The Seaforth News, 1932-12-08, Page 5THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 8, 1932,
Superior Stores are rendering valuable assistance to those "depend-
ing upon their "extra" savings to purchase Christmas gifts and other
C'hristnvas essentials„ Regular Superior Store prices save you money;,
their special low weekly prices save you Extra money. Shop early for
these special values and remember our slogan
Items for week ending Dec. 14.
2 tins
AY'LIM'ER PEAS, No. 4. .,...„ .............. . ... 2 tins 19
NEW CHEESE, .FINEST OAN'ADIIiAN ............ 2 lbs. c
8 02,......15c. 1116 oz 23 c
2 lbs. 19 c
IS'chlreid'er's Meat Special— % lb. pkg, Sliced Back Bacon 15c
Back Ba'con by piece, per ib. 27c
Assorted ,Com'binatiorr, 'Olives
Pimento stuffed and large queen!. „red hot, 19c; large bottle 39c
Crosse & Blackwell •Catsup targe bottle 19c
"silver token on every bottle"
He+llman's Blue Ribbon Spread or Mayonatse ,. .....B oz. jar, 25c.
S1hirriff's'Lesh'us Telly Pdwder..............................3 pkgs. 25c
- Royal York Tea "worthy of the name'".. .%'s 23c; 11/'s., , . 45c
Wes'ton's Tip !Top SIhortbeead Biscuits , L lb. 32c
(II singing top'.FStEE,wnth each pound—wonth ;115c)
Singapore Sliced 'Pineapple, 2's • 2 ting 25c
Oxo Cubes, !email 14'c; large..., 28c
B'ovri'l 1: oz... ...13c; '2oz. 39c
Aristocrat 'Tomato Juice .gallon tins 45c
Mixed Nuts, all new, no peanuts 2 lbs. 29d
Austealian Sultanas • 2 'lbs. 25c
A'us'tralian Raisins, .with seeds ,,. ,2 lb's. 23c
IBleached Sultanas per lb. 19c
(Cleaned ;Currants 2 lbs. 27c
'Lemon or Orange ;Peel :per lb. 180
!Cistron Peel '
Glace Cherries
Glace Pineapple ,
Cooking Figs ...... .. ... . . . 2 lbs. 1'5c
Shelled 'Walnuts / lb, 10C
Shelled Allmond,s per lb,. 39c
Satin ,Mixed .Candy per lb: 15d
!Chocolate Drops per 1'b. 19d
A'ss'orted Cream ,Candy
Chris'tmas ,Chocolates, finest quality, 5 lb. ,fancy boxes
per box , 1.00
.... . (pint tini 59c
per tin 25c
per pound 40c
2 pkgs. .25c
per I'b. 25c
1b. 300
;lb. 15c
per lb.' 19c.
Hawes' ;Li'getid Floor 'Gloss
Creamed Meeehrootms
Assorted French Fruits
Malted 'Cream :Cheese
T & Beane, Corn, PoBeane, Kipper 'Snacks, Sardine's
!Bluing, Tdothpioks, Balk. 'Soda, 2 Turnip's, '1' Cabbage
3lbs. 'Parsnips or Carrots, 3 .lbs. !Beans, 1 tin Cleanser,
pkg. Washing !Soda, tilt tb, Matcarom, '34 lb. Salted ,
Ross J. Sproat Phone 8.
Miss N.Pryce Rhone
Buy Seaforth
Good Quality
A Service Please us by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
that creates • you by our services and highest
market prices for good cream. '
Cream weighed, tested, graded, and
paid for while you wait.
and a
Dependable Reputation
TheSeaforth Creamer.
`. Seafo y
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
J,intor or Horse, Equipment
W' J. W d''.i{ER, ,holder of Go-
vernment'diplonei and ntense,
Flowers Furnished.
Vtght or day phone 69.
Mac. James Dade returned from a
visit. last week after spending a few
weeks wiwth- her daughter, Mrs. (Brom-
, ley awed son Will in T'oronto.
Mr. and Mrs. J. .Ferguson wenn to
TioronIt'o;S'altu;rday ,morning tto visit
' .friends but were called home ISature"
lay evening ,owing to the sudden' - ill-
ness of 'Mrs.Ferguson's molther, Mrs.
