HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-10-27, Page 1'The year laughs out for very toys Its silver ,treble echoing Like a sweet anthem -through 'the woods, 'Dili me/iawedby the solitud,es, 'It flo1!ds its gl'o'ssy wing. , ,,:t HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER The spirits of tele.golden, year, Prom .crystal reaves and grottoes ding, Ftiotn' fioraslt depths'and ;mossy sward, 112yriord-].tongued, with one accord, Peal forth their .harvest hymn. -The Happy Harve's'ters. 'WHOLE S?ERIrES, VOL. 54, No. 43. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO,THURSDAY, OCT. 27, 1932 Phone 84, DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympiat. Confectionery and Restaurant:; Yeast Flakes Said to be the cheapest and best form in which to get brewer's yeast for constip- ation and general health. .Per pkg. 40c McOONAOHIE'S INPPOE!I'ED CUT MIXED PEELS.—Lemon, Or- ange and Citron, per 1'b. 20c WALNITTS.—IBo'odcaux, halves, per lb. \ .50c WALNUTS.- Manchurian, quarters, per lib. 40c SARDINES.—'Genuine Brisling, per can 10c LILY CH+ICKEIN HADID'1E, can 15c G•-4iENS'DIO'RPS DUTCH COCOA ;Formerly 50e, now 25c P. & G., GOLD, CALAY, OXYDOL and OIIIPS,O, assorted, with a strong, galvanized utility tub, worth $120, for 87 c ANTI -DRUDGE OLEANSER foe, To clear at . 4 for 25c PAINISHINrE and CLASSIC CLEAN- SERS, 10c or 3 for 25c GRAPES. --;Per heaped basket....20c SODA BISCUITS.—Special quality, special price. Cream for Seaforth Creamery at same price as at the Creamery. Eggs bought for cash or trade. Dried Apples •taken at per. pound 3c. HUTCHISO *,F . D. N PHONE 166 COAL QUALITY -SERVICE E. L. BOX P43 AIRRI'VE+ IN -SEP O:ETH. 'Canon Edward Atppleyard who Ile - signed as rector dE thehue Church ofthe ate Ascension, Windsor, a litt'l'e over a month ago, to Ibeconre rector of St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Sea!foreh, with Mrs. A'ppleyard, and son Dr. 1 Apepleyard and their daughter, tame to Seaforth on T:ue'sdlay and are get- ting .settled in ;the rectory. ELECTED TREASURER. At the thirteenth an'nu'al convention of the iLond'on Diocesan Catholic Wo - .men's League held last weeks du St. .Peter's Parish Hall at London, Mrs. James .Devereaux of Seaforth was 'elected Treasurer. Other oeflfiecers elect- r'd4.were President, Mrs. Horrocks; Srst vice-pres., Mrs J. A. Frezell; second vGe res,, Miss iCatherene !Tool; third vice pres Mrs. J J. Lan- gan; sec,, Mies N. Pe'ttygutse, The 'honorary president is Most. Rev. J. T. Kidd. r CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church, -Paster, Rev, W. P. Lane, B.A. 40 a.m. —!Sunday S'chfohl and .Bible iCllasses 1i1: a.m. — IPu'blic worship. Subject, `Power of 'Thou'gh't' 3rd in, mess'ages from 'Proverbs. 7 p.m. - 'Public 'worship. Su'bje'ct, "S'a'tisly'inrg Fundamental Needs." LADY BIOWLERS. 'The annual meeting' of the Ladies' Lawn Bowli'n'g .Club •wild be held iii the Carnegie l..•ilbrary on Wednesday, Novemlber 2nd, at three o'clock. It Is requested that as many of the ladies as-p:as'sibie be 'present at this ;meeting. W.0.'S.S.A. SOCCER ISealforth .Collegiate suffered their :third defeat on'Monday afternoon ,when they played at Goderich, !which was the 'lo'cals' fourth .game, On Thursday at Ciioton the Clinton boys carried off the 'game 'with a 2-0 score. The score of the Goderich game was Goderich 1, Seaforth 0. LEGI,ON''EUGHRE. Tie score was a feature of the euchre held in the town hall on-; Fri- day evening, 25 tables being !av play. Con, lEckant and Jim Ryan tied' with Angus