HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-10-13, Page 1W'i,th a pr;ch at my door for shelter
and shade too,
As ails sunshine or rail may prevail;
And a'.smali spot of ground- for the
use of t'h'e spade tot,
With a barn for the use of the flail:
And w'hi'le plea,ee and plenty I find at
my .'b'oard,
With a heart free `from sickness and
With my : frienils may I share wlhat
Today may afford,
And let them- spread the 'talb'Ile
Tomorrow, ',J Collins.
Phone 84,
at all hours
Prices Reasonable
The Olympia.
Confectionery and Restaurant
Put in your winter sup lY now at
at' these saving prices
No. 1 Oni'on's, large, dry, firm
•stack, 15 ,lbs 25c
1No. 2 Onions, smallfirm, bright
stock, 25 lbs. ....... 25c
pier '1b. 1 O c
XXX VINEG'A'R, per imperial gal-
lon ,.. r ..........,... .,40c
3 cans 25c
5 lbs. 25c
usually 8% oz. for 1'&c. Special 15c
Ib. or 6 pound box 7'5c
tOORN STARCH, best quality in
bulk, 3 lbs. . 25c
per tin 15c
BROiOMS. ...... from 25c to $1.00
and our cliealpest brooms are $1.
CRISCO.—For a time we are giving
with each pound can •af . Crisco a
Valuable nickel measuring spoon
(measuring from 0 tea ,spoon to 1
table spoon). , ...... both for 25c
Cream for Seafor'th Creamery at same
price as at the Creamery.
Eggs bought for cash or trade.
• r
.• AL�TY
L. 4 ,
Anniversary services will be held in
Bethel Church Sunday, October 116th,
at 1T a.m..and .7,30 p.m. Rev. Jlohn
'Button, B.A., of Fordwileh, forrnerlty
pastor of Walton 'Methodist Church,
will be the special speaker for the
Mrs. Archie Kerr has received word
.of th'e d'ea'th of 'her brother -un -flaw,
Mr. William iMdlnitosh o'f Kronau,,
:Sask., . following- an accident. Deceas-
ed was a son of the late Jidhm Mein-
tasih, eighth oontcessio'n, Who lived 2%
miles east of Wlinbhr!op. Twenty-five
years ago last March he was married
to Miss Mary Smith, also of MlcKil-
lop, and they have since made their
hloine at Kronau, 20 mules so:wblt'e!ast
of Regina. Mr. McIntosh visited in
the ea's't a'blau't ten .years ago and Mrs.
IMdlnIto's'h was here in 1928.
`yy Mr. aiud' Mrs, Malcolm M'.cKellar
and family of 'Sleaforth spent the
week end .with Mr. M,ca1C'e'1far's par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs. A, D. McKellar.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Slpeare and, family
cif 'Toronto 'spent Thanksgiving with
yyMr. Sipear e's brother, Mr. J'osep'h
S Sp'eare.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold MicT-eod .and
Mrs. Mi Le'od''s mother, Mrs. Lanrond,
Of Lond'o'n, vi'si'ted with Mr. and Mrs.
A. D. M'c'Kellhar on Sunday.
(Mrs, Jackson and twin 'daughters,
who have spent the summer with MPS.
Jadleso'n's parents, Mr. and :Mrs. Dave
!Bruce, accompanied with Mr. Jack-
son, left an Satu'rd'ay last for Alberta.
Mr, anid Mrs. Fis'h'er and family of
Gue'l'ph visited with Mrs. Fisher's.
Mather, ther Mrs. Butler, over the holi-
Allen: visited
MT, and Mrs. � Ed.
friends in Brantford last week end,.
North Side United Church. -Pastor,
Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A.
Sunday, October 116th.
'10 am—S.S. and' Bible ,Classes.
dPublic Worship, 11 a,m, and 7 p.m.
conducted by the Rev. W. D. McIn-
tosh, B.A., of Ern'bro.
The ' marriage took place at Tim-
mins on. Tuesday, Oritdber 4th, of
)Anne Male Tate, of Timmins, to Sam-
ue'1 T. Walker, of Timmins, son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Walker, Seaforth,
by the Rev. Mr. Miller or Timmins
United Church.'
