HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-12-15, Page 1(Life land Love set out together; - Oat upon the king's highway;_, Careless, 'they, of wind and weather, 1Laughmig, singing, J'oylous, gay Tinte:and Tide, their courses keeping' 'Carried ;Life ,and Love'along; 9 - HURON COU N T Y 'S ' LEADING NEWSPAPER ea t)rt e SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1932. Phone 84. Often laughter turned to 'weeping,' .' Care and sorrow stopped their song. ILi£e and Love are still together, Far upon the "king's 'highway, 'Spite of stress' and storm 'and weather, /Love'h:as always''foun'd a way ? ? ? WHERE WILL YOU BUY YOUR C.HRI'STMAS CANDIES ,These are our prices' ,Christmas Mixture 10c lb Satin 'Mixture 25c lb French Cream ....2 lbsfor 35c Caramels and Chocolates :Mixed 25c lb. Fancy Boxes .. from 25c Canes from 2 for 5c • Phone 26. Confectionery and Restaurant Navel Oranges in abundance Seedless, sweet, the best oranges we get and at moderate prices, 25c, 30c, 40c, 60c per doz. ALMONDS & WIALNUTS, per ib • 40c CANDIED CHERRIES at , • , 40c and 60c lb. CANDIED PINEAPPLE - per 1b. 60c RAISINS, 'Seedless 13o; Seeded 13c; +Lexias 1'3c, largest and finest Valendias 118c. Bleached Sul- tanas 18c. J,ELLIES.--Young's. 3 for 215c, Shir- riffis Luscious, 3 for 25c; De (Luxe 6 for 2'5'c. BAKING MOLASSES in bulk 6c lb. Baking Syrup 10c lb MIRED NUT'S. A.11 new, walnuts, al- monds, filberts and _ Brazils, in equal quantities (no peanuts) 'per lb`..:. 16c (SHELLED PEANUTS .. 2 lbs25c CORN, l's .... . .... . . ..per cart 5c LBWS SOAP, Lange cake, pink, yel- low ,and mottled,. very popular at 10c. Speciial, per cake 5c GREAT STAR FLOUR. Made from 'Western wheat, the most • •popular, flour we've had; per aw't' ..$2.05 FEED MOLL 'SISES, beat quality ('by the barne.l). per gallon 20c F. D. HUTCHISON PHONE 166 COAL QUALITY -SERVICE HONE E: P'43 L. BOX . For Xmas Cannel Coal CHURCH CARD. North Side United Churcb,-Pastor,. Rev. W. P. Lane, BA.. Sunday, Dec. 18Th. 11 ann.- Public Worship. ,Subject: The Ceaseless Warfare of the Prince of ,Peace. 2:30 p.m. Sunday School and Bible !Classses. 7 pan. Pu'blic Worship. Subject: ,Our Attitude To the New. No. 3. (Song service 74:15. RANK OrPEINS. First skating :of the season in the rink was held on Monday night. Lust season there Was no skating until 'February, lashing ,only three weeks. ST. JIAMES' AR I S CLUB On Friday evening, December 911h, 1St. James' Arts Club held its regular meeting in the pariah hall with Mr• 'Eugene Duncan in charge. The main 'feature oi€the program was put' on by the 'boys of the Club and consisted of an amusing comedy skit and choruses. Miss Angela Eckert and Mr. Prank Reynolds read the new edition of the 'Arts Club .Journal. Following the re- creational period, the meeting came to a close, BLOCK ENDANGERED BEY FIRE IA fast -developing roof fine in the sauith section of ,the .Cardno ., Blo.olc about one•o''clock on, Tuesday was fortunately 'discovered n :t me to e extinguished by 'the firemen .without requiring water, the chemi'cal's on the truck proving sufficient. An overheat- ed stave in Nelson 'G1e'w's room adjoini'ng the stairway' ,entrance to the :hall, started' a s'moul'dering fire in the partition 'between The 'front ,and rear rooms and it soon ran uip into the roof, Mr. Glew