HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-10-06, Page 8PAGE EIGHT HENSALL. and the concert at niglvt. This was in the roily morning it will be mole r e their' movements, Late alt sluigg'islh m Fnay&SatUrdaYflIY ve as the fliers are thaclaina4d Uy nany to Have been theeffett VIs *.in the' itennooal is' The ,Election, --The election here do Agri entertaiivnien(fi puty's on under the 0thp also a .aood time. Glose the stablej90onday was a hho!tly contested' one, griulltttra!l !Socie!tySs auspics. the \'IIV Eectors bolts 's'ides working hand during ,the program was provided by auspices. Fay- and spray 'with a fine mist that fills a a small vote palled obi kno!w,n cam's Itlhe air, One ,pa'rt of formalin in 1'9 HNIEPDER S FRESH PIONIC H'AMS,. .Per lb. day.There wasSG P 9c orate tical, alis the N an the morning, but to the afternoon h 1piarts of milk or sweetened water dials s and ave. xce four ladies are JO��� Hu�o� gp voters masses a good anti cheap Spray. This F, th n( s' livened to and 407 w'. artists and .gave excellent ghtetionll o in Stove Pipes {� Fresh .Putty ��+ cast bhe(r ,ballots. There were 470 on piano, violin, 'relic and d(eligh!te(d all same mixture flies to drink. : ,. i��+ per pound weree ea t of the away pot A numberplates each g. present. down character songs Willie Deal sickp or - :from aid bro:n!gh!t , the .house. I wish to convey my; sincere all manure • ceea e W i remove btu,ethe Maxwell House 'Cof- � ti Salado Tea �► quill a nunfber refined to vote. At thanks to all the Electors' of s!tab'be and yards per curd P011,11(a) and rtUe ,vdte Was l(1'0 foil (G!oladth VARNA. • South Huron, who gave so lib- ing Places for the fifes anlld reduce the tee per - pound,p arils 92 for Rader; at Poli 11Q6) thepalm Olive Soap Lux 'Toilef Y rt nuient to move the Manure to the fielnt There was a good turn -crit from era order their secure my election. nois'an(ce. Where it is n!ot donveds 4 cakes for �� �' Soap 4 calces �� c' !Vote was:'1L'4 for ,Golding and 75 for our village at Ba,y!field fair. All ,pro it showed be kept m a screened shell fRad'er. Gold!img's majority was 73 notince lit a goad show. • !Cas!h IPricels (Omll'a was just 1 spoiled ballot: Mr. The members of the W. A. of St Especially, do I thank those xT Raderli-olf uses that i figho but the John's Chnroli met at the home of to whom friendship meant more 500 Retailers Patronize W. 3. `� • Farmers Market at Toronto' i feeling off d -unrest that is elr the li�lrs. M. Elliott Friday. 1 • than party: - 111ha'f grower's are kit endeavoring to 'make and so mics biunemployment,foav- The eneiivbers df the Township mvake it aenvos:t tattpolsls'ib]e for aGov- Council met on Tu'e'sday- It will give me great pleasure lower m'arke'dli'g costs and at the" ienIMis's t candidate,to-"win. " Mr. J'ory, of the '.Toednto,good .roads indeed' to serve; to the best of same time ensure a reasonable return' Miss Hazel Morena' spent 'the, commission; spent Wlednes1aY 'at > my ability,every:citizen of the for their pro!d'uets, is exemplified by en(d at 'her Kohne in 'DastJwooi Treasurer 'Beabty's office.