Carter. •
Mrs. John Carter. Sr. who took sud-
denly ill.. with hemorrhage of the sto-
''•rricacli is innproviug sl'o'tv1Y• ,:
Mrs.` Rolbeelt Clarke twen't to dais
towel •last week and. isspending some
.time with her son; Mr. Clarence
Clarke and ,Mrs, Olarke,
Mrs, George Delle went _tb Drayton
on Saturday to visit her aunt, 1Mrs.
McINab, but returned on Sunday ow-
to her mother's illness,.
Mr. IB. B, Siteiphen'st n and Mr. 1.1t0
'ward Armsbrong attended the Guelph
Winter Fair on Tuesday.
Mrs. MleGregor spent a few days at
Welton, visiting Iter friend, Miss Mar-
garet Love.
Mrs. Thos. Pollard spent the week.
end at the home of :her ndpheiv, .M'i.
Herbert Glazier of Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Jlos. Riley visited 'et
the home of Mr, and IMMs. Bert Hog
garth on' Sunday last. "
Mrs. Frank Riley spent a .few days,
atthehome' of her sister, Mrs. Tom,:
Riley of Clinton.
leer, 'John Riley Of ,Brussels spent a
few .days. last • week with leis sister,
Mrs. Rolbt. 1Gri'mo'ldlby. ,
Mr. George 'Niiichwo!ll returned to .Or
lisle on Sunday by rinrotorafter spend-.
itrg i ,mtitplc 9tt, the home, of Mr Jos:
can batt. '
A Hyde o 'gang was - in town past
week -end changing the wiring into the
sub -station, This completes thee' re-
wiring of 'the main .tine ' as far as
'S ee f o nth
Ans. R. ,P, Beni and Miss Mary Bali
visited Mrs. Bel'l's sister, !Mrs, J. F.
Reid, Toronto, .last week.
Mr. and ibllrs !Robert IBloyes and
son !Robert .left on !Friday for Asipdin
after spending the sannuer here.
Mrs. Chas. Vivian, Vancouver, fB.,C.,
spent Friday in town, the guest, -of
!Mrs,. 'J. (R. III. IThlottvs'on.
'Miss Jackson and Messrs: George,
'R. E. land Thos.. Jackson were in Bay-
field on Wednesday afternoon attend-
ing the funeral df Mrs; Gardner, wi-
dow of the late Rev. Charles Gaird
to flock of wild geese were seen fly-
ing over town an Saturday a'tteruto'on
and strange to slay, .they were 'breveill
lag in a nloreheasiterly direction
The mild weather prevalent this
week became cold and wintry on
!Wednesday. Tuesday !eight around
midnight there was thunder and light-
nine-, with a torrentialdownpour' of
Reeves Smith elf Seeforth, Archi-
bald of Tuckershiidlth and Campbell of
iM•dKlillo!p are in IGoderich this week
attending the Decem+ber meeting of
the county courser!.
Mrs. Chas. Duu+gey is 'visiting in
Condon with friend's, Mr. and Mrs.
Albert J'ohn'son.
Mt. and Mrs. F. G. N.eelin of Bay-
field' are visiting et the Camlmenoia•1
2vLr. Gordon Webster and Mr. and
Mrs. Bab of Toronto stp;ent several
days over the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. John 'Welbslter,
.Mr. and Mrs. :Wallace Parke have
inlayed from Miss H"a'ngan's house on
IGoderich street and will reside" with
Reeve Rolbert Smith until next spring
when they purpose returning'; to .Eng-
• Mr. and Mrs. Neilson Go'venllock and
two children Of Waterford were here
lSaturd'ay and Sunday. They came to
see . Nelson's.. molther, who had her
ankle broken recently.
Mr. H. Webb .of Si. He'l'ens, Mrs
'Thos. Anderson and three daughters
of Malfelding were calling on friends in
town Saturday,
Mr,. !Robert 'Alberhaut and his sister
Mae, of London were here on Friday
last for the commencement exercises
and Don and George Aibe'rhattt: and
!two friends and Mr. Ira Zav5tz • .of
London came 'Saturday and they ,were
alt ,guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Abet -
hart in MdKdllop: on Sunday. It'
.111r. Wi1biia'm. Godper .df town has
purchased the 900 acre Dale pasture
farm near Klinlburn.