There will be a rally for all the mis-
sion circles and CJGII.T. groups of
Huron Presbyterial on Friday, Nov-
ember 4th alt the supper hour in North
Side United Church, Seaforth. The
girls are looking forward to hearing
two of the speakers from the Domin-
ion Board, Mrs. Rush, the Young Wo-
men's Secretary, and Miss Evelyn
'Craw, B.A., the CJGLT, secretary.
IThe ,marriage Of Miss Helen Mar-
garet Stewart of Seaforth to Jcbhn
Leslie McClure of the Township of
IGod'eric'h took place at eleven o'clock
Tuesday morning at St. Andrew's
Preslbyterian Church manse in S'tra't..
ford,, Dir. G. ,P. Duncan officiated. The
betide, who was attended laly Miss
Bernice E. Elliott of the tdwnshbp of
iG'oderi'ch, Wore a gown of wine -col-
ored velvet with hat in the same
shade. Black swede sihoes and gloves
completed her costume. Ernest Brawn
of Clinton was best mann,
The Toggery 'Shop Will undergo a
complete c'h'ange in the n'ex't two
weeks in preparation for the opening
probably Friday, October 21sT, df a
Red and White store, carrying groc-
ery ery and meat prov5siit orus: The rad'ec-
orating begins on. Thursday and an
!electric re'fri'gerator is being in's'talled.
Mr. A.rater, i u
Ca who Mr. Angus
McRae of towel assisting, will be in
charge, 'com'es from Guelph and for-
merly Hamilton, anid has rem'o'ved his
'househol'd effects here and is occupy-
ing the Davidson residence an Goder-
ich street, recently vacated, by Mr. 5.
IThe :C1WIL. of Sit. James' Church
held a very successful tea last Wed-
nesday. The president, Mrs. Jas. Dev-
ereaux, welcomed the guests ` and
'Master Eugene Duncan played several
selections on the violin, accompan-
ied by Miss Dlorsey andMiss Celes-
tine O'Leary.
The hall was nicely decorated with
autumn ''eaves :and. fl'owe'rs, While red
roses and colored :dandles .gave a pleas-
ing appearance to the tables, The
proceeds amounted to $92.60.
LAIt a recent meeting of -the C.W.L.
the five dollar gold piece, given to the
pupil making the highest marks in the
recenit Entrance examination, was
award'e'd to Master James Eckert, son
of Mr. and' ..Mrs. John ,Eckart; M'c-
A case of interest laically was argu-
ed in the Cotrrt of Appeal at Olsgoode
Hall, Toronto, on Tuesday. The plain-
tiff is Mrs. Isabella Cameron, Sea'foelth
and the Deifenidanit is her brother, Al-
exander S!oulter of Detroit.
The action was tried before Mr. Jus-
tice Raney in Go'd'eri'ch on April 25th
last and judgment was .given fn favour
of Mrs. Cameron for $1360 and costs.
IH'er, action was brought- to recbvler
$1000, the amount df a'leoad and int-
ttere'st, The defence claimed that the
money was 'a gift and that in, .any
event the claim was barred by the
Statute of Limitations.
appealed on- the
The Defendant
ground that the trial. Judge erred in
refusing to accent ' evid'en'ce that the
adva'n'ce of money was a gift.
5. G. Stanlbury, of Exeter, was
counsel for Appellant and H. G. Meir
Seaforth counsel •for Resposrdent.
Alt the conclusion of the argument,
the - appeal wasditsmlli1lse'd';w'ith costes.
It is con'sid'ered again advisable to
remind the pub'li'c that no person or
persons selling articles or soliciting
subscriptions and using the name of
the Canadian Legion should be con-
sidered genuine unless in ,p.osisession
of a letter off'i'cital!ly signed by officeris
of t'he local branch of 'the Legion. •
At a largely attended meeting .of the
Canadian , ILe'gioan held in the ' Club
rooms on Friday 7th instant pre'l'imin-
ary pgeiparationis were 'discu's'sed for
the observance of the annual memor-
ial service on Remembrance Day, 111th
Nevelt:ibex% The county parade Of
branc'h'es of the Canadian Legion will
be held this year an Seaforth at which
all returned soldiers in the county of
Hau'ronwill alttenid' and arrantge'ments
wall ,be in the hands Of Comrades
Sills, Hays, ' Ferguson and M'dM'ifil'an.