was asleep in,. the room' and was ;wakened by the arrival of the 'firemen. iMr. Ohas. (McNamara, who occupies the front roam, was 'on the street: at (the time. The first intimation of the fire Dame ,from persons on Main s't. who saw smloke iss'ving from the roof. AT ST. THOMAS' CHURCH. St. Thomas' Anglican "Church fourth Sunday in Advent,' December lith. The hymns and lessons will bear on the su'bjec't of `'Christian' joy." Canon Appleyiard ,will' be pre- sent at bo'bh services. Sunday s'ch'ool at 3 p.m. ' Evening ' seritron . theme, "The Last Judigment. DIES SUDDENLY. A telegram was received by the 'Charters' -family this week with word of the sudden passing of Mr. Arthur Mason .,at , Saskatoon, Sask, At time of Writing lip further parti.- ctlars'have been received. A letter was received at the Char- ters' tome at the end of 'last weak from Me. Mason himself, but there was no indica'ti'on that he was not in Ms usual health. The lake Mr. Ma's'on was a native of Tuckersmith, being born on the Mill Rdad near Bruce - field. His wide was formerly Mists 'J'a'ne Ch'arter's, who survives withone son Charles. Mr. Mason and family spent the summer here two years ago. OPEN ' EVEN'IINIGS 'NEXT WEEK 'For the, convenience of Christmas shoppers the stores in Seaforth will be open continuously from 8 a.m. to 9,30 p.m. all next week, Monday, December 26th, stores closed all day. Seaforth Business Men's Association HOCKEY SCHEDULE JUNIOR FAi MER•LEAGUE. IDec 31st -Winthrop vs Egmond- vu1''le at 7:30 p.m.; St, Colurbau vs. Tucicersml'bh at 9 p.m. \Jan. 7tbh. - ITuakersmith vs, Win- throp at 7:30; St. 'Oolumb'an vs. Egmondville at 9 p.m. Jan. 114th.- St. Oolu'mtb'an vs. Win- throp at 7'30 p.m., Tu'ckersmi'th vs. Egsaondville ,at 9 p.m. ' Jan. 211st. - 'Tuckers'mibh vs. St. Columban at 7:30 p.m., Egmondrvilie vs. Winthrop at 9 p.m. Jan.' ..&bh: - Egm'ondvYlle vs. St. idoilumban at 7:30 p.m., Winthrop vs. Tuckersmith et 9 p.m. (Feb. 4th. - )Winthrop vs. St. "Col- umbian at 7:30 p.mr; Egmond'vfl'Ie vs. Tuckers'm'i'bh, at 9 p.m. The J'unior Farmers had a meeting M'on'day to pass on the players for the various .teams, at the Dick House. The committee .of five, composted of Harry Ch'esneyt for Tuckersmith; Bent Glovenl'o'ck, Egrnondvi'lle; 'Jo'hn Z. Malone, St. Golunuban Percy Little, Winthrop; Bill Hart, neutral man. The following players were passed: For Sit. Columb'an team: Frank Hart, John H'ol'land, Emmett Mal- one, Norman McQuaid, John Flan- nery, John Moylan, Joseph Dante,J'im Lane, V. J. Lane, Harold Pethiok, Thos. McQuaid, Gerald Doyle, Nor- man Miles, Joseph Malone. For Tuckersmith team: Wilfred. H. Coleman, Wilson McCartney, George M'COartney, Bob McCartney, Dave MdInbos'h, Bob Archibald, Frank Ar- ehibald, Robert John Dole, Paul Doig, James Doig, Gordon Reynolds, Fra'n'k Reynolds, Cyril, Reynolds, John Mac- Kay, Neil 'Patrick, Harold El'l'so'tt. Far Winthrop team: Welter E'a'ton, Alvin ,Dale, Ernie Little, W. C. Mon't- go'mery, Neil E. Montgomery, E'd- nviard D:orranve, Reg. Little, Robit. Dodds, Moody Holland, Arth'ur•','Aiex- ander, Frank Case, Tom Blanchard, Wilson Little, Hiram 'S'hannon, Frank Johnston, F. Bullard, Casey Allen, Stewiart Dolmage, Stanley Nichol. Egmonidlvillle tela' Leo Hicknell, IFinank Smoak, Charles Ferguson, Frank Kling, John. Flannery, George