The Seaforth News, 1932-12-01, Page 1Kapp n'es's 'hSe plot ;her seat And cev!tre :n the breast, ,We may be wise, or rich, or great, But never can be iblles't': ■ HURON COUNTY'S. LEADING N E W S P APER 'Nae treasures, nor pleasures, Could make iis happy llan'g; The heart aye's the garaye That makes us right or wna'nlg. B urns. WHiO1LLE : S'ERI'ES, VOL. 54, No. 48 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY DECEMBER 1, 1932. Phone 84. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable 1. • y p Confectionery and Restaurant Hubbard Squash H'A'LF PRICE 75c. 90c 1.00 per dozen CLARKS PORK & BEANS -- 4 for 25c MUFFETS per pkg. lOc OVA+LTIINIE, per can 45c & 67c1 CITRON PEEL, per fh for ohoice 28c LEMON &'ORANGE PEEL a caps 'or cut mixed,'...... 18 MARA'SCHINO.OHER1IES inliqu- id 344 oz. red or green, 2 battles 25c VELTEX TOILET TISSUE - 2 rolls (4000 sheets) .. 25c LEMON OZL, 12 oz, bo'ttles......19c TRAS'OUITS, regular 2 for 25c ;Special i 3 for 25c NEW PRUNES, 3 ,Obs ...... . 25c f'FT'A:WES' VELVET SHOE POLISH 3for. 25c RAISINS with or without seed's 2 lbs. 25c CAN'D'IED PINEAPPLE (Green, red or natural' 60c lb. Dried apples at . per Ib. 3c' but must he bright, dry, and in large quar- ters. Apples cut into small pieces or slices not wanted. F. D. IHUTCHISON PHONE 166 COAL QUALITY -SERVICE E PHONE E. L. BOX � w TUCKERSMITH. Mr..,James Wallace of Essex, is v'is- litjg with relatives in this district. (Mrs, William 'Cameron was visiting- at isitingat the home Of her sster, Mrs. Roy S!eb'tdhmer, of 'Shanley, over bh week -end. Mrs. Fletcher Ta'wnsen'd is .spen'dintg a few days wufh her parents, Mr. and Mos. Trick of London. :Mr, and Mrs. ;Larne Webster o NfoK'illop spent Tuesday evening at Mr. Cecil .Glees. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston and CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church — . Pa star Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. 111' amt. -11'464k worship. Swbpect, "The Fate of a Sluggard," 5th in a series of messages. fnam Proverbs. 2.30 pan. --Sunday school and 'Bibi' elasses. 7 p.m.—tPulbilie womslhip. Subject, "Our Attitude to the New. Song ser- vice 7 to 7.•115 pm. Some .of 'the old fa. vorites. WILL RECEIVE Mrs. Edwand Boswell will re'ceiv'e for the first time since earning to Sea- forth,an Friday, 'December the 9th, from 4 to 6 ,pan. W.I. MEETING. The Junior In'sti'tute will hold 'their regular monthly ,meeting, Tuesday evening, Dec. 6th, at 8 &elock, alt the home of Miss Mary Pap'ple. A good programme is provided for. BOWLERS' EUCHRE The s'econtd olf a series of stag eu- chres was held by the Se'aforbh Bowl- ing Club in the -own hall on Monday even'in'g, with - a good attendance. The prize winners were: games, Hurry Stewart, Dr, Bedhely; lane .hands, Fred Barlow; .00nsolation, Chas. ,Stew- art Sr., W. J. Duncan. ' BY-LAW I'S CHANGED LA't a ,special .meeting of the Sea'for4h town council on Thurs'dtay night last the old town by -Taw with regard to .hawkers and pedd'ler's was. repealed, and a new by-'taw,passed which makes the 'licen's'e for resident hlalwkers and peddlers $115 a year, and non-iresidenit,. $25 a year. AOI members were present, A.Y.P.A. A group of young 'pe'o'ple met at the Rectory on Thursday eventing, Nov. 24, and an A. Y. ,P. IA. was or- g!anized. It .was rdecided to hold the meetings on the list and 3rd Mondays o:f every month at eight o'clock. The following