HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-11-10, Page 5• l ,k,;n^•.u. mail THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1932 THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE • Superior Chain Stores Where Shopping Is a Pleasure WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items for November 10th, lath, •7,2th, 14th, 15th, 16th. .STRAWBERRY JAM 40 oz. jar 25c 3for 2O H'A'PPYVALE 'TOMATO'ES, 2's KEILOIGIG'S CORN ,FLAKES •, ., OLD DUTCH CLEANSER ISPNGAPIORE S'LbOED PINEAPPLE, 2's PURE MAPLE SYRUP 3for25c per tin 10c ,.,...2 tins 25c per bottle 2��5 c peT pkg. 1® c AUNT J'Eit1'IMA PANCAKE FLOUR Crisco, l's with free measuring spear,- (....per tits 23c 'King Oster !Sard•ines ..... .............per ,tiinl .15c 'McCo'rmiiick's S'od'a B'isouats, Wax'tite , per p•kg., .1'5c (Red Rose Tea aa :lb. pkg. 23c. IInte'rlake Toilet ,Paper , 3 rails 25c Manyiflawers Toilet Soap 4 Bakes 21e Carnation Evaporated !Milk, small 3 tines' 17c large 2 tin's 25c (Royal York Coffee ............. ....... . .... . ..%'s 25c 1'•s 49c Lngeraald Cream or Pimento !Cheese, small 2 pkgs. 25c Li'bby's Sauer Kraut, 2%''s•. ........, ..... -2 tins 19c Pure Clover Honey i 2%'s 20c . 4/'s 35c Keen's .,\'Mustard '%"s , 49c; 5/4',5.... 25c Zebra Stove Polish, Paste large 15c Tomato Juke, 1105' oz. 3 tits 25c Jersey Gloves, Brown or !Grey ......................... per pair 15c Satin .Mixed Candy , per ib. 15c !Humbugs per lab. 19c !Blue ,Boy .Black Tea ...,'per lh,.... 28c; 4 ;pounds, ....d.00 Acadia Codfish, l's .. per lb. '115c 'Australian Sultanas .... ..... ..... ......... . ..... 2 lb's. 25c Australian Cleaned Currants , , 2 lbs. 27c Lennon ,and Orange .Peel , per lb. 19c 'Citron 'Peel ...... ............. , . per lab. 25c Lexis Raisins with seed's. .2 lbs. 23c (Cooking Figs, Best Quality ....... ................ ..2 lbs. 15c (Glace Cherries '% Ib. 20c Mince Meat Choice ........................ 2 lab's. 25c New Hall'owi Dates per lib. 10c SWILL (BUY AT OUR STONES, 1.'tin Tomato Soup, A.I. li. can Corn,11% doz.''Cliothes, Pins/ 1 tin Cleanser, 1(tin Sardines, 1 tin 'Kipper .Snacks, I. 'pkg CigaretTobacco' 1 pound (Pat Barley, 1 1'b. Macaroni, 3 labs. Washing Soda, 1 Ib. Sulp'hu'r or Salts, 1 pkg. ;Blue, 1 box Toothpicks, 2 lbs. White 'Beans. RossPhone 8 J Sproat J. Miss N.Pryce Pim" 77 Buy Seafort'h Butter 18 YEARS' A Service that creates • Confidence • and a Dependable Reputation Always i',Good Quality qty Please us by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please you by our services and highes" market prices for good cream, Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait. The, Seaforth Creamery eaatasszmaasimatair C. A. BARBER, Prop. Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE ` UNDERTAKING --and- ENIBALMING jantor er Horse' Equipment 'Va j. We'',KER., holder of Go- aernment diploma' and license. •Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. xzPPEN. T'h'e W.tMJS of. St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church, I iplpen, are holding their ath'ankoffering service an .Sunday at .111 a.m. Miss Evelyn Mitchell, travelling secretary' of W.M.S. will' hie' the guest speaker. The Bii,rthidlay party of Sit. A'n'd= rew's W.M.S. washeld on Wedne's fay, November 3rd' alt 2.30 pain. The IW M.IS. of Hensal'l Untied 'Church put on an interesting program.' Lunch •sari served.' by the ,Kip'pen ladies after. the meeting: A.'p'rolfi+taib'le and linn•stru'C- ,t'i've afiteravoon was spent. 