The Seaforth News, 1932-12-08, Page 8PAGE" EIGHT.
;Reeves Geiger of Hensall, B'all'an-•
{type of Ushorr e, and Warden ,Rader
of Hay are this week in Godenieh at-
tending the county council. This ses-
sion of the county council will be a
sbirri ng 005 as several committees
(that were appointed at the fine ses
•sion will make, their reports.
M.r.,Lloyd Passmore of Delhi spen
the week end'at his house here.
County Warden Rader of Dash-
wood visited friends in town Friday
,Mrs. Jas. Eby of Collingwood
visiting at the home of .her parents
Mr. and Mirs W. J. White.
IMr.Leonard Werner of ,Zurih visit
eel on Saturday with .Mr, and Mrs. S.
;Meaner and Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Brock
and family.
The IWriallS, df Ithe United Church
Held their regular meeting on Thurs-
day afternoon last. 'The president,
Mrs. McDonald, had charge: The
meeting was opened by all repeating
the Lard's prayer in unison, after.
which the Scripture reading taken
from Sit. John's gospel, was read by
Mrs. H. 'McDonald and Mrs. Henry
led in prayer. A solo was rendered by
Mrs. H. McDonald', followed by an
insltrum'egtal by Miss Florence Welsh
and Mrs, (Wan. Dougall 'led in prayer.
A duet was given by Mrs. Hess and
M•rs, Drysdale; Miss Murray spoke on
the temperance convention that was
held in Brockville. Election of officers
resulted as follows: President, Mrs.
McDonald; vice president, Mrs. Sin-
clair; - treasurer, Mrs. C. Cook; secre=
'tart', Mrs. Spencer; corresponding se-
cretary,. Mrs. Elder; press secretary,
Mrs. 'Merner; missionary month'l'y;
.Mrs, A. McDonald; 'Christian stew-
ardship, and finance sec„ Mrs, . Coles
and Mrs. Canine; strangers' sec., Mrs.
Dougall; temperance sec., Miss Con-
sitt; mite boxes, Mrs. Drysdale and
Mrs, Hemphill.
iMr. Roy Keron of London visited
last week with friends in town.
Mrs. S. Merner ,and Miss Grace
Brock visited relatives in Seaforth on
Death of Edgar J:Baker.—Edgar J.
Baker of the North Boundary, Hay,
passed away on Friday afternoon at
the home of his sister, Mrs. William
Luker, after a lingering illness of sev-
eral months. He was unmarried, liv-
ing alone west of Hillsgreen on the
town line and a few months ago, be-
ing in :very poor health, came to Hen -
sail to be nursed by his sister. He was
born in Shakespeare, Ont. and was in
this 71st year and has been a resident
of Hay township for over 40 years.
He is survived by three brothers, Pe-
ter of Hay; Wm. and John of Stan-
ley, and one sister, Mrs, Win, Luker
of Hensel!. The funeral was held from
the home df Mr. and Mrs. Luker, N.
Richmond street, on Monday after-
noon, interment in the Lutheran cem-
etery at Zurich,
Death of John E. McDonnell. The
death occurred at his residence, 289
Picaddilly street, London, on Satur-
day a'ftern'oon last of John E. Mc-
Donnell, a former well known resi-
dent and business man of Hensall. He
was a member of the firm of J. E. and
C. A. MdDonne'll, con'ductin'g a hard-
ware, furniture and. undertaking, also
fuel business, in Hensall for a good
many years and the McDonnell Bros:
were one of the best known firms in
Western Ontario. After the big fire
in Hensel] twenty years ago they re-
tired from the hardware and furniture
business, later conducting a,, garage
business and handling several well
known makes of cars, Mr. MCDannell
conducted this business until up to
about three years ago when, oaring to
ill health, he sold out to Victor. Boa.
He was married a'bout three years ago.
and since then has made his' home in
LLondon, but coming to Hensall fre-
quently on business trip. He was a life
long 'Conservative and for years a
prominent member of the South Hur-
on Conservative Association, Besides
his bereaved widow he leaves one bro-
ther, Charles A. 'McDonnell, Hensall;
and two sisters, Mrs, E, A. Bennett,
of Saskatoon, and :Miss Susan Mc-
Do'nne'll of ,Exeter. The funeral 'service
was 'held from his late (home in Lon-
don on Monday afternoon, interment
in Exeter cemetery. The funeral .ser-
vices were conducted by Canon Jen-
kins,df St, John the (Evangelist Angli
can Church, London.
