HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-10-27, Page 5-THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27 1932. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. HALLOWE'EN HEADQUARTERS IAssau-e the isuccess of Your Haill'owe'en party -by :sh'opp'ing at lour sores WE SELL THE BEST 'FOR LESS These prices .for week ending Nov, 2nd. SUNLIGI-IT :SOAP CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP SEA MING 'LO'BSTERS • INb 'luxury at to d'ay's prices, % tin FANCY BLUE ROSE 'RICE ......................3 lbs. 25c NEW AUST. SULTANA RAISINS 2 lbs 2 r ,cps ROYAL YORK TEA, d 'lb. with 1 pound ,peanuts for , , ..' 45c 10 bars 46c 2tins 1 9 e{-. 25 !Choice Mincemeat '2 lbs. 25c !California ;Budded Walnuts, new .per lb, 45c Topping ;C'o'rn for. ,home ,p'apiping, per lb. 10c ;Fresh ;Rodded (Oats 7 lbs, 25c !Ginger ;Snaps, 'spec'i'al 2 lbs, 21c Chocolate Marshmallow IB'iscuits per 'lb. 14c 'Orange aud',Black !Jelly Beans per lb 19c ,Orange and [Reek Crepe (Paper I10':e20 rali • 15c (Conn Meal 2 lbs, 9c New IC'ipperines i per 1b. 18c Canned Pumpkin, Ismall, 4 bins. , , , 25c; large, a tins.... 25c &Licorice, all sort's Per '11b. 23c Utility Wash 'Tubs each 25c Aluminum, Colllanders eaeh 25c Electric •Ligiht ,B'u'llbls, '30,'40, 60 watt .each 15c Pilchards, !Sn'o'wcap Brand 2 'Targe )tins 225'c Five Point 'Marmalade 40 oz. jars 32c IShirriff'sjelly IPowdlers, 3 pkgs. and 5 lead pencils all for 23c Aylmer Soup, asst, 6 tins and large picture (Prince o'fWales 54c 'Oan'adia Dry (Ginger Ale and one tumlbler !free 25c Yellow Sugar '5 .pounds 25c !Blue Boy ,Bilack Tea I per pound 29c !Onions,' large and bright 18 lbs, 25c Fresh Gathered (Eggs !Wanted. Ross J. Sproat Rhone 8 Miss N.Pryce 1 Bray Seaforth Butter 18. YEARS A Service that creates • Confidence • and a ale Reputation peppepd b 1' N Always Good Quality Please us by ,giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please you by our services and highest. market prices for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait, The Seaforth Creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop. 1 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WALKER, holder of Go.. vernment diploma and license. • Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. ELJM VPLLE. ivlii'ss :Elba Rointly of 'Klirldtoit visit- ed In the villilage last week. • Mir. and Mrs. johnBalpnernian, Mr. Cecil ,and Miss Viera ,Bannenman;of St. Iv1'arys 'were Sunday 'visitors 'with Mr; ;and 'Mrs. Lloyd Johns, Mr. and 'Mrs• J. 'Francis of 'Lond'on visited ;for a few dayis .last week at "fthe:home of. Mr. and .Mrs. Wes. Tahns. ;Miss 'Lena 'Heywood 'od IC'i•ncardine was home for a ;Few days 'atben'din'g ;the .e w�eddmg'of her sister, ,Mrs.. David Bbackwell. .' Mr. and Mrs. (Earl Kirusmzan and children, Mr. M. M'e'Ta'ggart and sis- •ter, lM,iss 'A'nn MrfLaggant of Chisel- h.ttiis't; visited on Sunday with Mr, and' Mrs. az. 'WB iaiats. we regret that Mrs. 'Wlm.:Tohns has been coan6ned to her bed and at time of nniit'ing is under the doctor'scare. . HILLSGREEN. 'A number from this vicinity atend- .ed anniversary services' in the 'United t'Church in Varna on ISunday. Mrs. R. .Love is visiting with. her son,- Mr. and Mrs. Ross 'Love, (Mrs's Mabel Armstrong of Aneroid, ...Manitoba, is visitin'g at the home of her cousins, :Mr. and !Mrs. R. Consibt, ansi -other relatives. 1Mr. F. Slteccic, ,visited wsith friends -at Varna on Sunday. MLrs. Troyer' has moved her house - 'hold effects' to Brigden where she in- kende'd making her 'borne with her „daughter, 'Mrs, W. E. 'Jarrett. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Aubin and fam- ily have gotailicely settled on'Mr. 'For - rest's fares where ;they 'intend spend-' ring- the •i. -inter, WINTHROP. Mrs. Pryce and Miss ,Nellie Pryce of Seaforth spent 'Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. George Boyce. Mr. John Shannon •qf Bennri'ller is visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Sod. Shannon. Mrs. Faster Bennett and Mona spent last 'week with 'Mr, and Mrs. .Geo, Eaton, .Miss Margaret M'ontgo'mery spent Sunday wiith 'friend's' in Seaforth. M. 