The Seaforth News, 1932-11-03, Page 2• TIdE SEAFGRT I]EW.S, -77 1'HUIRISPIA..Y, 146'V'0013; 3 1932,,, I•fAIR1LOiOK. ;Don't forget that 'Balm's' 'United Chtindh are holding •their anniversary services on Sunday, Nov.'Ath at 11 a. nn, turd 7:30 p.m, ,Rev. IG. W, 'i!O'Des ee of St. Andrew's United, Ohttreh: rB'lythi; vete have eharge of both services, good attth dance is ,hop'ed' far, Messrs, Bert Beacom atnd', ;Leslie. 'Beattie were busy tact week helping a nuitteber of the farmers in, Wee lvidhtity of, Londesbora pick potatoes rand re- port them e good crop. Mrs, Warren Gi'bleings and ,baby spent Monday at ,the home of the far- 'mer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rapson. Mr, and Mrs, David, Reid and .Wat- son visited at the 'home 'of Mr, Elmer Flaekwel1's near Walton ten Sunday. - We wish to extend sincere sym- abh' to the friend's.' of the late Mrs. !' y erry, 'formerly a resident near1Thr•C Tock, 'whose funeral was held on Tues- day of this week from Walton church, Mr. and •Mrs. Norman Lloyd of Clinton spient Sunday at the home of the +latter's parents, .lir, and Mrs. A. W. 12cEwing, Mrs, hnechtel arld ` little 3Iaxeen received word the o't'her day that they •eould extend their visit with the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert 'Ferris and other friends for six welds owing to the fact that the former's husband had been called away to take charge o3 the wont of a brother em- ployee who has been taken sick. !'Tics Lydia Reid spent the wek-elnd in Toronto returning home Monday. Mins, Jennie hnox and Miss Olive spent Monday at the home of the for- mer's daughter, Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Appleby in 1IcILi'llcp. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Oharleswonth and Miss Helen visited at the homes ,of _Mrs. Robert Ferris and Mr. and or Who Prefe All. � Quality y 'Fresh From the Gardens" Mrs. Wita, Bell` on Sunday: Mrs, I{nech'te1 and little Maxeen, who were visiting most of last week tat the ,hoarse of The •fonneer's sister, Mr, and Mrs., Albert Vodden, also calling on Clinton a4bd Goderich friends, re- turned to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferris Monday. OnMonday afternoon, ,Mrs. Keeph tees hus'band's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. 0H'enry Chisner of .Se - briny -4h visited at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs, R. Ferris. Mr. and Mrs. t4Vlm. 'B'ell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bewley of near Walton and Mr. and ,l'Irs. 'Albert Vod'den, of near ILothdesboa-os were also present for tea and spent a very enjoyable even- ing. Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Parsons en- tertained fr'iend's from ;rear Lolndes- boro on Sunday. ,Mr. and Mrs: A, W. Beacom and the latter's sister and hus!ba'nd, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Vipond visited on ,Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Lyon near Landes- . bora. VARNA. TiiICK'ERIS;Nl'xTfH: f action Sale:: 'Tlhe auction sale' di faro' stoek •an the efaren Of W. M., Doig' on Monday- last was largely ate tended and 'very 's'atistatory` .p'recess were ,realized earhorses, ,cattle, sheep, and pigs, conlsiderite .She .depression, Mr, Howard TR•amnito.n of Detroit 's'pen't etre •weelkeenld viis{tiing friends in this, >township', " Me, John C. Doig, lawyer in the (Fi'sh'er Ibeii'ldilieg, Detroit, was home for the week -end and Clerkled at his !father's sale on Mandhy, returning 'to D.etra'it thaw evening,e; IReve Mr. Craig of Gpdeeich sp'olfe morning and evening 'to a well flgied house `Stuiday in the ;Cited CChtu.dh, Dr. H. Rieid of Toronto. spent the ,week -end with his mother and' 'bro- titer Mrs. L. 