HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-11-24, Page 8PAGE EIGHT.
'The funeral a the late Mrs, Hectcr
Reid took plate from her •late home
on Friday afternoon, interment in
Bards cemetery. Her pastor, Rev. W.
A.Young, fead ehlarge of the Iservice,
The Young People's RAT of ,Sonth
Huron hdltl a banquet in the.:United
Church, on )Friclay evening with about
iO tielelgates !present. Alt six o'!clock
' a very bounteous supper was served.
Mr. Wilcifong anted as toastmaster
and !led io several popular songs.
Messrs. Frank !Strang, Harvey Hyde,
Gerald Godbult, cantlitilates .for the
boys' parliament, were caged on, each
giving very interesting addresses. A
mass meeting was then held in the au-
ditorium of the church, presided over
by Mr. Harry !Sturdy of Auburn, the
president of !South linoon League.
The principal speaker idf the evening
vas 'Rev. De 'Witt Goetz's, of Strat-
ford, who gave a very inspiring ad-
dress sttessing the importance Of
girls and boy e ,senvinlg in the church
'work and societies. Several ministers
flora• adjacent • 'cdngregationa were
present and gave addresses, 'Solos
were given by Da-. Slane and Mr
George ?waiter of Sarnia .acid a read-
ing by Mr. Francis Abb'Ott.
,Mrs. Harry goodbi of Chisellmrs
has purelhased from Mrs. Samuel
Steaoy her house on South Richmond
street 'Mrs. Jacobi takes possession
on Dec. 16th,
Death of Mrs. Chas. Troyer.—The
death occurred at the residence qf her
daughter, Mrs. George Hudson on
Saturday morning of alas. Charles
Troyer, after a short inneee. The de-
ceased, Whose maiden name was El-
len !Sheffer, was born' in Vaughan
towns , near °rent° 811 years ago
and when a young girl moved with
her parents to 'Stanley 'township where
she lived till her marriage to Mr.
Charles Troyer. They conducted the
Hillsgreen store for a good many
years till the •death of Mr. Troyer,
when she moved to Hensall and had
since made her home with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. 'George Madison. About a
month ago she took pneum'onia. and
also a severe heart attack, :from which
she failed to rally. She leaves to mourn
her loss three daughters, Mrs. 'Robert
Jarrott, of London; Mrs. William
VanHern, London and Mrs. George
Hudson, of Heaven; and three sons,
Case Hudson, Of Tilsonburg; Charles
of Hamilton, and !jams of Toronto.
Also a sister, Mrs. Sarah Dick and HAYFIELD.
two bnethers, Charles Sheffer of Mi- ,
Mrs. R. H. ,F. Gaindiver and daugh-
chigan, and Edvrm
ard a 'Hean, The ter Betty, were at Toronto for a few
funeral' took place on Monday morn- days last week,
ing at rl •o'clock from the home of MrS. A. Newton Brady spent a
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hudson, interment
couple of days in 'Poronto last week
in the IHensall Union cemetery. Her _
aa 4.Newrona. may a couple Of
pastor, the 'Rev. Arthur Sinclair, had
marty spent the week end. with her
grandparents 'bete. •
!Services in Carmel! Presbyterian
munch were withdrawn: on Sunday
vetting owing to the anniversary ser,
ices at the ,Caven Presbyterian
Church, Exeter.
Mies Nellie ,Cannichael of Exeter
pent the week -end with friends,
The many friends of Mrs, Donald
IlaKinnon will be sorry to hear she is
confined to her home through
Mr. w. J. White spent the week
epd with relatives in Collingwaod.,
MiS'5 ;Margaret "l'aalltor of Ohisell-
huret spent the 'week end with friends
in town.
The Young People of the Carmel
Presbyterian Church 'held a meeting
oa Mlenday evening. IThe occasion. was
literary night, the ;topic being taken
by Miss Hannah Murphy on Music
and Musicians, iillustrated on the Piano
by Mrs. W. - A. Young and ,Miss
Blanche Mustard.
Young People's Day twos observed
in the United Churth on Sunday ,lbelt.
Large congregaitio.na were present at
both 'services and a young pedple's
choir led, in the singing under the
able leadership of Dr. I. S. Smiltlie.
Alt %themorning service Rev. W. •E.