Mr. Hugh Sproat and son, Haigh Jr.
of Detroit, were week end guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Sprloalt,' bh'e form-
er adcoimpanying- them on their, re-
Tote noon, train has been arriving
late this week, but there has been, no
change in schedule. The delay is ow -f.
in'g to eiebra traffic caused by a couple
of trains 'between Stratford, and Tor-
onto halving been taken off.
Mr, a'nd Mrs.. Hudson Woodruff, of
St. David's, were 'week end gue'hts of
!,Liss 'Margaret Mc,Midlant
Mrs. W. E.'Sbu:thgate,..S'r., ,went to
New York on Saturday where she will
visit her daughter, ,Mrs. R. !Wilson.
'Miss Hargan is visiting her nephew,
Mr. Anderson Coulter,. at Bran!bford.
Mlrs..L. T. DeiLacey, who has been
spending the past few - enateths in
Clinton and Seaforth, has gone to Toe
The regular meeting ,of the Maaons
on 'Monday evening Nook the farm of
a memorial service in, . •memoky of
erase who ha'd'passed- on.. A large
number of visitors were present from
sttrroutnding lodges.
A small adveetiise.monit in The:News,
a couple of weeks ago offering some
Pugs and sheep for sale, 'brought three
'ph'one calls 'T!hwursd+ay afternoon, and
all were solid by evening, reports Mr.
IRlolbert ILanvslon.:of Hallett, who was
mulch 'pleased ,wilth Nhe
result of his
first experi'men't in.. advertising..
The December meeting cif tlhe
{Nome and ,School, A.ssocialtdon .wa-
llreld ie „the' public sohodl on Monday
ievenin'g. The programme was' arrange
:ed by -Mrs: Ohamberlaiit and Miss.
Pennell,' the tatter' talking, tlhe Char.
{tlhe president, Mrs. 'Charles Holmes,
-read 'extreclts from the "Independ-
ence" magazine, on disamm'amen.t. - A
very iwniterestilnlg tank on 'juvenile;' dein,
I m'ueney was ,given by .Rev. I. B. ;Kaine.
Miss Ruth Thompson sang a very
pleasing song and Miss Hellen.i Crio'h,
:Miss Ruth Cluff. and Miss Dorothy
'Golding gave a vooall trio. The asso-
ciation would be ,glad if any .ind'srested.
in their work would be members and
pay the fee even if they could, thot•at+;
tend the meetin'gs.
C •rthtntu,
Big assortment to choose from,
Priced 60c dozen, or, with your
name printed, 95c dozen.
ISeeforth Co'l'legiate2nistltute ninth
anntiel commencement, held in Card -
Ian's hall on Friday evening, Decem-
ber 2nd, was an unqualified success.
I de programme opened with a
nearch by the school orchestra, com-
posed of Pianist, Winnie Savauge;
Eugene Duncan, Arthur Gd11d-
'rng, JlacIld Hiabkirk; cornet, Harry
Sheffer, ,Neil Tyndall, (Ross Rennie;
T'ecenbeltie, Evan Rennie; bass, D'Or-
lean Sills; traps, Tom Sills. Directed
by Eugene Duncan.
Songs by the s'chdo:l, "GAT M'e the
'Open Ro'ad," "Thou ,Didst Leave Thy
Throne," "A Song the W'orl'd is
Singing," directed by Mr. M. R. Ren-
Danish Gymnastics, .Foam I1Ill:. ,girl's,
directed by Miss G. H'elllyler.
Tthe principa'l's address, by Mr. G.
A. Ballantyne, was 1olldwed by the
presentation of diplomas and prizes
for highest standing in each farm by
Mr. 'Hlarry Sltewart, chairman of Col-
legiate' Board'. Those receiving dip-
lomas were: Bdtcirreane Slhaw, Ethel
/S'h'aw,' Mary Thomp's!on, Alda Bolton,
Margaret Cumming, .Nelson Cardinlo,
Leo Hagan, Grace Free, ,Elsie Drover,
Mary Reid, D''Onlean, Sills, Celestine.
