HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-10-20, Page 5RI$IMY, O'CTO`13'ER 20, 19812.
Ten or fifteen minutes spent In reacting a ,SiOt1EIRJI'OIR-S'TlOI1283S'
advertisement will show you the way. to .greater savings in your food
stalls, '1't is a practical application of the old adage, " a penny saved is
a penny made," Make YOUR time ,pay. YOU dividends, See this list
of attractive wcek•eod specials obtainable at your nearest SUPERIOR
S'iT101111s. Rentt'illsber ourslogan—
'Items for October 20th, 21st,22nd, 24th, 25th, 26th
ROBIN H'O'OD RAPID "OATS large pkg. 20 c
MINCEMEAT 2 lbs. 25 c
KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN large pkg.. , 19 c
AY'LN1ER PORK AND BEANS, 2 tins 25c •
Large 2%'s
Black and. Orange jelly Beans, for H,allowe'en, per bb. 19c
Lux Flakes large pkg. 21c
.McCarmm'ck Short Bread Buds i perBread Buds i lb. 27c
Mazola Oil No. 1 per tin 29c
Baker's Southern 1Styie Cocoanut .per tin 15c
Crosse & Blackwell Branston .Pickle 8 oz. 23c
Omar Date's 2 lib. pkg. 19c
Grape-JNints Flakes 2 pkgs. 23c
P. Sc G. White,N'alp'th'a Soap , 5 cakes 19c
K•een's Mustard, %'s, 25c 6's 49c
Venos Cough :Syrup r , per battle 32c
Chateau Cheese %'s 15c
Illawe's Leman 10i1, ,large per bottle 23e
!Maple Leaf Salmon '%'s 19c l's 33c
iava:4tine "no sleepless nights" `d i small 45c
!Medium 69c ....ILarge $1.09
Royal York Tea "worthy 'of the name" '''/'s 230
S'tanda'rd Corn, 2'.s 2. tins 19c
' Toddy, "serve hot or cold" 16 oz. 49c
ICodgate's Shaving Cream, per tube 29c
!C.olgate's Tooth 'Paste, per tube
Bon Ami, cake or powdered
Ingersoll Malted Cheese, i'4''s,,
Cotton Clothes .Lines, 30 feet
;Clothes Pins, 3 dozen
Fry's 00 CDR, 5/2V
Aylmer Pitted IOherries, 2'squat
'Ca'stle Floor Wax,.1 ib. tin
(Black Tea, Blue Boy Brand, per ib.
Readicnt Macaroni, 5 tbs.
Brooms, medium weight, each
Lead pencils, per dozen
Muffetts, per pkg.
Kraft, Relish, Pineapple, Pimento Cheese, pkg.'
iBeaumert, plain, reli's'h, pimento Cheese, pkg.
2 pkg§. 25c
each 19c
per tin 15c
Ross J. S roatp•NPryce
��iss Phone
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates •
and a
Dependable Reputation
Seaforth Creamer
The Y
Good Quality
Please us by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
you by our services and highes`
market prices for good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, graded and
paid for while you wait.
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. Wq r.KER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license,
Flowers Furnished.
iilight or day phone 67.
evening, Mr. and Mrs
On Friday
1Dorne Coleman were invited to the
hall' to meet their many .friends and
neighbors. A very pleasant ;time was
spent and the young couple were pre-
sented With a misie'ellllaneous shower,
alter which a dainty lunch was served.
We wish Mr. and Mrs, Coleman "hon
+vo•y.age" through life.
Misses Emily and Gladys Beatty,
Misses Mary and Irene :Cluster, Miss
; lean and Mists Frances Mb'ssap,'alt of
'Wm. Beatty
n. L �n • Mr. and Mrs
�o co
and M'as'ter 'Billy of .Mount Brydiges•
'Mr, G.' B. and R. 5. Woods of Toron-
to; Mr. add Mrs. C. Dunkin and d'au-
g'hter Florence •of Elliot, Mich., were
.holiday visitors.
Misses Alva and Annie D:ewtar of
Bayfield, called on their aunt, Mrs.