Elliott of Main 'street 'United Church,
Exeter, occupied the pulpit. Special
pafts ina-th.e anthem were taken. by
Mrs. H. Phi•let and Miss Florence
Welsh, a duet by .M.i.s.ses. Isobel Smale
and Florence McDonald and a solo
by Mr. George Poulter of Varna. A
the evening servie Rev. J. H. %aunt
on of James Street :United Church,
Exeter, delivered a very eiccellent ad-
dress and solos were given by IMiss
Pearl Wood's ; Exeter, anal 'Mas. Geo.
Mr, ,Stewart Ball has returned to
his pesition in Oshawa.
Mr, Noble Holland and children are
'laid up with an attack of measles.
Mr. Noble Holland ha's 'finished
threshing beans for the season. M1'.
Malcolm ,Mr.Deralid had three acres
of beans that gave him 1140 bushels,
over 46 bushels per acre. Mac holds
the 'record this year.
• charge ef the services. The 'pallbearers weeks
The deer hunters, J. Towed, Walter
were Old friends Of the ideceased, Wm.
Westlake, Brawn Higgins and Robert
Consitt, rhos. Consritt, J. W. 'Ortwein, pent,rair I returned home last week
John angle, Owen Geiger and Harry
Howard. with thnee deer, the three last named
Death of Miss Greta McNaughton. having secured one each.
'Commencing Sunday next, 27th,
—The death occurred in the Scott
service in 'Tninity Church will be held
Memorial Hospital on Friday of Bar -
at 7 p.m. and so continue through the
bare Greta MeNaughton, youngest
winter. The service Sunday evening
.daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M,c-
will be an A.Y)PJA. rally and officer,s
Naughton of Hensall. Miss ,McNattglt-
ton was born in Hilbert townshipand will b'e ajP°°Iinted.
The You'ng People's 'Deplartment of
moved with her parents to Herman
St. Andrew's United Church held their
ten years ago. Five years ago she was
regular ,meeting Thursday evening,
appointed librarian' of the Hensall
November 17th. :The topic "What does
public library and also treasurer of the
it mean to 'be a Christian Citizen," was
'library board and w,as a faithful' and
interestingly ,and devellOped
valued officer, IShe had been in delic-
Albert Woods. Don MeKenatie
ate health for a nlimber of years. She bY
then led in a discusaion Of iniportant
was stricken voith a severe heart art -
questions on the uses of aficohol. The
tack the early vela of the week an'd on
meeting closed with conic -wrathy sing-
• Wednesday 'was taken 'to the Scott
The officers .of the society are as
Memorial Hoapital, Seaford' where in'g•
she passed away on Friday. Residesfol'lwa:Holn. President, Rev. R. M.
her bereaved' 'parents she leaves to Gale; president, Murray 'Grainger;
moors her loss one sister, Mae,
of vice ,president, E. Rehm; seonetary, Ce -
Toronto, and two broth.ers, Peter and afdLeed. Leader of Discussion,
Lorne, cf rrs, Tire funeral was Dor' MeRenziep organist, Mabel
' private, taleing place from the home Scdtchmer; social doinntittee, Gladys
of her parents on Manday afternoon, Gale, Fired Wallis, Mrs. R. Sledtchmer,
interment in, Hensall Union- Cemetery. Elgin Porter, G. Castle, 'Elizabeth
The Rev. Arthur ISin.clair officiated. StI°'w'd'en, ISolbel Kirk.
The p.allb'earers were Me's'srs, 0,01 Mt. and Mrs'. F. G Neelin, who have
Stoneman, Flen'n MeLean, Lloyd Mc- been in Seadorth for a few weeics, re -
Lem, Rebt. MdLean, IWItn. Slavin and turned Monday. ,
James MeDougall, 'Mr, and Mms. W. R. Jowett kit on
Wes Samuel Steacy and .5011 Jack Thursday 'o'f last week to spend the
of Detroit spent the week end with winter in Florida.
frienids, M Herman and' Hillsgreen, 'Mies, Grace Jewett is visiting ia To -
While 'coming 'to Illensall from rohta. '
Landon on Monday morning to at- "Dr. HoPains of Toronto is in 'charge
tend the funeral of their grandmother, od Dr. Newton Brady's practise dor-
Airs. Charles Troyer, Rath, Claim and ing his absence in ;Toronto.