•riding. the o!Perat''iom of a farmers' market in washers bo xavo(w. Mrs. Mervin Simian and iToronto. More than pwo hundred The great value of fertilizer on fall •17ashwood,visited iThe Ynany fniendls of IMhsl9 'Edytih *'heat is t!halt it, n'dt only 'gives Anna Tiernan o1MossOP will 'be sorry to learn she is ■�►■ jobbers and growers are partkedpat- FrMiss L town last week, W. H. Goldinstrength and vigor to blue crop to suffering from a • sevens: attack of ¢* ing in this marketing system. and, Miss Lawson with off Exeter has aceelp!t muscular :rhetntialbism. a during the past year, it has been halt- h+idh it- is aPpi]>Rd, 'but it atnios!t 34- Young l- d a .position ,with Dr. preached ' i- 1cs iiv+ing seeTi' 5 wlell o n hundred retail way's insures a good ,stand m slave- e Pu,ecul esk.,T1Yn g ionized' by over five Rev. O ls Younga Preached alt the,merchants. The market is open six i ooe Wheat-fielddiC;r :be oIb$er�u�d an ,St. Min's 'Ohurch, and grass where Y aerie Peopl'e's Rally eatr Qavaii Pres, S,unday,;'lact. 9,th: •Senv'vde at 7 P•m days a weak. Activities commence at seeded b teaian C'huroh, Exeter, on 'Sunda)? 2. (ty Sr, amid• Mr. Brebher- ,(.,!ODERTCH: five o'clock each morning and are 1Ined addition, ' ferlti4'izer' makes s y 1MF G a : • morning' `tan alttegd'ed Division Covet un..Gade- tWha awns the• title to Ship Island,' practically' over three hours later. The 'none 'rapid' , f e ti, zer • wheatermakes mr" 'Wan. 1Jahus, while rid'in(g on •a 'ids ttendeY.:. a one -acre patch in Go'tieraldh H'ambor, daily fee to growers is twenty -aye anorhence, if he is .sown fairly !fate to motorcycle one day 'last week, wra's trial' cents, While jobbers pay fifty serifs. miss the 'b'road of Hessian ifl'Y, the — was the question Put .before Justice A. rly la and thrown off an,d badly hurt. Ire w!ne . •HULLETT.. K. McL'san in exohegner court at To: Western Cattle Purchases.. miss will 'catch •v>ip e g n. Proving, for some, but is mow rm• ymotto . The Dominion 'Government have a satisfactory 'tat (before h and Dale Flynn.ne5 Pretty wedding took , p iMr. , SePt er 28,!Arran!gemen(ts have been preluded dh(n 'Din!gw31'1 fro •df place our Wednesday, ,prolpas(e's! to dredge away the,, whole � i Mini's- sets in. D(,AN'CE. re ands1 are T Church Olin -Hon. Tholmes L. Kennedy, with relativg's''9 . a.,m, in St. Jaseplr's island to widen the open Berri t ca�nr by� of Agaicrz'1tNre, .and the Canadian Weekly Crop !Report Dance at Oro'manty Hall. Freedy's andvisiting harbor. Upon, dredging g awn. the' nvilten Father Sullivanll'.vJoin in IL. Forrest, who "Banken' , Atsslo'cfation whereby . On -Olde 'T nue. Ba and friends tot Menne in 1�9, W. I (Average yield olf ,pests in Hu- d y Band of London. Tares - crop avers are e se' en--+bhe' 1 a ` 'onlas' oatrimony Margot-island,tario •farmers will be able to bo'rrolw nom' !Average eld I f sugargadt ,ez roans per day,Qts 'T e B Dancing 9 . Tare3- • op of oriion &TFlynn,nisi of Mr. ironed a shipyard a the om 'gaged starvng away the. season's et -Eleanor Fal nm, chugoperated money at 6 per cent with which tohigh ' A'dlm�us!siom'2'S'c. ANdre�v .Flynn, and Arnold James claimed title by villus of lease from ' urchas!o feeder cattle in -the West oars. Sugar content .is not hi h 'this crop Johnnirnw•the province and obtained, a restrain- p' year and (few .nttent is Mill igs Mr. ranv of Michigan. vis- '(Hull tsar of church James' evy all of This Was dissolved and bring therm into this proMin'ce, yanuis Ifabove the .growers bt price. receive -i`e POTAYTO S. and lira A. Swan. d' Or t• The h' ante was 'adio.rJ 'd u injunction. the'IldAttorney-General either, for local sale or for .purposes Of banns o olE e contract as ha hay :eon (Place your order at once as prices Sting with Mr. . i and of the Carmel ,d'e!corated wrath asters; g upon the Damli�tnion MT. Forrest ereP'art marketing, It is also ann'ivavc wa!s 'demionsira4ed in Peel Where it are rising daily. 