'O1Lea'ry,'A•nnla Edmunds, Glen Gean-
enell, Maury Haigh, Ignatius OlLeary,
'Batty Mallc'olm, Angola Eckert,, Wfin-
n.ifredd Kruse, ' Roderick MladLean,
James Murray, 'Samuel M•dSpadden,
'M'anglaret Broadfoot, Neil 'Tyndall,
Mary Kling. Form I. Prize ('books to
value of $5) Dlorotlhy Golding; iorim
I•I:.prize (books to value of $5) Arth-
ur Gto'lldling; Form ITIQ. prize'((thaoks
'to value' of $5') Winnifred Savauge;
Form IIV. prize (books to value of $5')
Mary Reid. Form V. girls' prize ($215
caslh) Ele'an'or Evans. Miss Evans
wrote on 1111 Upper Sldho'ol papers and
Obtained ten firsts and one second,
(Form V. boys' prize ($25 cash), Earl,
Gillespie. E. Gillespie wrote ' on 12
Upper School papers and obtained 5
firsts, 2 seconds, a thirds and 4 cre-
dnfs, •
Then oatne the presentation of the
(Lions Essay contest prizes by Lion
IJaolc Daly; first, Miss Wlinn'ifred Sav-
auge ($10 go'ld); second, Miss . Hellen
!Britton ($5 goltlldi. Miss Savauge was.
also second in District A, winning Ten
Dollars cash.
!Presentation to winners 01 Rifle and
Sports Contests ,was made as folliow's:
1Cobtegi+ate field day winners'—'Bader
ITropby, Evan Rennie; boys' senior
champion, D'Orle:am Sills; boys' inter-
mediate c'hamipio:n, Evan Rennie; boys
juni'o'r c'h.anipion, Jack Cansitt; girl's',
senior champi'o'n, Barbara ,Aiberhart;
girls' junior chemlpion, Leola Nett;IB'alllantyuie trophy, Jack Consi't't.
!Huron' County AAA.. Ohanipions,
!Junior champion for. county, Leola
_Vett; senior'boy 'cthanvpion for mune
ty, D. Sills. ,Presentation of Mead Chep
and Shields to school by presidents of
Athletic Societies and above oham-
,Rifle contests. Presented by Mayor
Daly. Skrathoona Trust Medal " for
highest score in whole " school,, Ian
IMacT'avis'h; Dominion of Canada :Riffle
Association Medal's for .Juniors: Spe-
cial medal, Horace . Rutledge (over
93%), Second Olas's Medals (ov,'er 90)
Harvie H'ilien, 'Tlom S'ills, Allen • Key,s.
Senior Youth of the Empire Contest,
Ilan Mac'Teeish, hdghaest score in p'as't
2; Ken Rutledge, highest score in part
1; Junior Youth of the Empire Con-
test, Tom Sills ('pa'rt 1), Roes Rennie
(part 2). Marksmen's badges given by
the department of National defence:
Ian MIateTavifslls (special), H. Rutledge
A. Golding, Gordon Rennie.
Auto ID su ranee
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's worth your while to see us
before ptacing"your insurance and
tut the new low' non -tariff. rates ' you cannot afford to take chances..'
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write `or call -Night and
Day Service
Phone 152
Office over. Keatin¢ s Drug. Store
The program continued wibh a vie
lin dug' et by A. Goldinand Eugene
,Duncan, accompanied by Miss Bar
ber:Beautiful Blue Danube Waltz
Strauss; A dance',and song `lFru0
Euch Des Lebens,"' by tlhe lower
school pupils, directed by Miss Gill
es,pie; :a play one act, "A Night. in.
alk. Inn" those taking part including
K. Beattie, S. Dorranae, ToSills, D.
.H. Stewart, J.-Oonsvbq J, Hotham, S
,Plan's, C. Ferguson. "Directed by Mr.
W:eed'mark and M'is's P-u:nsiteei.
tAtt act by Form III and Florm 11111.
boys "For 'To=Night We Will Merry
Merry Be," directed by Mr. Weed -
mark, had the following boys' taking
part, F. Whitmore, J. Stevens, D.
!Patrick, T. Sill's, J. Sherwood, 13.
'Rutledge, F. Archibald, A. Dever-
ea!ux, C. N'o'lan, ,R, McNeil), G. Kruse.
CA. play in one act directed by Miss
Fennell and Miss Stall, The !Ian in
;the ,Blowsier Hat,had these characters,
John Marry Sheffer); Mary ('Helen
1BrriNtou), `.Hero (IGirvin Andterson),
'IIeroine (l Betty Malcolm), 'Chief Vil-
lain (Harvie H1illlen•), Bad Man (;Neil
Tyndall), The Man hi the Bowler hat
(gas. Stott).