• 'Several from ,this district attended
bbe Deanery .meeting held in Briyfield
last Wednesday. a
iRural Dean .Paull delivered a very
appropriate Harvest Thanksgiving
sermon Sunday evening in• St. John's
,Ohuneh, There was a full house and
responses were gdo'd, The church was
ta'stefubly .decorated ' 'for the oc'ca'sion,
White crossing the street one day
last week Miss •Ern'ily Keyes alias.
struck hy• an auto, Was Keyes Was
thrown to the ground and sustained
several fractured rubs, also suffered
shack, Ibut miraculously escaped what.
might' have been more serious. This
should ;be a warming to pedestrians.
Mr. 5. M'os'sop motored to London
Anuniversaryl services of United
'Church Varna, wilt be 'held on Sun-
day, Oct. 23, at 111 a.ni. and 7 .p. m,
Rev. Mr, Cra£k Of Goderich will be
the s'pea'ker for the day. Special music
is being prepared by the choir.
A fowl supper will be held on Nov.
9. Villi :particulars later:
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Glgie, Blasi,
Dorothy and Frances of Toronito were
week -end guests at the home of Mr.
and, Mrs. A. R. Foote.
Mrs. M. Reid is spletnd'i+nlg a few
days in G'adeni'ch. a.
YI'is's Annie Foster of Clinton, form-
erly of Varna, is spending a few days
with her sister, Mrs. Diehl.
Children's day was obtserved in St..
;John's Church. There was 'a mice at-
tendance and ,a nice service. •
Several front hhid district attended
the funeral on Monday of bhe late
Mrs, Clark of Baylfi,eld.
IThe many friends . of • Mrs, F.
Weekes will be sorry to know she is
confined to the house- through i�li1'nesis,
Misses' Margaret Finkbeiiner :and
Patricia Farrell of St. Mary's Hospi-
tal, 'Kitchener, spent Sunday at the
'Moine of ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fink-
Mr, R. C. Harding, BaA, and Mrs
Harding and daughter Lorraine,
Kitchener, spent .Sunday at the Horne
of Mr. and Mrs. C. ,Fiu'lebeiner,
Miss Vera Hudson to'o'k part it
the entertain'ment given at Varna on
'Wednesday evening.
+Mrs. Lumsden of lb; ewcastle-on-the-
Tyne, England, and Mr. IR. E. iLums-
den, Of Dublin, 'Ireliand, and Mr. H. ,M
Jackson off Toronto spent a few days
in 'Egmondvil'le with Miss Jackson,
Mrs. 'Lamsden is spending six months
in Canada.
Mrs. ,W. Finlayson is , recovering
nicely from a tonsil operation which
was performed 'in the ;Seafoi'th Hos-
pital last Saturday morning.
Miss Alice Langley of Toronto
spent last week at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Henry Weiland.
Mr. Vivian and daughter, M•rs, Jef-
frey, of Stratford, were . guests o'n
Monday of Mrs. W. W. Cowan.
Mrs. Keneher Sr. left an Monday
with Mr. and Mrs. Teck of Saginaw,
Mich„ to spend bhe winter there.
Cod. and Mrs. R. S. Hays will cele-
brate the 40th anniversary of their
rvved'd'ing on Saturday, October 77,
when the members of the fa.midy are
expected home.
IThe Misses Olive and Elsie Ander-
son of Mafekinig were guests of Mrs.
G. C. Dale and family for the week-
end and also called on other friends in
Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Me.Millan and
children of Toronto spent the week-
end in. Roxboro. with Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Anderson.
IEgmnon'dviile United Church are
'holding their fall thank -offering in the
church Friday the 2115t, at 2:30 p.m.
Mrs. W. P. Lane of Seaforbh is to be
the speaker. Lunch served after the
Miss Florence Fowler of Bluevale
was the guest of the Miisses Cresswell
over the week end.
Mrs. James Devereaux and Mrs.
James Cleary are in London this week
attending the Diocesan convention aE
the Cathodic Women's League.
