The Seaforth News, 1932-12-01, Page 6GE SIX.
(Continued from last week)
"The women are over there," I
said to the latter, 'wher:e you had
best betake yourself."
"I prefer to stay here," she answer-
ed. "I am not afraid." Her (color was
'high, and she 'held 'her head up, "My
father 'fought the Armada," she said.
"Get me a sword fr.orn that man :who
is giving them out."
From his point of (vantage the
watch now caHed out: 'She's long
ship, — five :hundred tons, any;h:owl
Lord! the metal that she carries! She's
rase -decked!"
"Then's she's (Spanish, sure en-
ough!" cried the Gov:ernor.
From the crowd of servants, felons,
and 'foreigners rose a great clamor,
and presently 'we made out Sharpless
perched on a cask in their midst
and wildly gesticulating.
"The Tiger, the Truelove, and the
Due Return have ,swung across chan-
nel!" announced ;the watch. "They've
trained their guns on the Spaniard!"
The Englishmen cheered, but the
bastard •crew about Sharioless groan-
ed. Extreme fear 'had made the law-
yer shameless. "What guns have
those boats?" he screamed. "Two fal-
cons, apiece and a handful of muskets,
and they go out against a man-of-
w,arl Shell trample them underfoot!
She'll sink them with a shot apiece!
The Tiger is forty tons, and the
Truelove is sixty. You'oe all mad!"
"Sometimes quality beats quantity,"
said West.
"Didst ,ever hear of the Content?"
sang out a gunner.
"Or of the Merchant 'Royal?" cried
"Or of the Revenge ?" quoth Mas-
ter Jeremy Sparrow. "Go hang thy-
self, coward, or, if you choose, swim
out to the Spaniard, and shift from
thy wet doublet and hose into a san-
benito. Let the don come, shoat if
he can, and laud he can! WeH singe
his beard in Virginia as we did at
'The great St. Philip, the pride Of the
Was burnt to the bottom and sunk
in the ,sea.
But the St. Andrew and eke the St,
We took '; in. fight manfully and
brought away."
And ,so well do with this one, my
masters! We'll sink her, or we'll take
her and send her against her own
galleons and galleassesl
'Deb -a -dub, club -a -club, thus strike
Tantara, tantau-a, the Englishman
comes.1' "
His great -voice and great !presence
seized and, :held the attention of all.
Over his doublet Of rusty black he
had clapped a yet rustier back and
breast; ;cin his bushy 'hair rode a
headpiece many sizes too small; by
his side was an; old 'broadsword, and
over his shoulder a pike. 'Sudd enly,
from gay 'hardihood his countenance
changed to an expression more befit-
ing his calling. "Our cause is just,
rny masters!" he cried. "We stand
here not for England 'alone; we stand
for the love of law, for the love of
liberty, for the fear df God, who will
not desert `his servants and this cause.
This plantation is the leaven which
is to leaven the (whole 'lump, and sure-
ly he will 'hide it in the ;hullo* of
his 'hand and in the .thadow oi his
'wing. God of battles, hear .usl God of
England, God Of 'America, aid, the
children of 'the one, the saviors of
the other!"
Ide had dropped;the pike to raise
his clasped hands to the blue heavens,
but new' he lifted it again, threw back
his s'houlders, and flung up hiS head.
He laid his hand on. the flagstaff, and
looked up to the banner streaming in
the 'breeze. "It looks well so ,high
against the blue, d'oesalt it, friends?"
he cried gen.ially. "SuIppose we keep
it there forever (and a clay!"
A cheer arose, so loud that it sil-
• You said...that 'your sward, vve.'s mine
now bringyoon. Wit 'he:
vice!"( ';•' ;' •
There was not time -Ea 4uest:ion 'her
meaning... The Man 'Whose position in
the realm had' just Ibeen announced
by the Secretary,' end (Of Whom we
had all. 'heard 'as one not unlikelY even
BIloldiughant 'himself, was ;dose ;0,:t
hand. The Governor, (headpiece' in
hand (stepped' forward,. the other
swept „off Ihis, Spanish Itat; hoth how-
, ; ;
7;'1; lier 501"c'tvllth'ere'''1;hOle'17'°):?;nYO:a";17
*ion, Scorn,oti.
should be WeilcoMe'd, my ltdrd," she
to the Phisilaitcl is quite
out of your course, and yott vvull find
here, but your travail 'for your pains;
My lard, permit die' to PreSent 'be you
my dausb'antd, Cantakt. -Ple.rcy!
