HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-10-13, Page 5THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1932,
e. ^ 1.414 sm mceK: ,mai47.2 ,•,., .,—Re•4s •norsm..44,. w,as m4.4.1 4 ae
-. •
:Superiorerior Scores Nave a'•re nitation 'tor quality a
nd lairideal
Children frequently sent bo do the family shopping becuse of the,
confidence cere d .Stperior merchants Imci entatiY it is verY good
training boofaritteachesa chi
ld' the meaningg of "values," deve.lP
their ,self-reliance and,•enc'oura'ges,Uhri'ft, Remember the Superior Stares'
Items for October 13th, 14th, 15th, and 17th,,18th,'19th.Q
RRTNISO .... large pkg. 19 e
PREMIUM TEA, with free Creams & Sugars, Plates, Cups
'Saucers and Vases 1 'lib, p-kg.�+ C
'McOORIMI'CK'S ROMAN MEAL 0O01KIES . f..,per doz.
• "contains 40% Ramlan Meal" 1.0 c
CRISCO, l's .......................................per tin 23c
tIngersoll Cream or Pimentto. Cheese 2 pkgs. 25c
bvory Soap, medium No. 6 cake•.'. 2 cakes 15c
Magic Baking P'awder, •teontams'' ilo alum".. , .....,...'. , r.4 oz. 15c
. 23c;, 16 oz...., , . 36c
Crosse & Blackwell Ga!bsne per battle 24c
Lexis Valencia Type Raisins, with seeds 2 lbs. 25c
iDel Midi N'iibl'dts Corn per .tin 17'c
New Acadia Cod
rBird''•s'Cwsltard Powder ' 2 pkgs. 25c
Diamond Electric Bulbs, 30 and 60 watt • 3 for 50c
as 1'5c
Canada Dry Ginger Ale, quarts, with Free Glass•
(plus ibottie dep'.dsot)i
tChocoIalte Bars, all the beset varielties .... , ... , . ....'..'6 for '25c
;MdLaren's Olives, No. 9 Manz, 'stuffie'd' per bottle 23c
Mc/Latent' Olives, No. 12 Queen' Stuffed 'per. bobble 25c
'MdLaren''s Olives, No. 20 Plaid - per bottle 23c
Surprise Soap 10 cakes 45c
Interlake Toilet Paper 3 rolls 25c
Taylor's Peanut Butter
Royal York Coffee
S. 0. S. Steel Wool
Prunes, 40x50 size.
Kellogg's Rite Krislpies
White Hand-lPicke'd Beans
:Shredded Wheat Biscuits
Fray Benitos Corned B'e!eff
Fly Coils, "to hang up"
Dutch Cocoa, tNo, 1 bulk
New Cheese, hest q'ual'ity
Popping Corn
Licorice, all sorts
=own. jars • 23c
%'s..t..•. 25c; d's 49c
'small'.. 14c; iaege 23c
2 lbs. 25c
2 pkgs. 25c
4 1bs. -10c
Z p•kgs.,25c
Vs 15c
. '6 for 10c
per 1b. 18c
20 lbs. or over, per lb..13c
per 1'b. 10c
per 1'b, 25c
Ross J. SproatQhone 8_.
Miss1V T._ P
Rhone 77
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates •
Confidence •
and a
Good Quality
Please us by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
you by our services and highess
market prices for good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, graded and
paid for while you wait.
Seaforth Creamer
The Y
C. A. BARBER, Prop. '
Motor or Horse Equipment.
W. J. W r.KER, holder oi Go-
- vernment diploma and. license.
Flowers Furnished.
Might or day phone 67.
Bert Beacom
and Ber
ld' a
Harold. 1'Dessrs. H r
spent Sunday with friends near Eth-
Mr, ' and Mrs. John M,orrison and
Mr, and Mrs.' Mots. Cole of Toronto
Dent the week end and holiday, the
ifornier at the home o'f hl'is slister, Mr.
end Mee. Harry Motor and Walton
fr0)tds, the latter at the home of her
sister, Mr, and Mrs. Simon M;eVittie,
else calling on .other friends.
iMessrs. Robert Leiper . and William
Dale and the Miss'e's Aignes Leiper
and Levinea Knox, acdonn'panied by a
couple of -girl fri'end's, moltored• ocr
Saturdlay fro'n't Toronto, spending the
Ihoiidays at their respective homes, re -
foaling to' 'Toronto Monday evening,
_,. Mr.a1mle•s Watt and Master Owen
of Toronto visited B'tyith and H,arlock
the weekend and hull
over h
� ales Scott
and little
MTS. 5
Lir, and 1M
Ian al'Toronto visited at bhe home of
Mr, and Mrs, S McVit''tie and ,other
frie;nds over the week end. and hol'ida'y.