Mr. and Mrs. William IS'omerville of
Woodstock spent the week end wibh
Mrs. Whittaker and Miss Somerville.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Eller and ,Urs,
5. Holmes visited in Port Huron and
Imlay City, Mich., over the holiday.
The W. M. S. and ,Barbara Kirkman
thannkoffering meeting will be held in
the Presbylterian Church on Tuesday,
Oct. 25th at 3 o'clock, Alias Stringer,
missionary on furlough from India,
wild be the speaker.
Mr: and Mrs. George Hills, Mrs.
Widl'i'atn MoCloy and Fairy were
guests ,Sunday with the latter's daugh-
ter, Mrs. E. Butt at Kippen..
Mr, W. H. Golding, Man., left on
Tuesday Morning for Ottawa,
Miss, Davidson is spending several
days at her home this week before
returning to Tillsmrburg;
Mrs, Hudson, Mr. and Mrs, Scott
IHiabkirk and • baby Jacqueline, Mr.
Thomas Hlabldiek add Miss Vera Hud-
son sp'en't the week -end 'in Alliston.
Mr. A. F. Johns and his daughter,
Doris aE Fon'thi'll were the guests, of
Mr. and :Mrs, Jahn 'Davidson last
'.F. W. C,-Lands'boroug'h o'f Port
Credit, who attended the, funeral , of
his sister, Anunie, last week, spent the
week •end at the home of ,Mn. and il'l's,
J'a'iues McQueen.
:Miss Margaret Ross of Exeter visit-
ed her aunt, Mrs. Alex. Ross last
Death of Miss L'andsborough.—An-
other of the old residents of Tucker-
smith passed away last week in the
person o Miss Annie ,Landsborottgit
on Thursday, +O!ctolber 1+5•th, in her
83rd year. She was the third daughter
of the date Mr, and Mrs. Robert Land-
s'b'orough, formerly of Tuckersmith.
iThe funeral services were held at the
home of itir. Jas. McQueen of Bruce -
field ron Seiturd'ay, October 115th. Rev,
W. A. Branner officiated, interment
in Turner's cemetery. Miss Lands -
borough had been enjoying good
health until a month ago when she
had the misfortune to fall on the floor
and break her hip and d'id not rally
from the sh'oc'k: She bora her suffer-
ings 'with Christian resignation and
was able to say: "Although I pass
through the Valley of the Shadonv, I
will .fear no evil, for Thou art with
me." She .was a member of Wesley -
Willis Church, Clinton, and a con-
sistent Christian whose life was in ev-
ery way in keeping with her profes-
sion. She is survived' by two sisters
and two 'brothers, Mrs. Jas. McQueen
of Brucelfield; Mrs. G. E. ,Claris, of
Groton, S. Dakota; Mr. John F. Lan'd-
sborou'gh, of Brownsville, Peace River
district and Mr. W. C. Land's'barough
of Port Credit. The 'pallbearers were
her nephews, Mr. John MdEwen; Mr.
Win. Falconer, Mr. A. •,Seeley, Mr, L
Forrest, Mr. R. Lawson and Mr. A.
McQueen. "Thou art gone to thy
resit dear sister, It is well with thee
tv e kno':w; We are glad thy weary
spirit, .Is free from conflict now."
'The regd'lar :monthly ,meeting of the
W.M;S. Was held in the scho'o'l' room
of the church, Wedgesclay, October
ll?th, with the president, Mrs. Brem-
ner, in the chair. After singing hymn
509 Mrs. Bremner led in prayer. The
responsive Scripture lesson was found
ti Psalm 72. The roll call was res-
ponded No wibh a verse on "Thanks-
giving". The temperance reading "Is
what -the hook of ,Pro•vedb's says about
liquor still true " was given by Mrs.
Addison. Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. R. P.
Watson were appointed delegates to
the centre section meeting. to be held
in. Caven Un'i'ted Church, Winthrop,
In the a'b'sence of Mrs. Feank Aiken
head, leader of Group No. 9, Mrs,
Bremner presided over the study per-
iod. The dev'dbional leaflet "The Wo -
Man of Tact," was read by Mrs. J.
