The Seaforth News, 1932-11-24, Page 5THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1932 THE SEAFORTH NEWS.
Superior • Crain Stores where .shoppers
become Satisfied Customers
Lte'ms for week ,eacllinig Nov. 30th.,
RIINISIO,Large' Size... .. , , .. , ... , per pkg. c
PLUtM JAM, 40 oz.per Jar.
SUINLIGHT SOAP ....... , 10 bars
FANCY BLUE EOS.E RIICE..........................3 lbs.
CEREAL EL,EIND, "the 'balanced breakfast food" °
4 vitamins; 9 minilerlails, p'er. Ip'kg• , . • 5 c
'.`blade from select Seville Oranges!' 40 oz. jar... 00 C
Silerer 'token on every jar.
Heinz Cream of To'm'ato Soup, handy size •
Salads 'Tea 3. 1'b„ , ..23c; 1 .lb. 45c.
Sehnveider's Sliced Broaldfeat Baco'ru,
14 '1'b. p'kg. with' rind off per pkg. 1,1c
F'ancy 'Red Co'hoe Unicorn Brand Salmon, e's•. r ... . . . . ..... . : . . 14c
Vis ,25c
Fry's Cocoa, 54's per tin 23c
. Bniblo; cleans and ,polishes in one operation ,
2 pkgs.
Uawrason's Snowfa'ke• Ammonia .. 2 pkgs. 115c
IJawras'on's Flusho (pen ,tin 23c
Prepared Mustard large jar 10c
McLaren''s- Herbs; Baulky D'ress'ing, Sage, Savory, Thyme
per pkg. 10c
Chase iee Sanlii'orni's Seal Brand Coffee . ...., ......_ ........ TA's 27c
Ls 53c
Ivory Soap, medium cake 2 cakes 15c
Vends Cough Syrup per bottle 32c
Hillier:est Sh'orten'ing, 1's 2 'lits. 22c
Corn Meal 2 lbs. 9c
Germ Meal per lb. 5c
New Mince Meat , ' 2 lbs. 25c
Siatin Mixed 'Candy .per lb 15c
,As`sor'ted Creamys per Ab. 19c
Breached Sultana. R'aisise. , ....... ... .. , ..Ip'er lib. 19c
Australian Su'l'tana R'ais'ins L' lbs 25c
Lelia Relishes, with s'ee'ds: 2 'lbs. 23c
Lemon and 'Orange' Peel .... ........... ,per ,Ib. 19c..
Citron 'Peel per i'b, 25
Cooking Eigs---befit qu'ali'ty 2 lbs. 15c '
Glace C'h'erries, loose ...............................5/4 l'b. 10c
,Glace Pineapple Rings, '/ lb. 15c
Gleaned Currants 2 lbs.. 27c
Cut tMxed Peel, imported per Ib, 19c
Salmon Red Coat (Brand large, the .10c
Fresh S'al'ted ,Peanu'ts per Ib, 10c
3 tin's 25e
Ross J. Sproat Phone 8
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that crates
and a
Dependable Reputation
p P
Good Quality
Please us by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
• you by our services and highes'
market prices for good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, graded and
paid for while you wait.
The seaforth:. Creamery
' C. A. BARBER, Prop.'s
:Amor or Horse Equipment
V., ;1 WP T.K ER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma. andlicense,.
Flowers ;Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
The Canadian Bacon Quota
The quota of 2,500;000 cwt. Of
bacons and hams, .assigned to 'Can-
ada by 'the United Kingdom is not,
of itsself, of any planticanl'ar imtipont-
ance. tart ,the present time and .for
ail time past Canada has had un-
rest -kited entrance into ,the ,British
market, She Ma's no'w been seta
definite. quota that she inlay 'eseport
;but 'that 'q'uanti'ty is so large that
it will be 'a ,matter of a number, of
years helot* the .figures ' of e 500;00(1
cwt: (,80,'00;•000 lbs.) have any spe-
cific _ meaning.
The 'im'po'rtance of Canada's .tbaco:n
quota is that it is ,part of the -plan,
the main feature' o
, , If which is the an
nounced policy of the 'Uri'ited King=.
dom 't•o 'erstore a reasonable stability
In the IB'ri'fis•h ;ntiart et 'Eloy meat pro-
ducts, by means- Of the limitation of
the imp rtdtebioiis of all classes o'f
meats of which bacon and ham is one.