More and John Pryce for the .most games won, the latter pair win- ning the cot. For lone hands, Charles 'Barber and John ,Beattie 'cut to de- termine the winner, Mr. Beattie tak- ing the prize. SECOND GROW'T'H 1BE'AINS On Monday 'Mr. George Brownlee brought to The News office an Eng- lish Broad Bean planet .which he 'h'ad found growing in his garden that day. II't was •fn blossom and showed sign's of vigorous growth/ ;most tunusual for mid»Octdber. Unlike the .ordinary bean plant, the English broad bean h'as a stout 'square stock and glows upright to a iheigihrt of :really tw'o feet. The .pods turn ;black on reaching "mat- urity. "NO. EATS." flihae other evening Chief of Police Ryaa overheard a c'ou'ple of transients at the ,town hall d'iscus'sing albten'dtnga local place of amusement, and later he noticed that the pair carried ou•t their intention. Next !morning'the same men asked for money to buy their 'break- fast, but were reco'mtmended to seek their free lunches 'elsewhere. WIIJL MEET IN !QLIINT'OIN. The annual convention of the ,Hur- o n 'County As'so'ciation of +Trurstees and Ratepayers will !be held in 'th'e Clinton Collegiate on• .Saturday, Nov. 5th at 1.130 'p:m. Contests in public spealcing spelling and writing ,will be featuresof the program, and prizes for these will be .presented.• Addressers Will be given by Messrs. M. A. Camp h ell of Toronto' and H r e beet1 Con'bett ofPr ,Protan, o secretary and� president t re- spectively of the .trustees' and rate- payers' department of the O.E.A.. YIOUINIG PEOPLE'S 'LEAGUE The weekly meeting of the Young People's Society of Northside United Church was ,held on Tuesday evening, Oct. e5.. Mr. Keith Webster, convener of the devotional department, 'hied` charge. The meeting was opened' by singing several, C.!Gi.I:T. songs, after which Mr: Lane led 'in prayer..A'heau tiifully rendered solo "Marc8lin'g On," was given !by'Hu'ghre Oke; accompan- ied on the piano by vlirs's Helen Lane. After singing ,hymn 3:62 'M'is's 'Senna Yost read the scripture. lesson.:IA very instructive and ins iring Wes as P given by Rev. Mr. Kahle of Dungan- non, 'An unique contest was much en- joyed by alt and' the meeting closed with the Mizpalh benediction. DON'T MISS IT — THE by pupils of the Seaforth Public School, consisting of JAPANESE OPERETTA; DRILLS, SOLOS, DUETS and CHORUSES Tit eardn.o's Hall, 8 pam. Thursday, November 3 Proceeds to go towards payment of A. W. Anderton's salary Admission 35c. Reserved seats , 45c. Seats on; sale at Aberhart's Drug Store, Sat., Oct. 29th MRS. WILLIAM ELGIF ICn Sunday there passed away in Seaforth, Mrs. William Elgie, Whose death occurred totlowing two 'years of FOOTBALL The 19}322 footiJ'ai41seas!on came to a 'formal close on W'edne'sday evening last at the A.IO U. W. 'hall, Walton, Mailing health as the result of a stroker'wheu a free community dance was and three weeks ago her ad'ln:ess be- !held in .honor of 'Walton's champion - came critical. Mrs. Elgie, who was ship team, Dosing the ev'enin'g the 'forme'rly IIlann!ah Traquair, .was 'bo'rn 'following address was given by Man - 179 years ago in Tuc'kerstnnth a 'draugh- .ager Peter McTaggart of Walton ter of the late John and Janet Tra- Club: quail., early and estee'm'ed residents of `Mr. President, Ladies and 'Ge'ntle- the disltri'ct Her early life was spent 'mien, -Ails manager of the ;Walton on the Traquair •homets'tead, lot 4, on Football team, it is needless to say the fourth concession.. On November :that I ant very mach pleased to -night 8th', 1876, she