HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-11-10, Page 4PGE FOUR,
Snowdon Bros., Publishers:
W.M:S.-Ube November meeting of
the Women's 'Missionary 'S'ociety was
held in The church. Mrs. Cumming
presided and opened the meeting with
prayer. After a hymn, Mrs, Walter
:Davidson read the devotional leaflet
,an '"Dorcas," the woman who was
always wanted, Leeming led
in prayer. A committee was app'oin't-
ed to rook alter the supplies for the
.needy. A full report of the section
meeting held at 'Winthrop.was given
by Edna 'Reid and Annie ,MeTagga•et•
Interesting letters from D, C. and
Mrs. Wilford, missionaries la China,
were read by the president. Mss M'it-
,ehell, 'travelling secretary for the WI
M.S., is to ad'dre'ss the Society F1'i
day evering, November 1:5'th. Officers
dor the new year were elected: Pres-
ident, Mrs. Cumming; secretary, Mrs.
9. McDonald; treasurer, 'f'i'rs, 'W.'Da-
vidson; pianist, :Mrs. E. Radford.
The 'm,eetintg was closed with hymn
6&i,. The president, Mrs. Shaw, presid-
ed' over the >W,IA, meeting. After ;the
Scripture •lesson Mrs. ;Reid l'e'd in
prayer. The officers for the new year
ane: President, Mrs. ,Geo. McTaggart;
secretary, Mrs. P. Gardiner; treas-
urer, Mrs. Radford. Mrs. Cumming
closed elle meeting with prayer. The
December meeting will be held in the
Mr. R. Marks, Mr. Hugh Camp-
'bl1 and Mr. '))McMillan have gone
north for the hunting season and we
heipe they will be snoces'sl6ui in bring-
ringing ,hbnte a deer.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Jas. MdLaughlfn of
St. Thomas Spent the week end visit-
ing friends in the neighborhood. They
are always welcome.
Miss Alice IA'nchi'bald of Seaforth
spent the week end visiting friends in
Mae village.
Miss 'Grace Broadfaot, who has
spent the summer with Mr. and :Mrs.
i3. S!hanno,n, has returned to her
home in (Stratford.
.Miss Irma Workman. of Tucker
smith, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. H.
;Messrs. Thos.. Archibald, 'Will'ia'm
McGu1'la, Wi1,1iam Nicholson and
borne ' Roe attended the ,funeral of.
Mrs, 'Richard Ryan of Seaforth.
IA large crowd ,gathered in the A,
OitJ W. hall on Friday evening, Nov-
ember 4th to enjoy the play entitled,
°Only a Step -Child," which was pre-
sented by the Ethel young people,
.under the auspices of the Public Lib-
rary Board. A report of the year's
work was read by the librarian show-
ing thtat the library has made a good
start since reorganization a year ago.
We have now 53 members, but we
could have three times that number if
the public realized the fine variety of
reading in store Ear them, especia'l'ly.
during the winter months, Library is
aspen to the public Tuesday after-
noon from 2 to 5 o'clock and Satur-
day afternoon 2 to 5 and from 7 to 10.
The librarian will be pleased to help
you in your choice of books, for there'
are books far every age and books on
almost any subject, Proceeds of the
play amounted to almost $32.
Rev. C. Cumming begins a three -
weeks' course of special ° meetings on
Monday evening in Duff's United
!Church. A singer has been procured
to help during this time.
Mr. and Mrs. Newhall and Bobbie
of Toronto visited with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Liringstoa the past
Mr. and Mrs. Box, Mr. and Mrs.
Moore of Stratford visited with . Mr.
and -vers. Fred Ennis S'unday.
'The play, '"S'tep-Child," put on by
Ethel young people was well attended
is the A:O.U:W. hall.
(The funeral of Mrs. G. 'Jackson
was largely attended.
A number of the children have the
measles, We hope tliey will soon be
aut again.
Mr. D. Jo'hn'son has been repairing
the sawmill to start work in 1933 for
eatstom .,work.
eome in and see our
new and used cars
Agent for ehrysler,
De Soto 9 Plymouth
All Repaks and Labor Cash.
Will Lecture in Seaforth.