William. VarlHorn ef London met Tb'e You n g People of St. Andrew's
with what might have 'been a serious United ,Churich are ,preparing to have
accident. Owing to the 'sl'ippery con- a play shortly before Christmas.
•dition af th.e toads the car ran into 3/Liss Margaret Groves of Goderi'ch
the ditclh and turned over on site side, is assisting in the post office here.
the men/mats. 13 eing badly cat by fly- ,
ing glass. After getting their car re-
paired, the young people .were able 'to
Tetuan in the afternoon to their home Asthma Brings 'Misery, but Dr. J.
in London. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy will re -
Rev. Arthur 'S'idc'llir °c'euPield '-hs place the misery with welcome relief
pipit in the James Street United Inhaled as smoke of vapor it reaches
.,91"11'°1'' Exe)b"' no 'Stinld'Y 6vell'ing the very innetmost recesses of the
'1'sIt''bronchial Passages and soothes them.
Mr. W. 'Batten of Ushonee town- Restriction passes and easy breathing
ship, has &tainted a butchering basinees return's. Illf you knew as 'eii how
in the 'Murdocic -13lock ,and is carry -
this remedy would help you as do
ing a Spleadlid assortment of meats, th,005a0 dis of
grateful users, there
Hensall has noakthree butcher ,shops
would be 'a package in your home to,
and with. a number of darmeas bring -
night. 'Try it.
• ;lig in meat to sell by the .qtrart,er,
Herman citizens, will be well eapplied.
Little Ilelen, IvicNgtagil-Atcin aF Cao-
Send us the names of your visitors,
g the
e arerage though
No.veraber, 1906.
The death oCcairred on Taes'daY 04
Christina Sophia Stein, wide'o.f the
late Mr. Claus Kruse of Eganonalville,
Mrs. Kruse 1paased away at the home
oa her son Mr, Richard 1K.ruse, Tack-
ersinith, where' she ;trad made her
home for the past year, The deceased
had' be.en, in failing health for some
time owing to the infirmities of 'her
advanced 'age, being over 77 yeans old.
She is survived by three soda, 'Richard
Kruse of the bvickyard, Tucker -eolith
and Charles and Louis Kruse .a Kruse
Bres. gro,cery town. The funeral
took 'place Tharsday alfternolon to in-
terment in the Egavondvillie cemeteryBrucefield. Brucefield.
Miss Mend Wilson hn as gone oa
mearth1s, visit with friends in Galt.
Mr. .and john, Dennison anfd
Robert Young are among the recent
arrivals 'home 'from the West.
•?Miss Lizzie MeCowan has returned
hcan'e from a visit with friends in Lou
Mr. Alex. Mu,stard shipped thrree
carloads crf lumber 'from Bratefielld
station the other day.
Mr. Fred Benifort, who has been in
the employ of Mr. William Rosts,isa
go,n,e to Pontiac, ,mieh.
1Can Tuesday evening, Got. 23rd, m
event Of .unutstrall interest toblk place
at the residence of Mr. 1Balfout, Kip
pen, when James Mellis and 'his wide
celebrated 'the 50th anniversary
their marniage. There were a goodly
number olf relatives and friends pres-
ent. Rev. Mr. M,cICibbon, on behalf
of the family read an addness,
:Veins w-a's presented with a ha'n'd-
somegold headed cane and Mr.s. Mel -
lis with a handsume broach. Mr. Mel -
lis made a suitable reply after which
short addresses of cong,ratullation were
delivered by Rev. Hart, Urquhart and
Mr. John Gaseho has leased the
Hickman fanm, Bronson Line, from
Mr, Andrew 'Johnson for a term of
five years.
'Misses 'May and Lydia Brom have
gone to Toronto, where they intend
remaining- for some time.
•'Mr. E. C. Down, V.S., has disposed
of Ihis dwelling in tOwn to Mt. Chas.
Walper, the consideration being $900.
Weunderstand that Mr, and Mrs.
Doan shortly leave 'town, and may
go '10 IWlintOeg, where their two
daughtens. are at 'present located.