'W'e soffit Dooley pow The. Arian, . Circlelitersagreeing to expro(priate... appoint - yielded held `a me'etin'g +• ;-far the .ac'caston. Mr. Alex. Pard ed twat W. J. Neely 'has been alpP Presbyterian, home of 1 ed the wedding claimed V50,000 valuation phis V0, -yie'l'ded' ?T/z to 3 loads per acre als +cpm- tatoes, grade 1, sprayed IAor 'blight and the b'ame limns Irene Hogba+rte 'i� illi 'oTgamh+5t, P nY ed by the Ddpa'ntm!e'nt to go to Win - pared at , and presided .at the organ (fur- MO damages. The Crosii*at then lis- pared volts 1!/ loads Of timothy. From rot at '80c per b'a'g or '3 bags and over n Tuesday evening. A very enjoyable march P a very Fores't's title. Two title claims inipleg and supervise such . Purchases Lincoln (comes word that the crop Of at 75c bag. This offer is good for one On ing sing and also men'dered puled p good week umay. !As the rod is taking the time . and sp'en't. solo, during` ;the ceremony to the island were put forward by H. and orders as Ontario farmers may late iElbenta! eaahes''was very Mr. Mrs. afJ.ter a p1ea,psom have re- (pleasing b.IC. for the' Dominion, as- place in the West. Printed ficins am and that grapes are .being 'cut in mien- entire crop in many places, potatoes a+fber a leasant visit with The bride was given in marriageY .C. Davis,Dg'vis. The first was 'by being sent to every brandh`i7rank_ tity and are of ,fine quality. The :bean will she much 'higher n a oll ttimth. timed .sante P silted by D. G'uthrve relatives in .the West. • her father arid 'looked very dhalmanng rt blue and harvest ,and :loin cutting and silo (fill- ;Rhein 3'4-51G Clinton, week Ross Tack of Toronto in her travelling dress df sappllai virtue of the British dA a leave in cattle rg by. goingy toa a. Banka manager. ing has engaged ,the attention of .many farm. 1J• E. Hamill 'Sco'ns. Q. e Mr. and Mrs. Act, the second) gra spent the. end with friend's in 'trim!me!d''with fur ,with all accessories to the BuffaloandLake Huron making satisfactory arrargem!e' cat for farmers in iSotuthwes!teru Ontario char- will mr- FARMFOR SALE pto match. 'She was attended by 18'92 town. Flynn of iToromto, Rai@way Company and passed. by. purchase, filling out. the r � Neely in 'Eng the past flew es ern L'iv'e'. stock In Township df McKillop, the south (The many friends of Mr. A. e Case sister, jihffss Ednaing the p in FCw weekitidn, half of lot 20, on 12th SALE scion of •,ill''re ret to hear he was taken ser- 910r.le !t iidred groom was soppertted the them to the P 5R• A. G. & Far QCs, nn peg forwarding a farmer desire to MCgEII!o comprising 50 acres. Good w gand W. G. Pugsley iously ill on Sunday with a hemorr ibri Wilfred 'd (Flynn brother M claim, putting p willson Neely's sere Buyer Unable to Secure 20,000 Oritar- sugar bush'and never- failing water. ha^e ofa the s.ma'm bdida• usher. . 0 FlynnOf Mika dot- +sf forward hig ami raion. Jo- so Westhand dpMnally buy io Calvescur darwwwere vis and wi- ed as nY It limmed!i'acoup after ss h Sedgwick. 'for the hemi valuation. At stack, he findGarndtltlDuucan, Ontario Marketing A'pp'ly Miaev. H. Ross, Wer. ,r. and Mrs.7- dren of Kincardwn'e visitors with ceremony the 'bridal couple (left with s'ip's Sed(gw!ti�ck• represented' the At- vises at his dasPo'sa'1. Board, states that 'a ;buyer .from the.: ton, R!R• 2, . o and Mrs. William Gbmsn(bt on many ;goad rip to. by rid. an ata. Naebhn'e gistrar of Horan l. Of Ontario. Alexander County, . Ontario Honey for England ;honeymoon trip to Midland. • H. N,eeb, reg United IS(talbrs bats Ibsen ow the Toron- MOLIS!E FOR SALE OR RENT. l%The lest. ter came up from produced a 713 -year-old document in ITh•e ,newly (formed Onitario. Honey to (market ab ats to puroron- The mom Sorry t h r sheh. s JamesoMiss Irene 'Can 20,000 well (finishedtem' tap stores, weigh-hse Solid brick residence, close to Main T e Yand is is con- !Toronto Saturday