Fn''ilue time further details will 'be'an-
nouniced. The Poppy Day ,ca'nilp.algn
will the h'el'd this year on Sa•tu•rday,
5th November and will be in charge
of a committee of :Com'ra'des R.
Holmes, Munn, B. 0. Muir,. Mani -
Ian, Parke, Wright anid. Robt. Smith,
'Chairm'an. ''Further' details in this
connection will, also be 'announc'ed la-
14 was decided to hold a sitalg-euchre
for members in the Club room's_ on
Friday 14th 'October and an open stag
euchre in the town hall on Friday 21st
,A feature of the evening was -a re-
port of the Provincial C'omvention held
recently at Sault Ste. Marie, by Pres-
ident Sil'l's who was present' as a dele-
gate from the local branch.. Comrade
Sills was appointed by the Prov'in'cial
Convention as zone representative for
District 10.
The W;MIS. of North Side United
Church held their regular monthly
meeting on Tuesdayin the school
room of the church with the president,
Mrs. W. P. Lane, in thle chair. After
singing a hymn, Mrs. Lane led in
prayer. Splen'd'id reports were given
by the,secretary of each of the various
departments. Thle treasurer, Miss An-
nie Ferguson, gave a report of the
year's work. At the end of the third
quarter, three-quarters of the alloca-
tion had been rea'c'hed. A tribute was
paid to the memory of one of our
beloved me'm'bers, Mrs. F. J. Burrows,'
who., has passed on to a higher ser-
vice, and a message of sympathy, al'ap
an "Ih Memoriam" certificate was
sent to Dr. F. 5. Burrows and family.
,Mrs, M. 'MdDermid and. Mrs. Hay
were ap'poin'ted delegates to attend
the centre ,section meeting to be held
in Oaven 'United Ohurcch, Winthrop,
(Friday of this week. • Group Four
then tolok ,c'h'arge of ,the devotional and
Study period,. with Mrs. J. Finlayson
i.n tih:e dhair.. Miss J. Alexander and
Miss ,M, Somerville took charge ,of the
Bible study and Mrs. J. lo'hinsitan lad
in prayer. Mrs. J. Fiinlayson;initrod'uc-
ed a new shindy hook, "His Dominion
of Canada," Dr. E. H. Oliver. Mrs.
J. C. IJain.g' and Mrs, S. - J. Spencer,
Miss M. Ferguson and Miss Alexan-
der gave.the first chapter of the study
book in a very intere's'ting way. "The
Iriais'k, the Country, the People, the
church has no choice in the matter of
its mission. Its task is. molt self-ap-
Pointed;, it is God-given;. Christ must
reign: 1'st Cor. nth ch'ap'ter,' 251t1i
verse: "For He Must reign till He
laa'th put .all enemies under His feet,"
That is the Corinthian inspiration and
th'a't is the Oorunithla,n task. At the
'close of this program mu's'ic was beau-
tifully rendered by Miss Mary Bar-
ber, The, meetinig closed with the
M'iapa'h : benediction,
On the evening of Friday, October
7th., there passed to -her eternal reward
one of the dontnvun'i'ty's oldest, most
virtuous and moist revered members in
the person of Mrs. Catherine McFad-
den. . Fortified, by the l'as't rights .cif the
H'oi'y Cath'oli'c Church of whidh she
was a most devoted member and sur-
rounded in her lash earthly moments
with her fancily gathered about her
'bedside, this good Christian mother
went peacefully forth to meet her
Creator and Judge, wihom she served
so faithfully upon earth. Through her
long life of cou'n'tless sacrifices and
trigs in the service of others, ` she
maintained a cheerful equanimity of
spirit that .endeared her to all.