The municipal pot is beginning to
boil in Hensel'. Nomination meeting'
is butt three Weeks away. Reeve Geig-
er will probably be in the field again
for the reeves'hip, and al's'o Robert
'Cameron, who received an equal num-
ber of votes as Mr. Geiger l'as't year
will 'probably be in the contest. Other
names mentioned ane Wim. Oonsibt,
G. C. Petty, Walter' Slpencer, Laird
Mickle. The members ,of the, council
wild probably be elected by ace'lam--
tsen. The . fight in HesasaUl is mainly
, fon- the reeves'hip.
The council are having. the Main
street cleaned up this week.
tkt the donna h meeting Robert Ca-
meron, who has been fire chie'f since
New Year's tendered 'his resignation.
IT'he firemen, at their meeting Monday
night appointed an acting chief .for the
balance of this year. Mr. Lloyd .Pass
miote, who has been Imec'h'annoal slog-
ineer, resigned and Mr, J. A. Foster
has been appointed in his place.
IAA a meeting of the 'library board
on Friday evening last. It was decided
to ask for applications for the posi-
tion of librataian which owing to the
death :o'f Miss 'Gretlta. M'dN!aongghton, is
now open. Mrs. Robert Cameron, who
was assistant librarian during Miss
,Mc!Nlaughton s illness' will continue
on until the new. librarian is appointed.
At the same meeting, (James A. Pater-
son was appointed secretary ,treasurer,
The We➢fare Youth Club of the
'Carmel Presbyterian Church spent a
very pleasant evening with the young
people of ,Cavan Presbyterian Church
at Exeter on Monday evening. The
'Scut part of the program was given day
the Heimal'l young people, consisting
of duet, Annie 'Heiser and Dorothy
Daters; reading, Mrs, Verne Hedden,
instrumental duet by Miss ,Blanche
Mustard' and Jim IM•usltard, piano and
guitar; musical trio by Jim Bengough
and Fred Deters on the violin and
Miss Irene (Deters, piano and several
fine solos by Rev. W. A, Young, A
very excellent program was then gi-
ven by the Exeter young people, af-
ter which games and contests were
indulged in and a .dainty lunch served,
3Jrs, W. A. Young has been visited
for 'the past week by her sister from
Mrs. McArthur of London is visit-
ing at the home of Mt. end Mrs. Har-
ry Arnold,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron visit-
ed on Sunday with friends in Clinton.
niers. Adams of Zurich has been vis-
iting for',the past few weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Luker.
Mr, Paull Coates. of Exeter and Mr,
IRobemt Higgins spent Saturday in
Clinton on business,
Mr. Normans .Miller-o'f 'Clinton has
been appointed by the Ontario High-
way Department as motor license is-
suer at Clinton in pla'c'e 01 W. S. R.
lHoimes, who resigned owing to pres-
sure of his business. ,'Mr. Miller is a
returned soldier and .was badly
wounded during the war. It is not yet
decided definitely as to a motor license
issuer's office at Exeter or Seaforth.
Council Meeting,—!Regular meeting
of village council was held Monday
evening in, council chamber. at 8 p.m.
with all members present. Minutes of
previous meeting were read. Petty .re-
ported Kling street needing cleaning
and also the purchase of new mat-
tresses in gaol and also the repair of
flag pole. Petty and Jones, that Casey
Hudson !be paid $2.50 for repairs to
,,flag pole. Carried. Mickle reported re
Manns ,& .Farquhar as to their pool
license. Petty and Spencer that Bylaw
'No. 10, 1914, be rescinded' and That a
new bylaw be prepared setting the li-
cense fee of $20 for 1st table, $10 for
2nd table and $5.00 for each succeed-
ing table, Carried. Petty and Mickle,
that the firemen be granbed the hall
'free of charge •for one night. Carried,
Mr. F. G. Bonithran reported as re-
gards the premium on over due .taxes.