Mr. William. Klapp and danaily have
moved to Stradard, where they will
make their future home. That they
may enjoy the 'comforts of their new
home for ,ma.ny years is the wish of
their friend.s •here.
The sad intelligence was received
last weelc of the death at 'his home in
Sebhaing, en 'Sunday, Oct 21,
of Mr. Samuel Miller, eldest son. .of
Mrs. Sarah, Miller, of this village. The
deeca.sed 'had been in failing health for
some years. He 'was county constable
and was respected by all who knew
him. He leaves a widow and a number
o'f c,hildten to mourn his loss.
• .M,Iss Edith Falcener has returned
to Goderich baying been hare for the
past few weeks at her hdme,
Mr, T. Mustard has retrieved his
family from the village and have set-
tled in Clinton
Messrs. G. King and H. Turner
have returned home from the west.
'Chester -Tippet left last week for
Hamilton Where he has .secured a
p coition.
The public school trustees 'hiave re-
engaged T. A. Brownlee as principal
and IVIiss F. M. Starbury as assistatd,
at an Increase in salary for both.
Lorenzo Proctor, of ,London, paid a
visit to his brother recently. City life
seems to agree with Low, and his
many &leads ate always 'pleased to
hear of his prosperity,
Mr. Chas. Riley has returned from
the W,est, after two years absence. He
is well pleas,ed with the c'oantrY and
may in. future make his home out
Mr, Austin Dexter happened with a
serious accident recently. While fixing
some shingles on the roof of the barn
he slipped, and fell about thirty feet,
receiving a sprained ankle and nar-
rawly missing a pile of stones, ,which
undoubtedly would laa-ve been more
serious had .he alighted on them,
is getting along avell and will soon be
able to he about again.
Hensall. .
James Prieit has secured a positioa
on the Guelph ,and Gaderfeh, branch
of the .C.P.R. and wit move with hisfamily.s'hoi4t1g,
family. ;shortly,
'Fred Bengough is .home from the
West where he has been running 2
threshing engine near Frobisherr. He
states' that the Yield olf wheat was not
nearly se good as last year, ablaut 18
bushels beim th
erop. of straw was, very heavy;
Bought 'Colt.
tOohn:Oliver, 7th eon, Gney, recently
disposed of a fi.ne ,heavy draught geld -
in, 2 years old, to ,Mr. Eider, near
Hensag, for the sons sif 1$225. The colt
took the red ticket at Igantssels fait
A Big Load.
. A team of Ihorses, whose weight
does not emceed' 21200 Ib. belonging to
Mr. Beat Watson, of Mortis, recently
deww a load of 1150 bushels of lime,
making 51/2 tons weight from the
B'oclInain lime works to the Belgrave
station for shipment. 'This heavy load
was in tibiae wagons, which were fast-
ened together by means of ,chains.
;In the death Of Mr. 'Arthur Sneenau
the township of Stanley loat a 'worthy
citizen and neighbor. Mr. Sreenatas
EXTRAS 45c FIRSTS- ....35c
SECONDS 25c. Trade
Manitoba Flour 199
per cwt. •
Men's Heavy Rubber
'Boots 3,25
Women's Rubbers
. Pair
Pastry. Flour 4011.aa.
24 pbund..
Men's Laced'
• Rubber Boots ........ 2.25
Youth's Rubbers
70c Pair . ... . 70c
It Pays to buy in Egmondville.
death ,canne as a painful shock to his
friends, as he had been in his. usual
health only a few days prior to this
death. The remlainist 'were interred in
the .Catholic cemetery at Drysdale,
and thte funenal 'being largely attended,
No master aculptot glean ed the
massive head; no human 'hand formed
the features. Yet there 14 stands, in'
the valley, of the Ornatron River, in
the 'Oklahoma panhandle, a' sphinx
nevertheless, mugged, aggressive, carv-
ed and fashioned by the sharp tools
of• nature—wind and sand. And alt
who go to learn the answer to its
riddle will ask in vain; for th.e mouth
is aihut light and the ,pro/fille- is =-
friendly, as if the looely figure had a
heart of stone. The ikwitinx" stkindls
in the midst of a hitherto little -
known wonderland that the constrne-
tion of a highway has 'opened up. The
beautiful ,Cimiarron Valley was a hard
.Sichool girl or business girl wanted
for ro:otaing Id ctompany. Near col-
legiate. AlpIply to 'The News office.