The ,meeting ,cdlased .voth "God Save
'The King."
lH ion County Council opened its
December session Tuesday. In ad-
dressing the members Warden ,L. H.
!Rader expressed !itis appreciation. of
'their co-operation. Hie believed they
were ever'censoientous in all matters
referred to them in committee.. "I
think all have tried to stay within the
estimates and I 'might say than at the
present time it is the wish of the pub-
lic at large to see the members come
to Goderi'dh To legislate in that way."
The grand jury's recom'mend'ation for.
fire extinguishers .and fire escapes for
the Children's Slhel'ter and House of
Refuge• and other changes were men-
tionedby the warden who felt the
inspection was.superfluous in view of
the fact that the county appoints cdm-
ntlittees for that purpose. "I feel this
county comncfl is quite capable of
looking .alter affairs. We .all know the
'crim:Mai justice expense is running
away by leaps and bounds." A saving
of $500 in jurors' fees had been made.
Mr. Rader said there was no county
official who would notaodede and
syp'athize with present conditdo:ns,
and tinged tike council to make 'fair-
ness an. essential.!Later .the council passed the to'1idw-
ing ,motions sponsored by Reeves M'c-
'Kibbon and Taylor: That ,we ,consider
the inspection of county buildings,
'count house, registry office, children's
shelter and house of refuge by judge
and jury an absolute waste of time
and irony as these buildings are un-
der the supervision of the Govern-
ment and county council. We respect-
fully suggest that the legislatlion re-
quining such expense be amended to
dlo.away with .this waste at the earliest
possible moment.In the long list elf communn.catiolns
.were many relating to the cast of se-
condary education. The high sch'oo1
grants apportioned'' by "the Depart-
ment were read: Goderich, . $119120:50;
Winglham, $1',61119.42; Clinton, $1,569.-
50; Exeter, $1',48l6.93.'
The annual repwort of the ch'ie'f en-
gineer advised that ;the boilers in the
Court house buildings` were in good
I/. W. Dennison, inspector of legal
offices, . advised that the rack that
holds plans in the Registry Office is
nat'satiwsfactory, and asked that a new
one be obtained; the fence astound the
building is falling drown. Referred to
the County Property 'Cbtnmittee.
iA communication from S. W. Sy-
mons, secretary O-ntario A'griouhtunal
Council, enclosing statements relating
.to swine produotion, and asking that
they be forwarded to ,the-agrickt'itural
representative, was sent to the agri-
cultural committee.
A letter from the Department of
lHdghlways concerning the reversion of
highway in the Township :of•'Tlurnber-
ry, . was referred to the Goad Roads
IA'1,eolution`;from EI'gin County dis-
approved df the alleolit•i,on of county
councils •was referred to the legislat-
ive committee; and one from the
'county df Middlesex on the cost of
rY education, to
,the Education
;House of Refuge rip -ort ishowed 93
inmates in the House of Refuge, 14.
of whom were admitted' during the
year and the biome is self-sustaining,
was information contained in the re-
port, Of J. M. Gavenlock, inspector.
The number of clay's board, in'm'ates,
was 43,900; number at day's board,
keeper's family and . help, 11,1850; ,the
tdtal ,expenditure on the house and
farm, $16,0811'x38; add value of previ-
sions and filed. on hand $3;0$11.38. The
amount re'ceive'd from paying naivetes
was $111,546.29.
A motion was sponsored by E14tasponsoredHaacke.—•That a request be sent by
this council to tlhe Provincial Minister
of Agriculture that he take a'c'tion re-
garding the excessive rates charged
by stock co.misnissioners in the stook
yards in•. regardrt tps sh!i'pmept; of live
stock as we su!bmilt in these ''hand
Store Offers You
Fresh, Seasonable Merchandise
At Special Prices -
,Seedless 'Raisins ' .2 lbs. ' 25c -
Large raisins with seeds 1 lb ` 115c
Mend cleaned Currants 1 11,.lIde
,D'a'te -s' . 3 lits; 25c
Walnut Halves 1 lb. 40c
Almonds 'l lb. 39c
!Lemon. & Orange Peel'
'l9c & 20c per Ib
Citron Peel .... , . 219c per llo
.Pure Cocoa. , , . , , . e5e per 1b.