Mickle and Jones, that the 5% penalty
'be enforced on all unpaid taxes after
(Dec. 14th; 1932. Carried. The clerk re-
ported issuing licenses, 1' transient and
1 meat peddlers license since the last
meeting. Communications received
from the +fo'!4'awin'g: War Memorial
Children's Hospital of !London; Dept.
Of Health, Dept. of Agriculture, Dow
Chemical Company, 'Canadian Oil Co.
same filed. Fire Chief ,Cameron report-
ed tendering his resignation. Spencer
and .Petty that Wire Chief Cameron's
resignation be accepted same to take
effect at once. Dhe firemen to appoint
a chief for the !balance of the year and
report at the next .meeting, Dec. 15,
Carried. Bills and accountsread as
follows: Edward Sheffer, labor streets,
$1.; J. Passan!ore, hydro, $6.97; F. W.
!Hess, $1150; J. 'W;i•c'k',. $3.00; W.
Venner„ ,wood, hall, $6:50; Moore
Bros., _wood hall, 's:!50; G. .M. Case,
coal and cartage, fire dept., $11:5.915; C.
Alexander, gravel, streets, $37; C.
Hud's'on, repairing flag pale, $2.50,' A.
W. E. Hemphill, supplies, $10.26; F.
G. Bon'thron, salary tax collector, $30;
A. W. E. Iienrphidl, salary tax collec-
tor, $1115; Geo. 'Hudson, salary, X5'6;
Geo. Heids,on, moving dhlairs, $13;
mats $13.165;, Hensall :'public library,
village grant, $195.49; J. A. Paterson,
salary, $90, registration bylaws, $15.715;
C. Cook, salary treasurer, $67950 L.
J. Passmore, salary motor mechanic,
$20.80; Hydro Cornnnisshion, street
lights, 'i$9&3.4i5. Total, $101l3.82. Petty
and Jones, that accounhrs be passed as
read. Carried. Spencer and Jones that
the same election officers- as in 1932
be 'appointed. Carried. Petty and
1•ickle, that By=1a'w No. 113, appoint-
ing eltec'ti'on'officens ,be given 1st and
2nd readisig, Carried. Jones and Spen-
cer, that Bylaw No. 13, be giver, '3rd
and final reading -and finally passed.
Carried, Petty and Mickle that we
now adjourn to meet again Dee. 15,
1932, ^at 8 p.m. Carried. lames A. Pat-
erson, Clerk,
Worms cause fretfulness and rob
the infant of sleep, the great nourish-
er. Mother Graves' Worm Extermin-
ator will clear the stomach and intes-
tines and restore hewithtfulness.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c.
A Town Visitor,
Mr.`Wm. ,Fairley of lniyisifail, Alta.,
spent Thursday and Friday cur -tonin
with 'Mr. A. G. 'Gault. Mr. .Fai'rley
came 'here from Owen' Sound where
he had been staying, owing to .the ser-
ious illness and subsequent death of
his wide. 'The late ,Mgrs: F'ainley was
formerly a hfiss IHub'baetl orf Owen
!The toliolwieg left for distant points
this •week: Mrs. A. Z. Gibson and son
William to 'WJasbington, ,D.C., Mrs.
'Wm. Allan and three children, o'f
(Hibbert, to :Robbru, M;an., Mrs. Jno.
ICras'bie of Seaforth, to 'Glasgow,
Scotland, Mrs. S, J. A'i'tcheson ,and
two daughters to Daysiland, Alberlta,,
A. Bainton has purchased the house
'belonging to Charles 'Hamilton, on
Queen street, and intends removing it
to another lot and buil'din'g a good'
house on the property. — Woad was
received here of the sudden .death .of.
Mrs. ,B. Darlington, Eiis'boro, lAs'sa.,
who ,was formerly .Mis's Routh Page,
and was well •knlotwn .to the people of
IBlyth and surrotnndirng country. She
wars married :to her now b'ereaved hus-
band fast December, who dormierny,
came from Kincardine vicinity. A .ba-
by was born about a week before her
death. 'Mrs,' Ed'dington was a daugh-
ter of Joseph and 'Mrs. Page and on4q
moved to the west about :two years
ago. Deceased had beena member] o'f
Trinity, 'church.