Mrs. McFadden, formerly Catherine
R'y'an, daughter ' Of John Ryan and
'Catherine K'enned'y, wlhlo came from
Ireland and resided in Dundas, later
moving to Hibbert Tnwnlship, was
married to the late 'Thom'as ALcFad'
den in, '1675, Who pred'e'ceaged her
.twenty-Ibwo yeans ago and' Oslo two
daughters, Agnes and Mrs, Thomas
1T'he Tate Mrs. MdFadtden' was a
member of the Catholic Women's
League, the Altar Society and the
League orf ' the Sacred Heart.
Those left to Mourn her loss - are
one daughter, Mary, at home, one sis-
ter, Ellen Ryan, of London, and six
.granthehilld'ren, Mrs, John, J. Nigih,
Tuc'kersmi'th; Muss : Agnes Parcell,
'R.N., of Toronto; Sr. M. Isidore of
S't, Joseph's Community, Taranto;
Tlholinas Purcell, Flit, Mich., Joseph
Purcell, S'etafiorlbh and Louis F. Pur -
A gloom has been cast over the
district of Kronau by the sudden
death Of Mu'. W. S. McIntosh, which
was the result of an accident that oc-
curred Saturday afternoon, 'Septem-
ber 24th. They were .putting sheaves
in the loft of his barn, building the
sheaves up to about eight feet in one
end. He had tripped' the last bundle
and 'apparently just as he was about
to cobne down he gave the rope a
quick jerk and he said "It came too
easy' and' he fell to the floor, The
boys, hearing the fell, rushed up to
End 'their. .father lying on 'his face. He
co'm'plained of pain in hands and arms,
but feet and legs were fiselless, Dt.
Larson was 'phoned,' then the ambu-
lance which conveyed ham to Regina
General Hospital. An X-ray was taken
Which ' revealed a 'fractured vertebra,
the cord itself being injured. Although
the best of pare and, medi'cal attention
was .given he passed neaedu1ly away
on • Wednesday evening. Mr. 'McIn-
tosh was born a little over. 62 years
also. in McKillop ' township, Huron
'County, 'IOriltario. Reaching m'anh'ood
he came to Mlan'itolba, then he 'went to
E.C,y but finally settled on his farm
four miles from Kronau over twenty-
five years ago, and taking as his life
darn an4on. Wary E. Smith, else of
MclKilliop. Here -they successfully
'farm'e'd and it is not only in the home
that is deep vacancy will be fe'l't, but
in other circles, and the whole com-
m'un'ity extend to Mrs. McIntosh and
family their deepest sympathy in their
sad ,lterea'vemenit. The funeral, which
took place at 1 o'clock, Saturday, Oct-
ober 1St, from Speer's Funeral Home
to the Regina cemetery, was largely
attended and kind' friends expressed
their, thoughts by many floral tributes.
Rev, Mr. Anderson of Balgorrie had
charge of the service. Mr. McIntosh
is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mary
McIntosh, eight children, Mary, John,
Manshail, Percy, Lena. Ings, Della
and Anna (a'l'l at home), four. broth-
ers, Thompson, West Hope, N.D.,
Finley, Wilkie, Sask.; : George, Chin-
ook, Alta., Hugh, Lomond, Ont., and
three sisters, Mrs, Wm, Wells, Lon-
don, Ont.; Mrs. J. Marschall, Zealand-
ia, Saslc., ;anid Mrs. Geo. Stephenson,.
Stratford, Ont. The two 'brothers,.
Thompson. and Finley, also Anna
(Mrs. Marshall) were present at the
The opening meet'in'g of the Young
People's Society of North Side United
Church was held on Tuesday evening,
October 1111th with Mr. A. Westcott
presiding. Community singing led by
Miss R. 'Thompson opened the meet-
ing, The Lord' prayer was s p aye w s r epeated
in unison, The minutes of the last
meeting were read by Miss Dorene
Hudson and adopted. The S'crip'ture
lesson Was taken by Miss Winntie'Sa-
vauge. A wen rendered duet was gi-
ven by Misses HelenLane and Bessie
Cluff, accompanied on the piano by
Mrs. Lane. A very interesting address
was given by Mr. ,Lane on "Co-opera-
tion and Wider Loyalties." He stress-
ed the need' of workingtogether at
this critical tons. He alsothanked the
CJG.l[�T. forco-operating with the
League and hoped it would prove to
be a succesls. Hymn 268 was then
sung after w'hic'h Miss Fennell gaavea
very, humorous story on "Week End-
ing in England." An important feature
of th r ev'e'ning was a presentation to
M'r. arid Mrs. Keith Webster of a
beautiful .bouquet- of roses by Mods
Ruth Thompson on behalf of the
IL.eague. A very fitting address was
read'.. by Miss Dlo'renle' Hudson Wishing
them all the happiness and •prosperity
in :the years. to.come. The Lea'gu'e then
joined in singing "For; They Are Jolly
Good Fellows." After a number of
games were played a dainty lunic'h
was served c and a very happy evening
was brought to a .close by singing
Gad Save the Kin'g.' w.