'think that :you know,his consi(n,, mY,
ed prodoueadtly.
or of Virginia?" inquired the . new- a Lordni.lh'edfarN0:11,:idt:aljbetl:Floatin:11:a
"I ;speak to his Honor Ithe IGo'Verh- IThe 'red left 'the. favorite's cliteeks(,
bfow had
comer. His tone w osh,and; his' hat been dealt by ,50nleHin,visi,h1, hand,
already back upon his' head. ; . Reeovering lamself he bowed to Inc,
"I ani 'George ya,arditey, at MY and' to 'him, which 'done we looked,
Land (Carnal's service," answered ',the each other:in the .eke:s longGovarnor, for enongh
each to see .theithrOwn,gatintlet.,.
iThe favorite raised his eyebrows, "I raise
"1 doch treed to.. introduce mys'elti "'A l'ountr,anice ; Sir?"'
it seenis," he ;said ;"You've' 'found continued,
that I ain not the after ' ,'"ACoutrance," he assented.
least not the !Spatial:1,, Apollyon, ; "And 'b;etWeen AA two alone," 1 sug-
Z(ooks! a hawk albove;a poultry yard
couldn't :have caused' a greater com-
motion than did my poor little , Ship
and my few poor birding pieces l'
Does every strange ;sail yo,u
through your place's?"'
The • Governor's color,. Mounted.
"We are not at 'heime,r he answered
stiffly "I-lere we are few and weak
and surrounded by :many dangers, arid
'have 'need to be vigilant, being plaid-
ed, As it were in the very .grasp of
that Spain who holds &mope in awe,
and' Who claims this land as 'her orwA,
;That we are here .at .all is proof en-
ough of our courage, my bud." •
rifle other shrugged his Shoulders.
"I don't doubt your Mettle," he said
negligently. "I dare say it (matche's
yam armor."
His glance had rested for a mom-
ent upon 'the battered headpiece and
ancient rusty breastplate with which
Master Jeremy Sparrow Was bedight.
"It is something antique, truly.
something out of 'fashion," remarked
that worthy,—("ahnott as out of fash-
ion as courtesy from guests, or re-
spe'ct for ;dignities from my-lace-is-
iny-fortune (minions and lords on car-
pet considerations."
The hush .o.f 'conslternation following
this aud,aeious speech was broken by
a roar of laughter from. the; favorite
himself. "Zountl's!" •aried, "your
courage is warn on your sleeve, good
giant! rill uphold you to face Span-
iards, strappado, rack, galleys, and
bravado with, which he spolee,
the in'salen.ce of his rbold glance and
.0m-1:led lip, the arrogance with which
he flaunted that King's favor (which
should be a brand itiore infamous than
the tha;ngm'an's, his beauty, the pomp
of his dress,—all :were alilee hate:full.
I hated him *hen, scarce knowing
why, as I hated him afterward with;
I.IRS13At :14 E4BE,R',;',,,19,
ohrec ikei a artbirigale'.
)4eVoted dhetr
at the nxtse'
O;nr:.:,460,'11.b*:Cli'01.Widt'& bsLoy few
Ille::.;c(OittitIlk;(iit Of $Lr Edlwyns; maids.
Thy iw;ere, (Married ncw bnit ;1::they•.
