HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-11-17, Page 1Li'v�ing, 'to wing wi;bh' mirth die' 'weary hours? o'r With ildm'an!tic. tales the heart to cheer• Dyeing, to leave a Memory like the eaiortnixe HURON COUNTY'S L'EA'DING NEWSPAPER breath Of .sunrnners full of sunshine an•d of sho'wlers, • A grief sand ,gladu'e's's in; !the- attn'o= sph ere. .Tion gfef lo!w WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 54, No. 46. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1932. Phone 84, DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all. hours. OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant Qualit: We have stressed quality in the pur- chase of our ,Christmas groceries. VALEN'CI'A RIAASIINIS '(1Flloirs) la'rg- gest and 1 nels't, per lb 18c F'REN'CH MARASCHINO CHER-, (RIES . , .........:..Iger lin 60c (Our cheaper kind's don't sell much .alongside .these.) • CUT MIXEED PEELS, all implanted. McCon'adh'i!es and Eng'lis'h fancy quality containing or'ange, lemon, and citron 20C per ib. JORDAN A'LMO'NDS, sh'el'led 4 crown 40c 6 crown ..., 50c POUR CRO1'MN LEXIA RAIS'INiS 2 lbs 25c CHOICE BLEACHED SULTANA ;i --&ti . RATS/NS 2'1'bs. 35c 2 CROWN AUSTRALIAN SEED- LESS RAISINS , . 2 libs, 25c HIUimC11IS'OIN'iS BAKING POW - ID'ER 16 oz. 'tins 25c GIORMAN ECKERT & +Co.'s EX- TRACTS ('Jewel Brand) the ,15c quality. for 10c' BAKING MOLAS'S'ES in bulk lb. 6c BAKING SYRUP, 'lest (procurable per lb. ....... ...10c LARD, superior quality per llb., . ,12c JELLY PO'WD'ERS 'alt, , , , 3 for 25c 4 for 25; and 6 for 25c CLARK S PORK '& BEANS �"' 4 'for • 25d (Cream bought ,for Seaforth Cr'eam'ery, Eggs bought for cash or tirade. Dried .apples at per 1'b. 3c but urns!: be bright, dry, and in large quar- ters. Alppdes cut into sm'a'll pieces or 'sl'i'ces not :wanted. F. D. HUTCHiSON PHONE 166 COAL QUALITY -SERVICE ONE E. L. BOX PH43 'MET WITH MISHAP. While motoring from Toront'o to Seaforth to preadh anniversary ser- vices in !First Presbyterian church, Rev. Dr. Stuart (Parker met with a /rotor mishap. His car' skidded and ran into the abridge at the swi:m'ming pool east of totwn. The 'car was dam- aged, but fo'rtuna'tely IDr, ,Parker es- caped without iatj'rtry, Past Of the bridge railing was torn away. STIR'AINED 'ANKLE. !Oat Thursday evening last Iain Mac- Tavish, eld'e'st son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mac1Tavis'h, of town, injured his ankle' while rst'tun'ing on the sidie!wa'lk on-Gtoderi'ch Street in .front of the 'Presbyterian Manse. His ankle turee- 'ed, 'breaking a 'small biome and tear- ing the ligament. an Monday mors- ing he was taken to •Tpronto by Dr. Mackay and Mr. George Jackson of \Egmlondivlill'c; the injured ankle 'was 'set in a p'last'er cast and' he was able' to return home Tues'd'ay. Ian .hopes to be able to return to his studies at 'the• co'llegia'te next week ,'bait his foot brill :have to remain in the ,east Inc at least a month. EGMONDVILLE. Tlhe .Eigmanldvillle 'Churc'h will close on. Su'nd'ay evening because of ithe an niversar'y at North Side United iChseedh, Seaforth, SUCCESSFUL LEGION EVENT (The 'Reme'mbran'ce Day euchre and dance under the .auspices of the Can- adian }Legion in the !Odidifell'aw's IHla11 nvals well attended' and an enjoyable e'venin'g s'p'ent. ,The prize -winners were: Men's ,games, 1Glen (Hays; lone (h'and's, 'Ge'orge Parke; ladies'' .games, 'Miss. Jean lArehiilyaild (Walton), tone lh'atieds,,'Mrs. 0 ,Siegrist. The :music for the dancing was ;provided by Pow- ler's orchestra, which was 'much en- joyed. THANK OFFERING. The Young Women's Aux'il'iary and the 'Senior Auxiliary of the W.M.S.. of North Side United Church are bolding 'a joint au'tum'n 'tdrankoffering service