'The details Of the 'working out of
the plan, of. limitation 'devolves upon
,Great 'Britain; it has been adopted by
her as the .m'e'ans of ,aiding 'first 'mer
home farmers, and second, the farm-
err of the D'o'minion,
BROWN.—IIn S'cot't Ml:e'mo'niall iHos'pi
tel, on, Sun'day, Nolo, 20th, 11932, to
Mr. and Mrs, Roy (Browny a d'augili
IiIFJRRIOIN:--flat IPi1b'betit ,tolwn'stiip, nn
'Nov. 1151t1r, 1932, Agnes . Herron,
,daughber of the late Mr, and Mrs,
'George Herron, 'Sitaffa,
High gr'ad'e, stylish and host u'p 'glasses, *rimmed or ,rim•1ess.
Your choice of shell, white or '•pu'n'k
gold -filed, waift lenses complete, only
$6.50: In ipi's'ib'le (bifo'ca'ls with choice of
'frame complete, only I$1L:00. Yellow'
gold' -filled ,with flat s'ph'erical lenses.'
only $'4.00 T'hese prices ,inc'lu'de a thor-
ough examination by our well known
specialist, Mr. Huathson. Over twenty
years,coming to Seafo'tit'h, You get the
best optical work to he obtained and
at these extra low .prices. Two • days
only, Tu'es'day and ,Wednlesday, Dec-
envber. 6th amitl71bi'r, Corrie early, teat -
tie's Pair, S'e'alf.o5 th,
Mrs; Cole icif •C'hiseil'hunst is staying
Kith iher 'aunt, Mrs. IA. Parke, who has
Miss Anne Gavenlocic has gone to
Weston rto spend ,the winter there
with her sister, Was Janet Golven-.
to ek,
• Mss.:JoJnies of (B'os'ton Who has been
visiting here the past three wselcs,
returns on ,Friday.
Miiss Maude Ferguson is spending
{ a
'week ,in Biriesisels, 'bheguest of Mrs.
A C. Dames,
Miss Ethel McDougall, R. N., of
Delbroit,, is. Islpendnng a few days in
'Mrs. M'i'lton Chesney of Toronto
has bee n ,vis'itin'g her mother, Mfrs, j;
R. iHabkiek, this week.
Mr. A. C. IVIeCatilley of the Provin-
cial S'a'vings Office, is taking his ,hol-
idays. Mr,, Black of the Toronto office
is relieving.
Mr. Arnold'Wes'tbo'tt is able to be
out ,after umldergainig w appendicitis
operation recently,
Mrs, Stevens of Sault Ste; Marie is
visiting her brother, Mr. John Nott, in
Egnio'ndvillle and 'h'elpin'g to nurse
Mrs, Nott, •w'h'o melt with an accident
M.r. ,and Mrs. Harry B'o'nifarce and
family .have Moved • fnom Gederich
street to Mr, and Mrs Barron's house
on George street ealst Mr. Boniface is
employed wlith Mr. - R. Anderson.
Mrs. J M. Gov'en.11adc had the mis-
fortune to 'Eraldture her leg by a fallat
her home.
Miss Nellie Holmes, who has been
Paid up with an attack of measles, is
allele to be around.
Mies Joan Devereaux underwent a
successful operation for -appendicitis
In, Scott Memorial Hospital 'Sunday
iMee Wm. IH'arbry, accompanied by
Mr. and ,Mrs, R. N. Biiss'onne'bte 00
Stratford were in !London an S'und'ay
owing to the death of Mfrs. Roe.
OvBas 'Saralh 'Oluff, Centre St., as in
the 'ho'spita'l with a 'fractured ankle
from falling down• sev'era'l steps of ,the
We are glad•'tb be able ,to eep'ort
that Miss Al'i'ce end Mr. George Hast-
ings are able to be out and around
again after being conlfiaved to ,the
house for ts'ome time with a cold,
Mies Alva Elliott is home from
Clinton suffering from a had attack of
measles, '
A number df .mens were busy last
week gravelling on the fourth conces-
sion and the tele'p'hone side road.
Mr. Bob Colwell and Mr. Sam Mc-
Allister visited at the home of Sam
li.clDlevaSn on Sunday,
Mr. Pete Harrison is nursi'n'g -' a
broken wcislt'tthes'e days'. He had it
broken while cranking a car,
The neighbors,from the first, fourith
and sixth concessions held a bee et
Ge'orge HIa'atiu'gs and cut them enough
wlo!n&'to .fast for awhile, about fi'fteen
men being pres'e'nt.