The W'M.S, of the Queen Street
'!United Church held their regular
mon'thly meeting in the basement ,of
the church on Tuesday, November
lst, Ma -s. Wim. Johnstone pres'i'ded for
the program part of the meeting. The
devotional leaflet, "The Woim'an Who
is Always Wanted—Dorcas" was tak-
en by Mrs, Chas. Grastby, Question
sire an the seventh annual report was
given by Mrs. Carr and Mns, Col -
enough. Hymn, "Jesus Saviour Pilot
Me," was then sung. 'Scripture les-
son, Acts 1116, Chap. 9-82; verses, was
read by .Mrs. Wm, Jlohnston, followed
by prayer by Mrs. Slater. The lash
chapter of the. study 'book, "Korea
Land of the Dawn," was dealt with
,by Mrs: Philp. Two verses of hymn
162 was sung. The president then
took the chair for bhe business pant
of the meeting. The secretary was in-
gtruoted to send for a copy of the
study bock, "His .Dominion. of Can-
ada." All mite boxes and group ntron-
cys to be ,brought in at bhe December
meeting. The last two verses of
'hymn 1162 were sung. The president
closed the niee'bing with the betide
tion. Group committees Served a ten -
,cent tea.
The Women's ,Association of the
Queen street Un'ilted Church are hold-
ing a''bazaar and tea in the'baselmentt
of the ohurc'h on Saturday, Novem-
ber 26th. Keep th,e date in mind.
The' regular mo'nthl'y . meeting ° of
the Wo:men's Institute was held in
Memorial Hall on Thursday, Nogem-
,ber 3rd, with a splendid attendance.
President, Mrs. J. W. Scott, presided.
Meeting opened by singing the open-
ing ode,
pen-ing-ode, 'followed by the Lord's pray-
er in 'unison; The minutes of last
meeting were read andapproved. The
final arrangements for fowl supper
and entertainment to be held on No-
vember 10th were c'om'pleted. "My
Wild Iriish Rose," was then sung.
Topic, "Ideas for Community Life
during Winter," was given by Mrs.
'Robert Newicamlbe; piano solo by
Mires Pauline Robinson. Mrs. Jenik-
ins, gave a good report of the conven-
tion held at Walkerton on Oct. 118-�19.
News' items were given by Mrs. Os-
ter, Jean Laidlaw, Mrs. J. W. Mills,
Mrs. Wm. Craig. Peggy 0'/Neil was
sung in closing. Group. .committee
served a tasty lunch, Mrs. A. Taylor,
Mrs. J. S. Chellew, 3lirs. '4Vm, 'Gib-
son, Mrs. S. 'Sidth'orpe.
ifoll'owing is the report ,of S,S.:N'o,
15, McKillop, for September and O'et-
5r. W. --era Duffy 79%, "Helen
Elliott 72%, Glen Pryce 62%,
Jr. IIV.—(Gerald O'Hara 77%, Les-
Pryce 715%.
!Sr. IIIII.—IRi,ta Duffy 180%a, Beatrice
Pryce 718%a, Mary Bryce and Maxie
Hoegy 76%q'.(e'gv;al). Hazel 'Sperling
711,%, Everett Theurmann 67%, mRita
!Ryan 92%. •
Ipr, IIIIT;A.—IWillbur Hoegy 75%,
Audrey ' t13earman'n 74%, *'Lorne
(Burns 60%.
Jr.- T'13.B.—)Zonis Hoegy 83%, Bob.
Duffy 75%, *Leo Ryan 68%, Gordon
IBeeerrnann 67%, Billy Little .06%, Al-
vin Beurmann 62%.
'Sr. (III,—iTrene Cionnoa.ly73%.
Pryce 84%, M+elvin'Beur-
mann' 78%, Rite 'Sloane 76%.
IPr.—+Rita " Connolly and Rose
Banns • (equal), Roy Elliott,,iLeotla
FI!oegY, Mervyn Beurmann.
Anona Dale, Teacher.
ant and For; Sale Ad's; 1 time, 25c,
The Ladies' Aid and W.14:S. held
their regular monthly meeting at the
hone of Mrs, john Pethick on Wed-
nesday, Nov, 2. The meeting opened
by singing hymn 390, followed by
prayer by Mrs. Patrick. The minutes
of the previous meeting were read
.and approved. The roll call was an-
swered with 'a verse containing the.
word "Sacrifice." A Christian Stew-
ardship ,reading by Mrs. P. ;Bullard
and .a Temperance reading by Mrs
R. Beattie were given. The business
part of the meeting was: conducted by
the president after w'h•ich Circle No.
3, with Mrs, Sol ,Shannon in charge
conducted the remainder of the meet-
ing. Hymn 5179 was sung, followed by
prayer by Mrs. Austin +Doimage, The
scripture lesson was read by Mrs. H.