McQueen, Mrs. Bremner introduced
oar.new study book "His Donminion of
Canada Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. J. B,
Mustard, Miss Bawey and .Mrs. Addi-
son gave the first :chapter of the book,
the task, the country, the people. Af-
ter singing hyiinn S10' Nile meeting was
brought to a close • with sentence
The October 'meeting of the .Bruce
field United Church Woman's Assoc-
iation was held at the ohurc'h on O'c-,
taber.7blh, M.•Munro being hostess.
The president, Mrs. H. Aiken'head;;
was in ,the chair. The meeting opened
with hymn 604 while the devotional
exercises were taken by Mrs. Jamie-
son, Mrs. D. Tough then read the
Scripture, David's psalm of thanks-
giving. 3elrs Addison then took the
topic, Thanksgiving, while the roll said
was respond'e.d to by the members,
"Why we are thankful The after-
noon was spent in ;patch'i!ng quilts, 'af-
ter which a very .dainty 1'uanch was
served bythe hostesses Muss Marks,
Mrs. A. MoQueen, Mrs., Jas, McQueen
and Mrs. Jno, B. Mustard. The Nov-,
e-milier -meeting will be hel'd' at the
churcili, Mrs, Waiter M'cBeath rvnill be
hos tess.
Mrs. Ernest Eilwaod and children
of Clinton spent the week end With
her sister, Mrs. Frau'k Riley.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mann and chii-
d.ren of near Clinton visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Robt, Gri.inold'by Sunday
last. •
Mrs. Lester 'McKay of Detroit vis-
ited with her aunt, Mrs, Adam Nichol-
son last week,
The many friend's of Mr. Will C'ar-
n'o'chan are sorry to hear that he is
under the doctor's care and hope .tr
hear of his complete. recovery soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos'e'p'hRiley spent
(Sunday with Mr, and Mrs,- :.George
Cook of Goderich township, •
bilis. James Medd sipenit, a, few day's
visiting Mrs, Jlalnr Medd and Mr. and
Mrs. George Laylbon at Exeter..
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson spemit
Sunday with, the former's brother,
Mr, James Ferguson df Goderich Tp,
Mrs. George Leitch and Mrs. Alex.
Sr. ;Leitch ,,an'd Mrs. ,Ro,bt. Lawson and
Mrs. Roy L!awlson'attenided the ttn'ion
th!an'lcaffedinlg rnee'ting alt Lanld'es'b'oro
on Wednesday of this week.
Mr. Lao Sitelphenlso'n and Mr. Pinch
of Clinton Motored ' to Walpole Is-
land. the first of the week and brought,
back four Inld'ian patsies.
Mr. Ross: McGregor underwent an
.operation in 'Scott Memorial H'ospi'tal
•Eor appendicitis on Monday- an'ci is
getting along as we'll as" can. be ex-
Mr., and Mrs; James Ramsay arid
sots Donald of Toronto and Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur "Mc/Rorie and, Mrs. Fred
Treib'beck of Lamlbibon County, ,and
Norman H'dkpolch of L'onid'o:n spent`
the week -end at the home 61 1�Lr: aiid
Mrs, William Britton.
Rev. 5.,Johnsboit and Mrs. Johnston
visited at the hani'e of Mr. and .Mrs.
Wm. Britten on Wednesday, .
Dr. Field paid his official visit to;
yhe school on Wednesday,
H.ags, per dwt. .'.$3.9044,40
Want and For Sale Ads. 1 ,time, 25e:.