in the audi'torium of .tln'e 'churchl(bhis) 'Thu'rsd'ay evening, Nov. 1117, co'nlm'en'cing at 7:45 o'clolck, Miss :Evelyn Mitchell, Travelling Secretary of the .Dominion 'Board of the Wo- man% Missionary Society, is to be the guest speaker of the evening. Miss 1\1iitbchell has recently ,returned from a tour through the Peace' 'River:. Dis- trict, and will have Something very interesting to tell us. Alll are cordial- ly invited to attend. A 'special invita- tion is extended to the ge'nt'lemen and to the young folks. INiD1JICTIOIN SERVICE POSTPONED The induction servioe which ,was to have taken place in ISt. Thomas' church on Tuesday evening was post- poned until a later date, owing bo the storm • which prevented 'the Bish- op from coming to Seaforth, On Wednesday evening a Sunday S'cho'ol meeting was held at the Rectory and plans for the clouting work prepared. A /Bible class will be organized and a'ls'o an A.YJPA,. S'un'day a'fte'r next is Adtvent Sunday, the beginn'in'g of the church year an'd. the /Sunday Scheel cla'ss'es alt chlan,ge at that time, pro- motions, and so forth, also an that day the Sunday school ' will begin afternoon 'for in the he after o0 or .the win- ter session. Oa Su'nd'ay nest, the rec- tor, Canon A'ppteyard', will be 'present at all services and S.S. W. M. S. 1The United Church W. M.S. held its regular meeting , on Thursday, November 10th at the church After e. singing a hymn, Mrs. W. P. ,Laine led in 'prayer. Mrs. Laing rend the mi,n- ubes• of the previous meeting which were adapted, and Mrs. B. Tyernban gave a .splendid P'ap'er on "/Christian }Stewardship. }Arrangements • were comlp'leted for the autumn thank - offering m'eetin'g which will he held Thursday evening, November 17Th, at 7.45 in the Church aud'itori'um. Miss Evelyn M•itehelt, travelling secretary ,for the'W.MIS, Of the United Church, to be the guest s'•peakere. Miss Mit- elveld' has bid recently returned foam 'the Peace River district and will 'halve an interesting mess'a'ge to tell wh'i'ch willbe worth while hearing. A cor- dia'1 invitation is extended to all the 'congregation to be present, This in'vi'tation 'Mendes the men' of the congregation also. Group four th'e'n took charge. Mrs, J. Hin'chley an'd Miss M. 'Somerville pled in the devo- tionlal. ereercise's. Tlhis. year 'the .study work "His D'omin'ion of Canada" was introduced by Mrs. J'' H9ncihley, after w'hich Mrs. F. D: Hutchison, Mrs, C. (Barber, Miss A. Ferguson, Mrs. W. Webster' and Mrs. Mofeaia,t ,ddsciiss'ed the second chapter "The Making of Canada." The meeting cl'ose'd with 'the-Miz'pah hen,edicbion. ST. JAMES' ARTS CLUB. 1St. James' Arts 'Clarb held its regu- lar meeting in the.Piarish Hall :on Fri- day eveti'ing, November 111Th, with. iMli'ss Hilda Kennedy in charge, Mr. Prank ,Reynolds opened the program 'with th'e reading of a poem suitable Inc Renner eibrabce Day, "'For ,the 'ballet T!hepresedient, Mr. Leo TDagen, addressed the meeting briefly, reminding the members of the real meaning of Rem'e'mlbran'ce Day and requesting 'them ho observe two min- utes of .silence in kronor of those who died in, th•e Great War. Mr. Thos. Nolan then gave an interesting talk on "University Life," This was fol- lowed by a pianto so'l'o by Miss Mice Daly. "Res'alved that kick-off ,foot- ball is a better game than soccer" was the subject off a lively debate between Me, A'nthur Devereaux, . affirmative, and Mr. 