'Beatty and datigh'ter•Edytth in company with Mr. C Wylie spent Sunday with friends in .Clinton, ;Several. Tram this district atte'nd'ed the Harvest Thanksgiving fowl sup- per 'in Middleton. Church and report an enjoyable time, IMise Glenn of Toronto .1111 company with Mrs. Glenn of ICi'ppen called on Mrs. John 'Beatty Tuesday. Mrs. J Potter of Detroit is visiting her nloth,er, Mrs. 'Oamppell. !Douglas' rEgylptiaa (Liniment, al; ways quick, always certain! 'Steps bleeding instantly. ,Cau'terioes wounds and ,prevents blood poisoning. Splead- 'id for muscular rheumatism, ';(rant and ,For (Sale Ads, 3 times 50c. W A+LTO:N. The funeral old'M'rs.' lmeline iBerry, wife of the 'late John 1Berry; Who d'i'ed in ,her 86th year, !was held''IWehl-' nes'day of 'last week with a 'large 'at tendeeeCe, Mrs, 'Berry died at ,ehe home of Ther heather -in-law, •Hugli;Berry, at Arthur. 'M'rs. iBerry,' whose 'maiden name ;was TJmeline IB'urns, 'wee !b'oon in .Dungannon, County 'Tyrone, lee- -land, in ;18'47, ,'daughter of iMr. and Mrs. William iBurus, IC'oantnp to Can- ada in 1851' with her 'parents, she dived in 1St. Marys and :Blaasetard Temp, After her marriage to IJIolvn IBIerry , u 1865 they settled on a farm on the twe'lfth ,conces'sio'n of IMGK•ild'ap, ,weeelh is now owned by TALI. Shannon, They resided here until 111879, when they re- tired and moved to the .17th coln'ees- siont of (Grey, living in the 'Nonu's'e now occupied by Harold ISmai'ldot. !After the 'death of her (hus'band 'ter years ago Mrs. Berry resided wi't'h her daughter, th'e late Mrs. Js!hu Mc - Gavin, and with relatives in St. Marys and Arthur. Mr, Berry Was a promin- ent member of,ethe United 'Church, Out of a'fatmily of six daughters and 51 GOVERNMENT OF THE DO INION OF CANADA 4% LOAN -1932 The Minister of Finance offers for public subscription $80,000,000 Dominion of Canada 4% Bonds Bearing interest from 15th October, 1932, and offered in two maturities, as follows: $25,000,000— 3 YEAR 4% BONDS, DUE 15th OCTOBER, 1935 $55,000,000-20 YEAR 4% BONDS, DUE 15th OCTOBER, 1952 Subject to redemption at par and interest on or after 15th October, 1947 Principal payable without charge, in lawful money of Canada, at the office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General of Canada at Ottawa or at the office of the Assistant Receiver General at Halifax, Saint John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary and Victoria. Interest payable half -yearly, ieth'April and 15th October, in lawful money of Canada, without charge, at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank. Denominations: 3 YEAR BONDS, $$1,000 20 YEAR BONDS, $500 AND $1,G The proceeds of this Loan will be used to retire $34,449,950 of bonds maturing 1st Novem- ber, 1932, and to provide for the general purposes of the Government and the Canadian National Railways. The Loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal and interest are a charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Canada. The amount of this issue is $80,000,000. The Minister of Finance, however, reserves the right to allot or reject the whole or any part of subscriptions received, provided such allot- ments do not increase the principal amount of the issue by more than $25,000,000. Applications. will not be valid on forms other than