'Th'e, Gau'ld M's'silan Band will meet en Saturday aflternoon et 2,30 pan, ITwentydfive young ladies , oaf t. ave. natty tNend ed t h a Andrew's iChuna w held at Nor thalde Unii'ted Church last Srid'ay night -and had: the pleasure of hearing M'rs. J. IT, Rush of. Til'soti- HURON ROAD WEST 'Mr. Stuart.and Melbourne Ball mo - tared to Oshawa Saturday. 'Mr, and Mrs. George Vanderburgh and s'ot 'Wesley were in London last week to see Mr. Vand'erburgh's sister; who had died before they arrived. .Mis'. and. Mrs. Noble Holland and Mor. and Mrs. Harry Oh'arlesiwo'rth at- !tend'ed the fowl supper at Middleton. 'Ohuroh, Gio'deri'h toiwnshiip. Mr, and Ms's. Fred Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Bent Irwin, Mr. and Mrs, :Disk !Negate and M'r, anal Mrs. Fred Pepper ,s opt an eveningwith and Mrs. 'jack Blair,' Glod:rich towtislhip, VARNA. IiVI'r,, Roy Do,wson is busy. ,plowing en his farm recently purchased from Dr. H. Reid of Toronto. • !S'evera'l from this •district took in the fowl supper in Brucefie9,d` and' re- port a good supper and good pro- gratri. (Mrs. M. Reid and Mrs. Jino. Rath - well returned from Windsor where 'they spent a few da'y's with 'rela'tivies, Mr, Johnston and family oaf Clin- ton have moved to our village. Mr.' 'Johns'ton cones highly reooanmendect as .a ,goad ,b'llaicaksm'ith and is now ready 'for worithisshop opposite o ots V os sops store. We welcome Mr. and Mrs, Johnston ,and family to our vil- lege and `'trustee the public will lend il'iurg. the:r patrotaage'to Mr. John's'toat. TOWN TQPICS. (, lid'. and Mrs. Chas. Burns te'ad and Mr, wad Mrs, Gordon Hays of De- troit s:peet Sunday with their many friend's here. ,Annivetsary services of North Side United Chuiioh will be had on Sun- day, November 201th. •tilt' and Mrs. J, L McClure o:f 'G'oder'i,cih township vis'ited with Miss Nell McDougal ,during` the week -end. Miss Eileen Chap Ivan underwent an operation for tippen'dicitis in the hospital on 'rues (Pay nigli't. Sine is re- cover ng m'ioely. Mr.' Levi Malaris who sustained an injury to •his left eye lash spring when.s,trucic by a piece of steel, is alble to be .out again Titer five weeks' treatment in the hospital • MIr. George Jackson ansa Dr. Mac- kay were in Toronto far a day last week. Dr. and Mrs. '.Ho'dgins of Toronto and Mrs. L. T- DeLt.tcey, who is spending the winiter with Mr. and' Mrs. Counter iii Clinton, were week- end ,guests of Mr, and Mars. A. D. Sutherland. Mr. and Mos, William Elliott of Fulliarton, Mr. Donald' (Buch'anlan and aunt, Miss Stewart of Grey, were gueslts our .Sunday oaf Miss B•esIia SS'prola't and other friends in town,, Miss M. Jackson is visiting, •'her cousin ,at Aii'sla Craig at pre's'ent. !Word has been received. from Dalt a'wa that Mrs. Henry, formerly Mis's Roberts of Seaforth, who has 'been critically nl'1, is at present very lo'w. ,Mr. W. H. Golding, M. IP. was home from Ottawa over the week- end. 'Mrs. ()Dr.) W. C. Sproat and Bar bait are visiting her parents in Tor - 'auto. 'Mar. Jake Sproat of •Lake Tema'g- anni is visiting with his parents', Mr. and Mrs. James Sproalt, - Mr. and Mics. Jahn, H'opf of Wood - stack spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cleary. /Mrs. E. McKay of E•gmondville is visitin'g Miss Munro, Brucefield. (Rev, R. A. and Mrs. Cranston of Welland were recent visitors with Misses Ferguson, 'Sparking street. Mr. and Mrs. S'tanl'ey Canter and Mis's Ruby M'dViatie of Londesb'oro s'pen't Sunday the guests of Misses' Ferguson. Mr. Olern Thiel Is spending a -few clays at the horde of M'r. and Mrs. (Lo'ui's Hildebrandt. Ole'm has just returned from .a trip to Vancouver, Spokane (Washington), Sir e b'y, (Montana.), and other •important cities on the Pacific coast. Mr. and Mns, William -Knechtei spent a p'leasa'nt week -end with .Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Second' at Mfoadond. Mrs. M. Davis and daughlter Mdss K. Davis who have 'been•ltving with the fortner's son, Mr. M. Davis, since the death of his wife, have returned to town and rented part of Mrs. A. Warner's delouse on Jarvis street, the other half being occupied by Miss (Berle McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Jiames' Hu'n'ter of Kinca'rdine Township, and son from 'Regina, motored to Landon, where they spent the week -end. They were accompanied by Mrs. Jessie Brown. (Mrs.' S. Bloyd, who 'ha's spent' the past five' weeks vislibing in Stratford, has returned' Nome. Mrs. H. J. Gibson has returned from Tonanto. 'Mrs. L. C. Jackson left on Saturday to spend a couple of weeks visiting her sister near Chicago. CONSTANCE. \•:[r. and Mrs. Chas. Dexter and Ella, also Miss Margaret Yungblut and Mr. Fred Yungibdatt visited with Mr. and Mrs. !Guy Cunningham on Sunday ' afternoon. !Tine many friend's of : airs. Robert 'Lawson extend to her their sym'p'athy in the death 'af her bropher, Mr. Ira Jlohns of Tuckersn lith. Mr. and Mrs. J, Ferguson spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Carter. 'Mr. and Mrs. William Britton, and Helen and Edith, Miss Gaw'iey and W, Jewitt visited Mrs. Ed. "Britten of Walton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Lawson and, von Lorne with their daughter, Mrs. Dlavisf o t and Mr. Davidson, of Bsrncelfie'ld, and Mr. an,d $Irs. Georgie Wheatley and Mrs. Lindsay attended anniversary services at Egmondville on .Sunday. ' Mr. and Ma's, W, . Clark, Mrs; Ro- bert Clank Mara. Howard Armstrong and Hattie visited Mrs. John Clark anud. Miss Belle "M'dCuil'lla recently.' (I1h'e Ladies' Aid Of Oan'sian'ce Un- ited Church met for, business on rratursdlay last in the Sunday School 'do'n'na of the • church. The president, 'Mrs. Roy Lawson, presided. After the minutes were read and adopted, the topic 'chapter was given by Mfrs. J. Riley. Readings were also given ! by Mrs. . E. Adams and airs. W. Bnit- ton. Mrs. Peter Lindsay saulg, a solo. The meeting was 'closed with prayer by Mrs. Robert Rogerson. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 5'0'c,. iCANADIAN LEGION , , h �e AND 0 CO ODD 'FEiLLO'W.S HALL (La'te 'G1W.,V.'A.) Friday, Nov. 11 8 P.M. PRIZES, LUNCH • and GOOD MU.SIIIC.: A'danisaloe 30c. C. P. Sills, J. M. McMillan, Pres. Sec. .awe THE KINGDOM of MIND 4 = Lectures = 4 WITH OPEN FiORUM 'ST. THOMAS' PARISH HALL SEAFORTH E. (toward Durnin, B.A. 'WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16, at 8 p. m. -The Mind of Your Child -- To !Spank or not to 'Spank. ,Ch'airm'an, (Rev. W. P. Lane. Vocal Music,. Mr. and' .iVi'rs, J. A. Stewart. THURSDAY, NOV. 17, at 8 p. m. Suggestion, Hypnotism, 'Healing Can Faith Cure? 'Ohairm'an, •Can- on A'pp'leyard. Vocal Sala, Mr, James 'Sc'obt. RRJDAY, NOV. 18, at 8 p.m.-Tele- pathy-Is .m.-Tele-pathy Is There a Mental Wire- less ? Ohainman, Mr. G. A. Bal- lantyne. Piano Soto, Miss Helen Lane. SATURDAY, 'MOV. 19, at 8 p. m. What is Christian Socialism ? IChainman, Mr. Wm. B'faek, Veva! Sole, Mr, Roy Buffin. IA SILVER .COLLECTION AT EACH LECTURE. COUNTY OH,AMPIIOIN,SHIP The filth ann'ua'l ,championship pub- lic Speaking contest and second a'n- nua'l spelling nvatdli were conducted fit the ated'iitoriu'm of the Clinton col Ilegiete iuistltu'te on .Saturday, 'Noir- emb.er 51th. These coaite'slbs were un- der the direction of the Huron county 'branch of the Ontario department of. Algricultnne and held in conjun'cti'on with the antral meeting of the Hu- ron County E'd'u'dationa1 A'ssociati'on of Tru's'tees and R'atep'ayers. The con- testanits were the first prise winners in the public spe'akin'g and spelling match , contest conducted at each school fair in the county. The young 'o'rators displayed unus- ual ability and the winner was Mies Verna Anderson of the St. Helens school fair, who spoke on the sulb- ject, "Better Rural School Grounds." 