.Mr. and Mrs. John T. Knox and.
Eileen of Caledonia and Mr hid' Mrs,.
'IN:anren Gih'binigsand baby vvsited on
Sunday at the 'homes of Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Knox and Mr. and Mrs. I.
i.Lfr, and Mrs. Wm. Knox of Grey.
and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson
were Sunday vistitors at the house of
Mr. and Mrs. T. Knox.
Miss Olive Knox spent a few days
with her, sister, Mr. and Mrs. T. Aip-
pleby of McKilloip,
'Mr, and Mrs. Robert Ferris and
Reece and Mrs. Inech!tel and Max-
een spent Sunday afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. AJA_ Vod'den
near Londesboro.
The Misses Helen. and Doris Fear
who have been. sick, are getting bdt-
ter, .the former being back to school.
Mr. and Mrs.. Chas. Parson's and
Amy entertained Mr, an'tl Mrs. Jen-
kins and satend daughter of Blyth
and Mr, and Mrs. Gordlon Jenkins of
Stratford can Sunday.
Mir and Mrs. George Watt and
children visited •on Sunday at the
h'o'me of Mr, and Mrs. Win. Roger
son, near' Brucelfiie'1'd,
Mr, Wm. Murray_attended the,
Beussels fair la's't Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Coilson ` entertained
friends from Bralcelbrid'ge the past
Mrs. A.'W. McE' 'ign and Miss
Ilelen spent Fridayof leash week in
1'ir, and Mrs. N'ot'naait Lloyd of
Clinton, Mr. Eddie Bell and Mir. and
Mrs, I. 'Ra'p's'on were Sunday visitors
at Incthome of Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
There was no service in • Burn's
Church on ' Sabbath, October 9th, it
being anhdwersary Sunday in Land-
eslio'ra United Church t'h'at day,
'Miss Agnes. Crosby of Toronto is
v rotting Mr. and Mrs. Attain Dodds in
to vn and Miss 1Mat are't McMillan.
hiss Dorothy 11utcitison of St. 'Ca-
tha`rin;es was a holiday visitor witth
her parents, Mr, and -Mrs. F,= D,
'Mas Florence Fouler of Bluevale
spent a couple of days in . town /re -
tar ning
retaraing -on Wednesday,- accompanied
by Miss Clara I''inkctuey.
Misses Josephine Edge, H e l e n
Smith and Mary Jto'haston are con-
wsle;lcing in the. ho's'.pi'ta'l after under -
•going operalNious,
Mr.. aucl M•ss. 'Grassie asvd Messrs.
JG•ras'sie of Hamilton were Th'anksgi'v=
ing visitors with their aunt, Mrs,
Murray, ,Goder'ich street.
Mis Anna EdI
tty nld
o s nurse -in -
hrammg, o'f Woo dstoick, spent dile
week -end with her parents, Mr. and
!Mts. WilliamEdmonds, the fonmer'of
wham is confined to bed' at present.
Mr. J. J. H'uggard's oIifnce on Main
street is .being resdeooiated this week.
Mr, and Mrs. E, H, Muir of High
Bluffs, Man„ and 'Mrs, ,Hteiibeet Flawl-
er, Huron Road, were guests at bhe
Holme of Mrs. W. L, Keys on Tues-
day.. Mrs, Muir was formerly -Miss
iBwswn of the red schiaol corner, Tnuck-
erlsa ti'th, and with Mr. Muir was Ealst
to attend a convention in Toronto M'a'st'
Misses Bertha Beattie, and Ild'a and
Eva Love of Toronto were 'hollliday,
visitors at their homes. •
Mrs, A. Reid and Mary were :week-,
end visitors with Mr, and Mrs, A. P.
Keys, 'Stan'l'ey.