evening support Of the Dominion title. It was Export fourvcarloads Of light hon113'5 t !ouxvds. Those calv'e's st. All modern. conveniences, Garage Dick will be sorry to hear IToaro the home era transfer from the "Canada 1dh t eyshipmenting about p at. All m ern. conveniences nceS. MIge. fined to her scone through illness. Her spending a Few days • g Canter Were to he used to tap out load's of hope to soon see her her parents, Mr. and,ea any' u harbor rights in G deridh to ey •the ,a E'nglan'd It is estimated th that ererf!ca•n calves, and this !buyer Claim- DOLLY GARLIN, or phone 16, many Nelson s h Pthe BuffoAS OLL40 around again. of Fiule�eitt. Before leaving Toronto, to and Lake. H'ur'on Rama= Cowntryaw^;oli +besca-E'n co -incident Ota ed that .the 'Canadian calf is a Beloit ' Mr. ATelson Parliament, Liberal ox MissICarter was entertained to ser- .vary Co. of 'George R. Paterson, the A•ssoc'ia-- and Mr. Fred 'in townerM. egad parties, and the fallowing shirty ' e representative in England, Who finished the 'Can (than that obtainable REAL BRIAR PIPE ganizer, in his awn cot'nibry. Im spurts of being IP., of St, Marys, were in Mon- ers. On Septe'miber 13th, about thirty EY has just arrived 'in that country. u' the Liberal ,dE the old friends, whim Miss Carter NfANL in his ed to Pay eight .cents a pound, With Sample Package -110 lbs. Mild day helping to speed Pliving at the Barbara the calf afferi'ngs an the market have or'str.ong leaf ttobacco, $2.50; 20 lbs. Yore: made while v g e flange number from here attendedo!in!tin that the Ameri- can sb •disap!P g for 54.00; 50 lbs. for .$8.00;1100 lbs. for Scrwtan and of Lon- House, were .entertained at a misses- ,the reception given at the h•om'e of Selling .Immature oestic Market the Miss Alma eat • ho(wer by Misses Mabel Mr. Matt Murray Tuesday evening can been, .been utvalbi�e to get the desired $14.00. Pure Quesnel, .3 lbs. far $2.00 don, has returned home and has taken lanieous s ice Ship-weddin . Many uSeFwl pies- Giolwens who persist in ;the 'floc` quality. Agents wanted. Shipped anywhere. G. a position as nurse in Dr. Moir's hos- !Grigg Phyllis Crich and A4 after his 6Dubois, 24 erson St., Ottawa, P iris were presented to show. the es- lice of sending immature fruit t mar- q alit Duncan s'al d that !farmers would p M herd at their apartment dm on Carlow Ont. Mrs, Ald'a ' and: an September 17th, the teem the bride Was held fn. All left in kat must realize mseat they ore -g creat- be well-advised to cultivate This Imkt'r- !mm. Jand Mrs.Jdle,sameue, •Sohn at- (hostesse? emterifa`Yn'etl thirty the wee hours of the morning wishing ly robbing•as outside x'otm(peti'ti'o(n in buying . kat, t afu. of same most 'of whdm werethis monist is t of a cousin in. Clan- ;Other gars fintends, the you'n'g couple a` smooth journey ing 'dissatisfied cu•sto4ners."' This Was is vitally nece!ss'ary. If tended the funeral thTou'gh'life. the recenit statement off. Charles T. not 'cultivated, !the 'U'n'ited States, a tori on Saturday last, Miss Elizabeth ,from. Huron and Brace, and who are .. dgte I100 chicks 'wail not take 'care of Detroit. T+n- .29Toronto.,assOn 'Tuesday, Mr. Fred Eckert Made a husiivess B¢+ou!gllvton, Ontario sl 1��atce!an instance ,mass valuable outlet, will Ibe closed to 500.. !Satisfactory growth t cannot be Smith of Merrick avenue, Dehio now living inMr. IBrowghtom t was in ;Clinton cemetery. !September- 20th, Misses Villa Rowe trip to London last week.a,such canditfoms Gnawing Mr. seinen made to under , rs Of Exeter was and Alta Ball entertained the girls ' ,The snake of fthe.el'edti'on has pass- hadsn been Was to him where Peaches us s(fdck needs oats /Of feeds; provide a Mr. W. D. ,Sanders cons Ontario Farm 'Products •Week' c'allin'g an friends in bo-wn last week, of the staff 'of' the Hartford Fire I- ed away'alflter a hard' figlht. lar ten days after purchasing 'before . goo's' grain feed and a good growing Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren visitedThe week of (October 1117th to !22nd, sutarrce Co.,C'owho presented Miss Car -mash in sappers so the birds can Mrs. A. 5. miscellaneous Bad, r. 