was u'ni'ted in marriage to have you here to witness the wind - to Mr. Elgie, wino was also a resident up of the Huron .Football for Walton of Tu'ckensm'i'th. Ten years ago they ,for ,1932, Dt .has, been a season for retired from their faint, tot 3, comes- the Walton Club to remember, I' am !pion. 9, and Moved to Seaforth, rested- sure, 'with a certain amount of prick— ling on! West Williamsrtneet, where her not ;selfish pride—butt pride in the death o'ecurred on .Sond'ay. Her pals- 'fact that they have been successful in ing will be 'keenl'y felt by a large wyt?u'ing out from football teams circle of friends in town and vicinity. 'showing an excellent form of football Until two years ago Mrs ,Elgie .enjoy- and sporting qualities .above the eve - ed .excellent +health. In 11926 Mr. and rage. Mktch credit 'is due to the alio - Mrs. El.gie celebrated their golden ers and management of the Huron wedding anniversary with a gathering IF'o'atbe44 Association in making pos- Of the family and Many friends. Two sible a sum'mer's 'football such as we .daughters and ,two! sons, besides her have had the privilege to •1o'llolw. On husband, survive to mourn her loss: 'be'half of the Walton Club I wish .to 'Mrs, John Forrest, Mrs. John , Mc- attend our thanks to 'th'os'e gentlemen. Lachlan John T11re and Robert t wish to publicly congratulate our J. Elgie, a➢l o'f Tuckersmith; as well team as a Whole—for Of alt people Te- as one brtothier, Mr. J!olhni Trraquair, of ceivmg credit for .our recreation this Hentsall. She is also survived' ib' 112 summer, I am sure !a Lange porltton of grandchildren. credit and honorable praise is due A large number of friends and seta- each and every one of ,the Iboyls in the tives attended the funeral which took team. Our captain, Lorne ISteises, our Nate in ,FiesIt Pre'sby'terian Church on secretary ;treasurer, Gilbert Meal - Tuesday, Olctober 25th. The service lum, I also ask to accept the thanks was conducted by !Rev: !I. B. Keine, of the •01:ab for their 'effic'ien't help. T assisted by Rev. Chas. Malcolm, .Eg- must also thank the ].sup'p'orters of monrd'ville, and Rev. R. IR. Canner, of Waltonand vicinity for their 'wonder- !S,t. ,Andrew's United 'Church, Ki'pple:n, 'fol interest and financial support, of which deceased was for forty years which en'a'bles us .to close, the. season e member. During 'the ,service a •sele.c- with a very substantial balance, leave- tion' was 'sung by' the ladies' ,quartette. ing our .club in :un`enviable position The remains were laid to rest in 'Hen- !financially." sell cemetery, the pallbearers being six At this pomp in the proceedings the , le:p!h:ews of :the d'eceased: Robert donor of the Cup, Mr. ,Leo Sitephenson ;S'h'aw, Detroit;Pearson Chesney, of of Kilburn, presented the Cup,saying .Stratford; Robert Elgie, Klippen; Mel- that as president of the as's'ociation it vin and Ritchie Traquanr, +Hensai'l, and gave 'him great pleasure in presenting ]Earl Kinsman, iOhi'sel!hunst. this trophy to .the best team in the H. 1FJA„ then calling, for three cheers for ,the .champion team. MCTaggart .resumed: '"With Tire autumn Thanleoffering of the 'these few words I am on •beihalf of the E'gm'ondville Auxiliary •wa's held• in lWalton Football Club very 'pleased :to the 'church on • Friday afternoon. The accept this beautiful cup for 1932. I president was in the chair for the hope l,0 see Walton team in the .corn - ,first part of the .meeting and Mrs. petition .again next year—with. just as Blames (Stewart, vice -'pres., presided much s•tipport behind. them from the during the last part. Mrs. (Hugh Olres- :community, and, with ability to carry npy Sr., 'Mrs. James Brown and Mrs." through to just as successful a finish 'James Allen had charge .of the de'vo-. as this year. We extend our good tions and 'Mrs. Andrew Kirk told the wishes, to all the other clubs and will Story of Abigail—the woman of tact, be wilding, I am sure, to compete Mrs, Hugh Chesney Jr. sang "My again with them. 