officers were appointed: Patron, Canon Appleyard; prelsid'enit, R. Arc'h'fb'ald; Vice-president, iM. Wil- bee;O'se'c., B. Southgate; treasurer, E. Edgar. The next meeting, which is to be in the formi df a s!o'oial, will be held' Monday •eventing, December 5th. Alt those interested' please be present. HOME AND SCHOOL MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Horne and School Ass'ocia'tion will he held in the .public lsahlaai 0:51 Monday evening next, December fifth, . at 8 olcioak. The ad'dres's of the evening will be ,given by Rev, J. B. ,Klai'ne, BdA. There will also be several musical uu!mbers. A cordial invitation is ex - e tended to the ,pulbl,ic to attend this meeting. The aSsaciation extpedbs to have a colledtion of old, magazines and newsplapers 'in the spring, and would ask ,that the people ,of the 'town and .4cinlity would save these for them in f their homes. on df Vlarn'a spent last S'un'day at .Russelil. Coleman's. IHu'gh Blall of the Huron Road is busy these days ,grinding grain for the 1a'rmcts.. 'Lewis Telb'bulbt and John 'Martin bought .some ,bung settle ireful Mr, O1Brien• to feed this winter. Mr. Jas. Lamdslbo'rou'gh its helllpeng Cecil Oke cult wood these days. The yotung ,people df Welet End' are busy these nights practising for a cantata for Ch'ris'tmlas. West End al- ways puts an something good. Mr. Thlas. Welsh orf ;Hens'al'l, is again buyi'n'g bit -Ober and taking it to his mill to he m'anns'fadtured into lum- ber in that village. Mr. Welsh has been exltenisli'vel'y engaged' in the lum- ber business far many years .and is again at it and getting out ''l'arg'e quan- tities of logs. Miss Etta Bell of London Spent the week end .withher parents, I a rat p e s, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bell. Mr. W. M. (Doig attended d. 'bhie 'Royal Fair in Toronto last week and also called to see 'his old friend, Robert Elgie, alt the ,Western ;h'dsp'ibal. ST. JAMES' ARTS 'CLUIB 'St. James' Amts Club ih'eild its regu'l'ar meeting in the parish hall on, Friday evening, Ntovelmlber 25th, with Mr. Ignatius OMLeany in dharige. 'After a lengthy bu's'iness session, Mr. Fred O'Leary op'ehed the program with a reading. A vo'cat: solo by Miss Nellie Ve'tibeem, acdo1mlplanie'd'by Miss Celes- tine O'Leary, was the next 'number .on the program. Mr. Arthur Devr'reaux then, gave din extempore reading, an amusing one act ,farce w'as presented by Misses Mary Fortune 'and Isa'bel Flannigan and Messrs. Thos. Nolan and Mervin Lane. Rev. Father Goetz gave a short tank, ,concluding the pro- gram. Foltolwi,nlg the recreation the meeting adjourned. SISTER PARISE;S 'Following .a adntlplamatively short illl- ness, Mrs. E. Sclantlebury, wh'o' for the .pelst six years has been matron ,af theStratford S ratnd Houlse of Rdfwge died in the General era] Hbs ntal TuesdlaY night.ht. She is to be hurled today. 'The deceas- ed w0nsan had, during -her .term las ma- tron, won the relslpedt of the inmates there and her suddlen death will cdnate as a deep 'Shook to her many friends there and throughout the city. Born in Nottinghamshire, ' Enlgltanld;she had M'rs J. J. Bryant has retuened to hived inStrafford for the past twenty years, ,and faemenly lived far s. time in Toronto. She is survived by her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. George Hanley, her !home,' Pine Lold!ge, Roxboro, hav- ing spent bhe ]dart three weeks' at St. C'aBherines, Hamilton and L'on'don, rAi'ti'ng her sons. IProspelcts look ,go'o'd for anice crop this year, The Old. Maitland River at Rmdboao Bridge is ,pwttiusg an lois wi'n ter coast .early. tr Rlox!bono has atiw'ays been famed 5or its No. 113. school "Christmas enter- tainment. ;This year will -.he no ex- ception..Be ready for it-Deic. 21st, heir hus'b'and, .at'e son George, and one dlaughter Gertrude MIa'ry, bearing her name. 