HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-10-27, Page 8f?ACrE EIGHT HENSALL. tMeslsrs, Alvin Workman and :John ICazimlic'hlaeil :have returned home Tram the Wet ihere hey 'have been spend- 19gthe .past two months' • Mr, Russell Love has taken a 'poli- 'tion as clerkwith T. C. J'oynt in the .gents' furnishings and, shoe ' depart - 'Mrs. Alex. McMurtrie has returned home after visiting for a few days with friend's an (Stanley. Miss 'Leila .Welsh= of Toronto is visiting with relatives and :friends in bbwn, (Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Young and •daaugh'ter have returned Nome after visiting for a couple of weeks with friends at 'Westboro and Ottawa. :Miss .Alice Higgins is visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. J Sweitzer, at, IBeach-JO-IPlines. Mrs. Thos (Palmer has ,returned home after visiting for a c'oup'le of 'weeks with her sbai, Earl, in Wind- sor. Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl IP:dine'r ac- companied her home and visited over the week end. Miss Jean Snnall'aco'mlbe of (Guelph is visiting with her aunt, 'Liss M. Bi - lis. Mr, 'Joh'n-Patssmare Jr., has accept ed a good position at Delhi and left for bh'at place. 'His many friends here wish him success. Mr. and' Mrs. Geo. T. Mickle have returned to their :haine in Rli•d'ge'bown after a pleasant visit with their son here. Mrs. Griffith of Ottawa is visiting with Rev. and .Mrs. W. A. Young. M. Wm. Harding and 'friends of )Lond'on are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. /Fred Corbett in 'Hay. Rev. Ms. Young and Mrs. Young 'attended the fowl supper at Nairn on Tuesday evening ,and assisted with :the program. 'Miss (Irene D:aters :hats taken a pos- ition in Clinton. Mr. and Mils. !Roy McLaren and Mr. W. C. McLaren visited with relatives at Cromarty on Sunday •last. Mr. and Mrs. A. J Sweitzer and children of Beach.O-Pines, 'visited ov- er the week end with relatives in town. Mr. Wm.:Simpson, accompanied by his 'pother, Mos. L. Simpson, visited over the week end with relatives here. The .Arnold Circle of Carmel' Pres 'byterian Church held their regular meeting an Tuesday evening with lan- tern slides of British Guiana. The meeting opened with scripture lesson read by Mrs, H. Arnold. Prayer by (Rev. Young, after which was a read- ing by Mrs. Frank Traquair; solo by ,Mrs. Andrew .Dougal; instrumental by Nis; ,Blanche Mustard, duet, Mrs. W. IA, McLaren, and Mrs. Young; lant- ern slides were read by Mrs. Roy Me - Laren and Miss Olive Workman. The (Arnold Circle will hold their sewing meeting at the home of Miss Alice 'Walker on Friday evening. The annual rally of young people's presbyterial of 'Huron was held in the Presbyterian Church, Auburn, on Monday evening at 8 o'clock, with a good attendance. Opening exercises, IGod'eridh Y!PJS, minutes of 1931 meeting by Miss Beryl Pfaff, Hensall, secretary; appointing nominating committee; a representative from, each plac.; musical number, Auburn chair; report of Sabbath schools by different representatives; ,report of summer school, Miss Maofie, Goderich; report of Girls' Camp, Miss E. Jamieson, S'eaforth; report of boys' camp, Mr. J. ,Stanbury, Exeter; report of Y.P. Societies and C.G.I'T. Groups, by Secretary of each different .place; ad- dress: The 1Suceeiss of Young People's Work, by Rev. W. A. Young, H'en- s'all. The officers were re-elected. The plaoe of meeting next year is •Goder- ic'h. Rev. Mr. Ashdown of Blyth moved a hearty vote of thanks for the splendid address. 'Closing exer- cises. Rev. C. E. Doagan, Clinton; F. G. Weir, President; Beryl Pfaff, Sec- retary. Mr. Fred (Hess is im'provi'ng the ap- 'pear'ance of his property by tearing dawn the large barn and having a neat garage erected in its place. IThe friends of Mr. A. L. Case are glad to hear he is improving after his very serious ilbne.ss. Miss Annie Consitt is able again to resume her du'ti'es as teacher in the public school after 'being off duty a week through illness. 56th Anniversar y BRUCEFIELD UNITED CHURCH will be held on Sunday, Oct. REV. J, E. HOGG; D.D. ('formerly of Clinton) will bring his usual pep to - these services. 