Eginondmil1e Church anniversary
services will be 'held' on Sunday, No-
vember 6th•..ISlpea'ke'rs will be Rev.
George Watts, D,ID.,' of Goderich, ,at
111 a:m. and Rev. IOhas. Cumming, of
Walton, in the even'in'g._
cell, Assumption College, Sandwic'h.
'The funeral took place from her
late residence on Monday at nine .a.m.,
to St. James' Church. Requiem High
Mass was celebrated by her pastor,
Rev. Father Goetz, who also Con-
ducted the services in. Stt, Columben
'Cemetery, where interment was made,
The pallbearers were her son-in-law,
Tiootnas Purcell, three nephews, John
Ryan, 'William Ryan, James Ryan,
Terrance 'Flannery anid Conrad Eck-
$1 A YEAR.
dF£n Diamonds
Our Gift to You
For the remainder of this year we
have an interesting Diamond proposi-
tion. With' every Diamond of $25.00
and upward Which -we 0411' we' will give
absolutely free a Wedding Ring of the
inewest design in 14k Solid Gold and
Of standard weight.
The Di'amon'd will be our regular high
quality :anid value.
The Wedading Ring, 14k Solid Gold,
the color you wish and the new de-
sign. ht is absolutely free. -Our Gift
to You.
Buy. your diamond in our Diamond
Room. Absolute privacy.
Fred. S. Savauge
Gift Goods and Fine China
Phone 194. Evening Appointments
Res. 10. .. ` at your convenience.
-z=a"_Watches frorm125=41
The sixty-ififth anniversary of St.
And'rew's United Church will ,be held
oee "Sunday, October 116bh. Services at
1111 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Elwood
Lawson, B.D., of Mount Forest, wi'il
be the •gulest speaker. Special music
by the chair, assisted !by a quartette
under the leadership o'f Mr. Ora Craw-
ford o'f Ripley.
Mr. and Mns. John Bel'' spent
Thanksgiving .at Forest.
Mr. and Mrs. Will McLean Of Ha-
milton visited at Mr. J. B. MsLeam's.
Mr., Gordon Fowler has returned to
;Miss I'sa'bel Alexander of London
spentthe week end at her Some.
Mr. Gilbert Jarr'ott of London
ited his home last Wednesday.
IMT. . and Mrs, Geo. 'Squires and
'family of (Granton visited at the home
of M'r, and Mrs. Joseph'Daymtan on
Thursday last.
usFr. Robert 'McNiaugluton of Lon-
don spent Thanksgiving at 'h'is home
in Tuickersmith,
'Mrs. The's. 'Dayman has •returned
home :after 'spending a week with.
friends • in (London.
Mis's Beatrice ''Day'man is visiting
with her 'cousin, Miss Velma Squires
at Granton for a few days.
Mr. and, 'Mrs. Alex. Ironside of
London visited over the week -end
with their cousin, Mr. John Me-
Mr. and Mrs. Sol, Shennio•n of Lon
desboro; Mr. and Mrs,' John Little,
Roxboro; ,Mr. and Mars. Creighton,
Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Smith, 1St.
Marys; Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Robinson
and family and Mrs. Scarlett of Lon-
don, werle guests at the home of Mr,
,and Mrs. George Little on 'Sunday..
Mrs. Mae Dlarnanice of Seaforth,
Mrs. Range, Misses Berenice Dorrance
and Ena. Sanderson of Whitby ogled
on Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton on
Mr. Neil Mromt.gionrery sgsnt the
week end with friends in Hamilton..