'Cyril Flannery, ,negative. The affirmative .side was given the decision. -by the judlgels. A qu'esti'on- d'a'l a with reference to the Glob's' deamatic activities in the com'in'g season was read' by foie Convenor, Mr. Cyril Reynolds, (Rev. Fr. Goetz 'then, gave a short tadik, concluding the pro- gram. IFold'dwintg the recreation, the meeting adjourned. COUNCIL MEETING (Regular meeting of cou'nc'il held In council chamber at 8 p.m. on Monday, Navember lillth, Present: 'M'aylor Daly, Councillors Bolton, Crosier, Hudson, Su'att and 'Stelph'einls. Minutes of last meeting read and co'nlfinntad. The report of the 'finance •committee was ado'p'ted as read: Jets. V. Ryan, salary, $67; Jno. A. Wilson, salary 'and postage $701518; Thos, , Storey, salary, $60; H. }Snell, salary, $60; Can. Nat. Rys., crossing 'protection, $9'81•; Jos- eph Carlin, hay, $7; Bell Telephon'e Co., aecount, $3;515; S. T. iHolmes R Son, wreath; $4.00; John S'tewart, $2'8:70; W. G. Willis, ac'c'o'un't, $2.64; J. M. Cardillo, clack rent, $90; J'olhn Piper, wages, $1215; Ru's'sel Holmes, $1ti.10; W. R. Smith, ac'coun't, $2.05; J. M. Cardno, account, $2:67;'3, tJ, ICle'ary account, $2125; Tuckersimiebh township, stone, $2.00; Ted Mien, wages, $92'5; 'Peter MdI'vor, wages, $8.;50; Wim. Trott, wages, $1.715; 5'01. Williams, wages, $6.50; glohn .Currie, wages, $6.37; Thos. Klein, wages, 25c; Alex. McGregor, gravel, $112,60; R. Frost &' San, account, $12.60; Jos: A. Storey, account, $15,18}5. Y. P. S. 'The regular .meeting .o'f.lthe Young IPe'api•e's.- Sudety of ,Nlorth'sid'e Unit- ed Chnrclh wa's 'he'ld -on Tuesday ev- ening, , Nov. 115, withMr. Sam Scott in the. chair. (A'ft'er a sing -Song con- ducted by Mss Ruth Thompson, the (Lord's Prayer' was repeated. ' Miss iHe'll'yer read 'the m'inntt'e's and' some business matters were . 'mentioned. Miss Mary Reid, 'took the Scripture l'e'sson and then hymn 114l6 was sung, and Mr. Porteous led in prayer. Mr, 'Holland ' gave a practical talk on -the subject, 'foes our view of God affect our conduct?" 'There followed a sel- ection by the Girl's' Quartette, Misses Helen Crich, Ruth, •Oluff Alice Hud- son and Dorothy Golding. Mr. •Oh'es- ter M'oNay-took ulp,the offering, hymn '56 was sung and She meeting closed with an unusual and amusing contest condu'c'ted by Miss Mary Reid. LATE W. J. S'ILLERY. a IWdill amJ ohn S'1•ler was !bora in y Hdlb'bert township May 11LlItth, 11855, and m'arrie'd to Margaret Matilda John- ston., of MleKi'ld'oo, Nov. 23, . 111881. 'They resided •on lot 4, con. 5, Tuck- srssutlth, until 'October, 19115,' when the ,farm was sold :to Mr. Charles MdKay, and they have resided in Eg- m'ondaville ever since,' "Pley .celebrated their golden wed- ding Nov'em'ber 2/3,..1531. Mr. Sillery has been ise failing Iheallth. ,fora cou'pl'e of years, but able to be around •until a week ago: He pa's'se'd' away ;Thursday tttorning," Nov. ,110th; 11932, the family all being at his bedside. D'ece'ased was a mem- ber of Egmlond'ville United 'Church. The funeral was heed 'Saturday af- ternoon at 2 o'clock, Co Maitland Bank Cemetery from ;his late ,hblme, Church Street, Rev. C. A..Maaloollhin donduct- ed the services. The pallbearers wore John Forrest, Wnlli!a'na Ktrause, Jolseplh Colclough, R. H. M'o'deeland, Domin- ick Reynold's, •Jolhn Dolche•rty. He is s'urvi'ved by ''kris wife, three daughters, Mrs. John Quail, Clinton; and Mfrs. Richard Kruse and. Mrs. John M,odeiia'nd, Egnt'on'dvi'lile, also one graitlds!oln, G'eorlge IK'mts'e, and' two sisters; Mrs, Sarah. Webb of Tor'oinitla, and Mrs. Wm. Morrison of ,Sea•fonth. WIN I!N JUDGING. At the IRoy'al Winter Fair on Tues- day, tube Jeffrey Bull Memorial Tro- phy was won by the Perth County Junior lfarmers' judging team, coxa- sis'tin'g ; of IRNbert B'al'lantyne, St. Paubs; ,Percy Armstrong, St. Pauls; Johns Wallace, St , Pauls, Huron ,Coun'tiyraniked 'filth out of a total .of 32 contesting counties. (The gold med'al its swine judging was wan by John Fotherin:gham, of Stu cgeld. IIn the: Robert Graham