those printed by the King's Printer. ISSUE PRICE: 3 Year Bonds, 99,2C® and ;merest,yieldingtotnaturity4.28 20Year Bonds, 93.45 and interest, yielding to maturity 4.50% Payment to be made in full at time of application or in the case of the 3 -year bonds, on allotment. Subscription lists will open on 31st October, 1932, and will close on of before 16th November, 1952, with or without notice, at the discretion of the Minister of Finance. Subscriptions will be received by any branch in Canada of any chartered bank and by recognized dealers from whom' official application • forms may be obtained. DEPARTMENT OP FINANCE, • Ottawa, 31st October, 1932 Smlo sons, ,five gurvtve:,IMrs J. •Camrp " bell •and :Turns: Andrew 1 o'ung 'of, gy press ,River, Mialblitolba, Mqs ,J. ,�. ,Cu't- • Cherie Edmonton, 'Allta IWllll+atn and, J'ossie'plir Gi'llbert, IP1lail's 8dlxs1 A4r 1V11 601d, Mrs. I(IDr;) Watters �ant'd M'*G'aeta 'ase tale three •dao- ghtors who ;h'ake ,,pawed away. �'h'fiity sit grandctiildrtglk al'd Tufty eight great -'graia,dchiedren'' ate a1so:::de'ft 'tee , tr%gtirai, The' funeral ser,vice wa's .con d'ue:ted 'by Rev, F, W,' Cnailc aF IGo'de r'ic'h, and the ,pastgr o'f ,Duff's :United Chu'rch 'here, of wnhicii Mrs, .,Berry. was a memsixer. A solo; enLltied`"'Open the Gates of the 'Terivple,' 'wins ren'd- ered by Mies S'a'rah' ;Beryy of' (Arthus; requested' by *e. Berry •before she cried, Two !favorite' •hyhntns were aillso, sung, .1The 'pallbearers were iRobeet 'Reid, Williaut •MciF''adzeen, Janose Lawson', ,Edevard' 'Breetts, Thames ILeenlingand Silas Johnston. In'tec merle was made in :B'nues.els ceitte'tery, Relatives .were present 'from Tfirktoai,: Arthur, Tara, •Bencelfield and 'Grand' Valley. HURON NEWS. (Baseball' League eloping aneebin.g df`, the tears • foranetrly Man-'. ' (bees of the Nloxtth', WIe1Dlingeon ,Baser 'ball Association,' was' "held ,at Wing -1' hem lest -'1rriday, The punpdse oh the ealeeeing was the'dieeMeal of -th'e money ' ibleet liras b!bere held :an tlne'trsasnry of th'e , clu'b ,sjlniee the eeas',n of , ,19p3-24., CTlhtis ldag le has nett been ' afeaateel ,since that season. Tlhe ":follosinlg . te'am's were rep'nesehlted:''Paltteerston, Grand Vail'ley, Owen Sou rid;; •Cisesley; ` er 1WEI'aarl'k,ies,dron, GodExet•,;ton, eo, Mork )rew, Winglearu, I • ilanover, . Officers,were electedwho ?all decide on the `• disposal:, 'Of the, Parker -Robertson. —' The home of Mrs. 'Wi'lli'am `Ro'berts'on, B'iuev'age, was the scene of a- quiet ,wedding when her daughter,;-: Cora Gertrude; 'became the bride of Archie A. Parleer. Of Btarrie, son of M'r.. and Mrs, D.fEh (Parker of Evefon, Ontario. The wed- ding mu'si'c was p'laye'd' by Miss Janet Robertson, sister . o'f .the bride. The 'cerern'ony took place under an arch of autumn leaves and flowers, The bride who - Was given in marriage by her brother 'H'arv'ey Robertson, wore a gown of poudre blue, suede lace, and carried a'b'au'quet of J'o'hanna Hill roses. 'The bride's attendant was Miss 'Eileeln 'Brid'ges of Guelph wearing a gown of yellow crepe and carrying a ,bouquet of white roses. The 'bride- Igeoom was supported by Rabent Croft of Toronto. After the wed'd'ing dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Parker `left by mato• for 1Hamilton and .Niagara Falls. They will reside in Barrie. Wingham Couple's Golden Wedding --Mr. and Mrs. 