'Moody IH,oltand of Walton spent Sunday with Mr. "Tim" Eaton, The Ladies' Aid and W,M.IS. rill meet at bhe home of Mrs. John Peth- ick on Wednesday, November 2nd. STANLEY. Mr. Wes. ,Cockerline and Miss Ma- bel; Armstrong of ,Pilot Mound, Man„ are visiting at Mr. Railph Steip'hlensons and Mr, D. J. ,Sltep,henson's and obher relatives •in iStan'ley, Mrs, Fred ,Austin of Varna and Miss Margaret ,Robinsonof Goshen have returned to their 'homes 'after a pleasant 2 -week's visit with friends in IFllint, Mich. Mrs, IRlolb•t. Burchell and family :o'E !Mi•chelil .and Mrs. Smith Of 'Stratford !Mitchell visited 'their aunt, Mrs. Ro'bin'son Sr. and their cousin, 7Ins. IH. Erratt, la -St Saturday., A :large number of our young peo- ple attended the Y.P. convention held at Clinton last Friday. The members of the Bla'ke'-and -'Go- shen Y!P:IS. intend ,holding a hallow - e'en .social h'allow-e'en'social at the 'home nE. Mr, Roy tLa'mon't on Friday evening, .Oct. 28th. Mr, and Mrs. Win. Stogd'i'ld of Sut- ton`are visiting 'with the batter's mo- ther, Mrs, Geo. ID'ow'son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner and ,family of 'Goderich spent the week n r end with Mr. and Mrs. George ge Cam p- bald, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan and 'children of Brucdlield were Sabbath visitors at the home Of Mr. .and Mrs J. A. Carnia Mr. and Mrs. Merin IS,tecicl'e .Sr, with their sons, Dan and Asa vis'i'ted over the .weelc end at M.arlcham. Mr. a.nd Mrs. 3, A, Douglas o'f Hyde Park are spending a few days >, in the vicinity {'l'' as Send us the names of your visitors. TOWN TOPICS, IIIr. and Mrs. Joseph Sills and Jon. Jr of Pilttslburgh are spending a few days at the fornter's: home, re,tttrni.ng on Friday. Mrs. I. ,1=i, Weedmark and son Jack are spending the week with friend's in Toronto, :Mrs. E. D'ohnage, wh'ohas been. visiting at the hoose of Mr. and Mrs, ;Roblt, C. Dodds and 'family lin Mc- iKillop, and with other friend's in and around Seafonth, returned' -to •her Koine n Kitchener on Tuesday, \Ir. Russel hays of Detroit has 'bees spending a few days in town while on a vacation in 'Stratford' visit- ang this sister, Mrs:. Reg, Reid. Miss Agnes McLellan, Who has been in 'iT'ibbert with her brother, is spending a few days in town "with .friend's, Mrs. Frank Finnigan, John Street, is in Wroxeter a'ttendin'g the funeral of her cousin. ....Mrs. Rose Ibbotson, who has been quite ill for several wneeks, is now convalescing at the home of Mr, and 'Mlrs, E. Mole, ' 'The Misses Cresswell left on Mon- day for Pasadena, ,Calif., to spend the winter. ' Me. andA.!Brawn �ttEclat-von- t= � ' t Mrs. o chnon- tan are visiting at the home of tlh latter's brother', Mr, R. H. Modeland. Mrs, R. S.. Evans spent,' several days in town this week before returning to Toronto for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. George Schofield and MIr. Austin Drake and uvl,-iss 'Nellie Tones of Detroit .were guests of i1Lr. 'and. Mrs, Arnold Case over the weelc, end: 1'Pr. and Mrs. iBtert Kling returned to Dayton, Ohio, on Saturday. The ,fol'low'ing attended the funeral of the late MI•rs, Wan. Elgie on Tues- day: Mr, and Mrs. John'Traquair Es- sex; Mr, and Mrs. Shaw, De'troit;. Mrs. John Chesney, Mr. and Mrs.. IP, arson Chesney, Mr, John Chesney Jr., Mr, Peter MdDenald and Mr. R. A. McDonald, Stratford. MJiss Bessie 'Grieve of Chatham spent the week -end at her home. 'The morning service of Sit. Thomas' Anglican ,Clrtwch on Sunday was con- ducted by Von. Archdeacon formes - Bateman of IGod'eric'h and- the evening service by Rev. Mir. Hall, Dungannon. Mr. W. R. Sinlllie is in a very criti- cal condition at the hospital, where he has been •for several weeks. Ross Rennie .wae taken to London on Monday for treatment in connec- tion with an inlfegtion in the head ,which he sustained last summer. Mr. Jin. Flanagan, Market street, went to Toronto on Monday to take a position with Mr.. P. 