'Pw'o brothers, William Hanley, the manager of .the Royal Bank Brandh at Chatham, and George H!an- ley, trimester Of the Avon Chest Com- pany, formerly Of Stratford, but now in Seaforth, al's'o survive;--lS:brelfford Beacom -Herald. NEW BOOKS AT THE ,PUIBLI'C LIBRARY. (Adult Fli!dtion--ITgve Golden Years, IGibibs; .Prologue to Love, Oslten'so; Lark As'cendin'g, De la Roche; lBig IBu!siness H'wtelblinson• -lot Water, iWo'd'e'houlse; Forlorn Iduvd, Mars'h- all; OIb'seure Destinies, C'a!tlieir; Far- away, Priestley; - ,Ramona, Ja'ckso'n; Seven for a Secret, Webb; 'Head Tide, Lindoln; The Fortress, Wal- pole; !Sheets in the Wind, Cullum; MognoOua 'Street, Golding; Red Pep- per Rt'turits, Rich'mo'nd!M'is's PinI- erto.n, Rinehart; - (?Arizona Ames, 'Grey; .Roblber's Roost, Grey; Bull- dog Drummond, MdNehll Return of (Bul'ld'og Da•ummoncl; Ma Cinderella, !Wright; (Desert'Sand, Pedder; Cap- Italia Anther's •Dlau!ghlter, Deland; A Joyous Adventure, 'Or'czy; Voices !from the Du!stt, Farnol; Old' 'Wine and New, Deepliing; !Benefits Re- ceived, 'Ros'ntlan; VIa'grui!fi'cenit Ob= session, Dlaiglllas, iJuvien'i4'e-,Nlan'cy :Reese, 'Tih'o'mps'on; lRebe',c'ce of 'Sunnry!bro'ok Farm, Wig- Noln•jFhdti'on—{Sjpeeit Fire, Ballan- tylne; Yoe. and Your Hand, Cheiro; Dramatic E!pis'ode!s in Canada's His- tory, Jelffenys; Painitliing and Sculpture in Canada, Hammond; 'Paddle and .Palette, -Davies; 'Graphic Arts Yeah (Book, „inl-.'"" ELECT OFFICERS FOR 1933. The anneal meeting elf the 7mnlb'r Farmers was held in the Carnegie Li- brary hall on Mendlay_ervenin'g. Presi- dent )1rn Doig presided aver ,the meet- ing. The year's work and ,fin'an'ces were reviewed by secretary -treasurer, Will- son McCartney. Hockey for the don- Y ing seasons was the main itemof dis'- oulssao'n. Four team's, Tudkersanith, ,Eg- A' mo'ndlvu'lie, Winthrop and ISIt. Colum ban, the same as last year, will play. Dou'blehead'er games will be :played a every Saturday night as before. 0011. t A. rules to. govern. 'The eledbion df officers for 1933 re - suited as 1oll'dws': President, Amt Ni- j ch'altson; vice ,pres'i'dent, Vincent Lane; ap secretary -(treasurer, W'ilsbn 'iyDuCamt- nay; manngin:g do'm'm'iibtee, Percy Lit - de, t tde," Winthrop; John L. Mallone, St. lis Colulm'ban; Bent Golve'ni'ock, Egm'onud rifle; Harry Chesney, Tuckersneifh, b EGMONDVILLE.. The iEgmondville Y.P.S. had au ex- cellent meeting on Mlondiay evening: Miss Gladys Coleman had arranged for progressive'crdkino'le and a treat of candy,—,that was for the .social hour. The first part of the ev'enin'g was interesting as usual, entertaining and wors'hi'pful. Miss (Margaret F'orresit read a paper on "'Trate :Sportsman- ship." Miss Marion -'Wallace told a'bout educational Work in India IMlisls'H•elen Thompson. led lin 'the devotions assist- ed 'by Misses Anna Love and' Minna Stewart Miss !Gerltie WIeIbster was' at p'i'ano, Miss Vivian :Townsend was secretary anti Miss Alice Thompson k tt presided. Next 'weehe, YAP$. di - wades for a NNeilS!haw Missiion Circle meeting and the Young Men's 'Club.The Youn!g'•Men'�s. Club will have an open di�s'cus'tion on Systems of Educe - tion. Mr, Peterson, Mr. {Wood and Mr. M!allood!m will open the discu'ssion, speaking on the systems 'of Denmark,England, Canadla..: All young men wh711,be welcomed=1Mbn., .Dec. 5, 8 pun.. Chief Angus. McLean df the TrailRangers presided' on Monday even - hag at.7 o''d eck. TJ mentor told an- other chapter elf his Hearth Fire Stories. Hans were made for further badge work and dame games were played. At 8 o'clock the camp closed fora Week. All the 'me'mb'ers were present. .The Egmon'divvlie Auxiliary of the W.M.S.'is entertaining the membersof Huron 'Presbytery at bhe dinner - hour on!Tuc'sday, Dec. 6 in the sch'oo'l- room of the ichuedh. iT'he regular meet- ing of the Auxiliary will therefore take place that afternoon at 2:20 .pan.As this is the las't 'mee'tin'g for this ear, all the members and Ass'o'ciate Helpers are urged' to attend. Mfrs. Jas. hien 5101 give a talk on bhe new Study-iBob'k. Friday evening of last week, Mr. rad Mrs. Simpson of Egmendville en- c? c1 aS a sixty of their friends an'd neighbors from the 2nd line and fnom Egmondeilhe, when a most en bylablle time was spent . by all. The 'acnou's rooms with shining floors, certainly were very tempting, while he m'u'sic, which was furnished ,by es'srs, Sltelwart, Lilthliroe, Chesney, Haney and Gemmell, was of the very est, and such a number of beautiful ancers made us feet young again. The grace'fu'l lancers, folllotwed by the stately quadrille, the' the dreamy valise, then .the two-step and the mer- ry barn dance. I tell you Old' Man Depres'sion .lead 'to •creep under ,the bed, anyway, he kept mat of sight for that night. 'There were card tables for those who wished and Some of the oder guests enjoyed a good game. A midnight a delicious • luncheons was served, alter which we enjoyed a num- ber of olld time ,songs, b'e'autifully ren- dered. Again, the music, sprigh't'ly, en tioiaig; we had jigs, Sltratihsipeys and reels, put life and mettle in their heels. How could we 'leave till the wee sun' hours in bh morning. A feature Of th'e evening was bhe dancing Of the High, l land fling by h'al'f a dozen young girls', and yawnig ,men, a beautiful • sight, anrd one hard to beat, also some fine step dancing w'hildh was Iteaebi'ly en'cored, also a'caon dance by twoDung meat, *Meth 'caused merriment. Will .too soon came 'berme -going time, when all join- ed in singing "old favorites," and thanking our amiable host and ,hosltes's for giving us such a grand time, we' wended ,our ,ways hlo'me, tired hut Hap - PT, and thinking this is not such a bad old world after all. FORMER RESIDENT PASSES Mrs !L. C. Jaicksion received word on Tues'd'ay 'morning of the death of her sister, Mud. E. Me'ssett alt Peters- bung, Tlll., with wham she spent sev- eral weeks recently. Though Mrs. Me'ssedt had not been enjoying the best 'elf health, word of her death came as a shock. She was formerly Muss Elizabeth 'Pidwdbl, d'au'ghter of, the late Simon Powell of !Seaforth, and her husband, who prede'ce'ased ,her seven years ago, was engaged in the monument .business before leaving Selaforth many years ago. iTlhe funeral, took place on Wednes- day afternoon to Oaklan'd. Cemetery. Petersburg, Illinois. Her eldest son resides in Winnipeg and her only daughter in 'Chi'cago, and two sons are at 'home. 