30 On. Tuesday evening, November 1st, that notorious Brucefield FOWL SUPPER is coming off. We have far too many healthY y o un g fowl cackling around Brucefield. Come out and help us correct this situation. Th•e supper will be served from '6 to 8 ,fol'lowed by a .program in the audi- torium of the ,church featuring the LI'STO''W'HL MALE QUARTETTE assisted by readings 'by Miss Lovett and instrumental selections .by ;Miss Fraser. Admission '50c and 25c. COOKING SALE .00T. 29. The ladies of Duff's Church, Me- K'illop, are holding a .cooking sale on Ott. 29 in'GJWJV.LA. roams, 2530 .pan. HALLIDIAY'STORM WINDOWS For s'alle . IReadly 'glazled windows measured and put oar. Thione 326. ALEX. McIGAVIIIN. 45. AUCTION SALE Oscar W. (Reed, !Auctioneer, 'has re- ceived instructions -from ;the und'e'r- signed to 'sell by pu'blic auction at Lot 29, 'Con. 9, Hibbert, Tuesday, Nov. 1, at '2 o'clock, 1 .brawn 'house, •li white horse, 1' aged .house, grey caw6 years old, 30 tons of hay, 100 bus. of oats, set of double working:hannes's, a quan- tity of turnips. :Terms cash. O. W. REED, auctioneer; MtART- I'N F;EENEY, Tax Collector. BAYFIELD. Mrs.. F. V. Martin and family of Detroit was here over the week end 'closing her cottage. Taking advantage of the fine weath- er, -several who spent the summer: 'here were back for the week end. Among thein -were: Prof, 'Lloyd Hod- gins, 'Toronto; Ms. and Mrs. 'B'arry, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Wells, Mr. and 'Mrs, W. H. Robinson, .London. Mrs. Calderwood QNell King) 'of (Ottawa, is visiting 'her brother, Mr. (George King. .Mrs. Lan (Harris:on of Goderich was the guest of Mr, and Mrs, G. King bast week. 'M'r. and Mrs. Knight of Toronto and Douglas Gemefir'hardt of Orillia spent the week end wibh Mr, and Mrs. 'Fred 'Gemeinhasdt. Mrs. Robert Blair returned Sunday frons. Toronto alter spending a week with Mrs, Kn'igh't. Mr. and Mrs, Abe Brandon were at (London' an Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLaren and family of Port Elgin ,were week end v'i'sitors with firs. Mary McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Featherstone and ,Doris and Mrs. Larson and .fam- ily'motoned' to Sarnia 'Sunday. Mrs. Larson remained to visit her sister, 'Mrs. H. King. !Sunday, October 23rd was a very happy occasion for the members of St. ' James Church Middleton, when theycelebrated their 'sixtieth miniver - ear y of the bu'iIding of their church and vise 'harvest ]thanksgiving. The :Church 'was filled for both mornings and evening 'services a few being pre- e'ent who were in their' youth, at the opening sixty years ago. The church was beautifully decorated with fruit, flowers and foliage. In the morning, holy communion ,was observed. Rev. IL. ;Dlidhl o'f 'Thamesford, was the preacher :arid said it 'was a' great plea - and he spokesent at sur,e be very feelingly this df sthe Many .friends he •h'ad mad a dttriog'the, five years he had been 'rector anis of" IN MEMORIAM. IBUILIJAIRD.—In ever loving mem- ory of my brother Pte. 5o'hn E. Bul- lard, who died of wounds in France, 14 years ago, 'Oct. 24, 491!8. "He little thought when leaving home, file would no more return; That he in death so soon would sleep And leave us !here to mourn. We do not know what pain he bore, We only know he passed away And 'never said good-bye." —Mrs. (George Eaton. 'In ever loving memory of my moth- er who passed away twenty-eight years ago, Oct. 11Stli, 11904. Twenty-eight years have p'as'sed since :that sad day, :The one we loved was called away; God took her home, it was his will, But in our 'hearts, slhe liveth 'still. —Mrs. 'George Eaton. IHItJILLEY. — Sty loving memory of our dear son and brother, Jahn L. 'Hulley who d'ied Ott. 30, 1931. We watched you suffer 'day by day, It caused us bitter grief, To see you slowly pine away, (But could not give relief, Long days, long nights, He bore the 'pain, In 'wait for cure, (But all in vain. (But God himself knew what was hest Took him home and gave him rest; —(Sadly missed by Mother, Sister and 'Brothers. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THUIRSDIA'Y, OCTOBER 27, 1932: PAR* FOR SALE, In.Township of M'cKillap, the south half o'f,;1ot 20, on 12th concession of McKillop, comprising 50 acres. .Good sugar bush and never failing water Apply to Mrs. Alex. H. ,Bass, Wal- ton, R,R, 2. REAL BRIAR PIPE With Sample Package -110 lbs - mild or strong leaf tobacco, $2J50; 20 lbs. for $4.00; 50 lbs. for $8.00;100 llis, for $114.00. Pure Quesnel, 3'llbs. for $2.00. Agents wanted. Shipped anywhere, G. Dubois, 24 'Henderson St.,. Ottawa, Ont. EXPIEBIEN,CED, f0APABLE GIRL Wants housework, (Goad references. /Apply to 'T'he News 'Oflfice. 