Miss Mangartet Grieve s p e rs t;
Thanksgivinlg with her sister to To
Miss Gladys MdPhee of Blenheim
was a holiday visitor with. her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. -M. McPhee„ •
Misses Ria Hills and Lauri Mie-:
Milian of Toron't'o spent Thanksgiv-
ing at their homes.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Dingle and
son Edward and Mists Marjbrie Bick-
el!, of Tiorornito spent Thanksgiving
with Mr. ,and Mrs. W. J. Blickell. Miss
Bickel remained, owing to a Severe
cold, until the .Vatter .part of •bh'is week,
Mrs. W. J. Walker has returned
from 'Timrlmin's ,where Ale attended her
eons wedding, •
Mr. and Mrs. S'a'm Walker of Tim-
min- are slpendtng a couple of weeks
in town with the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Walker.
Mr. and 'Mrs. H. Minnett of. Toron-
to spent Thanksgiving in town.
Mists Verna A'd'ams and Mr. Sandy
Ooleds!m'i'th of Welland spent Thanks-
giving'hoil•'iday at the home of Mr: and
Mrs. Miller Adams.
M'r, and Mrs. J. J. Patterson ;of To-
ronto visited with " Mr. and Mrs. E.
L. B'ox over the week -end. Mr. and
Mrs. Patterson ane of candy kitchen
fame, having opened the restaurant
nmlw occupied by A, R. Box. I't. is.
twentyefive years since Mr. Patterson
was in Seaforth and was pleased to
see the Main street of his home town
showing progressiveness. •
le/eases. Thomas J. Ryan of Sagi-
naw, ,Michigan, and Ralph Schemaker
of Cleveland, O'h'io, classmates at St.
Jerome's College, Kitchener were
holiday guests at the home esf Mrs;
M'argare't Cleary.
Mrs. Jo'h'n Sproat was a visitor at
Malfel:ing and'Dengannan on Thanks-
Mrs. Margaret Horan left to spend.
the winter with her daughter and sort-
ie -law,' Mr. and Mrs. G. Flannigan,
in Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. ,Ferguson
and family o'f Toronto were Thanks-
giving visitors' with the Misses Fer-
guson, Slparlitig street. ,
Mrs. W. Fowler of Leam'ingto'n;
who has been in town ` for several
month's in abhendance with her sister,
'Mrs. John Ilil'ision,' has returned
home and Mrs. Garden of Tdra'nto is
..with her sister, Mrs. Mi1l'san,
'Me. and Mrs, Frank Finnigan and
(three dattghters. spent Tllnanksgiving
with the former's mother and sister
in Dungannon'.
Mr. and M'rs. Maurice- Quante and
eon Clifford, Mrs. M. Hornet', Muss
Maud' H'orton, all of Exeter, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. •H,
Sp roat, Hunan street.
Mr I.Orne Dale . and Mr, James
Sims of Blylbh were in Toronto for
Thanksgiving, guests of the latter's
son and daughter, Miss Carolyn and
Mer. Jamie Siins.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lawrence
and < Mr, Morley and Miss Vera of
Sarnia, Mrs William Lep'pington' and
tworoy, granldle.hi tleen of Clinton, spent
S'un'day with Mr. and Mrs, YamMfc-
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Anderson ' airs
daughters. Roth and Eileen spent the
holiday in Preston, and their daughter
Mildred returned home' wibh theist.
Mr, and Mrs. W+ill Plant, Stewart
and•.. Edna, spent Thanksgiving in To-
Mr. and Mrs, L. Krurse' and on
)Billy of Galt spent the holiday with
'Mr. and Mrs. jo!htt Finlayson. '
Mr. Will Faulkner of Brantford'
spent the Thanksgiving holiday with
his mother and sisters, George street.
IMr, and 4itris. R'dbt. Reid and Mary
Reid of Hamilton were at Mr. ' and
Mrs. Will Reid's over the h'o'liday,'
L\ a, n lto. has won the, 5te mt
ih en s
Culp, de'featin'g Egm'oedviide on Sat-
urday 2-1.
Butter, per .lb .. . ...... .. . . . 18c -20c
Eggs, per doz. 116c -26e
!Potatoes, per bag 15.0c
Hogs, per cult.., ... ....:.
Mises Grainger. Rdberton, Hall
and Jamieson, of Toronto, spent the
week end with their parents here.