Winter seems to have set in now
and it doors as though it was going to
'M.r, IWirn, ,Riehl, our barber 'in 'doe
village, is going to live in the second
story of his shop, so that he won't
have to walk far' to 'his work.
The (Rock (Bros." are doing a big
business in ,their chopping mill. They
are kepi going everyday in 'die week.
M'rs, ,Fred 'Kloehler, who has been
n'urs'ing os two cases for scute ,weeks,
is home now,
Mfrs, Henry Koehler is taking a
goad rest after returning home from
the fawn 'She is visiting in Stratford,
Rostock and other places 'and is away
the last ,two weeks,
1Sleighing is fairly' good around here
and the 'piare ei'u1Bs are 'startin'g to
move in theiti
There are a tot of them 'cutbut it is
vdry 'wet' this year' 'on',accoii•nt of 'so
much rain in the fall.
:Mr. M;anudi B:euerrnann, our thresh-
er, : is stilt on his route 'hunt will soon
finish for ,this year. ,Ile is doing good
Root cope were very ` good this
ar and bh are some in the field's
e e
yet in this ,cold weather.
'Mr. Henry Dietz, who last', his best
horse the other week, bought one
from Welsh Bros. for a good figure.
Somethi'n'g good will ,always' sell.
Mrs, Ernest Bennewries, an aged
lady who stays with her son William
on the boundary .of 'Logan ' and Mc -
Milo, had the 'mis'fortu'ne to fael
down stairs into the cellar, bre'alcing,
her collarr bone land one airnt in two
p'laice's, 'besides .getting a lblad shak-
ing -op.
Mr. Ehni Eggert of Ros:to'ck is
s'pen'ding Some time in the neighbor-
h'ood ,Visiting relatives and ,frien'd's.
'jack ;Daniel's, hired man for Mr.
Nlormato B'en'newies, is ,going Ito leave
in the near fulture far England and
Europe: As he has not seen his brto-
thers for 25 ysuairn, he will enjoy meet -
Ing them,. and other friend's:
Big assortment to choose from.
Priced 60c dozen, or, with your
name printed, 95c dozen.
Mr. and Mrs, .Geo. Watt motored to
Toronto on Friday visiting at the.
home of the fornver's brattier, 'Mr..
and Mrs, James Watt, also attending
the Royal Fair, They expect to re=
turn on 'Tuesday. lir.. and Mrs, James
Watt elf IB'lyt'h were in ,dharge during
their a'bsen'ce and the two little girls
visited with their aunt, 'Muss Lydia
blr. Bent Alien had tate mislfortute
to lose a 'horse 'this week.
(Miss May Verner of •01iin'tnn spent
the week -end with her friend, Miss
Helen McGregor.
'Phe ,Rabbit Hu'n'ter'?• 'Balla which
was put on by young rabbit 'hunters
of Harlolck vicinity in, elle .Comlrnsm'ity
Hall; Londes'boro,- last Friday night,
was a success ood crowd, surd, sp'lendid
mu'si'c and Al time. •
Mr, Isaac 0,ap'sbn spe'n't Sunday af-
ternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Gi'bblints, Mrs. Rapson
binning home with him after having a
few days' visit.
The iNolvemlber Mis'sion,ary ,Society
meeting of 'Burns' Un'i'ted Chuinah• was
held on Thetrsdiay a'ftern'oon oif last
weelc at the home Of Mrs. 'Bert Alden
with a goad atten'danc'e. Y
,Mr. Audrey Knox .spent Monday af-
te'nnoon at the 'home olf his cousin;
Mr. and Mrs, Leslie 'Kind.
'Mr. Leo Waft killed a fine big pig
last week.
Mr. Thos, Knox is at present at the
Mame Of 'his son; Mr. anid Mks. Wm.
Knox in Grey.
W.M.S.—'The regular monthly meet-
ing of the Women% Missionary S'o'c-
lety was held on Wednesday after-
noon, November :1'Gth, at idhe home of
Mrs. Russell Cbnsitt. The president,
Mrs R. McAllister, presided. Meeting
opened with, hymn 262; the Scripture
was taken by Mrs. Ross Loive from
Phil, 11, verses 11.-21 T.he devoti'on'al
Was then taken by Mrs. R. 'Con's'itt.