'George Mason, of iWilnpham, who were married on Oct- ober 2'Sth, 1892, by ,the fate Canoe Hill in the Anglican Church, celebrat- ed their golden wedding last week. Mr, Mason came fron London to 1879 and built the Mason block and started in business that year. The 'firs't cue - tamer to enter the store to make a purchase was the gate Mr. J. A. 'Mor- ton. Mrs. Mason, formerly Harriet iJohnstone, is a native of Weston. Three children were bort; to t'herne \I'rs. Robert I3ea'ttie and Jack, of Wingham, Mrs, George Gregory, of Climax, Sask. funds which amount to over,+$700 Died Suddenly,,— Dearth 'carne witls', shocking: suddenness to 'Robert Tay- lor a 'f.th,,e16th concession of T•uenbdrry. ,Mr. Taylor had ';riot ent'joyed' the best of health' at times but wasabout his. farm duties as Us'ua'l. 'When he carte in to dinner the sosmplaited of feel-:.• Mg tired 'anicl lay dawn, and in a very s'h'ort time passed away; Mr. Taylor. ,for man'g,:year had a 'farm on, the IW'inghts'nn road near Bluev!a'le, but lat er moved to Turnberry.. He is surviv— ed by h'is Wille,. formerly _Hiss Marg- areit 'Rauistotn, and one son William . IR. at home, also a young niece who has made her 'h'oline with Mr, and - Mrs. 'T'ay'lor since childhood. Liter - meat took place on Thursday last, Hay Twp. Wedding. — A rather pretty wedding at which nearly one hundred gueslts alttendre•d was solemn- ized by . the :Rev, Father Ma'pohand at the !tame of Mr." and Mrs, Max- ine Denomone ax-ine"Den'omone on the •townlin'e of Hay Township, when their daughter Marie 'bec'a'me the 'bride of Victor Hughbor.t, son of Mr. and Mns, aR. H'uglebeet of Detroit. Mr. 'Richard De- no'neone was groomsmen a'nd Miss 2 ifitiaar Florine was !bridesmaid. Little Misses Doris' Denom'one and Marie 'Regier were flower girls. The bride wore a dregs of ivory satin modelled on 'Princess lines, with short train and carried a bouquet of talisman roses and white 'cheys'anthemums. The bridesmaid wore a dress of pink silk face with brown velvet shoes, hose and gloves to match, and car- ried a 'bouquet at ;Brianoliffe roses, and yellow pom pairs. The flow girls each carried a nosegay. Mr. •aeli'`',, , Mrs. Hitgls!bert will settle in Detrdeet after a honeymoon by motor. Turnberry Barn Burned,—'Fire _com- pletely destroyed the barn and 'house sbel'oieging to Joseph Greenway on the •B line df Turniberry 'fast 'week. '1''he farm was formerly owned by Thomas Casernore, 'The house .which was a small frame 'bufiding was unoccupied, Tlhe barn contained a quantity of hay and straw, together with eanee im- elemen'ts in'clud'ing a binder, -and hay rake, a buggy a'sd cutter,' which were also burned. "Freeman—Gardner. — A pretty au- tumn wedding was s'o'.le'rnpized in Zion Church, Ashfield, wshe'n Cather- ine Eva, 'eldest daughter of Mn. and Mrs. 'W. T. Gardner, Zion, became the bride of Ja'sep'h'Bannister, son of and Mrs. George Freeman o'f Colborne. The bride; who entered the clfurch on the arm of her father to the strains of the wedding march, 'played by Miss Ada Helm, was becomingly attired in a gown of wine georgette' and lace with wreath of orange 'blossoms in her, hair. She carried a shower 'b'o'u- quet. Miss 'Beryl Gardner as brides- maid, wore a pale green .chiffon gown and carried, a banquet of garden flowers. :The bridegroom, was a'tten'd ed by Alvin Ritchie of Teeswater. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the pastor,'on beha'l'f ,af the teusttee board, narked the °eversion of The first wed, - ding held in Zion Church, by present- ing the bridal couple with a handsome Bible. Dic'i'ng the signing o'f the' reg - ,Brussels Dog Poisoned.