1131anc'hard. The treas'urer's report of
the WADS. was given. The . topic ta-
ken from the new study book, "(His
Dominion of Canada," was taken by
Mrs. Charles De/linage. 'Sentence
prayers by Mrs. Simpson and Mrs.
(Shannon followed after, whielt the
meeting cl'os'ed with hymn 3174 and all
repeating the Lord's prayer. A social
'half hour was spenrtduring which
lunch was served by the 'committee in
charge. The WADS. are holding 'their
:Autumn th'ankaffering meeting an.
Friday, November 1111th in the base-
ment of the' church. A generous offer-
ing is asked for. The 'ladie's ate: also
entertaining the Mission Band and all
the mothers and ibitbies the same after-
noon. Miss Lawrence of Sea'forbh will
speak to the children slid Mr. Snnrth,
the pastor, will give the bhankofferin'g
address. Ali the ladies and ,children of
the congregation, are ,cordially invited,
'The. first .;euchre -and dance of the
Se ason was ,!veld in the hall last Fri-
day night and was well attended. The
first few hours were spent in pr'og-
ress'ive euchre Mrs. Robert Dbd'ds
.carried off ladies first prize, and Mrs.
IOII'Iver ISeignitslt, !ladies' 'lone band
prize; men's first prize went to Reg.
Little auvd men's: lone hand prize to
Mr, Williatn .Miorbgomery.
Mr. John Canep'heil spent a few
days in Toronto lastt.;we'ek.
IMr, Geo. Kinney Of .London spent
;Sunday with. Messrs. William and
(J'osep'h Klinney.
Mr, and Mrs. Foster Bennett and
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Little spent
Sunday .afternoon with ,Mr.' and Mrs.
]George .Eaton.
iOur sympathy goes out to M'rs.
)Eaistt in the loss of her sister, Mrs,
;George 'Jackson of Walton.
St. Patrick's School. — Report for
Sr. W. Honours. James Delaney,
1'fary Cenitno, Kathleen Cummings.
Pass. — Jack Jordan, Teresa Krau's-
leopf, Genevieve Feeney, Albert Don-
nelly, Leonard (Nagle, Fergus Staple-
ton, Jlo!seplh Dane/el'le%
Jr. PV. Honours.—.Jiack Flanagan.
;Pass. — Charles Krau'slleopf, Camilla
Donnelly, Fergus' Cummings, James
ISr. -I911. Honours. _ Luicille, 'Mc-
Grath, Michael Feeney, ,L'ouis Looby,
'Mary Jordan, Mary (Evans. Pass.
(Loretta Feeney, ;Rose Feeney, Dalton
Burns, J'o'hnny Maloney, Harry Cum-
mings (absent for one exam.)..
jr. 1111. Honours,-Loreen Looby,
Margaret Tyers, Kathleen 'Stapleton,
Helen O'Reilly, Joseph IBen,n, Marie
Arnold, ' James Jordan, Margaret
Cummings. ,(Pass. —)Louise Flanagan,
Aileen Jordan, James Krausskopf,; Wil-
liam Maloney,
Second' Class. Honours. - Joseph
Klinkhamaner, !Wilfred Tyers, Gerald
!Burns. Pass. Earl Nagle, Rose
Klinkharnrner, Ryan Jordan, Mary
;Dorsey, Angela Donnelly, Thomas
'First Class, Honours. —'Wilhaml
'Berm, Catherine Jordan, 'Mary Staple-
ton, Margaret Krauskopf, Helen Flan-
agan, Catherine. Tyers. Pass.-1Be'rnice
Donnelly, Agnes Feeney, Francis
Evans. •
!Primary, Junior. Francis IB'enn, 'Jean
iJordan, Catherine Arnold:, Theresa
Cum'inings, Mary Costello, John D'o'n-
(Senior. George Klin'khantmer, Rita
Maloney, Philip 'Klinkhamnmer.
Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Strub and
'two daughters and son and Mr. Char-
lie McDaid of Kitchener spent Sun-
day the .guest of Mrs. Tom Burns and
other friends.'
Mrs. J, Cronin and Mrs. Leo Fort-
une spent the week end with friends
in Montreal,
Miss M. Clark, Miss Ella Clark.
and George Clark of Allendale were
week end visitors at the hone of Mr.
and Mrs, Joseph' Kiinkhammer.
.Mrs. T. Burins spent a fear days the
guest of Stratford friends,
Miss Mary O'Connell is visiting
with friends in London.