43. NOTICE TO CREDITORS (Nlotice :is hereby given to all persons having any claim ag'ain'st the Estate o'f Agnes Mcillroy, 'Late of the Town of Se'a:forth in the County of Huron, Widow, to send swine to 'the under- signed, duly proven, on or before the 12th day of (N'ove!miber, '1932, as on and'' after that date the Exec'u'tor of the 'said estate will proceed to ,m'a'ke distribri'tionof the as's'ets, shaving re- gard only to .the (c'lai'ms 'he thein, shall have notice of. Dated at Goderich this 2'51bh clay of Oc't'ober A.D. 1932. HAYS & H' AYS, Godebibh, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executor. 'text from St. Luke 2141-412. His ad- dress' was received with deep interest. ;On Tuesday evening 25th, a fowl sup- per was served in the basement and just ask some who were there how good it was. There was a record 'at- tendance and all thoroughly enjoyed the 'excellent 'supper and concert which followed in the shed which 'had been decorated and made a fine place for the putting on of 'the concert. A splendid program was given and con- sisted of solos by Mr. Paull, Mr. R'an- nie of IHensall, Mr. 'Riley 'and Miss Haist of Goderich. A made quartette, of 'Goderich; musical selections on cornet, trumpet, saxophone and piano by Mr. and :Mrs. Agnew and Mr. Pier- son. of Clinton. A very pretty .and int- eresting Gypsy Scene and a comic slit, "Fired and' Fired. Altogether the 'occasion was one of, great success and pleasure .and a source,af sa'tisfac- tion to all wh'o ,worked so hard. Mr. George Elliott of Clinton: was called on to draw tickets, which 'had been sold for a handsome quilt and other prizes. Mrs, Kennedy sof. Clinton, got the quilt, other prizes went to A. Mc- Cantney, Olinton, 'Mrs. Lewis, Wing - ham, Miss Kathleen McNaughton, of ;Landon, Mrs. John IBe'abty, Varna. many who had passed on, lin' the ev- iolangaf Goderich, preached, taking his Home Made Candy Wanted B.RUCEFIELD. Mrs. W. Stevens de visiting friends in Woodham this 'week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank MdKenaie of St Louis have been spending the last 'two weeks at the home of the for- nner's mother, Mrs. IR. M'dKenzie, Who has gone back wit them to their Name, in St. Louis. Mrs. 'ElcDonald and Mrs. McCas'h of London visited fri'end's lin the vil- lage 'this week. Mr, and 14•rs. Janne,s Hill of Strat- ford visited friends in ,the village this week. 'Mrs. C. 'Hill who has been spending the past few weeks in ,Stratford, has returned to her home in the village, Rev. W. A. Bremner baptized his little granddaughter, Dorothy Brem- ner 'West, last Sunday, at the morn- ing service. (Don't target the 'fowl supper which 'willl .be 'held lin the United 'Church Tuesday, INo'v.'let, 'Tea served 6 .to 8. As a vermicide an excellent 'pre'par- atian is Mother 'Graves' 'Worm Exter- minator. It has saved the lives of coun'tl'ess children. 500 (Kiddies want '500 Bags of 'Candy at L'i'ons Hallowe'en. Frolic. -Please leave your do- nation at Beattie Bros.' not later than ,Friday, Oct. 28, be- fore 6 'p•in. Lions' Com. , F012 'SA'LE. One 'two-year-old Leicester, ram,: good:, grain 'crus'her, choice IS'gy apples: Apply to'Ailex.'Wallace, :phone 11313x115. Lot (10, Con. 5, Tu'ckers'niith, • 42 - MORTGAGE SALE 10f House and Seven Acres of Land in Seaforth.-''Under and by virtue of. the powers of sale contained in a der- tafn mortgage 'which, will he produced alt the time of sale, there will be offer- ed for. sale by Thomas Brown, Auc- tioneer, at Pdlbllc Au'cti'on on Thurs- day, November 3rd, 11932, at two o'clock in the afternoon, on the prem- ises ((North Main street) the follow- ing Property: , Al'1 ,and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and ,premises situate, lying and 'being in the Town of 'Sea- farth, in. the County of Huron and Pro•vinc'e of Ontario and being com- posed : of Park Lot number Seven and the Southerly Three acres of Lot number Eight all in Edwin Sparling's Survey of the said Town of S'eafonth, containing in all Seven Acres of land More