'It is expected that she will represent the county at the O'nta'rio Agricuitur- set Cal'lege, Guelph, 011 ,Saturday, Nov- ember 19th. The first prize was a set of four books, the whiner af.seco:nd prize re- 'ceive'd three books, and the third prize. winner two books. Ail. other 'contest- ants received a consolation prize in recognition of their attempt to win higher honours. It was possib'le to provide these prizes through dona- tions received from Mr. W H. Gold- ing, 1'LP. for South. Huron; Mr. W. 'G. Medd, MhLA. for South Huron and Mr. C. A. Robertson, M.P. for. ?N'or'th Huron, Mr. George ;Spattan, M.P. for Worth Huron, arranged for a silver cup for the winning contest_ an't. and presenited this splendid tro- phy ro phy to Miss Anderson. The follo;ving is a list of the con- testants, the school fair represented, and the subject. The first three are ranked in ord'e'r of merit, 1St. Helens, Verna Anderson, "Bet- ter Bus's! School 'Grounds." 'Be'tgra've, Edna Vincent, "The Do Aulolnsuranc. Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to' see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call -Night and Day Service Phone 152 D. 'Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING STC Office ever Keating's Drug Store minion of -Canada." `Grand Bend, Chas. Atchison, "IIow 'We Can Help_ Our Country." 'Gotham e, Frances Houston, "The Bpi fish Empire." IGauie,- Ray= and Baylor, "When the Orient Fights, Canada Pays." 1Biyt'h, Ruth Hil'b'orn, "Lord Strath- cona.„ AshfieId, Roy MacKenzie, "Empire, Day " 'The spelling match resulted in keen :cantpetitian among the six contest- ants and Mies Eileen Gratton of (Grand" Bend was the winner. Book prizes for all contestants were prov- ided for by tate 'Huron County Educa- tional Association of Trus lees and iR'atepayers. The six contestants fin- ished in the fallowing order: (Grand .Bend, Eileen Gratton, S„S. IN'o. 8, !Stephen. ,Beigrave, Laving :NUB urney, S.S. No. 7, East Waw'anls/1Gerrie, Beryl Dickson, 'S,,S. No. 18, Hawick; !Blyth, Rosas Tfhu-et, Blyth public, school; Aslhifield tolwnsh'ip, lICathleen • Mac IKendriok, ;S.IS. 1\o. 4, Aslhllield. !Colborne Tape Ze'ima Fischer, S.S. NO. 4, Colborne. In addition to the public speaking and spel'tintg contests, a ch'a'm'p'ionship 'writing contest was conducted ,and prizes were awarded the winning pu- pils from d'o'n'at'iad's received from .the (branches of the Woimen's I•n'stitu'tes within the County. The ial'1'owinig were the, winners: !Printer -Alice .Nodkolds, Colborne, SSS, No. 1, Colborne, First •Olass---IAt1:n'ie Taylor, St. He- len's school fair, SIS. No. 12, W, Wa. !Second Claes--!G'eorge H'aggilt, of !Myth s'cho'ol fair, Room 2, BIiyth. IThind 'Cla'ss, Etna Swan, St. Helens school fair, ,S.S. No. 4, W. Waw. (Fourth Diose --Margaret Hibbon, (Ashlfield school fair, S.S. No. 3, Ash- field. IFDBbh Class--IFrced'a Rintoal, Sit. He- len's school fadr, SIS. 12, W. Wawan, ELIMVILLE Heal weather prevailed an Sunday last for the 'fa14 anniversa'ry services of this congregation.. The church wad (fi'll'ed to capacity at 'bath services and was nicely decorated wi'tis plants and