-Miss Minnie Maloney left on Tues-
day for Buffalo and front there She
'will accompany friend's to Florida to
spend the winter,
.Mr. and Mrs, Ph'ili'p H'arttintan re-
turned from a trip to Detroit on Tue-
sday on which even'ing a reception
we's' given for them, in the Dublin
open h'ou'se. All enjoyed a very .pleas-
ant evening and 'departed ` wishing
Mr. and M+rs. Hartman a long and
hatppy married iife.
Mr.. )tack McGrath shi,Pped a very
fine load of horses to Quebec' on Sat-
urday. '°
Miss H'anwalh Downey of ;London is
spending a few days with friends and
relatives of this town.
The reception which was held in
Lolaby's hall, Dublin, wits tar'gely at-
Mrs. John Brennan of .Stratford
spent Monday visiting friends in
bI^(lei's torr will drive
worns frFoin'the ,system 'without in-
jury to the ;c'hi'ld. The Powders are
so easy' to take that the most 'delicate
i's,bamlach can assim'ila'te them and
welcome (them, la' 's'peedy 'easers of
(pain, and thus the 'stiffening of the
child is relieved. With so sterlImg a
remedy at hand No child should' sof-
ler an hour !froth worms
E. Howard Daum'in, "B;A•
Quite a number from. here atte nded
anniversary senvice's at Zian' on Sun
Rev. and Mrs. Stewart and babe
have returned after' spending a week
w ith relatives in ' Chatham.
Mr, Ott ,' Wla'lioer wears a broad
sen'i'le these days, Iit's a girl.'
,-14r, and Mrs. Franck Golding, of
(Stratford, spent 'Sunday with the for-
nier's parents, Mr. and Mrs, I3. Goll',d
!Send us the names of your visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. Waters of London
visited at bhe home of the fonmer's
cousin, Mr. Simon M'cVittie, on
Mr, and Mrs, James Watt and the
Rey. Mr. Oliver of Blyth dined on
)Sunday at the hotrne of Mr, and Mrs.
(Geo. Watt. Rev. Mr. Oliver had
charge of the anniversary services,
morning and evening in Burn's Un-
ited Church, at which there was a
good attendance. We wish to th'anik
all those who a't'ten'ded, helping to
take the ann'i'venstary a su'oce'ss.
Mr. and Mrs. )la'me's' Scott and Tittle
Man of Toronto spent the week -end
at bhe home of 'Mrs. Seott's parents,.
Mr. an'd' Mrs. Simon MicVititde and
the sisters and brothers, also at the
home of the fo'rmer's sister, Mr.' and
Mrs. John Fa:irservice of Blyth, re-
turning to Toronto on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Farquhar and
children of near Clinton and Miss
IVenllhma S'heph.erd visited on Sunday
at the home of' Mr. and Mrs. Charles
!Master Archie Watt visited part of
Monday and Tuesday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parsons.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adams and
the latter's father, Mr. Govier of
L'ondesboro and Miss Jean (Bail of
ISutmm'erh'i:ll were Sunday visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Tho'ma's ,Appleby and
the little M'is'ses Rosamond and Mar-
ion spent S'un'day at the home of
Mrs. Jennie Knox.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rogerson and
children of near Brncefield spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
David Reid.
:lir. Jahn Leiper had a fine trip
to Mildmay one day last week with
apples, bringing home a nice lot of
Al apple butter.
The October meeting of the Lad-
ies' Aid of Burn's United Churchwas
held at the home of the Misses Jean
an'd' Agnes I3'arnigiton with Mrs. Beat-
tie assisting and the November meet-
ing was held Wednesday oflast week
at the home of Mrs. A. W. Beacom,
The 'afternoon was spent quilting.
,The visitors present were Mrs. Wm
Ferris of Hayter, Alberta; Mrs.
Knechtel of Calgary; Rev. and' Mrs.
Gardner' of L'onsieshoro; Mr's. Joseph
Lyon and rale Murray of near ,Lo'o-
desiboro; Mrs. Aubert Brigham and
Enid, Mrs. J. G. Gibbings, Mrs, Per-
cy Gittings, and little- Billy, and
Mrs, Warren Gi'blbings and baby.
L'unoh was served at tli:e close of
tfie meeting by Mrs. Beacom, Miss
Kathleen, 'Mrs. Lyons, 3otrs. Thos.