'On Keep your stock (free from blemish the fruit was to so use. -even' our has Ibsen eholsen as er 1117 'Ontario !Farm get 'it... on Sunday with -o' and Iter with ato , jLinim'ent. Re- present We areprimary idea Farm Thursday; September 2rdnd, about with Douglas' 'Egy!p sieves resent '•hold on the ;domestic market, Products !Week," the i5wertaer at Beach o' Tines•"Phe condition old a 'carcass when it after piram+m have re- ywent Igwo members of the Metro- bruisemoves anffi]ammata°'n, 9v"ckly, se p hind the ,movement being to enbaurage is marketed 'depends :carcaeAuto& entirely Mr. and Mrs..Y Guild of ui'ses s'p'rains, strains, swellings, let alone ,e�dpand it," added Mr IB7AiY the greater use Of (Ontario -grown pro - on. turned home aftera'pteasan,t months ,p,olibam's Young Wlomeas br• stiffne's's of joints lvton, "immature limit should' ,idt '.he, otn the way 'the bird is cared Tor up to in Lansing, Mich. Kish ,.Miss Garter was .president' for contraction of cords, g dwcbs. 1Pie s !have been anad(e to soon - the time it is killed. This means ilii. visit with friends w offered for sale. sot an "'Ontario_iFanm (Products Con - Mos. John. forMicWilson, who has ,n5is years, srcirtprfsed her with another and sore mus!dles. way in which it is .grown and the way for the past few weeks Miscellaneous shoiwer. At all these test" for rotors nnerdh'alnbs in al'1 (cities it is fattened' fur market. been visitingnn had a very j•allY Want and For Sale Ad's. 1 •time, 25c.• World Grain Conference ina the province eIts week. Fo]- gatserings everyone hduring IA ip'oorly" grolwn bird will net take with friends in here Marys, has return,- was the re- wise World's Grain ,Exhibition anus• her 'home for the winter.- time, and the bride beautiful * * r Cian.ferenoe will take place at Regina �]owin are two ,slogans which ate 'be- or weight 'saftislbaeto its dfigetake ed toI g Dick and "(hangs Es- ci ien(t of nanny beautifue• and' vsefue • * • * * * * * "Ontariodlely used fn (illus sheat gun: vlr. Anther p m 1E33 tEn(tran;bs fn bhe c(oaxupetfilye ing wa orggns heave avot devo'lolped sufficiently from Gar- the higih esteem in * NEWS AND INFORMATI*`• , , ;, • visithe and others wid'Products are !Freshest andto handle the ,more 00 'less coht'cendrgt- saythe returned halite Monday gifts, showing s off * FOP. Ked BUSY FARMERclasses, exhibitors, erre they had been for which shoe is belt The memlbev a, (Furnished byB Ontario O art * B+es:t"'and "I+f the. Can 'Selo He berry, 'Man., wh wlu (* should' take notice of ,the ',fo!le'o!wimg well Buy." 'The ie. Farmerhole proa'Sunder ed 'fe,ed that is fed .sharing the fattening the past month. the ,executive of the Metropolitan * mint of Agriculture.)the personals direction Of Mr.. J. eB.rs p�I'iod, mlor lds l tflte bind have the .wit (Business Gulfs'. Club met at the home a * * * * * * * * • * important dates 9'eri 'to soars s under this eche vit- rt Bonitta.rai, is visiting r � , (P ,• y. ' entries in the !Fairbairn, aIp alt, 31', ,1933--AllFatnbai!rn, rDepdty Minster of tAgri-' ,with content-at- Mrs. amiily in Detroit.' of stns Ashmore one evening and proae'to, ' was in