ornsuranMt■Let us protect 'you anywhere • inCanada or the United States withan. Auto Policy ,that will- take a
load off your mind.and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's worth your, While to see 'lbs
before placing your insurance and
at the new low `.non -tariff• rates
you cannot afford to takt-chances
All claims promptly and'sattsfac
'Phone, write or, :call -'=Night' aqd
Day Service
Phone 152
Office over I0eatingss Drag Store • ,I
iSUIT Y,OU: 'ARE WAIN(15I1G;;fiRO'M;',
Tailored 'koeasu`1re'
$01t'RT Ni
1ORD TO NfIS'S =IT! +:,
leafers and flyers
Clara ,Rabhwell'' Ander.;"s'lit's tT atest
we h'a've this consolation that cv'hat is
L,our lass as an'oithera' gaup Aucl `you
may res aas,surecl that whale titre can't
be' with you' always, You. w it be eve:
et Mary Lou Do it present it ',Our miu'd
s.. s a r.niind_r
Presented b the 'of the, Many happy ttla7ss which wn
y Houug. •People in 'haye 9euown each other, w e ask you c>
WINTHROP.' accept these few articles. not f tr the.:
Thursday, ,:October 27 intrinsic value, for ¢ se..:rnen•Ys
witi�ch, the eeP resein:.."
at 8:15 p.m • .12r, and,-: Mrs. Charles Knoxell c:
IAdnnssion:, ?London 'Were here attending the wed -
Adults 25c. Children 100 ding of ,the'.Patter's ris el'.
Death o€ Mic 'ae:..C,'Cr incl': — Cil
ST. COLUMBAN. 'T'ue'sday O'ctdbe ;th, 1932, there
Foley - Downey S't. Coluin'ba n 'pas'oed away ?..L. it1 chee1 O''Co:rn-
Church was the scene of a pretty in his: $7,th year. Abou` tea days ag,,
wedding on Tpesday:,morning at,9 i51,r; O'Con'uor suffered a:slight strokea, cm when Miss Gertrude Downy', hut previou'sl'y had been in Pa'irin'g
daughter of Mrs. Downey and • Ibishealon only about a month. He deed a
late John Downey, •o'F 'S't Coluni'bani ht'aplpy; Valli on' Tuesday evening, lrav'-
was united in marriage be° Mr. Henry ing re'tailed his faculties to the last.
Foley, son of Mrs Foley and the late Deceased' was "born on lot 27, a half
Ophristopher Foley o1 Kinkora. Mass anli'le:wes,t,of Where he died, his father
was celebrated by Rev. 'Father Arnold and 'Mather, the lake Mr. and Mrs.
of London. The:bride was gowned in l'ame's O•Consor, having carne to this
blue s'il'k net over taffeta: with b'lon'de country "'from Ireland a short time
before his birith.,tIIe was the second
eldest son of the family, hiselder bro-
ther "Patrick,...biayiirg been born in the
Did Country, Upon attaining man-
hood -he
an-;hood-:he cleared and .built upon the
$arta on which he died. On July 121h,
111875, he Atiaviunited in m`arria'ge to
Miss , Margaret Montgomery of 'Col-
bonne,' who` survives. together with
three, sons arid three daughters: 'Mrs.
Michael Crawley K'in'k'ora; Mrs. Jess.
Mddlusiey, and Mrs. Jahn M. Eckert,
'Mtdl9i!lbdp; Thom'a's J. O'Connor, Ros-
ton, Mass.; Mic'ha'el O'Connor, San
lnantcisco, Cat.; Joseph , O'Connor, or, at
home;,. also ,one brother, Nitres
'Connor, Huron road• and one sister,
Mrs. •Wall, of iBran'tford, and a half-
sister;;.Mri. i�I'a:ebhews.of London, who
is alnn'os!b 105 years o'f,a'ge, There are
24 grandchildren and 1' great grand-
childron.- The funeral will take place
from liis ^Fite :residence to. St. Colnhn-
ban'Chtirc'h ,and thence to S't. Co1um-
kldora after the latter' pant. of,this week. Fan, cemetery for interment on Thum-
presanrtatioti=by thech'pur ';oE daymorning,, Mass sung by Rev. Fr.