Kntnx, Mrs. W. Glbhings and' Mrs. S.
a,nci Mrs. Ford of Bracebrid'ge
visited recently- at the home of 141r,
and Mrs. Th'o's. Colson,
Mr. • and Mn,sWm, Knox and little
Barbara visited over the' week -end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Fa'irservice, also the formrer's cousins,
Mr, and Mrs. T'ho's. Knox, Mr. antral
Mrs. Wm. 11 Knox, Mn-. and Mrs.
I, Ranson, returning to .their hone
near Pickering on Sunday afternoon.
One day last week while picking
apples the ladder on which Mr. An-
gus Reid was standing, broke, throw-
ing hint to the ground and . giving
him .a nasty gash in the forehead,
The following is the report of'S,S.
No. 6, Huliettt, for the Months, of
1S'eptemlber and O'c'tdber.
Sir. IN'.—Adla Leper S11%a, `Willie
'Ta'yl'or 68, Lv'in Shannon 67.
IJr. I'V.-Wilrina ' 'Shepherd B5%,
(Watson Reid .65, Jim 11ldEwin'g 61,
Sr. II/II.—)Gordon McGregor' 67%.
7r. VIII Laura
Leiper ,7'7%.
11.-1A1'v n Nicholson.
Jean Rapson,
Alrnold. Hlod'ge. 'Pupil winning most
'Stars in spelling was Gordon Mc -
(Lydia L. Reid, Teacher.
Want and For Sale Ads, 3 'Hines, '50c
Butter, per lb ..... 18c
Eggs, per dloz 25'c -34c
!Potatoes, per bag .. .. 60,c
T-I'ogs, per cwt.. '43,50-$4.00
Hogs, per cwt. $3,00-$3150
▪ * * * . >a 8: *
* (Furnished by Ontario Depart
;hent of Agriculture.) *
• ,* * * . * * *_ * *: * *
Corning Events.
(Nov. L'6-24 — Royal Agricultural
Winter Fair, T'orontto,
Noy. 22-23 — 'Can. ,Creemterymen's
,Ass'n. Convention, Toronto.
Nov. 24 -25 --The Eastern Ontario
ICheeseninakera" Assn. Conven'tio'n,
Kemptvn tie.
Nov. 28 -Dec. 2 - IOlttawi' 'Winter
Pair, Ottawa, Ont.,
Dec. d-7—Centra') Ontario Cheese-
makers' Ass'tn. Convention, Nap'anee.
(Dec. 6-18—IOnrkario Plrovdnoial 'Win-
ter Fair, Guelph, Ont.
An Ontario farmer has !cleared the
weeds .from twenty -!five acres' of .pas-
ture by the use of comtmon salt, The
method isnot new, but was so care-
fully ‘worked out that Prof. Howitt of
Guel'ph was c'onivinced of its efficien-
Fine Crop of Onion
Grown in Thedford Area.
J. A. ,Carroll of the Ontario' Mar-
keting ,Board, rep'ort's that the 'Med-
ford Celery Marsh area has produced
am onion crop of exceptionally high
quality. The extent of the 'crop is e's-
'timated at twenty -!five carloads.
Growers in that district have organ-
ized, for the purpose of marketing
the crop, under the name of the
IThedtflond 'Growers' Co-operative,
Carrots in Storage.
(Recent :reports indicate that com-
paratively heavy supplies of 'Ontario
grown are being plated in cold stor-
age at Toronto. These carrots, large-
ly •grown in muck soil, are of par-
ticularly high quality, and dealers
predict that this Ontario ,grown pro-
duct will successfutl'y compete with
the imported carrots,usually brought
'to Ontario during the ,months of Feb-
ruary and March.
tt,s. ted
'ONLY 50 c
Small Throw or Hearth Rugs or Mats
2 for 25c
cleaners & Dyers
.New 0. A. C. Building.
The completion of the new Ad' -
ministration Building at 0.A.tC. was
fittingly !marked on Oct. 22nd by a
dedication ceremony in which' (ids
(Excellency bhe Earl of ,Bess'borough
took part. A live •stock .parade on the
campus and flag -raising precede'd' the
o'peni'ng. Later a luncheon was held
in Greenman Hall at which the Min-
ister of Agriculture and many dis-
tinguished guests were present, .The
'three -unit 'building w'h'ich has been
under .construct'ion since 1930 is now
made available for the students and
administrative staff. The large attend-
ance" in recent years made the prob-
lem of housing urgent. In the new
dormitories provision will be made
for 246 students in agriculture,
three in horses, two in poultry, , and
five.. in fur -bearing animals. In '. the
case of' most of these parasites it •is
possible to check their ,ravages by
simple oon,trol measures.