Stmt- classes ' of ' the World's ' , { ,s Jeanie Taylorpresented Miss Canter. who welts sac-- ' Warning to Farmer's• competitive c]as Iculbure, and 'sp�ecnal ` re�prrseuitatn'mrs ing M s JA warning is issued to farmers of Grain 'Exhibition and. •Contferen!ce have been ad 'aaecial (for risecertain res ford on Saturday. plate,, with a beautiful salvor cake aures B. Fairlba'irn; De must be• made on or !helfore January JPear Export Loans Agriculture, as the trios in the 'P'rovi'n(ce. lAn appeal will Further impetus o export of On - plate. Upon her leaving the affrce.df O tyrMin ter df Ag 31, next year. , a ' Fire Insurance Co. the P . , ,.st that 313 ' (I!1 !s'alni!piles entered also. be made to merchants in fawns tante ears to the (British Isles has HAYFIELD. the Hartford , , and villgges to' specialize 'in (Ontario p Walter Dougal Wind- f the staff gaitatered to- resujt; of roports reaching him . IMarclh_1, , '--1A week' of been given by an 'Briltiivncotivenit that' Mr. and Mrs. Wa vrreanfters a g in the com!peti(tve classes orf the 'Saturday, havingBallard, General Man- agents are naw canvas!sin certain IIFaMm Products during the the ,Government has !completed .ar- .sor returned home. S gether,and Mo. sections Of the province with seed Wrorld''s Grana (Exihnbition and 'Con-'IOdtollier 17 to 2'2, and it is expe'dted ek at their am -rimer hame' ager, spoke in a few words very bags- arts: 'cg abuse, ference must be in the hands'of the'ra-nglements With the•'Ganadfan Bank, -- spent 0 we g ? he friends oats for sale that are g pthat Dressing contests will 'Mr. and Mrs. ,James 'Ferguson of ly Miss Carter, oft many to their claims, of Pro`dvc- se'aretary;'Ernest 'Rhoades, et Regina,( ers' Association whereby ei'po ark- smith the former's , mo in the of'fi'ce, .her value 'according for I t raids d (1933•' lie 'staged in all !the Cities •and larger either es'b stens or co-operatives, may Land(an, were eshe had madeC et at ing 100 bushels to the acre, and on or before M Ito -operation and larger ' her over the week-end.,towns: Theveco op t in her Work, and expressed regret July r24, 11933. -!Opening day of theither, 'advance .payments, on their hex summer and present- which they charge between 1.60$and tvd Con- I :aailce 'df everyone is .asked in this very sh(iplments '{roan banks by way bif loans A number were et• t lds5•ng her from the staff 1yr $134 per bushel. Mr, blavdbanrn ad-tWloatlld's 'Grain ,Exhibitnon a e over the week -end, Among ed her with a beautiful silver tea before -buying 'Eeremce at (Regina• Worthy project, Which should (have at .six per reit interest. A similar oabtag sited' 'that 'farmers very definite benefits Ifor (fanners im (them were M. and MTS. L. M. Day' servvice and tray.system 'has been .w'drked, .in regard ho should get in touch with their District August 5, '1933'—Closing date. dose way out increasing the demand for (Jean and' Junta Day, Detract, Mr. and apple Isaias bele ov!ea• hlhe ,past rt to Mrs. Fitzgerald., Kitchener; the Misses 'Agricultural Relp'resi abive or the : ts.. nearest E:cpermmem'tal Farm. He also ' -Fall Wheat Tests, 1932 their pno!dm!e years a(nd.ngt a si�n'gae� cause instanced ; ,Diouin, Detroit, 3,1r. and Mrs. C. R. HILLSGI2EEN. During the past year seven fertiibiz- Of a Man ,oultsmaitdimg. London -W. Dignan and. Mr:preference For honey, Pear exporters may now go to dhetr 'Will, Lostaled that in a nu'mlber Of counties was engaged Mr. and Mrs. fin the Department is sang Special Work ers, were compared with unfertilized Comlficmabfom 'has 'open received by It fled an Carter, who and Mrs, S. G. ali of r-of neat Hen-visited alias on wheat in 