Memorial 'Trophy, , awarded to •the contestant under 26 years of age who makes the highest .manus in judging one cla's's of'hlea'vy horses and one • deals of: Tight horses, second place was won by A. W. Archibald, Sealforth (attending O,tA,'C., Guelph) out of a total of ten Contestants. IVARS. JOHN WARWICK. IOn Wednesday afternoon •the fun- eral of a highly esteemed resident of the district took place from L'ondes- borio to -the Maitland Bank Cemetery, (Seaforth, in ,the person .of Mrs. John Warwick, who passed away at doom' on Monday, at the home of 'her .bro- ther, Mr. john Melvid'1e, Landes'boro, after many M'onth's of invalid helpplless- nese. Mfrs. Wartvick' and her husband Who was with the D. D. Wilson Em-, p'orlum, were far years residents Of Seaforth ,and after the t'atter's death,, Mrs. Warwick'conitinued to make her home in town, moving from West Street to Ann Street. A few years ago she sold her resid'en'ce to Mrs. George Weir an'd spent some time in the 'West with her 'son and daughter an'd later w=ith her daughter in Toronto, and then- at 1Lond'evleoro when rate suffered- from panalysis, which since then seriously afflicted' her. Before her marriage she .was belt Melville, Melville, being a daughter of the :late L'a'wrence Melville, owner of the grist: and sawmill in. the now van- ished, but once prosperous, v'i'llage of Hartford, l'ater Bandon, in Hullett iTiorl'Inlship. At this place deceased was born .73 years ago. Of her four bro- thers, .Mr. Melville df Land.eslbor'o survives. She leav'es to an'ouan the loss of a loving ,mother, •on'e son, Jack who served overseas ,during the war and noiw of ;Slaska'tchewlan, and two. denglh- bers, Mrs. Matters, also in the west, and Mrs. Will Hale of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Hale,. Weston, the lat'ter''s aunt, Mrs. gams 1S'eliville 'af. (Toronto and her -son, Mr. Melldilie, of London, were present at the fun- eral on Wednesday, :w'hi'ch took 'place from ,the United:,Ch'undh, Lbndesboro, Rev. Mr. Gardiner eon'dudtirrg the ser- vice's. 'Th'e four p'al'lbearers were Mr. Warwick of Brussels,' Mr. Warwick of Morris, Mr, 'Roibert Ha'mil'ton and Mr. : James ,Fa!iins'ervice Of L'ouudesb'oro. DIED AT OSHAWA On 'Wednesday last a former well known and' highly esteemed resident off 'Seaforth passed away in the per- son.of Mrs. J. S. Roberts, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. N. Henry, , rY, Osh- awa. On 'Sunday She suffered a severe stroke from which she never rallied. Scorn in Egmcenedailie, daughter of, the late Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Porter, she was united in marriage to Captain J. S. Roberts, who was for many years a Seaforth druggist, and the greater Part of her life Wide spent here. .Capt. R Robb ertsredeceased her twenty-five n years ago and albout fifteen years ago she sold her residen'ce and lived with the different 'members of her family. She is Is'u'rlvived by swot sons and ,three daughters, Mrs. A. Russell, Halifax; Mrs. N. Henry, Oshawa;..: .Mrs, A. Clapham; New Jersey; Roger Roberts of 'Vancouver, 'and' Ben ,Roberts, of New Iroeik. Tete remains Were 'bro'u'ght to Seaforth, the funeral tai ng plaice. on S'aturd'ay from Sit. Thomas' .Church. as Mai'tlandlhank cem'e'tery. Canon IAppleya:nd officiated. The p'alibears were John B'es't. Tho- mas "Jackson, Gordon. Dick, Mr. Hen- ry ((Oshawa), :Arnold Case, and Mr. 