Wee' still. the .observed (o
a1 ojbser'v-
to he ,' pointed ant 'o strangers
run aftier by children; gaP(ect''at by ,the
vulgar, (titivied to with, broad sins
by BuOgess;. 'Counted:or; „and eornIrnand -
or, :and ioPenily (Conteintred bY. theist.
dairies ,Wheihad( attained o aband in in somervitait inore regular :f wait -
ion, Of ...the ninety" Who had
'two weeks before, the..greater artianlber
had tounid iiiUWbands in the toWn.'it
self . or in the •,:tieighlteiri:Sg'' hundred's,
so that in the crowd that lhad gath-
er'ed, to withstand the., Spaniard.; land
had stayed t 'n1eonie the. Eines,
fwitarrite,; there,: were farthingales not;
line olf women.
•The great sht loathe steadily on
her White sails 'gnawing larger arid
larger, 'Moment by molment, her tiers
of guns more distinct and menacing
her whale aspect more defiant. Her
waist seemed packed with men. Btr
no streamers, no 'flag.
A puff of :smoke floated ,up 'from the
deck of the Tiger, and a ball froan;
one of her twig tiny Osidons passed
through the stranger's rigging. A
Cheer for the brave cackbaa
arose ;front, the English. 'David and
'his pebble!" exclaimed Master Jeremy
Sparrow. "Mow for Goliath's twenty -
But no flame and thunder issued
from ere guns aboard the stranger.
Instead, from her deck there 'came to
us what sounded mightily like a roar
of laughter. 'Suddenly, from, leach
masthead and yard shot out stream-
ers of red and blue, up from the poop
rose and flaunted in the wind: the
crosses of St. George and St. Andrew,
and with a crash trumpet, ;drum, and
fife rushed inta
"Here's a jolly gond ale and, old!"
"By the Lord, she's English!"
shouted the 'Governor.
On she came, banners flying, music
playing, and inextinguishable t laugh-
ter rising from her decks. The Tiger,
the Truelove, a.nd the, Due Return
sent no more hailston;es against her;
they turned; and resolved thems(elves
into her consort. Th.e watch, a grim
old sea dog that had 'come in with
Dale, swung himself .clown from his
post, and came toward the Governor
at a run. 'I know her now, sir!" he
shouted. "I was at the twinning of
Cafes, and she's the ,Santa Teresa,
that we took and sent home to the
Queen. She was Spanish once, sir,
but she's English, now."
The gates were flung open, and
the excited people poured out iagain
upon the river bank, 1 found myself
beside the Governor, whos,e ;honest
countenance wore an expreasion Of
profound bewilderment.
'What d' ye make of her, Plenty?"
he said. "The .Cdtnpany doesn't send
servants, diens, 'prentices, or maids
in such craft; no, nor oflfi:cers or gov-
ernors, either. It's the King's ship,
sure; 'enough, but •What is She doing
here?—that's the question. What 'does
she want, and whom does the bring?"
"Well soon know," I answered,
"for there goes her anchor."
'Five minutes later a 'boat 'was low-
ered from the ship, and came swiftly
toward us. The boat had, four row-
ers, and in the stern set a tall ,Man,
black -bearded, 'high -colored, and mag-
nilfiCently dressed. It touched' the sand
same two (hundred feet from .the spot
where Governor, 'Councilors, officers,
and a sprinkling of other sorbs. stood
staring at it, and at the great ship
beyond. The man in the Stertn, leapeld
out, looked around and! then
walked toward us. As he walked
slowly, we (had the 'leisure tel nate
the richness Of his ;doublet and cloak
--the an e slashed, the other lined with
scarlet taffeta,—the arrogance of 'his
mien and gait, and the supeob full -
blooded b,eauty of his :face.
"The (handsomest :man that ;ever -a
sawl" ejaculated the Governor.
Master Pory, standing beside him,
drew in his breath, then Miffed it on
again. "Handsome enough, .yaur &TOO
or," he said, "unless handsome is as
handsome does. That, gentlemen; is
my Lord Carnal,—that is the. 'King's
latest favorite."
His answering smile was, not goad
to see, nor was the tone in (whieth ;he
spoke 'to the 'Governor good to hear.