tfl'dwers. ,Rev. j. Jldhns'on of IC'red'Iten was the special speaker for the day and delivered two splendid addresses which were well received. Rev. John- son was a junior 'pas'tor on this cir- cuit as'sooi'alted with ,Rev. ,High J. Fair twenty-lfive years ago and many who were here at that time were 'p'l'eased to h'e'ar h'im reg'a'in. The Choir rendered two anthems at each service, namely, "The Vldice of Jesus" and "Praise Ye Jehovah" at the morning service. "Thou art my God" and "`Great is the Lord" in the evening. The male quartette ` also sang two nu'm'bers, "In the :Bles'sed By and By," and "Glad Never Forgets." tAniong the many visitors in the neighlborhood on ;Sunday who were, present at these services were noticed 'Mr. and Mrs. \Vlison Hawkins of Seaforth; Miss {Leila Mallard of Ship- ka; Misses Marjorie and Gertie Hun- ter of London; Mr. and .bars. George' ,Squires and 'two' children and Miss ,Mlary Darman, Mr. and Mrs. Ern Faster :and son of Granton;' Mr: and Mrs. Wynn of !Wioadh'am; Mr. and Mrs. T. Morley 01 Whalen; Mr. and Mrs. 'W. Rogers;' me. and Mrs. E. !Gunning of Kthkton; Misses Joy and Evelyn Whitlock of; St. Thomas; Ma'. and Mrs. P. Whitlock of - Thames !Road; Mr. ,and Mrs: S. Jahns, Mir. and 'Mrs. Ewart Pyrn and children of Ex eter; Mrs. , (Rev.) Johnson an'd son IH'hward rnf Crediton; Mr. and .Mrs. J. Willis and babe of Stephen; Mfrs. IHlartvvick and daughter 'Rhet'a of Bryanston, A very large number from ,Zion congregation were also present. 'Mr. Ned Avory of St. Thomas vis- ited with Mr, and Mrs, Wes 'Horne last week. A. num'ber from here a-bten'ded the iTeadbers' Training Class held at Cred'ito'n United Church last week, TUCKERSMITH, Death of Mrs. Wm. Whitmore.-4It is with great regret we learned of the death of ,Sarah Catherine Elsie, be- loved .wife of Edgar William- Whit- morePmore, 1i' took lace at her aest- which d,en'ce, North York, on Monday Into. ve'mlber 1st, in her 4Ilst year. Mrs. Wh'i,bmore had been il'l over a .period of three month's, a great .de'el of which time she was -bedfast, the immediate cause of her death being septicaemia. The .late Mrs, Whitmore was a d'augh- ter'of the late Michael Whitmore and his wife, Melissa S'h'annon, was born in the township Of Hay on ,Atpril 2nd. 1892 and was married .to her now ber- eaved 'hus'baid on O'ctober bat, 10119.. To this union were born five children, four of whosnt are '1'ivitag, the eldest having dried at birth: Gerald, Elsie, 'George and Ada, the youngest being but three months. She is also survived by her one brother, S,aitn, of Ttuck- ers'mitly. The -funeral was held from her late residence, 76 Albi;ti,b'i Ave:, North York, on Wedtneeday, October 9th, the serv'ice commencing at, 2.30 condudtod by her pastor•, Mr. DANCE!!' IN FORRESTERS' HALL eons a ce Friday, Nov. 11 ALLAN'S ORCHESTRA. LUNCH Admission: Gents 35c J. F. Demos ter of the Baptist Church' of:'Newton brook, interment being made iai Thortehill cemetery. The sympathy-af'the .entire commun- ity goes out to Nhe bereaved husband and young family en their time of need, in the loss of a loving wife and mother. Death of Ira Johns -In the death of Ina Webster Jodtns which occurred on Sunday, the bo'wnshie of Tucker- smith has loslt one of its best known and most highly respected native sons, Ira 3oihns was s'ix,ty;Nhree years of age and was born in September, 1l81fi9, in Tesnkersmith on the farm 'comp'ris- ing lot 34, concession 2, Huron Road survey, now occu'.pjed by a nephew, Les'lde Lawson. His parents were the tate Edwin Jo'hn's and Jane Lands - borough. He was educated in the pub- lic school of the section. The late Mr. johns was a 'matt of upright life and ohlaracter. Por several years he serv- ed as councillor for .the tolwnsfiip and was a memberof the 1932 council. 