'Clapham: MRS. HECTOR R'EOED An old and well known: re'siden't of Mensal!' and fornsrer'ly of ;Stanley township, passed alway in her 815th' year an Tuesday evening. Two Weeks ago, she 'and .'i her daughter,M'i'ss.'M'in- n'ie Reid, were working, lifting bulbs lin the garden when Mrs. Reid suf- fered a stroke. ,After relapsing into ,usnconls'oi'oulse,e'ss' on Sunday she pass- ed away Tuesday, evening. Formerly J'essi'eabfclB,ealth, and thorn n'ea.r Bruton INTRODUCING COMMUNITY CHINA IN THE Deauville Design By the Makers of COMMUNITY PLATE • Complete Dinner Services [Open Stock Pattern] The newest contribution to them smart table ensemble is China to harmonize with Silverware. We are now showing dinner services in Community China of an exquisite fineness, decorated in silver with the truly distinguished Deauville Design of Community Plate. We invite your inspection. Fred. S. Savauge JEWELER & OPTOMETRIST 200 field on the 2nd concession of Stanley 'sire ,was Ione Of the old 'resi'den'ts Of the 'district. After h'e'r m'arria'ge she moved .closer to Hensel' where site and her musb'and be'ca'me pros'per'ous..Going to (Menton, Man,, ,bhey were early resi- dents of the district and did well there, having purchaseda 600 -acre section which sold a'ft'er Mr. Reid••,cs death for $30,000, its value having in- creased, ithree times during their ,time. Mrs.' Reid and her sons,` . John Reid, now of Landon, and her daughter, re- turned ' to Hien'sall .about ten year ago. lAuotioer .son,- David Reid, is in Cal- ifornia. A1lbhnugih 'eig1dty4five years •0f age, Mrs, Reid was very ac'ti've, sel- dom fabling to attend church, enter- tainments or meetings. One brother, Mr. Waiter • elBeath, in the West, survives her: Alexander, of Stanley; Duncan, and Mrs. MclD:ougall, in the iWes't, predeceased her. The funeral will take .place to Ba'ird's cemetery, tBrucelfleld. TUCKERSMITH. 'The death occurred at the home of Mr. -a'n:d Mrs. s. George S. Coleman, off Mary Anne Strickland, widow of the fate /Robert Watson, in her 91st year. Mrs. Watson was born -in Glaesdale, Yorkshire, England, and at bh'e age of seventeen came with her parents to Buckingham, Quebec. In 1588 they m'ov'ed to B'rucelfield; where she was 'married to her late husband, who died 'sixteen years ago. She re- mained on the old homestead on 'th'e London Road until 19115 when she made her home with Mr. and' :Mrs. George H. Col'em'an and ,Mr. and Mrs. Richert Watson. Site is survived by two stepsons, John and Robert Wat- son, ,B'ruodfield, and a stepdaughter, Mrs. Robert H. ^Co1e!nnan.. 'The funeral was 'private and was held ,from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Col'e'man, .con. 5, Tu'ckeremilbh. Initer+m'ean't was at the Bayfield cemetery. ,The ,service was conducted by Rev. tr. 1l3alcohn of Egmend'ville, assisted by Rev; Mr. Bremner Of B'ruoejfieid. The pallb'e'ar ens were six nephews 'of bhe deceased: /Fred anal 'John Watson, John and Ro- bert Scotch'm'er, Harold •Pemb'ale and IChrisltoplher Ward. ' Alnlon'g'the rela- tives from: a distance were Mrs: R. Clements and s'om 'Charles and Miss Alice S'ni'ith off 1Wh'itby, Mr. and Mrs: Frank Hobson. of St, ' Thomas. Anniversary Services North Side Vni1e.Chureh SEAFORTH SUNDAY, AY NOVEMBER 20th /SERVICE'S 111 'A. M. AND 7 P. M. 'CO84DU'CTElD BY REV. F. G. FARRILL, M.A. B.D. OF ONTARIO ISIT. UNIT= 'CHURCH, CLINTON 'SPECIAL IMUSiIC 'FOIR IMIO!RN'IING. Anthe'nT "What ;Ave These" ISloloist, •YI'iss'B'essie ICluff. Male Chorus ....... . ..... • .....; ." :077 Hail the Power 'of 'Jesus' " (A'nt'hem Name Soloists Miss I3.'Lane My (Fartttleali,'h ks . Up coat.Titee Miss '1'LTurnrbnrll; Mr..S4asn •S'c'ott. An them SPECIAL 'MUSIC FOR 'EVEN'INiG. "Slt Of BIy ISoail" 'Soloists, Mts's IR. 'Thom_oson, ,Mr EIC. Chasn'bei•'larn, Solo . , , ,•... ....... ....... . ... . ...: ... ".Fear Not Ye 'O Israel" 'J. 'A. iS'tewart. "Lead 'Kindly 'Light" Anthem The Public Cordially Welcomed, REV. W. P. LANE, :13'A., Pastor. Mr. J. A.IS'teyart, Chair 'L'ead'er, Mos, g. J': A. S'tewat+t, Organi's't it