11 library table and 2 chairs, d. hall
rack, 1 reading lamp, 1 rocking halit,
1' .centre table, 11 kitchen cupboard, 1
kitchen table, 1 baby Sleigh, a elimb-
er of hooked' rugs at reasonable prices.
These trray be seen any day but Fri-
day. IVIIRS, S..CJUDMIOR1E, Seadorth,
' 417
A limited quantity Of clean !mixed
grain at 69c per haadred, also a 'small
quantity of wheat at 45c per busihel,
ligIht or unclean grain, will not be ac-
cepted, ,KRUISIE BROS. 471
place to reach; today automobiles
National Blue Flame .011 Bunter,
Call up 268w. Pleased to call en you.
I have installed several in town and
they are giving the best of satisfac-
tion at a very low price. S. CARTER.
whiz up and alow.n the wellabunt high-
way that traverses the 'south shore of
the river. On [either sides the walls
of the valley tower for mote than a
thousand feet, and the grotesque wind
and sand sculptured rocks on every
hand .hold you spellbound,
The "sphinx," which is the chief
wonder of the place, is the representa-
tion tof a woman's head. The eyes, the
nose, and the Month are perfectly
proportionfed, and the brown - tinted
sandstone of which the figure is com-
posed brings out every feature in
sharp contrast, especially 'again'st a
background o'f cloudless blue on a
summer clay. Standing alone on tap of
a s.mall hill, She commands a view of
the new highway for miles to the east
and to the west.
No creature is more thonoughly ter-
restrial than the spider. Like man, a
spider b;eathels the air and walks on
the land. Yet two kinds, the water
spider and the gossamer spider — so
we learn from Country Life, — have
conquered respectively the difficulties
of subaquatic and ,of aerial existence.
fIlhe water spider is able to spin a
web at the bottom of a pool and
moor it to.stones and weeds. A spec-
ial line runs to a water weed on the
surface, and up and down it the ad-
venturous spider 'goes; with her she
brings down bubbles o'f air entangled
in the hair of her body. 'Looking like a
globe of quickeilv'er as she descends,
site 'creeps below the web and
brushes off the air, which catches the
silk -canopy and 'gradually turns it
into a dome. In th'a't dry charnlber un-
der water she 'lays her eggs and rears
her young.
dn the extraordinary ballooning al
gossamer spiders we see another ex-
ample of daring that has become' in-
stinctive, On a ?fine morning in au-
tumn, especially when there is a
slight breeze, many small spiders Of
certain kinds meant on gate.posts and
palings and tall shrubs and, ,standing
with their heads to the wind, allow
perhaps fon'r or five 'thread's of silk to
s'trea'm oat from their spinnerets. IA's
the threads lengthen the wind polls
More strongly on them; the 'spiders
let go their hold, and the wind car -
rite them away usnally upside clown
o,n the silken "parachutes." The spida
era may pass from a crowded area to
a less cnOwded area; they may travel
from one place' to another; they may
crass a shoot of water, 'the surface of
which they may just touch as they
sweep along, 'If the wind falls, the
spiders lengthen the thread's; and if
it rises, they draw them in. 'Wlhen the
aerial journey is done and the spiders
slink gently to earththe plowed fields
and the meadows and 'the hedgerow's
may be covered in certain places With
a .shower of gossamer.
The less said, the sooner mended
IHe who would gather roses' must
no't fear thtonas.
'T'he ignorant Man may aenuire
more wdsd'om .than eec who thinks
-he knows it an.
The lazy servant takes eight steps
to avoid one.
01 Houieholtd !Effects at rear of
Berree Store, Baucefield, on 'Tuesday,
Nov, 29th, at 1:30 sharp, 'consisting
3 cdmIplete bedroom suites; solid
oak dining room .suite, extension table,
2 small 'tables, 5 rocking Chairs, side-
board, kitchen chairs and tables,
washi,ng Machine ,and wringer,' Quebec
range almost new, heater, New Wil-
liams sewing machine, sqpare piano
(rosewood), couch, davenport, feather
bed and tpillOws, rugs, 'compels, cur-
tains, 'lin'oieum's, cushions, pietures,
mattresses and .springs, leaned fruit,
fruit jars,atoilet sets, 'dishes, pots, pan's'
and other anticlea too numerous to
This isn ,exceptionally ig'ood o'f
furniture. 'Everything 'to be said -as
proipriettess is giving up hause-;
iTeauns, cash.