Mr, and Mrs. K'in'g of Bayfield, Mr
and Mrs, Ford King and son and
Miss Mina Proctor of Toronto seen'
ctrnday at the home of Mr. George.
Mr, and Mrs, Bert Nett of Strat-
ford and Mr. and Mrs. Stevens and
children of Seaforth' Sund,ayed at the
home of Mr. J. Nutt of the
•: village:, r.•
Miss Bernice ,E nnenton'returned
bo her home"'!n Ripley on Tuesday af-
ter snendin'g a couple of weeks With
her sister, Mrs. D, D. Robe'rtbn.
1Ir. and Mrs. Forster of Sarnia
s'pen't the week end at the manse,
Mr. and MLErs. Armdt•rong and Mrs.
Prthick• of Constance were ,guests at
Sthe home of Mr. J. W r, Armstrong' on
Miss Helen Yungblut of Stratford
Normal. spent the holiday with ' her
parents here.
Mr, and Mr'e. Frank Lee and family
of T'li'orndale called on friends here on
S es'd'ay,
Miss 13righam of Windsor returned
to ]ler school on M'ond'ay after visit-
ing with her sister, M'rs. E4 Ad'attl's,
over the h'olid'ay,
'firs. Wheeler of Belgrav!e spent a
Sew days recently •time guest of Mrs,
The Municipal 'Council ca the
'Towns'hip Of Ribbed, met in, the
Township Hall at ,Staffa on Mondiay,.
Oct, 10,with a neii 't
the Reeve•p'reeiding. !Resolutions were
passed: Adopting the minutes of the
previous meeting; al'l'awd.ng, 'ant extra
$10 for home plowing competition at
'M'olunt Pleasant; . inestrucan 'g the
Olerk to prepare a 'By-Lalw and S'dhe-
dule• to provide for distribution 'af
surplus funds 'standing to • the credit
of bhe Hocking iDraie in the 'Town-
ship of Hlb•bert; allele/Mg 10 to Ed.
Garai/ley for damage's. bo 'calf 'killed
by dogs; 'furoniehing 10180-J5 tine tier
for , cliteh alt Patrick. !Feeney's. The
!Clerk -submitted the statement elf
tastes 'for 1.932: County rate $12,889,-
68; !General Toiwnshfp and Road, $6,
0'.3022714; G'en'eral Drainage, $5!l1.60;
Road and 'Bridge, 1$401141; Schools,
$10,923.12; Dogs, $5$88.00; !Police Vil-
lage ID. $3215.00; !Street :Lighting,
$750.00; Tellelplione Collections $954.-
954:18; 'Drain Accounts $5,9. t:tS. Total--
$319,14 W:18,
General expense 'orders: $511.02; and
road expenditure orders, $333193, were
issued. 'The 'meeting adpourned' un-
til Monday, November 14, at 1 p. an.
Mis. K. ,Feeney, Clerk.
Mr. and -Mrs. Joseph Williams of
Detroit visited With Mr. and Mrs.
Jelin McGrath on Sunday.
Mrs. M. Benninger and' Donald
spent Saturday in London.
Miss Verna Drake has returned bo
iSltratford after epend'ing a week with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Drake.
The holiday visitors were: Hugh
Blenlntingger, front Kitchener; Harry
'Feeney, from Kitchener; Anna Moly-
neaux, Kitchener; Frank Stapleton,
from Toronto; Von M'eGatinell, from
Mrs, john Drake isvisiting with her
daughter, Mus.- Jim McKellar.
A pretty wedding wa's solemnized
in St. Patrick's Church, Dtubtin, on
Tuesday morn'i'ng, Odtolbler the 4th
Fr. O''Draveski officiated, when Mary
Ryan, daughter of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Ryan was united in mar
Hage to Matthew Murray,' son of Mr.
an'd Mrs. John Murray. The charm-
ing young •bride was given inMarri-
age by 'her brother, Joe Ryan. She
wore a be wtif d gown of ptnil chif-
fon and lace, black velvet hat and her
(bouquet was mums and ferns. 'The
bridewas attended by her 'sister, Miss
!Teresa Ryan, who was. becomingly
go'wne'd in green georgette and car-
ried pink carnations and fern's. Steph-
en Murray supported the bridegroom.