'Besides Mrs. .Taokson of town, she is survived by three brothers, Dr. Powell, Camden, NJ., and .Messrs. Charles and 'Fred Poavelll of And'nilore, :Pennsy'lvan'ia. HURON COUNTY FOAL CLUB MEMBERS MAKE EXCEL- LENT SHOWING. !The class 'for colts, judged on type and conformation, and' the Boys' Foal Slhdwmanslhp Comnpeti'tions, open to members of the Boys' Foal •Clubs lhrotughloat the Province were held at the Royal Agricultural Winter •Fair, Toronto on, Wednesdlay afternoon, November 24th respectively. Three .members d£ bhe 'Seaforth Foal Club and their 'colts were entered in these contests, as fdfldws: 'Allister Broad - :kat, S'elatorbh 3, Cli'fiford Smith, Kip - pen 3, and Stuart D. McEwen, Clin- ton 5. In the colt 'competition Allister Broadfadt won 41th prize of $12.00 and Stuart D. MelEiwen w'an 13ith prize of .5.00 on their colts. nn+ the Showmanship cOm!peti'tion _Atll'i'slber Bro'adfio'o+t 'won list prize of $25.00, and .a silver trophy- presented` .by Col. the Hlon'. T'h'os. L. K'enn'edy. (Smart D. MSEwen wan 116th prize of $10.00 and Clifford Smith 23rd prize Of 4110.00 !Forty' boy's competed in these .contests. The total prize money 'won• by the three 'boys' was $62,00 which in'dh''c'aites so'metthing of the ex 'celltent qu'alltty of the colts aholwn and also t!h:e sh'ownim'anshttp ab'ilh'ty .of ' the boys fmolm Hunan County, and 'we ex- tend our most &natty congratulations I o tlh'ein. The good work done by these boys an! d tlh'eiz pr a mane y wren by them reflects 'th'e whole hearted interest of the boys, and the educational value to 'ph!e marathons of the Flail Club, by this farm of horse imlprotvemeult work caurried on by the o'nn*aniz'sl i'on. of the Seafon'th Foal Club, under bhe super- •V Sealtorbh Agricultural ,Slocielty and the :Ontario Department of Agriculture, LIONS MEET. ision, and with the aslsi'stance of the fad _. Diamonds {k- — giExpert Watch Repairi Now On Sale 'CHRDSTIMAS CARDS in endless vae'iety. Yell new stock, new designs, new •s'hapes, new verses on therm, bright, lively, l'ovel'y 'Christmas Cards, haanno'rous cards, cards just radiating (Christmas 'cheer. Just the Christmas cards y'oiu are looking for you will 'find here .and 'th'ous'ands of cards to select from 5c. Priced 5c to 15c. Gift Caiendars that just supply the need for some 'pretty and useful 'favors when an expensive gift ii's not required. These ares ,direct importations from England and are the well known, in- ternationally „ y known Va9entyn'e 'Bl'ac'k • line. Priced lac to $'1.50. All the latest and newest in Gift Goods 'will be addled to the line we regularly .carry far this Christmas Season and we ,will be ,d'elightedto have you call in and look them over. Fred. S. Savauge t'1 JEWELER & OPTOMETRIST THE GIFT ISIHOP. Your seledtibn set aside Phone 194 for C'1urnsfmas. Our Gift to You. With every Diamond !pu'rchased a suitable Wedding Ring absolutely free. With every Wedding iRin'g purchased, a beautiful piece of Silver Absolutely free. 'Tune in ,n station 10 BIP. 1200 kiiacylcles, each! Wednesday at 12 to 12:50 °Week and 7:415 to 7:45. o'clock for our Bro'adcast. Watches *Poop tf:o IW WINTHROP. 