Hymn 259 and s'''ent prayer followed,
with a 'pryer by Miss A. Janratt. The
s'e'cretary and treasures ,reports were
read and adopted. The busi'nes's was
then taken; tithe roll was called, ans-
wered with .a verse'beginning with the
letter E. Th'e offering was taken and
Mrs, ('Rev.) Conner gave the study
fnom the 3rd chapter ''he, Western
Nettie Hymn 252 and. the meeting
closed with the Lord's 'prayer,
'Messrs. R. blidAillieiter and IG. Dat -
ars were lin 1Godenich last week on the
Mrs. Steacy and so'n Jack of Detroit
Spent the week end here with !friends.
Auction !sales are mow the order of the
The funeral of .the date Mrs. 'Charles
Troyer was 'held -from 1Eensall to 'the'
Hillsgreen cemetery for: burial.
,on.9 Nova 28
Bring your partner and pipe
For win'n'ers, ,for lone hands, also con-
- sio'labion prize
Silver c'oliecl+ion
Auto hisuroce
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Autb Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's worth your while to see us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you eannotafford to take chances.
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or call -Night and
Day Service
Phone 152
A. D. S'utherland
Office over Keating's Drug Store
Slogan Contest
Watch t'alker's Furniture Store window
for the Gibbard Solid Walnut Slogan
A Gibbard purchase and slogan wise,
May bring to You the winning Prize.
talker's FLirIlithre
johns -Brock Nuptials—,A very pre
ty .wedding took place at theEthel-
panson'age on 'We'dn'esday Of la's't
week at noon when Vern'a Doris, only
daughter of 'Mr. and Ibbs. 'Frank
Brock of (Winchelsea was united in
marriage to IGarnet Elmer Johns, eld-
est son, of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Johns
of Eltimvi'lle, Rev. IL R. Peters Officiat-
ing. 'They were attended by Miss
Margaret johns and Mr. 'Gilbert
Johns, sister :and brother of the
bridegroom. After the ceremony they
proceeded to. ...the 'home of the 'bride's
parents where a suhnptuou's wedding
dinner was served' to the members of
the families of the contracting .par-
ties. The honeymoon, was !spem't in
London and Detroit. On their •return
they will reside on the groom's fine
farm south of Winchelsea.
Mrs. Herbert Childs of )London will
speak here 'next !Sunday evenirrg in
theinterests of the Mission Circle.
'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nidhols'on
spent 'last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Oke.
'Me. Wm. O'ke and son of Seaforth,
spent last Saturday at Cecil Oke's.
IRusell Coleman and Mrs. Thos
Colle'ntan,,a'nd Mrs. Cecil Oke and 'Miss
Carrie attended the .funeral of Mts.
Coleman's s'is'ter -tin• law, Mr's. Ellen
Troyer of Henlsa111, 'last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogerson of
Constance, spent a day last week with
Mr. ,anid ,Mrs, Lewis Teb'butt,
The annual meeting of the, West
End was held at Mr. Hanley's on. the
London R'oa'd.
There Entered into Rest on ,Sunday
morning, 'November 1'34h, at the 'home
of Mr. and Mrs. (Geo. H. Coleman,
one of 'theeldest residentsof this
district, in the (person of Mrs. Robert
Watson, formerly . 'Mary 'Anne
Strickland, widow of the late Robert
Watson. Mrs. Watson was in her
ninety-first year. and 'was the eldest
daug'h'ter of the late Emimamuel
Srickland of B'uckhigham, Qssebee.
She was born in Glaisdale, Yorkshire,
Eng., and carne to 'Canada in 4659
with her parents. IIn iJu•ne, 11589 she
was united in .m'arria'ge to her late
husband, who predeceased her sitteen
years ago. _;Since that time she iia:
made her home at the old home on
the ILondo.n Road, and also with Mr.
and Mrs. (Geo. H. Coleman. Deceased
took a ,deep interest and active cart
in the 'work of the fornnes Methodist
Church, and was looter a member of
the United Church. 'Quie't and un-
assuming ,in dis,pos'itiom, yet strict and
immovable in, a'd'herence to principles
and ideals she was a typical woman
of the Victorian age. Speaking evil of
name, she was highly esteemed and
loved 'by all her acquaintance, and
the 'family will always ,cherish her
memory as an inspiration aed incen-
tive to that which is 'highest and best.
"She being ,de'a'd yet apeaketh." She
is survived by one step -d'augh'ter.