fKru'se, Arthur Nicholson, Rex M'c- IGregor, Roy MoGeodh, Don. Dale, 'Jas. Morris, Hugh McMillan, Wil- son Wright, Lloyd .MdGee. DEATH ACOIDFINITAL An inquest into the death' of 'Mrs. Thomas Fields, ,Of Wingham, from injuries in the accident near Hensall, on ,Monday, November, 2188th, was con- ducted in' the town hall on Tuesday :by Coroner F. J. ,Burrows. The acci dent -was found to be due to Vice on the road, causing *the car in which were the driver, Mr. Fields, and hi wife, to skid into the dlteh. A Tra'c't • ured skull aod, a broken vertebra o Mrs. Field' s If ,the neck resulted in CASE DROPPED: The adjourned case against F. W. Leisemer, 'Egmondville butcher, on a charge under the hawker's and . ped'- d'ler's bylaw, dud not come to . trial, the town dropping the case. Several division court" cases were laid over until the January court: s death after reaching the hospital in Seaforth. The driver, ..Mr. Fields, was exonerated. The jury was composed of Messrs. T. Swan Smith, foreman; lE. C. Ohantberllain, Charles Brodie, Alex. Mc(Gavin, Peter M'dlnwr, H., Wi'Ibee, Robt, Joynt and M. MacLeod... SUSPENDED SENTENCE IAlppearing before Magistrate Reid itt the town hail, S'eaifor'th on Friday morning to answer charges Haid foi- ldwing the accident at the Egmlcend- villelbridge, Mr. George Gray of Mit- chell was given a year on suspended sentence and the min'i'mum fine of $25 for naf remlainin'g at the scene of an accident was ;im'po'sed, or in default of pay'ment.of fine, one month in jail. IHe agreed to pay Mr. Deichert for da'm'age to buggy and harness.. The case was the result of M'r. Gr'ay's ear smashing into the rear of a buggy in whicih Mr. and Mrs. Peter De'iehert and baby daughter of Zurich were re- turning home Mom 'Seaforth. Mr. ,Gray' was driving his ear in the same direction on :his way to the .home of another hoose;dealer, Mr. Hey at Zur fdb. His defense was that he was blinded by the street light on 'the op- Iposite side of the bridge and was watching for the turn, which caused him to fag1; to see the lighted.lentern on the buggy. ' I {� •'`4 lUv IA change in the play -toffs has been arranged this year, whereby the sec- ond and' third high teams will play a sudden -death game to decide whi'c'h will' meet the team itt high place. Then winner of the 2nd and 3rd will meet, the •high• team in the finals, which will be two games; 'goals to count. The referees will be Gordon Muir, (Joe: Hart, Allen' Reid. !First game to start at 7:110 sharp. TOWN COUNCIL The regular meeting of the town council was held on Monday evening. Present were Mayor Daly, • Reeve ISlmli'th, Councillors Bolton, Crosier, (Hudson, Dale and Siteplhenls. Minutes of special meeting of council were read' and confirmed, ISmilbh S'te'phen -Tlhat the foll'o'w- ing accounts be paid: County rate, $5,224.'5111; se:paraite . sch'ools,: $859.913; pulbl'ic school; $1,081615!10; public lib- rary, $'959:814. ,IByllaw No. 347 of :the Town of Sea- foxlth, 11932, was ,givenits several read- ings and passed, appointing election officials, polling badths, etc for the municipal election. ITlhe report of the finance committee was passed as ,foll'ow's: Jas. V. Ryan, salary, $08; ..Jno. A. Wilson, $70; H. (Snell, $60; 't Tilos. SfOrey, $160; R. S, Hays, retainer, •$1100';"F, J. •Burrows, M;'Dt, salary