shoes, and matching hat and gloves;
her bouquet consisted of roses and
maiden -hair fern.! The bridesmaid. was
Miss ,Loe1d'a Faoep; ' sister of ,the
groom. I -ler dress was pink georg-
ette and lace, with hat and' shoes' of
black. She.carried ,a hauli ttet`of': piai'k
carnations and .maiden -Nair fern. A
brother 'of. . the beide, Mr, Joseph
Downey, was .groannsim'an,• ,The `or
ga'nist was Mrs. F. Devereaux of Sea -
forth. Very beautiful, solos: were sung
by' Mrs. Ileo Fortune and,Miss Grace
Moylan. Mn Momris Dalton acted as
usher. A!t112 o'clb'cl a weddavrg,danner
was held at the 'hone of';bhe bride's
mother, with about twenty, immed'i'alte
friend's and relatives of the 'bride 'and
groom present, "5ihe ,r000i was gay
With blue anid,• white; 'co'lors and
streamers. Rev: 'Father.',Arnold' pro-
posed the toast.to the , yioam'g couple,
to Which the gro'o'm reepopded.
Mr: and Mrs. beat Nome
to their friends alt their farm at Kin
which she has.jbeen' ri antst, aqui; a IGloetz.. Pa11•bearers will he alb grand-
wihidh, were hell, m kronor o'f thea atep'hews. Jols'. ,Bunike,.J'o'seph Eckert,
Dios, Hickey, John O'Connor, Ja'm'es
O'1Gonnor, Jas. O'Connor.
A grandson, Mr, Joseph O',Con+nor,
of. Boston, is, here for the funeral. The
deepest sympathy of the conrmvaiiity
'is, extended to those who are left to
Mourn. .
+• Miss Mary Lane went to Toronto
on Monda to spend the fall.
Y p
Mrs. Dietrich o'f St. Agatha, visit-
ed her parents,% Mr. arid l'I,rs. Andrew
iKnaus'kop'f over Sunday: 'Mrs. Draws-
kopf is qu'i'te ill. We: hope for'her
.speedy reocv',ery.
'hrtde prior to her marriage, at the
hont,e, of Mr Fa'a'itlk Vlte'lady' bi her
friend, 'Miss Eideiyu Mjelady'briring
the eyenip'g • the foll'aylip:g address
was read by 1Tr,;J'o'sendi Bprks pJiiile;
bhe. presentation pf a ca1b'iiet of silver
wass;ntadie by •Milss MIary iLaue
C t,ui
F of
meuu'beu, o 'St
We 'the 5 1
b'an choir, have Snet bhut `evening `to
participate in c sial yet happy event:
F' Your ds ,Ftn'rt from ;':Gur mid's't
we aiid• Iotflg a f filth+til and dela e'nt
organ'is't; • yet we canmitu;let this dc-
casfon pawe w'itlilaint exta!nding„to you
onr roti ratulatrptis aind 'bait gwis gs
fora long aind Happy jbv'rney: down
fhn sitr'eam,a+f life: A+s' a,wpliep 611 Ile
5'tesm ill whncii'syeu are ,ltehcl; and''a
t?ern6mblanet of', -::tithe "eats"you Biotic
spaumt air's nte'nsh ll' tndordiaimst o$ • fit,
C,otum'b'ae cli'orr ask you to accept
bl'lis chesit of slue'
WmNh:"'a shower od beauti'fdl incl tis'e '
fur g'i'fts, the' foll$lrting. address, w'as.
read "Dle'ar Oertinude—IWe, wino 'Nave
knowut aind adpnired you" during 'tl•e
happy: ;years of your cli'ildlhood aiid McX ILLOP
tri tool'. are gethdred,thie eveuvin,g'to Mr. W'in 'Dyt y Mals purcha•sed•' the
g Ifi ty-'sort farm olf his'sislter, El• a T'hd�s
extend 'to yoat our, congra'ctila't'i'ona and f ,
glad willae•
,'an,d '.vie
mar ied`life.. Weareyfo hear that of0 of:.caoice'lad, Miss
yMi are>lavnng our gommtinitybut resi'dc .th sister,
Mr: Peter .Eclvant Shipped a choice
lot . aE' cattle and baby beeves to To-
ronbo. ,last S'aturd'ay, :which st°'ttld net
him a fa n'profit,
Tlref fine weather olf the past week
liar 'made 'it ,possible to save the late
Mr. and. Mrs.' John Nalati , ,were,
visitors in our, burg last°iSundiay,