'Mts. James 'Berry, Proprietress!
Geo, H. Elliott, lAuctian,eter.
A newly appointed second lieuten-
ant was detailed for duty with the
quantermast-er and put in ehirge o'f
tratreplontation. 'Although he was well
educated, he knew no -thing of motor
-• One day one tot the truck drivers
carte into the office and 'repotted that
his truck needed' oa-enhatting.
"What see'ms to be the chief
trouble?" inquired the officer. ,
'Well, air, two tylindens. are missing
for one thing," replied the driver.
"'VVhen did you discover that?" de-
manded the lieutenant, who of course
did not realize that in automobile par-
lance a cylinder may he "missing"
and yet may also he present
'This morning when 'I went' into
the garage, sir."
"Were you the first person to enter
the garage " •
"Yes, Isla I locked it up last n'igh't,
and I was the first to enter this morn-
ing."- The man seemed a bit puzzled.
"Was . title truck all right when you
left 14 last 'tight?"
"Yes, sir,.."
"You keep the keys to the garage,
d'o You net?"
"Had the lock 'or' the windows been
tampered, with?"
"Why,—er—no, sir, Everything
was secure."
"Then who do you suspect took
those twocalinders, out of the cat?"
the lieutenant inquired itnecently.
But the queation remained unan-
swered, for the man was .suddenty
taken with a.bad choloing fit, and, the
officer 'had to jump ap and, pat him on
Want and 'For Sale Ads, 3 times 50c,
Home Cookin Sail
Sat., Nov. 26
Erom 2:30 to 5 o'clock
G.'W.V.A. Rooms, Seaford'.
By the laldies of Coven ant*
Stuffed chicken ready for the
oven; fresh eggs and bsit'ter;
.pieldes; thome.made baking of
all .kinds.
Ticket for draw for basket of
groceries given with each 10c
bag of candy.
11.011'6E TO pEkrr.
011 Ord street, half of ,doable tene-
ment house. Apply to 'Rex 155, Sea -
forth, or phone 77.
I n North Main Street, Seaforth.
Seven acres o'f 'good land. A bargaira •
For particulars apply to: ---
Seaford', Ontario -
Vendor's Solicitor.
For sale, hand-picked S'py ° apples,
-for fifty cents per bag. W. M. DIOIGe
IlCippen, R.R. 2, Phone 29 on 93, Has-
'Furs repaired, als'o 'fur 'coa'ts re-
lined. Phone 1161-W, ,Seaforth„
Wanted a farm to rent, 75 or RID'
acres; .must have fair good braidings.
Apply to 31011111 PRYICE, Walton.
Radio benethes, in black 'walnut. Cam
be seem at my Workshop on Victoria
street. Prices reasonable. HARRY
IHIAlRIT, Phone 224W, Seadorth.
'Carne- of George and Victoria,
'Seaforth. Eight rooms, good cellar..
hard and soft water, latter inside..
Electrie Good 'barn and shed
suitable 'for 'good garage. 'MRS. P. Dea
COURSElYa EgrnnThdvine• 411'
To close the estates nt the late Iter-
bert Holmes and the late tR.ose
Holmes, we have been instructed VG
offer 'for sale :the farm being Lot
number Thirtyathnee (33), Coates-
sion Twelve (112) in. the Township of
MeKillop and „containing one hun-
dred (100) acres, and upon which
there -is said to be erected' a two-
storey brick house, a large banked
'barn with goOd stabling a.nd steel fit-
tings, a wintknill, a driving s'hed anti
ether outbuildings, Upon this farm
there are mine (9) acres od bush and
thidty ('30) acres of fall ploughing, a
good orchard and both barn and
house are equipped with Delco lights.
The land is saidi to be particuladY
choiee, is well fenced and drained.
For further Imrticulars apply to the
D, SUTHERLAND, Agent, , Sea -
'forth, 'Ontario,
HAYS & MIEIIR, Solicitors for Exec-
utor, Senforth, Ont.
!Send us the name's' of your visitors.