"Et is now sorne, weelcs, sir," he
said, 'since there disappeared from
covin a jewel, a diamond Of 'nib's* in-
estimable worth. It in some sort be-
longed to the King, and his 'Majesty
in the ,goodheast of his 'heart, had
promised it to a certain ;one,
had sworn. by his kingdom that it
should be his. Well, sir, that man
putt 'forth his hand to ;claim his ;OW11—
when lot he jewel vanislhed I Where
it 'wen't no Man could tell. Ther,e was,
as you may believe, a 'mighty running
up and down and looking into dark
corners, all far naught,—it was ,clean
gone. 'BM 'th,e .man to wham that
bright gem (had been !promised was
not one easily hoodwinked or baffled.
He Swore to trace it, fallow it, find
it, and wear it.", '
His 'bald eyes left the Governor,
to rest upon the woman beside nte;
had he .politted to her with his hand,
Ie could not 'have more surely drawn
upon ;hier ,the regard Of ;that motley
tthrong. By degrees the crowd had
fallen back, 'leaving ,us three --- the
King's 'minion, the anaSqueratling lady,
and mysellf---the centre of a ring of
staring laces; but now she became
the sole qarget at which all eyes wdr,e
'In Virginia, at this time, the women
of our own race :were held in high
esteem, During the first years of our
planting they were a greater rarity
than the mocking -birds and ;flying
squirrels, ,or than that weed the eat-
ing of which made fools of men. The
man vvlhose wife was loving and dar-
ing enough,. or jealans endugh of In-
dian maids, to 'follow 'him. into the
willdern.ess counted his friends by the
scone and never lacke'd 'for contpany.
The first 'marriage was between a
laborer and a waiting maid, and yet
there was as great a deal of candy
stuff as if it had been the nuptial's df
a lieutenant of the ahire. :The brother
of my Lord de la Warre 'stood up
with the groom, Ihe brother Of my
Lord, of Northumberland gave away
the bride and was the first it•o ,kiss
her, and the President himself held
the :candle to their lips ;that night.
Since that wedding there had been
others. IGentleworne.n made the Vir-
ginia Voyage (With 'husIband or lather;
women signed as servants and catrie
IHe now pulled frdrri. the breast of
his doublet a packet, Which prof-
fered 'the 'Governor. 'From the King,
sir," 'he announced,
in the hall-Ifierce,
half -mocking tone he had made,
own. "Yon may read it at your leis-
ure. He wishes you to 'further me. in
a quest upon which, I (have come."
The Governor 'took the packet 'with
reverence. "His 'Majesty's will is. our
law," he said. "Anjithing that lies in
our power, 'sir; though if you ;come
for gold"—
'The favoriate laughed again. "I've
come 'for a thing a deal more preci-
ous. Sir 'Governor, — a thing worth
more to me than 'ma the treasure Of
the Indies with Manua and Eil Dor-
ado thro:wat in, — to wit, the thing
upon which I've set my mind. That least, had clime Sir lEdwy
which I 'determine 'to do, 1 do, Sir; Things had changed since that day— make it more to my liking," and I
and the thing I determine to have, alt 'the memory of which Men still held tauclhed his Genoa three -pile with the
why, Semler or Tater, by !hbolic or by their sides—when IM'adam West, then point oS my rapier.
crook, fair means or Soul, II have it 1 the only Woman in the town with A l'ood murmur arose from the
I am not one to be crossed or defied youth and beauty, had marched down crowd, and the Governor started fOr-
I • „
'end ,Surgedirt'. Lite, 'of ',London '
attention to diseases 4o f
nose and'throat: Office ( and 'rpi-.,
deuce behind . ;Dominion 'Bink,'''Offie,e,,';
hone Nb,. Residence' Phone .164: ; • ;
IDR, F. J. apaRojyos, 'Statoith,
Office and residence,'Godericit Street,
east of the United' ChUrCh. Conan:sr
for the COunly of Huron.. Telephento
But bhers were atone like the Ivo:
man whOse hand I had kissed
the courting meadow, an the throng,
that day, in her ,Puritan dress amid
the ,endird. of ;meaner ;beauties, she had
passed without overmuch 'continent,
and since that day none had seenher
save iRolfe and •the minister, ,my ser-
vants and mly'sellf; and When "The
Spaniard!" was 'cried, men thought
other things than the beauty of wo-
men; So that until this moment she
had escaped any ,specii notice. Noiw
alrh that "was changed. .The Governor,
folowing the', pointing of those in-
solent eyes, fixed his own upon her
in a (stare, of sheer amazement; the
gold -laced quality 'about him craned
necks, lifted eyebrows, and whisper-
ed; and the rabble •behittd followed
their betters' example with an em-
phasis quite their own.