Miss Margaret Cuthill spent a few
days in Toronto lash week.
Mr. and' Mr's. Irwin Trewartha
spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Har-
burn df Seaton*.
Mr. Archie Campbell' of Toronto
spent 'Thanksgiving with his mother,
Mrs. Jas. Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton cale-
brated their 26th 'wled'din,g annivers-
ary and Mr. and Mrs. Faster Bennett
celebrated their third wedid!inig anniv-
ersary on Th'an'ksgiving Day, Oct. 10.
'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Little, Mr,
and Mrs. Foster Bennett' and. Mir.
!Palm Bullard spent M'on'day with Mr.
end Mrs. George Eaton.
Mr.. and Mns. Verne Sinclair of
Point Huron spe'n't a few days with
STANLEY. Miss Margaret Tough of Shakes-
peare spent the Th'a!niksgivin'g holiday.
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 7.
Tough of thle Bronson line.
Mrs. MdKee of Toronto visited the
old home over the week end.
\'Ir, Gordon Manson, principal 6£
Dundas public school, with his wife
and 'fam'ily visited relatives and friends
at Blake and vicinity during the week
end and' Thanksgiving; '
Mr. R. N: Douglas spent Sunday
with friends ,at Parkhill,
Mr. and. Mrs. C. Dunkin of Flinit,
are visi'tin'g this week with friends in
'Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryne and Mr. an''
,Mrs. J. Collins of London speht Snast-
d'ay with: the ladies' mother, ,Mrs. Wil-
son Armstrong. •
Mr. andMrs, Ed. Johnston, and
son George -E., af" Goder%cii, spent
Sunday with friends an Babylon and
Goshen 'lines.'
Mrs. Annie Reid and daughter Mary
of Seaforth spent the week end at the
Eine of her brother, Mr. P Ars P. Keys.
Mr. John:Bead= n •rand family' of
IGoderich toiwnslhip visited at. Robt.•MeClin'chey's and Henry Erratt's on
Sun'd'ay afternoon.
The funeral of Mrs. Agnes Moffatt
took place on Sunday afternoon from•
Dr. Moffatt's residence at - Varma 'to
Baird's cemetery. Her •dealth took
place. in Lbndan on Friday following
a lengthy illness. Mrs. Mloffatt, whose
early life Was spent in Stanley, had
many .warm friends whose syimpa'thy
is extendedto the bereaved family.
Mr. Ira Johns still continues E1.
His many friends hope for a speedy
Mr, and Mrs. T. Levitt of In'ge'rs!oli
were visiting in this co•mmnnity over
the thanksgiving holiday.
Mr, and Mrs. T'eiblb'uet have return-
ed after spending a pleasant time ediath
friends in Hamilton .and Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Coiemlant have "efe-
turned home after vtsntng'with
friends in' H'am'ilton and Toronto.
'Mir. and Mrs. T. Coleman have re-
turned home after visiting with
friends at Zurich, • Hall'sgre'e'n and
Tuckersmith Municipal.. -The main-
acipal pot is beginning to simmer in.
this town'ship and it now looks as if
thle, present council will be opposed by
a number of new men this year. itis
stated that W. M. Doig, wtho has had
a wide experience as a fanner, 'teach-
er and lawyer, will contest the Reeve -
ship with Mr. Archibald, the present
'Reeve. It is also stated that • some
tntemibens of :the present count* are
going to receive stiff opposition from
sevenai prominent new men, in the
township this year.
70th Anniversary at Turner's.—.The
70th anniversary of Turner's United
Church will be observed on Sunday,
October 116th, afternoon and evening,
The Rev. George Watts, North Street
United Church,' God'ericlh, will con-
duct divine servile and preach at 2 '
o'clock in the, afternoons and the Rev.
A. A. Holmes of C1'into'nalt 730 in, the
eveni'n'g. Asa interesting historical
sketch Of 'Turner's C'hurc'h will be
given and the choir w i1t furni's'h s'p'ec-
ial music. A cordial invitation is ex-
ten,ded to the friends of Turner;d
1Olniiic'h to be present.>