After the ceremony the 'b'ridal party
motored to the Hicks 'House
M'rtelheli, where a wedding repast was
served to about twenty guests. In
the eventing a reception was held at
the bridegroom's home in McKillop,
The service in the Hillsgeeen
Church will be withdrawn on' Sunday
afternoon awing to the Klippen anni-
Mrs. Troyer was visited. by friends
from Varna; Zurich and' Seaforth.
Mt. and Mrs. Ross Dick and son
of 'Toronto 'spent the .week end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane.
Miss' Mary Hagan of London visit-
ed over the week end with her sister,
Miss Dolly Hagan.
Miss Edna Cochrane, R.N., return-
ed to. Toronto after 'pending the sum-
mer at the Esme of per parents.
Mrs. Troyer is visiting friends near
Hensel! For a few days.
Mr. and Mrs, Mhos, Con:sitt of Hen -
sell spent a ,few .days ia this vicinity,
Quite a number from this commun-
ity attended the -reception in Varna
on Thursday evening far Mr, anld
Mrs. Lorne Copeman,
'lair. and Mts. George Greenlslade of
B4ylf1161 ' were S'unldlay Visitors. with
Mrs. Troyer.
Auto Insurance
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
I4's worth your while to see us
before placing your insurance and.
at the new low non -tariff rates
ou cannot of afford to take chances. •
All claims promptly and -satisfac-
torily paid,
Phone; write or call—Night and
Day Service
Phone 152 •
A. D. Suther-land
Office over Keating's Dru Stu
!'I^ ,,aynw
The regular monthly meeting of
Varna United Church Women's Mis-
sionary Society was held at the home
of Mrs, Robert Webster, Clintotti, The
meeting opened with the second vice-
president in the chair. 'The devotional
exercises were taken by Mrs. E. Epps
and Mrs. R. Stephenson led in prayer.
Seventeen members responded to the
roll call with a verse of Scripture be
ginning with:the leiter A. The Scrip
tune lesson was read res'ponsively: led
by Mrs: M. Webster. The .monthly of -
tering was then taken also bhe birth-
day offering for the fourth quarter.
The ;corresponding secretary :and
treasurer gave their reports. rfs. rhe del-
to the presbyterial to be held
at 'Winthrop were appointed. A chap-
ter from the study .book, "Korea,
ligand of the Dawn," was taken by
Mrs, W. Webster; Before the close of
the meeting an address was read by
Mrs. Ralph Sitephen'son on behalf of
the Auxiliary, .and Mrs, A. MtdConnell
and Mns. W. Jdh'nstan presented, Mrs,
!Richert Webster and Mns, 'F. Coleman
who is moving shortly to Hen sell,
with a tray and bouquet of fl'o'wers
and Hower holder, in appreciation of
their past services in the society. Both
ladies made a suitable reply, thank-
ing their friends and assuring them
that they would never forget their
pleasant associations with them at
Varna. !Before the gathering 'broke up
refreshments were served by the
hosite'sses for the day, Miss Mabel
Rothwell, Mrs. Melvin Webster, Mrs.
R. Webster and Mrs. Sherlock Keyes,
and a p'1'easantt social hear was spent.
Miss Evelyn Whitlock off Si,'Thom-
as visited in the neighlfiorhoad tact
A number from here attended an-
niversary services at -Zion' and Thames
)Road on Su'n'day.
Mir. and Mrs. S. Millar and family
elf Daah'wood visited in the village
last Sunday.
'Mrs. James Herbert of Ludan spent
a month with her daughter, M'rs. las.
tHey'wood recently.
Mr, and M'rs, Wm, Bradshaw visit-
ed at 'bhe home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
M'eFalls south of Centralia' last Sun -
'Mies. Chas. Johns spent the week -
en'd in London,
M'r. and' Mes. Henry Ford and fam-
ily visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Fond on the Lake Rd. fast
Miss Kathryn Peters of 'London
spent the week -end at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jewell df Exeter
visited at the home of Mr. Chas.
Jolene recently.
Rev. Peters showed a number of
lantern slides last Friday night.
Miss Bessie Hartnall of Lon'do'n
apen't six weeks at the home of Mrs,
Chas. Jo'hn's recently.
,Mr. Keith Ford. of London visited
at the home of Me. Henry Ford last
On Tuesday, October 41th, .a ;surprise
panty met at the h'otne of Mr. - and
Mrs. Wm, Carter to spend the even-
ing and present their daughter, Irene
with a beautiful solid walnut table.
