to Scott Memorial Hdspfi'tal.
'Mr. V. 7. ,Lane had the . misfortune
to lose his driver last week.
'Mr.JosePl 'urra i .Mwears a smile(
this week. "It's a boy.".
Miss Mary M'dQuaid is visiting
'with:.her sister, Rose, of St, Mich-
ael's, Hospital nursing staff, in To-
ronto. .
(The Holy Name ,Society are put-
ting on a stag euchre on Thursday
evening in the p'aris'h hall. Bring your
partner and your pipe and. .enjoy a
p'leas'ant: evening. •
BiEAl0orm.=4s.,Sdott Mepiorial;'Ho's-
pital, ;Seifert$, mon 1Wednesd'ay,'.:Dec-
ember. lith, 1932, to. "Mo. and Mrs.
Jack ,Beacom, Sea(€orth, a daughter.l
KAI NE,—'f n Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, Seaforth, on 'Friday, Deecmber
9th 11932 to Rev. and 'Mrs, I. B.
Raine, a daughter (Doris Marilyn).
MURRAIY,JIn Scott Memorial Hos-
pital, Sea'forth, on .Saturday, Decem-
ber 10Ith,1932, to Mr, and Mrs, J'o's-
eph A. 'Murray, Seaforth, a'son.,
IEOKtAIRJT--Irr Oakadlle on Dec. 10,
1932, to MT. and Mrs. J'oseph ,Eck-
ert, a son; (iOonrad' Joseph).
OLi11VF1R- In 'S'cott Memorial fI,ospn
Seaforth, on Monday, Dec.' '12,
1932, to Mr. and 'Mrs. Leslie Oliver,
Grey township, a daughter.
McDiEIRMOTrI'.—In Dublin on 'M'on-
day, Dec. 12, William McDermott,
in his 514tih year.
The funeral took place' from his
late residence fn Dublin ; on Wednes
day .Dec,1141th, to St. Patrick's Church,
Dublin, then to St. Patrick's cemetery.
Miller's Worm 'Powders will• drive
worms- frfom the system without in-
jury to the 'child. The Powders are
so easy to take that (the most delicate
stomach' can assimilate them and
welcome them as speedy easers•: of
pain, and thus .:the 'suffering of the
child is relieved. iW'ith'so 'sterling a
remedy at hand no ohild should"suf-
fer an :hour (from worms. e
IThere will be a dance in ILond'es-
boro Community hall on Friday ev-
enting, IDccenfber 716. Everybody .wel-
corrfe:' :
(Messrs 'S. 'Lee I, CbItl*ell and 1IL'
Radford tpok a trip, to Parry Sound
last week, '
Mr. Keith Hamilton visited 'at the
home of his brother, Mr. W, Remit-
ton on Sunday. ,
e tet ds : . a
Valencia Raisins 10c lb.
Seedless Raisins ....2 lbs. 25c
Currants . , , , , . .. 2 lbs. 25c
Lemon & Orange Peel. .18c 1b.
Citron Peel 28c Ib.
Candied Pineapple 60c lb
Jumbo Peanuts 10c lb.
Mixed Nuts 18c 1b''
Grapes.. . 2 lbs. 25c
New Oranges ....30c & 50c d'oz
SILK &wooL HOSE.. ..70c
MEN'S TIES...,25c 35c .&
Men's Dress Gloves, lined...1.00
IV11EwS pox.,.,, .23c to 69c
Men's' fine Shirts, .95c, 1.25, 1.50
MEN'S CAPS ,:. , • .., SOc to 1.25
The W.M.S. held an open meeting
and social evening in the schoolroom
df the church on Friday evening of
last week. The president, Mns.' Lind-
say, was in the chair. After singing
PJloy to the World," and prayer, the
minutes of the previous meeting were
read and adopted, In the absence of
the treasurer, Mrs. Wheatley, . Mrs.
'Britton read' elle treasurer's yearly re-
port and gave an interesting resume
of the work done by the Society dun,
ing the year. Miss Ivy Simmons sang
a solo; Mrs: Miller Adams gave a
splendid • talk on "Lessons to be
learned from the Shunamite Weman."