'I thank you, Mr. Task" with s'wee'tn'ess and •e-spres'sion, iS'tep'henso.n, and :ask that you extend Miss Violet 'Tyndall A.L.C.M. at the our thanks to the members of the H. organ. Mrs, W. P. Lane, Ares, of lF.A. of 'which you are it worthy pres- Huron Presbyterial, was :the special idents' speaker and we were given . a de- • ' lightful picture of our Dominion Board in session. Mrs. W. F. Mac- Millan and Mrs. Slhillingl'avr aexpre'ss- ed the thanks of the society to Mrs. Dane. IA delicious lunch was served at the close of the meeting by Mes- dames iRoutled'ge anti J. George Cole- man and their assistants. The offer- ing 'amounted to •over $60. During the business section of the meeting Mrs. H'ar+ry'Stewart was elected 'sec. of the missionary ,monthly for ,1933, and the subscribers are urged to give their subscriptions to .her as soon as pas- sible. It was also reported that Miss Evelyn Mitchell, our Dominion trav- elling sec., will 'be with us at our No- vember meeting, which will he held Nov. 17. The Y.P.S. of Eginond'vilhle Church had charge of the evening service .on Bundlay 'Oast. Mr. John Wood presid- ed, ''Mr. Harold Finnigan read• the scripture lesson .and Miss Alice Thompson and Mr. Bill Forrest gave the addresses. All of these young peo- ple showed that they had given time for earnest preparation. Mr. J. George Coleman represented the session on the platform and 'led 'in prayer. 1The young people Of Egmond- ville .ane working ,hard on their. play, `Marrying Anne," which they are putting on after the Pawl Supper On Nov. 8. The "Trail Rangers" met on Mon- day evening. Although only a small group they are very .en:thusnasltic. EGM{ONDTIL'LE. RIEBEKAH tNISTALLATION !Znstallati'osi of the officers of Edel- weiss Rebekah Lodge was hell on their regular meeting ,night, Monday, 'October 2144th and Was 'conducted by the (District IDepu'ty President of the Rebekah As•semlbly of Ontario and her .suite of Huron Rebekah ,IJodge, Clinton,ass'ist'ed by Miss .L. Freeman, F.N.G.of Edelweiss Lodge.-Tlhe suite ;conlsisted ,of Mr. Sutter D.D. Mar- shall; Mr. Mittel, D.D. , Warden; Mrs, Nediger, DAD. secretary; Mrs, Ste- wart, D.D. musician, aad Miss Free- man, D, cD, inside guard. The work was 'carried out in• a very efficient way and the following officers were installed P.NIG, Miss Jean Smith; IN.+G,, Mrs. C. I<es'tle; V,IG., Mr's. Ed. !Squibb IR'ecording secretary , Miss 'Grace Pethick; Financial secretary, Mrs. Mae Dorran'ce treasurer, Mrs. Arnold IWestcotd wandlen, Mrs. Alex, Mt/Gavin; •conductor, Muses Spark; chaplain Mrs. Will Plant musician, Miss Mae Smith RISIN.IG Miss .Belle Campbell, L.iS.N!G., Mrs. W. Man- son; R.IS.V.IG., 'Mrs. Will Crich; L.IS., VG., Miss joss Walker; inside. guard, Mrs. ;Jessie Flett; outside guard, 'Miss Martha Reid. The D.ID.P. on b'eha'lf of the Lodge preslenited 'Miss Jean Smith, 'retiring 'N.G., with 'a P N'G jewel in recog- nition of her services during the past year. Miss Snaith in a;ffew well chosen words thanked the lodge for same, many mites, make much and the mite and also 'for She support given her