The following ad'dre'ss was read by
Mrs. Wm.' Britton: "Constance, Oot,
4th, 1932. To Miss Rena Carter: Dear
lRena,—lWlh-en we learned of your de-
cision, to enter upon' the sea of matri-
naloneal bei s, wee fent we could" not let
you twice your departure ,without show-
ing in, some •tangible way our love and
esteem and appreciation of the -work
you did, so fa'IbhEully in the choir and
Sunday school, previous to your de•
parture to Toronto. We would' ask
you, to ac'cept this table as a token of
our best wishes for your future- hap-
pines's. Signed on behalf of Constance
Ohunch and N'e'ighbors." After the
presentation, Miss Canter replied in a
few suitable words. After spending 'a
'pleas'ant evening, the la'd'ies served a
dainty lunch.
MaoKenzie-Carter.—At high noon.
Saturday, .O,dtober 8, at the manse,
Sealfarth, bhe marriage of Miss Irene
E. Carter, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
(Wm. Canter, H'ulll'ett, and Donald
MactKetuzie, son' of Mr. Donald and
the leite Mrs. MacKenzie of Luckmow,
was, solemnized by the Rev. C. C.
Kleine, a Eonner pastor of hhe bride
The bride was beccniiagly gowned in
wine' silk georgette an'd ta,ce, with hat
and shoes to m'ateh. Atter the cere-
mony, the bride donned her I-Iudean
seal coat and the bridal party re -
termed to the home of:. the brid'e's
parents where a sumotuons wedding
dinner was served. After the wedding
diner, the bridal party took a short
molbor trip to London and other
•pl!aces;. the bridle's travelling oastunie
was a dark brown crepe dress with
miatdbfinlg aceenssories and site wore a
Lapin fur jaCkelbte, On Monday, the
brlide anal' ani motored to the
gdo'om''s farm radar Lu'ckulaw, followed
by the best wiis'hes of their .many
The fallowing were g'uests at the
home of Mr, and M'rs. Wm, Carter
during the week end: M-. Donald
'MOKeuzie Sr. of Lecknow; Mrs,
Alex. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Crompton and ston-Dlana'Id of F'lina,
.Mich; Mrs. Win Connell, Mr. and
'Mrs. Wnt, H•erlbtson, Mr. and Mrs,
Fred Tyndall, Doris and Bruce, of
Clind'on Mr. and Mr's, 1-Iugh Camp-
bell of Brussels; Mr, and Mrs. John.
MODlonal3 and "Mass Jean, of . • Wal-
ton; Mr. and Mrs. Jim F'airservice
Mrs. Chas.-Sttndeecock, Mrs. Rlabt
R:ogerson4' Mrs. Wn Fa'irslervice and
Misses Effie and Lizzie of Landes
boro; Mr. B. Tyenman and, Mis"
Addle of Seaforth Mess 'tate ' Wil-
liams of Hnlimesv'lle, Miss DDilores
of Gade
Lir. 1a'ton Lahti -make
and .. C
rich; Mr. Arnold Lailth'wailte of De -
trek ;
etrait; Mesas Malbel Grigg, Alice
S'hepperd and Phyllis Crich of To-
ronto; Mr, and Mis. Gordon Mark -
'net see Ross ;of Toronto Mr Roy
C'onneli of Verna and Mr, ,Lt l:e• Fans
son of Tuckersrn:ith.
56th Anniversary
will be held on
Sunday, ret 30
(formerly of Clinton)
will bring his usual pep to these
On Tuesday evening,- :November
1st, that notorious Brucefield
is coming off.
We have far too many healthy
young fowl cackling around
'Brucefield: Come out and help us
correct this situation,
The Supper will be followed by a
Program in the auditorium of the,
'The September meeting of the
Bruicefield USX). and U!F.'W.CO. was
held at the home of Mins. Jnw. Thomp-
son, The ` president of the UJFJWO.
Opened the 1'edies' meeting with sing-
ing, followed by bh'e creed, The roll
call was answered by a word hard No
spell, when .same of the members
found their education lacking. •Correa-
pondence from head office was read
and the regular routine ,bu's'iness was
transacted. The arren's cluib thea join-
ed us, when .the 'president, Mr. W.