'E. Macklam. Mrs. W. 0, 'Fowler, Wiregham, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MdIntosh, 'To- ronto., spent the 'week -end with Mr. M'dlnbosh's mother, Mrs. James Mc- iIn,tosih, John st who suffered a sev- ere 'shaking -up on ,Saturday when ehe fell backwards off a chair in her 'home. Miss Co -wan of ;Sarnia, a •form- er teacher of Seaforth public school, is staying with Mrs: 'McIntosh at present. Miss Bessie Marriott of !Torott'to spent the week -end at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Parke. iDr, W. C. Sproat will go to Chicago next week to ;take a two -week's post- graduate 'course. COMMUNICATION. Dear Mr, Editor, ;Last week I read with interest the accounts of the Teacher's Conventions held in Huron 'Co. Having taught in Dr. 'Field's Inspectorate several of the tames of those taking part were familiar. No doubt other parents read those reports too, for the majority of par- ents' are ar-en'ts'are very much interested in the school life of the continuality. I won., der what their general feelings were when they read "The address of the President" followed on the subject "School and hone. 'The paper gave a mental picture of the -homes of to- day when 'the training of children is either negleoted or left to others, 'There are today and always :have been parents who feel' their respon'si- bili'ty is ended when they••feed and clothe their children and who have no control whatever over those children. But whyrefuse to give credit to the conscientious ones who are spending their lives in the interests of their families and putting forth a mighty effort' to make "thein good citizens. The sacrifices which parents are call- ed upon these days to make for their children are en'ortnous: then from a purely .business standpoint wouldn't it be poor economy to allow them to run wild at 'ho'me and entrust the rea'lizati'on of their 'fondest hopes to the d'oub'tful training and guidance of strangers. In the, "Noblest of Pro'fes'si'on's" as in every other walk in life we find persons who pos'sess practically every qustificatio.n that me could desire in the'onewith whom our children are associated for the greater part of every s!d'hool' day. But we also. find. those who have come from homes where there is not the slightest ves- tige of refinement or culture„and, who went into the teaching ,pnofes'sion from a purely mercenary appeal. It ,would be a poor,'home training that would- n't meted out n'tbe5uperiartot n ebeby such a teacher. No mother Who does the sewing, cooking, cieanintg, 'training ,etc., etc., Ear a :family of four or more can he expected to have them "'Personifica- tions. -of Perfection," We can't do the impossible and If children sometimes neglect to stay "I thank' you, Sir," and "If you please," I can't see why that should reflect ,discredit on their home training. 1Bf parents ;give the little ones entrusted Ifo their care, a •good,. honest moral and religlans .foundation, the .veneer own be arlqu'iredvery easi- ly wihe•n they come• in contact with the outside world. Teachers too often judge children by the veneer just as we do in later life and .I agree most heartily with Mr. President when he advises the teac'h'ers to visit the 'hooves. By alll.means do so and in a great many cases you'll 'find parents Whose ideals are as high or higher than your own and who have been forced by adverse .circumstances tf stay on the lower planes While those more fortunate reached the heights, Those are the :people who appreciate vont. help — don't disappoint thein.' Help them to gain for their children HA•LLOWE'EN Dance AT DUBLIN Mono, Oct. 31 FRED -DEE ELLIOTT And His MciVlaster University - Boys. Tuve 'Band that has played 'a'suc- cess'ful s'ea'son. at 'Grand B -end, Gents 65'c. 