by will, be always acceptable. Buy a pop all members 'during her term of of- py and wear it on Remembrance Day, fine:.Short 'addresses were given by dor by vo d'oin'g you honour our dead the D.D.P. !and other visitors present, and' at the 'same time help those lis- There, were about fifty members pre-;,albled veterans who are so: 'bravely -sent ;and at the close 'of the meeting canrynyg'oti. We give 'be'low last year's a social time was spent and a daint}' 'Poppy Day results and our disburse - lunch served. in REMEMBRANCE DAY. The 'Dominion Parl'iamen't 'has set aside iNov, 1''lth. the day on ,which the Armistice, ending the - Great War. was signed, as a Nat'iona'l Remem- brance Day. Each succeeding year bequeaths to us a ;flood of memories, many of joy, some of •sadness, sohn'e glorious memories. Surely on "the crest of our flo'odof memories Should we plainly see and always remember that sacri- fice of some 70,00, the flower of this land. So as we see it, surely boo, we Should find it in our hearts to give to those 70,000 mothers of .Canadian dead our deepest sympathy on each Re- membrance Day. iArtntistice brought no joy to their :hearts as 'it did to those, wh'o'se sons were then at lib- erty to return. For sixth '.mothers .there was not even the satisfaction of a last fond Torok, just memories. Prom little towns in a far land we cam e To save our honour and a world aflame. 13y little towns in a 'far land we steep. And trust those things we won to you to keep.—JKipling. .These boys of ours, we wish toh'an- our 011 Remembrance Day, gave all they had for Canada. The deeds they did on land, 10 the air, and on the sea convpare an epic, unsurpassed itt history. The Canadian Legion takes it as a duty to see that proper observance of 'Remembrance Day is made through- out the country. The !Legion therefore requests 'the pe'opl'e of !Seaforth anddistrict to join in the memorial ser- vice dn. Victoria Park •on Nbv. I!1ith. The 'Legion particularly requests the attendance of the ,'scihool 'cahi dren at. the morning service, details of which' will he given later. The annual Poppy iDay cans ai'gn of the 'Canadian Legion will be held this year on Saturday, 5,th November, 'Poppy Day originated -in Great B•rdtain and in common with other parts of tie British Dominion's was adopted by Canada 'where it has be- come one of the major interests of the Canadian Legion, Besides serving to keep green the sacred memory of comrades 'whb have passed on, it has proved to be of i'nestatnatie value to the Legion as ail profits, without ex- ception derived from the s'al'e of pop- pies are used' solely for relief and service 'work amongst soldier and their ,dependents. Furthermore, it is important to know that the Vetcraft Shops where the poppies are made employ only di'sab'led veterans who cannot obtain ordinary employment.. .The local !branch of the Canadian Le- gion desires to thank the people of Seaforth and district for the ;splendid w'a'y they have always sup'p'orted the work of 'She' Legion. 'Canvassers Sell- ing the poppies will call on every h•o'tnae.•We know times are hard, but tgimazzozzgasani Diamonds filkom (?i!' DIAb'IONDS AND Our Gift to You „For the remainder of this year we - have an interesting Diamond proposi- tion, With every Diamond of $25.00 and upward which we sell we will give absolutely free a Wedding Ring of the newest design in 14kc Solid Gold and of standard weight. The Diamond will be our regular high quality and value. The W eddnn g Ring,24k Solid Gold, the color you wish and the new de- sign. It is absolutely free.