Mixed` Nuts in shell2 lbs, 35c
Mixed ;Candy....... , 2 lbs. 29c
2 lb. 'box (Best "Ch'acdlateal
,'69e per box
03'READ 5c a Loaf
,itdabches 3 Ib'oxes 25c
We have a full line of Men's •
Heavy Fleeced Underwear
@ 75c per garment.
Men's unshrinkable !Natural
.Wool Underwear @ $1.89
per garment.
Men's .Blue Derry Smocks $1.25
Men's (Blue 'Derry Pants and
Overalls $1.39 per pr.
Men's )Flannel Shirts $L50.
Men's Dark 'Flannel ,Slairts,, 99c
Men's 'Muleskin and Horsehide
Pullover Mitts 35c and 59c
Brighten your rooms with Sher-
win -!Williams household PAINT
at the !NEW LOW PRICE of
$1.20 per qt., and covering 425
sq. ft. two coats -per gallon.
A large .assortment of CHRIST-
IVLAiS GIFTS to choose from.
James F. Carlin
times iwlh-en prices are low thea e
should be corresponding .charges ex-
aoted by these low prices.
IEgmondville Hockey Club held a
,meeting at Mr. Wilson Wright's home,
to organize for the cosaoing season.
The 'following officers were elected:
President, Sam Jackson; vice presi-
'denits, Alex. Lillico; sec.-,treas., Bert
'Go'venlock; coach, Roy IfeCeach;
,oaptain, Leo Hicknell; manager, Wil-
son Wright; assis'bant manager, Wm.
IMans'o'n, Sam Jackson; c'om'mittee, A.
!Nicholson, Don Dale, Jack Flannery.
The A.Y.,P,A. ` of St. Thomas'
'Church held the first meeting since
organization, on Monday evening in
the panis'lu hall, with a good Mien -
dance. The officers' were installed lby
,the rector, Canon Appleyard, , who
gave a very instructive address out-
lining the aims o'f the AY.P.1A. A duet
by Mary Holmes and Miss Freeman,
accompanied on the piano by Miss
Pinkney, a reading by tFrank Archi-
bald and a songeolmlprised the num-
bers on the program, which was fol-
deiwed 'by a• social hour.
W. A.
The an'nua'l 'meeting of the Wb-
,m'an's Auxiliary was held Tuesday af-
ternoon in tlhe parish hall et St. Tho-
mas Church with .a good, attendance.
The president,' Mrs. VanlEgmond, was
in the chair. The otificers appointed
are as follows: Pres'i'dent, . Mrs. E.
.Alppleyard; viice•+p'resid'ent, MDs. J. A
Kase; secretary, Mrs. E. Boswell;
treasurer, Mrs. Deem; buying com-
mittee, Mrs. MbeGavin, 'Mrs. Thom-
son; secretary 'for. Living message,
Mrs. R. G. Parke.
:1Tihe death 'took place an Monday,
December 51th, of, •a highly esteemed
;resident in the person of Leonora Wil-
liams, relict of the late Angus Mcg
Phee, in her 84lth year. Mrs. M'clPttee
iaad been ill leer, some .time. She was
born in Brockville and came with her
,parents' to Seafotsth es a young 'girl.
Bli£ty-nine years ago she was united in.
marriage to Mr.,:M'cPhee attd. atter:
living in 'Lu.can for a short time they
returned to Sealtoeth where she con-
ltinu'dd . to reside. Hier hu'slbwnd prede-
ceased her twelve years ago. Mrs. MC -
Pine was a member of Northside Un-
ited Church. One son, Mr_ Melvin
McPhee, survives. The funeral took
place on Wednesday afternoon Erosn
the residenlce of .her son, Me. Melvin
McPhee; Louise street, to the niece
of inberment in the Mattlla'nd' Baal'
cemetery. Rev. W: P. Lane, off North
iSide United Church conducted the
service.' The p'ailbeerers were Messrs.
O. !Neil, W. Reid, J. M'clKlenalie, H.
!Fowler, W. Freeman and' S. Gotts-
The ,club members ,were disicussing
.Laziness. One fatally told ab'ont his
hiking trip 't'hreugh the South. Com-
ing to a stream he saw a mountaineer
sitting on •the bank against a tree, his
hat over his fade and a fishing' rod
under r. knee, the litre in the water
e oneenate .
Hello," said the visitor. `"Been
!sere all day?"
"Yep," was the response from the
'tnotiondes's fisher.
"Oauglat anything?'