Father and Son.
Jahn Brad'eri'ck, mayor of Mitchell;
Michael Broderick, mayor of Seaforth.
Well done, father and son!=Mitch'e14
Moving In. • 1
Mr. Robert IMurd'fe of Rm.-both,
moved .this week to the property
which he recently purchased from
Mrs. D. Aitcheson, in Harp'urh'ey.
Death of a Former Resident.
Miss 'Mamie McCallum, far fifteen
years, an employe of the Stratford' post
office, died suddenly Sunday morning.
The deceased was a daughter of the
late ,;E'd'ward McCallum, who lived
here :22 years ago, 'employed as fore-
man in the Broad'foat & Box planing
mill. Tlhe remains were brought to
Seaforth, interment in St. ,Co'lumban
Mr. John W. Morrison has gone to
Milverton where he has taken a posi-
tion in Mr. Beattie's office wiho is ill
charge Of the track laying on the ne'
railway. Mr. 'Morrison has had .con-
sidera'ble experience in railroad wank
during the :past year and appears to
'have a special aptitude for it and he
should climb the ladder. While sorry
to lose h'i'm. frim Walton, his many
old friends in this 'locality wish 'him
success. He Will not move his house-
hold effects in the meantime. The -Mil-
verton people will find J. W. a valu-
able acquisition to their tidy village
as he is possessed of many gi'fts..
Leaves for Ingersoll.
.Mrs, M. A, Coulter, who has been
a resident of 1Seaforth 'for a number of
years, having 'taught success'fu'lly 'for:
nearly 25 years in 'the ,public school,
is 'leaving town and intends going Ibo
'In'ge'rsoll to :res'ide, in which pla'ce 'her
son ,has been living for sometime. As
an evidence of the esteem in which s'he
is held thy the 'S'o'cieties df the Metho-
d'ist Church, the .Missionary Society
and the iLad'ies'' A'id df 'the Methodist
chuneh gave a'farewell tea in her hon-
or on Thursday .afternoon; and also
presented her with a handsomely
,bound copy of ITennyson's poems,
.from :the Missionary 'Society, and a
pearl pin 'from. the Ladies' Aid, the
gifts being accompanied by an ad-
dress, read Iby Mrs. D. Johnson. Mrs,
Coultermade .a very suitable :'re'plly,
thanking them for their kind remem-
brances. Short addrss'ses were'. also gi-
ven by iMs'a, Robert (Willis, Mrs, W.
IH. 'Willis and Was. B. B. 'Gunn, all
expressing t'heir regret at losing so
valued a 'member land' wishing her
health and prosperity in her new
'Reach 'Walton.
!Railway trains on the new line have
reached Walton, corning from the
Nine '.Convictions.
For 'the three months eniding 'Octo-
ber 31,st, Mr. Jahn Torrance, license
i'nspec'tor for South Huron, secured
nine convictions for in'frin'gement ,of
the liquor act. 'Every case entered by
,Mr. Torrance has resulted in .a con-
Home on a Visit.
cowl, second son of Mr. Root,
'Brown, 2nd concession of IH'ullett,
who is employed with the ,C.fP.iR. run-
ning out o'f Calgary, is home on a visit
Starting a Livery.
Mr, Thomas !Beattie of ILead:bu!ry is
giving up 'farming and ipurlposes start
in'g a .livery business in Walton. in the
near .future.
iTlee National' Temperance Study
Course 'At Bru'eelfidfild Sunday
School, the fo'llloiwling wrote on the
temperance .examination end' were su
cess!ful rn plas!sing. Those 9 years aced
unnder, Esther Daynn'an, honors, and
'Elizabeth Ailrcn'h'e'ad; ,110 and 111 years,
Muriel Wrni,gi't, honors, Donald Day -
man, honors; Anna Cornish, Isola'ors,
and Lloyd 'Tllro'mislon; 12 ,years and ov-
er;.Willie Burdlge, honors; George
Clifton, honors; Gladys 'McKenzie and
Jim Burdge. Eaicin of these will re-
ceive an !honor or pass certificate;
,also a button. Gladys M'c'Kenzi'e has
been succcss'frill in passing the temper-
ance examination for the past five
year's; the third year her answers, al-
ong with those of l,Dargaret and Jiaaiet
IWlatsoln's, were sent to the Provincial
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. (Holstead af
'Strafford spent Sunday with the tat-
ter's parents; Mr, and Mrs. Thames
•IM'r. Lance Norris o'f Toronto 'Med-
i'ca4 'College 'spent the week end with
his pamenit's,'Mr. and Mrs. John Nor-
1Brunefieid Ohrisltmas enitentainment
will be held in, the school room of the
ohnr:rch on Thurs:dby evening, Dec.