'Ladie's 315c. what they cannot .will for themselves and everlasting :gratitude will be your reward, - 'Doti t despise the'training - parents are ' giving their children if they're putting forth a good honest effort. We are not all fortunate enough to have a college education. The prob- lems of life are 'innumerable and very hard to meet even with the assistance of •ensperjence, and knowledge .gleaned from the lives of Aristotle and other great educationalists, At every Convention there are ywug t eachers who se experiences areso limited that they accept with- out question every idea advanced by older teachers, It is hardly `Playing the game," to give then'; the impres- sion that they are teaching children whose ;parents ai•e -too indifferent to even try to train them. If they return to their s'ectio'n w'it'h that thought up- permost in their minds and govern themselves accordingly, they will 'nio doubt 'meet strong opposition on the part of some parents who are prob- ably -better educated .than the teacher and ,have the added 'benefit of years of experience atong with it. Thus, the spirit .of antagonism and almost de- fiance 'which is 'set up right there be- tween the parents and teacher defeatts the 'very purpose for which the 'Holme and s'c'hool" club was organ- ized. !Some of our .parents attended the teachers' convention held an Fergus this fall and found the sessions inter- esting and instructive. We have a wonderlfuily efficient home and schwa.' club, .attended by numbers of capable mothers (sometimes fathers) who are vitally interested in child welfare. I's- n't this alone proof positive that :chil- dren's training is coming first in the lives of many parents'? (Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for space in your valuable paper, which I enjoy so anuc'h every 'week, I am, 'Sincerely yours, A MOTHER. Fergus, Ont., October 22, 1932. TUCKERSMITH. Miss Mary IBroadfoOt is confined to her room with measles, but is improv- ing lately. Mrs`, M. J. iCarnochan, of Detroit, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. •Coleman.. Ru'ss'ell ,Coleman • ,wears a bright smile these days—a little boy came to brighten their home. KIPPEN. • A wedding ,of much interest was solemnized in the Ailsa Craig par- sonage, -when Alice Elgin, eldest dau- ghter of 'Mr. 'and Mrs. Joseph F. Lin- den of Denifleld, became the bride of Archie' Roy Parsons, second eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert !Parsons . of Klippen. The bride .was gowned in cocoa brown georgette and cut vel- vet, and lace and carried a bouquet of pink and 'w:hilte chrysanthemums and inaidenhair 'fern, Miss Vera Linden was her sis'te'r's only attendant, gown- ed in Venetian green trimmed with burnt orange. The bridgegroon was attended by his brother Fred `Parsons of Landon. sir. arid 'Mrs. Parsons deft by motor far Niagara Falls and other cities. For travelling the bride wore a coat •of brawn broadcloth, trimmed with fur, and niatsihing accessories. On the return of the 'bridal couple a reception will be :held at the .hone of the 'brides parents, MI•r, and Mrs Toseph ;Linden, Denfield, after which Mr. and Mrs, Parso-ns will reside on the brid'egroom's farm near ICipper.. The ;Sacrament of the !Lord's Sup- per will be held in St. Andrew's Un- ited Church, Kippen, November 6th at 111 a.m. Preparatory service ,will' be held on Thursday evening, November 3rd at Bale p.m. IT'h'e. W;M1S.:of the Kippen Church meets on (Wednesday, November 3rd, at 8.115 p.m. 'The !WM.'S, of the IK'ippen Church meets an '4Ved•nissday, !November 2nd, at 2.30 p.m. in the church, The Young lPeaple are holding a had'lowe'en social on ,Friday night, Oc- tober 28th. ' The 'WM.'S are holding their aut- umn • thlan'koffering service an Sunday, November 113th at rill a.m, Miss .Evelyn Mitchell of'Toronto, Travelling Sec- retary of 'the W."MI.S..of the United Ohatroh, will be bhe special .speaker. 'Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson and Mrs, tEanl Sproat spent the week end in T'oron'to., Mr. Robert and Miss Margaret'El- gie spent the week -end with friends Autolosuranca Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to see us before. placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 Sutherland A.D GENERAL INSURANCE REAL 'ESTATE, CONVEY Office over Kea'ting's Drug Store ANCING, ETC. ` PAGE FIVE come in and see our new and used cars gnt for ehryslkr, e t 9 Fly to JOAN G A. LLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash, aaaaantaataasaata in 'Detroit -and brought 't'heir mother Clara •Rathwell :Anderson's Latest home who has been visiting there for Play 'Same time. Mr, Alex ' Sproat of Toronto is vis- iting his (brother Willliani and other friends in these parrs. Mr. W. M. Doig held a very suc- cessful auction sale on Monday with a large crowd at'tend'i'n'g. ;Mr. ,R, T. Ogle has not been en- joying his usual health -but all wish a speedy recovery. Mr, and' MIrs. E. 