Hill of the UFO., totak charge of the
program. Those cortnlbuting were
Miss Jean Murdoch; who gave .a ,hum-
orous reading, severalselections of
music were given by the McLachlan
family; Mrs. Thompson and Mrs.
Clifton gave two excellent papers on
"Living a Life is More than Making a
Living." A solo by iti'kss Jean Mur-
doch, a reading by Mr. Murray !Gib-
son followed. All expressed it an en-
joyable program. The October joint
meeting will be held at the home of
Mr. !Wi'l'liam Douglas, October 20bh,
at 8 pm., the topic to be taken by
Mrs. Stackhouse and Mrs. Speir,
'5Po'ullkry Feeding and Killing." roll
call, "Ylaur Flavori'te Hen and W'h'y,"
The meeting was brought to a close
after the (hostess and. helpers served, a
dainty lunch. A hearty vote of thanks
wa's tendered the host and hostess for
their hospiibality,
'Mrs. Aimiie McDonald of Dundas
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Haugh
this week.
'Mrs. Brack visited friends on the
Huron Rlolad last 'week.
Mfrs. N. Rdalbson is the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm, iBerry at present,
.Mr. Stanley Reid of 'London splentt
'Thanksgiving at his ahlome in the 'vil-
,Mr. and Mrs. C, Eckert spent Sun-
day in our burg.
The rate rain and snow has again
delayed the buckwheat and root croip
Messrs. Leslie Bleuermann and Jno.•.
A. Eokart are busy making their
rounds threshing and to ob'l'ige cus-
tonters•they use steam or gas which-
ever preferred. a
Mr. Pete Eckart harvested a reale
crop of mangels. Tlhe turn out was 51
loads off 57 drills 40 rads long, with
40 b'us'hels to a load. Many tipped bhe
scales at 2'2.lbs. each„ Who - can beat
;Tlhe Con'sta,nce United . Church . are
holding their anniversary services on
Sunday, October 33rd. Rev. C. A.
Malcolm, of Egman'dlvi'lle will preach
morning and evening. Services at 1!1
and 7230. Special music by the choir.
0-n Tue'sd'ay' evening a fowl supper
will be held from six to 8. A hum-
orous play twill t'e -given by the Young
People of the congregation, "Thee
Young Cou'ntr'y S,ch'oot Malin." The
Blyth orchestra will be in attend,
anrce, also Miss i'od'a Fraser of Clin-
ton will sing a'ecompanied by her gui-
The W.M.S. held their monthly
niedbing sit tike hose of Mrs. Peter
Lindsay an Thursday. 'The meeting
opened. ivwith',Mrs. W. Britton in
charge. After singing a Thanksgiving
h'ymtnt and prayer, the minutes of last
meeting were read and adopted. Mrs.
Walter Scott read' the devotional
le'alliet, 'Abigail, ,the Woman of Taet."
Slang a hymn., "Jesus Galls U5," Mrs.
W. Thou
Pson gave a very fine talk
on Why and How We Give Thanks,
!We had a few minutes of open dis-
!Qu'ss'ion on why and how so much in
'dlifference i'u` ahuinch ml'nvbers, which
was very helpful. Mrs.' Leo Stap'heat-
son told a story from the study book
on Korea,' which was meat interesting
after which four or five led in pray-
er. Mrs. R. Lowson closed with, pray-
er. Tea was served,
'Mr. and 'Mrs. ``Jlahn Ferguson and
Mrs. E. Adams visited friends in (Lon-
don on Friday .of last week,
' IMr. Elliott Andrew of Toronto and
Me. Bert Andrew of Piapott, Sask.,
who wasa delegate to the Gemini
Council held in 'Hamilton, visited their
sister, Mrs. B. B. S•tepheeson and Mr.
S,belphenson over the holi,da'y.
Mr, and .Mrs. Oliver Anderson ant.
Mays._ Rethent Clarke visaed Mr. and
Mrs, Clarence Clarke of L'ssbow-e,l on
Thursday l last,
s ,
Miss Ethel Ga'ulev.teacher of Con-
stance school, attended the Uedchers'
asso'ciati'on held in Brussels on Tames -
(illy and Friday of last week and spent
the holiday at her home in Ripley.
Mr. ;!Jos. Yungbint lost one of his
Valuable leors,es last week.