A meeting of: the vtowns'hip officials
was heed in the hall on Monday after-
noon. Dr. Shaw, medical healllth offi-
cer,was present,' also members Of the
Board. The meeting being called on
(Monday, instead of Tuesday, owing to
meeting of county council Tuesday.
Miss Francis Mossip 'of' London
Normal spent Sunday with her par-
The WA. of St. Jolhn's ,Church met
at the home of Mrs. M. Reid Tuesday
af last week.
Annual Meeting. — Varna ILJO.IL.
held 'their annual ,meeting last 'Thurs-
day evening. The election of officers
resulted as fol'lo'ws: IW,iM., Charles
iSltep'h'enson; ID.M Elmer Webster;
Chap„ (Webster 'Turner; rec. sec,
Charles C. 'Pilgrim; fin. sec., Russell
Consitt; treas., Geo. Johnson; marsh -
all, 'Ray Keys; '1st 'lee., Percy john -
sten; 2nd lect, W'atson'Wiebeter; in-
side taller,
n-side''tyler, Anson 'Coleman; outside
tyler, 'Arthur Payne; committee, Is-
aac 'Rathwell, -Harry .Hester, W. if.
Johnston, INels'on 'Reid and Carl Diehl.
IThe officers 'were installed by P'as't
'County Master Ben 'R'athwel4.
Mr. 'Robert E'Uliott is conlfined to his
house. through illness.
Mrs. Frank 'Coleman spent a few
days last week with Bier sister, ;Mrs.
IBen Keys,.
9,lr. Roy Keys is busy grinding the
winter's supply of chop far a .aunrlber
of farmers.
Mr. 'Wm. 'Logan. and Miss 'Phare
Logan spent Monday of this week in
(There died in Bayfield on Monday,
Mrs. Charles Gairdner, widow of the
late Rev, Gairdner, retired ,minisiter
of the Aivglic'an Chinch. ,Het passing
is the fourth in the family ' circle
within bhhe past year and a half, Mr.
Mack Gairdner having dried this Fall,
;Rev.,, Fortescue 1G'aird'ner last Christ-
mas day and a year ago last May;
Rev. Charles Gaindnier, 'a1T of wh'o'm
died at the old family home in Bey -
field, still occup'ied by Mos. F'oiitescue
Gairdner and twelve -year-old dauglrt-.
er who cared 'for the deceased lady,
an invalid for some time,. Until Rev.
Gairdner relined ,bo Bayfield' about two
ye'a'rs ago, Mrs. 'Gairdner had been, a
resident of Rochester, N.Y. Her hus-
band was incumbent there at the time
Of 'their marriage. One sislte'r, Mrs.
'Gi'1bert Van, Iargen, Princeton, , NJJ,,
survives her, Dr. Thomas Gairdner ,of
Kansas is the remaining ;member of
the family df the late James •Gairdner,
one of the early residents Of B'ayfielld.
Thefuneral• took place on Wed'nesd'ay.
afternoon 'from the 'residence to the
'Bea/field cemetery. The funeral service
was conducted by Rev. F, H. Paula.
rector of Trinity Church,
A'very d'i'sastrous fire occurred on
Thursday night just 'after midnight
when the barn on the farm of W. H.