and' account, $1111825; Hlighglanders • Band, grant, $100 R. Bell E. and T. Oo., acdounit, $118.105.;, IWIm. Ryan, hay, $885; CJN:R., cross- ing protection and rent, $117.110; Bali Tel. Co., account, $2245; S. Alien, acc,, $5:35; L. Elberhat't, acct., $2.150; H. C. (Box, acct., $5.00; P. U. Com., elect: light and acct., $38:57; Canadian Leg- ion, wreath, '$j10; John Earle, D.,C., 1 Only 9 Shopping Jiays ---Then Christmas And with a store that is filled with gifts that just radiate Christmas cheer we feel quite sure you will enjoy your Christmas shopping here. Every effort has been made to meet present conditions and we are offering for this season values that are by far better than any we have heretofore offered. We know you will enjoy a visit to this store, and we also know that your visit will save you money for values are bigger and goods better than ever before. From our large stock we offer the following suggestions: For Her Diamond Ring...... $20.00 up Gift Rings, solid 'Gold . $2:50 up ,Pearl Necklets, Cased $1•:50 up Wrist Watch $10.00 up: ,Leather Writing Set $4.00 up Pearl Tone 'Toilet Sets $7i50 up 'Boudoir Clocks . $1,75 up Compacts $1.00 u' ,Fountain Pen &'Pencil'Sets $2.7'5 up Manicure 'Sets 1$2,40 up FOR HIM. ,Emblem 'Ring p.00 up S'igne't Ring $4.00 up Tie Pins $1.00 up Cuff Links '50c up FOR HIM. FOR HIM. Wrist 'Watch . . $3.50 up Stone Set Ring $5.00 up Pocket Watch.... $5.00 up : Travelling Set, leather.. $5.00 up Pen & Pencil Set l$2.75 up Shaving Sets Wardonia Razor $1.00 up !Pearl 'Tone3.00 up Bill Folds . ...... $1.00 up For The Home Alarm Clock '$1125 "up 23 piece Silver Service $116.00 up Carving Stets, Stainless Steel Kitchen 'Clock r'f2.50 up .'Silver 'Tea Pot, Sugar $4.50 up Hall • Clock .: ... $118.00 up and Cream $14.00 up : Silver Casserole $5.00 up Grandfather .Clock... $100.00 up 'Glasses for Dad or Mather Electric :Lamp $2.30 up 94.piece Dinner Set.. $13:50 up l$500 up Silver Muffinters $1.00 up Lovely Christmas l Cards ....2c to 10c each Beautiful Gift Calendars...:15c to 125 each OUIR GIFT TO YIOU With every $25.00 Diamond Ring a Suitable 14k Wedding Ring absolutely Free. With every Wedding Ring a beautiful piece of silverware Free. We cordially invite you to visit the Store. red S. Savauge The " Gift Shop OPEN EVENINGS. PHONE 194. RES. 10. JEWELRY, D'IAi3IIf,ON,DSS, !WATCHES, FANCY 1CHINA GIFT GOODS Tune in on'Station ,10-1BIP, 250 meters 1200 k, for our Broadcast on Wednesday at 12 to 12:30 o'clock. and 7:115 to 7:145 p.m. $36; W. R. Smith, account, 74c; J. J. Cleary, acct. chy., $3.04; J. M. Card'no, acct. ohy., $2:05;: Cheoros B•ros. and James, • acct. dhy., 20c; W. A. Crich, acct chy. $7.1317; J. W. Beattie, acct. ehY C $10:44Geo. D. Ferguson,acct $5.414; Geo. A. S'il'ls & Sons,; acct, $1.911, Seaflerbh Newts, acct., $11108.30; Colleg- iate Inst. Bd.,.b'al. levy, $1S2.3i2; Mc- Lean' Bros., acct., $63.05; Geo. Pink- ney, wages ids., $1; Fred 1vIIdG'avi'n, wages- rds., $1.; Thos. Melody, wages rds., 751c• F. Kerslake do., 75c, Ed. .Arlen, do., $7,25; P. Mclvor, .d:o., $825, Geo. Seip, acct., $3.15; 'Thos, Dickson, acct., $2.190; W. E. Kerslake, acct.;. $5. '515; J. F. Daly, selecting jurors, $2; Wm. IHanitry, do., $2; IJno. A. Wilson, do., $2. The council adjourned to mdeit on December 1115th,