'Smolt and Mr. and Mrs, 'Henderson Waited ,with friends in Toronto over the week -end. Mrs, f, 'W. M,dLe,an visited; with friends in Clinton recently. McKILLOP. !Services, 'Sunday, .Oct. 30 Cavan Church, Winthrop 111. a. no, Bethel Church, 2:30 pin Duff's Church, 7:30. 'D'uff's !Church, IMIc'Ki'ilop, held (heir anniversary services on Sunday, 'Oct. Bird, 'Rev. A. IW. Gardiner ofLon- desbono preached Ito large coatgrega- tion's both morning and evening. !Special music rendered by the choir was enjoyed iby all. The morning an- ONLY 50 C them was "Be Joyful Unto the Lord," The evening. anthem. -was "T WillSmall Throw or Hearth Rugs or Mats LeiYarylou u e Ao it Presented by the Young 'People in CAVEN,CHURCH, WINTHROP. Thursday, October 27 at 8:15 p.m.. iAdinission: Adults 25c. iChildren 10,e RUGS ANY 'SIZE ste Praise Thee," Mts. Jdhn E. Daley and 2 for 25c Mr, 1H. Masan sang a 'duet "Some Day, ISonie !Where" and' Mr. Mason sang "In the iGard'en which wa's much appreciated by !the audience. The regular monthly meeting of W. AI, S. and 'Ladies Aid of Duff's Church was held at the home of ;Mrs. F. ,McICercher, 'Tuesday, :Oct. 'IB, with a good atbend'ance, Mrs. W. !Shannon occupied the Chair and' the meeting opened with hymn ,1140, Mrs, Johnston gave the ;scripture reading and Mrs. i(IRev.) (Smith reported on the confer- ence ;held in Winthrop. Mrs. T. M. Hetude-rson-'cabied ,the roll and gave notes of last .meeting. 'Re'adings were given by Mrs, i11. (Lawrence, Mrs. W. Kerr and Mrs. 'Ivy ;Henderson on Thanksgiving a•nd a poem, Thanksgiv- ing Tributes, was 'given by Mrs, W. Shannon Missionary prayer was giv- en by 'Mrs, 1icKercher. T'he meeting was closed by all repeating the Lord's prayer. The .next ineetin'g will be held at. the home of 'Mrs. (Ivy Henderson Nov. 10. 'A delicious lunch was served by the 'ladies. CONSTANCE. Mr. (Will Glazier, of Clinton visited friends in the 'vil'lage on Sunday. til• o, l� Cleaners & Pyers JUST PHONE 196. WE'LL CALL. mounted to $280. Mr. Lyle Worden and 3i:ss •Fravne of Staffa, and Mrs, Ai•tcheson.of Rox- boro were guests at the home of Mr. and .Mrs, Ray Lawson on Sunday last. 2,1r. Henry Adams, Don and Clif- ford of Lontlesbrrt, also Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ct tui r' ham •+f Auburn were visitors w,th Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph Yun'gblut on Sunday. LONDESBORO. Mr. au'd Mrs, Murray Fingland and family of .New Ontario are visiting this week at the foraner's 'home here, Mrs. J. W. Armstrong and children returned home 'Sunday evening after spending a week with ivLrs. Arm- strong's sister, Mrs. .Carter. '.lir. Fred- Johnston of Sarnia spent MTs. Thos. Pollard and Miss Phoe- be the week -end at his home in the village be 'Wa'kefield spent Monday .in Lon - do-Phyllis and Mr. and Mrs, 'James McCool, Miss Mr.'J`ames, Riley, of near Clinton Mr, Wm. Moon returned visited at he•'iro'me`'oE Mr. Robert hone Thurday night after visiting for the past 'two weeks with , Toron- to, Perth and Ottawa friend's. Mr, and Mrs, R. Yungblutt spent 'Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. 'Whitley of Gorrie, 7,Liss .Laudy Young was visiting Landon friends during the 'las't week. Mr. and' Mrs, Kunkle and family of Niagara spent the week -end with Mit and Mrs. .Ted Crawford. M -r. and Mrs.' Geo. McCall return- ed home Monday after spending a few daysissds. wibh' ILucknow and Brussels fr Mrs. Josie Tamblyn returned home Friday last atter spending three weeks with .her son, 'Mr. Will Tam- blyn of Toronto. While there she at- tended the funeral of her 'brotherin- larv, W, W. Tamb•lyn, .150 Cumber- land St„ w'ho'se remains were taken to Cobourg for inter nteut, Family ,Reunion.