Arntstroug on the 51th line of Morris,
about two miles' hoar Betgrave, was
co,mpliete'ly destroyed. A group of
young people were spending the even-
ing at the 'hosase practising a play for
Christmas when it was discovered
that the barn was completely envelop-
ed in frames, All hurried out and were
suc'ce's's'ful in saving all the live stock
except a few pigs, The 'b,indsr, buggy,
and harness were also saved but the
barn and contents, driving sh'e'd, 'car
and implements, were destroyed. Nei-
ghbors gathered and managed to save
the henhouse and fowl in it. Holw the
'fire started as a mystery as no one had
been in the barn after 7 o'clock ,when
everythi'n'g appeared' to be arc right.
M'u'ch syrilpalthy is extend'e'd to Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong 'and' family;
as he had been in poor health for over
a year, ',being ;badly hurt in an accident
New Raisins
3 Pounds
(Seeds m.
Women's Silk & Wool Hose. All
�� C sizes. ',Reg. 49c. Q
Special -� C
Fresh Picnic Hams
Pound ............. • ; . SC
24 Pound 36c
Pastry Flour
Ibex 'Blankets, large 1
size. Per pair
Men's Leather Coats. Sizes 42
and 44
Special 4.-0011;74-71
It Pays tobuy in Egmondville•
1" �
!Township of McKillop
The annual meeting of the electors
of the (Mu'nicipal'ity df the 'Towns'hi'p
of McKillop wi4'1 be held .at Winthrop
Hall on (Friday, December 23rd, 11'932,
for the purpose of nominating, a reeve
and four ceum'ci'llors'far the year 4963.
INominations .will be received' from
one ,till ,two o'clb'ck in the aMtemn000,
Should More persons be netninafted
than are required to fill the several
offices, an election willbe held on
Monday, the 'second day Of January,
Polls lto be'open from 9 :arm, 'till 5
p:m. alt the fallowing places:
Pon No. I— Jas. Carlin's (house, dolt
10, con. 5. 'Thos. Moylan, D.IR.O.;
William Maloney ,P.C.
Poll No. 'Z--ans. Hogg's house, lob
25, can. 4. Jas B. Hogg, D.iR.IO„ Mrs.,
Geo. Eaton, PJC.
(Poli No. 3 Jo's. Smith's' Nouse, tot
10, con.' 12. !John R. Leeming,
Henry Bennewies, 1P'Ci
Poll No. '4—School house No. 7, lot
2s6, con. 12. William 'Santeiville, D.R.
0.,'Willis Dunce's, P.C.
50 (Returning Officer.
IKis'tner: Tn lowing memory df our
dear son and 'brother, Robert George
Kistner, who passed away suddenly in
Detroit, Dec. 10, 1926. t
The blow was great, the s'hocic severe,
We Ti'ttl'e thoughlt his death s'o near,
His fond last with we would like to
have heard,
And breathed in his ear a parting
Only those who have lost ,clan tell
The pain of the heart its not saying
--Sadly mis'sed by parents, brothers
and sisters.
IAdlarns.—In loving memory of Mrs.
Henry AAldsms,. who departed this life
five years ago, Dec. 8th, 192V.
"Dean in our heart lies a picture,
Of a behoved one Maid to resa;
'In memory's frame we shall keep it.
!Because she .was "one of the best.
—IS'aidly missed by her ;husband and
on his farm when a 'team ran away
tssilbh 'him. The loses is only 'partially
covered by insurance,
'According to repents ffrom Mid-
dlesex, Granit and other counties,
cattle have gone into winter quarters
in better than usual condition, pas-
tures never having been 'better than
throtughout the entire 1932 grazing
season. !Welland ' reports fali. wheat
going into winter in excellent condi-
tion with fine top. (Fall plowing •ap-
eration's - were 'brought to a halt by
cold 'we'a'ther in numerous disrtri'ots.
Lanark in Eastern Onitanio reports
that cattle have •come into stables in
l .ver co'ndi'tion than ;last year and
that with a acerbity of feed arta a''ge-
neral .aver -stacking an most •farms,
one would expect very thin .cattle 50
the spring.
A. H. Martin, Ontario Secretary,
'Wodldts .Grain S'ho'w, has been' ad-
vised by the au'thori'ties at Regina,
that entry fees have been materially.
reduced, 'Im' c'l'asses where prize
money amounts to $2,1400 or Hoare, the
entry fee has been reduced from five
to three da14ars, and where the Prize
money totals' less than $2,400, the
entry 'fees .are now $1.50 instead of.