Poultry in Demand
IIn a recent address ,Professor .Gra-
ha'm of ' O. A. C. predicted. that if the
present demand for eggs continued
there would not be a single' egg in
s't'orage in ,C'anad'a by !January 1st.;
The poultry 'business was good at
present, he declared, pointing out
that last spring there had 'been a sur-
plus ,of poultry and s'o'me of the 'stor-
age dealers had taken a l'os's of $)160
a ton on their stock. Now they were
short of everything, with only half
the chickens they had' at this time
last year. /The surplus a year ago he
attributed to the .poultry dealers keep-
ing the price .up, while the price of
hogs .fe'l'l to a low level and the people
turned to pork instead' of chicken.
Higher Price Indicated For Ontario
"I'f market trends conform to those
of the past few years," commented
'Charles E. 'Broughton, Ontario De-
pa'rtment, "we can anti'cip'atean in-
crease in the price of potatoes."
The Ontario potato crap far 19311'
amounted to 20,005401 bushels, with
a market value of $4735,770, lIn 4930,
however, when ,the crap approximated.
118,276,0105, or almost two million
•bush'el's less than the .previous year,
the ,market .value was $10;9963175.
1(929 crop • was still less, amounting
to 1s4;1150,0'58 bushels .or about 6,000-
000 bushels less than the crop of 1&3'1'',
yet `having a market value of 15,2711,-
732 more than three times. the 1193(1
+At'present prices the 1&32 crop, es-
timated at 113,7180,000 bushels,. would
be Worth only $4,110141000j but past ex-
perience indicates that there is ample
reason for the belief that potato prices
will increase.
Royal Poultry Show.
For its poultry show the Royal
'Winter Fair in iNovember 'has estab-
lished an easy record over past
events in the number of specialty
clubs that are.'to exhibit. They total
27 as against a prev'io'us high record
of 26. Many of th'e major poultry and
pigeon associations, both Canadian
and American, will hold their annual
meeting at Toronto during "'Royal
week," . November 116-24,
Increase Turnip Sale Through Careful
Gradrag, .
The Onta'rio -liarektin•g Board
states that the export demand for
Ontario 'turnips has dropped off 're-
cetut1y. The general feeling of deal-
ers is that market conditions, insofar
as export is concerned, will improve.
Ontario groaners, however, can do
ranch towards im'proving the home
market, and increase the demand's for
Ontario 'turn'i'ps. This can be effected
th'rough more ca'refttl selection of tur
rips, and tp'resen,ting them as at'tra'c-
tively as possible. .'Growers who in-
tend to market their crop for table
use shou'l'd' ,pull and trim the turnips
by hand, ,settling aside for stock feed
a'I:1 tohse showing growth gain's 'or
maggot injury.
Little Things to Fight
IDr.' 'Lionel Stevenson, Pr'o'vincial
Zoologist Inc,Ontario, in a recent re-
view of work 'being done in connec-
tion with ,the control of in'tern'al para -
'sites of animals stated - that. 'bhiose'
which gave principal cause for con-
cern in the livestock industry are
comparatively . few. Of these he
named' six principal 'internal parasites
in s'heep, two §n swine, two in cattle,.
Boys' Grain -Potato Clubs
!Teams representing the Boys' Po-
tato Club's of the province held 'their
provincial contests atO !A.C.
recon y.
The team from Renfrew County, �
posed of Stewart Spading and 15. S.
Gibbons, won the Grain Club charm,
piontihi'p, while ,S't'ephen 'Fletcher and
Biiurie !S'herwin of 'Wentworth County
were declared champion Potato Olu1
team for 1932; These two teams will
repres'ent Ontario in the International
contests in grain and potatoes at the
Royal `Winter Fair this month. R. 'S.
Duncan, director of agricultural rep-
resentatives, was in charge of the
competitions, assisted by Officials of
O:A.C. and of the Crops Branch, De-
partment of Agriculture.. This phase
of agricultural extension, work is sti-
mulating keen interest among the
juniors throughout Ontario. ILn all,
52 clubs with a total membership of
1,216, engaged in the above .projects
during the past year.
1, :.:y ARP: Mi 719'.
Thurs,, .Fri:, Sat.—(Nov. 10-11-12
Musical Act and Cartoon —
Mon., Tues., Wed. -)Nov. 14-15-16'
A Sherlock Holmes Mystery
A British :Picture
News Reel and Comedy.
Matinees Holidays and Saturdays
Two Shows Each Night, 7.30 - 9.15