'The W.M,S. and La'd'ies' Md of Ca- vell Church will meet an Tuesday, Dec. 6th, at the home Of Mrs. F..Bul- lard. Please nate change of date. This will be the :annual meeting. LOX. 813 held their annual social evening ''in the hall last Monday even. mg. The fir'st few hours were spentprog +wonrbsyiM'rs.u1'lI'elvin Clehre, the arkebeing won ';Theron `Betti'es and after lunch a good 1pe'agnanem'e was given. It olp'ened with a few Wor'd's frown Distric't Master iBlro. F. Bullard, Worshipful Master Bro. P. Little was chairman • and 'gave en a'd'dress followed' by a selec- biau front the Patrick, Htihien! and 'Strong anchestra. Past Masters Bre. John Bullard and Bro. Wm. Kinney 'gave short addresses on .the ;good work of the Orange Order. Charles Boyd tgawe two sodas. Mir. T. Rands of Sea forth gave violin selections with Miss Maylbeile Rands at the piano. A very humorous recit'at'ion was given by Neil Montgomery. A very interesting ta'l'k was given by the County Master, Brio. Fawlder, Crediton. Bro. Pough, of Exeter gave a talk au gond ?work being • done by the protestant home for Orphan Children alt 'Ric'hm'ond Hill ,fo'lidwed by a selection' by •bhe Dodds .and Smith orchestra. A few hours were spent in danoing (Don't forget the euchre and dance this Friday evening. Gents 251c. Lia - dies bring lunch. IWe are •sorry to hear of Annie, Ruth and George P.ettlhic'k being an . the sick li's't with the measles. Miss M•argaret'Mlontgoanery spent :Sunday at the hwine of her parents. 'We were sorry to hear of Mr. Hen- ry 'Beuerman 'having lost his large barn by'fire 'last Saturday night. The benelfit dance ,put .an by the ,10'01 ball clubs • for Andy Crozier last Fri- dley night was well attended. The hall' was filled to"capacity. We are glad to see Andy i'mpro'ving alter his serious accident while ,playing football. i31r. Cuthill lost a v'aNuablle caw last week. HARLOCK. ]Old Pioneer Passes.Jllhere passe away alt his 'home, .lo!t 9, ton, 111, i H'ul1'ebt on Friday morning, Nevem ber 29th, an.old .and respected res'idetr in . the pens'an of 'Mr. Wm. Jenkins The funeral service .was •c'ondu'cted a his ham's Monday, afternlooea by Rev Gardiner orf L'andesboro Un'i'ted church of which the deceiased was a 'liifelo'n member, although for the past to years he was unable to attend. Born in Hlalton county he came to'Huro when he'was 12 ye'a'rs of age, c'anttinu. ing to reside in these parts all his life On Apri11' .10, 11867, lee was married to Charlotte Dempsey, d!gu'ghlter of the fate John Dempsey; of God'eiri,o'h tp., who predeceased him 13 years ago. Atter marriarge they took up' 'house- keeping on .th'e Yarm knolwn n'o'w ,as,the HesseOwoo'd' farm where they farmed for five years, buying 100 acres Of .bu'slh, half a mile east of there. Here .they hewed out a ,home for bh:ems'elvjes clearing the land acre -by acre. He was of Irish descent, a man of upright character anfd' w.a's highly respected throughout the community. (In p:o7ithos he was aConls'ervative. He was an Or- angeman nearly alt his life and was an honorary melmber df Lon'dies'b!o'no Lodlge No, ;063. He is .survived by one son, J'oh'n, on. the home 'farm and' three daughters, Mrs. Philip Jiatrues, of Wintgh,am• Mrs. John Watkins, of Clinton and .Miss Lottie a,t Nome. Four grandchildren also survive. Interment was made in Clinton. cemetery, the pali6'earens were a Son -lie -law, Mr. John Watkins, b r v Is n Har Wat s two a d o s ry g and Billie Watkins,'Clinton, and three nel'gihlbiors, Thames Leiip'er, Frank Mc- Gregor and Pieter Taylor. Floral of- ferings, came from the family, the W. M.S. of 'Lomldesbero' United Church, the Women's !Institute of