JThe nann'agelment felt that this
charge would be more in keeping
with pnes!ennt conditions, and that
prospective exhib'itors wouIl'd,welcome
the red'ulctlon in fees. As result of
this acbiori, a considerable increase -is
looked for . in the number of exhib-
its in the competi'ti've classes.
IM'iiler''s !Worm, (Powder's, will drive
worms irfom the Is'ysltem 'Without
May to the 'labile], l7,lhe ,Powders are
so "easy th take that the most delicate
Stoma:eh 'can assi'm!ilate them and
welc'o'me (them las sp,ecdy easers of
Ipain, and thti's th'e.,ss,u'ffernlgaoif the,
clhild is :relieved. With. agraaang a'
remedy at hand no child should suf-
fer an Ih'ortr 'from worms.
Those Poultrymen Who
Consistently Feed
Laying Ration
Nothing 'but the best of Ingred-
ients: are used such as Gunn's
(Big Sixty Beef 'Scrap, Faster
Fat Fish Meal, Pure Ground
•Oat Groats and Vita (Brand Cod
Liver Oil which is tested for
Vitamin D, the Sunshine vitamin
Ask The
:Poultr Farm
• For Prices.
E. S. Watt & Sons, 'Palmerston
I wish to thank fhe Huron Football
Association and all others for their
generosity and kindness in my recent
3 spiting ,c'al'ves and 1 yearling. '
Rhone 238r114, Jbhn Hart. 49
(Seven purebred York ,c'h'unks, also , a r!
litter Of eight 6 -weeks -old, also two^'
purebred York sows, second Litter due
end of January, and two year and a
half old steers around eight hundred
p'oun'ds. ,Ap'p'ly lot 8, ,con, 2, Stanley, to
'J1NI0, B. HrYDE, Phone &6r1111, Hens -
an. ®.
'S'c'hool: ,girl wanted ,for roaming With
a young gins Apply at News Office..
Alt the Salvation Army Hlall, Sea-
forifh, Fridley, Dece'm'ber 16th, 1932, at
8 'pm. Chairman: Major L. Urs+aki.
Adlnviss'i'on 15c. 50,,
National Blue Flame Oil 'Burner.
Call up 26&w. Pleased to call on you.
I 'hav'e installed several. in town anh
they are giving the best of satisfac-
tion at a very law price. Also cream
separators. 1S. GA:RITIEIR.
On .Ord street, hall of ,double tene-
ment house. AJpply to Box 1'55, Sea -
forth, or phone 77.
For sale, haodapicked Spy . apples,
for fifty cents per bag. W. M. DIOIiG,
K'ippen, RIR. 2, Phone 20 an 93, Hen-
IWantted a farm to rent, 75 or 100
acres; ,must have fair good buildings,'
Apply to. JOHN PIRYICIE, :Walton.
Conner o'f (George and Victoria sts.,
!Seaforth. Eight ,rooms, good cellar,
hard 'and soft water, latter inside.
'Ele'ctric 'lights. Good !barn and s']red
suitable for good': garage. 'MR'S. P..De-
COIURISIEY, Egmotudvi'lie, 49.
To c'los'e the estates of the late Ro-
bert Holmes and the late Rose
Holmes, we have 'b'een instructed to
'offer for sale the farm being Lot
nraher Thirty-three (33), Conces-
sion Dwe'Ive (12) in the 'Township of
MclKs'llo'p and c'on'taining one hun>
died (100) acres, and upon which
there 'is said to be erected' a two-
storey brick 'hou'se, a longe b'an'ked
barn with good stabling and' steel fit-
tings, 'a windmill, 'a driving shed and
other outtbuildings. Upon this '• farm
there are mine (9) acres Of bush and.
ability (30) acres of fall p'iougthing, a.
good"orc'h'ard " ah'd both barn , and
house. are 'equipp'ed wish Delco Lights.. -
The land is said to .be particularly
choice, is well fenced and drained.
;For further- particulars apply to the
unci ersi'gned.
!forth, 'Ontario.
HAYS & MEIIR, Sobicitors for Exec-
utor, Seaforth, Ont.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 ,time$, 50a