or less. On the premises there is said to be erected one and one-half storey frame house, .a sta'b'le and a gas station'. This property is in a good location and is an ideal ' place for anyone wish'ing to raise chi'cken's or engage in market gardening. The property will be s'ol'd s'u!b!jec't to a reserved • bid. Terms ,of Sale. -Tien per cent. of the purch'ase money on the day of sale and the balance within thirty days thereafter. For further 'particulars and condi- tions of sale, apply to:— JOHN H. B'ES'T, Seaforth, Ont., Solicitor for Vendor. ..W,ANTED. New Laid Eggs EXTRAS 40c TRADE, 8x10 Glass Cash 5c Fresh Picnic 10x112 Glass . Cash 5c (Hams ...,. Cash •112x14 Glass .. 'Cash 6c 6 in. Stove Pipes. ,'Cash 16c 7 in, Stove Pnpes.....'Cash' 17c Fresh Putty .. . Cash 6c IC, Red 'Rose Tea ...% Ib. 21c Salado (Tea • .. ...% lb. 21c Lipton's Tea .. % lb 21c Stable (Shovels Cash' 75c - 2 pounds Lard ... 21c 'Stable' IBrushes , (Cash 90'c 1 pound. Crisco Ric 4Pound' Axes 'Cash 1.35 Forest City Bk. Powder.. Ric It Pays to buy Ort Egtnon'dville. ✓ e 1 N We �l at ANNUAL 1VIEETINiG The annual meeting of the Pao'gels siwes of. South Huron and t'h'e, U.F.10. 'Clubs of South Huron, will be held in the town hall, Hensalll, on Wed- nesday, Noivembtr 2nd, at '8.9.m. JOTS. FOIRRESIT, Sec. FOR SALE Barred Rock pullets, 6f4 months old. (Apply to WIM. RIUIITL,'DIGIE, !Sea:forth R.R.''2, lPlho7ne 61'6r2. 4.3 YOUNG PIGS For sale. WM. LaVIIINGS'TON, Hallett, Ph;onne 247 r 31, Seaforth• 43. ESTRAYIED. 11300 Ib. 'bay 'm'ace. 4 white legs and ..white face. 'Find'er please phone 2176, Sea'fo'rbh. 43. 'HOUSE AND TWO LOTS Corner o'f (George and Victoria sts., Seaforth. Eight rooms, good cellar, hard and soft water, latter inside. Electric lights. Good (barn and shed suitable for ;good garage. 'MRS: P. De- OOIUIRISIFJY, Egnrandviile. 49. Want and For Sale Ads. 1 time, 25'c. FOR RENT. !Furnished cottage in Seafonth, 00 rent to reliable people. ,For particulars - apply by letter to Box 327, The Sea - forth News. H'OU'SE TO R'EN1T. On. ,Ord street,' hall of double tene- ment house. Apply to Box 1'5'5, Sea - 'forth, or phone 77. STRAYED One bay driver and one brown driv- er, strayed on or about Sep'terrtblear 30Th, from L. W:i•lliamson's, Brussels, (Phone 109x; or write box 76, Brus- sels. 43.. OA'NARIiES FOR SALE. From impor'te'd sltock, two of the, best breeds, Sit. Ai'dreaslberg and Max, Stein R'ol!gers. Apply to MRCS. C. A. AIDIAiMS, Church street, Sees'forthl, Phone 270. 43 For rational Advantage—For Individual Benefit Plan Now to Buy DOMINION OF CANADA BONDS 1932 On Monday, October 31, Canadians will have an opportunity to invest in a new issue of $80,000,000 Dominion of Canada Bonds. By buying, these Bonds you will accomplish two things: 1. You will obtain the soundest- investment available to Canadians, secured by the resources and integrity of the Dominion. 2. You will assist in further strengthening Canada's financial position,, with favourable effect upon general business. NOTWITHSTANDING the trying condi- tions which have prevailed during the past three years, Canada has established an enviable record of financing. For ex- ample, among other accomplishments, the Dominion has refinanced—before maturity and at a reduced interest rate—$640,000,000 of its public obligations, due in 1931,1932, 1933 and 1934. The new Dominion of Canada Bonds, which will bear 4% coupons, will be offered at a sufficient discount to provide an income Ai 11 yield in line with current interest rates; Within the last few months Great Britain and other countries have arranged import- ant mportant financial operations. In each case, these have met with marked success, investors having quickly recognized the trend toward lower interest rates. The success of the new Canadian loan is important. It will further demonstrate the. confidence of Canadians in their own coun- try and this •confidence will be reflected in. the money markets of the world. For national advantage—and for your individual benefit—plan now to buy Dominion of Canada 4% Bonds, 1932, when they are offered next Monday This preliminary advertisement is published by THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE to enable' Canadian investors to make arrangements to participate in this offering.