—Mr. R. 1PdLauchlin'e Russian Wolf bound is dead, "Prince," which was the do'g's name, was found by Mr.M'ciLa'uch'lin in a' very serious condition, he imme- diate'ly rush -ed hint to the veterinary, 'but it was to'o late to -Inc o1 use, and within a few haw's the dog was dead. The cause is said to be from some un- known pg.ison.--lBrusse'ls P'os't. Excellent Mangold Yield.—'Mr, Bert Carter of Ethel has what Inc considers. a rather 'remarkable show:erg of man - ,golds this season. They are yielding about 600 .bushels to the half acreee�..� This is much better titan the avenfriR, crap, as a field is considered to Inc doing fairly well at 400 bushels, whioh is about a fair.average, There are records showing that as high as 300 'bush•els of .marigolds have -been taken from well-prepared and well fertilized laird, and on one occasion, we believe as high as 1,000 bushels to the acre 'wase produced at the O.A;C. 'There 'would :be more work andp'reparation', in securing this crop than the average fanner could give to one piece of land -iBnusse1s Posit. BOY SHOT nN ARM, One arm use'ies-s from a gunshot wou'n'd, 16-ycar-'olld Earl 'Seething -of 'An'hersbburg sailed his boat •several • miles before getting help. He was near Livingstone citanned when a srcagcn ire had in the boatdischarged, 'the content; strikiIng his arm. RE'CE'NT TREND OFINTEREST 'Derlatyg 119312 both the United King- dom and Franlc'e converted gigantic ou'tstanriin'g o'bligation's into new bonds with yields bower by 1/ to 2/ per •ceit.'I•t'wa's largelyover-su'bs'crib- 'ed as were the recent low yield,short term, U.S.Treasury issues. Call anon ev in New York at 1 per cent and it 1 e, 1Leeidcai a'. half o'i ,his fie usabes icier Mrs's (Edna Ritchie sang e the ircnd• of ;interest ratesgur. Idicndend, Perfect Love." .Mr, and Mrs. Free certain UIS. short-term obligations matt will reside on the bridegroom's are seldiug virtually without any yield farm iii Colborne township.• - wlhatever-b'uyers being',w'illing to ?Laymen Elect Officers.—On T'ivurs- ffonego tonssid'erationrs of yield in order day ev'e'ning; Oc'tober 20th, the annual to ob'ta'in ad'v'antages in sulbsequen,t re - ,meeting and •election' off officers of the ,newel. Deanery of Huron was b'e'd in the In 1914, the average rate of iinterost ihasemen't of Trinity Church in Ford- on Dominion issues prior to the great. 'wic'h.Atblau't 65 .meln'.dli'd• ample justice 'War was 3.512 per, : cent. Indications 'to the b'anq'uet prepared by the ladies now -point to the poss'i'b'le return to of Trinity 'congregation. The fol'lowi'ng ,pseswar le'v'elst in in'tere'st rates in cam- were elected to office for Ile ensuing pa'ny with commodity ,and, 1'aboar .year: H•on. Pres,; Sheriff M'iddietan, 'prices, Clinton; 'president, Mr. BIl'aok'slbone, of 'Th'e trend toward lower rates is but ' IGoderich1 vice president, One ele'men't in the s•itu'ation which eeturdy, Glo'derich1 eeoree ry-tre'as'urer; seer's to, assure the enecesls of the '7!. T, Blo'olth,'Wlingham; ,conetnittee, new loan. 'T'he pulbl'ic will also be at - 'Mr, Edger, iWingtham; ,Mr. IB'ryiaes, eraeted by the satisfactory yield, by 1l3'nussels, Major E, )Corbett, Fordwich. the pro'bab'idlilty of aplprecietiou, `he-. 'The' sneaker far' the evening Was Rev..cauon they will be able to buy the J• N,',li, M'i'Ins G!od'o'rich, wIhdo gave au ,b'oIdds ibtelo'w par,'.aud 'becasse Gonad- address on Ide'Dnoces'ast. Bud'get, with rah board's are s'a'fe, a statement of ally' dtioloesan expen'di- ' tures, Watdt and For Sale Ade. I tien'e, 2151c,