Clinton H'u. ran Ldd'ge No. 397, Clinton, and Mrs. Morgan' Agnew. Friends at the funeral included Mrs. G. A. Cooper and Earl, Mr, and Mins, Albert Blond, Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Rot est •Cal'dlough Of Goderic•h oiwn'slhlp... An aged sister died in Tor - auto August 112th. d b ni -I • h 8 n The semi-mlonvthly b'antgtiet of the. Seaiiarth Lions .cilulb was h'el'd Monday night with a full attendance of mem- bers, Lion F. S. IS'avaege pres'i'ded. Rev. Canon Ed!wand Appiey'ard -' was guest stpealeer. Tauesday for his, Wingiiam h'o'me. LEAVES HOSPITAL. M+r; Thomas Field, injured in a Mo- tor accident at Rental uu which bis wife was fatally in{jer.ed, was able to leave Sco•tt. Memorial 'Hospit'al on WEST BRODHAGEN. Barn Burned.-lA bad fire occurred in this neighbor'hao.d last 'Saturday ev- eningon the farm of Heney F. Reiter - Mann, Jr., when his bug ,b'arn burned ' 'to the ground with all the season's crop from 250 acres of •land; the live s'to'ck was all s'ave'dbut bhe ch'i'ckens were all last. This is a big loss to Mr.' A FAREWELL 0In .memory of Mrs. J. S. Roberts!). Happy times we two 'have had, 'S'ometimes jovial, seldo'm sad, 1Nlow, old friend, I w'a've my 'Nand To yon in that other 'land: Death bias clammed you but the shore IIs not silent as, of yore, Voices that I used to hear W'hislpen' softly in my ear, E'en the shadow of the shade D'oes not (make ,my ,soul dismayed, For the Pilot waits for me O1otse beside the sullen sea; Sadly I enust say •good'ibye (We'll' meet solrne day, you and L H. Isabel Grah'ann. B'euermann, The corre's'pondent did .not 'hear h'o'w m'u'ch insurance there was on .the building. 'just before ,cloying this 'letter I was told 'by phone that Mr. Charlie Rock lost his barn the same way this after - neon (Monday) between 2 and olo!ok, about 113e miles east of the vil- lage of Br!odlhagen. Mr. George Diegel elf Br'odhtage'n went to 'To'ron'to Monday to have an- other ,operation performed on his head fallwhen, Which 1 as injured two years ago this he fell off the scaffold .when building !bhe new church at Monkton, He could nidt work at times for paint in his heald. We hope he will be cured this time. Mr. and. Mrs. iWint. Isidhe of Seb- rrn'gville called . on Mr. and lire. Chiarlie Regete fast Friday .afternoon. BRUCEFIELD. ,Mr. and Mrs. Zapife of our vi'lnage have gone to Detroit to spend a few weeks with friends. !Miss Irene Snider and Mr. and Mas. Mtonteilth and family, all of .London, spent the week end with friends in the vibl'age. Mr. Waiter MacBelath of Sas'katche- wan Is visiting friends in the village and vicinity at present. Nurse Hazel Hlaugh of .'Toronto' is at her ]aorta at .present. Her many friends 'will .be glad to hear that .she is recovering from her recent illness, ;Mo. 'tilted 1G'ralinger's sister, 'M'rs. Jones, who ha's been visiting at his home has gone to Toronto, to the home of her cou's'in, w'hb recently. met with such a serilouls adcident. NINTH ANNUAL Commenceine t SEAFORTH ' COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Cardno's Hall, Fri., Dec. 2, 8p.m. Presentation of 'dipliomals and prizes. awns. Dances. Gymnastics. Two One -Act Plays- 1The- aqui in the Bawler Hat" ! 'by A. A. Miluie, "A Night ,at ,an. Ilam" by (Lord ,Dnimis'an ; y General ;Adinislsiour 466 tax inilciu!de Id. Reserved n an seats for ' Alberhantls Drug ]Shore o „ 1Oc extra '5, . at 1 d after Nov. 25th.