—Our Graft to You. Buy your diamond in our Diamond Room. Absolute privacy. Fred. S. Savauge JEWELLER & OPTO'METRIST Gift Goods and Fine China ?None 194. Evening Appointments Res. 10. at your convenience. —===-WatcheslOrr-sto Net profit of sate of .poppies $127,50. Paid hospital :treatment $23.1i5 cash tor relief $3!875, groceries 79.96, coal $32;77, Total—$1714.63. —C. P. Sills, Pres. IBr. 156 and Rep. Zone 10. THE STELE SOCIETY. The ,collectors 'for the focal 'branrch of the Bible will make their a'n'nual tall this year early lin Novem- ber. 'Perhaps a word of information just at 'this' time might be in Order with re- gard to the ta'ak of this 'gre'at world- wide service organiation. The revert for 111931, which is by the way, the 128th annual report, gives some idea of+ the effort •th'at is being made to give the '"gospel lto :every creature." In the year !noted'aboveJ10,552,000 copies .af the scriptures or .part copies were dis- tributed. Not only that, hut These had to be rtranslated into 16144 .different lan- guages. Total]. contributions were $2,- 270,000 and the .demands could not .A1 be ,met. The Canadian (Branch distributed 135,000 'copies in 181 different, langu- ages and contributions amounted to $54,700. 'This in a word is the world picture of 'the'B'ri!ti'sh & 1Fo:reign Bible Socie- ty. We ask your snpp'ort. (John Beattie, !Pores.; !Wm. 'Hcrtry, Seoty.; 'Dr. IBadb.0 n,, Treas. • BLYTH� 'Mrs. 'Christopher ,Rogerson, Misses .Doris and Miriam, also 'Mrs. V. Jer Innyn of St.Marys ''spent the week -end with Mr, and 'Mrs. 'John 3IctNichol and other friends. Mrs. Clarence Johnston and Iona spent :the week -end with friends in and near iBrussels. Mr.' and ,Mrs. 'Cha's. Nicholson, also Mr. and Mrs. John Grasby spent Sun- day with Mr. Russel .Bradshaw of Jamestown, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNichol ,of M'dK'f'llop visited his brother John Mc- Nichol on ISamday. Mr. Harold Wallace left on Satur- day for a -visit with his parents, 'Mr. and' Mrs. Thos. Wallace, also -Other re- latives at Newark, 2L3'. ST. COLUIVIBAN. Mrs. Wild of !Baylfie'id spent ' last week with Mr. and Mrs. Peter O'- 1Sullivan, Noss H'annrah Downey of Saginaw is visiting friends here this week. Miss Mary 07Svlli'vaa of Toronto es visiting at her home' here. Miss Dorothy •Melady went to To- ronto last week. • Miss •Lillian (O'Sullivan of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janes °SSullivan. Mr. Johsa .Krau's'kap!f of Detroit Spent •the week -end at his 'hone 'hese. • Miss Mary Hart entertained a nunr- ber of her friends to a birthday party on IS'nnday evening. Siq Hallowe'en OLIO Palace Rink SEAFORTH FOR CRIPPLED ICHILDRENN'S FUND AND GENERAL WELFARE WORK Monday, October 31, al 8 P.M. Every'body Ifollaw the Maori from the Queen's Ilbotel .to 'the 'Rini: at 7,30 PRIZES FOR 'GIRLS AND BOYS ,UNDER !12 YEARS— BOYS' 'AND GIRLS' 'COMIC 'COS75UIMIEIS BOYS' AND GIRLS' !CHARACTERiOOiSI3UMEiS GIR'LS' .APPLE EATING CONTEST .BOYS' PhE EATING CONTEST 'BOYS' BARREL BOXIINIG COINTEST GIRLS' WAIL DRIVING .CONTEST Lots of Candy Free to the Kiddies. Fish Pond. 'Games'of Skim 300 CHICKE'NIS, GEESE ,AND DUCKS TO BE DISTRII3UTE'D. 9 -piece orchestra, Roy 'Snider and his collegian's,' Kitchener, will play at ,the ?Rink,' DRRAWIIN,G FOR !PRIZES. ].Admission to Rink; 10c.' Children. under 15 years Free. Dance ;after the ,frolic• iii Idit•rd'no'a Hall, 'to music by IThoy'Snider and !tiits'collegians ,of Kitchener, !Adnnission: !Gentlemen ,SOc, Ladies 2!5c,