Mrs. Roy, Lawson told a Ohris'tthas
story, "The Story of the Christmas
Chimes." Mrs. E. Adams gave an in-
teresting :tei5perance ,reading. Mrs.
lSimm(ons and Mrs. Ed. Dornance, a
duet, which was much appreciated,
Mrs. QRe,v.) Gardiner read the Scrip-
turd l:essen from John,'on',th.ei'G'ood
'Shepherd, and spoke a few words
Others taking part. were : Instrumen-
ns'trumen :tats. by Mas: E. D'orraiece, Ruth Hug -
ill, Ella and Ethel Dexter, Jean And-
erson, a reading; Clete Medd and
Kelso Adams brought a message in
song; also Helen and Edith Britton.
Meeting closed with prayer by the
pastor. Lunch was served,
The Fores'ter's held' quite a success-
ful social evening in the hall on Fri
'day evening last. Cards and dancing
were the pastimes.
The Sunday' School intend holding
their'entertainment and' Xmas tree on
ITthunsday evening, Dec. 22nd. A splen-
did peogram is in propagation, con-
sisting of choruses, readings, dialogues.
and tableaux. ,Children free. Come and.
enjoy yourself.
IRev. Mr. Gardiner and Mr. Charles
Dexter attended the (Presbytery in
Egm(ondville l'ast 'Tuesday.
Bottled Ontario Honey for British
arrangement $ are rapidly
being conrpl'eted, and it is expected
Ontario bottled and lalbelked honey
Will '1 be on the 'market for re'tai'l dis-
tribution it) England, in a large way,
about the first of January," recently
stated P. W. Hodgetts, ,Secretary.;On
tario Honey' Eteptrrt•'Aesociation:
`Various bottle desi'gndii envie e. Gen
accepted' for the different sized
tainers, while a striking series, of label
Minstrel Show
in Forester's Hall
Dec. 16th
by the Young People of Clinton
A troop of thirty will take part.
DANCE will fallow, Admission.
for 'both Slhb(w and Dance,
Adults 25c. Children AOC.
designs have been •submitted and a
;final .selection is now being made, Qt
!w'i1l take a :few weeks yet to Obtain"
delivery of bottles but im'mediately
the (first consignment comes to hand,
packing and distribution will com-
mence. -
"Ontario beekeepers' interests are
being ,e,Se 3'uately protected as only
hoieyeegtfal. to. the hest, and .superior
to most 'brands, 'will be (placed on 'the
market in bottled containers.'i Some
ben thousend'retail stores will be con
'tatted weekly for Ontario Rooney,
through a new distribution arrange-
ment effected by the 'Ontario'"Mar-
keting Board."
Ottawa Fair Winners.
The Intercounty iLive. !Stock ,1Jtndg-
ing'Championshi'p of Eastern Ontario
was won by ;Grenville 'County team etenele*
the Ottawa "Whiter 'Fair. Eleventteams
competed .for. the Pete"r IWhi:te Trophy,
.which is engblem'atic.of the Ch!ampion-
shilp. The rmn'ners-up were from Len=
nox and AddingtonCounty and the •
others followed in this 'order^. ',Dun-
das, Peterborough,:PPrin'ce I:E'dward,
Lanark, Renfrew, •Frontenac, Leeds,
Hustings end Nortls,wrnberland.
1T(he Intereounty Seed ',Judging title
went to the Prescott and Russell
County team. Thirteen: teams compet—
ed .in this event 'for ,the Geo. ge Net-
-theme' Challenge Trap'hy.'}The.. Len-
nox and Addington team was ..'again
runner-up with the others 5ollpiwing
in this •.order:.',Grenville, "Lanark,
Leeds, Renfrew, Dundas, eterib'oro-
ouq'Ii, `Carleton, .Prince.'Edward, 1Fron-
eiac Hastings and 'Northumberland.
Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., Dec. '15-16=17
—in- �•'
0 000
Mon. -Tues Wed: Dec. 19-204 1.
ulln X01,
You'll.. T'hrSlf, when you ,, hears' the
1Ruling Voice -
. Comedy — News Reel — Cartoon
Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. Dec. 22-23-24
—E n
Comedy Cartoon
Two Shows Each Night, 7.30 •.`9.15