43 Tait wheat sec- bank,eonce �bhey have loaded their this summer„ fr o!at++s grown. from seed acid is free the IOp(aa••io Marketing IB'oand'*59 Ca- shipment, present their •bred of lading at F. A. Edwards' store last Sall and Mrs> B'e11 of Exeter vrstfed from Sunil. In these particular,. dl s- tions. The fertilizer wt's, applied at radian honey is to enijlo'y the same returned to his home at Clinton sal , witev Mrs. Troryner:the rate of 375 pounds per acre •by and 'dralw from the bank up to $LSi?' Eleanor and Laurobta trios there is plenty Of seed to meet , prelferdnlce. on. the ,British marker as 'tper ,barrel or 50 cents per. box on the week. n ser- Misses Effie, Eleentive farmers' requfnements. Use of in-IO:A.(G olflfi!cialis• ��"' me Thanksgiving c week cidthat olf our sister • 'Dominuans, u to !Harvest .Hid Bell df Hens'all spent the rot seed there would alp' -set all the !The average gain of abs fertilizers •. government • Church, EerPia and.New Zea'iand, This pmeJferenlce sh''vpmerot. (Should, ,the shipment fail vice' .will he ihe'ld in Trinity •th.e w^i(t1h their aunt, Mrs. Troyer. De( artmenit's work. above check or no fenbiiii•zer. was 8.7kealize these Iprcices,roteet ne'nt bent >5undaY morning .at lli a.m. and a are sorry to reportthat Mz, F. p ambvitts !to seven 'sdnillfu!gs per Kurd- , nk' Flies. bu's'hels aper acre. The average gain red -(weight: &oeiawing 'Sund'aq will Be Parents and • .,Stelek is on the sick list. Killing The F 'hush- ms Twoolblimportangated t pP in yield' (for 'three years was 10.3 bu against ,the loss. Children's d!ay. point :af 1Mr. and,Mrs, W S. Jarrett of Brig- Moat efforts to keep clear of stable els per acre. Yields varied conisu,der-I p rovvsioays in con - ,number ,animal 'far in po flying call in this tom- Goad Care Essential nedtionWith the new ""Pears" anran,ge- Ie ayfie S + ,groat success, mu tyyed a Y . flies have been resltridted .ta spraying alhl on. dtFFeren(t Sivas with different entries was a Y I The ,pt!op,erlry balanced ratioai Sc- mint is that x•11 'such ;fruit Must . be,' ilin Of elit in com- munity on Sum(day:' • the flies can the' colas. 'The suggestion fertilizers, As' a rue(e th(e relatiive re- cord+s and bhe quality in the,ohnirdh ail IcolttiPlishe's Wonderful results wlhen•f breaking all re bhe, The W.M.15will meet is naw trade that the dies • be fought spo'u'se to' fiemMllizers was nemarlq Y bs y ,Andrew 'Fulton, the. giving Ito srto!ck that is rci' h1t1 tuned well shipped through .And Times was .excellent, g an Wednesday .afteraiootr, October 12'The idea is to uniform. 1Av(veral-es!d(o not give a true fruit groomers',comme'rcfal relpme'sentg•• alln the sfable as well.4 same work to ':select the prizeManaged and correctly Ih!oused.no ju:d(ges I , ema at 2.30. :he flies with' a kilbin,g, spmay .picture ,a!t all times, 'bait tllae'y do ands- ( cetge'e!s and egu�spinvent, snth'' as five in 'the )co59tner s, and re loan The 'receipts for'', the day wand Miss Verbal Thiel spray t H wtnavers• T.eather. Mr. Edlwarcd a white they are settled on the wall's cote the trend of response, and .after mlaste by a bah* shall •e geed' three • ! ss than last ,year. The as brooders, !brill Ihblptp ers, idt inikiatlg pans, a 1i(ttle le revenitcd of Zvrfcih visited Willi Mass Minerva aurid' ceiling. i(f this spraying is done all, this is what the prticti,eall ,farmer Using un!favorabfe prulb'alb5'y 9 etc., thatore suffi( em, to aldcommlo-Iarto'nthvs• 'good many ,from attending robe Fair' (Retdh(erct a. g'' THURSDAY, OCT'OBER 6, 1932 11". Dancing to TONY FAIRIR AND ITIS BAND. . AT iDUB(LIN' Fri Oct. 7th . iCo'u!pde 75x. (atria !Lady .25c.