"Where do you suppose that jewel
went, Sir 'Governor," said; the favor-
ite,—"that jewel wh'ieh was overnice
to shine at court, 'Which, set up its
will against the King's, Which ,woulld
have none of that one to Whom it
had been given?" •
"I am 'a plain man, my lord, re-
plied the Governor bluntly. "And it
please you, give me plain wards."
My lord laulghed, his eyes traveling
round 'the ring of greedily intent
facet,. "SO be it, sir," .he assented.
"May 1 ask who is this lady?' ,
"She 'came in the 1Bonaventure," ;an-
swered the Governor. "She was one
of the Itreasiner's poor maid."
"With ,whoin I trod' a measure a't
court not long ago," said the fanrite.
"I had to wait for the 'honor until
the prince bald been gratified."
'The Go v er,no r's row d eyes grew
rounder. Young Hamar, a -tiptoe be-
hind him, drew a long, low Whistle.
In so small a .community," went on
my lord, "sure yot must Ail know
one another. There can be 'no masks
worn, no false colors diaplayed. Ev-
erything must be as open as daylight.
But we all have a past as well es a
present. Ndw, for instance"—'
I interrupted him. "In Virginia, my
lord, we live in the present, At pres-
ent, my lord, I like not the color of
your lordship's cloak."
He stared at me, with tris black
brows drawn together. "It is not of
your ,chodsing nor for your wearing,
sir," he rejoined haughtily.
"And your sword ;knot is viilianous-
over, to marry in 'three weeks' time, ly tied," I continued. "And I like not
the 'husband paying good tobacco for
the (wifes 'freedom.; in the cargoes ,o(f
children sent for aPprentices, there
were many girl's. And last,'brut not
n's doves.
'DR. C. MACICIAY..—c. .maok,v,
honor graclifate of Trinity University '
and .gold medallist of Trinity bledicili
�liege;, member, of ,;the College ;ad
Physicians ;and, :Surgeons of Ontario.
J. IL1:40RSTER—EYer Sao
Nose and Throat. Gracluate in Uedii-
cine, University of Toronto 1897. '
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
Inic and Aural Institute, Moorefield'a
Eye, and Golden Square throat hos*
tais, London, England. At (Damao-
ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday itt
each month, from 11 a.m. to 3
DIR. W. C. SIFIROAT.—Graduate
Faculty of Medicine, Univers$ty ell
Western Ontario, London. Member
of College of Physicians and Sur.-
geons of Ontario. Office in rear ot
Aberhant's drug store, Seaforth.
Phone 90. Hours 1,30-4 p.m., 7.30
-9 p.m. Other hours by appointment.
such a lire -mew, bejeweled scabbard.
Mine, you see, Se out at 'heel."
"I ,see," he said (dryly.
("The pinking ;of your doublet suits
me not, either," 1 declared. "I could
DR. J. A. MLTNN, Successor to
Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of North-
western University, Chicago, Ill. Li-
centiate Royal College of Dental Sur-
geons, Toronto. Office over Sills'
hardiware, Main St., Seaforth. Phone
with impunity." the street to the ,pillory, mounted it, ward, ,crying out, "Captain Percy I
"I do not take your meaning, my called to her the drummer, and ord- Are you mad:?"
look," said the Governor, puzzled, ered him to summon to the Square by "1 lwas never saner in my life, six,"
but courteous, "There are none here tuck of drum every man in the place, I answered. "Frenelt fashions like (me
who would care to ithwait, in any Which done, and the amazed popula- not,--thei is all,---ator Englishmen :that
honorable enteriptise, a nobleman so Con at hand, gaping at the spectacle wear them To my ,thinking such are
DR. F. J. BEOHE.LY, graduate
Royal College of Dental Surgeons,
Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's
grocery, Main St., Seaforth. Phones,
office 185W, residence 1853.
Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Arrangements can be made for Sale
Date at The Seaforth News. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guranteed.
;In ,Which 'Enters My Lord !Carnal.
I felt a touch 'upon any shoulder,
and. turned to find Mistress Percy
beside me. Her cheeks vrere white
her eyes aflame, her Whole (frame
tense. iThe 'passion that derninated
her was so clearly 'anger at ,white that 1 stared at her in aniaze.
meat. Her hand slid from my should-
er to the bend 'of my arm land' rested
hig,h MI the Kling's' (favor. 11 trust that of the wife of their commander ((then Scarcely 'true -born."
iny Lard Carnal will make my poor absent .from home, pilloried :before (Continued Next Week).
house his own during his stay in Vir- them, she gave command, through the
ginia— What's the matter, my lord?" crier, that they should Ibake their fill :It 'Tesitifilfeis 'fafr (Itself. —Dr. Tito -
My lord's face WAS dark red, his of gazing, whispering, and :T.," „aging mas' Ecleetric !Oil net noht?IfiiTsoeiiiii.
ing up and dow,n. His white teeth had and then should go 'about their bus4- for 'puts or ,kcontusions, for splannts 'or ViltIolv:Pltriswieti';orc?iti:couglIG'or calds.
black eyes afire, •his mustaches work- then and there, f orever and a day,
closed with a. 'click on the loud oath ness and give her leave to Mind 'her burns, •for' pains in the limbs ar 'body,
'George and his well, know ,+1,,f the 'medicine proves
which had interrupted th,e Governor's
speech. 1-1.onest Sir
circle stared at this unaccountable
guest in amazement not unmixed wilth
dismay. As for myself, I knew 'before
the snake Whalt had caused the path
and the 'fierce triumph In that ItanIcl-
some face. Master Jeremy Sparrow
had moved a little to .ane side, thus
exposing ta view that which. ,his great
body had b dime 'screened from ob-
servation, --- namely, Mistress Jocelyn
it did 111°1t 'tile there. "Remember that I am ,your,
craven few; As for Master (Edward wife, she said Ina low, Ifierloa
Sharpless, Ile disappeared theyossr ind,lovissg wide
'In a moment the Ifavorite was be-
fore her, hat in hard, bowing to the
"My quest *lath ended where I
feared it hilt begunt" Ihe fflu'Ood
and .e3pultaint. "I ,have found my
Manos sooner than thought for.
Ii`ave Y0.11, 11'0 welcome for roe, lady?",
IShe Withdrew her ,ailtn (fr,oin imine .0
and curtsied to !him prdfounclly; then
stood erect, indignant (arid defiant her
iasdlt .'
,and Foceda. no guarantee. This
That day was gone, but men
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Officers --John Bennewies, trod-
hagen, President; Jas. Cortnelly,
erich, ;Vice -Pres.; D. ' McGregor,
Seaforth 4,.;Sec.-Treas.
Directors-,1Geo. 'MeCartney, Sea-.
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Agents-0as. Watt, Illlyth No. 1; W.
E. Hinchley, :Seefortli; J. A. Murray,
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Auditors Jas. Kerr,: Seaforth;
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Parties desirous to effect instirance
or transact other businessl will'; be
promptly, attended, toby applications
to any of ,the above named officers, ad-
dressed to their respective post
The Man TIith Asthma, almost
longs for death' to end his suffering.
He sees ahead only years of endless
tormentiwtti. h intervals of rest which'
are themselves draught with nleyer
ceasing fear of renewed attacks. Let
hirn turn to Dr, J. D: Kellogg's As-
thine Remedy and lcrtonw what ocm-
plete; relief it can give, Let ham but
use it faithfully and he will find his, ,
alsiannia' a thing of the past,
Want and Fes. Sale, Ads, 3 times, 50e • '
, ' , • • „. •
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