—A reunion of the family of Mrs. Harry Lyon was held at the !tame of (MLr. and Mrs. Stanley Lyon on 41 he 113th can. an'Thanksgiv- • ing ;Day 'when .Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Holmes and family, Dresden, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur :Kerslake and family of !Exeter, Mr, and Mrs, Earl Gaunt of 'Luclanow, .M•r, and 'Mrs, lEtniers'on IHesk and family of IH•uilett, Mrs, H. Lyon and Miss Ida of ILondesboro, Mr. and Mrs, Joe, Lyon and son, Mr. 'and Mrs. Peter Wats-on and daughter of Lucknow, all .gathered to enjoy a fowl,` dinner and to spend a few ;hours in •haplpy !intercourse. Alt the mmem- bers;ni Mrs. Lyan''s family -were Ipres enit !wi.tili bhe exception of, .Miss.' Maud who is in Calgary. Harold, bhe twelve- year -old :sou of Mr, 'and 'Mrs, Kers- lake, had the amisfortune when-crafk- nn the .car to leave borne morn- ing to have Iliaarm broken The bones were set and the lad came gong to the party as it was too good an out- ing to be •missed. _ ,Gulimalldby on !Sunday last. Mr. and Mons. "Ro'bt. Beattie 'were the guests of 'lir. and Mrs. Jos. 'Riley on Sunday. The nuury friendstof•Mr. Ross '.Mc- Gregor are sorry to hear he is not Progressing very well in the Seaforth 'HIlospital. Mr. and Mrs. Watson' and Donna and 'Mr. 'John Rogerson of Walton, Mr. Livingston, !Miss Livingston and Mrs, Gibson- of Clinton spent Sunday at the home of MIr. and Mrs. Robert Rogerson. Mr. and Mrs. George Medd and 1Mr. and Mrs. George Layton' of 'Ewe - ter, visited with the .farmer's brother. Mr. ,James Medd and Mrs. Medd on Sunday, Mr. Jamieson and daughter and Mrs, ((Rev.) !Gardiner' of L'ondesboro had dinner with Mr, and Mrs, Benj. Snell on Sunday. Mir. and Mrs, P. Gardiner of Lon- don visited 11r, and Mrs. 'B, B. Steph- enson on teph-ensonon Sunday la's't. Mists 'Betty MLialcol•m of. Egmondville Spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Hellen Britton. Mrs. Ed. Britton of Walton 'spent a few days' with 'Mr. and Mac,' Wim. I3ribton, On Saturday lest, Mr. Harvey Tay= Por while picking applies ,and s,tanditm on the ladder, was just ready to tome down‘when the 13511; broke and he fell albotrt 20 fee -L .14e :i's' co•nlSned to his bed. No bones )were broken hut 1he re ceived a severe, shaking up. 'The anniversary services held .in Constance Uptilted ,Church on Sunday ladecided, d success , Rev, ' t were a �'dec de last C'har'les 'Malcolm of .Egntoncivills was the minister for the day and both Morning ang evening the messages given .were most impressive. Ln the rnlarning his teed 'rvtals "We roust be born again. " The dhtohr rendered an anthem. "Easallt Ye the ,Lord." They were :assisted by Mids. Viola Fraser of Clinton, who sang a 'beautiful solo, 'INdarer My . God to Thee," in her rnleasing manager. In the evening Rev. Mr. Malcolm took for his text "Lord Save us: 'we perish." The 'Choir sang an 'anthem entitled "Lord God of Hosts," assisted by Mr, Chas. Boyd, yyv'blo also sang a solo entitled', ."Tlhe I3e'avenly ,Song," in (his .usual Master- ly style.'The fowl supper which was servedby the 'ladies'. on Tuesday evening was 'just a repetition of their former canary art. The (Blyth or- chestra provided the music- al l through the!supperper period which very mach aplpreciabed by all. Miss Fraser of .Clinton assisted in (the pro- gram, gccom'nan ing herself on the guitar. The play •enbitled,'The Young Country Schoo'l''Mabant Put en by the voting people was well 'received: The church was ;rtiled,'to overflow"ing• The proceeds of Sunday and Tuesday a. - e:altd BORN. SINFiLL.—Sri Seaforth, on Friday, ;Oct,211s't,-51932, to. Mr. and Mrs. IH•elmer Snell, a daughter (Margarielt (ju'n'e.) Bowlers' Stag g Euchre TOWN HALL, SEAFOR'T'H Friday, Nov, 4th At 8 p.m. (Bring your pipe ,and partner. Good prizes. Silver col- lection.