Mrs. Geo. t11 Coleman, andtwo step-
sons, Jwinn S. and Mott. P. Watson,
all of Truokersmith. A brother and sis-
ter' also survive, Mr. T. P. 'Stricleland
and Miss 'Atlace 'Strickland, both ,of
Buckingham, Que. The 'funeral on
Tuesday, the 16th., was 'private. 'Ser-
v'ice was conducted by (Rev. C. M'ai-
cal'nr, Egnvon'd'vllie, assisted by Rev.
W. A. Bremner of IBruoefi�el'd, and
Mrs. 'Edwin 'Hebso,n, ,Sit. 'Thomas,
sang the beautiful 'hymn, "No .'Night
There." 'Interment was made in Bay-
field 'ce'metery, the remains being
.their last nesting lane 'b
borne to Y
g P
six ,ne'ph'ews, Fred and Tolan 'Wat-
son, joint and. IRobt. Sootolunvere,
Harold Penibnaile and C'hrcisitapher
Wand, all of Stanley. A large u'uni-i
Modern and 'Old Time Dancing
Fri., Nov. 25
Under Auspices of the Dublin Skat-
ing Club
Holder of Lucky Ticket will be given
a good pair of skates.
Adm'iss'ion: 'Ladies 25c, .Gents 23c
ber of relatives and connections at-
tended from this district, as well as
relatives from Whitby, Kifc'heuer and
St. Thomas. 'Beautiful 'floral tributes
were sent ,from relatives and Er'ends
in Ottawa, Toronto .and other points
as well as by :nearby friends.
Mrs, ,John IW'alker of our vt3'vee re-
ceived ,word of the serioas accident
that befell her sister, Mrs. George Mc-
Kay olE 'Toronto, formerly Miss Joan
M'dKay of Tuckersmith. She had the
misfortuti'e to fall off a table, 'break-
ing a bone in. her thigh and her ,collar
bone and also some rib's. We extend
to'her our sincere sympiathy.
Mr. Smith of B•lu'evale spent ;Sunday
with this daughter, Mrs. Hugh Berry.
Mr, 'Stan, Reid of (Lindon, spent
Sunday at his 'home in the village,
lTlhe annual Tha'niko.ffering meeting
of the W. M. S. was herd Wednesday
evening, Nov. 16th, in the United
Ohundh..'The meeting listened - with
m'uch interest to the address by Mrs.
E. Mitchell. Slhe first, spoke about
the 'wonderful work our missionaries
are doing in the Ifiar 'Ea'st, of what a
marvellous ch'a•nge is noticed in the
lives of the natives when they accept
Christ as their !Saviour ,and Lord,, She
next spoke of her travels in the Peace
River didtrict where she spent part of
last 'Summer. She told of her exper-
ience in 'a 'sen'd storm in southern
Sas'katche'wan. She mentioned the
great aveed there was for second hand
clothing to be sent to the 'dried -out.
areas where they had had .no crop for
the 'past 'four years. Mfe were all ,in-
terested to hear of 'he'rvisit to Gyp
sunaville, ; Man., where one of our
Brumfield girls,''iu the person ' of Miss
iarga.ret MIustard, is ;,doing 'medical
and missionary , work and overcoming
many obstacle's even to building a
church this summer. M'''any dii'I'dree
there had not seen a church before,
Miss Mi•dche'lil ,closed 'her address by
stressing, the necessity of all Christ'
fans being IOhrist's representatives,
ever striving tolfollow in the foot's'teps.
of the Master who gave Himself in
laving 'service for others: The Thank -
offering was a moat liberal one, a-
nvoentimlg to $87.00 We are sorry' to
isay '555 yet hack 611:14 of our allocation
which is $ t•5Qt). We have always reach-
ed 14 in the .palst years and we are
hoping and praying ,that we may yet
reach it this' year. If our Auxiliaries
do not'reach their allocation' that
m'ean's suffering for our miss'ion'aries.
Word has been received frank Isd e
that some of then are now living oil
two meals a day and 'willin'g-to just
l.i;vean; one rather than give up .'their
No better ,protection .against worms
can be got than Miller's Worm Pow-
ders, Theyconsume worms and ren-
der !the stomach and intestines un-
tenable to them. They heat the sur-
faces that 'have become inflamed by
the attacks 6f -,'the Parasites and Serve
to 're'store the strength of the child
that has been undermined by the:
draughts that the worms have 'rade
upon it,