'Hie always took a keen interest pn all •comtmuniilty welfare schemes and in muni'cip'al matters. For many years and up u'cti1 his death the late Mr. fjiohns .was a valued correspondent of 'The Sea'fortih Newts in West . End {Tuckers'sni'th, In religion he was a Method'istt and latter a member of the U'nite'd Church. He was one of the officials of Tu'rne'rs' 'Church and for years was ehoseu as lay representa- tive of the congregation at the annual sessions• of London caufer•en'ce. Ian October, 1899, he married Fanny Tawnsen'd, daughter Of the late Jo- seph Townsend and Elizabeth Stan- sbury'.' Early in. the summer of this year his health began to fat. He suf- fered minor strokes 'dur:n:g the 'fallow- ing months, his illness and death be ing due to heart trouble, Surviv.na are three sons, Howard, fa'rmin'g in Tuck- ersnn'ith, anal !Eelw'n and Alan at home; two brothers, Harvey, of Eg- s ondvi'llle, and Addison F., Lacher ait Newmarket, Ont.; ,three sislters, Mrs. Re'v.) A. E. Aaiun, Invermiay, Sask.; Mrs Raabent Lawson, Kiniburn, and Mrs Albert Seeley, Clinton, • Two gra'ndchild'ren also survive. The fun- eral was held on Tuesday a private service being .cotududted at the late residence of the .deceased, last 28, con cession 3, Tuckers'm'ith at 2 p.m. and a public service at Turner's Church alt 230 pan., Rev. F. G. Parrill, plas- ter, having oh'arge. In'te'rment was made in Turner's cemetery. The pall- bearers were Thos. Livingstone, Ro- bert Gi'bbin'gs, Ge'o. Turner, Amos Townsend, Robert Lawson and Albert iSeeley. ' The November meeting of the iTuekers selCh Ladies' Club was held at the hone of Mrs. R. Fear. Twenty- five members and two visitors were present. 'The roll call was an.swered with suggestions for Christmas gifts. The fol'lo'wing officers were elected for 1933: President, Mrs, R. Fear; V ce.Pres., 'Mrs.' Ernie Crich; Secre- tary, Mrs. Howard Johns; Treasurer, Mrs, Albert .Pepper; Social Commit- tee, Mrs, ,F F. Walters, Mrs, F.Town- send, Miss Sadie Ball buying com- mittee, Mrs. A. Pepper, 'Mrs. N. Gar - cert, 'Nita, G. McGregor; baking com- mittee, M'Irs. C. O'Brien; flower cont mittee, Mrs.. L. ' Te'bbutt, Mars. Oke; pian'is't Miss Rata Fear, assist, Miss Sarah Whitmore; press secretary, .airs. Herman Crich. 'The December meeting will be held at the 'home of Mrs. C. O'Brien, The roll call is to, be answered with gifts which are to be sent away in the b'os'ses for the north. 'Mr. and. Mrs, Peter (Hargraves of 'T'oronto vis'i'ted on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Shil'linglaw. 'Mr. and Mrs. Carl Topp of Buffalo are spending this week at the home of \Ir. John ,E1'gie. (Misses Gentle Webster, Gladys Coleman and Helen Thompson spent 'Sunday' with their" friend, M'is's Ethel Jackson, 'Misses 'Margaret and Rossy Patricic. Spent the week end with their par- tints,' Mar. and Mrs. M. Patrick. BORN. • R1OlE: In ;Hulie'tt, on 'Sund'ay, 'Octo- ber 30th, 1932, bo Mr. anal Mrs. Donne 'Rae, a daughter. JACKS'O'N. - Mr. and Mrs, J. T. !Jackson (Betty Evans, Bradford) announce the 'birth of a San it the Priva'te 'Patients' 'Pavifiou, N'ove'm- ber 2, '19312. WIAII.IIIER,-iIn Scott 'Memorial hos- pital S'eaforth, on Thursday, Nov. Std 1932, to Mr. ' and 'Mars. Otto' .Wtvlkor, 'Staffa, a daughter. Z: tlBHIE, �In, Scott iIie'tno'ri'al Hospi-,, tal, an - Sun'd'ay, Nov, 6,th, 1932, to Tblr. and Mrs, Albr'ahaim Zaphe, o'@ Bruce'fiettd, a son.'